Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Snowy blinked and smiled. She was used to people around her being angry or critical. Snowy made an ice trail that melted behind her as she glided by Deathwish,"If you don't mind my curoisity.... can you point me to the library?"she asked smiling,"oh and by the way Mr. Deathwish.... just call me Snow"she added.
Deathwish looks at her and then nods. He looked around thinking for a moment. "You might get lost just let me show it to you." He said and then started walking. He looked down the halls, he had memorized the whole castle easily. He turned down a hall looking around for any markers or signs he was going the right way just encase he got mixed up or something. He looked back at Snowy for a moment making sure she was following.
Mel's posture softened for a bit. At least this girl was polite. "Your apology is accepted. Though for future reference, Vash is in my possession so any business with him also includes me. The same goes for Riff." She motioned to the blond demon behind her. Riff nodded his head toward Lekki, trying to show her that he was aware of her presence. He didn't say anything though. A good servant shouldn't speak unless his master allows him. Mel never really enforced such a policy. As long as they never said anything stupid, she was lenient with their freedom of speech. Still, with someone who could hold a grudge like Mel, it was best to tread softly and keep quiet. Though, he missed the days were he didn't have to worry about what he said or did. He missed being treated like a person and not a monster. But he couldn't tell Mel any of this.

Vash glanced up at Lekki. "Yeah. I'm fine. Totally gonna get it later though." He flinched as he felt Mel glare through her mask and at him. "I said the last part out loud, didn't I?"

"Yes," Mel said. "You did."

Vash tried to laugh off his nervousness but his laughing was awkward and only emphasized the chills he felt going up his spine.
Snowy smiled following. She then saw him turn to look at her and wave,"you must be good at memorization to know the way by heart"she said smiling.
Deathwish glanced at his shadow. He stopped and stared, his shadow did not match him. He closed his eyes trying to restrain his demon side. His shadow returned back to normal and he kept walking. "I guess so." He said to Snowy hoping she didn't notice his shadow for a moment was off. His demon side had rescently been awakened and he was having a hard time controling it. Orpheous, his demon was a powerful one and not to be let out....ever. He sighed and then looked as the hallway to the library came into view. He rubbed the back of his head. "Down that hallway last door on the left." He said stopping.
Snowy had noticed but didn't say anything,"erm.... would you like to join me?"she asked smiling. Snowy thought that if she could figure out the cause of his shadow changing that she could give him a charm to seal off whatever scary thing was changing him."I'm enjoying your company"she added hoping to pursuade him.
Deathwish looks at her and then looks at her. "You can't sense it can you?" He said talking about his ora of death that surrounds him. he sighed and shook his head. "Um...nevermind." he said and then started walking. "Come along then." he said looking ahead of him, he was in deep thought now. He looked at the ceiling and then rubbed his head. He must be so strange to the knew girl. He sighed at the thought.
"of course... But that doesn't make you bad"Snowy said as she walked by him,"your not bad your interesting"she said. Snowy would rather be in a conversation then being a line in her tundra of a room all alone an her heart freezing over but by no means was she cold hearted just the opposite she was very kind and soft like snow.
(Should probably have Lil start making more friends.)

Lil rushed through the hallways with her books clutched tightly to her chest. Her eyes were beginning to tear up from the humiliation she had felt earlier. She had heard some of the other students laugh as she fell. They didn't even bother helping her up or asking if she was okay. She probably looked nothing more than a spazzy kid. As she passed a window, she stopped to look at her reflection in the glass. She really did look like a kid. Large round blue eyes with dried up tears flowing down her cheek, messy and tangled blonde hair that fell to her shoulders, and a few dirt smudges on her cheek. Everything about her looked like a 13 or 14 year old girl. It sucked.

She wiped the dirt away with her sleeve and tried to fix her hair to look more presentable. She wasn't always like this. She used to be beautiful with a full body and everything. She used to be a strong angel with full mastery of her power. She used to be praised for spreading light and happiness around the world. No one thought to mess with her. No one except Mel. Despite being years younger than the angel, the 8 year old girl challenged Lilith. It was probably her own fault for picking a fight with a child, but Lil was on a mission to get rid of evil.

Only 8 years old, and the demon princess, at least in name, defeated Lil and trapped her in this prepubescent body. It was so infuriating, having to deal with puberty all over again. She really wanted vengeance for her and everyone else Mel had hurt. She knew that as an angel she probably had to forgive but she just couldn't. Lil thought of Liza and how the innocent little girl wanted to convert Mel to good. "I'm sorry Liza," she whispered in a voice barely audible even to herself. "I just can't forgive her."

But how was Lil supposed to defeat Mel? The first step would probably be separating the black haired girl from her servants. Mel actually used them to fight for her, as living shields. If Lil could just convince Vash and Riff to leave Mel, then the girl would be vulnerable for attack, at least a bit. Then there was the law saying you couldn't kill a human, and the enchantment on the school preventing you from killing anyone (if i read that right). But Lil had options. She had borrowed every book in the library she could find about spells that affect the spirit and not the body. The answer was probably in one of these.

A bit tired from carrying the weight of the books all this way, Lil sighed and trekked on, trying to balance the thick books in her thin arms.
"My job to listen? Weren't you literally three seconds ago encouraging me to run like hell instead of listen to a bunch of kids around here?" Faith muttered back, but she sat up straight, looking to Raina too. "Did you actually come over Grim Reaper, or to accept the SHIELD thing...or is something else going on too?"

If she were Liza she would cross her fingers behind her back. As it was she just watched Raina, not really in an unfriendly fashion, but not all smiles and games either.

Walking with Sheena, Evangeline continues to talk to her sister steadily, telling her about how wonderful it was that she was a Slayer, how very special and rare that made her. She told her how proud she was of her, how impressive Sheena had been with Atherton, how grateful she was that Sheena had saved her. She made it sound as though she had been anxiously waiting for her, knowing that Sheena would come through for her. She kept her eyes peeled for others approaching as she walked with her outside the academy, looking her in the eye.

"I'm so lucky to have you, Sheena. I will never leave you...will you promise you'll never leave me?"

And Sheena looked her in the eye, and told her yes.

Also outside the academy, Liza has, as usual, become distracted from her initial intended mission and is instead playing with her bear, her dog Casey and her temporary guard at her side. Seeing a gloomy looking Lil several yards away, she brightens and flashsteps directly beside her, with her companions, somewhat exasperated, having to catch up.

"Hi Lil!"
Deathwish looked at her and then blinked. He raised his head. "What the heck are you talking about?" He asked and then bumped into someone at the library. He looked at the books that started to fall. His eyes widen and he grabs the books quickly and then blinked. "Wow that's a lot of books." he said and then looked at the much smaller girl. (Heh....he really is a demon prince you know....demon and vampire.) "Sorry ms." he said.
Lil glanced down in pleasant surprise at Liza. "Hi Liza. Are you playing right now?" She asked eyeing the stuffed animals. She smiled but her eyes were in a daze. She was still thinking about Mel.

Not looking where she was going, Lil bumped into someone. The impact made Lil drop all her books and fall on her butt. Looking up, she saw a boy. Vampire? Probablym She scrambled for her books which were now in the vampire's arms. "S-sorry. I wasn't paying attention.l She must've looked like a total clutz. "Thank you. It is a lot though isn't it? But right now I need them." She took another glance at Liza. You did get hurt, did you Liza?"

(My phone won't let me color my text. Sorry.)
Snowy blinked and twirled her finger and little snow flakes pulled the books and placed them into the girls hands,"there"she said smiling then looked at Deathwish and smiled then looked around,"I've always loved books they kept me company in my tundra.... To keep me nice nobody was allowed to talk to me...."she said softly then jolted,"sorry I'm blabbering"she said.
*Mac sat up more now ignoring the figure by the door.* Faith don't you see what's going on here....Raina likes someone...not that I'm prying or anything buuuttt for security reasons if you decide to work for me I should vet this guy..wait it is a guy right? *Nudging Faith and grinning at her* Hey I'm just messing with you Raina, I don't really want you to tell me anything like that. Anyway Faith and I are going away for the weekend and you agree with me this place won't meltdown while we're gone will it?

*Alex finally stops hitting the tree, and his big brain starts working and he thinks he has a way to do this without losing Sheena after all. typing into his bracer he calls up the Academy directory and locates Raina's email.* Compress and send video to this email address, wipe all traces of email origin.*Just like that all the video Alex recorded from his visor is sent to Raina* Maybe that annoying vampire will be useful to me after all.
Deathwish looks at another little girl coming. He blinks, he met her when they first arived....he found his twin brother Nick playing around with them. He sighed and then looked at Lil. "Don't worry it was my fault...and no you don't look like a clutz." He said and then looked at Snowy who was following him. "Right now I'm the clutz." He said and then sighed.
"Uh huh, I'm playing," Liza agreed, nodding pleasantly as she held her bear up to Lil. "Have you met my bear yet? He doesn't have a name, he's just my bear and that's all. My Chinese bear Freddy's got a name and other ones do but this one isn't. Plus also this is my dog Casey. He follows me around when I've been bad a lot."

Casey comes up beside her protectively, as though staking his post, and stares up at Lil. Liza's temporary guard remains back from a distance but keeps a watchful eye on her as Liza interacts. When Deathwish bumps Lil, Liza steps back, then smiles up at him too.

"No I'm not hurt...hi Deathwish!"

"Yeah?" Faith raises an eyebrow, slightly interested in spite of herself. What guy could Raina actually not want castrate? In spite of herself, she smirks, dimples briefly showing in her cheeks as she leans closer to Raina. "So who's the lucky loverboy? 'Cause just because he doesn't want to know, doesn't mean I'm also squeamish....just tell me it's not anyone even shallowly connected to me and my claimed gene pool."
Lil smiled at the kindness of the two people. "I did not know snow could do that," she said as she got her books. She then had a puzzled look on her face. "Shouldn't isolation make someone blunt and insensitive? I know being alone helps to preserve innocence but usually it takes human interaction for people to learn kindness. Not that I'm saying you aren't kind. It's just what I've observed in my years of experience." Years was probably odd to admit since she looked the way she did but Lil was at least 100 years old, despite her childish appearance.

She smiled at Liza. "Yeah. You introduced us when I first arrived. Hello Casey. You do a good job of keeping Liza safe." Lil looked up as Liza greeted Deathwish. So his name was Deathwish. She could sense demon blood in him which made her a bit uneasy but he helped her so he must be good.

"I doubt your a clutz. You have this air about you. Like a dancer or- I-I didn't mean you're girly like a dancer!! You just look graceful." She sunk back behind her books. She really was such a spaz.
(Crap I had no idea that Reaper`s existence had some kind of similarity to Deathwish`s power! :sadface: all the first page said was "blood coffin" on his powers tab. , I can change Hal`s powers if you like, i know how annoying things like this can get.)

For the whole time the Cords + Rania where conversing Reaper had been hovering in place, staring into the room with it`s empty eye sockets as if the doorway was a portal into a realm full of lunatics. Reaper had served the Lionheart family for generation upon generation, protecting their friends, slaying their hated nemesi and in the process seeing many corners of the world but in none of those corners had the entity ever been willfully invited into anyone's lodging. Let alone laughed at or compared to an entity known as "Brad Pitt". Reaper thought that these people where insane and that it was better off just leaving now and finding somewhere else to satisfy the thirst for violence that every Void inhabitant naturally had. But for some reason Reaper acted against logic by entering the room, propping Hal`s scythe business-end-down against the door way and inquired about the most confusing thing it had heard today; "Is Brad Pitt a mighty conqueror who rules with "an iron fist?" " the entities tone was dead serious and if Macal answered "yes" to the question chances where that it would have left immediately to search for and challenge the actor, anyone who looked like death had to be able to put up a good fight.


Mar caught sight of Ginger faster than he expected, had she been following the drone?. The boy raised an eyebrow at the girl when she stopped halfway through her question and tried to prompt her to finish ; "you don`t need to hesitate to ask me anything Ms. Ginger, i`d be happy to answer a few questions." Mar gave the girl a small smile of encouragement.


Hal thought over Sara`s question , for a few seconds the hall was silent except for the sound of the two Key Holders footsteps, the silence was finally broken when he said; "i`ve got not idea, does this blood coffin thing have a contract with it`s master and seem to have a mind of it`s own?" Hal`s tone was constant and somewhat bland, as if he thought that he could keep Sara from picking up on his emotions by changing the way that he spoke, the Key Holder didn`t attempt this counter measure out of distrust but out of fear, as soon as he was done talking Hal couldn't help but wonder if his innermost feelings were being dissected and studied right this moment, he soon found himself trying to throw off Sara`s perception by thinking of things that he thought would raise a range of different emotions.

it wasn't working.

(my first IC paragraph came a little late didn`t it?)
Deathwish looks at Liza and smiles. "Hello Liza." He said and then looked at Lil. "A dancer?" He blinked and the shock was clearly on his face. Air? People mostly were afraid of him because he had almost the scent of death. He sighed deeply. "Maybe so...but I'm far from graceful or anything like that." He said and then looked at Liza. His demon side just nagging at him. His shadow had changed again only the shadow of his eyes were red. The demon was just skin deep. He ignored the pest and put it back down in it's place. He looked at Lil again. "Anyways I'm glad for the nicer air or ora comparasion. As you just heard my name is Deathwish, it's nice to meet you." He said.
Casey gives a short nod of his head as though in acceptance of Lil's compliment, and Liza hooks a careless arm around his neck. He is a white Labrador Retriever, large and muscular, and Liza mounts him as though he is a horse, lying across his back. Casey tolerates it patiently as she looks between Lil and Deathwish.

"I can dance. I can dance real good I think. I can do ballet a little plus also the Funky Chicken. You wanna dance now Deathwish?" She reaches up her arms, as though asking him to accept her request.
"No not when you have a cute and kind lepord to keep you company"Snowy said then looked at Deathwish,"here"she said holding out a sealing charm,"wear it around your neck its the best an ice witch ca make"she said.
"Lilith. Though I go by Lil most of the time." She smiled. Her first day of school and she was already getting along with everyone. Well, mostly everyone. Mel still went there and God knows how much she hated Lilith. She frowned again. All this stress was probably going to give her premature wrinkles.
Sara looked at him and then sighed. She stopped and then thought for a moment. "Hmm I don't really know...Deathwish doesn't like to talk about it. He said when he uses it his demon half tends to blur his mind a bit. Although he's perfectly in control. The guy is 101 anyways. I guess..." She started sensing emotions from someone she knew would know. "We could ask his twin." she said and then (No the power is perfectly need to change it.) suddenly rushed. She grabbed Nick. "Hello Nick long time no see I can sense you're still as preverted as ever." She said and then threw him to the wall.

Nick looked at Sara. "Whoah! You're Flower's sister! How are you alive? Wait a minute....that mean's Benjamin Moon is alive. AHHH! I'm dead!" he yelled out and then looked at Sara. "No don't kill me!" He said as she got closer. Sara rolled her eyes. (Benjamin is the Father of Sara and Flower and now back to being King of Key holders. Hal might know his name.)

"What ever happened between you and Father I don't care right now....Blood coffin explain it." She said and then looked as Nick looked grim. She sighed and then looks at him wanting an answer.

"Blood coffin..." Nick started and then looked up at Sara. "Is a power that when used tends to make the holder act insane. The creature inside the coffin is nothing but a beast that only wants blood. The coffin tends to drip blood from it's victoms. The creature is chained to the coffin and to the holder. It can not be controled although it does take orders on who to kill and who not to. It always must be forced back into the coffin. How it works is the creature takes the target and brings it into the coffin. The coffin starts to drain the victom of their power and even start's turning them mortal. Spikes randomly come out of the door and pretty much stab them untill their dead. It takes only a few seconds but it's still a terrible way to die. Deathwish being in control of his emotions only lets out a creepy smile when he uses it but he is in control the whole time. The creature has never excaped him and he can never excape it either. The power is a curse....death always follows you and it pretty much marks you. Deathwish being half demon....the power is connected to his demon side...if his demon was let out no one would excape blood coffin." He said and then sighed.

Sara nodded and then looked at Hal. "Is that what you wanted to know?" she asked patted Nick as a thank you for the information. Sara was busy with other things so she wasn't reading into Hal's emotions at the time. Although now that she wasn't listening to Nick his strong uncomfortablness and fear of her was beginning to be sensed. She sighed and then rubbed her head. His emotions were so mixed and confusing now.

Ginger looks at him and then rubs her head. "Um a flying machine...I've never seen anything like it...I was wonderign if you've seen it pass by." she said slightly blushing. She looks at him and then looks around. "It made a weird hum to." She said and then looked back at Mar.

Deathwish looked at the charm but as soon as he tried to reach for it he jerked back. "AH!" He grabbed his arm that reached for it. His demon side won't let him touch it...but also....nether would the creature inside his blood coffin. (You can't see the coffin right now by the way.) He looks at her and then looks down. "Sorry." he said and thne looked at Lil and Liza making sure he didn't scare them.
Snowy blinked and quickly kissed his neck leaving a blue flowery mark,"it can only seal for 4 hours.... come see me then and ill redo the seal"she whispered to Deathwish.
Lil's face turned pink when she saw the kiss. She quickly looked away. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know you two were like that. Um. I should go. I've . . . Uh, got a lot of reading to do. Evil doesn't kill itself, I'm afraid. I'm babbling. I should just go."

She clutched the books to her chest. Lil was tempted to ask either person if they had seen Mel or if they knew how to deal with her but she kept her mouth shut. She must've interrupted the two in the middle of a date.

(Would ither Snow or Deathwish like to help confront Mel? Sigh. I'm getting so impatient with this particular storyline but the first fight gets so epic. At least in my head.)

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