Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Nick looks at Hayely and then smiles. "Good. We should start with you're shifting ability. Flower can shift as well. She might be best for most of your training. As for me...I might be best for helping you to not freeze up light a deer in headlights everytime a vampire is near. I don't drink blood so there is no chance I will bite....but to teach you to fight back would be best." he said and then smiled at her. "Even Deathwish can help. He's scary so not freezing up on him you'd pass." he laughed.

Deathwish walked up behind Nick. He glared and Nick fooze up for a second. Lil was right, Deathwish was taller then Nick. He crossed his arms and glared. "What about" Deathwish asked. He was really scary. He looked at Hayely and then looked at Lil. He relaxed a bit. "Oh...Hello again." He said suddenly not seeming so bad. Nick scooted closer to hayley. "See what I mean.....he creeps up on you without a sound." He whispered to her.
Raina stiffens when Liza speaks of Kol, nodding, "Yes Liza. The bad one who you can't make good, we should go, okay?" But then Mel is speaking to them, and Raina's eyes harden, her lips tighten as she stares after the masked girl. She growls out her words, "Someone needs to teach that girl a lesson." She steps forward, intending to do it herself, but then glances back at Liza. No. Liza wanted to play in the snow.

But. Raina wasn't going to let this masked girl think she could be so rude to Liza. Plus, Raina hadn't had much fun for a while. So she whipped out the dagger from her boot, eyes locked in on the girl, and with a flick of her wrist sent the dagger flying. She purposely aimed for Mel's foot, making it land so that it didn't actually hit or injure the girl, but was close enough to let her know it could have. She spoke in a calm, controlled voice as she spoke loudly to Mel, "Hasn't your mother ever taught you what it is to be polite? Speaking to a five year old so rudely." She stole the girl's words from her mouth before looking to Liza as she spoke.

She nods, "Yeah Liza, we can stay here." She keeps a mindful eye on the departing three as she chucks the hose back in the lake and snow begins to spew out once more, going up in the air before falling all around Liza like she's in a snow globe.


Faye smiles at Faith as she opens the door, hearing her words about privacy and smirking much in the manner of Raina, "Privacy? Oh sorry were you two making out or something?" She contains a giggle, but her orange eyes spark slightly, "Isn't there a rule that says old people aren't suppose to kiss 'n' stuff?" She knows this will offend the two, but hopes they realise she is merely being playful.

As Faith reminds her that she came here for something, Faye nods, "Oh yeah, I'm looking for Raina, or Myra, have you seen either of them? It's so annoying, whenever I don't need them, they're there, but then when I need to find them they both vanish, I swear I should just keep them on a leash or something." She grins at this image of her key-holder sister and vampire sister running around like dogs on leashes, Raina would so be a black shiba inu and Myra would be a white toy poodle. She looks to them both then, a questioning look on her face, "Did you guys know Raina's dad is back? I keep forgetting he's apparently my dad too, but I don't know his name so I have to call him Raina's dad, why is he back? Wasn't he dead? I'm pretty sure I burnt his face off then Deathwish killed him. I haven't seen him yet, but this girl wearing a mask said that he was in Myra's room and was attacking her or something, so now I have to find Raina and tell her that her---our dad's back, and I have to find Myra and check she's ok."

She lets out a breath then, having talked too much. With her fiery red hair, you can definitely see she is Kol's child, and her expression at times almost perfectly matches Raina's.


Sethos raised an eyebrow as she stabbed herself, but before he could have time to respond she had blasted light at him. His eyes widened and he leapt aside, coating himself in a dark shield. But then more light was being fired at him and his shield wavered, the last blast hit him, blinding him temporarily and he groaned. When his vision cleared, Flower was no-where to be seen.

He smirked, calling out, "Flowerrrrrr, ohh Flowerbudddd, come out and playyyyy!" Then she dropped to the floor and coated herself in light, Sethos quickly did the same with the shadows, just in case she blasted him again, and before he could think of another witty taunt Flower had vanished into a portal and a sharp blade was at his neck. He groaned, dropping the shadow shield as the chains wrapped around his hands, she had restricted him like this the other day, but with light instead. He smirked as she spoke of another personality, Bella, and he murmured back in response, his voice having a slightly husky hint to it as Flower's mouth was almost touching his ear. "Aw that's too bad, it's good to know you're as fu*ked up as me and Jace-y boy though, you should have kept Bella with you Flower, I'm sure her side of the personality would have been much more fun to play with."

She was right though. Jace was slowly breaking back into control, and Sethos knew it was a matter of time before he took back over. He closed his eyes, reminding himself of the cool blade against his neck, and he cursed lightly, "I don't want to go back. It's so boring just sitting and watching Jace fu*k everything up. It really is a cage Flower. No wonder I go wild when I'm loose, maybe if I wasn't locked up all the time I'd be nicer." His voice is soft and sad as he talks, as if he is opening up to Flower. But then he suddenly grabs the chains and tugs on them, kicking his foot up to knock the blade right out of Flower's hand as he spins around, using the chains to tug her forward as he suddenly pressed his lips to hers, he smirked on her lips and spoke through the kiss, "Probably not though."

Jace was about to take over, and Sethos wanted to piss off Flower, so kissing her was the only way he knew best, plus, it wasn't like she was ugly. Jace's eyes suddenly flooded with blue and he let go off Flower, pulling back as the chains dropped, his eyes wide. "Uh, Flower, uh..umm." He was clearly stumbling and Sethos was laughing so loudly inside Jace's head that he was finding it hard to speak, or was that the rush from kissing Flower? "Uh, I'm sorry, Sethos..he..."

Jace trailed off, embarrassed, as he looked down.

(Thought it was time the boys made a move :P Flower's the only one who's started the kisses so far xD )
Flower's eyes grew wide as Sethos kissed her. She was about to blasted Sethos away when Jace took control. She looked at Jace and then backed up. She was clearly surprised and a bit angry. She blushed and lookecd away crossing her arms glaring. "I could have done without that." she said and then looked at Jace. His eyes now back to blue she calmed down. She sighed deeply and looked at him waving it off. "It's not your fault." She said and then looked at him. Although I would have liked it if it was you. She shook her head mentaly kicked herself. What the heck am I thinking? I wouldn't like either of them to kiss me!

Flower looked at Jace. "Count yourself lucky I'm not beating you up because of it." She warned and then headed for the doors. She glanced back at him. She looked away trying to get rid of her blush. She growled to herself hating that she let Sethos surprise her like that and kiss her.
As the other female again calls out to her, Evangeline at last turns towards her, acknowledging her only because Sheena would think it strange if she didn't. Turning towards her, she looks her up and down in with practiced wide-eyed innocence, making sure that Sheena is watching her before she speaks, lifting up one hand seemingly helplessly, as though she is at a loss to understand her.

"I don't know what you're talking it Jenny? I don't know any Hayleys, and I definitely haven't attacked anyone."

When Sheena's eyes are on Jinn, Evangeline takes the time to inconspicuously wipe her mouth against her shoulder, removing the blood. Meanwhile Sheena is staring at Jinn, remembering her from class, and Faith's earlier comment to watch her. Faith had said that Jinn felt "off" to her, to keep an eye out, and to Sheena, this was proof. She was making up lies about Lina, or else spreading false rumors.

"Leave my sister alone," she said levelly, hands on her hips. "You aren't wanted here."


Liza frowns worriedly at Raina as the older girl chucks the dagger at Mel, but then smiles with relief when it does not truly injure her. Taking her hand, she gives her a hug of gratitude.

"Good job, Raina. You didn't even kill her or nothing. That was very nice."

As the snow falls around them in flurries, she laughs, tugging her hand, and pulls her into its center, turning in a circle with her head thrown back. "Wheeee! Look Raina, look! Snooooow!"


Faith rolls her eyes at Faye's comment about them being too old to kiss, but smirks too. Leaning close to the girl and dropping her voice dramatically, she said, "Nah, we were just practicing biology. We too old for that?"

Laughing, she finished, "Kidding. Sort of...pick your jaw up off the floor."

As Faye continues to explain in rapidfire speech about her desire to find her sister, Faith nods in reply that she does know where at least Raina is. "Went off with Liza and Liza's guard Mara, out by the forest entrance. I just saw her." She treats Faye's words about Myra more seriously, immediately on alert as she steps closer to her, her eyes on Faye's intently.

"Where's Myra? Raina already knows about Kol and we are taking measures to keep you all stay here, Faye, and one of us will check on her."
(*smiles evilly* So far everything is going according to plan. Teeheehee.)

Vash stuck his leg out behind Mel and the knife impaled his calf, near the ankle. He winced at the initial pain but got used to it quickly. There was no blood though. Vash had already turned his leg into metal and was now absorbing the blade into his body. The handle fell to the ground with a soft thud. The three of them stopped but none seemed to lose any composure. Mel had a lot of people come after her life. Some were after the bounty on her head. Some were driven by delusions of revenge. And some were out to kill her because she was an abomination against God. Obviously none succeeded and only Mel, Vash and Riff could tell you the tales.

Mel turned her head slightly. She didn't feel as though Raina deserved for Mel to face her fully. She gave a soft laugh. "Ufufu. That pathetic excuse of a woman who gave birth to me can hardly be called a woman, much less a mother. Besides, she died long before she could even think about teaching me anything. You're quite insensitive, aren't you? And I think we both know she isn't your typical five year old."

Riff and Vash stared at Raina. "We cannot forgive anyone who wishes to harm our mistress. Consider this a warning. You will not be forgiven a second time."

Mel chuckled again. "I'd try to not make a habit of throwing knives at students. Many people can make you out as the one in the wrong then. And reputation is a powerful thing."

The group then disappeared.


Lil frowned at Nick's words. "It doesn't seem that fair. Things as big as murder should never be done because of personal grudges. Or even at all if you can help it. None of those deaths were your fault." The blonde clutched her chest tightly. Has the world really become this? Lil had always been taught that the keyholders were the good guys. But this was really messing with her judgement. The grays were becoming more and more indistinguishable.

Lil was brought back by the appearance of Deathwish. He seemed to come out of nowhere. "Yeah . . . hello again." She looked over to Hayley who seemed to be suffering a bit. "Hayley? Do you need something to drink or something?"
Mar sighed; "I`m no politician but I don`t believe that The Pact would be likely to accept help from Key Holders." "Besides" the boy said; "It`s not like we are still hiding, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”

looked downwards & swiped a lose rock away with the side of his foot , the death of someone’s parents seemed to always be a touchy subject so he decided to steer clear of it . “Did you come here with this Flower person?” he inquired. The way Ginger described her made the boy wonder if Key Holders were more decent then he`d been taught to believe.


first thought was to make a run for it but he acted against logic and held king Moon`s gaze, the Key Holder had nothing to do with the coup (fancy word for uprising) attempt besides being his fathers son so he had next to nothing to fear. At least he hoped he didn’t.

During the time that Moon was attempting to intimidate
Hal Reaper had been taking apart pieces of its own body that were slipped through the metal prison by lithe stands of shadow. The resulting pile of bones on the other side began to silently reassemble like pieces of a 3-D puzzle until reaper was both free and whole again, the entity causally reached back into the prison to recover it`s robe and the scythe.
Jinn ignored Sheena for now. She wasn't important. Unless she did something, her focus was solely on the vampire.

"Don't lie to me scum, I witness the attack. Hayley is mine and is under my protection. You do not go near her and you certainly do not harm her. I am not someone you should cross vampire." Jinn felt like she was being too emotional about the thing by her words, but she had to defend Hayley. If something happened to the girl before the half-elf could get her away from here, it would be unacceptable. Of course she also cared about Hayley. As future sisters, she had to protect her own kind.

"I will repeat: Keep away from Hayley."


Hayley just couldn't really wrap her mind around it. Why did people want to help her? She was nothing. She always was and always would be, yet Nick, who barely knew her was offering to help her get stronger.

"You won't bite me," she heard herself say, then blushed deeply in embarrassment. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. It's just, you're a vampire and all and blood and biting and I'm sorry." Hayley stopped herself from rambling and making it worse.

She saw Deathwish arrive and looked to Nick. They did look alike and it was the only reason she could put a name to the face as she had not really met the other one. But Nick was right. She moved closer to Nick as if trying to seek protection of some kind. Then she turned to look at Lil.

"I...I guess so. I'm sorry." She didn't know why she apologized. This was all new to her. She thought about Faye from earlier. It seemed she had good luck and bad luck with running into people here.
Nick looked at Lil. "All the wars....some vampires do the same. I think the only key holder with some sense is Flower. When I'm king me and her have made plans to set things right....mostly because she scares the heck out of me." He laughed and then looked at Hayley. He blinked as she asked if he'll bite her. He smiled and then shook his head. "Listen I don't drink blood." He said and then showed his fangs. They weren't as sharp as vampires that drink blood. He put his finger on his fang. "As you can see." he said his mouth still open. "My fang's have suffered from years of not drinking blood." He said and then closed his mouth. "I promise I won't bite." He said and then rubbed his head, smiling at her.

He looked as she got closer to him. "Don't worry Deathwish is harmless most of the time." He said and then patted her head. He looked at Deathwish who crossed his arms looking at Nick. Nick shruged. "So I want to help you got a problem with it?" he asked.

Deathwish shook his head no at Nick and then looked at Lil. "Hello again Lil." He looked at Hayley and then nodded. "Nice to meet you." he said and then looked at Nick. He sighed deeply. "So you did agree to that did you? Flower certainly is a clever one." He said and then looked at Hayley again. "I wouldn't stand slo close to Nick if I were you. He may not bite but he tends to be....a pervert."

Nick shoots a glare at Deathwish. "I'm not that uncontroled I do have a girlfriend you know." He said and then crossed his arms. He sighed. "But it is boring without my fangirls around. Give me a break....even Faye has been busy and hasn't been around." He looked up. "I think i'm going through withdrawl again!" he said and then looked as Deathwish was giving him a deathglare that would send a shiver up the spine of even the scarest demon. Nick swallowed and then leaned away from Detahwish. "I'll leave her alone in that sense! Why do you care anyways?"

Deathwish narrows his eyes. "The last time you slipped you made Faye so upset that even i felt bad for her. Not only that but you were miserable as well. In fact I nearly strangled the both of you at that party." He leaned back and went back to normal. "Hayley don't be afraid to slap him." He said. Nick looked away. "Ruin my fun...." He mummbled and crossed his arms.


Ginger nodded. "Yep! Flower told me a want to hear it?" She asked looking at him. She looked around and then back at him. "It's about us humans and Key holders." She looks down and then back at Mar. "Key holders were once human. They were running from vampires when they came across this underground cavern. I'm not sure how or why but they somehow gained powers and held their powers in keys. It could have to do with the experments you were talking to but this secret place holds some kind of power. Enough power to raise people from the dead." She put her finger to her lips. "Don't tell anyone I told you ok...please? Flower trusted me. The reason she wants so badly to help us is because she considers us family. She protects her family and protects those she cares about....including me." She said and then smiled at him.


Ben looks at reaper and then blasted it with fire and earth. "Fire seal!" He yelled and then fire swurled around Reaper. The light from the fire was bright, in fact Sara turned her gaze away to protect her eyes. Ben rushed in and when his sword cut through the flames, the heat of the fire dubbled. It might make Reaper's bones crack from the heat. Ben put his wings around reaper and then aimed his sword to cut through reaper. "Now would be a good time to trap him!" Ben said. The fire still swurling around Reaper, ben being undammaged by the heat even though his wings were around reaper. Ben grabbed the weapon from Reaper.
Hayley nodded and was relieved when Nick showed his fangs. He was right. They weren't as pointy as a normal vampire's, not that she had much experience in that beyond Evangeline's attempts at eating her. Still it was a nice gesture and she felt better about it. She wondered what he did drink or did instead of drinking human blood. But that was far too rude to ask about.

She went wide-eyed and blushed deeply when Nick patted her head. Even before Deathwish's comment about Nick being a pervert, she started to move away from him and towards Lil instead. She looked at Nick as he and Deathwish talked. She hoped she had stopped blushing, but her face still felt warm. Why was it whenever someone touched her in any manner, she got all embarrassed? Was she really so unuse to it after leaving her mother or was it something else?

"I... Okay," she said to Deathwish. She looked at Nick though. He was dating someone and...fangirls? She really did feel out of place here.
Nick looks at Hayley and then frowned. "hey you ok? I'm sorry about deathwish's comment i really don't mean anything I just want to help you is all." he said trying to reasure her. He saw she had become very neverous. He looked at Deathwish who shrugged. He looked back at hayley. He smiled charmingly and then shrugged. "You know deathwish is single." he said and then got smacked in the back of the head so hard Nick fell to the ground.

Deathwish looks at Nick. "I don't need you to try and hook me up. Perverted idoit." he said and then looked at Hayley. "I'm sorry for him...he's just being his normaly stupid self. Even when he's trying to comfort you he pulls that out and I bet it doesn't make you feel beter." He said and then sighed. "I'm so sorry." He said annoyed.

Nick slowly got up rubbing his head. "A little harsh don't you think?" He said. Deathwish looked at Nick. "Not for you." Deathwish said and then watched as Nick just crossed his arms and mummbled. Deathwish looks at Hayley. He didn't smile, deathwish hardly smiled but he was being very nice, well nice in his sense by trying to help with Nick.
Looking Jinn in the eye boldly, Evangeline rolls her own eyes, then shrugs, her tone bored now, dismissive. She waves a hand as though to ward off Jinn's further comments.

"Whatever. I have no interest in...did you say her name was Hayley? I certainly don't intend to do the things you're saying I did. I think you must be confused though, there are a lot of blonde vampires around here."

Turning to Sheena, she hooks her arm through hers. "Come on, sis, let's go."

As they walk away, Sheena is somewhat bothered, though she isn't sure why. It's not like she trusts Jinn's word, especially after what Faith had said about her. But seemed like everywhere she turned, yet another person was accusing Lina of malice....

She intended to research her, soon, she did. But did she have to right now?
Jinn watched as Evangeline and the other girl walked off. Like she believed her for a second. Jinn was not stupid. She was very good at recognizing people from different things. But it seemed that the vampire was either playing for the benefit of the other girl or that she thought that Jinn was no danger to her. Well if it was the latter, then she'd find that out if she went near Hayley again.

And if it was the former. Well Jinn cared nothing for other people relationships. The lie would reveal itself in time. It always did. Jinn, seeing that it would be pointless to try and say anything further, made a note to remember the other girl and see who she was. If she went near Hayley and tried to hurt her. Well Jinn was just going to have work fast to get the girl out of here.

She'd be safe soon enough.


Kesson entered Flower's garden after thinking outside of it for a moment. He debated whether or not to go back or not. He thought maybe he'd see Sky again. Although he couldn't really communicate well with the eagle, it did bring him a sense of peace to talk to it before.

He walked instead, looking around to see if Flower was there or not. He then walk over to a nearby tree and leaned back against it. He then closed his eyes, sighing deeply. What was he doing? Why was he making a mess of the first friendship he had got here. He thought to talk to James. He did want another opinion on the matter, but he wasn't so sure of how the DHH would react to his tale.

Then again maybe Zelda and James would not be effected the same way as him and his family. After all they seemed to have been raised differently. It was a difficult and confusing matter to think about.

"Why can't things be simple?"


Hayley nodded, but she looked at Deathwish warily. She wasn't so sure what to make of the man, But she wanted to believe that they all wanted to help her out and did not want to harm her.

She blushed at Nick's comment about Deathwish being single. She looked at him again and blushed harder.

"No it's okay. After all I'm sure no one would want to date me anyways."
Hunter walked out in dog form and then walked up to Kesson. She looked at Kesson with her brown eyes and then barked. Sky soon came flying down and landing on Kesson's shoulder. Hunter laid down beside Kesson setting her head on Kesson's lap. Hunter looked up at him and Sky started to groom his hair a bit. Both of them felt a little lonely. Flower being so busy with keeping Jace in check.

Hunter sighed and then looked up at him. She stayed in dog form for now. "I wish life was simple. However it never is....never will be." She said and then wagged her tail. "I'm sorry I hope you don't mind. I'm a little loney with Flower having to keep eyes on a mass murder." Sky screatched at Hunter. Hunter whined and rubbed her ears. "OUCH!"


Deathwish looks at her and then blinked at her blushing. "I wouldn't say that. Well...that's my title anyways and no way are you going to steal it." He said and then crossed his arms looking at her. He then looked at Nick who was pouting over in a corner. Deathwish shook his head and then rubbed the back of his neck. "Like I said....stupid."
Lil stared at the three as things were getting a little too serious for her. Her cheeks became slightly pink at the talk of girlfriends and being single and such. "Well, I think I should go now. This is getting a bit too awkward for me. Besides, it's getting dark soon, isn't it? Well, bye you guys." She then ran off in the direction of the rooms.

She got a bit sad because of the relationship talk. Angels weren't really allowed to have relationships. Of course that never stopped her before but that was when she looked like something guys actually wanted. It was going to be hard getting a boyfriend with her childish body. Unless he was a kid or a pedophile. Yeah, that would get awkward.


Riff was walking the halls alone. Mel had requested some alone time since she was sleepy from the journey to the academym So Vash and him were allowed some alone time for the moment. He wasn't afraid of leaving Mel alone. If she were in trouble, both Vash and he would know it, since they were both connected to her by contract. And most likely, Mel wouldn't need them. With yearsof experience, she was more than capable of defending herself.

He was a bit confused though. This was the first time in a long time that he was allowed any time for himself. What was he going to do. Vash had left so quickly that Riff couldn't ask if they could hang out. And even if he did, the two were so different, neither one would be able to decide what to do.

Sighing, he made up his mind to get a book from thhe library.


Vash had been running up and down the entire academy. This was his first break in a while so he was excited. Unlike Riff, who had been with Mel for 5 years, Vash had only been with her one, so he still knew what it was like to be an individual. Still, he didn't have much idea of what he wanted to do. After wandering for a bit, he saw one of the gardens from a high up window.

He smiled to himself and stole some paper and pencils from a classroom. He then began drawing the landscap. It was in black and white but the shading of the drawing almost made it come to life. Vash smailed at his work. All three of them had a specific field of talentm Riff was a master of the culinary and Mel was practically a musical prodigy. Vash's calling of course was in art. Whether it be sculpting, painting, or even origami, his hands could always seem to make something pretty. Which was weird given how clumsy the rest of him was. The talents also served another purpose. They each developed a heightened sense from doing what they loved. It wasn't anything that could rival a supernatural sense but it was well above that of a regular human. Vash had his eyes, Mel her hearing and Riff his smell.

Made sense. With all the running away they had to do, they needed these senses to tell when danger came. He sighed. How long before they were chased out of this place as well? And where else could they run.
Hayley watched Lil go and felt sort of bad. She tried hard to get rid of her blushing. Not only did she believe she that she'd never date, but with Deathwish? She didn't know him and he was well, intimidating. It just couldn't work. Hayley cleared her throat and tried to move past the subject. She had wished it never came up in the first place.

"See you later Lil," she called after the girl. Then she turned her attention back to the brothers. She looked at them first and then to her shoes. "So should we start now?"


Lekki was bored.

She had made sure that nothing was happening and had went in a search for a friend. She thought to maybe bother Mar or even Deathwish. She hadn't seen him in a few. She felt like they could have an interesting conversation eventually. But for now she thought not to touch that subject. She didn't think others would be able to talk it as easily as herself.

Lekki practically skipped down the halls, humming to herself. She thought she had saw Vash earlier. He might have been drawing. She thought to go and talk to him as well. They had been interrupted by his mistress? Lekki still wasn't sure what their relation to each other was. It might be nice to talk to him again without her around, although she guessed she could still show up. She thought maybe she could kick his butt again as well.

But she did not go back to see if it was really him. Instead she headed on into the library. She saw someone and paused for a moment, before approaching him.

"Oh hello. You're an acquaintance of Vash right?"


Kesson had a feeling he was going to be seeing Sky again, but he was surprised when Hunter came over to him too. He looked around, wondering if Flower was here too, but he didn't see her anywhere. He guessed she was busy with whatever it was that she did.

He petted Hunter and chuckled as Sky started to groom his hair. He ran a finger down her back and smiled.

Kesson wouldn't admit to it, but he was surprised again when Hunter spoke. For a moment he was confused, why was a dog speaking, but then it clicked. Hunter was a keydog right? It made sense to him and he wouldn't question it further. He was beginning to think Hunter and Sky were special and he was happy about that.

"Yes I guess you are right. It's just hard not knowing if it's better to keep a secret or not." He then smiled. "No it is quite alright. I know the feeling. I am happy you both came over to keep me company." A mass murder? Kesson was a little worried now. Was there really some dangerous people here? Well he guessed it had to be alright if Flower was keeping tabs on one and he suspected the teachers would not let anything bad happen.
(is it ok with everyone if I time skip? If you don't want to time skip just now feel free to continue on with whatever your person is doing until you catch up to the next day but I talked to several and they felt fine with it)

The following day, as Faith prepares for class, she is almost reluctant to do so. It feels like a waste on some level, as though she is going through the motions of actually helping these kids when no matter what skills she teaches them, the fact remains that they are surrounded by psychos on all sides, and she hasn't yet done anything about it, not really.

Still, in the classroom some of them will be gathered together where she can keep an eye on them, at any rate, though that might bring issues all on its own. What she is mainly doing in continuing the classes, however, is keeping normalcy to the students. It would do no good to stop everything and have them all panic and make foolish decisions if they all knew what she knew...and anyway, Raina had a task to accomplish. Eve needed to be tagged with the same kind of subdermal psi chip that Macal had earlier used on Rikarah Pallaton, and this too would make things easier. With Eve hallucinating, she would quickly lose control, and surely it would help Sheena to see through her more quickly.

Sheena had been quiet the rest of the day, and as she slipped into the classroom now, Eve at her side, she doesn't meet Faith's eyes. Faith wonders, looking at her, how long it will be before Sheena actually starts to do her job of looking into her sister...or if she will at all. If Faith has to put Evangeline down for Sheena...well, let's just hope this chip from Raina will prod Sheena along.

Liza, with her guard present as well, cartwheels on one of the mats as she waits for other students to join her. Faith has made it clear to her she can only be in here for fifteen minutes before she goes on to her own individualized lesson with another instructor. She doesn't want her exposed to the villains present for long.
*Alex running out of the water with his board under his arm, up the long path that leads to the villa he rented for him and Sheena but with all the Eve drama, Sheena probably hates him or at least pissed off at him. He leans his board against the wall next to the one he got for Sheena so he could try to teach her how to surf again, afterwards he heads into the shower to wash the saltwater out of his hair, when he's done he walks out of the bathroom casually towards the fridge to get a bottle of water, as he turns he raises a large barreled gun and points it straight at the living room. The sounds of blades being drawn and pointed at him make him think twice about firing his gun but he suddenly relaxes when he realizes who it is in his villa and smiles*

Alex: You know you really need to stop doing that I could have shot you.

Macal: I'm a god remember your gun wouldn't hurt me..besides we found it and took your bullets just in case..Alex we have to talk son, I suggest you sit.

Alex: Love to but can you call off the ninja dogs?

*Macal waves his hand and his sweeper step back and then vanish.*

Alex: You know no matter how many times I see that I still love that whole Ninja Vanish trick, where do they go tho?

Macal: That's above your pay grade kid, now I know you'll loving this whole vacation and surf stuff but I need you back at the Academy, I need you to watch Sheena's back, I got my hands full with the Kol thing and HardTime I need you to go back and do what you swore to me you would do on your life. Protect my daughter!

Alex: Look, I'm not like you guys, I'm no god, or lycan I'm still a human and I don't have the stamina like you do, I need a break or I'll burn out...Besides she doesn't exactly want to see me right now anyway, you know making a case that her sister is a killing machine is not exactly boyfriend of the year stuff, so if it's all the same to you I rather give her a day or two to cool off, so unless you're gonna order me, I think I'll stay here and try to enjoy my vacation that I've earned.

Macal: Not gonna order you Alex..and I'm not going to look at you disappointed and sad eyes..I know your heart almost better then you do, I know you'll go back today even after that speech about being tired..I know you would walk across a desert for my daughter and take a bullet for her, so once you're done feeling sorry for yourself, I know you'll go back. Not cause it's your duty...because your heart is breaking every minute she's not by your side..I know this cause I feel the same way about Faith..Sorry to tell you kid but it's never about us...It's always about them and that's how we like it. *Vanishes*

Alex: Ok that right there the vanishing in the middle of the conversation was not as cool as the ninja ones..Ok yes it was..*smacks himself in the forehead* Dammit why couldn't I have a less senseable mentor? Like Charlie Sheen.
The next day, Mel, Riff and Vash arrived to class rather early. Of course they came after Faith and her family, but they were there sooner than most of the other students. Choosing to sit in the way back, Mel sat in the corner with Riff beside her and Vash in front of her. Being such a hated character, Mel had to be careful with showing her back to others. Attempts at her life were routine.

Vash had already fallen asleep and was snoring loudly until Mel planted a boot print on the back of his skull. He shot up quickly and looked around at Mel rubbing the back of his head. "What was that for?"

"You're in a classroom. Act like it. Don't mar my name like yesterday."

Vash pouted but went back to facing forward. His eyes went up to the front of the room. He grumbled a bit under his breath but for the most part, he was quiet.

Riff was silent as well. His mind was preoccupied. Riff thought of his conversation with Lekki the night before. She seemed okay. Calm and mature. She seemed in no way a threat to Mel, so he didn't feel the need to keep his guard up around her. But then again, looks can be deceiving. But right now his gut was telling him that she was okay. They didn't talk much. Probably not enough for him to make a firm decision on the matter but that's how he felt.
(lol Charlie Sheen...)

Faith watches as Mel enters, and her eyes narrow ever so slightly, but she makes no comment. She definitely wants to see how the girl fights, but she had genuinely not thought she would continue to attend classes like the average student. For now, she will allow her to come to class, and that Jinn too, and of course, Evangeline. She is unsure if Jace will arrive, but if he pulls anything like the last time, he'll be out within five minutes. Of course, if Kol shows up, she will deal with him immediately, because he is the one person other than HardTime that Faith refuses to let in sight of the kids, let alone to stalk around leering at them and putting them off their gang.

She looks through the arriving students for Hayley, wanting to check on her after the recent incidents that she had gone through, and intending to have Hayley partner with both her and Liza for today. Motioning for Liza to come closer to her, she says to the class at large, "Today will be about deflecting attacks and then turning them back onto the opponent to impact them instead. Of course since you're all different in what you can do what you'll be working on will be specific to you. Some of you I'll work with your fighting skills, some with your specific powers, some with weapons, so let's go with what you feel needs the most work. Your strongest defense is only as strong as your weakest."

As she saw Sheena turn to Evangeline, she spoke up, setting people deliberately into pairs of those who had so far arrived. "Liza, you're with me and with Hayley, when she shows up. Mel and Riff, you two. Jinn and Vash. Lekki and Sheena. Evangeline and Raina."

Sheena blinks, looking at Faith with surprise, then seems to get it- she knows very well that her sister doesn't want her paired with Evangeline. Evangeline shows no expression, but her eyes narrow as she moves closer to Raina, tilting her head.

"Well, well, won't THIS be fun."
(Gah, I kinda lost what all my characters were doing, so I'm going to skip as Faith has, sorry if you guys were interacting with them or anything, but yeah, I got bad writer's block, skipping helps kill it xD )

Raina, Liza and that guard girl, who's name Raina had forgotten, had spent ages in the snow last night, so much time infact that they only realized it was time to head back inside when they couldn't actually couldn't see the snowman they had made anymore. It was truely massive though, only inches off being as tall as the tree they had placed it beside, and it had the mouth, nose and eyes Liza had demanded it needed. They had a bit of trouble finding a scarf long enough, but in the end they 'borrowed' a blanket from the Academy and managed to wrap it 'neatly' around the snow giant's neck. They also fit a snowball fight in their time there - making forts each to hide behind - and Raina swore she saw the guard girl smile. Liza of course won, what with her teleporting, and Raina declared cheat, but the little girl somehow managed to convince Raina that teleporting was not infact cheating so she had won and beaten both the guard girl and Raina.

So when Raina entered the room - only shortly after Mel and her groupies - she went straight over to the cartwheeling child and grinned at her, "Hey cheater." Her tone was jokey though, and she ruffled Liza's hair, "Just kidding, you totally won that fight square and fair." Raina hated to take that blow to her pride - being beaten by a five year old at a snowball fight hurt, literally.

Then Faith began pairing them up, and before she begins to partner them up, Raina is already heading over to Evangeline, intending to pull her from her sister and suggest they spar, but then Faith goes and makes it easier, pairing them up anyway, and Raina sends Evangeline a smirk as the blonde comments. Raina knows she has the chip with her, and she is also wearing S.H.E.I.L.D tech invisible gloves to make sure her own skin doesn't touch the weird chip thing, or whatever it is. "Oh, it sure will be." She replies back, still smirking coldly, and she empties her eyes of any emotion she may have. She is about to start sparring when a voice calls out to her. "Raina!"


Faye bolts into the classroom, knowing she is late and stops beside Faith, hitting the teacher with an accidental gush of wind from how fast she was moving, "Ah sorry Faith! I was out looking for Myra, she's not here is she?" The girl looks around, and spots Raina. Ah, one of the two sisters she is looking for. "Raina!" She calls out, speeding over to her big sister, and starts to speak at a fast pace, "I've been looking for you everywhere! Your dad--I mean, our dad, he's back! From the damn dead!" She is a bit worked up, hair over the place, and Raina raises a brow at her, then a bit of worry seeps into her eyes, "I know Faye, how do you know? Did he hurt you?" Her eyes search Faye, but the younger girl shakes her head, "No, this girl wearing a mask and this guy named Riff told me that they saw him attacking Myra, how did you know?" Raina's worried expression vanishes, and she gives the younger girl a grin, "He said hello to me the other day." Faye frowns at her, "Well, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Raina rolls her eyes, well aware of Evangeline, and making sure she gives the girl nothing more to grip onto and use against her, she ruffles Faye's hair, who immediately fixes it afterwards, "Oh just a scratch, you should probably go find someone to spar with Faye." "Well can't I just spar with you? We can have some sister bonding time!" She smirks at Raina who nods to Evangeline, "Already got a partner Faye."

Faye only then notices the blonde vampire, and as she looks to her she frowns a bit. "Uh, okay then Rai." She looks to Raina; she doesn't like the look of this vampire, and she can smell fresh human blood running through her system. Being a hungry half-vampire herself, she's quite able to pick it out. "Talk to you after lesson? I still can't find Myra." Raina shrugs, "I'm sure she's fine Faye, off being a key-holder and all." Faye crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow at her big sister, "Can't you just try and be nice to her? I know she's a key-holder, but she's still my sister, even if she isn't yours." Raina sighed, rolling her eyes, "Maybe." "Raina." Faye spoke firmly, and her orange eyes flickered, as though an actual flame was in them. Raina looked to her, "Why do I have to be nice to her? She's your sister, not mine, and she annoys me!" "Well you annoy her! Just try and be civilised at least!" Silence. "And by civilised I mean not trying to kill her whenever you see her." "I don't try and kill her.....everytime I see her!" "Raina." "Faye, seriously, I have to spar, talk about this later?" The firey girl gave Raina a light glare, "We better." "We will, okay? I know if I try and leave you'll just set my room on fire or something, so yeah, we will." Faye then grinned happily, poking Raina in the ribs, "I wouldn't do that silly, Chameleon lives there too." She stuck her tongue out at her older sister before glancing cautiously to Evangeline, then hopping over to Faith with a question of who she was going to spar with.

Raina looked to Evangeline then, her smirk back, "Sorry about that, sisters will be sisters eh?" She tilted her head, "But you'd know all about that wouldn't you?" Her voice turned into a low hiss, but it wasn't an angry hiss, more like Raina's way of whispering, "I know how you got to South America, Lina, maybe Sheena should find out about it too?" She pouted lightly, "That poor old man, didn't even know what hit him until it was much too late. Who knew such an innocent looking girl could turn out to be such an annoying little bloodsucking bit*h?" Her words were harsh though she clearly doesn't care about the man, "Did it feel nice? All that blood running down your throat? Has such a....sweet aftertaste doesn't it?" She smirks then, "Although that may only be children's blood. I honestly forget."

Oh yeah, Raina was hyped up for this spar. And it wasn't just knowing that Evangeline would go away insane; she wanted to kick the girl's butt.


Jace had gone quickly after he had taken over from Sethos, giving Flower some lame excuse about homework - which both of them knew was a lie since the last thing Jace would ever do was homework. But now he sorta wanted to see her again. Like, really bad. Maybe it would be okay to go to class now? Maybe, maybe because he'd gotten better at controlling Sethos, maybe he'd be able to keep him in?

But Raina would most likely be there. And he knew that she was a major Sethos trigger. Strangely enough, Jace didn't have that desire to kill her anymore. Kol, yes. Raina...not so much. But Sethos wanted to, Sethos needed to.

But, here he was, walking into the classroom of Faith Cord. He glanced over at Raina, who was beside some blonde vampire, and she levelled a deadly 'I'm-a-bit-busy-right-now-but-I-will-kill-you-as-soon-as-I-get-a-chance' glare at him. His eyes flashed darker for a moment, and his body stopped, his hand twitched before he managed - as though someone else was holding his head in place - to look away, his eyes once again filling with blue as he walked over to Faith, comparable to a disciplined dog that returned to it's master with it's tail in between it's legs. "Um, hi, Faith?" He managed to look up, blue eyes for now, "Sorry about what happened last time with Sethos, but, I was hoping you'd let me back in the class?" Sethos was practically screaming at Jace to shut up, stop apologizing and kill Raina now while she was here, available. "I've been training with Flower, and I'm getting better at controlling Sethos, I mean, I was hoping you'd be able to help me control him? You seem pretty good with all that control stuff. As long as me and Raina don't interact and if Kol doesn't show up here, he'll stay put."

You're such a ***** Jace. Just go kill the bit*h. Or let me do it.

No. I need to get better at fighting Sethos, and you popping out every second does not help.

Why do you need to learn how to fight? You've got me.

Because you kill everyone who so much as looks at you!!

Face it Jace, I'm better than you. I can fight better, and I don't go apologizing to wh*reish 'teachers' What is she, like a few years older than us?

You're just a bad case of split personality Sethos. I will get rid of you, and if I ever get the chance I will beat the sh*t out of you for all you've done.

All I'VE done? Like what? Saving your damn ass from Malcolm? Avenging our Mum? Killing those vampires so that they couldn't go kill more girls like Meili!?!?

You leave Meili the hell out of this. Infact, just shut up all together.

Why? Oh, because the 'teacher' is giving you an odd look? Yeah, shouldn't be going around having conversations in your head Jace-y boy, makes you look a bit odd.

It's better than going around killing everyone. Now, shut up.

Finally Sethos calmed down, and Jace looked back up at Faith with worried blue eyes. Throughout his and Sethos's conversation he had been looking down, and his eyes had been a dark blue. Yeah. She'd never let him in this class.


Chameleon was on his way to class, and if he hadn't of been interrupted he would have made it on time. But nope. Apparently people in this Academy couldn't even walk down the corridors without being attacked. He was suddenly against a wall, a hand to his throat, and he looked to see he was being held in place by a man with startling red hair - the colour of that Faye girl's hair actually - and piercing black eyes - like Raina.

Damn, couldn't he even be attacked without thinking of her?

Without another thought, he gripped the man's wrist, slammed his foot into his ankle and used the man's body weight against him as he pushed him to the ground roughly, Kol hitting his head with a bang. Chameleon felt eyes on him and glanced down the corridor - the direction of his classroom - to see the door was infact open, students inside pairing up and the teacher Faith looking over in his direction. Damn, she must have heard Kol's head hit the floor. Suddenly the weight of the vampire was gone and Chameleon didn't hesitate to stand up and spin around to face the teleporting idiot. "You're good kid, but you need ta' stay away from my Raina." "Your Raina?" Chameleon questioned darkly, his eyes narrowing as he waited for the man to make a move. "Yeah, MY Raina, she's my daughter, and if ya' know what's good for ya', you'll stay away from her." Chameleon didn't know why - he should listen anyway since his parents' would kill Raina if they knew Chameleon liked her - but he shook his head stubbornly, "No. If she wants me to stay away, I will. But she doesn't." Kol growled at him, then a knife was headed towards Chameleon's gut, but the shifter grabbed Kol's speedy hand, pushed upwards and the vampire's wrist snapped, his hand remaining upright as Chameleon managed to take the knife and push it against Kol's neck, his eyes glazed over as he growled his words out to the vampire, his voice uncharacteristically dangerous, "I wouldn't recommend doing that again. Next time it will be your neck I break, not your wrist." Kol glared back at the shifter, "Ya' don't have the guts. I've been watching ya', Chameleon, you couldn't even 'arm a fly." Chameleon kept the dark look, black hair flopping over his eyes as he growled out, "I've killed toddlers. You'll be no challenge." Kol rose an eyebrow, smirking then, "Gotta catch me to kill me." He then flashed out of there completely, just gone, and Chameleon looked around, knife still in hand before he caught Faith's eyes again.

Sh*t. He hoped she didn't have super hearing. But in this school, pretty much everyone did. And to top it off, he was late.

(Yup, little ol' Chameleon has killed toddlers, tut tut tut)
(Sorry I'm time skipping too. If this bothers anyone I was interacting with say something. We'll just say Ben won in the fight with Reaper.)

Flower came into class laughing as Sara was joking about her and Jace. Flower rolls her eyes and then looked at Jace. Sara walked behind Jace and hit him in the back of the head. "Hey Jace....heard you pulled a fast one on flower." She said and then Flower hit Sara hard. Flower glared. "That wasn't him...and you didn't hear it you read my feelings you sneak!" She said.

Sara looked at Faith and then bowed respectively. She looked at jace and then laughed. Flower glared at Sara. "You never changed. I'm regretting bringing you back to life." Sara pretended to be hurt. "Oh Flower what a hateful thing to say." She said jokingly and Flower stuck her tounge out at Sara as Sara sat down. Flower sighed and then looked as Ben put his hand on Flower's shoulder. The old king brought an air of power into the room. Power and royalty. Flower looked up at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I wanted to meet your teacher." He said and then repectifuly stood as Flower sat down. He waited for Jace and Faith to be finished. He looked at all the students and kept his smile. He didn't pick out the vampires as one might expect a key holder kind to do. He gave the same amount of respect to each student which was homble for a king of his rank and praise.

Nick and Deathwish came into the room. Nick tryed to sneak past Ben but ben grabbed Nick by the back of his shirt. Nick frooze up. Ben smiled and then let Nick go as the vampire ran past everyone to his seat. He hissed at Ben. Ben did nothing. Deathwish rolled his eyes and then sat down paying no attention to the old king. Nick looked at Faye and then smiled at her.
(time skip is fine with me)

, Hal and Santos all went into Faiths classroom at the same time. "late again" Mar thought distress-fully, the boy was a trained Augmented Human not some kind of truant.! If it hadn`t been for Santos feeding the ant colony one of his M.R.E`s the lengthy conversation about ants not needing "Premium quality food" would never have happened and they probably wouldn't be late...

Hal and Santos filed past king Moon as if he wasn`t there and sat in places that were as far away from Sheena as possible, Mar took a set in front of the two that was a chair aside from Hal so he wouldn't be blocking the pairs view of the class. Looking diagonally backwards made the boy sigh, that Half Key Kolder just HAD to bring one of those monstrous ants to the class room, this one was the size of a full-grown crocodile and obviously hadn`t come from the ant farm. To make matters worse Santos was feeding the thing peanut butter under the table. M.R.E peanut butter.

Mar took his mind off of the situation and looked back up to study the man who was standing, there was something odd about his posture, to the boy it seemed like Ben was giving off some kind of powerful essence like most 1st generation Augmented Humans who were all both combat veterans and over 48 years old yet still could turn just about any of the newer generation into a smear on the wall if they wanted to.

Guessing that he was some kind of assistant teacher or one of the schools proctors Mar watched to see what Ben would do.

(by the way has anyone ever tried M.R.E peanut butter? I swear the stuff tastes just like melted rainbows! )
"Hi Raina!" Liza greets her in her usual cheery manner, puncuating her call with a wave. Dimples appear in her cheeks as Raina teases her about cheating, and she shakes her head hard, giggling. "I did not either! Teleporting is not even cheating 'cause your legs are longer and your faster and you shoulda been able to run faster I think! So I didn't even cheat, I ajadusted and adap-ed!"

"Oh you're kidding me, she did NOT just quote a Macal," Faith muttered under her breath, then, thinking that Raina was looking at her, clarified, "Every time he cheats at things, which is all the time, he says he didn't cheat, he adjusted and adapted to the situation...oh, you are so your dad's daughter."

As Faye bursts into the room in typical Faye fashion, immediately taking over the classroom with her exclamations to Raina about Kol, Faith raises an eyebrow, letting Raina explain before interrupting. "Right, thing is Raina, that's not an issue right now. Class is. You can pair with Sheena, actually, looks like Lekki isn't here yet." Lowering her voice so only Faye will hear, she adds, "You and Raina are all under protection, don't worry. And I can have Myra protected as well if you think he'd go for her specifically. Trust me, I know the guy, and he'd have to be an idiot to try to get you when-"

Just then Jace comes through the door, and as Faith turns to stare at him, disbelieving of his nerve to come back after the last time, she remains wary as he apologizes, seeming very much meek and contrite...except for the long pause, the slight twitching of his face as he appeared to be inwardly struggling. She already had four definite villains and one possible one in her classroom. No way was she letting in one more, she already had more than she wanted by far.

"If that's all true, then you will understand how student safety comes first," she says finally. "If you want to train, you'll do private training with me or with my husband, and with Flower. Right now, you're not in the classroom with students."

While she is handling Jace, Evangeline is smirking back at Raina, seemingly unbothered by her nearly threatening words. Leaning close to her, she deliberately licks her lips, after first glancing to make sure Sheena is occupied.

"You can't prove anything," she says simply. "And if you could, my sister wouldn't believe you. She loves me...she needs me. Nothing a useless little w*hore like you could say would convince her, she knows who you are. Everyone does. And you wonder why your life is such a pathetic waste."

She gets in stance to fight, cocking a blonde eyebrow. "Poor little Raina...what would your daddy say, to hear you spreading such lies?"

There were noises outside the classroom in the hallway, and then Faith heard a voice which made her stiffen at its sound...Kol. As Chameleon opened the door, she started to step out towards him, but he disappeared shortly after, leaving Chameleon standing somewhat awkwardly. The coward...she would catch him sooner rather than later, and all he better be doing was pray that Raina would end him quickly. Somehow she doubted teh girl would.

Nick, Deathwish, Flower, and Sara came in before she could even start to speak, and Faith gave up even attempting to scold for lateness. Assigning Nick and Deathwish together, then Chameleon and Flower, she looked up at Flower introduced her to Ben, giving him a respectful nod and extending a hand.

"Faith Cord."

To the rest of the class, she raises her voice slightly to be heard over conversations. "Okay, get started. I'll walk around and help and watch as needed."
Ben looks at Faith and bows back respectively, he quickly shook her hand. "Benjamin moon. Pleasure to meet the person training my daughter." he said and then looked at Jace. He sighed deeply. "Not meaning to be rude or anything....but I know Jace, He should never be alone or Sethos tends to come out more. Also....he does much better around Flower." He stopped at this rubbing his chin. He knew why but he wouldn't speak of it. He sighed. "Training with her might prove to gain better results. I've seen several times Sethos had come out and nether resulted in deaths. Jace has more control over Sethos now then he has ever. I do believe it is because of an old childhood friend's influence..and what I mean by that is Flower is playing a large part in Jace's ability to hold Sethos in." He said and then looked at the students.

He looked at Nick and Deathwish who were sparing expertly. Nick of course managing to always be pinned. His smirked at this. Nick and Ben had to compete for Ben's wife kira for a while before Ben married her. He loves to see his old rivel in pain. He almost laughed. He looked at Faith. he had talked with Sara about Flower's more deeper feelings, however Flower had started to block her feelings from Sara. He was certain about Jace's feelings thanks to the big mouth Sethos' has and Jace's body language around Flower. Ben was a master at studing and figuring out infomation quickly. His sharpness was his greatest weapon although his power was great as well. He studied the students picking up on things quickly. He saw one girl struggling with her ankle. "That girl....her ankle is injured." He said loud enough for Faith to hear. He didn't want to interupt Faith and her class but did take notes. He thought it best not to say anything else.

He stood in a corner of the room not wanting to bug Faith. He may have a high rank but he got the feeling little matter here. He smirked at this thought. He glanced at Faith. She was important somehow. Raina was a vampire, bad past and probably anger towards key holders. Leon, he was a shapeshift prince, he knew that by sight. Ben had spent the night studing up on the current state of afairs. He had wished to spend time with his wife and two daughters but duty called.

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