Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

"It's not like that, I don't "feel" them "waken"" Faith says slowly to Macal, shaking her head, as she continues to struggle to make sense of what Sheena seems to be telling her. "When Buffy did her thing with Willow and the scythe, back in Sunnydale, what it did was take our Slayer powers and activate it in all the Potential Slayers. So no one is "called" to being Slayer anymore...everyone who is gonna be a Slayer just is one by the time they're at the right age. They were all along. The only Slayer I was ever to sense as being one, ever, was Buffy, and I think that's just because we were the original ones...the chosen ones."

Looking back to Sheena, she says with continued disbelief, "You think you're a Slayer? Why do you say that? Sheena, if that's true, I wasn't KEEPING it from you, I'd have no way of knowing. I can't sense if people are Slayers, and I haven't seen you kill vampires any time recently. In fact, only times I have, you were either in your Lycan form or it was back when you were so scared of them and I was teaching you..."

Sheena isn't very happy with either one of them now, and not about to let them get away with not knowing it. Hands on her hips, she fires back to first one, then the other. "Alex, I didn't treat you like ANYTHING, you're the one treating my sister like she's subhuman!"

"She's NOT human!" Faith butted in, unable to let that one go, and Sheena turned to her fast, including her now too.

"Both of you! She's my sister, she's trying so damn hard and it's HARD for her, no one is cutting her slack or helping her out or accepting her at all, and you won't ever give her benefit of the doubt or even try to be civil to her, when she's always nice to you and she hasn't hurt ANYONE, she's trying! You both don't know what it's like to be a vampire, I do, and it is SO DAMN HARD to control yourself and she's trying, she's doing really well and you both are, what, jealous or something? Because I want to be with her? She's my SISTER, I didn't have her all her life and I already failed her once, don't you see that, why can't you understand that?"

"And Faith-" turning to fully focus on her now, her eyes open wide, "Don't give me that crap about not knowing or being able to tell, how could you possibly not when you've sparred with me and seen me fight over and over? Not vampires, but you HAVE. You are a Slayer, you just wouldn't tell me and I have no idea why."

"Sheena, that's bullshit. I didn't know, and I want to know why you're so sure suddenly that it's even true, or how you found out-" Faith started, her own temper starting to rise, but Sheena cut her off.

"You had to know! You are a SLAYER, how could you not know?"
*Macal getting sick of the bickering * ENOUGH! Sheena has Faith ever lied to you about such matters of importance, truly you know in your heart that if you were a Slayer and Faith knew about it she would embrace that, knowing that she's not the only one, she would help you understand and accept your new status, and continue to train you. Alex, despite what Sheena thinks you were right to follow up on your investigation, I also had questions about that pilot and his plane as well why Eve was there in the first place but I will not try to turn Sheena against her sister and I hope you're not trying to do so either. But Sheena that does not mean you are to neglect your duties as an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D family or not if these kind of questions are on the minds of more then one of us then perhaps you need to be asking them yourself. Truly you need to take sometime and investigate your sister's story yourself especially if you plan to have her around Liza. Sheena remember everyone in this room is also your family.
"Yeah and weirdly enough Sheena, ever since your dear little sister came around, you seem to think a whole lot less of the rest of us," Faith can't resist adding under her breath, and Sheena opens her mouth to retaliate, but one look from Macal silences her.

Sheena doesn't apologize, but instead simply stops talking, though her expression is almost a glower. She is furious at the implications of everyone, by what she sees as their prejudice and lack of understanding, and she too can't resist a comment under her breath.

"Funny how some people can sleep with vampires but not give them benefit of the doubt."

Faith's chin jerks up, and she opens her mouth, but Sheena beats her to speaking, turning to Macal and saying with more control, "I'm ready for whatever I need to do. What do you want me to do first to get going?"

She doesn't address Alex at all, for now completely ignoring him.
*Macal sighs* Alex give Sheena all the data from the South America mission, especially the data on the plane, Alex I mean all of the data. *Alex knows he's talking about the video he shot and sent to Raina* Sheena you will look over the data and if you can honestly tell me there is nothing there then we'll consider the matter closed and I'll even embrace your sister as part of the family, but if you find something I'll expect you to do your duty and handle the situation.

Alex: Sir yes sir! *Handing Sheena the data pad in his pocket* This is everything I have, including video from my last trip. *Seeing Sheena is ignoring him, he leaves the pad on the table.* I think I'll take this time off and used some of my backed up vacation days, if you need me I'll be in Spain surfing. *He gives Sheena another quick look, hoping she'd at least look at him but when she doesn't he excuses himself out of the room.* So much for reconnecting this weekend. *Once in the hall he calls Titan to transport him up then redirect him to the villa in Spain he had rented for him and Sheena, now he'll spend his time there alone.*
"I-I, um, uh, I-I really," Hayley stopped talking for a moment. With Eve so close to her, touching her like that. It was really uncomforting and unnerving. Hayley really wanted to scream, but her words caught in her throat. She moved back, trying to compose herself. "I'd rather not," she managed to get out. She looked around, hoping that nothing bad would happen. She didn't want to die and even if Evangeline didn't kill her, Hayley was sure whatever happened next would be unpleasant.



Kesson nodded and smiled at Zelda. "Sounds like fun. I'll talk to you later." He put his jacket back on as he watched Zelda walk off. He wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing, but he knew it was for the best. Right now at least.

Kesson thought to go and find James. He was Zelda's brother and another DHH. Maybe he could tell him what happened and judge his reaction. Of course he didn't know the guy that well and that could just lead to major problems. Kesson sighed and rubbed his head. He had to stop worrying about it today.

He saw movement and frowned. The girl from before, a half-elf it looked like, had appeared from the gardens. She had an angry look on her face and moved with a purpose. She headed back inside and Kesson wondered where she was going. He got a bad feeling from her. He decided not to intervene. But a trip to the gardens might be nice.
“Rather not? Oh, but Hayley, surely you don’t mean that, you’re just a little shy,” Evangeline smiled, her fingers still idly stroking over the girl’s cheek. “Surely you understand that we should be much, much closer than we are now…”

To emphasize her point, she lightly but meaningfully scraped her nail over Hayley’s skin, just hard enough to almost hurt, and put her mouth next to her ear as she continued. “You don’t want to hurt my feelings, do you? You’re such a sweet little thing…”

Her free hand closing tightly around Hayley’s wrist, she pulled her out of sight of the others, behind a stack of books on a very high shelf, and drew close again, her blue eyes darkening, almost black. “You’re simply intoxicating.”


Faith knows even as Macal makes this call that this will not end well. Sheena takes the data and the tapes, reading over them, viewing the tape, and her brow furrows, the distress in her eyes growing more and more obvious as she takes it all in. She barely notices Alex leave and does not acknowledge him, instead intently focused on what she has been presented with. Faith watches, waiting for the explosion, and despite her anger with Sheena’s tone and willful blindness, she does feel sorry for her.

But when Sheena looks up, her gaze is burning, and she shakes her head, still denying what she’s seen.

“No, there is no way. None of that is right. Someone gave you wrong info, or…that tape isn’t right, it’s been screwed with. Magic, or tech crap, Alex should know about that kind of thing! That’s not Lina, she didn’t do that. That’s…it isn’t what happened!”

“Sheena, did Eve take half your brain along with this guy’s blood?” Faith asked incredulously, her own voice rising. “You saw that video! None of us would lie to you, none of us would give you something that wasn’t true! You think Alex wouldn’t check it out ten times over to make sure it was before showing it to you, the guy’s afraid to cross you by telling you the truth because he loves you so much! You think any of us want that to be true, or want you to be hurt?”

“You don’t mind if she is, because she’s a vampire!” Sheena shot back. “Vampire, Slayer, Slayer kills vampire, that’s all you would think about, unless you want to take them to bed first!”

Faith seizes her by the shoulders then, her fingers biting into Sheena’s skin. “I could talk a hell of a lot about the kind of people YOU have taken to bed, LEGS, but you know what, maybe I respect my SISTER too much to do that in front of her FATHER. Although maybe you don’t go by the same ethical code. Don’t ever throw something from my past in my face because you’re angry at me now. And if you’re really a Slayer, maybe you need to get into that same mindset, because there’s a hell of a lot of lessons you’ve missed out on!”

Being called “Legs” is like a warning slap to Sheena, and she pulls away, her cheeks red . “You didn’t kill RAINA, in fact you invited her into your house and sent her out to play with your daughter. That’s the same girl who tried to kill you and Liza earlier this year, same girl who would kill anyone if she felt like it. So why is Lina so different?”

“Because Raina isn’t Lina, trust me, Sheena, I know exactly who Raina is and if I can trust her with Liza or anyone else! I don’t trust LINA, I never will, and the evidence of why I shouldn’t is RIGHT THERE. If you can’t trust your boyfriend, if you can’t trust your father or ME over her…”

Faith stops herself from finishing the very harsh words that are on the tip of her tongue, instead taking a deep breath. She is silent for several moments, then deliberately looks Sheena in the eye, her voice softer now.

“I love you, Sheena. I would kill or die for you in a second, and I know you know that. I’m sure Eve would kill for you in a heartbeat. But would she die for you? Would she really give up her existence for you? Tell me, what the hell do I have to gain from lying to you, or keeping who you are from you, when all that would do is piss you off and turn you away from me? Who would have more to gain from lying to you- me, or her?”

Sheena falters then, looking between her and Macal to the video. And in her heart, she knows what Faith is saying is true. But she so doesn’t want to believe.
Trinity looks at Evangeline. "I think she want's you to leave her alone." She said and then glared at the vampire. She looked at Hayley and then back at the vampire. She croxxed her arms and walked over. She was only 16 but still she would stand up to this vampire since hayley didn't want her around. She narrowed her eyes, "So back off." She said harshly and then pushed her hair back from her face. Hayley reminded Trinity of Ginger and no one was going to hurt her best friend. Trinity felt she should help. She shifted her weight. "Move're not getting any blood here." She said.

(You can ignore this if you guys were planning something else.)
Evangeline's eyes shifted slowly towards the other girl, looking her up and down deliberately, and she doesn't pull away from Hayley. In fact, her fingers tighten on her as she looks the girl over.

"And you are...who, exactly? What makes you think that you can command me to do any such thing?"

She returned her attention to Hayley, smiling. "Hayley and I are having a private conversation...and as for blood..."

She lets her fangs out, snapping them purely for effect, then scrapes them along Hayley's neck...not biting yet, but certainly hard enough to draw blood.
Trinity smirks lightly. "I'm the key holder." She said and then blasted out chains from her sleaves. She used her energy to control them and wrapped them around the Vampire. She pulled one on Evangeline's neck and pulled hard to get her fangs away. She glared at Evangeline the chains tight. "Don't think those fangs of yours will do anything to scare me off." She said.

Trinity tugged harder, the chains only wrapping around her harder. "Now I can let you go and you walk away...or I can snap every bone in your body." She said. She looked behind her, Nick was watching as well. Trinity wasn't sure what Nick's intentions were. However it was unliking he'd stick his neck out for another vampire that sucks blood. he himself no longer drinking blood.

Then again Nick was a vampire prince, however Trinity wasn't threatning to kill her....just move her away. Nick stared at Trinity and then looked at the chained up vampire. He still did nothing. Trinity shruged and looked back her target.
(you gotta give me a little room to work You can't just say she's totally helpless...)

Evangeline remained very still, licking the small fragments of blood sticking to her fangs from her playful scraping of Hayley's skin, and looked Trinity directly in the eyes. She is infuriated, but she betrays no sign of it, nor does she attempt to break out of the chains. Not just yet.

"Yeah, fine...I'll go," she says in her best "humble" voice. "I was only having a little fun."

She waits until Trinity is undoing her chains, the scent of her so close only increasing her desire to hurt and kill. When she is free, she takes a step away, giving Hayley a little wave. But then she whips around, moving so fast she is nearly a blur, and kicks Trinity in the base of her spine, strongly enough to momentarily paralyze most beings. Then she slams the palm of her hand into the back of her neck, again with a precision that would greatly injure most.
(Oh sorry, I'll keep that in mind! But I didn't say she was helpless. lol)

Nick runs up and hisses right in Evangeline's face. He rather not be scolded by Flower, or worse, Ben! He crossed his arms and looked at Trinity, she was ok....for the most part. Being a Key holder she'll heal quicker then most but still Trinity was helpless at the moment and one bite and she could be dead. He stands over Trinity protecting her. He looks at Trinity. "That's why you always let Flower handle these things." He said and then kicked her lightly in the side. "She can heal herself." He said harshly and then looked at Evangeline. He looked her up and down. "Hmmm..." He crossed his arms waiting for her to leave.
(Fire, can you post for Ginger please?)

took a step back when he got patted on his shoulder and then shook his head as Sara suggested that he leave, instead he turned to see Reaper being drove into the ground by Moon`s blade only to speedily recover and fly in an arc ending around the kings flank, the entity dodged the ceiling spikes and picked up Hal`s fallen scythe on its way.

Hal didn`t turn away from the scene as he spoke ; "Moon can`t kill Reaper by simply hacking it apart" he said loud enough for the king to hear him; "But if he manages to keep it still for a while I can force it back into the void." The Key Holder was careful to leave out the part about also being able to get rid of the skeleton by killing off it`s contract holder.


After scouring virtually every part of the fifth floor segment that he`d pledged to search and coming up empty Santos had circled back to join Sara and Hal, upon emerging from the corner that came between him and the scene the half Key Holder beheld king Moon, a figure that he`d only seen in old portraits duking it out (a cliche and semi-irrelevant term, i know :P ) with Reaper and was quick to duck back behind the corner in an attempt to conceal himself.
Ginger looks at him and then smiles. "Hey've been around tons of humans right?" She takes a step closer and held her hands together looking up at him. "I was cared for by key holders. In fact I consider Queen Flower my mother." She smiles. "I've only been around a few humans. In fact your the second one I've met.....what are we like? Could you tell me about them?" She asked hopefull.

Ginger blushes and looks down. "I know it's stupid not to know much about your own race..." She said and then looked away her arms fall to her sides. She frowned and then looked at the ground. She hadn't been outside the key holder kingdom and she heard the human lands had been taken over way before she was born. Humans were spred out in camps across the maps. She looks at Mar, he was from a large human camp right?

Ben looks at him an dthen nods. "I'll see what I can do." he said and then turned into a huge lion. His eyes were like fire and he was almost as big as the hallway. He roared loudly to stun the Reaper. He was King and he was showing it. The earth bursted out from the ground trying to trap reaper, while ben's large paw aimed to smash the creature. His power was great.
Hayley was getting very uncomfortable, but there seemed little she could do to get Eve to go away or to stop her. She wasn't as strong as the vampire. And strangely she felt herself being sort of hypontise as well. It was an odd feeling, settling in the pit of her stomach. She wanted Evangeline to go away. To leave her alone, but at the same time she felt oddly like she wanted it.

It scared her.

Then someone came to her rescue. Apart of Hayley wondered how many white knights were in the school, just waiting to come and rescue her. It made Hayley want to cry. Why couldn't she defend herself? Why was she so weak?

Hayley shuddered when she felt Eve's fangs. Once she was gone, Hayley opened her eyes, unaware of when she had closed them. Slowly she was drawn out of the trance-like state she had been in. She blinked confused.

"You didn't have to do that." Hayley looked at Evangeline and placed a hand on her neck where the fangs had been.

Evangeline stares down at Trinity, deeply satisfied to see her prone form. Should teach the little brat a thing or two about messing with her...

Lifting her eyes to Nick, she smirks at him, then deliberately tosses her hair behind her shoulder, ignoring him before turning back to Hayley. The girl is pale, shaken, and somewhat dazed, and Evangeline only wishes that she had had the opportunity to drain her dry. Her thirst is so intense that she has to swallow to keep from attacking her again...but Nick is there, and others may be alerted. It could get back to, she'll have to find someone else...but fast.

"No," she said simply, still smiling. "But I wanted to. That's reason enough."

Turning then, she left the library, her eyes peeled for a replacement meal.
Nick looks at the vampire and then looks at Trinity. "She had was stupid I'll admit...but she had to." He said and then looked at Hayley. "She has a dear friend to protect....I guess she's just one of those idoits who can't keep there noses out of other peoples busness. She's just like her queen." He said and then looked at Trinity. "'d be dead if Trinity didn't save you." He said and then put his fangs away. He looks at Trinity and then slowly picked her up. He looked at Hayley. "You need anymore help?" He asked.

Trinity looks at Nick and then smiles widely as he said she was just like her queen. Just like Flower. Trinity didn't mind being picked up by him now. She was happy. She looked at Hayley and then at Nick. he probably was going to take her to the nurses office.
"I'll be okay now," Hayley said, watching Eve leave. She swallowed, trying to regain her thoughts. The horror of what could have happened made her whimper a little and she shook once again. She looked at Nick and then to Trinity.

Not only did she need protection, but it seems people got hurt because of her as well. Why wouldn't they just let her die? Or be kidnapped. It seems she was only causing problems for people. She nodded at them, saying thanks and then hurried away, hiding herself in the bookshelves as she tried to reason why she had not just gone yet. What had happened only made her think she did not belong here.


Jinn made her way back into the building. She did not see signs of the man from earlier or his ***** mistress. She was kind of hoping to. She wouldn't mind going a round with her, but Jinn was still sort of feeling the earlier conflict. So she felt it was best for now.

Her mind was pre-occupied with thoughts of Hayley. She had managed to get away from her. But she had only just begun. Maybe the best tatic was to convince her to leave. That meant she had to find a way to get back into the shifter's good graces. No way would she talk to or listen to anything she had to say right now. Jinn had to find a way to get Hayley to trust her once again. She didn't think it'd be that challenging. Hayley did not seem like someone who'd be hard to manipulate. It was endearing really to the half-elf the fragility of the girl. Soon she would be broken as they all were in the Black Acid, but it would be good for her. For now she wanted to admire her for it.\

She worked to locate the shifter, just to make sure that she was okay. What she saw assured her that she was not. A vampire seemed to be trying to make her soon to be sister into a snack. Jinn's fist clench. How dare that creature think it could do something like that. She watched as Hayley was rescued, but the anger she felt had not died down. She watched the vampire leave and followed her. She did nothing to hide her presence though. The creature was going to learn what happened when it messed with Jinn's possessions.

*Macal stands there, his back turned to Faith and Sheena with his arms crossed over his chest staring out the window.* Yes Alex is a spy and he's very good at it and it is possible that he could adjust his findings to skew things against Eve but Sheena why would he? What could he gain from hurting the most important person in his life, why would he do that knowing that there is a strong chance you would hate him for it..Look at you even now you doubt us..Blaming us and him for the tainted deeds of Eve. You ask why Raina is different from Eve, I'll tell you Raina was born a vampire and even in her twisted upbringing she was trained to properly control herself. Do I think she's never feed on a human of course not. But I don't sense the malice in Raina that I sense in Eve. So Sheena you need to decide what will you do, will you believe in the facts in front of you or do you continue to deny the truth. I will not fault you if you decide to continue to believe in Eve, but there will be a cost if you side with her, part of that cost you just let walk out of here thinking you hate him.
Sheena stood very still, her face stiff, as her eyes shifted from the data pad to the video to Macal's face, then Faith's, and back again. She could see the evidence, she could see the seriousness of their expressions, and she knew they both believed it. Alex believed it...but they didn't know Lina like she did. They didn't know her as her SISTER.

They would not have made it up, they would not have deliberately tried to hurt her like that. They must truly believe it. But then who would make it up? Who would have access?

"I didn't say YOU did, but...someone must have," she insists, shaking her head. "There's a million evil kids here! That Mel you were talking about, Faith...and that Jace guy in class, and...HardTime, he could have done it. Or even her old sire could's's..."

But HOW was it possible, if those items were only ever in Alex's hands? Could someone have possessed him, caused him to black out and not know he had manipulated the data until he saw it later? Or had Eve lied? Was it possible she had lost control and was so guilty she couldn't tell Sheena the truth?

Or what if someone was controlling Eve? Wasn't that possible too?

"Someone else could have changed the data...or maybe...someone else could be making Lina do it. They could be possessing her...she might not even know what she's done. The First! Or that with me!"

Almost excited by what she sees as a logical idea, Sheena brightens. "We have to help her. We have to figure out what's going on. Who knows, it could be affecting everyone she knows through her mother still alive? Muriel? You know, someone ought to let her know Lina's still here."

Faith stared at her, then just shook her head, exhaling. "Sheena...really?"

"Yes! Why not? You guys should check to make sure someone isn't screwing with her like they did me!"
Vash was lying down on a bench listening to music on his ipod, his leg crossed over the other and his foot kicking to the beat of drums. As much as it sucked to be seen as monsters in every town they went to, working for Mel wasn't too bad. Sure she did a lot of things he couldn't even think of doing himself and she did kill a lot of people, including his entire village but Riff and him got such nice things. Their clothes, electronics, and most of the things they wanted were provided to them by Mel. And it was good quality stuff as well. He chuckled to himself. If you think about it, he pretty much sold his soul for material things.

Right now the three of them were in the Northern Garden. The wafting scents of the flowers reminded Vash of Maria, but she was long gone now. His smile faded as he thought of her. She was cute with an innocent smile and a kind personality. It was regrettable with how she died. But he had to move on sometime. The white-haired boy turned to look at Mel. The girl was sitting buy the red roses, picking off the flowers and plucking each petal off. The scattered petals in her lap and all around her looked like a river of blood. He paid attention to her mask. As her subordinates, only Riff and Vash had seen the appearance she wanted to hide. At least they were the only ones still alive. He had to admit, it was a bit unsettling at first but he grew used to it.

His violet eyes watched as Riff poured tea for them. Even with the scar under his eye, he still looked as refined as he usually does. Must have something to do with body language . . . or maybe the fact that Riff actually wore suits and tuxedos while Vash preferred jeans and shorts. Still the scar looked kind of cool. Maybe he should try to get one as well. Vash turned his head back up to the sky. This was boring.

Usually the group was busy killing someone or something or running from the angry mobs that usually formed by now. But there was a rule at this school that said that no one was allowed to kill anyone so maybe they were safe for now. Also no one here seemed to know who they were which was a plus, except that angel from before. She knew who they were. They'd have to find a way to shut the girl up before she alerts the entire school and they are chased out of yet another town. This life sucked but he knew exactly what he was getting himself into when he signed up for this.


Lil was walking from the armory with a silver dagger held closely to her chest. It was hard to find one that was pure silver. She had to search through 3 rooms before she found one. Now all she had to do was perform the rites to bless it tonight and she'd be prepared for Mel should an occasion arise. She just hoped she didn't mess up. In her current state, he magic was not at its strongest. She just hoped Liza would forgive her for not letting the little girl have a chance to convert Mel. But then again, who knows when Lil would have a chance to fight Mel again. It could be months from now. By then Liza could get a million chances to try to turn the masked girl good. Not that it would do her any good. Mel was stubborn, her mind would not change easily once it was made up. Liza could still try but she'd have to be careful. In Mel's eyes, it doesn't matter if her target was man, woman or child. Once she set out to kill you, she would show no mercy.

Lil quickly stashed the blade in her room. Since the ritual had to be done in the light of the moon, it would be pointless to start it now. With some free time on her hands, Lil set out to explore more of the school. Her step had a slight skip to it. Now that she found her answer, she was in a good mood, even if she had to relive puberty.
Sheena stop it, don't you think I would check all those things before I would present it to you and I've been aware of every move HardTime has made, he hasn't exactly been hiding his presence from me. And the only one that could control Eve and make her do things against her will you've defeated, these things are done on her own accord, there is no one or thing controlling her. Eve may look like your sister and act like her around you but your sister has been gone for a long time. But hey if you want to give her a free pass then by all means go ahead and do it but if will be your job to inform every one of her victims families for now on. By the way that pilot, had a wife, 4 kids. I had one of my agents find them and spin a story about his plane going down over the ocean and sadly we couldn't recover his body or his plane. I'm sure that was hard to take but it was far better then the truth..That he was forced to fly to South America and then as a reward he was drained dry and left to be swallowed by the jungle.
(i can change this post if you don`t like it)

shook his head, "it`s not stupid if you couldn't help it." The boy glanced away while he searched for an answer that may satisfy Ginger`s curiosity and then reestablished eye contact as he spoke; "when we were displaced from our territory most of us fled to the east." Mar paused for a second; "luckily for us the area we took refuge in had an abundance of natural resources so it didn`t take more than a few decades for our sparsely populated camps to develop into towns and even small cities in some cases, so it would be wrong to say that we were a backwards people for too long." Mar gave Ginger a smile; "eventually the leaders of various colonies banded together and declared their combined lands a new nation that would be called The Restoration Pact." A group of nano machines fabricated a full-color, three-dimensional map between the boy and Ginger that displayed a section of the eastern continent with some islands and an almost decent sized chunk of the mainland’s coastal regions highlighted in dark blue to show areas under The Pacts control. Half a minute later, the nano machines that made up the map dispersed into streaks of color going strait up before vanishing from sight. Mar continued "Once The Pact became stable enough we began to fortify our lands and invest in extensive research in an attempt to lessen the advantages other races had over us ." The boy`s smile faded; "we even delved into human experimentation".

didn`t expanded on the last subject as he finished his short history lesson " Ever since it`s creation The Pact has been hiding behind their walls making no contact with the outside. Until now."


Hal covered his ears for the duration of the roar. "how could my old man even have thought about going up against Moon." the Key Holder thought to himself in awe, whatever the king had just turned into was freaking gigantic!

Reaper wasn`t as impressed, the entity actually made a cackling noise that imitated laughter as it quickly reacted to the earth coming out of the ground by causing a heavy sheet of shadows that somehow had physical characteristics to suppress it. The skeleton looked up from it`s handiwork a moment too late and didn`t see Moon`s massive paw strike out early enough to dodge. The blow hit home with a sicking crunch . Reaper was sent flying several yards backwards until it hit a wall hard enough to crack it, but other than losing it`s top hat, the Void Creature was relatively unharmed.

Reaper drifted an inch forward and let one of its hands leave the scythe "Is that all the king of kittens has to offer?" it asked in a mocking tone before slashing at the air with Hal`s scythe using the blade as a catalyst to create a sharp, crescent-moon shaped shadow projectile that buzzed angrily as it was flung at Ben.
Sheena bit her lip, struggling to accept what Macal has just relayed to her. The pilot had four kids...a wife...and he was dead. He was dead, Evangeline...had apparently killed him. And lied to her about it...she had...

But then another straw for her to cling to dawns on her, and she shakes her head fast. "No, he was still alive then, remember? Maybe Atherton was still controlling her, maybe he made her do it! He would have been alive when she did that! He probably made her-"

"Did he make her lie about it afterward?" Faith dashed that hope immediately, looking Sheena directly in the eyes. "She killed that man because she wanted to, Sheena. She murdered him. Deliberately. On her own. And then, she lied to you about it afterward. If someone else made her do it, don't you think she would have told you that? Don't you think she'd celebrate being free of having to do such a terrible thing?"

"But...maybe she was embarrassed, and guilty, and didn't want me to know-" Sheena tried to think of another way to let her off, but Faith wouldn't let her. Taking her by the shoulders again, she stared her down as she spoke quietly, not unkindly, but so directly and firmly that she couldn't possibly tune her out.

"You love her. You want to let her live. You want to grow up with her. I get that. I understand. I've killed people I loved before, and it was hell. It scarred me. I hate that you're gonna have to do this, Sheena, that you're gonna get another scar on your heart. But you know the truth. You don't want to believe it, but you KNOW it. You're not stupid. You KNOW."

She paused, letting this sink in, then continued, "And you know what you have to do. Let me put it like this. You're doing what Macal said, you're cleaning up after each victim she's had. And I'm giving you no more than five days to get yourself straight. You do what you have to so you'll believe and know who she is. You investigate yourself, you check her out, but I know you know what you'll find. Then you do what you need to so she won't be a threat anymore. But if you haven't done your job after five days, I promise you that I will do it for you. You won't like how I'll do it, I promise you that too. I won't be doing it to hurt you...I'll be doing it because you have lost all objectivity. And if that happens to be true, then I can probably promise you that you won't be working with SHIELD anymore."

She continued to stare at her, watching Sheena swallow and drop her eyes, and then suddenly hugged her. "I don't want that to happen. Do what you need to Sheena, but do your job."

Letting her go, she waited to see what she would do. There was a long moment before Sheena paused, then nodded jerkily before walking out the door.
*Macal nods to Faith's suggestions* I think that is fair, if you think that our facts aren't right then I'll go one step further I'll give you 2 weeks to do your on investigation of Eve, I will allow you to use any resources of S.H.I.E.L.D to conduct your investigation but Sheena if your facts line up with what we've shown you I expect you to do what needs to be done...However I will give you an option that most vampires don't get. Instead of death for Eve, she'll be sent to The Vault, with no chance of release. So lets be clear if she is innocent which I don't think she is, she can go about her life free. But if she's guilty it's True Death or life in The Vault. Note if you do not act within the 2 weeks I will take care of it myself.
(I'll post as Ben later. I'm a bit busy.)

Ginger looks at him and then nods. She looks around and then back at mar. "Thanks." she said and then looked at the ground. "Flower found me with my dead parents. She saved me even though she was pretty young too. She's been helping the small amount of humans she's been tracking. I don't know why she's different but she wants to help us." she looks at Mar. "Maybe the others can stop hiding? If she protects us I don't see why they are still hiding." she said.

Benjamin looks at him and then smirks. "Never insult a Key holder King..." he said and turned back into his human form. He closed his eyes and then opened them. His eyes glowed signaling his key holder form. His wings shot out and covered him as the slash of shadow hit him. He wasn't fully in his form but it was enough to busted his power. Ben could go into his key holder foirm when ever he wanted. He could set stages of his form if he wanted to; just like he did now.

He opened his wings undamaged by the blast. He grabbed his sword and out of the flams shot spears of fire. Ben looked at Reaper and fire blasted toward the creature. He slashed at the creature's weapon hoping to break it in two. Medal shot up and created a prison around Reaper. He glanced at Hal. His eyes narrowed down at him as if saying to fear him. Fear for his life. Ben knew who he was.

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