Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina is still sobbing slightly as Macal enters, but Faith's words have assured her to the point of the sobs dying down and turning into childlike sniffles. She had heard her words, one of her girls, but she didn't respond to it now as the fear slowly began to fade, though some still remained stuck inside her. Her dad was back, and he was out for blood. Raina's blood. Faye's blood. Anybody and everybody's blood.

She hears Macal's voice and pulls back as Faith lets her go, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand as if she doesn't want him to see her crying - though he had more than once now - and nods lightly, even more reassured as Macal reminds her about his ninja people watching Faye, protecting Faye. When they are walking, she is entirely glad for Faith being there, for she finds herself leaning on the woman more than she would ever have wanted to. Not only has she lost quite a bit of blood and is in superb pain from her back, but she finds her legs wobbling, her heart still beating just that bit too fast and she needs to remember to breathe.

When she is sat down in the infirmary, Faith and Macal both at her side. She wishes so hard, in this moment, she really wishes that Macal was her dad, rather than that man who put her here. And Faith, well she could never replace her own mother, not with how much she loved her. But looking at Faith now, Faith who saved her and who is still here now, she does wish to be related to her.

But of course she wasn't, she never would be, and she remembers Macal's question from earlier. She shakes her head lightly and then looks up at him, pain in her eyes from the deep wound, "That guy, that guy Macal, was my Father." She looked down at her hands, "And he WAS dead. But now he is back, and he can teleport." Her voice shook on that sentence; she was clearly still emotional.


Jace's eyes widened as Flower dropped about, maybe 100 weapons on the floor? Yeah. She was dangerous. He needed to note that, and so did Sethos. Then suddenly Flower had run at him, and his body shook suddenly, like a massive twitch before he side-stepped her attack and lifted his leg to slam his foot into her side. His eyes had momentarily flickered darker before they went back to normal.

He couldn't help but almost let Sethos take over. Sethos had been fighting for Jace for over ten years now. Did he even know how to fight on his own?

"Sorry if you kick my ass easily Flower, but Sethos usually takes over by now."
Flower looks at him and then blinks. She fell and then looks at Jace. "Ouch.." She smiled and then quickly got back up. She looks at him and then holds up her hands. "Good." She said and then dashed at him. She put her hand up her fingers together and straight. The key holder viper strike. She aimed it at his shoulder to render his left arm usless. She looks at him watching for signs of Sethos.
*Mac lean over and place his hand on Raina's head and messes it up a bit and smiles* Tell you what how about you recover then we'll go make daddy dear dead again and this time with our help...*His eyes glowing* He'll damn well stay dead! And before he takes his last breath he'll know it was you that put his ass down like a rabid dog! *Normally what Macal is about to say is something he says only to Faith via their connection but Raina needs to be reassured she's not alone* That man is far to evil and dangerous to be allowed to live, he makes Jace and his problems look like a boy scout. We're taking his damn head! I'm sure my personal guard can protect your sister while we go hunting. *Seeing Faith and Raina finally seeming to break down some of those walls they both kept up for so long makes Macal again think Liza was right..damn that girl is better at reading people then he is. He stands up quickly and clinches his fist tightly.* I don't care if he's your real father or not no one and I mean no one messes with my family! *Thanks to Liza and Raina herself, she has become family, no it isn't official or biological but Macal cares for her as much as he cares for Alex, like him she's someone he will always do all in his power to see that she's happy and safe.*

(Can we arrange for Mac and Kol to talk alone, Mac won't kill him or anything he would never robbed Raina of that but Father to Father they should talk....Ok Mac may try to knock him on his ass but that's it. LOL)
Faith is continually surprised and increasingly concerned when Raina continues to lean against her, even after Macal has come in, even when they're walking down the hall, where anyone could see. Of course, she keeps her arm around her, more worried than she wants to let even Macal know. This may have broken the hostility between them, at least for now, but has it broken Raina too?

She says nothing to her, simply allowing her to use her body as something to literally and figuratively lean on as she guides her to the infirmary and sits with her as Raina is tended to, remaining close enough that the girl could lean on her or touch her if she feels the need. When Macal swears to protect and help her avenge herself, proclaiming Raina to be family, Faith can see the writing on the walls. Between her daughter and her husband, and her own growing protective feelings towards Raina, as well as Raina's slowly growing acceptance of their attempts to reach out to her...yeah, she can see where this is going.

She waits until the nurse has left the room, until Macal has withdrawn enough that it's conceivable he can't hear, before she turns to Raina, looking her in the eye, and laying a hand lightly on her shoulder, speaking quietly but with an undercurrent of feeling. "I killed my father three times, Raina. I stabbed him in the heart with a stake....when he was resurrected, I shot him, so he couldn't hurt my daughter ever again. Wasn't worried about me...but I would never let him hurt my daughter. Later, he came back as a vision...he was with me all the time. In my head, everywhere I went, I saw him, I could feel him, even though he wasn't real at all. I had to kill him again. I've seen him burn in hell and heard my daughter cry over him because no matter what he ever did to her or me or anyone else, she loves him...she wants him to be okay. But I'm not the person my daughter is, and I couldn't let him exist as long as she was on this earth. And your father isn't going to for much longer either."

She holds her gaze as she finishes. "You'll never forget, Raina. But you will be strong enough to heal. One day."
"You fear no one and yet you let other people fight for you." Jinn shrugged. "If I must fight, I guess it does not matter who it is. But once I beat your little pet, if you are really not afraid, I shall take you as well."

She looked at Hayley who had backed away but had not yet left the area. She was still both afraid, but curious as well. She wanted to see what would happen. She also knew she had grown a little attached to Jinn, even if she did turn out to be no good. She wanted to see if she could actually win this fight.

The assassin looked Riff up and down, a smug look on her face. But she was already thinking of where he might be the most vulnerable and how he might fight as well. Her training took over and she was focused, ready to prove herself. She would not kill, not if she didn't have to, but she would aim to hurt. Oh yes she would. She moved forward, feinting a punch to his stomach before whipping out a knife and aiming it as his upper left leg.


'Maybe I am already dead.'

Kesson would say no such thing outloud. It would not be benefical to cause a problem. He simple nodded in response to her and twirled around for a bit. "You are right Zelda. It's just hard for me to move past it. But I do not wish to trouble you with my story." He was asking for her to drop it. Kesson did not want to have this discussion. Not now. Not with her. If she wasn't a DHH, then maybe.
(Hey Joboz, Faye might want to be here for the fight. At least at the end.)

Mel took no heed to Jinn's taunts. She felt no need to dignify that with a response. She was not hiding behind Riff. If he felt he should fight Jinn instead then fine.

As Jinn landed her first attacks, Riff smirked. His armor was already up and made her attempts ineffective. Though her knife did manage to slice his pant's leg, exposing more of his scales. Mel was not going to be happy if he allowed his clothes to be ruined even more. Riff grabbed the fist that had collided with his stomach. Ice formed up her arm. He waited until the ice reached her elbow before letting her go.

Then he allowed ice to crawl up his own arms until he had a set of ice claws on each hand. He charged at the assassin, trying to cut her leg. Your first move in battle should be to limit your opponent's mobility after all.


Lil looked at Liza with an almost pained expression on her face, but she quickly replaced it with a smile. "Of course I believe in you," she said. But her thoughts were, I just don't want her to have such a happy ending. She knew it was a horrible thought and that as an angel, she was supposed to forgive anyone willing to repent, but she couldn't.

As Liza asked of Mel's whereabouts, Lil shook her head. "Last time I saw her was at least an hour ago. But I guess we can go find her." Lil grabbed the little girl's hand and before walking away, she turned to Deathwish and Snow. "You guys can come if you wish. I suppose it would be better to know the enemy better." She walked with Liza down the halls of the academy until she stopped when they were walking toward an exit. There was a fight going on. And one of the fighters was Riff. Mel and Vash were watching close by. Her grip tighten on Liza's hand.
Zelda looks at him and then closed you eyes. "Fine." She said and then landed on a rock. She looked out and then down at the river below her. She closed her wings and then looks at him. She sat down and then stared at the water. "What now?" She asked obveously a little mad at him but she wanted to spend more time with him anyways. She looked at him and spred her wings out. She felt a little hurt he didn't want to talk to her about it...but at the same time he didn't know her to well. She layed down on the warm rock relaxing for a bit.

Deathwish nodded and then followed. He looked at the two fighting and then crossed his arms. He touched the seal on his neck. He had not wanted it. Although it kept his demon quiet it sealed his blood coffin. He looked at Mel and then pushed his fingers through his hair and sighed deeply. He looked as James joined him. "Hello James." He said and then watched as the DHH seemed to be upset. He sighed and then looked back to the fight.
Kesson landed beside her, but he turned back into is human form. It wasn't like he wanted to make her mad as she seemed to be. But if he told her the truth it would just be worse. He was doing the right thing. He knew that. He would tell her one day as well, possibly. If he didn't mess up their friendship first. He stretched, knowing he'd have to change back very soon anyways.

"I was thinking we should head back. I need to get back to my motorcycle though. Don't want to forget about it."


Jinn let out a curse. His scales seemed to be pretty dense. So no direct attack on them would probably work. She felt the ice creep up her arm and almost shivered at the cold that crept though her from it. But she wasn't going to let it slow her down.

She watched as he moved and did a backflip, smashing the arm which ice onto the group before rolling. The pain from doing such a thing was not pleasant, but she ignore it for now. She had to keep all her limbs full functional in order to win this fight. No way was Jinn going to loose. She had no intention on it. She looked at Riff, waiting for him to make another move as she thought of the best way to take him down. She had to get past his scales. She scoffed. People and their powers. She had met a lot that thought they were stronger because she had known of her own. But Jinn proved that she was good enough without it.

She was going to show that now as well. She waited though for Riff to get close again.
Zelda looks at him and then changed back as well. "Ok." She said and then pushed her hair out of her face. She looked as some scales on her arm slowly disappeared. She looks at him and then stands up stretching out her arms. She looked at the sky and then at Kesson. 'Let's go then." She said and looked at the water. She suddenly slipped and fell into the river. She screamed and then stood up. "AW MAN!!!!!" She shouted out and then looked at her dripping clothes. She got out and then hissed like a dragon.
Riff watched her avoid his attack with relative ease. He was impressed when she smashed his ice. It undoubtedly hurt but she was okay with the pain if it meant she could fight better. It was admirable and a quality he was familiar with. Mel often ignored everything that happened to her when she had her eyes locked on an opponent. Mel.

Before doing anything else, he brought up a wall of ice in front of Mel and Vash. It was thick enough so that it wouldn't break so easily, giving his mistress adequate protection. It was also transparent so she could watch through the wall.

Now able to focus solely on Jinn, he brought forth a small snow storm. Well it wasn't a storm, more of just a flurry of flakes. He uses the white of the snow to help disguise him as he charged at Jinn once again. It might've worked . . . if he wasn't wearing a black butler suit. The parts where his skin, or rather his scales, blended in with the snow but his suit stuck out like a sore thumb. Still, his determination to take Jinn down made his mistake go unnoticed.
It was about this time that Liza’s guard, a woman by the name of Mara, received word from Macal of the threat of Raina’s father, instructing her to keep a closer eye on Liza than ever. Casey too appeared to be sensitive to this new danger and stuck close to Liza, directly beside her where Lil was not already holding her hand. Generally Mara remained at a slight distance from Liza, allowing her to operate independently but keeping an eye on her, ready to protect her from any danger or foolish decision the little girl might make. But now she remains directly behind her, intent on being within arm’s reach if necessary.

Liza, being Liza, rarely registers danger with as much seriousness as it deserves. She is unaware of Kol’s presence or its meaning currently, but as Lil comes to a stop, squeezing her hand, and staring in the direction of where Riff is currently engaging in a fight with Jinn, Liza stares, eyes widening, as she tilts her head, assessing it. She is attempting to decide whether the fight is playing or real, and so decides to ask.

“Hey, are you guys just playing or not?”

When Riff causes the snow storm to appear, some of its flakes drifting towards Liza, she giggles and claps with one hand, grinning. “Wow! That’s so wicked! Can you make a whole bunch so I can play?”

Mara steps forward then, her hand gripping Liza’s shoulder, but her eyes are on Riff, Vash, Jinn, and Mel. “It is time to go, Liza. Now. Your father would agree.”

Liza doesn’t move, her eyes trained on the four. “It’s snowing!”

“Your father has ordered that you return to your quarters,” Mara says more firmly, and now she picks Liza up from Lil’s grasp, intending to carry her back herself. Casey barks agreement with her, fixing his eyes on her, and Mara looks back at the others, ready to fight herself if they notice Liza and do not let her go easily.


Evangeline and Sheena have settled into the playground area, intended for the very young children like Liza, in one of the gardens outside the academy. Evangeline had expressed to Sheena that she had never before played on a playground, and Sheena, after having expressed her incredulity, had started to walk towards them it with her.

“When I was a child, I was always too sick and frail to be outside for very long,” Evangeline explained as they walked. “I didn’t go to school very regularly, and running and yelling and doing all the other things kids do on playgrounds would have strained my lungs too much. And Mom was too busy and tired and sad to do much with me either. It wasn’t a very fun life…it’s much better now. Especially with you.”

She had slid her arm around Sheena again then, giving her a gentle squeeze, and Sheena looked down at her sister, a full foot shorter than her, feeling both pity and guilt for her former life.

“Every kid should get to be on a playground,” she said, squeezing her back. “Let’s go now. Swings, slide, whatever else…you can make up for it now.”

She took a deep breath as they approached it, looking down at Evangeline and saying with soft sincerity, “Lina? I’m…sorry this happened to you. You know…making you what you are. And…that I wasn’t around to help, or stop it, or…ever. I’m sorry…that I was never there for you. When you were alive.”

She bites the inside of her cheeks unconsciously, her eyes skipping away, because this has haunted her from the moment she first saw Evangeline, first learned her story. And Evangeline, looking up at her sister’s face, can see this and read it all too well. It is emotions that go deep and run strong, and can very much be used to her advantage…still, she answers her with what is honesty for her.

For despite what she is and the very real fact that she wishes nothing but harm to the majority of all creatures, Evangeline, as much as one like her is able to, does love her sister.

“Hey, you didn’t know,” she said lightly, shrugging. “And I’m glad to be a vampire, sis. It means I’m still alive. Means I can be here with you. That’s what matters, right…that we get our second chance.”

She squeezes her again, leaning her head against Sheena’s arm as she continues softly. “I’ll be here as long as you want me. Even if your boyfriend and Faith and everyone else hates me…I won’t care what they think, as long as you still will have me.”

This, of course, was carefully leading into what she wanted to have Sheena discuss, and Sheena frowned. “They…I’m sorry about them, Lina…they just don’t understand. They’ve never been…what you are, they never had the same thing. They don’t know how hard it is for you and how much you’re trying. I’m trying to tell them, but Alex is SHIELD and they’re always suspicious, and Faith is a Slayer, so…”

“You’re a Slayer too, remember?” Evangeline reminds her slyly. “You are too and you would never judge me like that…which is weird, because didn’t you say that Faith had a boyfriend who was a vampire before?”

“Well…sort of, I think…there was a guy that she was friends with, or maybe slept with? I don’t know,” Sheena shrugs. Faith had barely mentioned or explained Angel to her, and so she was fuzzy on the details. “But she’s protective of me…OVER protective of me. I mean…she sort of has had to act like my mom sometimes even though she’s not, because I was…sort of a mess, last year…so she overreacts…it’s not because of you though, Lina. It’s just Faith.”

“Seems to me you’re eighteen…you’re a grown woman now, Sheena,” Evangeline continued in her same innocuous tone, not looking Sheena in the eye as they walked. “You’re strong and smart and capable of making your own decisions and leading your own life…how long are you going to let Faith tell you what you can and can’t and should and shouldn’t do?”

Sheena frowned, bothered, though not yet sure why. “She’s just trying to look out for me…it’s just what Faith does,” she said slowly, but Evangeline didn’t let her get too far into it.

“Sheena, she didn’t even tell you that you’re a Slayer, and you KNOW she had to have known that, she’s a Slayer too, right? She won’t even let you know everything you are and can do…maybe she’s trying to protect you, but if she is that’s going way overboard. That’s not protecting, that’s crippling. And…you know, maybe she’s not just protecting you. Maybe she’s jealous.”

Sheena stopped then, turning to face Evangeline, and shook her head, somewhat stunned by what she was suggesting. “No, she’s not. Lina, that’s just how Faith is, she’s always like that. I mean, she acts like she’s really a hardass and doesn’t care or get emotional and all that, but she really does, she’s really concerned about everyone…she’s just…”

“Or maybe she knows that you should be stronger and more powerful than she ever will be,” Evangeline countered, looking her in the eye hard. “You’re Lycan AND Slayer, and she’s only Slayer. You’re younger, and you’re not tied down being a teacher, a wife, and a mother. You can do so much more with your life than she can. You’re free, Sheena. She isn’t.”

She pauses, then says carelessly, “But I guess you would know her better than me.”

As they continue to the playground, sitting in the swings, Sheena is quiet, thinking through what she’s said. She doesn’t want to believe any of it, but…what if it IS true?

She receives the commbadge warning from Macal then and new concern comes to her expression. Seeing it, Evangeline looks over, asking her what’s wrong.

“There’s a new threat here…Raina’s father. He’s a killer and a…a rapist,” Sheena makes herself say aloud, her jaw tightening on the word. Something about the look in her eyes alerts Evangeline to the especially sensitive nature of this fact to her, and she continues to watch her, speaking softly.

“Sheena…has…anything like that ever happened to you?”

Sheena didn’t say anything aloud. She simply took in a breath, then nodded, her hair partially concealing her face. Evangeline reached to brush it away, then, taking her sister’s hand, spoke softly.

“Sheena…tell me about your life before. I want to know everything I missed…everything.”

And when Sheena began to talk, much of her words pained, difficult to form, Evangeline listened, taking note.

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Jace, as Flower falls, has two conflicting thoughts. He worries she is actually hurt at first, and moves forward to help her up, but then his body is stopped by Sethos who WANTS to see Flower get hurt. But Flower smiled at him, and Jace smiled back lightly. She was fine. She was okay.

And why does that matter Jace?

Because she's my friend.

...Did you just hear yourself? FRIEND? First off, we don't have friends Jace. It's our rule. Second off, you clearly like her more than just a friend.

And what if I do Sethos?

There was a pause, and Jace thought he had won.

Then I'll kill her.

Jace's eyes widened and as Flower's strike landed on his arm, a sharp pain ran down it, not just from the move but because his eyes had darkened to black and he growled, turning translucent before walking through the key-holder princess and going back to normal, slamming his foot into her back so that she would fall down. Sethos spoke in a low growl, "Sorry Flowerbud, Jace-y boy isn't so good when it comes to fighting, I usually take the lead." He ignored the pathetic attempts of Jace trying to take back their body; it wasn't working anyway.

He tried to move his left arm but realizing she had done something to it he glared at her, and held out his right hand instead, the key holder spear Flower had dropped flew into his hand - with the help of the shadows - and grinned malevolently, "Not like I need this to kill you, but it's good to try new things right?" The shadows swarmed around Flower's feet then, and tugged at her ankles, dragging her back onto the floor again and pinning her there as he made a sharp strike down with the spear, aiming for her chest. He was going straight for the kill. But then his eyes flooded with blue again and he staggered back.

Jace threw the spear aside and the shadows returned to their normal areas. "Sorry Flower..." He murmured. Sethos almost killed her. He would understand if she didn't want to train anymore.

You assh*le. I almost had her. She would have died.

Exactly. She would have died. I won't let you kill Flower.


Raina doesn't even scowl at Macal when he messes up her hair, she looks up at him with a sort of blank expression. She is still subconsciously touching her shoulder to Faith's - not even noticing she is doing it - and as the infirmary nurse hurries around her like a lost puppy she doesn't pay the woman much attention as she fussed over Raina with comments like, 'Oh darling that's deep, how did this happen?' And, 'It might take a while to heal even with your abilities.'

She focused on Macal and Faith eventually, hearing the man's words and smiling lightly, yeah, she would kill Kol. She needed to. Jace was mentioned and Raina agreed with Macal completely. She spoke, and even though she sounded better, she was obviously still not completely herself because her words were something she would never reveal to anyone - not without being this shaken. "Jace is just a tool. My Father used him to get rid of Mum, Mabel and me." She grinned lightly then, looking down at her hands that rest in her lap, "Boy was he shocked when I came sprinting out of that house still alive." Her grin then fell and she looked back up at Macal with a neutral expression as he spoke once more. Then he called Raina his family again, and Raina knew it wasn't a mistake this time. She knew she should be denying it, scorning him, running away even.

But didn't she want to be a part of his family? Isn't this what she wishing for only a mere second or two ago?

The nurse then leaves to go get some blood for Raina, as requested by Macal, and she notices the man slipping into his own thoughts, and she can only imagine he is already planning how to deal with Kol. How to kill him in the most painful way possible. Because that is what a real father would do, and Raina knows Macal is a real father to both his daughters. But was she now one? No. She couldn't possibly be. She was much too broken to fit into their puzzle.

Then she vaguely feels contact on her shoulder, and looks to Faith absently as she spoke to her. Staked, shot. Hell. Faith had to kill her Father, three times. Well, the way Raina was going, she had committed to his death once, though she hadn't done the deed herself, did that count? And this time. This time she needed to kill the bast*rd herself. Faith had done it. Then Faith is telling her she won't forget, but she can heal. Can she heal? She can't heal the scars on her back, and if she can't heal something like that, can she heal herself?

"Is there even enough left to be healed?" She doesn't realise she has spoken the words outloud, in a confused whisper, until she hears them reach her ears, she then looks away quickly, almost ashamed.

She didn't think there was much left at all. She didn't even know who she was anymore. She hadn't known for a while.

(Yeah sure. I'll make Kol drop in at some point soon. He'll probably go after Faye soon, and Macal can show up then or something. He can do whatever as long as he doesn't kill him. But Kol is a coward, a clever one yes, but still a coward. If he gets hurt too much - like he did with Faith today - then he'll scarper. So if you want him and Macal to have a proper conversation I'd advise against Macal hurting him until the end of the conversation.)
Faith feels for Raina as she looks her in the eyes, hearing the girl's pain and confusion in her voice. And this too she can identify with. When Faith had been literally picked up off of the streets by Diana, her adoptive mother, she had not dared to believe that a woman who did not even know her at all could care for her so deeply, let alone love her. She had tested and pushed and been rude to Diana, expecting her to give up on her, to send her away, to retaliate. She simply could not understand how a woman with Diana's class could ever love someone like her- a street kid, a loser.

She had felt it again with Buffy, Angel, even could any of them ever want or love someone like her? Especially could she possibly deserve him, being what she was, and with everything she had done? He was a god, and she was not only a human, but a sorry one at that. She had not understood, then, how anyone, let alone him, could think her worthy of love, let alone being his wife, his queen, the mother of his child.

But they had seen in her something they had helped bring out in full, and Faith too could see Raina's potential. The girl was infuriating, not yet fully good, and she regularly rubbed Faith raw. But this was because she was like her...and hadn't Sheena been nearly as bad? Hadn't Sheena been WORSE?

At least Raina wasn't, as far as Faith knew, regularly sleeping around and drinking, getting possessed by evil goddesses or trying to kill herself. At least Raina wasn't in some overly dramatic relationship with a guy that would get Faith and all of Faith's family dragged into the middle of it. Compared to her sister last year, Raina wasn't much of a challenge.

"Look at me," Faith told her then, still looking her in the eye. "I hate pep talks, and I get the feeling you do too. And I don't say things to people that I don't believe. If I thought you were screwed, I'd say so. But I don't. You might feel weak, and you might feel pain. But that's what you have to push through to be great. And you've got enough pain that once you do, you'll be practically unstoppable. You're a strong girl, Raina. I sparred with you, ain't many girls can give back like you can. And it goes deeper than that, because after everything you're still here. That takes something. That says something. There's a lot to you that you're not always putting out for people to see, but it's there. Don't let pain make you think otherwise."

She hesitated, then put her hand on the shoulder furthest from her, not quite an embrace, but it could easily become one if Raina made a move.
Flower was shocked as Sethos took over. She clenched her fists as he call her Flowerbud. She suddenly was on the floor, shadows at her ankles and pinning her down. Her eyes widen as she looked at the spear he suddenly had. Everything went so fast. Her breath quickened and she looked at Sethos. Her eyes narrowed and glared not going to give him the pleasure of watching her be fearful. She looked as Jace took control and then let herself breath again. She put her head down and watched as Jace backed away from her.

Flower looked up at him and then swallowed a bit staying on the ground a bit. She sat up and then looked at the ground. "Heh...that was a little to close there Jace." She said wiping off sweat from her forehead. She looked at Jace and then smiled. "Come on...let's continue." She said and then pointed at his arm. "It should be back to normal doesn't last long...The key holder viper stike." She said and then looked at the ground for a moment. "...Heh....I guess Sethos had some guts after all." She rubbed her head. She looked at Jace. "Your move." She said willing to try again. She looked at Jace.
*Macal suddenly turns and starts for the door* You hurry up and get back on your feet, I'll buy ya some ice cream. *He vanishes before he makes it all the way out the door and reappears in one of the empty classrooms, his hands in his pockets his eyes glowing and he smirks* I know you're here, there is no use in trying to hide your cowardly presence from me...After all if I were to kill you it be done already. So you might as well come out so we can talk Man to Snake. *Scanning the room* I'll only ask once then all bets are off.

*Alex finally back in his quarters, jumps in his shower to wash off the film and scum of the jungle then moves to his bed and just as his head hits his pillow his badge starts beeping and he gets the alert.* Damn can't a guy get a couple of hours to shut his eyes...I'm on my way give me 10 minutes. *He lays there for a minute, normally he jump straight up when an alert is sounded but he's having trouble moving as if there was a pressure on his chest like a foot holding him there, suddenly he can see the red glowing eyes of someone over him.*

HardTime: Remember me boy? Well I remember you! Macal's golden boy I have need of your mind.

Alex: I remember you and you can go to hell! There is no way I'll help you!

HardTime: Oh but you will and you'll do it willingly, you see I'm only a few weeks from the Earth and you can see what I can do at this distance just imagine what I'll do when I get to your little girlfriend do you know on some worlds Lycan's are quite the treat. Or perhaps I'll just erase her entire existence, oh well I do have sometime to think of something fun well at least fun for me.


HardTime: FOOL NOT EVEN YOUR MENTOR HAS BEEN ABLE TO DO THAT! WHAT CHANCE DOES A WORM LIKE YOU STAND AGAINST THE GOD OF CHAOS AND DEATH! You will serve me or you will suffer an eternity of pain and suffering...You will see you love ripped to pieces everytime you close your eyes! I will give you a day or two to reconsider my offer but do not try my patience boy..I have none!

*Alex is suddenly free to move again and for once since he's known Macal and Faith he's now questioning their ability to protect him and Sheena.*
Raina could have kicked herself for being so stupid. How could she have said that, outloud, infront of Faith AND Macal! Thank god the nurse was getting the blood, otherwise Raina would really be in trouble. 'Oh did you hear, that psychopathic vampire finally had her breakdown yesterday!' 'Oh, it was only a matter of time Mildred, she's got crazy written all over her that one.'

Raina had no idea why she assumed one was called Mildred; it just seemed to suit.

But Faith was talking to her again, demanding she be looked at, and Raina found herself obliging. When Faith said she was strong, when she said RAINA was strong. Raina almost scoffed at her. Strong? Sure she liked to pretend she was strong, it was her safe haven, but she didn't think she really was that strong at all. Faith could break Kol's bone with a simple grip, Raina couldn't even do that with weapons and seven years of trying. But still. Faith said she was strong, she had sparred with her, and she was telling Raina - in other words - that Raina fought exceptionally well considering she was a teenage girl.

Yeah. Raina was still here. She hadn't died back then with Mum and Mabel - no matter how much she wished she had sometimes - she had outsmarted Jace even as a naive ten year old girl. She had done what her thirty year old mother couldn't. Sure she wasn't good enough to save Mabel, to save her Mum. But she was still here. She had survived those past seven years aswell. No matter how hard her dad hit her, no matter how badly he cut her, she still got right back up afterwards. Many creepy men had been and come her way in the past five years, and she had survived all them. She hadn't took the easy way out and put a rope around her neck as her dad expected her to do. She had touched death in this school, when Jace had stabbed her right in the stomach, she had hugged the ghosts of her family and had been seconds away from going with them both. But she was still here now. She had faced Atherton, fought a controlled Evangeline and survived her Father's first re-visit.

She's still here now. That takes something. That says something.

She nods slowly, then, gives Faith another tight, quick hug, pulling away after a few seconds as though she were embarrassed she had hugged the slayer.

She looks up at Macal and tilts her head, her voice was back to normal, jokey with a hint of sarcasm, "Ice-cream? Am I Liza's age now?" She chuckled, but then frowned as the man vanished. Looking to Faith, she raised a questioning eyebrow, but there was a friendly smile on her face, "Does he do that often?"


Jace nodded, looking down, "Uh, yeah, sorry. Sethos got annoyed." Even as she spoke, the demon was lashing out inside. He frowned and looked up at her with confused eyes, continue? She wanted to continue? She mentioned his arm and he glanced to it, moving it and curling his fingers before he looked to her, still confused. She spoke of Sethos having guts, and the demon mentally protested.

GUTS? GUTS! She has the nerve to say I have some guts! He growled, I'll show that bit*h some fu*king guts! HER OWN!

Jace's neck twitched suddenly, and he winced, smacking his own head.



No. Never. I will NEVER let you kill her Sethos. EVER. End of discussion.

Jace was still frowning at Flower, "You really want to go again Flower?" He glanced to Ben, wondering why he hadn't stepped in to save Flower earlier, did he really trust Jace would? Because Jace himself didn't. He looked back to Flower, "That was too close Flower. Way too close. I think we should stop." He paused, looking down before he looked back up, as though he needed the courage to say it, "I couldn't live with myself if Sethos hurt you anymore."


Kol grinned, stepping out from the shadow with his bright ginger hair and black eyes, he smelled strongly of human blood, as though he had recently drunk, and in doing so his injuries from Faith had been healed. He tilted his head at Macal, a devilish smirk on his face as his cold black eyes sized up the god. Kol had been said to have the eyes of the devil himself, one look into them sent a shiver down most people's backs. Though of course he didn't expect the god to shiver at his evil aura; he was sure he had met worse.

"Snake? I quite like that one. Snake's are rather dangerous, venomous to the bite. Just like me eh?" He kept his eyes on Macal as he stood, just outside of the shadows, "You're that lady's husband ain't ya?" He stepped a bit closer then, voice dropping to a maleficent growl, "What business do you and yer wife have with MY Raina? Ya' need to stay the hell away from her before ya' all regret it."

(Kol's character profile is on the very first page with all my other characters if you want to see what he looks like etc. Oh, I've decided I don't like Kol's weird accent thing he had going on, so if you notice him slowly losing it, well let's just pretend it's because he's around more intelligent people than usual at this school)
Faith accepts the hug from Raina and returns it briefly, then voices with a hint of a smirk what she's been thinking to herself all along. "Besides, you think you're trouble? You didn't see me as a kid, and you definitely didn't see Sheena last year. You want to be trouble, you've got about ten feet over your head before you can even jump and reach the bar, let alone vault over it."

She smiled, glad when Raina seems to get some of her sarcasm back in her addressing Macal. As her husband leaves, Faith frowns, knowing that whatever he's doing has to be one of two things- going after Kol, or going after one of his daughters. She hopes it's the first option.

Turning back to Raina, she shrugs, then rolls her eyes. "Yeah, that's him. He's gonna disappear at any given moment, usually in the middle of you speaking to him. He's gonna mess with your hair and poke you in the ribs and get Liza to play pranks on you. He's gonna offer ice cream when you're upset because he doesn't like to hear you cry, and he's gonna call you little and short even if you're almost as much of a giraffe as Sheena is, because he's 6'5 aka Jolly Green Giant. That's Macal. Get used to it."
Flower looked at Jace and then nodded. "Sure Jace." she said and then smiled at him. "And by the way." She said and pointed at the ground. "Any further with the spear and sethos would find himself having a pointy rock stuck through his stomach and handing on the ceiling." She said and then chuckled. "I felt the rock move when he had me pinned." She said and then waved at Ben who was sitting there with hands together and pressed on his mouth. He nodded to Flower. She looked at Jace. "Jace I can heal easy I don't see why your so worried." She said and then leaned toward him a bit. She looked at him straight in the eyes. "Give Sethos a takes more then a perce through the hear to kill me. Most Key holders can survive long enough to heal or be healed."

Ben watched Flower carefully. "Hmm...." He smiled. "Doesn't she see she's flirting with him?" He said and then chuckled as he looked back at Kira who had walked up. They were too far away from the two to be heard. Even with key holder hearing. He would have killed Sethos if Jace didn't stop him with one move of his foot. He looked at Kira as she covers her mouth and giggles. "You're going to let her?" She asked. Ben sighed and then looked at Flower and Jace again. "Jace is as much a victom and anyone he's killed. Besides...I can sense how much Sethos and Jace are growing appart. Soon we will be able to seperate the two minds." He said and then started tapping his foot. The earth started to vibrate. "It's been to long....Sethos needs to learn who he's dealing with." he said and then calmed as Kira placed a hand on his shoulder.

He sighed deeply. "I know I've wanted my people not to fear me...but I guess as the son of that stupid vampire king...I want Sethos to fear me. He is messing with daughter." He clenches his fist. Kira sighed. "Control your temper dear...." She said and then gently grabbed his hands and then sat down beside him. "He will learn...they all do." She said and then smiled at Ben.
Raina grinned at Faith as she speaks of her not being trouble, and keeps her brow raised as she questions teasingly, "Is that a challenge slayer?" Yeah, she's back to the nickname, she quite likes it actually.

Faith then goes onto speak of Macal, noting his every quirk and habit. Even though Faith speaks as though most of those things are annoying, adding an eye roll to emphasize the point. Raina can't help but think how each thing she says about Macal is nice. Maybe not the disappearing act, that could be annoying.

But it's better than touching her up. It's better than selling her to other men. It's much better than slicing her back open for the fun of it. Messing with her hair, it was better than messing with her head. Poking her in the ribs was better than slapping her across the face. And she'dmuch rather be called little and short than a who*e and a bit*h.

And ice-cream. Oh heck Raina would love to have some ice-cream once in a while. She grins at Faith still, now having an image of Macal as the Jolly Green Giant himself. "Oh great, now everytime I look at Macal I'm just going to see the Green Giant." She holds back a laugh, not quite ready for that yet. Then her eyes widen, "Uh. Speaking of Liza...where the heck is she?" She looked to the door worriedly then, biting her bottom lip slightly. What if Kol had got her already? What if he had pretended to be nice? What if he had lead her away and then.....No. Not Liza.

She stood up then, had a wave of dizziness and fell back down on the seat. She groaned lightly and the nurse had the perfect timing as she walked in with the bag, handing it to Raina. "Now, you drink that and I'll just see if you need stitches sweetie." Raina barely heard her as the bag o blood was dropped in her hands, the scent hitting her harshly enough for instant throat burn. She hadn't had human blood in a very long while. Not since she and Liza became 'sisters'

The nurse noticed her look and frowned, "Everything alright?" Raina looked to her, confused, "I didn't know the school had human blood." "Oh, we get them from donators, it saves many students from going out and causing trouble, if you want animal blood I can fetch that too, I just heard that you have human that's all." Of course the nurses weren't prejudiced against vampires, or any race here, so they saw nothing wrong with giving vampires here donated human blood. "I would reccomend you take that one dear, unless you're trying to stop, it will just heal you faster, that's all." Raina shrugged, mentally sighing. She had a point. It wasn't like this was a live screaming human right?

So she bit into the bag, not managing to spill a drop as she downed the red liquid. She was aware of Faith beside her. She had just emptied the bag when the nurse lifted the back of her top to check her wound, and she heard her let out an audible gasp of shock. Raina's eyes widened. Sh*t. The nurse was staring at Raina's back, with the criss-crossing white scars all over her skin, only showing a few normal patches left. She made Raina stand up with surprising strength and kept the back of her top up. Faith could clearly see Raina's back now. But then Raina tugged away viciously and turned her back away from both woman, glaring at the nurse. "Do you mind?" She was struggling to keep herself under control now, not blood wise, but because of anger. "Those scars look just like the aftermath of the wound you got today, has this happened before?" The nurse spoke softly, as though she actually thought Raina would open up to her, suddenly burst into tears and admit her dad used her as a knife sharpener.

"If it did, do you honestly think I'd tell you?" Raina practically spat her words out, "Don't you get a million freaks in here a day nurse? I thought you'd be trained to stare at a missing limb and not gasp, they're just a few scratches." They weren't just scratches, Raina knew that, the nurse knew that, and Faith now probably knew that too. Raina looked to Faith, ignoring the nurse, "I'm going to go see if Liza's alright, are you coming aswell?" She don't know what compelled her to ask Faith to join her; she could always say it's because Faith is Liza's mother, and she should be checking on her, not Raina.


Jace found a grin growing on his face at that. "You're always one step ahead aren't you Flower?" He shrugged at her words, "I know, it's just---" His words were abruptly gone from his mouth and his mind as she leaned closer, his eyes widened only the tiniest bit, not enough to Flower to notice. What was he about to say? He honestly couldn't remember with Flower this close to him, close enough to.....

His eyes turned a bit bluer than they were earlier as she was so close, her sweet scent embracing him as she spoke in a way that made all Jace's protests go right out the window. "O-Okay." He found the stuttered word leave his lips; his mind wanting to compel to whatever it was Flower wanted. He couldn't move away or step back from her, and he had completely forgotten what is was they were talking about.

All she had to do was stare into his eyes and Jace was under Flower's spell in a heartbeat.

(Good time to attack Flower, he won't see it coming 'till it's hit him xD )

Flower looked at him. He...was acting so weird. She looked him over for a moment before pushing it aside. She didn't understand Jace yet and who knows Sethos was being a pain. She looked at Jace and then smiled as he said ok. "Ok....then..." She struck her foot against his. She swept him off his feet, literally. Her hand hit against his chest pushing him down to the floor as she rushed past him. "Get up boy we are sparing remember." She teased and then smiled as she stood there waiting for him to get up. She held up her hand tanting him to come and get her. Even though Sethos rudly interupted she was having fun spending time with Jace.
Regret? *Mac grins* I'm over 12,000 years old the only things I regret is that period in the French Revolution when I wore ruffles..granted it was the fashion of the time but looking back on it I looked like a peacock! Anyway do you know what else there is about snakes, they have tunnel vision making it quite easy to step on their tales and take away their leverage then cut their heads off! As for my business with Raina well I'm afraid that is no longer "Your" concern. *holding up his fingers and making air quotes* I'm afraid your parental rights over her have been revoked, as far as I'm concern she's mine now and you be wise to remember that. *The room starts to shake as Macal's eyes start glowing brightly, his voices rips through the air it's loud like thunder but it's isolated to the room they're in only* You're a disgust me! No father should ever treat his child the way you do and still call themselves a father! In my long life I've come across your kind many times and you know what they're all dead..Killed by the hands of the daughters they abused. So here's my one and only offer and advise...Run! Run for your useless life and find a rock or a hole to hide in! Cause she's coming for you and she's pissed off!
"Hell, no. I've got enough feisty little girls on my hands for you to be taking pointers from them," Faith shoots back, but her expression is mostly playful. Then she smirks, shaking her head. "Pip can outtrouble anyone I've ever met and you've seen the size of her. How can someone who comes up to my waist make more trouble than all the giants I know put together?"

"Liza's fine, she's been assigned a guard after the last few stunts she's pulled, and her guardian dog is with her too," Faith reassures her, though she too wants to see her daughter, and her sister, with her own eyes. "But I"m going to go see her for myself soon as you're up. You've got to understand that about Liza, you can't confine her too much or she starts teleporting to Tahiti. I've pretty much learned, you gotta let her do her own thing and have people keep an eye on her or keep track of her to make sure she's okay, that's less trouble than trying to tell her no all the time."

Faith makes a face as Raina drinks the human blood but doesn't comment. As long as people hadn't been forced to part with it, it wasn't her business. She watched Raina closely as the nurse expressed concern over Raina's scars and Raina snapped back at her, making sure she wouldn't get so angry she'd try to harm or threaten her. But Raina keeps in control for the most part, and so Faith says nothing. She expects her then to slip back into her former hostility towards her, having expressed entirely too much vulnerability by now to be comfortable continuing civility, but no, Raina invites her to come with her. Faith is still expectant of her to revert to anger any moment now, but for now takes what she can get, standing and nodding.

"Yeah. I need to find Sheena too in a while. Last thing I need is Evil feeding her to this guy."

As they open the door to Faith's living quarters, Liza's guard is just entering with her, Casey at their side. Faith lets out a sigh of relief and reaches for her as Liza speaks with some indignation.

"Mama Mara wouldn't let me stay and play in the snow that masked girl was making!"

As Faith takes her, her jaw tightens, and she meets eyes with Mara, understanding. That girl Lil had told her about, Mel. Had to be.
Kesson watched Zelda for a moment. He was going to make some comment, maybe try and clear the air a little, when she slipped and fell. Kesson wasn't fast enough to catch her in time and he watched as she went right in. He let out his own hiss, though his was because he was worried about his friend. He also didn't think a quick dip in the river was something she wanted right now. Kesson wasn't sure of Zelda's temper and how quickly it might be set off, but he could tell she was not pleased with what happened.

He moved towards her and let out a hiss of steam over her. "Just trying to dry you a little," he told her. "You'll be cold if you're wet when we drive back. I could give you my jacket as well," he said. Though Kesson also found it hard not to stare a little. The water made her clothes cling which he expected. But Kesson was a gentleman and he wouldn't embarrass her like that.


Jinn smiled as Riff made a move to protect the ***** and her other pet. What did he think she'd really go after them? Jinn might be a malnipulative woman and not above using tricks to win fights or kill people, but this was a fair fight. She wasn't going to attack anyone else but Riff. When she won, maybe she'd get to have a go at Mel, but not until then. Still he was probably just trying to be a good, loyal pet. In some ways Jinn respected him for that.

Hayley was tempted to put herself behind the wall, but she didn't want to get any closer to Mel. She didn't think Mel would like that either. She looked at the door. It was possible for her to just go outside and away from this, but still she was unable to draw herself away from the fight.

Jinn watched as he made snow appear. She guessed his powers were based in ice. This was something interesting and she was pleased that the fight was not going to be easy. But she also scoffed at his idiot move as his outfit stood out to her. She allowed him to get closer and she was even hit as he got to her, but she had her reasons. She moved a hand across his face and then fell to the ground with an "oomph." She righten herself, breathing hard, knowing she'd collect some bruises from this.

But she also knew what she had to do now to win.
Zelda looks at her clothes and then sighed. "Yeah I guess." She said and then crossed her arms. " can breath fire...I can't without my weapon." She said and then pushed her wet hair behind her ear. She turned around and then started to rinse out her shirt. She sighed and then tried to breath fire but only smoke can out. "Worth a try." She said and then smacked her forehead. "Geez."
Lil watched as a woman came and practically dragged Liza away. She was glad for it. If this fight got out of hand, Liza could've ended up in the crossfire and that would've been horrible. Her eyes drifted back to the fight. She was hoping neither side would get hurt too bad. An instinct in her said to intervene but what could she do to help? This feeling of helplessness was clawing at her. She could only watch for now.

Vash was busy cheering Riff on from behind the ice. "Come on dude. Finish this! You can do it." But he eventually saw Hayley. She seemed a bit conflicted about something, and wide open for any attacks that happened to come her way. Being the totally awesome dude that he was (Yeah, he's a bit vain but in a cute way.), he went over to Hayley. Linking his arm around hers, he pulled her behind the ice wall. There was plenty of room after all. "You should probably wait back here. Although I don't understand why you're not escaping right now. Wasn't that chick trying to kidnap you? Well, she seems a bit reoccupied with Riff at the moment. I would've ran like hell by now." He had a goofy grin on his face as he tried to cheer the shape shifter up. She seemed put down by Mel's comment earlier and he didn't blame her. Mel's tongue was sharper than any blade she used. Sensitive people really shouldn't hang out with her. That was probably the reason why he was allowed to stay. His skull was so thick, he barely understood her insults and abuse.

Riff right now was confident that he would be able to defeat Jinn. Usually cockiness was not his area of expertise, that was where Vash excelled, but he let the air rush to his head. He had already put her down. And it seemed as if she didn't have any powers whatsoever. He would end this in a few more attacks and earn Mel's approval. Gathering as much force as he could in this last hit, he charged again at Jinn, aiming for her dominant arm this time. He was determined to use his frozen claw to deal the final blow. He didn't want anything to cause any permanent damage but he wanted to at least either knock her out or do enough damage to her that she'd have to surrender.

Mel herself was silently watching the battle between her servant and this assassin girl. Riff was doing a decent job if you didn't account for the many stupid mistakes he made. Trying to use the white snow to camouflage his black clothes, not even a rookie would make that mistake. He was growing cocky, which meant he was lowering his guard. He failed to accurately gauge his opponents skills. This Jinn obviously had more battle experience than Riff and he failed to notice that. He relied to heavily on his powers to give him the upper edge, leaving too many openings for attack. He stopped in the middle of the battle to form a barrier for her. And he was fighting head on with Jinn. Mel could tell that this girl's attacks were prided on speed. You cannot take on speed by charging head on without thinking. These rookie mistakes were embarrassing her name. She'd have to punish Riff for that later.

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