Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

*Alex stands and smirks at Eve before saying just loud enough for her to hear* You know Eve, you're in my world now messing with the woman I love. And in my world Evvy dear, you're not the predator..You're the prey! I know where you are and what you're doing at all times, you can't pick your nose without me knowing it..See you're messing with the girl friend of a spy that works for the greatest spy organization in the world and in the words of Nick Fury the founding Director. WE ARE EVERYWHERE! Now run along before you get sunburn or a bullet to the back of the head!

*Mac sighs* Listen Faith, I know it seems like the world is crashing down on these kids but it's not like they can kill each other on school grounds right and if we don't get a break for a few days we're gonna be to damn beat to see a true threat happening..We got to step back for a bit babe and catch our breath. Besides we can always get back in a second if things go to crazy while we're gone. And you know you really want to ride Wraith don't you? The freedom of it you know you want it.
Evangeline simply continues to smile at Alex, then suddenly and mockingly snaps her fangs at him before turning to catch up with Sheena. Hooking her arm through her sisters, she leans her head against her, her thumb rubbing slowly over Sheena's skin as she looks up at her, whispering.

"Sheena...he doesn't seem to like me very much. Maybe it's best if we don't tell him you're a Slayer for a while...I think he might try to tell you that it's your job to try to kill me, then. Not like you would do it, I trust's extra stress, you know?"

Faith's forehead creased, but she nodded reluctantly. It was true...she ached to just forget these kids for a while, to let other people try to solve their problems and save their butts. She had never asked for kids for herself, let alone to take on the problems of other people's kids too. wasn't within her natural inclination to run away at times like this, and it was with reluctance that she agreed.

Maybe...yeah? You don't sound to sure. Come on Faith what do you want me to do, have 20,000 agents here watching the place, maybe position a helicarrier over the academy. I could order you a LMD and it can take your place. Faith you're exhausted I know you are, 2 days is all I'm asking for, remember me I'm the king of overworking myself and you get on my ass about that all the time, so now it's your turn to take a break...2 whole days and I bet when you get back you'll be ready for anything.
( Aw, the Cords are going away for a bit? D: )

When Flower placed a hand on his shoulder Jace actually jumped a little bit, so focused on trying to move and his dark thoughts that he hadn't even heard her coming. He sighed and looked down as she spoke, taking her warning of not asking why. But he of course still wondered why. Why should Flower have to deal with this? What if Jace tried to kill Sara next? Or Kira even? Flower would have wished she had never stopped him them.

He shook his head at her next words and looked up to her, his eyes deeply troubling as his voice sounded almost pleading, "Of course I don't want to kill things Flower, but I'd rather have Sethos killing others rather than people YOU care about!" He managed to turn to her, fists clenched at his sides as his voice rose a bit, his tone shaky, "What if he tries to kill Sara or Kira next!" He paused, "You won't want me to be here then."


Raina rose an eyebrow, is this thing slow or something?

"Yeah. The Cords. Ya' know, Macal and Faith Cord." She rolled her eyes at the reaper then stepped forward, knocking loudly on their door before stepping back again, "God of War and almighty Vampire Slayer." She nodded to the door, "Just wondering if you knew them or not, since you're right outside their door."

She hoped Macal opened the door, he was much more likely to let Raina see Liza than Faith was.
Flower looks at him and then frowns. She thinks for a minute and then smiles lightly. "Number one, if you think you can get near Sara you're really messed up in the brain from the last time she hit you. Number two try to hurt mom and Ben WILL teach Sethos a thing or two about attempting murder." She laughed. "Aw man you'd be bed ridden for months!" she said and then looked at him.

"Third, Jace can't you see you've already been doing better then you've ever had. I see more of the Jace i use to that you and Sethos are more separated than before. You stopped Sethos from killing Faye and you stopped him from hurting me. I bet you I'm near the top of the list on Sethos killing list right?" She asked. She looked at him. "Being alone in this fight didn't help Jace. Please don't give up now." She said. "Besides the only two people who probably are the closes to understanding your pain our here too...Nick and Deathwish....they can help I know it." She said.

Flower looked straight into his eyes. "I do hope you will not have me giving you a speech full of hope and all that warm fuzzy feeling stuff again. I'm fire and brimstone kind of girl it doesn't suit me." She said with a laugh.
"I am NOT exhausted, speak for yourself," Faith shot back, raising up from Macal's chest just enough to look him in the eye again, scowling slightly. "YOU are the one who sounds exhausted. This is nothing compared to some of the shit we've been through. I don't have any DEAD children on my hands yet, at any rate. Although that might change if we leave...but...I do get your point. Fine, we'll take a couple days, a couple and that's it. And don't blame me if we come back and HardTime is strutting around in your armor with little goblins cartwheeling down the halls or something. Goblin CLOWNS," she smirked, just as a knock sounded at the door.

Once she heard Raina's sarcastic voice, her scowl became entirely genuine as she looked up, then back at Macal. "That's your little girl out there. Both of us snore on cue?"
Name: Snowy Frost(people call her "Snow" because she likes it better)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Ice Witch

Powers: To be able to use and create snow and charms

Weapons: Nope

Vehicle: She usually creates her Vehicles with ice.

Pets: White Lepord

Family: Her parents are the king and queen..... But fight a lot she's the only one with a lvled head and is kind and nice.

Girlfriend/boyfriend: Nope

Crush: Nope

Looks:View attachment 7266
*Mac's eyes flash and the door swings open* Snoring are you serious, she's just a little vampire, Faith geesh* Are you two gonna stand out there all day or come in? And Faith for the record HardTime can't where my armor...He has tiny girly feet. And look at it like this you can always say "I told you so" if something does happen.

(Jumping for Alex but everyone else can go about what they were doing)

*Later after talking to Sheena, Alex finds himself back over South America, a few miles from his original landing site of his first mission. The Strike team of 12 that are there to take out the Hydra base deploy leaving Alex in the back of the jump jet alone till he reaches the appox area of Eve's plane, to his surprise the plan wasn't hard to find, with the help of Titan's scanners he dropped down almost right on top of it.

As Alex walked towards the plane more and more of his suspicions were confirmed. The plane wasn't in pieces, there were no signs of it crashing, it does look like it had a hard landing but other then a few scratches this plane could have flown again. Alex activates his visor and starts recording what he's seeing, scanning the ground there is no sign of any animals being here and tearing anyone apart like Eve's story. He moves to open the door to the small plane and his fist clench tightly as he sees the old man, his body fully intact the only signs of trauma are the to puncture wounds on his neck, she wasn't even trying to be subtle about this, she drained the poor man dry and left his body in his own plane for a coffin. This is what he needed to expose Eve for the liar she is, the proof that would get Sheena to see what Eve has done..As Alex thinks about what this means, If he shows Sheena this it would break her heart as much as Alex wants to get rid of Eve, he doesn't want to be the one to hurt Sheena like this. He spins and hits a tree as hard as he can over and over again until his hands are bloody.* DAMMIT EVEN IF I USE THIS TO GET RID OF EVE, I MAY STILL LOSE SHEENA!

Snowy bumpt into Deathwish she blinked,"erm.....sorry?"she said a bit confused as to why this guy was just standing in the middle of the hall way.
(Hey Macal, if you want, Alex could still take a picture of it/use it as evidence and give it to Raina, 'cause Raina would willingly show Sheena and not give a damn whether she hates Raina or not for it - since she already does xD )

Raina grins when the door swings open, having heard Faith's words, and almost bounds into the room, clearly happy or at least faking it, as she enters their living quarters and actually goes as far as to sit on the sofa beside Macal and grin at him, "Hey Macal, Faith, is Liza around? Haven't seen her in ages." She speaks Faith's name casually in the middle of her sentence, as if acknowledging her presence, then looks to Macal, and pauses, almost as if her next words are hard to say, and she even speaks them more slowly than she would have liked, "Uh, thanks for Paris by the way....was, um, fun." She grins lightly, adding something else afterwards to try and make it seem like was still bad@ss even if she did thank him, "Did you guys know vampires can get drink if they drink LOADS of alcohol realllyy quickly? Like, super quick. I had to down like 28 shots one after the other to even feel tipsy"

She then pauses, looking to the door, "Oh. There's some weird skeleton with a scythe out there by the way, looks like he's trying to impersonate the Grim Reaper or something."


Jace frowns and looks away. Dammit she was right. So right.

He looked back to her as she joked about the speech, and then a slow smile crept onto his face and he found himself hugging the Key-Holder, only for a few seconds, but it was still a hug. He pulled back, smiling at her, "Thanks Flower. And okay, no more warm fuzzy speeches, you're really good at them, but it kinda creeps me out. I'm more used to you slapping me across the face."

He stepped back then, eyes widening a bit as he spoke quickly, "Not, not that I want you to do that either! I'm fine with a non-slapped face!"
"Just an ANNOYING and INFURIATING little vampire...I seem to remember you saying that I had to take a vacation from all these kids like that "little vampire" out there, what happened to that?" Faith shot back at him, but she's not really angry. As the door starts to open, she mutters, "I do mean it about the not adopting her though, we've got enough stray daughters without adding in one who can't even stand me."

When Raina actually comes in, though, Faith's eyes widen, and she stares at her without bothering to conceal it. The girl looks, for the first time without Liza by her side or someone in pain nearby since Faith has known her, actually happy. She is SMILING. She sits next to Macal, which Faith also does not fail to notice, and acknowledged Faith's presence without a sneer.

Her husband was some kind of wizard with teenage girls. That was all there was to it.

The scythe comment finally snapped her out of her disbelief, and she looked up sharply. "What? Another freakin' villain wannabe? Can this just stop already?"
We are taking a vacation Faith but the girl seems to have something on her mind and while we're still here isn't it still your job to listen? *Macal looks at the door for the person Raina is talking about and laughs* Oh that's not Death trust me he actually looks a lot like Brad Pitt. Well if he wipes his feet he can take a seat to. *Mac eyes Raina then starts grins at her* Wow must have been some guy to make you come floating in on a cloud like you just did. And you're welcome for Paris, just one of the perks when you work for me, so are you here to accept my offer and make working for me a regular thing?
Lekki was a bit confused by Mel's words, but at least she seemed to be nicer than she was before. But Lekki didn't really agree with the whole servant thing, although she did not know much about Vash or his relationship with Mel.

"It wasn't a favor for you. I did it to help him out. But I'm sorry," Lekki said, trying to make it clear that she didn't mean to take Vash away from her, yet that she just wanted to help him out. To the half-demon, she saw no problem with what happened. She didn't know Mel though nor the way she viewed things, but she had a feeling that she was going to have to tip-toe around her in a manner. Especially if she wanted to spend time with Vash again. Speaking of him, she turned to the demon.

"Are you okay?"


Kesson took off after watching Zelda for a moment. It felt good to be flying again, to feel the wind beneath his wings. he soared around, catching the air currents and drifts, allowing himself to just fly around without much thought for it. It was a very relaxing thing to do. He let out his own breathe, a short stream of fire and then laughed.

"I forgot how incredible this was. It's been too long since I've done it."
Flower looks at Jace and then smiles. "I think I can hold back my hand." She said and then looks at the ground. She shrugged. "I guess I'm a mix of my father and mother alright...but I guess they both are good at warm fuzzy speeches." She said with a chuckle. She looked at him and then looked at the castle. "Ugh....what a least we get a break soon." She said and then rubbed her head. "Hey want to spar? I promise I won't hurt you...." She said and then smirked. "To much." She added with a look of an evil plot in her eyes. She was just teasing him of course.

Deathwish loosk at the girl and then blinks. He stood tall and then crossed his arms. He was tall in fact a bit taller then his twin Nick. He looks at the girl, he looked scary but he uncrossed his arms a bit to wave it off. "'s my fault. I was lost in thought." He said and then looked around. "Another new student?" He asked and then looked at her.

Zelda looks at him and then smiles a toothy dragon smile. "Yes, same here." She said and then looked below them at their shadows on the ground. "I forgotten how small the world looks from the air.....and how fat I look in this form." she said jokingly and then laughed a bit having a lot of fun. She dashed a head of Kesson for a moment testing her speed. "So why haven't you been in dragon form? I mean I guess I've always seen myself more as a human and never really needed to change." she said and then looked back at him stopping for a moment to let him catch up.
Kesson looked at Zelda and laughed again, taking a sharp dive before pulling back up to rejoin Zelda. He looked back down and nodded, as weird as it looked in his dragon body. She was right. The world looked so small from above. He could see quite a way as well, the school standing out in the distance. It was amazing being up here in the sky, looking down on the world, but the man also felt a sense of loneliness from it as well.

"You don't look fat," Kesson reassured his friend. "You're a dragon. I wouldn't expect you to look like a twig. You look strong and beautiful." This time Kesson felt much more confident of his compliments towards Zelda. Sure he still didn't want to pursue her, but he didn't think he shouldn't compliment her when she deserved it.

If he could shrug, Kesson might have done that. "I have been in it before, but it's been a few years. I guess I just didn't have the time really." Part-lie. Kesson also felt guilty when he changed at first. Leaving was hard for him and being a dragon reminded him too much of his old life and what he had done.
Zelda looks at him and then blinks. "You can cut it out with the beautiful comments...I mean i was only joking. I'm not one of those girls who freaks out if I gain a few pounds, heck I don't care very much at all." She said and then sighed deeply. That comment about not wanting to be in a relationship was lurking in her head, she knew he didn't mean anything by it and it only made her feel worse if he called her beautiful. She looked up at the sky above them for a moment. "Hmm.." She said to his comment about not having the time. She breathed in a large amount of air and then breathed out a bit of heated air. As her wings flapped more slowly, since she caught a stream of blowing air, she started thinking to herself. "Hey know I'm not stupid right...there something bothering you....I can see it almost everytime we hang out. You don't have to say anything I'm guessing it's about your past. I wouldn't know how bad it is...everyone at the school seems to have a hard life, but I hope you can move on." She said and then lowed one of her wings putting distance between them. She didn't know why that just poped up right now but it did. (Collage?)
Deathwish looks at her and then wondered why she was so formal. Sure he was a vampire prince but there would be no reason to call him sir, or even know he was vampire royalty. He took her hand and shook it. Once he let go he spoke. "I'm Deathwish nice to meet you." He said and then recrossed his arms.
Snowy blinked at the crossing arms and sniffled,"that's so mean"she said then uncrossed his arms for him,"better.... Crossing your arms say that your closing yourself off from new people it's a sign of rebellion and anger"she said smiling.
Deathwish narrowed his eyes at her. "I like crossing my arms, it feels better then letting them hang." He said and then crossed his arms again. "Now if you will excuse me, ms. Snowy." He said and then walked past her. His name Deathwish more gives you a clue into his powers. The blood coffin is an evil and terrible power. Deathwish in most situations is emotionless or hard to anger. Other days he's more angry, and sometimes he pleasant. He's unpredictable.

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