Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Jace didn't know Flower had taken him down until his back hit the ground and she teased him about being on the ground. He looked down in confusion before he grinned and leapt back to his feet.

She was good.

When she taunted him he shrugged, then glanced over to Ben to also see Kira there, he smiled lightly before looking back to Flower and running at her, he swung his fist out to hit her in the stomach and swept his foot across her ankles at the same time to try and trip her. Yeah, Jace didn't think he was a good fighter.


Kol rose an eyebrow at the man, he was certainly dealing with something. He could just teleport out of here if things went too bad though, so he could carry on being smug. "Who are ya' to tell me how to treat my daughter?" Kol crossed his arms, smirking, "Yours now? What, you're fu*king her instead of me now?"

A malicious smile spread across the cruel man's face at Macal last words of Raina coming for him, "Oh, she is now? That should be fun, she's been scared of me for seven years now Macal, every since I got her Mum and baby sister killed and then drove a knife into her ten-year old back." He wanted to anger this man, he wanted to test him and see just how he'd react. What would make him snap.

"Surprised I know your name?" He grins wickedly, "It's amazing what ya' can hear from the shadows, infact, I heard some juicy gossip about a girl, now...what was 'er name..." He seemed to be in thought, rubbing his chin almost comically before sparking up another evil grin, "Oh that was it. Liza right?" He tilted his head, eyes locked on Macal, "She's very important to ya', isn't she? She's important to Raina too." He tutted then, shaking his head, "I told silly Raina not to get close to anyone, she used to listen to me, until I died. Probably because she thought I wouldn't be able to kill 'em anymore."

He pauses, "That's going to change."


Raina doesn't say much as they head to Faith's living quarters, but when she spots Liza, safe, fine, talking about playing, Raina feels some weight lift from her shoulders and she grins at the key-holder child, "Hey Liza!" She hasn't seen the kid for a while, and this probably shows as she actually takes Liza from Faith, and spins her around, putting her on the floor afterwards and ruffling her hair much like the manner in which Macal had done to her.

Raina mocked a whisper as she spoke to Liza, now at her height level as she stood on her knees, she glanced to Faith and Mara, then dropped her voice as though telling Liza a secret, "Hey Liza, I know how to make snow, wanna come make some with me? We just need to find a cold river and I gotta grab something from the supply closet." This is true, one day when Raina was about nine and Mabel four, they wanted to play in the snow but even though it was cold the weather didn't seem to want to snow, so their Mum showed them how to make snow using the pond in their backgarden.

Raina's mum had always spent time with her daughters, shown them so much love and affection that there wasn't a day where Raina didn't miss her warm smiles, her cheery laugh, even the pride Raina felt when walking down the streets with her hand in her mum's. She would always see people smiling at them as they went past, Mabel on her Mum's hip, and could just imagine the lovely thoughts they were having about how pretty Raina's mum was, or how much of a good mum she looked like, and she was, she was a great mum.

She smiled at Liza warmly, not knowing she looked infact a great deal like her deceased mother when she put on that beautiful expression. "Do you want to? We could make a snowman and snow angels?"

(Raina's new appearance, since her dad's picture is human thought I'd do the same for her: View attachment 7450 Also, can we say that it's autumn/winter in this school, since I think the season has never been established yet?)
( it's alright with me. So go ahead.)

Flower coughed a bit from the punch to her stomach but he couldn't trip her. She was being easy on him so she was taking a few blows. She put her hands on the ground and then pushed herself off the ground. Her legs aiming for Jace's stomach. She looked at him, not even using her powers. If she out him back on the ground she would pin him and the fight would be over. However if he does happen that way, she'd more then likely teach him about fighting. He couldn't rely on Sethos anymore, she wouldn't have it.
*Mac returns the smirk to Kol* Surprise you know my name of course not, I'm sure that in every dark hole or pit where scum and low lives gather, where ever you evil bastards are my name is mentioned often and when it is they all shiver and thank what ever gods they believe in that that night I haven't come for them..Yet! See I'm a very patient man and it's only a matter of time before I take all their heads. And no I'm not sleeping with Raina but the way you say that I get the feeling you would enjoy that, I bet you even want to watch.

And I guess I didn't make myself clear, you will never be able to attack Raina from behind ever again and since you can't backstab her any longer, you have to face her in open fair combat and lets face it. You're just a weak old prevert..Your fangs have gone dull and without tricks you're about as dangerous as shark out of water. You're a joke and Raina, Faith and I were having a good laugh after you left about how damn weak you are. I could erase you from all of time and space with a look but it would be far more entertaining to see Raina slit your throat.

You say you know me then you know I don't back losers all that are by my side are exception and worthy of being in the presence of The King of all the Gods of War.
Liza squeals with laughter as Raina whirls her out of Faith's arms, her pigtails flying out behind her, and dimples dig into her cheeks as she clutches her around the neck. She is slightly breathless, still grinning as the girl puts her down. Faith looks her over as Raina is addressing her, again noting how different Raina is in her presence, how she literally seems like another person, a happier person. When Raina suggests making snow, Liza squeals again, bouncing on her toes in excitement.

"Ooooh wicked! Yes yes yes I wanna! Let's go now, right now!"

She grabs Raina's hand and is ready to bound out of the room, but Faith reaches out and takes hold of her shoulder, stopping her. She turns Liza towards her, making her look her in the eye, but first addresses Raina.

"Wait a sec, I need to talk to her."

She keeps hold of Liza's shoulders as she kneels down on her level too, her voice serious. "Pip, you need to listen to me right now, understand? Right now there's a lot of dangerous people in the school. That girl you saw with the mask is one of them, and I don't want you trying to play with her or make her good."

"But Mama! She's the one who made SNOW!" Liza starts, but Faith puts her fingers to Liza's lips, silencing her.

"No. I said no and I meant it. She's for me and your daddy to deal with, not you. If you see her, you leave her alone. Understand me?"

She waited for Liza's very reluctant, not very motivated nod before continuing. "And another one. There is a man right now with red hair that I do not want you talking to, being around, or doing anything at ALL with. His name is Kol and he is very, very bad, Liza, not the kind of bad you can make good. He is a VERY bad man."

She pauses, then, looking at Raina, uncomfortable, lowers her voice, speaking to Liza almost in a whisper. "He doesn't know how to touch little girls right, Pip...just like...your other daddy. And he kills them. Do you understand me, you are NOT to be around him, and if you see him, you teleport away and you tell me and Daddy. I'm very serious, Liza. Do you understand?"

Liza nods solemnly, and Faith gives her a hug and kisses the top of her head. "Good. New rule. Not because you're bad, but because I want you safe, you are not going ANYWHERE alone anymore, and nowhere without either Mara, me, or your daddy with you. Okay? So if you're going to play with Raina, Mara has to come too, or me."
Hal didn`t have time to make a comment, the only sign that the last thing Sara said had any kind of effect on the Key Holder was that his posture seemed a little less tense but by that time Reaper already bypassed its master and closed the distance between it and it`s target, the entity raised Hal`s scythe before it attempted to separate Sara from her legs,Hal intervened by pushing Reaper towards the wall, It didn`t do very much. Having no legs, it was neigh impossible to knock Reaper off balance, the entity was simply caused to drift a few feet to Sara`s left before it came floating back and with a swift vengeful jab to the solar plexus with the butt of his own scythe Reaper had Hal doubled over in pain. With the interloper momentarily stunned Reaper was free to attack Sara. The robed skeleton turned back to it`s original target before raising the scythe, this time aiming to decapitate her.


Mar shook his head and offered Ginger another quick smile as he dropped the drone so both of his arms could rest comfortably at his sides. He watched as the drone was besieged and taken apart by nano machines on a molecular level, not a single piece of matter hit the ground. The boy returned his gaze to meet Ginger`s eyes ; “that’s not true” he said remembering how well the girl had shot in the arena; “ you may not be able to sprout wings or make people explode by looking at them but I think you do have a gift for marksmanship” Mar paused as he undid the exposed gun belt that carried a 7-shot Smith & Weston Model 686 revolver before holding it out in both hands for Ginger to take; “in my opinion it`s more of a “power” then some might think.”

(for revolver pic),r:19,s:21,i:207
Sara looks at him. "Hey Reaper. Look behind you." She said and then with a smirk moved out of the way. Someone more powerful was behind Reaper now. Deathwish was behind him now. Deathwish looked at Reaper and then smirked. His coffin rose from the ground. "Let's see you fight your own kind." He said and opened the coffin as blood leaked on the floor. The creature inside suddenly bursted out roaring. Deathwish's coffin held it back untill Deathwish grabbed the chains. This was a demon power, and with Deathwish's evil and creepy smile he let the boned creature attack Reaper.

Sara went and kneeled down beside Hal. "You ok?" She asked and in conserned gently pushed him up into a sitting pasition. She looked at him and then turned to Deathwish. She watched him and then looked back at Hal. "That's Deathwish." She said and then looked as the blood spreading on the floor. She shivered and watched the creature from the coffin as it grabbed Reaper's weapon and slashing it's bone claws at Reaper.

Ginger looked at Mar as a cute pink blush spred over her cheeks. "Thanks." She said and grabbed the gun glad to have found something she was good at. She looked at the gun and then her smiled widened. She seemed to be naturaly aware on how it works. She looked back at Mar. "This is great." She said and then checked the gun out even more.
Hayley was surprised when Vash came and got her, dragging her behind the wall of ice. She looked at him, surprised by the gesture. Was he worried she get hurt? The thought had not crossed her mind, she would admit to. She was still recovering from her near capture and was memorized by the fighting. She had never seen anything like it. Hayley was sure she'd never reach that kind of fighting. Riff was impressive with his powers of ice. Jinn seemed to have no powers of her own, but her skills made up for it. If no one had intervene, Hayley would have never been able to fight her off.

"Th-thank you," she stuttered to Vash, blushing in embarrassment. She looked back at the fight and shrugged. "She won't do it again. At least not any time soon. I think .... I think I'm safe."

Jinn was hoping that he would charge in. It was time to end this fight. She was getting tired and she was bruising as well. She could probably got for longer, but why draw it out? Jinn knew though that her attack would also put her at risk right away. There would be no dodging his attack, at least not completely. But she was willing to take the blow.

Jinn moved at him, drawing forth a few pins. She felt him hit her in the stomach, clawing at her and she stifled a scream. She moved, jabbing the first one into his shoulder, then his neck. She moved away, then got low and shoved the last in his side. All managed to slip inside the scales. She stumbled backwards, touching her stomach. She was bleeding, but she had to finish this first before taking care of herself.

It seemed her plans had worked out. Riff went wide eyed as his scales faded. Seeing her chance she moved in close again. First her cut him with her knife, cutting him across the arms, and his stomach. He tried to fight back, but the half-elf would have none of it. She kicked him in the ankle and then gave a blow across the face. She drove him until he had fallen.

She grew her pistol to the gasp of Hayley. She aimed it at his head as Riff tried to rise. She smiled cruelly down at him. Then she rose it and pistol-whipped him across the face, leaving a mark which would become a scar. Riff hit the ground, also being knocked out.

"Something to remember me by," she told him. Then she turned and walked away.


"Any time," Kesson told her. He watched her for a moment, then smiled to himself. Zelda was not a bad person. She didn't deserve the treatment he was giving her. He moved over and looked at her.

"Hey I'm sorry about earlier. I guess I still need some time to let go. But I promise someday I'll tell you. You have to promise you won't hate me though." He didn't really want to make her promise such a thing. She had the rights to be angry. Still. He leaned over and kissed her cheek lightly though, unable to stop himself. "Let's head back."

He turned back into a dragon and headed back to where the bike was, his jacket left behind for her.
Zelda looks at Kesson and then blinked. She blushed as he kissed her cheek. When he left she put her hand on her cheek. "WHAT THE HECK!!!" She said completely confused now. "Why does he have to be so hard to figure out?" She said and then crossed her arms thinking for a second. "Hnmm at least he promised he'd tell me...and I don't think I can hate a friend." She said and then blinked. "Oh great I'm talking to myself again....geez I need to at least get a pet I can carry around and talk to." She said and then grabbed the jacket putting it on.

At the risk of her clothes not shifting with her she didn't shift into dragon form. Still though she had ran all the way to Kesson's bike, she was panting but at least it didn't take her to long....and the wind from her running air dried her clothes a bit.
Riff struggled to get up as blood practically poured from his clothes. He raised a hand to try to get Jinn to stop. "This isn't over yet." Suddenly Mel appeared net to him and gave him a swift kick to the stomach before he could even react. The blond slammed into the stone wall from the force of her attack. As he slumped back onto the floor, hitting his head, he began coughing up blood. He looked up through barely open eyes to look at Mel who was now standing over him.

"Get up Riff. I never gave you permission to die."

He forced himself to sit up and then put his hand over his heart. Desperately trying to smile despite the pain, he said, "I'm sorry Miss. I'll accept any punishment you see fit." The pain was dulling a bit now that Riff was freezing over his open wounds. He tried to stand up only to find out that he couldn't with his blood loss. Vash ran over and supported Riff.

"Mel, we've got to get him to the infirmary. This looks serious."

Mel sighed in irritation. "Fine. Carry him so he doesn't slow us down." She then began walking toward the direction of the infirmary. With her tours of the castle earlier, she knew much of the layout of the academy.

Lil put a hand over her mouth as she watched the spectacle. How could Mel do that to one of her own? "Don't you feel the least bit sorry for him? Didn't you turn him into a demon for your own selfish purposes? Can't you tell he's hurt?"

Mel looked to Lil. "You should keep your nose out of business that doesn't concern you, you glorified bird. How I treat my subordinates does not concern you."

"Yes it does because I intend to save them!" The blonde angel charged at Mel, whose boot quickly came in contact with Lil's chest, knocking the wind out of her. As she was sprawled on the floor, gasping for breath, she looked up at the masked girl.

"Herbivores (the weak) should learn to stay out of a carnivore's (the strong) way."

She then continued her way to the infirmary with Vash and Riff at her heels.
Faye, unable to find Myra and assuming she had gone somewhere with James to forget about Kol's reappearance, headed back the way she had came, thinking maybe Myra and James went to the library - they both liked it there right? But then she spotted the boy from earlier, Riff, the masked girl Mel and another girl from class fighting. She watched with wide eyes as Jinn took down Riff, damaging him badly, then stalked off.

Then the fu*king idiot with the mask hurt the poor boy even more, kicking him so hard he hit the wall and coughed up blood. Yet he still called her Miss, apologized and even spoke of being punished. If that was her she would have slapped the dark-haired bit*h around the face.

As she saw them heading away, Mel not even bothering to help carry the injured demon, Faye couldn't resist. Her worry for Riff and her interest in his situation took over as she shouted out his name, "Riff!" Within a few seconds she was infront of the boy, having used impossibly fast speed. She completely ignored Mel - even though she SO wanted to bit*h slap her with fire right now - and placed one hand on Riff's stomach and the other on his injured cheek. Ignoring the others, she focused on his wounds and a visible warm pink glow grew around both of her hands, it closed up Riff's stomach injury and stopped the internal bleeding - which Faye noticed through the cough of blood - also healing his cheek, although there would still be a scar there from the gun. He should also feel better now, maybe able to walk on his own. She couldn't do much else though, it was just a temporary fix.

She smiled lightly at him as she pulled her hands back to her sides, ignoring Mel, "You did well for what it's worth. She was obviously well trained in fighting." She grinned at him, "Just keep your head next time alright? Every opponent has a weakness, she just found yours first is all." By that, she meant don't be so cocky. She glanced to Mel as she spoke of every opponent having a weakness, almost a subtle gesture, before she stepped out of Riff and Vash's way and gestured for them to move on. She didn't like what she heard about being punished. She wanted to stick around, to make sure Riff wasn't punished, but she was sure no-one would want her to, even the boy himself.

"Make sure you get some rest."


Jace was ready to dodge Flower's attack, reading to move out of the way and grab her legs to spin her around. But then Sethos began kicking up a fuss.

Jace. Let me out. Now.

No. Go away.

I'm serious. I need to kill something. Do you know how long it's been since I've killed something?

Not long enough.

If you let me out now, I promise I won't kill your little girlfriend. But I can't keep that promise for much longer. Let me out now.

NO. Shut up and go AWAY-----

Jace was snapped out of his argument with Sethos by Flower kicking him down, then suddenly he was pinned and he looked up at her with almost black eyes before they faded back to a shocked blue. "Hey no fair! I was distracted!" He was distinctly aware of Flower's body against his, her soft hair tickling his neck and her lips close enough to kiss. Yet he didn't move away, waiting for her to say something, anything.


Raina watches as Faith speaks to Liza, first about some masked girl was apparently dangerous - huh, Raina would have to check that one - and then, then she mentioned Kol.

Raina was glad Faith had told Liza actually, because she wouldn't be able to live with herself if Kol had found Liza, befriended her, told her he was good, and then when her back was turned, guard down, he would stab her in the back. But he would aim for the heart. No. She was glad Liza knew now. But when Faith looked to her, embarrassed as she spoke of Kol not knowing 'how to touch little girls right' Raina felt shame rear it's ugly head and she looked away then, knowing Faith was speaking of her, and hating every second of it.

When Faith finished up, saying either Mara or herself had to come with them, Raina rolled her eyes, but didn't comment, as she didn't really care with one came with them, neither would be her preference. But she couldn't resist looking to Faith with a sarcastic smirk,
"You don't trust me to look after her Faith?" Even as she speaks though you can see it doesn't matter much to her, as she speaks of something else afterwards, turning her back and glancing to it, seeing the crimson stain that remain there on the back of her top. "Uh, I should probably change my top first. I'm sure red snow isn't so much fun to play in." There was a clear long tear down it where the knife had ripped not only her skin but the fabric too, and you could see the scar that was there.


Kol simply rolled his eyes at the 'god'

"Without tricks?" Kol is then gone, is on the opposite side of the room, then the other side, then back to where he was before, the whole time remaining the same distance from Macal. "I would call that a party trick at least." He smirked, "It's enough to get the drop on Raina." He smirked darkly then, "Though to be fair I could always get the drop on that clever bi*ch, trick or not."

He was still smirking, smug as hell,
"And I guess I didn't make myself clear, God." He stepped closer, ready to teleport as soon as Macal made any sort of move towards him, "Raina, Raina will ALWAYS be scared of me. I will always be able to control her, no matter what Gods she keeps by her side, 'cause she's my bit*h, 'as been since she was 12." Yeah. Kol only got sexually interested in Raina when she turned 12 and started to develop. But the two years before that hadn't exactly been a picnic, he spent those two years 'training her'
Turning to Raina, raising an eyebrow, Faith kept herself from pointing out that the girl hadn't been all that effective against Kol when on her why exactly should she trust her to protect Liza on her own? Faith wasn't about to let her only child, the one person she would protect above all others in the world, be left vulnerable to a man like him. Not now, not ever.

"Let's just say that Faith wants to play in the snow too," she says to Raina pointedly, taking Liza's hand and turning to speak to Mara. "You're off duty for now, lucky you. I'll let you know when we'll need you again, thanks."

Liza is looking at Raina's torso now, her eyes wide, and she reaches forward, ready to heal. "That looks'd you get hurt? Who did that?"

"She'll be okay, Pip...let her go change," Faith told her, then, turning to Raina, said neutrally, "I can give you a shirt if you want, or we can walk to your quarters. Whatever."
Flower looks at Jace and then blinks. "Uh....Sorry, I didn't see your eye color. Sethos is being a pain again huh?" She said and then looked at him. She blushed lightly and then looked at him. She sighed and then smiled lightly. "If he's to much, we probably should end the spar." She said and then noticed she hadn't gotten off of him yet. She slowly let him up. (I'm tired...please excuse my lazyness.)
Raina held back her eye roll as Faith would be the one coming along. Not that wanted that Mara girl to come either. But still. It would have been much more fun if it was just Raina and Liza; she did find it amusing that Faith called Liza pip.

When Liza questioned her wound, Raina seemed to snap back to reality, moving away suddenly as she shrugged, "It's nothing Liza. Don't worry." Now that Raina had got past the initial reaction to the wound, she was quite alright. It wasn't like it was the first time he'd done that to her; the white scars were proof of that.

Raina then grabbed Liza's other hand, grinning at them both with a mild look of confusion, "Pip? She doesn't look like a pip to me." She then looked mainly to Liza, "Hey Liza, can you teleport us outside my room?" She really, really hoped Chameleon wouldn't be there. But with her luck, he probably would be.


Jace nodded, unable to respond with words until she got up from him. Her blushing was adorable, which REALLY didn't help the current situation. The fact that he had already kissed her wasn't too good either, because his brain was just reminding him how good she was at kissing, how great it felt to have her lips against his.

"Uh, yeah, we should probably stop now. Sethos is getting ancy." He murmured distractedly, stepping back from her a little bit. He needed to put some distance between them before he did something that was bound to get him a slap. Actually, if he kissed Flower he was more likely to get kneed in the gut AND slapped.

He glanced over to Ben and Kira, then Flower again, "You should maybe spend some time with them. I mean, it's been more than ten years hasn't it?" Jace wasn't entirely sure, since he left before they were killed. If he had been there, maybe he could have helped, he could have maybe helped save them, or at least have saved Flower. But no, instead he was off letting Sethos kill everything and anything to get rid of the grief he felt from his mother's death.

(Hehe, I want Faith to see Raina's closet of weaponary :D )
Flower rubs her head and then nods. 'Yeah..." She said and then turned around walking back over to Ben and Kira. She smiled and then looks at the two who were smirking at her. 'What?" She asked and then they lean in with wide smiles that were creeping Flower out. "Uhhhh..." She rubs the back of her head. Ben shook his head and grabbed Flower messing her hair up. He started teasing her about the spar. "DAD! DAD STOP IT!" She yelled blushing terribly. "That did not happen you jerk!" She said and then glared at her ftaher who crossed his arms.

Kira giggles. "Oh leave her alone you don't have to tease her so much." She said said and hugged Flower gently fixing her hair for her. Flower was glaring at Ben. Flower let out a sigh and looked at Kira. "Was he always this way? I remember him being more serious." Kira jusgt giggled. "No, he's just glad to be back with you." Kira replied and then looked at Jace for a moment.
(don't forget to have Eve tagged...also Fire, how did you manage to get two pics in your signature?)

"She's a Pipsqueak...but my...sister, Buffy, her little sister was Pipsqueak, and Dusk too. So that was taken, Liza's a smaller Pipsqueak, so she's just Pip," Faith attempts to explain, knowing all along that her attempts to explain her tendency to nickname likely made little sense to anyone else. Not that she cared. It was her thing, and if she got it, that was all that mattered.

"You wanna get into nicknames, you'd never keep anyone straight. Sheena is Legs and Sheena Legs and LD and BS and Jinxy and Beanstalk and whatever else comes to mind...Macal calls Liza Princess mostly, and she and Sheena both get Little One a lot, even though Sheena's practically six feet. Liza gets Meg and Liza Meg because she's got a Megaphone mouth, and Jakeyman sister Slayer Buffy was B, mostly, but Blondie and Twinkie too...kinda had to know her to see it. Kate was Katie and Katydid and...Hugh-Lover," Faith's lips twitched into a small smile, but it was almost more sad than amused. "Izzy was Dizzy Izzy and Lupa...Logan was Clawman...Xander was X-Man, Giles was G-Man...Willow was Red...Thor was Goldilocks. Dawn was Dusk and Pipsqueak...Angel was Soulboy mostly...Connor was Junior...Caroline was Snow Queen...then there was Queen C and Wolfboy, Bleachboy and Beefstick, Abe, and all the normal ones like Al, May, Little M, Dan... and oh, my twisted clone Pimpy aka Mia Lover...and of course, HardOn, who is apparently back. Not to mention Rikarah, aka Troll B*itch or Rikawhatta. Weirdly enough, I don't think Alex has one. Maybe Nerdboy, that one works for him pretty good. Oh no wait, he's Dumbass to match Sheena, that's right!"

She doesn't share her own nicknames, which have ranged from Faithy to Sunshine to Chica to Bella to Macal's simple "babe" or "baby," the only term of endearment that Faith will allow him to use. And now, apparently, Slayer is added to the mix. Nor does she share any of her names for Macal. That would simply not be something she'd ever let Raina hear.

Her face is still somewhat solemn as her voice trails off, realizing that she's babbling about all these people that Raina neither knows nor cares about...other than the villains thrown in at the end, people she will likely never see or be involved with again. Most of them whom are dead...people she still misses deeply. She shrugs, turning to Liza and taking her hand. "Yeah, Pip, take us there...we're ready."

(and yes, every single one of those people were actual people she, Macal, and girls were once involved with- my old rp group...and those WERE all their nicknames! lol)
Jace watched as the three mess around together, then when Kira looked over to him he nodded at her respectively then turned to walk away. As much as he wanted to stay with them, maybe act like he was part of them for even the tiniest bit, he knew he couldn't. He didn't deserve that, not after what he had let Sethos do, he was sure he probably sickened them if anything.

So he began to walk away at a slow pace, head down, hands in pockets. Not entirely sure where he was going. He knew Sethos wanted to kill something, so maybe he should go further into the forest and find an animal or something.

I don't want to kill an ANIMAL, there's no fun in that. They don't beg for mercy like pathetic humans and vampires do.

No Sethos, I won't let you kill any more humans OR vampires.

What about Kol.

He's an exception and you know it.

I'm going to go kill a vampire. Now.

Jace's eyes widened, turning darker, and his legs wobbled, he was fighting Sethos, but Sethos was fighting back just as damn hard. His knees bucked and he fell to the ground, on his knees now as he groaned, holding his head. Did other half-demons have to go through this? Did they just give in? Or have they already conquered their demon?

Could you conquer it? What with the intense pain flooding through his head right now, well Jace didn't think so. He was muttering swearwords with her eyes tightly shut, head in hands and on the ground.


Raina listens as Faith begins a nickname speech, listing so many nicknames that it's hard to keep up. She doesn't pay much attention to those she doesn't know of, besides Rikarah since the evil girl was mentioned earlier. She did let a laugh slip out at the nickname HardOn, covering her mouth to quieten it, and at the news of him being 'back' She frowns, he's back? Well, Raina assumes from the nickname that he is not well liked by Faith.

She'll have to ask about him later.

She does however listen to Sheena and Alex's nicknames - or lack of in Alex's case - and grins, "Yeah, I call him Tech-Boy, pretty close I guess." She shrugs, "Sheena's Lycan, Pup, Werewolf, pretty simple stuff." She glances to Faith, "And you're Slayer. Haven't really got one for Macal or Liza." She grins, "And Evangeline, well...." She trailed off then, looking to Liza and realising she probably shouldn't swear infront of her. "Yeah, she's got a nickname too." She finishes.

Then she nods, "Yeah Liza, let's go." Then boom, just like that they are outside her and Chameleon's room. She realises suddenly that Kol has now got the same power as Liza. Well, that's something to note. She lets go of Liza's hand and pauses before opening the door, frowning lightly, she then knocks gently. "Come in." Dammit. Chameleon IS in there. She lets out an annoyed sigh before pushing the door open, "Come in guys if you want." She says to them both, not loud enough for Chameleon to hear, and as she heads to her closet Chameleon looks up, eyes widening a bit, "Raina, we have to talk about Paris---What happened?" He is suddenly beside her, having moved annoyingly fast, and his eyes are worried as he looks at her blood stained top. She growls her words back at him as she opens her closet. "We do NOT have to talk, and nothing happened." "Rai, that is clearly not nothing. Who hurt you?" She clenches her teeth, her hand reaches inside the wardrobe and she spins around, a knife at Chameleon's throat as she glares at him, "Third time lucky?" He doesn't seem at all bothered by the blade at his throat as he responds, "I think you've actually tried to kill me three times already, so this would be the fourth." Raina shrugs, "Fourth time lucky then." But before she can think to slit his throat, she remembers Faith and Liza, looks over and groans lightly. She can't kill someone infront of Liza.

She drew back the knife, glaring at him, "It's your lucky day." She hissed at him, quiet enough so Liza couldn't hear, though Faith with her enhanced hearing might, "If Liza wasn't here I'd so slit your neck." "You'd try." He comments annoyingly and as she turns back to her closet she drops the knife back in there, stepping back for a moment to reveal a MASSIVE pile of weapons at the bottom of her closet. Every single type of blade imaginable is in the pile, daggers, knives, swords, even a few spears, an axe. Then there's even a bow and some arrows, then every type of gun, sniper, machine, a few pistols, every type that she favoured.

"Jeez Rai, surprised there's not an assassin in there too." Raina rolls her eyes at him, taking out another black top, but with long sleeves, "Why on earth would I need an assassin Leo, I am one." He blinks at this new information, "Okay, that's new." He then glances to Faith and nods respectively, going to sit on the edge of his bed. "Close your eyes." Chameleon looks to Raina, "Huh?" "Close your eyes Mr Secret Spy." He closes his eyes and Raina quickly pulls on the top, her back to Faith and Liza. They've both seen her back anyway. "I'm not a spy." Raina pffts at him, taking a blade out from her closet and slipping it down her boot, then grabbing a small gun and putting it in the holster around her hip. "Explain your creepily perfect fighting skills then, Mister-I-Can-Jump-Off-Water." "You pushed me into a lake, what else was I gonna do? Fall?" "Uh yeah, that was the plan."

She moves back to Faith and Liza, "'Kay, I'm ready, shall we go?" Ignoring Chameleon's question of where she was going, she looked to the Cords.

(Oh, if you skip to the lake, just mention Raina grabbing a hose thing from the supply closet - need it to make snow :P )
Nick was looking around for Faye. He sighed and put his hands into his pockets. He looked down at the ground thinking about something. He sighed and then looked up. "Faye?" He looked around and then shrugged continuing to walk. He wasn't sure were she was but he felt that he probably should keep an eye on her. Micheal was around and somehow he didn't trust him.

Flower looked at Jace and then blinked. She ran over and then kneeled down beside Jace. "no no no no no!" She said and then glared at Jace. "Don't you dare let him out!" She said. She clenched her fists hate for Sethos only growing in her. She just....wished he didn't have to suffer like this. Ben watched from his chair his eyes narrowing. He watched Jace closely ready to protect his daughter if he needed. However it seemed Flower could protect herself.
(Faith, one picture has to be your signature picture, the other has to be an image from a link (but not too large) Oh Fire, Faye is in the hallway with Vash, Riff and Mel, check my last few posts :D )

Jace, as Flower ran over and spoke of not letting Sethos out, growled, eyes still closed as his head pounded, "Go...away...Flower." His voice was mixed with both the anger of Sethos and the worry of Jace. Jace knew she needed to move, now, before Sethos hurt her.

Oh I won't hurt her. Just someone else. Maybe I should go kill her pet again? That was fun.


Oh poor little Jace, this is so hard for you isn't it? Just let me out. I promise I won't kill too many people.

Shut up Sethos! I won't let you----

I'm bored now. Bye bye Jace.

His eyes shot open, only to be black, and he stood up instantly, grabbing Flower tightly by the wrist as he also pulled her to her feet, his form taller than hers as he looked down at her with a glare, still holding her wrist tightly enough for it to hurt as he tugged her closer to him, growling out his words. "You need to stay the f*ck away from Jace Flower." He tugged her a bit closer, glowering at her, they were very close now. "Before I go and kill your little pet again, or someone else a bit closer." His eyes flickered to Kira then back to her. He then let go, but pushed her back roughly.

He looked up to Ben, smirking lightly, "Hey Benjamin, mind keeping your daughter the hell away from me? What kind of Father lets his little girl hang around with a murderer who is just itching to tear her pretty little head from her body." This much was true, Sethos was fighting the urge to splatter Flower's blood - well, more like Jace was fighting Sethos to stop him.

Yeah he was going to go kill something, but maybe he'd stay here first and make SURE that Flower would keep away from Jace. Ever since he started spending time with her again he had become a lot stronger, better at keeping Sethos under control. And that wasn't good for Sethos.
Flower grabs her wrist. "You forget who your dealing with Sethos." She said and then looked at Sethos. She rushed at him and then kicked her leg at his feet. She slamed him on the ground. "Dad..." She looked at Ben. "I got this one." She said and then looked at Sethos. "I'm not afraid Sethos...." She said and then smirked a little. "You couldn't even touch my mother. Even Ben knows when not to mess with her." She said and then cracked her knuckles. "Come on...let's fight." She said and then smiled. Ben looked at Sethos, his glare was of power. However he sat back letting Flower fight him.

"If she wants to risk her life...I no longer can force her not to. I'll just let her make her point to do dear boy...and I hope you survive the epic plunge of your pride." He said and then made sure to walk out with Kira. He knew he could not interferr or Sethos will not get the point across.
Riff smiled slightly at Faye's gesture but his stomach was feeling a bit funny after the red head healed him. It felt a bit like it was burning. The pain wasn't anything big but it was a bit of a nuisance. He assumed it was because she was a fire user and he was an ice user. "Thank you. But she won because I am weak. I need to train more if I'm to protect Miss Mel." The burning sensation was dulling now. Riff was finally able to stand up straight. He looked down the hall at Mel. She must've been at least 10 yards away by now. Apparently, she took no notice of Faye or that Vash and him had stopped following her.

He turned back to Faye and smiled. "Thank you. I will." After Faye left, he and Vash rushed to catch up with Mel. Hearing their heavy foot steps, the dark haired girl turned around and looked at her subordinates, mainly Riff.

"You look like you're better. If you were going to heal up just like that, why did you need to go to the infirmary?"

"I'm sorry Miss. I made a miscalculation on my part."

"Whatever." She noticed the scar on his cheek. Bringing a hand up to his face, she ran her finger along it. "Looks like that Jinn girl left you a present. It isn't really your style though." She then brought her hand back to her side and continued walking forward.

Riff brought his own hand up to his cheek to feel the scar. At the feeling of the raised tissue, he smiled. In a way, he shared something with his master now. He looked over to see Vash eying him with a mixture of pity and disgust.

"Dude. You're weird."

Riff just laughed. "Yeah. I guess I am." The two then proceeded to follow Mel down the hallway.


Lil was now in the courtyard, scanning through the pages of the books she had gotten from the library. Her latest embarrassment at the hands of Mel was motivating her to look faster. She had to find something, even the tiniest thing that could help her in any way. The books had many spells and techniques that could be used against the soul and not the body but none of it was useful. They were mostly voodoo like spells or ones that healed the spirit against heartbreak or something. Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Then she found it. In a book of exorcism spells. Of course, why didn't she think of that before? Exorcisms affect malevolent spirits without hurting the human they possessed. Lil was sure the same concept would work in her case as well. She flipped to the back of the book where she assumed the strongest spell would be. "The Thorn of God . . . " she said in a loud whisper. It was a dagger that when plunged into a body, would expel the spirit inside it. And it wouldn't hurt the body, it wouldn't even leave a wound. It was perfect. She read on about how to craft it. She needed a silver dagger, blessed with holy water, and infuse it with an angel's feather. She had all the materials, well except for a silver dagger. She never felt the need to carry a bladed weapon. Her whip suited her just fine.

Lil jumped in excitement. She finally had the answer to her prayers. The only question now was how was she supposed to pierce Mel with the knife. Vash and Riff protected her with their lives and Lil didn't want to accidentally expel their spirits. After all, they were still good. She'd have to find a way to separate them, but how? The angel shook her head. Her first priority now was to find herself a silver dagger. And it had to be pure silver. Maybe the weapons room had one.
*Macal Rolls his eyes at Kol, then repeats his moves moving about the room only he stops inches from Kol and grips him by the neck, his eyes glowing brightly blinding the man, when his vision clears he can see nothing but blackness and beams of light shooting pass the two men.* That was a nice trick I learn that one when I was 5, now here's my trick. Ever wanted to know what the Event Horizon of a Black Hole looks like? *Mac holding him by the neck over the event horizon of a black hole 3 galaxies away from our own.* Or even better lets just see how immune to sun light you really are if I were to hold you over the corona of a sun. Test me child and find out. *Suddenly back in the room* You will face Raina and only Raina in open combat, you will not go after her or anyone else until your battle. *Releasing him and places his hand back in his pockets* You will obey me or I swear I will rain down a world of pain and misery on you for the next thousand years, you will live in a state of constant agony begging for a true death but I will never allow it. See if you truly knew me you would know I don't bluff not when it comes to my family. So your choices are. Face Raina in a fair fight and maybe you're right and you can beat her..Or face me and not only will you lose but I'll chain your soul up and torture it for all eternity! Make your choice face her or me.
"Yeah Eva-line is called stuff too. Sheena Legs calls her Lina and Mama calls her Eve," Liza says brightly, smiling up at Raina and taking her hand. "We gonna go now and make snow?"

She gets the hose from Raina's closet when the girl indicates it, smiling and waving at Chameleon, oblivious to their conflict. "Hi! Wanna play in the snow with us? We're making snow."

Faith, however, has been watching them closely and heard Raina's threat. She raises an eyebrow and mentally notes it, not actually believing the girl would really harm him, but it does seem to her that there's something going on she hasn't observed yet. And if Faith is right, it's looking to her like some pretty heavy sexual tension. Hadn't she and Buffy been most dangerous with each other when they were feeling the most?

Her eyebrows raise further with Raina's comment about being an assassin and the proof by way of her many, many weapons. Still, she makes no comment as she follows her daughter in her leading them to the lake.
*Alex still reeling from his second encounter with HardTime in one day, manages to put on his happy face and go searching for Sheena, again he ask some students if they're seen her and eventually catches up with her.* Hey Sheena, we have to go..didn't you get the alert? We're falling back to the Cord's quarters. *Glares in the direction of Eve* Sorry Eve you can't orders are only to bring Sheena back. *Alex is pissed right now Eve is playing games, HardTime is playing games, the urge to just go off on someone but for now he's trying to how it together.* Come on Sheena, once the all clear goes off you can catch up with her again.

(sorry it's so short)
Sheena looks up as Alex approaches her, detaching herself from the swing and coming towards him. Evangeline remains on the swings, looking rather like she belongs there with her childish frame, and tilts her head, speaking with feigned interest.

"HardTime? Who's that? Is he dangerous? Maybe I should come along to be safe."

Sheena looks back at her, frowning slightly. "I'm coming, Alex, I didn't get orders to come though...they just told me what was going on." She hesitates, looking at Evangeline again. "Can't she come too? She needs to be safe too, he's not against going for vampires...I mean, if Faith and Macal don't want her listening to SHIELD stuff she can go to the library or something."

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