Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

*Alex doesn't want to flat out say no to Sheena so he hides behind his training* You have to take that up the chain of command Sheena, I'm just following orders which were to see to your safe return to the Cord's quarters...Escort for one only. Eve should be find, she's not a priority target...Unless she has something she's not telling us..Nah she's a good girl so she has nothing to worry about. Now lets get going we're to exposed out here. *Alex places his hand on his chest as if he could still feel HardTime's foot crushing him. He has no time to be lost in his thoughts about what was said to him, he has no clue what to do about any of it. All he knows for sure is he's scared for all of them.*
"Everyone's a target, Alex! If HardTime's back, he'll be after Liza, and who's better than her?" Sheena argues, not very pleased with this response. She folds her arms, then gestures to Evangeline. "Come inside, anyway, Lina. Go to your quarters or something...stay there as much as you can until things are better, okay? I don't want you wondering around and having something happen...I don't want you alone too much."

Evangeline, happy to comply, jumps up, smiling angelically at her sister and then shooting Alex a look of triumph when Sheena isn't looking. "Okay, I will, sis. I just hope YOU'LL be safe."

As Sheena starts back, Evangeline keeping just enough of a distance that Alex can't say she's "with" them, she is still smirking.
Hayley watched as both groups left. Jinn had walked out of the building after she had won the fight. Hayley had a feeling she didn't actually leave the school though and she thought it was best if she got somewhere else. She also realize that Mel and her two servants had left as well. Hayley was a bit happy about that. Although the one who brought her behind the barrier seemed okay, she didn't like the others.

Hayley looked back to the direction of the door and bit her lower lip. Jinn was not gone. She would be back for her, but at least Hayley was aware of what was going on. Still she'd rather not be alone at the moment.

She headed more inside, not really looking for anyone as she couldn't think of anyone. She moved into the library instead. It had people so she felt safer there. Still it worried her. Why had Jinn tried to take her. That was what confused her the most. Hayley was no one important. So why would someone like Jinn want to kidnap her?


Kesson waited for Zelda to arrive back at the bike. He was going to work harder with her. He didn't want to lose her as a friend and what had happened, was not good. And maybe telling someone the entire story might be good after all. It had to help to have someone to discuss it with. Yet he still didn't think telling another DHH what he did was the best thing. Not that he had any one he could confide in.

He saw her soon enough and he smiled at her, a little pink from remembering the cheek kiss he gave.

"You ready," he asked, not meeting her eyes. Why had be done that? Did he enough sending mix signals? He really needed to work on that as well.


Lekki looked into the mirror. Her reflection looked back at her. She started to laugh as she made faces at herself, amusing herself at the moment. She ignore any movement from the mirror that was not her own. She knew better than that. Lekki had learned the rules long ago about what to do.

She was making friends. She was going to make a place here for herself and nothing was going to stop that. Not that she believed it would. The half-demon was as positive as a person could be. The strange movements she saw. The odd look that came back to her that might not be her own. She laughed at it all. It was funny. It always was. Lekki knew better than to let it get to her. And why should she? She was in control.

Yet a small part of her asked why she was doing this. She knew what she would see. But Lekki also knew that she had to remind herself once in a while. If she forgot, then she might slip and slipping would not be good. Although she felt that slipping was near impossible at this point. But her parents would tell her to still remind herself anyways. Just to be safe.

Lekki left the bathroom, searching out someone to play with next.
Zelda looked at him and then nodded. She sighed and got on the bike. "Yeah....Let's go before I really start to get cold." She looked at him and then smiled, gripping his jacket tighter. She looked at the bike and then put her hair in her shirt so it didn't fly and go crazy again. If it dried on the way would be one bad hair day for her. Right now with all that happened that was the last thing that she wanted. "Kesson....we're friends right?" She asked looking at him.
Kesson got onto his motorcycle when Zelda asked him that. He looked at her and nodded.

"Of course we are Zelda. What would make you think otherwise?" Kesson might have some guesses but he didn't want to be rude and assume anything. He just hope that they would remain friends. He was happy to have her as a friend.
Zelda looks at him and then gently puts her arms around him. "Your....confusing me Kesson." She said and then looked at him. "You're a master at mixed signals." She said and then patted his head teasingly. She looks at him and then shivered a bit. The water was making her pretty cold. She looks down. She wasn't sure what to think about Kesson, wasn't sure if he liked her or was just messing with her.
*Alex not happy that Eve is still there even tho she lives on on a completely different floor then the Cords, just having his back to her makes him wish he was stilled armed, although he could call weapons with his keys, he still prefers a good ole fashion Peacekeeper, he finally speaks to Sheena about what's going on.* So do you know the details of the alert, I mean I feel like they're babysitting us by making us come in like this. And I'm hearing rumors Raina was attacked, god I hope they don't want us to babysit her cause that girl gets on my nerves. *looks back at Eve* almost as much as...*cuts himself off* Well whatever is going on I hope I'll be able to get some sleep before it all hits the fan.
Faith's comm badge lights up then as she starts to leave Raina's room with her daughter and Raina, and she looks down at it, seeing that Sheena has belatedly replied. She is on her way back to the Cord quarters, and Faith looks back at her daughter, torn. She does badly want to talk to Sheena, outside the presence of Evangeline, but she definitely isn't going to leave Liza alone with Raina. Concern for Sheena outweighs snow fun at the moment though, so she motions for them to stop.

"Something's come up, so you two hold up, Mara's going with you instead, Liza." Contacting Mara through her own badge, she waited until the woman arrived before heading back to her quarters. First she took Liza by the shoulders again.

"You listen to Miss Mara, Liza, okay, if she tells you it's time to go, it is." Looking to Raina, she says to her, " her. Okay?"


"Raina was attacked?" Sheena frowned as she walked with Alex, reluctantly concerned. "By who? Jeez, there's like a dozen creeps walking around this place, what is with that? Faith and Macal ought to just take them out or let us do it."

She looks back at Evangeline somewhat guiltily, then calls to her "I'll come find you soon, Lina," before entering the hallway to the Cord quarters, turning to Alex. "Want to stay with me tonight?"

Evangeline waits until her sister is out of sight, then smirks to herself. Free now to make some trouble...and she knows exactly what she would like to do.

She had smelled Hayley as they passed by the library doors, and now she returns to the library swiftly, entering and making her way with bold, slinking steps to the girl, who was standing to herself. She can smell her scent, her blood so strongly she can barely contain herself, and she makes no effort to hide her malicious thoughts as she grins at her, moving close enough to slide a suggestive hand up and down her arm.

"Hello, Hayley...I'm glad to see we'll have a chance to continue our little...conversation."
"I'm sorry. That was never my intention. I do like you Zelda," Kesson said, feeling it was best to come out with the truth. If he just avoided it, he felt it could get worse or create a rift between them. "But you're a good friend as well. I don't want to loose that. For now I would prefer to remain friends."

Kesson shrugged and moved closer to her. "I'm sorry. I would rather deal with my problems before dating anyone. I'd rather have all my attention on them and not on other things like that." Kesson then thought that maybe Zelda didn't actually like him and he felt embarrassed. "I hope you are okay with that. I have no intention of forcing affection on you if you do not feel that way in return nor do you have to wait until I feel I am ready either."
"Im glad you like it" Mar said with a grin. As he watched Ginger inspect the weapon the boy recalled being told by just about all of his past instructors that the most stupid thing an Augmented Human could do aside from overproducing nano machines was arming a civilian but he redacted the thought seeing as the Acadamy had a weapons room on every floor. Mar opened his mouth to say something but closed it when he discovered that he couldn`t find anything very important to say. He would resolve to wait for Ginger to speak instead of saying something just for the sake of saying something.


Hal nodded. "I`m fine" he said as he got himself up. He almost apologized for Reaper attacking Sara but that would have most likely led to an explanation of why Reaper had suddenly attacked her which would in turn lead to even bigger problems, especially if King Moon was really back from the grave. The Key Holder made a mental note to tell Santos to keep his mouth shut about Reapers compulsion to kill the royal family too.

Realizing who he was next to made Hal cut off his train of thought, say a curse in his head and hope that Sara either wasn`t reading him or their wasn`t a specific feeling that came from withholding information.

Instead of grappling over the scythe with it`s unexpected obstacle Reaper let go of the weapon and hovered vertically upwards just out of the reach of the Blood Coffin dweller`s claws before causing cable-like tendrils of shadows to violently burst out from the floor, sending a mixture of part building material / part coffin-generated blood drops everywhere as they warped themselves around Hals scythe, the entity then proceeds to cause the tendrils to retract at inhuman speeds back into the ground like a measuring tape that threatened to pull the other being down if it didin`t let go of the scythe.
Zelda looks at him and then chuckles. "I will give you the benifit of the doubt so get on and let's go." She said and then smiled at him. She liked him but for now it might be better not to tell him for fear of ruining there friendship since he doesn't want to date yet. She looked at him and then grabbed her helment. "Thanks though are a great friend." She said putting her helment on.

Zelda felt a bit sad but it didn't show. She was happy too it was kind of odd for her. She knocked on the helment. "Sometimes....i hate these things." She said and then waited for them to go.

Deathwish looked back. His eyes widen. "Uhhh...." He suddenly was shoved aside. He forced his creature back into the coffin and put the coffin back into the ground, suddenly the blood was gone too. "King....Moon." He said and then looked as Ben looked right at him. He smiled greatful that Deathwish helped Sara.

Benjamin looked at Hal and suddenly raised an eyebrow. He looked at Sara who was wondering what he was doing. "You sister wanted me to shove off...I'll check on Sethos later..." He said and then chuckled. Sara rolled her eyes. He looked at Reaper and took out his sword cutting through the things comming out of the ground. He looked up a reaper and then jumped up quickly and slashed at him to get him back on the ground. The earth and metal in the hallway started to shift. The rock on the ceiling pulled down like spikes at Reaper.

Sara looked at Hal. "You're freaking out again..." She patted his shoulder. "Come would be best if we got out of the way." She said then looked back at her dad. "If he get's caught up in this fight, it would be best to move." She said and then stood up. "This way." She said and then watched as Deathwish, like a cat snuck around Ben. He rather not be here either. The sense of power coming from Ben was unnerving for Deathwish.
(Oh dear, getting the urge to make Faye save Hayley, but Raina saved her last time xD But, siblings think alike eh? I'll leave it for now, so you two can uh, socialize. But do you want Eve to meet Faye? Might be interesting for her to meet Raina's sister. Oh also Faith, I was thinking in Faith's next class, Raina could offer to spar with Eve and then tag her during the spar so it's nice and discreet)

Sethos growled as the princess knocked him down, speaking of stupid things like not knowing who he was dealing with, what an idiot. He stood back up, brushed the dust off lightly and eyed the girl with a raised brow, "Forget who I'm dealing with?" His eyes were still pitch black, "I'm fu*kin' glad I didn't know you as a kid Flower. I'm sure you were a pain in the ass." He smirked, "Guess you could say I was 'born' when Malcolm murdered my Mother. Jace's love for her brought me out so I could slaughter the idiot."

He 'pffted' "Love. Such a stupid thing." Sethos had loved before. Twice. But both had been taken from him. His Mother and his Meili. So never again.

He looked to Flower, "You wanna fight me princess? Go ahead." He shrugs, "Might just go kill Faye when I'm done with you."


Raina frowns at Faith as she says something has come up, and she frowns, "What? Is it to do with Kol?" If he has hurt someone. If he has hurt Faye...

Regardless of this, she follows Faith back to her quarters with Liza anyway, stating that the little girl will need some gloves, scarf, hat and basic warmth protection. Once they are there she lets Liza grab her favourite gloves and so on. She is still worried what may have happened, and is about to ask Faith again when she suddenly can sense, and hear Sheena and Alex, approaching the room, and she rolls her eyes. "Oh, it's the pup and tech-boy." She grabs Liza's hand, practically ignoring Mara, "Come on Liza, let's go make some snow." She smiles down at her, "We can make snow-angels and snow men, yeah?" She says this as she pulls open the door, only to see Sheena and Alex on the other side. She narrows her eyes at them, not caring how odd it may look that she is infact in their 'home' and that she is taking Liza with her, she puts the girl on her hip and pushes past the two, knocking Sheena to the side slightly.

"Oops sorry. Didn't see you there, pup."


Kol is clearly both pissed and a bit shocked, maybe even scared, as Macal drops him back in the room. His eyes narrow and he speaks in a low tone, "A world of pain and misery? You know Macal, you can hear a lot in this school by simply being observant. Now who was it again who you and your beautiful wife were talking about?" He glares at him, "Name's HardTime right? He sounds pretty dangerous to you and your family."

He growls, "I wont face you Macal, I'm not that stupid, but you test me and I'll sure as heck help HardTime test you AND your family." Then, before a move can be made against him Kol vanishes. Being gripped by the neck and held over a black hole was enough for him to skedaddle outta there.
(Legend, you didn't reply as Hayley to Evangeline! lol. And yes Jo I think that would be a good way to tag Eve, I want to do that soon)

"Not exactly," Faith answers Raina evasively, not wanting to get into a big discussion in front of Liza, or period, about Sheena and her concern for her. But Raina is following behind her, clearly curious, and dragging Liza after her too. Excuses about Liza's clothing or not, Faith knows perfectly well the girl is coming back with her because she wants to see what she's up to.

"Need to talk to Sheena," she tells her pointedly as she stops outside the door to their quarters. "Why don't you get Liza suited up?"

She checks her commbadge in their living area, glad when Sheena and Alex do come in through the front door, sans Evangeline. Thank god for small favors.

Sheena's eyebrows raise as she sees Raina standing in her doorway, her little sister on her hip, Liza's guard right behind her, Liza's white lab guard dog Casey tagging along behind, as Liza had decided that he would have a great time with them in the snow too. Not letting Raina pass right away, she looks past her to Faith.'

"Why are you letting Liza go with HER, if it's so dangerous?"

"Mara and Casey will be with Liza," Faith says evenly, then gesture for them to get going. "And it's you I want to talk to, you and Alex."

Nonplussed, Sheena moves past Raina finally, glancing back to see that Alex is coming too. " what's with this being so secret that I can't bring Lina with me, if Raina was here?"

Faith's jaw tightened, and she said with as much control as she could manage, "Raina is in SHIELD now. And-"

"She IS?!" Sheena blurted, then snickered before she could stop herself. "Macal strikes again, huh?"
Aww you've been spying that's so cute. Would you like me to introduce you to the last vampire that tried to make a deal with HardTime? He's probably enjoying the sunrise right about now and his flesh being charred to the bone the pain and agony only ending as the sun goes down and you think he'd be relieved but no, now he has to wait for the sun to come up and it all starts over again and again for all of eternity. That's what happens to those that make deals with HardTime but hey if you want to seek him out feel free. See you pathetic ant I fear no man, beast or god. I've defeated HardTime before and no matter what he's planning I will defeat him again. Remember Kol, I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings I have no rival, no man can be my equal! I've said all I have to say to you now scurry away like the rodent you are before I decide to break my promise to Raina and scatter your atoms across all time and space! Better yet I'll leave I want to shower after touching scum like you. Remember open combat or I'll come for you and there is no where, no world no dimension you can hide from me! *Vanishes*

(You can answer him if you want but after you say your bit he'll be gone.)

*Alex nods to Sheena and smiles at her.* Sure if you want me to although I'm a little disappointed we're not going surfing this weekend. *Alex walks in with Sheena and sits down, ignoring Raina's presence but he does acknowledge Mara, who doesn't seem to mind that Alex as young as he is out ranks her, probably why the Cords picked her to protect Liza, she was a good loyal agent that didn't let petty jealously get in the way of doing her job or behaving civil to Alex and Sheena* So someone want to fill us in on the alert?
Flower looks at him. "Ask Jace...I'm sure I was...." Her eyes narrowed at him. "Try it and I'll rip you out of that body myself and kill you." She said and then rushed at him. She created light around her hand to make her punches harder and may even burn him. She ducked down to get behind him. She hissed right in his ear like a cat. Her left hand went for his stomach and her left grabbed his sholder to knock him down again.
Faith looked at Raina and Mara pointedly, wanting them out the door with Liza before she got into anything. She didn't say anything until the door was shut behind them, then moved a little closer to Sheena, taking her by the arm to emphasize how seriously she was taking this.

"You got my message about the redheaded guy called Kol, right? He's a vampire, he's Raina's father, and he is a dangerous guy. Already hurt Raina today, and he is likely to focus on Liza. He's also a..." she hesitates, wondering how to put it where she's not invading Raina's privacy, then takes Sheena's hand, meeting her eyes seriously as she says finally, "We've both dealt with guys like him, who like to go for certain things we're not wanting to give. So you watch your back, Sheena, and all the other girls' backs too. I'm counting on you to help me keep an eye out."

Sheena nods, her blue eyes darkening with understanding, but Faith isn't finished yet.

"New student, Mel something or another. Small, black hair, wears a mask- dangerous as hell. So her too. That Jinn girl from class earlier, I don't know anything about her yet but she doesn't feel right either. You know there's Jace to look out for..."

"Damn, that's a lot of people...can't we just take some out?" Sheena blurts, and Faith shakes her head grimly.

"Believe me, it would be way more fun and a lot easier, but apparently that's a no. Getting kicked out means no more saving lives or whatever. But that's not it, Sheena, Alex. Listen, because those guys are small fry in the long run."

She pauses, then just lays it out. "HardTime's back."
*Alex's jaw almost drops to the floor* What is this the Academy of Performing Arts and Psychos now? Is the admissions office rain by Lady Viper? Seriously what the hell is going on around here! It was safer in South America in that den of vampires then it is around here. *He looks between Sheena and Faith* Where is Macal? I actually need to tell him my own bad news, sorry to pile on to the already huge pile of crap but..Well I'll wait till everyone is here so I can tell Macal. *Just them Macal appears in the room*

Macal: Tell me what? Oh wait you mean HardTime threatening you? Don't worry about that I'll have a face to face with him soon enough.

Alex: Wait you know about that? How could you possibly know about that?

Macal: I've known him for over 12,000 years he may add a few tricks but it's still the same old playbook. Anyway I've talked to Kol and I told him that if he doesn't face Raina in fair combat, if he goes after anyone else if he harms any member of my family I will destroy him. So if we're lucky he'll keep this between him and Raina and personally I think she'll kick his ass.
Sheena whips around to face Alex then, her voice raising considerably. "HardTime was threatening you?! When?! Where?! What did he say? And why the HELL did you just now get around to mentioning that?!"

Faith nods acknowledgment to Macal's statement of Kol's fate, adding fiercely, "If he so much as looks at Liza I'll make him part with a few key body parts myself. Sheena too, if she doesn't handle him herself first."

"Oh I will," Sheena assured her, but she's focused on Alex. "What happened? What was he saying?"
(Sorry about that!)

Hayley looked to see who had spoken, but the voice sounded oddly familiar. She let out a small yelp when she saw who it was and covered her mouth. She looked around and then back to Evangeline.

"Oh hello." Hayley didn't want this. She had almost been kidnapped by some half-elf assassin and now the vampire girl was back. She wondered if anyone would come to her rescue again, but she didn't think so. No one was that lucky. Still she was happy that they weren't alone in the library. "Um..."


Kesson was relieved to hear those words. He didn't want to mess things up with her and he had no way of really knowing how she felt about it all. Still it was good to hear and he had a feeling she just wasn't lying for his benefit. She didn't seem like the type.

"Yes but they keep you safe."

Kesson got on and waited for her to get on as well before taking off again. As the rode, Kesson began to feel better and better. He meant what he had told her. He just hope she'd wait for him. They got to the school fast enough just in time to see Jinn leave the building and take off in a direction. Kesson raised an eyebrow, but said nothing and parked his motorcycle.

He hoped off and turned to Zelda. "Thanks for a fun time."
Zelda looks at him and then nods. " time.....we are soooooo going lazer tagging." She said and then took off her helment. She looks at him and then handed him his jacket. "Thanks...I think I'll go change now." She said and then looked at the doors. She stared for a second and was even tempted to kiss Kesson on the cheek, however right now wasn't the time so she started walking. "See you around Kesson." She said and then smiled putting her hands into her pockets.

Zelda looks at him and then nods. " time.....we are so going lazer tagging." She said and then took off her helment. She looks at him and then handed him his jacket. "Thanks...I think I'll go change now." She said and then looked at the doors. She stared for a second and was even tempted to kiss Kesson on the cheek, however right now wasn't the time so she started walking. "See you around Kesson." She said and then smiled put her hands into her pockets.
*Alex somewhat relax now that he knows HardTime's threat is no surprise to Macal* Lets see he did it twice, once on the way back here on the jet and then just awhile ago in my room, he mentioned something about finding some sort of weapon or relic, I'm not sure I was to busy trying not wet on myself with the foot of a god on my chest.*

*Macal, seems uninterested in the details of HardTime he's more worried about Kol, he's pretty sure any normal person or vampire would have enough sense to take his threats seriously but Kol is insane and insane people are unpredictable, he may decide to ignore the cost of going after anyone or trying to backstab Raina again.*

Macal: Look folks stay focus and we'll be fine, let them make mistakes and we'll capitalize on them then we'll make them pay.
Faith isn't entirely confident of that, at least, not when it comes to every child in the school being fine. With so many people to look out for, many whom she doesn't know well at all yet, and so many people threatening them, she doesn't feel entirely certain that all will emerge unscathed. But she's hardly going to say that aloud, and she pushes the nagging doubt out of her mind, refusing to allow herself to even consider it for more than a moment.

Sheena, however, feels free to question all she wants, and she shoves at Alex's chest, her voice rising. "You didn't mention this earlier! He had his foot on you? Did he hurt you? What the hell, when were you gonna say so?"

Barely giving him time to answer, she whips her head towards Macal. "What do you want me to do?"


Her smile widening, Evangeline flips her blonde hair back over her shoulder, tilting her head slightly as she moves closer, her narrow hips swaying deliberately as she invades Hayley's personal space. She can hear the other girl's heartbeat, smell her humanity, her fear, and it is intoxicating. It is all she can do then as she leans close, one finger lightly trailing up her arm, over her throat, and lingering at her cheek, not to simply bite her right then and there.

"I think," she purred, leaning close, "that we did not finish what we started last time."
Alex: Look I had jet lag and wasn't sure it was real so I was going to wait till we were all together like I just did, besides you've been..Busy and frankly after the way you acted before I left I didn't think I was on your favorite person list.

*Macal not really in the mood for a couple of teenage meltdowns*

Macal: You to stow that for now, all I want you to do is keep you eyes open for any threats, that's all this is about giving you two information so you two won't get blindsided. And lets not forget the the new students that don't seem to be willing to keep their noses clean, keep you eyes open.
"The way I acted? What are you talking about? I didn't act like anything!" Sheena protested, looking at Alex with genuine astonishment, as if he had lost his mind. "You're the one who's always acting like you're annoyed with me lately, like you're jealous or something. You're the one-"

"Hey, enough," Faith snapped, shooting them both irritated, half disgusted looks and crossing her arms. "If we're going through round 400 of your teenage relationship bullshit, wait until the next few apocalypse possibilities are over."

Sheena turns towards her, and though her tone is calm, her voice is quiet, there is a steely undertone to it.

"Faith...why didn't you tell me I'm a Slayer?"

Faith blinks, taken aback completely. Her surprise is genuine as she responds. "Tell you...what?"

"Don't try to pretend you don't know," Sheena said flatly, still looking her directly in the eye. "I'm not distracted from the mission or anything like that, just because I know. I just wish you would have told me."

Faith's eyes shift to Macal's, truly stunned, wordlessly asking him if he understands this any more than she does. "Told you...what?"
*Macal shrugs his shoulders and looks back at Faith*

Macal: Hey don't look at me, this is finally an area I have no expertise on. Did you know another Slayer had awaken?

*Alex not willing to let it go*

Alex: You told me that trying to find that poor man was a waste of time, you brought that story that Eve feed you about him, about how since he was flying out of a private airfield that he didn't file a flight path or anything, Sheena I'm a pilot do you think your little sister knows more about flying then me? And do you really buy that crap about how her a vampire couldn't protect a wounded human from some wild animals? Why don't you think about all that, then think about how you treated me when I brought it up to you.

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