Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Business? Did she have BUSINESS with Liza? No, she definitely didn't, and she wasn't about to either, if Faith had anything to do with it. If she had it her way her daughter would never have seen this girl at all, and she keeps a tight hold of Liza's hand, not wanting her to touch her as she attempts to pull her away with her.

"No she doesn't. We're going. Liza, you need to be doing your reading practice-"

But Liza is never one to placidly obey when her wishes contradict her mother's, and she doesn't let her drag her so easily, still watching the woman curiously, and the man beside her as well. She cocks her head as she questions her.

"No I don't got business. I think. Except sometimes Mama tells me it's none of my business so I don't got none I come you're wearing that mask? It's pretty but I like seeing people's faces. Do you got scars underneath? Like Fandom of the Opera?"
At first Mar was glad that he had chose to spend time with Lekki but he was dismayed when he learned that he missed class entirely, after the two had gone their separate ways Mar decided to go to his room and lay low for a while in an attempt to lower his chances of running into Faith, he had no idea what would happen if the instructor found out that he skipped class without a good reason so he figured avoiding her would be the best plan of action.

When the boy got to his room he unlocked and opened the door but instead of walking inside he stood where he was and blinked twice noticing that some major changes had been made : in less than five hours after he`d left the dorm a bunk bed and two brown wooden dressers had been placed on the side of the room that was opposite of where his bed and computer desk laid , but it wasn`t the implication that he was getting roommates that gave him pause, the dorm was more than large enough to accommodate three people, What troubled
Mar was the substantially large glass ant farm that was filled to the brim with a dark red sand-like substance placed against the wall that bore one of the dorms three windows which just happened a few feet from where his bed was.

Saying that the ant farm was substantially large would be an understatement, in terms of height it was about twice as tall as
Mar was and vertically obscured half of the windows view. In length the farm spanned horizontally from its point on the wall all the way to the edge of where the kitchen began, not to mention it was about as wide as his bed was. The ant farm was not the only impossibly large oddity in his room, upon inspection of the farms intricate tunnel system the boy found out that its smallest inhabitants where about the size of someone’s pointer and middle fingers combined, the two largest ones that he spotted where about the size of a basketball players shoe and was standing on the very top of the farm, obviously guarding the entrance.

Seeing the gargantuan ants in his room made
Mar not want to enter at all, he stood in the doorway for a while, weighing his options

1. he could chance the hallways and possibly run into Faith and have to come up with a good explanation for not attending class

2. he could ignore the impossibly large pests , walk into his room and possibly become ant food, no one else was in the room at the moment and for all he knew there was a possibility that whoever owned the farm hadn`t fed his/her "pets" yet.

Mar searched his head for a reason besides: "i`m afraid of being eaten gigantic bugs" to not pick option 2, after about 30 seconds of contemplation the boy snapped his fingers as a small smile appeared on his features: he still had the spare revolver he said he`d give to Ginger on him, so if he avoided option 2 it wouldn`t be because he was afraid of the thought of being eaten alive, no, it would be because he needed to deliver something to Ginger. with that thought he closed his door and reemerged in the hallway to look for her.


After class,
Hal insisted that his little bro should spar with him. The pair was standing about 20 ft from each other and were near the schools front entrance, Hal had his left palm that had tendrils of shadow warped around it held out in his half brothers direction; " you ready Santos?" he inquired. When Santos nodded in reply Hal loosed two oblong shaped blasts of shadow at him, both aimed for his torso.

Santos managed to side step the first blast and deflected the second one with a sphere shaped projectile of water that appeared in mid-air to the right side of him before propelling itself with a whump! noise, when the two blasts collided, the shadow lost its momentum and dispersed while the water blast exploded in the air sending rain-like bits of water spraying in all directions.

Throughout their match Hal and Santos continued to fire at one another, neither one of them moved very much save to dodge. they kept at it for a good three minutes before Hal had enough, the main reason he brought his half brother out to train was to make some much needed improvements on Santos`s swordsmanship but they weren't going to making any progress by using their powers to shoot at each other all day; "Stop!" Hal called out as he dismissed the shadows in his left hand before letting it drop.

made a water sphere that was hurtling towards Hal slow to a halt just in front of his face, causing the mass of water to be pulled down by gravity and wet the ground by Hal`s shoes with a splash. the half Key Holder gave Hal a questioning look, prompting him to explain himself ;" You already have a good grasp at controlling your powers, try attacking me with that" Hal stated while he pointed a finger to the rapier at Santos`s side. Santos replied in a reluctant voice ; "but what if you get hurt?" he was well aware that there was a low chance that he could get close enough to cut his half brother thanks to the difference between a rapier and a scythes reach, at this point he was just posing a false concern in hopes that Hal`s impatience would get the better of him and cause him get annoyed enough to give up on close range training .

If it had been anyone else Halwould have just given up, but the Key Holder seemed to have an uncharacteristic amount of patience for his kin; "then you`ll just have to fight someone else" he said as he willed his skeletal Guardian to show its self, Reaper obliged by ascending from a large smoke-like plume of shadows that appeared on the ground in front of Hal before turning towards its master and opening its jaw bone to let sound escape despite having no muscles or vocal cords to speak with;"Who must die today?" the robed, top hat wearing , legless and floating skeleton asked in a deep gentlemanly voice. Hal handed Reaper his scythe while he spoke; " your not killing anyone right now, I just want you to help Santos get some practice" Reaper took the scythe in both hands but didn`t make a move towards Santos, instead it pulled a 90 degree turn and sped towards the schools entrance.

Hal stared after the Reaper with a dumbstruck expression on his face, until now the guardian had always been loyal and obedient, it took him a moment to recover from the realization that Reaper had the capacity to actually do something other than say “yes master” and carry out orders, it took him another moment to realize that blood thirsty Reaper + scythe + school full of people possibly equaled mass murder but when he did process the equation he made a full sprint after his rebellious guardian. Santos was already a step ahead of him.

(who wants to run into Reaper?)
Mel's fist clenched. Her mask was a touchy subject for her. And with what authority did the little girl demand an answer? Mel forced a smile. "Little girl, you should keep your nose out of business that doesn't concern you. After all, in movies, bad things tend to happen to those that are too curious for their own good." Mel's voice was calm and clear even though she was a angry on the inside.

Riff knelt down so that he was eye level with Liza. "Excuse me little miss, but I think you should return to your mother. Reading is very important after all." He very much hoped that the girl would leave before Mel could find some reason to punish her. If that were to happen, the school would chase her out just like the residents of every place they had been so far.

(She could still stay though. Mel's not going to find a reason to hate Liza quite yet. Mainly because I haven't. :P )
Liza is both unconcerned and oblivious to the implied threat that the woman is giving her. She simply shrugs, swinging Faith’s hand back and forth as she smiles first at Mel, then at Riff.

“No it’s okay ‘cause this isn’t a movie. It’s real life. Plus also I can fight good so I can keep bad stuff from happening to me.”

Turning to Riff, she adds, “I can already read okay I think so it’s not really that big a deal, I think. What’s your name?”

Faith didn’t need to hear the woman’s name, nor did she want Liza around her another second longer than she had to be. Her eyes on the woman’s, not on her daughter, she lifts Liza to her hip to keep her from breaking away and going to her, keeping her grip on her firm as she speaks to Liza, but still looking at Mel.

“Liza, it’s time to go. The girl doesn’t want to talk to you. She’s not very friendly.”

Her second part is addressed to Mel rather pointedly as she narrows her eyes, her tone dropping. “And I don’t do well with anyone who is threatening my child. Generally, I don’t let them live without suffering for too long. So I think we’d better go find something for you to do.”

She carries Liza back to one of the classrooms designed for schoolwork, with Liza still questioning her decision and jabbering in her ear most of the way. She is squirming for Faith to put her down, but Faith refuses. She is not about to let her daughter run back to that woman and possibly provoke her into harming her before she is there to defend her, and though she has every intention of going against the girl, now is not the time.

Jace/Sethos, Evangeline, this Mel girl and her cronies, and that new girl Jinn, who had something strange, something off about her…yeah, she definitely needed to find out who the damn registration person was letting all these evil little as*sholes through. It was probably Satan himself.


When Sheena, Alex, and Evangeline returned to the academy at last, Evangeline was glad for what she saw as an opportunity to finally sequester Sheena to herself again, to begin anew in her attempts to isolate her. Having been stuck with Alex for the remainder of their trip back, she had not had much of an opportunity to plant the seeds of her destruction. But Sheena was still brimming with enthusiasm over their victory of Atherton, and she insisted on going to see Faith and Liza and Macal first to let them know they were back and that things had gone “well,” at least well in Sheena’s opinion.

Sure, Raina had ditched them after the mission was over and Sheena had no idea how she was getting back. Sure, she had killed Evangeline’s sire and the only guy that Evangeline had even halfway cared about other than Sheena on the planet. Sure, Alex had been practically blown to smithereens. But what did Sheena care if it meant she got to cut off heads?

That was the way it looked to Evangeline, anyway, and if it were anyone but her sister in question, she would have been deeply resentful to the point of homicidal. As it was, she barely contained herself as she lingered behind her sister, lurking several steps behind her as Sheena practically flew through the halls of the academy, looking for her OTHER family to tell them she was back.

She found Faith and Liza in their living quarters, about half an hour before Faith had to teach a class, with Faith having just collected Liza from her academic lessons. Right away Sheena ran to them, grinning, and picked Liza up, twirling her around in a hug and kissing the top of her head, before hugging Faith tightly too, not letting go of her for a long time. Evangeline watched from the background, jealous of the affection and enthusiasm she was showing her OTHER “sisters.” And then listening to Sheena telling them about how she and the others had “saved” Evangeline by killing her sire, hearing her tell how brave and smart Alex had been…Evangeline gritted her teeth and attempted to force a smile behind her sister’s back, but her fists were clinched at her sides.

She was astonished but very pleased when Sheena made no mention of Evangeline having shown up as well, when she simply acted as though Eve had just now reunited with her. Sheena did not lie to her other “sisters,” but neither did she volunteer this information. That was just one more step in adding to the friction and eventual fractures between Sheena and Faith, and Evangeline was delighted to see that she had performed this one voluntarily, that Evangeline had not even had to suggest it or push for this. Undoubtedly Alex or Raina would tell Faith that Evangeline had been there too, Faith would be upset and demand for Sheena to tell her why she hadn’t informed her of this, and there would be another fight brewing.

Evangeline waited and watched with heated jealousy as Faith playfully knocked Sheena’s shoulder, joking and teasing her, and then slipped an affectionate arm around her, telling her she’d done well, implying with actions if not spelling out in words that she was proud of her. She ground her teeth as Liza hugged Sheena’s legs and smiled up at her, and yet all the while she had to keep her face blank, just in case Sheena should happen to glance up.

Time to stop this love fest cold.

“Sis? Can I talk to you?” she asked, and watched as Faith’s eyes went stony, as Sheena’s smile slipped to a look of concern as she nodded. Now Evangeline’s smile was real, though it could only be shown on the inside.

As Sheena followed her out, Evangeline slipped her arm through Sheena’s, holding it possessively as she led her sister to her own living quarters, which were several hallways away from Faith’s and Liza’s. There would be no chance of the nosy Slayer overhearing her here. She pulled Sheena into her bedroom and then down to sit beside her on her bed, exhaling slowly as she faced her.

“What’s wrong, Lina?” Sheena asked, her brow furrowed. “Is it because of…Atherton? I told you…I’m sorry I had to do it, but it’s better for you now, isn’t it? You don’t have to do what he says, you don’t have to be…what you were. It will be so much easier for you to abstain now, to be what you want to be…right?”

“Oh, right,” Evangeline nodded, though it was a complete and total lie. “Right, it’s not that. It’s…I miss him some, or…really I miss the way he made me feel. Like I was loved.”

“Lina, I love you,” Sheena said with continued concern, and she stroked a hand through Evangeline’s hair, then slipped an arm around her shoulders in a hug. “Don’t you know that?”

Evangeline calculated a hesitation just long enough for Sheena to become more anxious to prove it to her, her hug tightening, as she hastened to reassure her.

“Lina, you’re my sister. My little sister, my first one ever. You were the first person to make me a sister. You’re my blood. I loved you the first day you were ever born and I used to pray for you every day to be healthy and happy and grow up knowing I loved you…I used to be so afraid you’d forget me, and your mom and Ab would never tell you about me and how much I loved you. I didn’t even believe in God or religion but I prayed…I prayed for you. You have to know that.”

Bingo, exactly the sort of emotional response Evangeline was looking for. Now that she had warmed Sheena up for what she wants, reminded her of how much Evangeline means to her, it would be that much easier.

Eve hugged her back, saying softly, “I love you too, sis. You’re all I’ve got now.”

She waited several moments before pulling back, then said softly, seriously, “So how are you adjusting to it?”

Sheena looked at her in confusion, tilting her head. “To what? You mean you being here?”

“No,” Evangeline clarified, shaking her head. “Being a Slayer. That plus being Lycan…I mean, that has to be pretty rare. I’ve never heard of it before, and they’re sort of two really different things…how do you deal with being both at once?”

Sheena blinked, staring at her, and then laughed, shaking her head.

“No, no, I’m not a Slayer, Lina, I’m just Lycan. Only half Lycan at that. Faith teaches me, but that doesn’t mean I’m a Slayer, she teaches a lot of people.”

Evangeline shook her head too, her voice very confused as she responds, deliberately.

“Sheena, you ARE a Slayer. I watched you kill Atherton…only a Slayer could have done what you did, in the same way you did.”

Sheena snorted, still disbelieving. “Lina, I couldn’t have done it at all if it wasn’t for Raina backing me up and Alex killing all those vamps with his bombs and everything. If it was just me I would have screwed it all up and Atherton would still be here.”

“I don’t think so,” Evangeline insisted, and this part, at least, was sincere. She knew perfectly well that without her presence there to distract Sheena, Sheena could have probably done considerably better in her focus than she actually had. “Sheena, don’t you understand? Atherton is an ancient vampire, one of the most powerful of our time. He’s not just a common garden variety type walking around the streets and popping out of graves. He is hundreds of years old…maybe even close to a thousand. Not just anyone could kill him. Not even someone trained to fight. That’s why I followed you… I know you’re skilled, and Alex and Raina, but he would be a rough fight even for a Slayer, and I was worried for you. I thought Faith and Macal were sending you on a suicide mission, because only a Slayer could kill him, and I didn’t know that you were a Slayer. I wouldn’t have worried so much if I knew, because now it makes sense. Of course they would send a Slayer on a Slayer mission.”

When Sheena gaped at her, her mouth open, Evangeline frowned, playing innocent. “Wait…didn’t you know that you’re a Slayer? Didn’t they tell you?”

“I’m not…” Sheena started slowly, then trailed off as Evangeline continued.

“Sis, you ARE a Slayer. I watched you. You are. You have to be. So…they must have either known, and not told you…or they didn’t know, and they still sent you on a mission that only a Slayer would succeed at. So either they’ve been hiding the truth from you….I’m not sure why…or else…”

She lets Sheena connect the dots, grinning to herself as the girl’s troubled thoughts and struggling shadows her face. Check…soon to be checkmate.
Ginger walked out of the school and saw three things, a reaper coming at her, and two guys running after it. Ginger saw the creature and then backed away from it. She looked at the two guys and then dashed to the side. She was just a human and didn't know what to do. She looked at the think with the scythe and then kept backing away. She was confused, what was that thing?
*Macal appears in his and Faith's bedroom this time without the thunder and lighting that usually comes with his teleporting in, after all that's just to make an impression when he makes an entrance, he enjoys seeing how nervous some people get when he appears out of the lighting. Walking out to the main living area of their quarters, he's reading one of the data pads S.H.I.E.L.D uses, this one has Alex's incident report of their mission to South America, the report is done in Alex's usual detailed oriented way but this one gets Mac's attention. He looks up just in time to see Faith, he now has to give his own report to, as much as he wants to not tell her about his encounter he knows it would come back later and bite in in the ass later on or knowing Faith kick him in the head till he's seeing dead relatives up close and personal. Hey when you get a minute I need to talk to you and Raina is gonna be awhile getting back, I dropped her off in Paris she needed a vacation big time.
"Paris, huh?" Faith raised an eyebrow, coming towards him to give him a quick hug in a "welcome back" sort of gesture. "Sheena didn't say anything about it, but I take it the two at least survived each other even if they're not exactly bestest friends. Something up with her?"

She smirked a little, adding, "You SURE you're not gearing up to adopt the kid? Paris, really?"

More seriously, she goes on, "Yeah, I've got time though. What's up? Is this about the South America thing because I've already heard about that. Or is it something else?"
*Pulling her to the side so no one else can hear* 2 things, I've read Alex's report and although I'm not sure why I think he's left some important details out of it, like the fact that our satelites picked up Eve arriving in South America in a plane and I'm pretty damn sure she killed a pilot..How sure well we know she can't fly a plane and that same plane is still in the same spot it landed at..I'll have a clean up team take care of it and embed a cover story to keep suspicions down. Sheena's sister or not there will soon be a point when she will have to be put down if she keeps killing, I'm only turning a blind eye for now and my paladin side is seriously pushing me to take her head. Also I found out her sire was a flunky of HardTime, he set all this in motion I believe to lure you out to South America, the fool thought by turning Sheena's sister she could guilt you into coming there to deal with him, I guess he wasn't expecting Sheena to be as good as she is and would need your help to deal with him. Oh did I mention HardTime is back well not completely but what's here is very powerful, he kicked my ass and believe me that's a new feeling that I don't want to get use to. And worst I think he's trying to find the Relics Daedar, they were weapons both my father and Hextor deemed to dangerous to be wielded by either side so they hid them and placed a powerful seal on them, so I don't know how he plans to get them, he would need the blood of both Hextor and my father to break the seal and that's not possible they're bodies were lost during the battle with The First Evil, there wasn't anything left to bury. I'm confused by what he's doing, anyway there is little I can do right now other then send some scouts out and see what they come up with..Oh and just in case you dozed off Eve is a evil killer and HardTime is back..Oh and Eve's sire is now immortal but that's not good cause as a punishment for failing HardTime he's being tortured for eternity.
This is entirely too much information to take in at once, and with all of it being very negative, it's almost all Faith can do simply to keep up with one piece at a time. She blinks several times, then starts to sputter as she struggles to get it all straight and simultaneously accept it.

"Wait...WAIT! So...Sheena and Alex stood there and lied to my face about the mission, because they didn't say one WORD about f*cking EVE coming along for the ride...and she...killed people? Humans? Hijacked a plane? What f*cking plane, do they KNOW that?! And her sire is...alive? But they killed him. But HardTime killed him? Because he's working for him? And HardTime is back...AGAIN? And you're...wait, he beat you? When? Where, what the hell happened?!"

She tries to calm down, but her voice is still rising even as she takes in a slow breath, still trying to figure it all out. "And there's a weapon we have to get he wants. But you don't know how. And you don't know how he will. And Eve is an evil killer...yeah, I knew that much already. Okay...what the HELL! Okay, what first? What do you need me to do?"

She shook her head, then added, "Yeah, I've got some stuff too. There's a kid in my class, Jinn, no proof of anything but she doesn't feel right. Then there's a new student, Mel something, another killer. There's still that Jace kid. And there's Eve. That's all in ONE class and now this too? Looks like we're headed for Apocalyse Take Twenty."
Mel wasn't exactly scared of Faith's threat. But she did note that the woman had some power to back up her words. Still, Mel was never one to fear death; at times she even welcomed it. To defeat the grim reaper was the ultimate victory after all. Though it seemed that she wasn't making the best impressions on the people here. It didn't matter. Mel couldn't care less about what people thought of her. Relationships were shallow and so easily broken. Riff and Vash were the only people she could trust and that was because she controlled them through fear and their contracts.

Lil walked back to her room with a few books from the library in her arms. She wasn't a fan of reading, she kind of hated it, but these books could have a way to stop Mel. As she turned the corner, she stopped in her tracks. Her eyes widened as she saw the familiar figures. It was Mel and Riff. She tried to step back quietly but dropped a book.

Mel turned to see the blonde angel and smirked. "So I see you've finally decided to enroll in a school. Good for you. Now you can stop being such a weakling."

Lil clutched the books tighter to her nonexistent chest. "I'll defeat you soon enough."

The dark haired girl just laughed at Lil's words. A pathetic angel defeating her? Last time they fought, Lil was nothing more than a slap on the wrist. "Good luck with that. You didn't even come close to killing me last time we fought."

"You know why I can't kill you."

"Oh yeah. That do not kill human law. But if you really wanted me gone, why is a silly rule stopping you?"

"The other thing! You weakened my powers, you monster!"

"There was hardly any change. You weren't that strong to begin with."

Angry, the angel grabbed her whip and tried to attack the masked girl. But the whip was caught by Riff. The pain in his hand made the butler wince a bit before glaring at Lil. He pulled the weapon, making the angel fall down. "I will not forgive anyone who wishes to harm Miss Mel."

"Why do you even follow her?! You're just condemning yourself to Hell. I know you used to be human. You and Vash both. I don't see why you chose to work for someone as evil as Mel."

Riff punched the stone wall by Lil. The impact made her flinch. "I know you have done nothing wrong yet but do not speak ill of her." He was tempted to spear the angel with an icicle but Mel pulled him back.

"Don't bother with trash like her. Come. We have to find Vash before we're late for class. He is the one that needs the training most after all." And the two walked away, leaving Lil on the floor, humiliated.

(I wonder if anyone would like to try to convince Riff or Vash to stop working for Mel. They're good people deep down after all.)
(I'd so take on that challenge. But which character....? I'd want to take on Riff, he seems pretty dedicated ^.^ Hmm, Jace/Sethos wouldn't bother, too evil and Jace has his own problems - namely Sethos. Myra, too self-conscious and easily scared. Raina, pfft, why would she care? Chameleon or Faye though. Probably Faye, she'd have enough spunk and determination to bug Riff, and the fire to protect herself if need be. Plus, she can heal, that's a bonus. Yup, Riff, watch out for little Faye ^.^ Oh P.S What would you guys say if I killed off Myra? I'm not sure about RPing her anymore, what do you think?)

Faye's eyes widened slightly as the KING of Key-Holders was announced to be the man infront of her, she looked to Flower, then the living breathing man, "Uh...but I thought your Father was dead...?" She trailed off before quickly speaking again, "Not to upset you or anything, but really? Dead people can just come back to life nowadays? How does that even work?" She looked to Flower then Benjamin again, "Can it happen to anyone, or do they have to be royalty?" She then bit her lip and rubbed her arm, realizing she was going a bit deep with the questions, "Sorry. I can't stop talking when I'm confused."

She then smiled at Benjamin and did a mini courtesy, holding out an imaginary skirt as she was infact only wearing shorts and a tank top. Who needed shoes or sleeves when you were a living breather heater? "My name is Faye White." She holds out her hand pleasantly, a smile on her face, "Pleasure to meet you my majesty." Well, she was glad she had at least one king who wasn't an insane, creepy murder.

...Who also may be her Father-in-law one day. Woh, that was a creepy though. Enough so Faye was surprised she hadn't shuddered.


Jace shrugged as Flower mentioned him getting better at control, "Yeah I guess. Sethos is still annoyed though, I can feel it." He looks to Ben as he walks over to him, and remains stoic even though he's worried the guy might shout at him in a moment. Then a hand is laid on his shoulder and he relaxes, even grinning lightly. Once Ben has walked away, Jace looks to Flower and chuckles lightly, "Yeah I know. Your Dad can be scary when he wants."

He then winced very lightly, but his eyes remained blue as he looked at Flower, "Ouch, Sethos is definitely pissed. He's saying something about Kol....." He trailed off, looking down as he remembered the very reason Sethos wanted to kill Kol.

Meili. He was so hard to control Sethos with what he was saying to Jace, since most of it Jace agreed with. Kol did deserve to pay for what he did to her. The only thing he and Sethos agreed on. But still, he was keeping him under control.

For now.
(...Uhhh....feeling bad for James right now. Unlike you...I don't pair my own characters up...and uhh even if I did....I have no one old enough for james that isn't already taken. James probably would die himself. ^^' )

Flower smiles and then looks at Ben. "Um....King of Key Holders...he is scary."Flower then sighs and looks down. She looks at Jace. "Listen Jace...I want him gone as much as you do." She said and then looked away rubbing her arm. "I was the one who ordered Deathwish to kill him in the first place." She sighed deeply and put her hair behind her ear. She looked as Hunter comes into the room. "And if you don't mind Jace....stay you...I rather not cry again." She said and then looked as Hunter stared at jace. Flower sighed. "I'm not going to ask her to let it go...." She said looking at Jace.

Ben looks at her and then chuckles. He leans down to whisper to Faye. "No sense trying to Flower...she zones out when he's around." He said and then laughed. "She use to have a cush on him when she was little." He said outloud and looked at Flower. He smirks.

Flower blushes as she hears that. "DAD!" She yelled at him. She sighed and then backed away and crossed her arms. "Yeah....years he ticks me off. And Sethos pretty much hates my guts." She said and then shruged.

Ben looks at her and then chuckles. He looked at Faye. "It depends really Ms. Faye. It takes one of the royal keys...however wether it works or not depends." He said and then suddenly felt an evil ora behind him. He looks to see Flower looking ticked. He stands there. "I have no idea why it brought back this guy you don't like." He said and then sighed deeply. "And I thought I was scarry." He said with a smirk.
*Taking Faith into his arms, he takes a deep breath and then says.* I think we should get a pizza and watch some tv, cause honestly I'm really beat right now and sounds like you are to. Besides you know me, I have things in motion as we speak. As for Alex and Sheena lying I don't think it was intentional and neither of them knew about the plane and I'm pretty sure Sheena doesn't know her sister has been killing innocents and really Faith I'm to tired to try to figure out how to deal with any of this crap right now, so like I said I'm gonna order some pizza go tickle my daughter then fall out on the couch.

*Alex spent about 6 hours in a healing tank before he let stopped the program and let himself out, better then he was but far from fully recovered, he was determined to keep Eve away from Sheena as much as he could, maybe doing so Eve will get pissed and make a mistake. Hitching a ride on a shuttle heading back down to the surface, he arrives back at the academy around early evening, making his way to Cord's Quarters to find Sheena hopfully in her room alone. But that wasn't the case, so asking around till someone says they'd spotted her and that new blonde girl he eventually runs across them.* Hey, guess who has two thumbs and pissed off all his doctors by leaving early?
Faith is tense against Macal at first, but then gradually lets herself meld against him, wrapping her arms around him and turning her ear to his chest. It is her instinct to NOT take time to take a breath and relax, to instead simply charge forward and try to attack things, whether they be problems, people, or demons. But Macal might have a point. He's tired, she's mentally tired, if not physically, and really, what can she do right now? If she talks to Sheena, she will undoubtedly screw it up. If she tries to go after students, she will get fired and leave everyone at risk. If she tries to go after HardTime or anyone else, when she's not ready, she could get her ass handed to her.

Still, it feels wrong to just relax, and she says so. "I hate when I can't just go kill things."

Sheena and Eve were sitting on a bench in one of the gardens, close to each other, Eve's head bent towards Sheena's as she whispers to her, and they both look up as Alex calls to them. There is a dark, troubled look about Sheena's face as she turns toward him, but she smiles when she sees him and gets up, moving to hug him.

"If you collapse on me, it's really going to piss me off, you know that, you little masochist."

Evangeline remains seated, and says with exaggerated politeness, "It's good to see you well, Alex."
*Alex wraps himself around Sheena and kisses her, making sure its a long drawn out kiss that Eve would have to just stand there and wait, finally he pulls back and smiles at Sheena* I'm good now, just wanted to really do that..Oh hey there Eve didn't see you there, you have this ability to just be there when I'm not expecting you. By the the way it was pretty lucky you were in South America, I had no clue you were so resourceful so how did you manage to get there and was unlucky enough to get captured, It's a good thing Sheena was there to take care of business.
Sheena participates in the kiss willingly, happy that Alex is safe and seems okay, but then smiles in embarrassment, remembering Evangeline as she turns to her. Her sister's face is carefully neutral when she looks to her.

"Sorry Lina, I'm just glad he's okay. He was pretty beat up..."

At Alex's question, she frowns slightly, having not thought of any of this before. "Yeah Lina, that's a good did you get here? You were here before us, even."

Evangeline's smile is sincere, innocent, her tone light as she replies. "Oh, I convinced a private pilot to take me. I can be pretty persuasive when I want to be."

(No Macal? lol. Also anyone who's interested in Faith and Sheena's back story and getting straight how they met, I'm starting to post it in 2 or 3 chapters in creativity lounge, it's called How to Fly)
*Alex smirks at Eve, trying to give her some rope to hang herself with.* Well persuasive or not I think he should be compenstated and awarded for his help, this I insist on I mean fuel alone had to cost the guy a fortune so, so what was his name and where can I find this noble pilot. Hey I got an idea we should all good see this guy in person, maybe take him and his family to dinner or something cool like that. How about Eve don't you think he should get what he deserves, I mean that's my policy everyone *pauses* should get what they deserve...Anyway Sheena I was planning another surf trip like we took with Mitsy and Akira that one time, only this time it will just be me and you. So how about this weekend?

(No what? I'm confused woman???)
(I mean, why didn't you post for Macal?)

Evangeline looks Alex straight in the eyes as she effortlessly continues spinning her lies, putting on an appropriately sober expression. "Well, I would have loved to have been able to do so, Alex, after he was so kind to me. He was a noble person, just like you said. But he was an older man, no family remaining. We talked a good bit about our families as he flew me, and it was because he was alone in the world that he was touched enough by me explaining how I needed to help my only family left that he agreed to do it. And then...well, our landing didn't go very smoothly, and he was injured. I was trying to help him along and he was attacked by a wild was pretty terrible. It really was an awful thing."

She is still looking at him as she finishes. "It's a pity we couldn't honor him as he deserves."

Sheena swallows this hook, line, and sinker, as she would for no other person on the earth, by virtue of the fact that it's Eve and she so desperately wants to. Going to her, she hugs her and shakes her head. "Man, Lina, that really should never have come. I understand you wanted to help me but I didn't need it."

"I couldn't leave you alone," Eve states, and it is still Alex she's looking at as she hugs Sheena back. "Never will."

Faith is still wound around Macal as she leads him to the couch, sprawling across his lap as she looks up at him. "Time to pretend we're still irresponsible?"
*Alex isn't done with Eve yet* That is sad. Sooooo what airport did you leave from, I could find out his flight number and then inform someone of his death..although it is curious you a vampire not being able to fend off some wild animals but hey that was just bad luck wasn't it? You know what I'll just check the flight paths out of our area and from there I'll be sure to find the plane and then we'll recover what we can and give him a proper burial, when we do would you be kind enough to say a few words in his memory Eve? It would mean a lot since you two became so close. Well I have to get some more rest.*He starts to walk away then turns* You know it's really curious most predators usually flee the scene of a crash only going back to the area after hours, sometimes they leave it for days. Oh well you two have a good day.
"Oh, it was a private runway, he owned it himself. There's no one left to speak with," Evangeline states, now staring at Alex without blinking. There is no hostility to her tone, but there certainly is in her eyes. "I'm sure by now that there is nothing left to bury, as it's been so long, and animals would have carried away the rest of it. If you must know, Alex, the reason I was unable to fend the animals off is because I was trying so hard not to attack the poor man once he was bleeding. It is very difficult to control your natural instincts as a vampire, but I'm trying to be a good person. Thanks a lot for making me talk about it in front of my sister, she doesn't need to hear that crap."

Sheena turns to Evangeline, grabbing her arm, and says emphatically, "Lina, I want to hear when you're having a hard time! I'm really proud of you for trying so hard...I'll find you in a few minutes, okay?" She hugged her quickly and then caught up to Alex, grabbing his arm, and says to him with some anger in her tone, "Alex, come on, why are you giving her such a hard time? She's really trying hard."
*Alex stops and turns towards her* It's nothing Sheena, you know all flights have to file a flight path to the FAA, we don't because we're S.H.I.E.L.D and our flights are classified but all commerical and civilian flights do..I'm sorry Sheena I guess the spy training is just working overtime in me, just asking questions that I would think we both would want answers to but I guess I'm the only one finding all of her story odd, anyway I'm going to find that plane and get my own answers, so how about a raincheck on dinner, if I hurry I can get a ride with the team going to take out that Hydra base and get dropped off. You go back and have fun, I should be back by morning if everything is how Eve says it is. *Leans in and gives her a quick kiss on the lips* I promise when I get back we'll go surfing, now I have to go.*

*Macal stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes and tried to relax while he waited on the pizza.* Dammit it's to quiet around here! Where is everyone? This doesn't feel normal with no one causing drama or something...God what is wrong with me that I'm actually missing all that damn noise!
Sheena doesn't kiss Alex back, narrowing her eyes at him and crossing her arms as he pulls back from her. "You do NOT have to go, you're CHOOSING to go. You're still hurt, Alex Sage, I bet you're still supposed to be healing up. You don't have to go checking up on Lina's story, you don't have to be going all around the world trying to prove her wrong! She answered everything you asked, not everything in the world makes perfect sense, you know. Why won't any of you give her a break? She's trying the best she can, it's not exactly easy being like she is, you know! And I would know...I was her. I remember what it was like, and she's got to be miserable right now!"

Faith rolled her eyes, smirking slightly as she wrapped her legs around Macal's waist, leaning in so her face was about an inch from his and she had to look at him cross-eyed, but not kissing yet. "See? Told you. Feels weird not to just go out and kill stuff...having to be all normal and stuff. I could always call Liza in, I've never known her not to have something to blab about."
Reaper saw Ginger but disregarded the Human as a possible target as soon as she backed away, it had been eight months since the guardian had been summoned from the void and it desperately felt a need to create some kind of worthwhile memories that an entity like it could revel in and make waiting times between summonings seem to pass quicker but slaying a person who didn`t seem willing to put up a good fight just wouldn't cut it. The guardian payed Ginger no kind of heed except in the form of coming to a stop directly in front of her and tipping it`s top hat towards her just to see the reaction on her face before floating quickly by her in search of more entertaining prey

Hal and Santos continued in their pursuit of the skeletal being without even noticing Ginger but eventually lost Reaper after it traversed a flight of winding steps that reached up to a T shaped hallway on the residential area of the fifth floor, after getting to said hallway Santos stopped to catch his breath while resting his hands on his knees prompting Hal to come to a halt as well ; "How the hell can that thing move so fast without LEGS!?!?" the Key Holder sputtered out between short breaths.



it didn`t take Mar long to figure out that it was a herculean task to seek out any one person using conventional methods in the school, by the time he reached a conveniently placed bench somewhere on the second floors intricate-unending systems of hallways he had decided on enlisting the help of his nano machines. The boy sat on said bench, looking through his mental library of nano-replications for one that would make searching for Ginger less time-consuming while a small selection his nano machines where clustered together in a silver cloud-like formation just above chest level , awaiting orders. After a few moments of quick contemplation Mar settled on a small recon drone that had an appearance similar to a pencil-sized child's RC helicopter and was equipped with a tiny internal camera that was capable of setting up a wireless brain-computer interface which meddled with the natural functions of it`s users optical nerve, temporally making the users eyes see what the camera sees. Mar waited for the small cloud of nano-machines to take on the shape he desired and didn`t allow the brain-computer interface to take over his vision until the small drone was fully formed with it`s landing gear on the ground, when he was satisfied with his work he established a link between his eyes and the camera and had the drone start up its rotors which made a soft whirring noise as it made its ascent from the ground.
Ginger looked at inside and then walked inside. She looked around carefully and then started walking down the hall heading for her room. She llooks at the ground wondering where Trinity was. She looked around scared now. She sighed and calmed herself. it didn't seem interested in a shy girl like her. However if Trinity got into it's path it might be a different story. She was worried for her friend and started to look for her.

Sarah was walking down a hallway on the 5th floor to see two boys out of breath. She looks at them and then tries to read into their emotions. She blinks and then looks around. "Your chasing something." Sarah said and then walked over. She stood there and then looked around. She looked back at the boys and then raised an eyebrow. "Shall i help?" She asked.
Kesson chuckled when he saw the bee around Zelda's head. He got closer to her and looked up, letting out a hiss of smoke at the thing. The bee, confused for a moment, flew off and Kesson looked back down to see he was a few inches away from Zelda. He smiled at her, not moving away and not showing signs of anything, although inside he did feel uncomfortable. He couldn't let himself like Zelda.

"So I haven't seen your dragon form yet. Do you think you could show me? I could show you mine as well," he asked. He was curious about it. His family looked mostly the same in their dragon forms and Kesson was curious to see if other DHH dragon forms varied. Besides he liked being a dragon sometimes.


Lekki let out a gasp as Vash hit the wall not stopping at all. She almost felt bad about it, but a giggle also bubbled up. She felt bad that she found his pain hilarious, but she didn't let it get to her. After all, they were in the middle of a fight.

Lekki as Vash did something. His powers were interesting and she let herself get distracted by it. She got knocked over, but as she was facing Vash, she almost threw herself at him, ready to fall into him and knock him over as well. She wasn't sure if she could, but she could teleport and avoid hitting the ground if she must.


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