Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Deathwish looks at Lil and then shook his hand. (He might but he would need more information on Mel and exackly why he should help.) "No no no." he said and then looked at Snowy. "I just met the women, we aren't involved. It was a sealing spell I think." he said and then looks at Lil and then crosses his arms. "She's an Ice witch." He said and then sighed. He looks at Lil and then blinks. "Ms. Lil, may I ask exackly what you are doing?" He asked.
Lil stiffened a bit at Deathwish's question. He seemed trustworthy enough but at the same time, she didn't know if she should get him involved. She already got Liza involved when she didn't mean to. She had Faith the slayer on her side, or at least she hoped so. That was enough, right? She held the books so tight to her chest that she was finding it hard to breathe. Maybe it was the lack of oxygen flowing to her brain, but Lil decided to say something. She still had to choose her words carefully with Liza there.

"There's a girl. She hurt a lot of people and well, it's my mission to stop her. Maybe you've seen her? Her name is Mel and she always wears a mask. She might even have two guys that follow her around like servants."
Deathwish sighs. "Go figure....she didn't even flinch when I showed her my blood coffin." He loioks at Lil. "Yeah...she thought she'd entertain herself by toying with me I guess." He looked up. "I just walked away I guess I wasn't entertaining after all. I don't like the girl but I got a feeling she's going to get into a lot of fights." He said and then looked back at Lil.
Snowy smiled,"Ice princess to be exact the tundra is my domain..."she said then felt a little hurt by deathwish,"I thought we were friends"she thought sadly."ah and sorry I haven't introduced myself my names Snowy Frost but please call me Snow and sadly I just got here myself I haven't seen anyone other then Mr. Deathwish"Snowy said softly.
Lil waved lightly at Snow. "I'm Lil, just an average angel I'm afraid. I'm nothing special." Lil looked back at Deathwish as he talked about seeing Mel already. She was a bit interested at this blood coffin he talked about. "She doesn't toy with people unless she plans on killing . . . Er . . . "Hurting" them. The problem is that no matter what she's done, she's still technically human. So. . . traditional methods wouldn't be allowed. That's why I need the books. I hope I can find the answer in one of these."
Deathwish looks at her. He sighs deeply and then looks at her. "An angel huh?" Surely she can sense my demon side...and yet she allows me to stay....Demon and vampire the two probably most evil creatures on earth... he looks at Lil and then blinks. "An answer to what?" He asked and then picked up a book. Still mearly a human.... "Humans are protected you order of Key holder Queen Flower...of course, that girl still seemed more demon like to me..." He said and then looked at her.
Snowy blinked a bit,"you can't kill the dead... such as akumas..."she mumbled then jolted and looked aroud,"s-sorry I shouldn't be listening you guys are having an inportant convo ill go read"she said and walked to a table to read.
"No. She's100% human and very much alive. I did the research. Not a single creature in her family tree for generations." Lil sighed. The human loophole was stressful for her too. "I know the law. That's why I can't use traditional methods. That's why I need to find a way to deal with her spirit rather than her body. That's what these books should tell me." She looked at the impressive stack, not looking forward to reading it all. "I don't suppose either of you know, do you?"
Liza is looking between Snow and Deathwish with interest, listening intently to their discussion of Mel. Turning to Snow, she waves.

"Hi, I'm Liza. I'm five. This is my bear and this is Casey. My guard is way back there watching me 'cause I was bad a while ago," she says casually, gesturing towards her before waving to Snow. Looking to Lil, she smiles. "You told me about that bad girl Mel. I said I'd make her good, remember? And if she won't be good I'll kick her ass. So it's okay."
Raina, when Macal mentions a guy, stiffens. She ignores that for the moment, and narrows her eyes at his offer to work for him, "Work for you? Like, how? You mean like an assassin? Because I've taken that gig before and it's not all that fun, besides sniping, that's quite fun, but the whole 'only killing certain people' thing stinks." Yeah, Raina was an assassin for a while, she was pretty sure she hadn't mentioned that yet. Then Faith was speaking, questioning her being here, and she smirked widely.

"Aw, can't I come visit my favourite God of War and Vampire Slayer for no reason whatsoever?" She teased lightly, before dropping the fake voice, "Actually, I came to visit Liza."

Then the boy is mentioned again, Macal doesn't seem to be dropping it, even questioning if it is a guy or not and Raina stands up from the sofa now, crossing her arms as she looks down at the couple. Even if Macal is just 'messing' with her, it's still irritating. Then Macal announce they are leaving for a while, and she grins once again at his words as she utterly ignores Faith. "Meltdown? Oh no. It might set on fire though, and there might be a few dead bodies lying around, Jace's and Evangeline's in particular---" Her phone beeps before she can carry on, and pulling it out from her boot - yes her boot - she flicks it open as she sees a new e-mail message. Frowning lightly, she opens it up and a video pops up.

Oh this is rich. A grin, not one from joy but more one of smugness, spreads across her face and she chuckles outloud, knowing exactly what this is. "Oh this is just awesome. Looks like that blonde bit*h is going down afterall." She looks positively thrilled at this concept and glances up to Macal and Faith, as if remembering their presence. "Oh Macal! You told me to keep you updated on that lying blonde fake vampy right?" She then manages to sit herself inbetween both Faith and Macal, holding up her phone so that both can see, as she presses play, murmuring, "Look how little Lina got to South America."

Once she has shown them the tape, she is still grinning, "I guessed she'd done something like that." She jumped up again, "I can't WAIT to show Sheena!"

When the reaper speaks, Raina looks over distractedly, "Uh? Brad Pitt?" She shakes her head, "Nope, Brad Pitt's an actor and girls seem to think he's hot, even though he's so not, and he's like, a hundred, which is just gross." She grins, "If I ever met him I'd probably bite his neck just to make all his fangirls cry." She jumps from the couch again, looking to Faith and Macal, "You seen Sheena? I need to pull her away from her clingy sister to show her this." She waves her phone happily before slipping it back into her boot.


Jace frowned, "We get a break soon? When? Why?"

Then she spoke of sparring, and his eyes widened slightly, "Um, I would say yes, besides the worry for my life. But...uh, you and Sethos aren't on the best of terms, understandably since he killed Hunter and all, but....if we started sparring I'd be worried that he'd come out.....and since we don't have that bond thing anymore - Vampire King took it away - he might try to kill you...." He trailed off, ignorning Sethos's all too clear voice.

Vampire King? Try calling him DAD Jace.

He's not my dad. He may be my biological father, but he's a sick bast*rd who will NEVER be my dad.

Ouch. You sound just like that firey sister of Raina's...what's her name? Oh Faye. Maybe we should go visit her, compare lifestyles and maybe kill her once we're done.

No. No more killing.

Sethos actually laughed at that, and Jace's eyes flashed black before they went back to blue as his hand twitched.

Really? No more killing? You'll have to try harder than that Jace-y boy.

Shut up Sethos. You just wait until I get rid of you. Because I will. I'll even put you into another body if I have to and kill you before you can take your own first breath.

There was no reply to that, and Jace looked to Flower. "I mean, we can spar if you think you can handle Sethos..but...he probably will come out."


Faye was on her way to see Myra, if Kol was back, she needed to let her big sister know. She was currently storming through the halls, muttering to herself in an agitated tone as flames danced on her skin, leaping up and down her arms and flying from the bare skin on her legs occasionally, hitting the floor and vanishing.

She was SO mad.

So mad infact, that she began to run, sprint, and in her anger, bumped straight into the back of something, someone. Falling back from the harsh impact, she looked up to see it was some guy with green eyes and blonde hair and he was standing beside a girl with long black hair. She jumped back to her feet, then her eyes widened as she realised she had set the guy's top on fire. "Ah sorry!" She waved her hand and the fire wavered before flying straight into her palm and vanished.

She smelt smoke.

She looked behind her to see she had left a trail of fire from her feet and she growled lightly, "Dammit." She waved her hand and the fire from the hallway behind her also flew towards her, her hair seeming to fly back a bit as if the wind had just hit her before she turned back to Riff, fire now gone as her eyes flickered a flame orange colour. "Sorry about that, I light up when I'm annoyed." She looked down to a patch of skin on her arm that was on fire, she glared at it then the fire vanished. She then held out her hand to the boy, remembering her manners, "I'm Faye, have you by chance seen a girl with red eyes and white hair? She's shy, kind of hard to miss her since she usually wears a big red cloak."

(I want Faye to try and break Riff away from Mel gradually :P )
(That's fine, but before the first confrontation, all you have to do is plant enough ideas in his head that he hesitates when Mel fights Lil. Also, if you're looking for a good chance to sway Riff, I'd keep an eye out for his fight with Jinn. You'll see why.)

Riff looked behind him as he felt someone collide into him. His shirt and jacket were set aflame but he didn't flinch. His element was ice after all, he had no reason to fear fire. The blond boy saw a red headed girl that he assumed was the one who both bumped into him and set him on fire. As the flames from his clothes receded into her hands, there were holes in his clothes that had been burned away. Underneath pure white scales could be seen. He himself was left unscathed. It was a very useful ability of his. The scales protected him from most magic and physical attacks. The wider the attack, the better protected he was. As Faye, as she so introduced herself, apologized, Riff looked to Mel who was also looking at the flame haired girl.

Mel had seen the entire event. She looked at Faye with a blank look. "Be careful not to damage my property." Her gaze went up to Riff. "You don't need my permission to speak."

Riff turned to Faye. "My name is Riff. I serve Miss Mel. I don't believe I've seen a girl like that recently." Riff brought a hand to his chin. He didn't remember any cloaked person in this school, though they were still very new.

"We saw a girl matching that description in the dorm rooms around an hour or so ago. Though she wasn't wearing a cloak at the time. You've got to improve your memory, Riff."

"Ah, that's right. I believe she was under attack for a while but the perpetrator disappeared soon after we arrived."
Flower looks at Jace and then smiles. "Yeah...I could use to get rid of a little stress...." She looks at jace. "But I'll go easy on you, just keep Sethos locked up as best as you can. I rather not have another fight like with faye." She said and then started walking. She was stopped when Nick jumped on her. "SAVE ME!" Nick yelled out and then looked at the confused and in pain Flower he was now on top of. Flower growled and kicked Nick off her. "NICK!" She yelled and then got up dusting herself off.

Nick hides behind her. "Your dad is going to kill me!' He said and then looked as Flower's father Ben was walking up to them. He looked at Flower and then looked at Nick. His glare even gave Flower a shiver down her spin. Nick clings to Flower. "Don't let him get me." He said and then looked as Flower looked at him in question. "I did nothing." He said to her and then cringed as Ben stopped a few feet away from Flower.

Flower looked at Ben who was staring at Nick. "What's going on?" She asked and then looked at Nick. "Nick?" she asked and then looked as Ben pointed to him.

"I'll never forgive that little flea for what he tried to do." He said and then glares at Nick. He looked at flower. "He dated your mother before I came along and he tried to interupt her's and mine wedding." He said and then looked as Flower looked at Nick with a glare.

Nick swallows right before Flower hit him over the head. "YOU DATED MY MOTHER AND YOU DARED TO FLIRT WITH ME!? YOU SICK IDOIT!" She yelled at him and then grabbed his shirt lifting him off the ground. "You are so lucky I got a spar planned or I would beat you up right now you perverted freak of nature." She shook the poor vampire that was pretty much out of it now.

Ben stared at flower. "I know I said this before....but I'll say it again...I think she's scarier then me." He said and then chuckled. He looked at Jace. "Ah got your hands full....I've missed a lot of years and apparently missed the part when my sweet little girl turned into such a deadly women." He rubbed his head. "Alright the little flea has had enough." he said looking at flower. Flower dropped Nick. "A....little flea.....he called me a little flea..." Nick said on the ground dizy from all the sudden movement and being hit on the head.

Deathwish rubs his head. "Sorry no." He said and then sighed. He looked up and then back at Lil. "Although if you turn her into something else you could kill her then." he said shruging. "But don't look at me to do it...I'm only half vampire and as far as I know turning other people into vampires doesn't work." He said and then sighed. "Not to mention I won't have any help from my blood coffin...since it got sealed up with my vampire side." he said and then rubbed his neck.
Snowy had finished reading a book on romeo and juliet,"my favorite book"she said softly then moved onto rapunzuel,"I wonder what other stories I should read~"she said softly as she began to read then looked at Deathwish and the girl,"hm..... So were not even friends.... or maybe he fell for her at first sight oh my what a wonderful story~"she said softly,"maybe he covered up so she would know he was single to leave himself open for her"she added getting all dazed and thought about the romantic possibilities between the two and sighed giggling slightly.
Faye frowned at Mel, her property? She looked back to Riff, murmuring lightly, "Doesn't look like property to me." She tilted her head, speaking to Riff, "You're not property, you're a person." To Faye, property was an object or even a piece of land that you brought and owned, like a top. Riff certainly didn't look like a top to her. Not at all. And then he waited for permission to speak, even though the girl who said she belonged him said he didn't permission.

She couldn't possibly belong him. He was a person.

When they spoke of seeing the girl though, seeing Myra, being ATTACKED, her eyes widened and her sister instinct kicked in as she stepped closer to Riff, as he was called by the girl Mel, "Did this perpetrator have bright orange hair like mine? Black eyes? Was he a pervy guy?" She paused, biting her bottom lip. Sh*t. It happened again. Myra had been attacked, hurt, and Faye wasn't there to help her. Sure, her excuse was better than the last one - since this time she was fighting a demon rather than smoking with her 'friend' - but still. She was supposed to protect Myra. She was her sister, her little sister yeah, but still her sister.

She looked up at Riff, even prodded him lightly and repeated with honestly, "You, Riff, you're a person, not a property" She looked to Mel, "He's not a top, okay?" And leaving them with that to make sense of, she sped off in the direction of Myra's room like the little whirlwind she was, only calling back, "Oh thanks for the info!" Before she was out of sight, having used vampire speed to sprint off, making even making their hair fly back a bit with the pace used.


Jace began to nod as she walked off, but then his eyes widened as his brother leapt ontop of the girl, "Nick?" He questioned his older half-brother's appearance with a raised eyebrow and watched as Nick explained, as Ben showed up and his eyes widened slightly at the revelation of Nick dating Kira.

"You dated Kira?!? Dude! She's like a mom to me, that's just gross----" He trailed off as he realized what he had just said about Kira being the closest thing to a mum he had, especially since his own mum was dead now, and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, yeah, that's just perverted Nick..."

He then looked to him and grinned lightly at his dazed out state. But then his eyes flashed and he stepped forward, then winced and flinched back. "Dammit." He growled out, looking to Nick and muttering, "Doesn't seem to matter that we're brothers, Sethos still hates you." He then pushed past Sethos and held out his hand to the vampire, helping him up from the floor.

Kill him. He's a vampire. Let me kill him. He's a traitor to our Father.

He's our BROTHER Sethos.

You've gone soft Jace. Since when did family matter?

We've never killed family and we don't start now.


He was our step-father, a sick man who killed our mum, not blood related, he didn't matter.

Jace looked to Ben, "Hey Ben" He grinned about the Flower comment, "I know, I'm kind of scared myself, I'm used to fighting the toddler Flower who jumped everytime I shouted boo" He looked to Flower nervously, "Sort of worried she's going to kick my butt now..." He could still remember when he used to go 'ghost' and pop out of random corners to make Flower jump.
Nick looks at him. "Hey in self defence I'm 101 years old and back then you two weren't even born yet!" he said and then rubbed his head. He looked at Jace and then rubs the back of his neck. He turned serious. "Besides I seriously did think I loved her back then..." Saying that just got him another hit on the head by Flower. Nick looked at her and then glared. "Now I've moved on and I love Faye now....SO STOP HITTING ME!"

Flower held her fist up in the air and then cracked her knuckles. "Then shut up about my mother." She said and then looked at Jace. "Geez Jace your practicly a sibling if you consider my mother your mother." She looked at Ben who laughed at jace's comment.

"Aw yes...I remember that....I think Flower came running to me crying about how her little crush kept being mean to her." He looked at Flower who stared at hjim like she was going to kill him. "Will...You...Stop...Bringing...That...Up." She said and then clenched her fists. Ben just shruged. "Aw I haven't seen you in years...I missed the teen years to embarrass you so I got to make it up now." He said and then chuckled as Flower turned around in anger. She couldn't hit her own father so she tried to calm herself down.

Ben looks at Jace. "Anyways...mind if I come along. I know your sparing with Flower right? I want to see how far she's gone in her training. Mastering her powers all on her own, I would love to see her fight." He said and then looked as Flower looked at him from over her shoulder.

"Dad....Sethos might come if that happens you won't interupt will you?" She asked and then turned around. "I don't want you do ok?" She said and then smiled as Ben noddded. She looked at Jace and then smiled. Somehow between the time she was trying to cool off and now she had beaten up Nick who was lieing on the ground slowly healing. Flower smiled brightly at them all.
"Liza's playing...somewhere," Faith answers Raina, disconcerted to realize that yet again, she has no idea where her daughter has gone off to. Well, at least she had her guard with her...for now. And Casey, last that Faith knew. "I think she's inside, that will narrow it to...inside places."

"You can't kill Evangeline on school grounds...unfortunately," Faith informs her, which is not at all saying that she can't kill Eve, period, just as Raina receives her email. Faith looks at her with suspicion as Raina shows growing enjoyment, even glee, and manages to wedge between them- what is THAT all about? The girl is actually touching her, a little, and Faith glances at Macal before watching the video, recognizing Alex's return address.

As she sees its contents, recognizing Eve and quickly realizing what she has done, Faith's eyes darken. It was hardly a shock, but it's not exactly something she looks forward to dealing with, since Sheena is involved and hardheaded. As Raina jumps up, positively crowing, Faith stands too, grabbing her arm.

"Wait. You're telling me you're just gonna skip up to her, thrust that in her face, and do a happy dance all over the room? Bad idea. My guess is she's gonna tell you that it's a fake video and you two are gonna try to kill each other. Let's rethink that approach."

Turning her eyes to the apparent Reaper in the doorway, she quirks an eyebrow. "Not ready to die yet. Come back later."
"I actually thought of that at one point, but decided against it." It had been eight years since Lil last foughht Mel. If the eight year old human was strong enough to kick her ass then, who knew how strong she was now. And this was her as a human. Turning her into a supernatural being was just going to make things worse. She raised an eyebrow at Snow. She had no idea what the witch was going on about. (Seriously, I don't.)

She instead turned to Liza and smiled. "I know, Liza but sometimes even being beaten can't stop bad people from being bad."


Mel was a bit confused at Faye. "I bought those clothes. Of course they'd be mine. Why would I have to worry about Riff getting hurt?" Why would she? He had his scales to protect him?

Riff smiled slightly at Faye's comment of him being a person and not property. It was nice being treated like a person and not a monster like he was used to, but he shook his head. "I have stopped being my own person long ago. I am now nothing more than Miss Mel's shield." It was true. He gave up any hope of returning to the human world the moment he agreed to follow Mel. And although it was a nice gesture on Faye's part, he was aware of what he had become.

"I believe that's what he looked like but I think he left before he could do any real damage."
*Macal crosses his legs and sits back, rubbing his chin and realizes 2 things, he needs a shave and Alex has become a crafty little spy (did say he erased all origins of the source so Sheena wouldn't find out it was him, and Eve wasn't in it just the plane and the dead pilot, but it's cool I'll work with this.)* Raina she's right, I know how much you want to rub this in Eve's face and Sheena's but I want you to remember she's still my daughter and I'd appreicate if you didn't take so much pleasure in the fact that this will probably break her heart and probably make you lose your head when she turns on you. So how about we use this to show you just what we do at S.H.I.E.L.D. Let me see your phone I have an idea. *pressing his commbadge* I'm sending a video, I want a code 43 on it full psi-op package on the victim and deliver it on grounds. *clicks his badge again shutting it off* Now who wants to have a little early Halloween fun?

*Alex having done everything he could there in South America heads towards his extraction point, on the way he's starting to feel guilty cause he realizes Raina has no compassion for Sheena and will probably use this to further insult her. If only those two would get along they'd make an impressive team its to bad that will probably never happen, since currently his entire team is scattered all over the world doing their own thing. Over before they had a chance to show what they can do.*
Faith raises an eyebrow at Macal as he speaks into his commbadge, still lightly holding Raina's arm as though to restrain her from leaving if necessary as she turns back to him. "What did you just do? Let me give you a tip, telling Alex to tell Sheena will probably result in the guy hopping a plane to another country himself...he doesn't want to lose her and I can't blame him, I think she might try to take my head off too if I showed that to her."

A little suspicious at his question, she half frowns. "What kind of fun and tell me it has nothing to do with a bouncing pumpkin pit."

Liza shakes her head confidently, smiling at Lil and giggling as she corrects her. "Silly billy! It will too. I'll kick her ass and she can't even move it then. So then she's gotta be good and that's it...and anyway I did meet her and she was mean but she'll be my friend soon," she says casually, turning back to her bear and addressing it. "Won't I?"

(Guys, I've been noticing a lot of one or two sentence posts takes up several pages and makes it confusing to catch up for people who are not on as frequently and who make the time and effort to post at least a paragraph and often several paragraphs. Also, when people put more time into posts and make them longer, it can be difficult to respond with long posts when the post before you was a sentence long, and it can be sort of frustrating for people who are putting a lot of energy into their posts to get a sentence or two response in return. Also, posting just an ooc post and nothing ic along with it is not advancing the rp along...there is a forum for the plotline of this rp where you can post ooc stuff...not trying to be rude, just letting you know these things.)
Remember how I messed with Rika? Micro dot on her skin, allowed me to screw with her mind, I was able to actually make her see her dead lover as if he was in the room with her, even made her smell his brand he smokes, along with some S.H.I.E.L.D Christmas elves leaving traces stuff that she could touch, I did a pretty good job of driving her insane. Well lets just say the folks in Psi-ops have made improvements since then, I'm even ordering a few LMDs. See my plan is to make Eve think she accidentally turned this guy into a ghoul..sort of a combination of dead and not dead lets see if we can get her to try to finish what she started only this time we'll make sure Sheena sees her trying with her own eyes. Then neither Raina or Alex get accused of anything and Sheena will open her eyes to the truth...HEY REAPER DUDE, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY PLAN? *Waits a second and gets silence* He loves it trust me I can tell.
Faith straightens, standing as tall as is possible with her pleasure at this idea, and her eyes light up, a wicked grin stretching itself across her face and deepening her dimples as she meets Macal's eyes. She remembers very well how Macal had tortured Rikarah Pallaton, evil dark avatar and empath whom had possessed her, Sheena's, and Alex's minds so viciously and persistently in the past couple of years. He had trapped Rikarah in a hell of her own personal making, forcing her to constantly see and believe she was being betrayed by the one man she had ever loved...and then made her believe he had murdered him. In Faith's time of torment and constant agony, she had been able to take small comfort in knowing that Rikarah too was suffering.

For Macal to do this, or something similar to this, with Evangeline...well she wasn't complaining.

"Happy Halloween, babe," she says happily, going to his side, slipping an arm around his waist, and reaching up to lightly tug one earlobe.
*Macal grins* You know me babe always happy to help someone reach their well-deserved downfall besides it just amuses the hell out of me that she thinks she can outsmart us..Raina I can understand and before you get all mad Raina I only mean because you're so young no offense. Anyway everything is in motion I'll start tomorrow morning, all I need is for you Raina to tagged Eve with a micro-dot and you have to handle it carefully you don't want to expose your own skin to it or you'll be the one seeing things not Eve. Man there are days when I do really love my job cause lets face it just dusting the little brat will not teach her a lesson of not screwing with my family. Oh but we're suppose to go away this weekend if we do that we can have fun with my plan...I mean I guess we could do it later or something like that.

*Alex is sitting by the landing gear of the jet that is to take him and the other agents back, trying to cool off in the shade under the jet to get out of the 112 degree heat of the jungle, he suddenly gets a chill up his spine, before he can react he's gripped by the throat and being lifted in the air, his first thoughts were "dammit did we miss a vampire and it's back for revenge. Gasping for breath he suddenly feels the soft lips of someone kissing him on the verge of blacking out he tries to focus his eyes to see who has him only as he passes out he sees Eve's face as she pulls back from kissing him with a big smile on her face her fangs come out and just as she sinks them into his neck, he suddenly wakes up gasping and feeling his throat, he looks around and realizes he's in a cot onboard the Scram Jet, a few other agents few by and make jokes*

Agent1: Hey look Jr had a bad dream, someone get him some warm milk and pet his brow. *he says this mocking Alex's youth like most agents are nearly twice his age but haven't move as far up in the ranks as Alex has, most think it's because he's dating the bosses daughter, they don't care that most of the tech and weapons they used was either designed or improved by this kid.*

Agent2: Shutup you fool he still out ranks you..Do you want to be scrubbing the decks of a Helicarrier for the rest of you career?

*Alex knows that he was just having a dream a really bad one but why was his neck swore and stiff, at first he dismisses it as sleeping on it wrong but when he gets up and goes to the bathroom on the jet to wash his face, he sees what looks like a handprint on his neck. Now he's he's scared because the face he saw doing that to him was Eve's but there is no way she's that powerful..The good news that he doesn't know is...He's right Eve isn't that powerful the bad news is..The being that is, isn't even on the planet yet he was just making a long distance reach out and touch someone just because he could.*
Lekki looked at Mel for a moment and then turned back to Vash with a smile.

"I'll remember that. Vash if you find yourself with free time, I am always willing to hang out, even help you train again." She smiled wide at him, not caring if Mel would agree to such a thing or not. She counted Vash as a friend now and she wasn't going to let someone else stop her from spending time with him if she could help it. Which a little spark of mischievousness, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek lightly and then nodded.

"See you both around." Then she was gone.


Kesson smiled and laughed at Zelda's comment, although he agreed. If he did it too much it would either indicate that he liked her or he was just being an ass, complimenting her all the time without real reason. Kesson was not one to play anyone or try and smooze them either. And although he did like Zelda, he didn't want her to know that. If she thought he only liked her as a friend, it would be much better for them both.

Zelda seemed to have read him better than he had thought and Kesson flew around before thinking of something to say. "I have been troubled, it is true. I have done some wrong things in my past and they plague me to this day. I am sorry if I upset you by letting this seep through too much. I do not wish to burden anyone with my problems, so I thank you for not demanding I discuss them." But about moving on? No Kesson could not. Because moving on for him would be forgiving the traitorous acts he had committed. And the DHH would not allow that.

"I do hope this won't ruin the rest of our day."


Jinn had to get Hayley out of her. She knew that now. She just wasn't sure how. It was clear this environment was not good for Hayley. Their it was far too harsh or it was not enough. Hayley needed to be trained back at the base. Only then could she join Jinn as a fellow sister of The Black Acid. Which is what would happen. In the half-elf's mind this conclusion was clear. It was the right path for the shape-shifter. She would follow in her father's footsteps.

Hayley on the other hand was wondering if Jinn wanted something for her. The entire time they spent travelling all over the school, Jinn seemed interested in her mostly. Hayley had stopped taking it as Jinn liked her in that manner, but she clearly liked her in some way. Or at the very least she wanted something from the shifter. But what she could not figure out. What did Hayley have to offer anyone? She was a nervous little failure of a shifter. She didn't have control over her powers fully, she was far too nervous and hesitate and she wasn't that good a friend. Hayley just didn't get it. What did Jinn want?

Hayley also dismissed any thoughts of her family. She was not rich and her mother was human. Her father? Gone. Probably dead. He had no connection to her anyways. He had cut ties when he left when she was still mostly a baby. So it couldn't be that?

Maybe Jinn had plans to use Hayley's power in some manner which made her even more nervous. Nervous to the point of clumsy. She could tell despite the half-elf's claim of it not bothering her and everything that Jinn was starting to get annoyed. She figured it was only time before she walked off, leaving Hayley to herself.

"Hey Hayley, you paying attention?"


"I said, 'Do you want to go and see something amazing?'" Hayley turned to look at the new girl who's eyes shine in a somewhat evil way. Hayley bit her lower lip to keep from saying anything and shrugged.

"Like what?"

'I know of a place off-campus that would suit you just fine. A nice, relaxing little café. Do you want to go?"

Hayley moved on to licking her lips. Something just didn't feel right. She nodded anyways, like she knew she was. She was a pushover as well. She followed Jinn down towards the exit. The assassin was excited. She would lead Hayley away from this retched place and back to base. From there everything would fall into place. Jinn did not think anyone would stop her plan. Both of them were new. New enough not to leave much of an impression in the sea of people. No one would miss them for a while. Also Hayley seemed to have made no friends, so Jinn had no worries about that. It was easy. Too easy, but Jinn didn't mind too much.

They got the door, when Hayley seemed to have grown something of a backbone.

"I changed my mind. I'd rather not go after all. In fact I want to go to bed."

"Come on. It won't take that long and this place is amazing." Jinn looked at her, smiling, charming. But Hayley shook her head no. For a moment the smile slipped into a glare of anger and Hayley flinched backwards.

"A...another time maybe?" Jinn watched as Hayley started to move backwards, away from the door and her. She would not have it. She grabbed into Hayley and yanked her forward, causing the shifter to cry out in distress.

"You're coming with me one way or another, even if I have to knock you out and carry you."

"NO!! Someone help me," Hayley said, not able to get away from Jinn, hoping someone would hear her before it was too late.
Zelda looks at him and then sighs deeply. "Yeah what ever..." She said and then looks at him. "Come on...let's race." She said and then flew off. She flew fast and then looked back at him. Her eyes glared at him. "Come on! You want to lose?" She asked and then looked back in front of her. She was going to make a point to him and it probably will be harsher then he might expect. She looked up at the sky.
Vash watched Lekki leave, a bit happy he made a friend or at least he thought she was a friend.

Mel took a look at Riff's clothes. "Come you two. We need to get Riff something to wear. As the group followed the girl, there was a complete silence. Then Mel stopped to look at two girls. One was dragging the other away or at least trying. Mel was not a fan of kidnappings, which was strange coming from the girl who was prefectly fine with murder. As the one being pulled away called for help, Mel sighed. It would be barbaric to ignore a cry for help. Plus she was getting bored already.

Stepping toward the with the two guys in tow, Mel addressed Jinn. "I believe the girl said she didn't want to go."

(This may seem a bit out of character but I figure now's a good a time as any to have Jinn and Riff fight.)

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