Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Ben looks at Jace. "I couldn't help what was not a problem. If Sethos was asleep and never going to wake why would I need to ruin your happyness? Telling you that you were the son of a demon? The son of a wife who betrayed her husband?" He looked at the black eyes. "I never wanted this...I never thought that this would happen. I couldn't do anything....for once in my life I was helpless to do anything but watch Jace....try to protect him and hope that, that demon would never come out." He glared. "When your mother was killed I was trying to prevent this...I was out looking for an answer to get rid of your demon half! I never knew what was about to happen!" Ben almost was in tears.

The king looked at Sethos and his eyes harden. "I never wanted you to come out...." his fists clench. "I never wanted you to dare corupt MY son." He said and then stared at Jace. He gets out his sword and then slashes the shadows distroying them with the light of his fire. "I never wanted that coward never jace....I never wanted Jace to lose his mother. I failed him, I failed my Flower carries scars on her Jace has blood on his hands because of you. If you think that king was brave enough to even come and see you when I was around your wrong." He narroweds his eyes. "If I were to kill you he wouldn't care....he might even laugh...that how dispicable he is. I saw the killer in you Sethos....I didn't want that for Jace." He cracked his knuckles. "I wouldn't stay out to long this time Sethos..." He said and then looked down upon the smaller demon. His glare was almost deadly. "To Jace....I can be called ben or benjamin...but you Sethos, you WILL call me King Moon you hear?!" He yelled at him.

Flower looked at Leon and then looked at Sara who had stopped. She was sensing Ben's anger. Flower was starting to get a bit nervous as well not knowing why though. She looked at Leon and then shook her head. 'Haven't met her...don't know." She said and then crossed her arms leaning on the wall. Her eyes widen as she turned to look at it. It was shaking. Her father was mad, she put her fingers on the rock and then swallows a bit. The rock had the feel of anger.

Zelda looks at Kesson and then sighed. She showed her neck which had a long scar down it. "No...the crystals in my neck in my human form were taken from me..." It looked like it had been burned shut. 'I was awake when they did it...I almost died." She said and then pointed to her blind eye. It looked normal enough but she couldn't see through it. "I can't see through this eye. Well i can but it's all dark and fuzzy." She said and then sighed deeply. "No one can help....although." SHe held up her hand as her staff appeared. "This helps." She said and then swung her staff that breathed out fire. "I also have more controlof fire this way." She said making it twist and turn.
Faith's eyes scan the room again, making sure to watch what everyone is doing as closely as is possible while still interacting with Hayley and Liza, ready to interfere or redirect if needed. It crosses her mind that it definitely wouldn't hurt to split the class up into two, with so many people there, but then again, with all the individual training lessons she was doing and if she intended to keep up family duties and also keep an eye out for trouble outside the classroom, she didn't exactly have a ton of time to spare. She can't conceal a grin when she sees Raina flip Evangeline, however, knowing Raina must have tagged her, or at least soon would.

"Maybe you need to work on that then...controlled fire at will? When you're not mad?" Sheena suggests to Faye. Considering the other girl's question about them using fire and Sheena shifting, she glances at Faith, who seems otherwise occupied, then pulls Faye to the furthest corner of the room, away from the others as much as possible.

"I can heal pretty fast too, so yeah, let's go for it...if Faith doesn't want us doing it in here then she'll come yell like usual."

She gets into a stance, ready to shift in reaction to Faye's use of fire.

As Evangeline is knocked to the ground, fury flares up, and she grits her back teeth, prepared to really wreak some damage. But as she starts to throw Raina off of her, a sudden sharp pain in her neck makes her gasp, cringing, and she is suddenly dizzy, disoriented, so that she staggers when she stands. She cracks her neck, refocusing, and aims a kick to Raina's stomach....and then catches the image of a man, standing in the doorway of the classroom with folded arms, out the corner of her eye. Atherton. Atherton, who is no longer even undead, let alone alive.

Evangeline gasps, and her blow lands softer than was intended. Her eyes are focused on the doorway, and she forgets in the moment that she is fighting.
Kesson looked at Zelda and his sense of guilt only increased. That sounded like a horrible thing to have happened and a part of Kesson wanted to scream at Zelda to say he might know a way to restore it. But he stopped what he was doing and moved to touch her neck, a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry to hear that. It must be hard for you. I... I didn't know."

Hayley was surprised at the way the young girl moved. She felt like she might burst into tears. How could someone younger than her be better than her? Was she really truly that pathetic that she could be weaker than the young girl. She smiled a little as Liza seemed to be enjoying herself.

But Faith's words cut through and she wanted to cry again. But she had been giving it her all or at least she thought she was. She guess she did hold back. Even with the reassurance, she didn't think it would be good to punch some little girl in the face. But something else got to her as well. All her power. But her only ability was her ability to shape-shift. She had no other strength and even then she didn't always have control over it nor be able to do much. Maybe it was best to just tell Faith that she should go,

She got Liza off of her and took a deep breath. Her hair flickered to a lighter shade and she made another move. She didn't think she'd hit since Liza seemed to be able to move faster than her, but she had to do something. If she could connect at least once, she might actually believe she was worthy of being here.

Jinn rolled her eyes. She had to be partnered with someone stupid. She smirked a little though and sent a hit to his forehead, planning to knock him down. She guessed he didn't really understand the insult his mistress gave him or what the words meant, but it didn't matter.

"As for me, well? I really don't feel like sharing. Giving a potential enemy my weakness is not a smart move." She made a move to knock his legs out under him.

Lekki nodded as Mar came to talk to her.

"Yup. I can see in the dark and I can also increase my strength. I can punch or kick through a thick cement wall, but I don't normally go that hard when sparring with people. But teleporting has always been my strength."
Zelda looks at him, she let him touch her neck not minding at all. She shrugs. "So he took my stones and end up getting killed by another dragon. Not sure what he was doing stealing a dragon's flame and then going after another dragon but..." He held up to staff. "Lucky for me he didn't damage my voice...and I got a cool staff of fire." She said and then looked at the staff. She looked back at Kesson and smiled. "Now stop it with the sad face...I got my fire in dragon form at least." She said and then looked at him.
Santos heard Lil`s squeak and turned around to see a blonde with her back against the wall, it took him about a second to realize that the ant was causing her discomfort but when he did the Half Key Holder knelt on one knee and with a dull plop sound lightly rasped his knuckles against the giant ant`s armored carapace. (head section of an insects exoskeleton) "cut it out" he said in a low growling tone. The ant seemed to actually understand Santos and looked at the ground, lowered its body so that the insects "belly" area almost touched the floor and even had it`s antennae droop down under its "chin line". The thing almost resembled a puppy that was being chastised.

Santos addressed Lil; "you don`t need to pay this little girl any attention, she`s perfectly harmless as long as she`s not hungry." the Half Key Holder stood up, walked over to Lil and offered his right hand to help the angel up " I`m sorry she bothered you though" he added.


"Through a cement wall with just your hands and feat?" Mar smiled "That`s awesome!" of course the boy could clear walls as well by nano-replicating ordinance but using explosives to do the job sounded a lot less cool than just destroying an obstruction with your fists. Mar was impressed, it took years, decades even, to produce the technology to equip humans with synthetic powers via nano machines and then only to Humans with a certain blood-type! But for many of the other races power came naturally, no expensive, painstaking experiments, separation from family or forced military service required.

The prospect was Awesome! It was Astonishing! It was...... unfair.
(Just thinking....if Jace was 10 when Sethos came out, and he's 22 now....does that technically make Sethos 12? xD No wonder he acts so immature :P Oh and Faith, would it be okay for me to skip to when everyone is awake in my next post in Parental Madness?)

Sethos's chest was rising fast, glaring up at the King with quickened breaths. He barely flinched at the yelling or the slashing of the shadows, even though the shadows responded by cowering back behind the demon and swarming away from the King. He growled his words out, his form flickering between translucent to half-and-half and then back to normal again. "What you gonna do about it, Benjamin?" He growled the King's name like it was a disease, "Go ahead and hit me, you'll just make Jace more upset than he is right now, he's not even TRYING to come back right now, that's how betrayed he feels!"

He stepped closer, his rage blinding him from the danger that was radiating from the King of Key-Holders, "He thought he could trust you, you know who he was thinking of when we were running from the house?" He paused, eyes narrowed to slits, "YOU! He was thinking of you! How you could help him!" He paused, growling, "How you DIDN'T help him."

His eyes flashed red as his voice rose, shaking with anger, "And don't you dare talk about my Father! You don't know anything! He wouldn't laugh, and he's obviously smarter than you 'cause YOU'RE the one who got killed, not him!" His eyes were back to black now, "I *****ng wish you stayed dead you bast*rd!" He was yelling quite loudly now, probably loud enough for Flower to hear, and resembled a teenage boy having an argument with his dad.

"What kind of dad are you anyway? Or King? You left your toddler of a daughter to run the damn kingdom on her own! She went through sh*t 'cause you weren't strong enough to stay alive and protect her! You can't talk about my Father like that when you're such a cr*ppy dad yourself!" Yeah, Sethos was worked up, but he was still trying to piss the King off.

As much as Sethos and Jace argued, as much as they said they hated each other and wanted the other to die. Sethos still got pissed off when Jace was upset. He still wanted to hurt the assh*le that made him upset. Just like he did with Malcolm.


Chameleon frowned, noticing her reaction to the wall, "Hey you alright?" He walked over and placed a hand on the wall. He pulled back with wide eyes. "What the heck is going on?" He walked over to the door, intending to investigate, when he heard the shout of Sethos. He frowned, pausing, and looked back to Flower, "Um, I think Sethos is throwing a hissy fit."

The shifter knew the demon quite well by now, having taken him down many a time, but was still confused. Sethos sounded different, usually he'd have a cocky tone to his voice, he'd be not caring about anything, but right now the halfie sounded way too worked up, furious and careless. "Who's out there with him?" He hoped it wasn't some newbie student; they wouldn't stand a chance.


Faye grins at Sheena when she agrees to spar and bounds over to the spot Sheena has pulled her over to. She watches Sheena get into a stance, and rubs her arm a bit awkwardly. "Um, uh...okay.." She's not so sure how this will work, since she needs someone to make her furious before she snaps and loses control of her fire, and usually she is angered by someone insulting her family or the fact that she is a halfie who belongs in neither race. And if Sheena is a wolf, how can she talk?

But still. She tries. So she closes her eyes for a moment, thinking back on all the things that piss her off, all the things that had ever pissed her off. But after a few moments she sighs and opens her eyes.

"This isn't working, I need to be really annoyed." She glances to Evangeline and Raina once more, watching the two spar, then looks back to Sheena, an idea sparking. "Hey, you don't like Raina right?" A lot of people don't, so Faye assumes Sheena won't either. "Tell me what you think of her, without sugar coating it. Say anything to piss me off, I'll do the same if you need to be angered as well."

She hopes this works.


Raina smirks as Evangeline gasps, staggering as she stands. She then seems to refocus, directing a kick at Raina, but then she looks to the doorway, and gasps once more, eyes fixated on the doorway. Raina does not even need to look to know there is in fact no-one there, and is extremely pleased to see the chip has worked much faster than expected.

She smirks at the distracted blonde, only getting pushed back slightly by the softened kick, and as she runs at her again she speaks, "What's the matter Lina? You look like you've seen a ghost." She cannot resist this comment and she quickly slams her closed fist across the girl's head, aiming to hit her temple and make her senses dull. Just to make sure she gets the blonde bit*h, she also brings her knee up to get the girl in the gut.

This is gonna be fun.
Flower feels the rock. "Father!" She said and then rushed out. She followed and then looked at her father and then Sethos. She looks at her father. As he speaks. "That was because....because I was careless. Your right he is smart....but he still is a coward. Attacking me from behind. He sent in 300 vampires....all of them dead before he stuck at my heart from behind. Before I died he had his army around my house. He stood back letting his men get killed before he took the safest way. I never saw the face of my killer because he was to cowardly to face me. I died trying to protect my family....I failed." He looked at Flower. "I'm so sorry....I'm sorry for both of you....Jace and Flower." He looked at Sethos. "I can't do everything...I made a mistake and Flower paid for it dearly....Jace is paying for it." He looked at Flower. "But I managed to come....and try to correct my mistake. Because I love them both."

Flower stood there watching them both. She looked at her dad and then looked at the floor. She looked at Sethos and then sighed. "Jace at least make your argument to my father yourself....Jeez the man is holding so much back he's making the castle shake....Why does Sethos get to yell? If you keep holding in all your feeling sooner or later you'll be the one going nuts." She smirks a bit. "Come on Jace....we both know if my dad didn't care about you....if he wasn't the one you could trust....why is he the one who is trying to help you? Trying to protect you still?" She smiles lightly. "Sethos is just shouting because he has daddy isues....his daddy never came around either when he grew up....Come on....isn;t it weird how when he becomes involved with me, he takes intrest? I've known that pain in the neck longer then Sethos....longer then you....he wanted one of his sons to marry me so he could take my thrown. As long as my father is alive all his intrest in Sethos disappears." She said and sighed. "Sethos give it up....your dad has no love for his sons....he's a demon....there's no fatherly consern there."
Sethos glared at both now, and as Benjamin spoke he felt his anger remain there, but he was remembering to control himself now. He growled at them both inhumanly and stepped back. He rolled his black at them, "Pssh, love. You two are such idiots." He narrowed his eyes at them, "Love gets you nothing but death." It was so true. Raina's mother and sister died because they loved Kol and each other. Benjamin died because he loved his family. Meili died because she loved Jace and Sethos. Their mum even died because she loved two men. Love got you nothing but death.

Then Flower began talking to Jace, and Sethos turned his cold stare to her. He rolled his eyes when she spoke of daddy issues, and once she was done he growled at her lightly. "Yeah well I'm a *****ng demon too. And guess what? So's Jace." He smirked now, looking to Flower deliberately, "As much as you both love Jace. He's demon too." He left out how they both key-holder as well as being a demon. "And how the hell is Benjamin trying to protect Jace? He was seconds away from hitting him a minute ago!" Jace was kicking up a bit of resistance now, but not enough to do much damage besides making Sethos eyes flicker a bit.

He looked to Benjamin, giving him a death glare, "Now if you and your prissy daughter are done pissing me off I'm going to go kill something or someone. Just because I feel like it." He growled the last sentence at them before heading away.


Chameleon watched the Princess run outside, clearly worried as she says the word 'Father' And this kicks up something for Chameleon. She was worried about her Father. Her Father...if Flower's Father was in trouble, he had no choice but to follow her.

He knew what it was like to lose a Father, one you loved deeply, and if Sethos was out there with her Father who knows what is happening.

So he follows her out just as Sethos mentions killing someone because he feels like it, and he shuts the door behind him quietly, worried Sethos may target someone in that room. Like Raina. But it is loud enough for the half-demon to hear, and Sethos looks behind him, raising an eyebrow when he sees the shifter. "Oh hey Ninja Boy, come to join the party?" Chameleon ignores Sethos, and looks to Flower and her Father, "Hey you guys alright? You're not hurt are y--" Sethos growled then, already annoyed and was standing infront of Chameleon in seconds, glaring at him, "I asked you a fu*king question, Ninja Boy."

Chameleon however, did not look at all intimidated, even annoyed as he met the black eyes of Sethos with his own brilliant blue ones, "Stop calling me that." Sethos growled, getting even closer, "What?" "Stop calling me Ninja Boy." "Why? That's what you are, right? A boy, who thinks he's a ninja." Chameleon crossed his arms, "I don't think I'm a ninja, I don't like fighting, so that rules out that theory." "Ooooh, don't like fighting? What are you? Some sort of pacifist?" Chameleon spoke dryly, sarcastically, "Oh well done Sethos, you actually know what a pacifist is, and here I was thinking you're a complete idiot." Sethos growled then, about to strike Chameleon before he stopped, Chameleon simply rose an eyebrow at him as the demon explained, "I won't try to hit you, because I know what will happen, you'll use a ninja move." But he then grinned and looked past him, noticing how the door was shut, how Chameleon was infront of it, protectively.

"Don't want me to go back to class?" "No. You'll just try to kill someone, like Rai." Oh sh*t. How did that slip out? A huge smirk crossed Sethos's face as he laughed coldly, "Awwww, that's SO sweet. RAI. You got a nickname for her now lover-boy?" Chameleon glared at him, but his cheeks were heating up a bit, "I'm her friend, I call her Rai." Sethos was still smirking, "You're her friend? Oh, well then, maybe I should go kill her while I've got the chance." Chameleon was then grabbed by the shadows and flung against the wall as Sethos grabbed the door handle, about to go in. Until he was kicked in the face of course. His focus fell, and the shadows dropped Chameleon. The shifter then growled lightly and grabbed Sethos's shoulders, slamming against the wall hard enough for it to shake, bringing his knee up and hitting Sethos squarely in the crotch. The demon let out the typical male groan and would have doubled over if it wasn't for the fact that Chameleon had his forearm against the demon's neck, cutting off his breathing, and one hand flat against the left side of Sethos's head, ready to snap his neck.

Chameleon spat his words out, "You stay the hell away from Raina. And anyone else you plan on killing." His voice had a dangerous undertone to it, one that Flower and Ben had probably never heard from Chameleon before, and his dark blue eyes seemed to be glazed over before he blinked and then stepped back, away from Sethos, eyes a bit wide as the demon groaned again, covering his man parts. Chameleon rubbed his arm awkwardly, not looking at Flower or Benjamin.

He really sucked at keeping calm.
Flower sstarted laughing loudly. "Jeez Leon now you really owe me a spar!" She said and then looked at her father who was just staring at Sethos. "Jace isn't a demon..." He said and then looked at Flower who grabbed Sethos in light and dragged him over. "Sorry Chameleon..." She said and then kneeled beside Sethos. She glared at him. "You're lucky Leon got to you first....because father would have done worse." She said and then glared. "Not to mention I'm still mad about what happened again....if leon hadn't'd be on the ground like this in even more pain..." She said.

Benjamin looked at Chameleon. "Prince's an honor to meet you....Flower worries to much....I could have handle him." He said and then glanced at Flower. "Can't say i've ever seen a man do that to another guy but what ever it takes to protect someone you care about I guess." He said and then walked over holding out his hand. He smiled. "No need to feel awkward....we fight when we have to right?"
Sethos looked to Flower with a pained glare as she spoke to him, but didn't say anything, yet.

Chameleon gave Flower a weak grin as she said he owed her a spar but didn't respond. He watched Flower and Sethos, then when the King of Key-Holders addressed him with the title Prince he looked over worriedly, but shook his hand anyway, "Uh, um thank you King Moon, but really, you don't have to call me Prince---" "You're a Prince?" Sethos spoke ludicrously, managing a chuckle, "That explains a lot actually." He then smirked widely at the shifter, who was seeming quite uncomfortable now, "Does Raina know? Or anyone for that matter?" Chameleon shook his head, "No." Sethos smirked still, "Aw, want me to tell her for you?" Chameleon's eyes widened a bit, "Don't you dare." "Why shouldn't I? What's so bad about being a Prince?" Chameleon gave him a dark look, but didn't answer as he looked to Flower, the darkness clearing from his eyes, "What did he do yesterday?"

Sethos had sort of recovered from Chameleon's attack, and smirked as Chameleon asked, "Oh, I think she means this." The demon then quickly pressed his lips to Flower's, AGAIN, and Chameleon's eyes widened. Sethos was kissing Flower. This isn't going to end well.

(Aw poor Flower, seems she's getting kissed against her will all the time O.o All by members of the King of Vampire's family aswell xD First the King himself, and Vince, now Sethos :P )
Ben looks at Leon. He cleared his throat. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know..." He said and then looked as Sethos kissed his daughter. He looked at Leon. "I fear for him now...." he said watching as Flower's hair suddenly spiked up. Oh yes she was mad now. Ben chuckled and then scratched the side of his face. "Jace should have came out when she told him too." He said.

Flower pulled back and then slapped him hard. She blushed and then growled in anger. "You are so dead....idoit." She said her voice dark, her face just as dark and scary. She grabbed him by the throat and then lifted him up. She slamed him down. She grabbed Sethos with light and flipped him over. She nails turned into claws and she slashed at his neck. She was moving very fast.

Ben just watched. *Anime sweat drop* "When did she become this violent....and scary?" He said and then looked at leon. He frowned. "Again i truely an sorry for the slip up." He said with a frown. "Well were on the subject on what to call each may call my Benjamin if you want. I only have people I don't like call me King Moon." He said and then smiled.

(I know I'm like poor flower....even worse...poor jace....he's going to be feeling this in the morning. Ouch....)
Faith can see that Hayley is upset from her posture and expression, and she watches as the girl tries to settle herself, taking in a slow breath. Clearly she is still struggling with her lack of confidence, and Liza's proficiency paired with her young age is no doubt helping her out in that factor. Liza, still grinning and bouncing on her toes in anticipation of Hayley's next move, is still talking to her as Hayley prepares.

"You gotta be real fast, Hayley, 'cause I'm fast. Or else punch hard. Or else use a weapon. Or else make yourself real real big and fast and have a lotta arms to grab me or something. You can do it!"

Even as she says this she easily evades Hayley again, giggling. "Come on Hayley, get me, get me!"

"She's right," Faith tells Hayley, watching with her arms crossed. "You can do this, Liza is practically broadcasting what she is going to do, because she has no plan. She's all about impulse and instinct. Go with yours."

From the corner of her eye she sees Evangeline stagger, then take a punch from Raina, and she can't resist a grin. The girl is staring towards the doorway as though seeing something or someone not there...she has to have been tagged. Faith can barely keep herself from pumping her fist in triumph.

As Raina's fist catches her in the back of the head, and her knee hits her in the gut, Evangeline grunts, her eyes tearing away from the doorway, and as she puts out a hand to break her fall, she shakes her head, trying to clear away what she has just seen. Atherton was not there. She knows it. She KNOWS that...he's dead. Dead, dead, dead.

And yet as she growls, pushing herself up and grabbing Raina's wrists, digging her nails in hard and attempting to use Raina's weight to throw her to the floor, she is overcome with a strange dizziness again and nearly topples down with her.

Sheena frowns at Faye's request, somewhat uncomfortable with it. She didn't want to trash talk and piss Faye off, she kind of liked the girl...and she that wasnt' the sort of thing she enjoyed, unless she hated the person she was dissing.

"Don't you need to learn how to use fire when you're not angry?" she asked, shrugging. "I mean, what if you have to use it against someone you aren't mad at one day? I mean, I used to have to be mad or scared or something to shift too, but I don't need to be's something you just learn."

She paused, thinking, then said, "Try to think of your body as hot all over, as hot as it is when you set stuff on fire...think about it starting in your head and moving down your neck and chest and stomach and then shooting out your arms and eyes because you can't hold it back anymore. Only, when it comes out, you hold it back just a little, so you can control it...try that."
When Sethos had kissed Flower, he had struggled against Jace, but just before Flower pulled away his eyes had flooded back with blue. Of course, he flinched away, closing his eyes, and got a hard slap on the cheek. Then he was grabbed, and slammed to the ground, then he was flipped with light, the light itself stinging him a bit, and he finally opened his eyes just in time to see claws fly at him. "Ouch cr*p!" Jace grabbed the side of his neck, which had been slashed and was now bleeding.

He was on the floor and his eyes widened as he pushed himself back up against the wall, away from Flower, "I'mSorryPleaseDon'tKillMe!" He blurted it out quickly before she could do anything, his other hand protecting his face before he peeked out with big blue eyes. One hand was still covering his neck and he could feel sticky blood on his hand. Yeah. His back hurt, and his neck, and his red cheek, and everything else. He didn't look at the King, almost as if he was avoiding doing so, as he blinked up at Flower, "Uh, um, Hi...?" He then pulled his hand away from his neck to see it was red and he groaned, staring at it, he then prodded his wounded neck, quite casually. He was sitting on the floor now, knees up to his chest as he felt the scratch marks across his neck. "And I always used to wonder why I woke up sometimes with a black eye or new cut on my arm."


Chameleon's eyes widened as Flower slapped, flipped and scratched Sethos, who was apparently now Jace as he cowered away from the girl with blue eyes. He frowned as he watched them, muttering to Ben, "That must be so annoying. To have someone do bad things and then you have to pay for it." He had to admit, even though he hated Sethos, he did feel pity for Jace.

He then looked to the King and nodded, "It's fine...I'll find a way to make sure Sethos doesn't tell everyone." He put his hands in his pockets, then glanced to the classroom, "Are you and Queen Kira here as staff or just to stay with Flower?" Chameleon obviously knew all the Royals of each Race, and he had probably meet them all at some point - though most he met when he was still just a kid running around the palace. He hoped the topic of his own family wouldn't come up. He was sure every single person besides him thought his Uncle and Mother were generous, kind, loving people.


Raina grins as Evangeline takes both hits with a grunt even, and when the girl gets up, digging her nails into Raina's wrist and attempting to take her down, Raina is grinning, knowing that she's got this if Evangeline carries on like this. She takes the hit, falling, but uses Evangeline's dizziness against her and pulls the girl down with her, spinning her body weight so that Evangeline slams down beside her.

She jumps back up then slams her foot down onto Evangeline's stomach. Grinning she questions her, "Had enough yet Lina?"

Oh this is so much fun. She's sure Faith is enjoying watching Evangeline getting beat up too.


Faye frowns as Sheena suggests another way to start a fire, why would she want to use fire on someone she wasn't mad at? She had a good point though, it was certainly a weakness, the fact that she was only really good at using her fire when mad - and even then she used a bit too much of it. So she nods, "Um okay, I'll try."

Despite the fact she thinks it won't work. She tries anyway. Closing her eyes, she imagines herself heating up. She thinks to what it feels like, and does as Sheena suggests, imaging the heat rising and beginning to overtake the air around her. Little does she know the air around her is actually heating, and she thinks of the flames bursting through - as they do. She imagines them consuming her bare arms and legs, stopping just at her shorts line and sleeves line. Then she hears the roar of fire and her eyes fly open as she looks down to see she is on fire. Arms and legs, nothing else though because she wants to keep her modesty and she's never tried seeing if she can set her hair on fire and keep it from burning right off.

"I did it!" Faye beams at Sheena, and then nods, "Oh yeah right, let's start sparring I guess?" The fire isn't as wild as it usually is - because Faye is not mad - but she takes a stance anyway and lets a ball of fire form in her hand, she nods at Sheena, to check the girl is ready before firing a flame ball at her legs and another at her torso. She will start fighting properly in a minute, kicks, punches and all, but for now she needs to check Sheena will be fine dealing with the fire.
Faith is indeed enjoying the situation with Raina and Evangeline. Although she knows she should ignore them, focusing mainly on Hayley and her daughter, and also periodically checking to make sure the others are all right before beginning to circle round to more individually watch everyone, she finds herself constantly glancing backwards towards the two, hoping to see more of Evangeline getting royally owned.

She is not disappointed. As Evangeline falls harshly, she reaches out, no longer even attempting to pretend not to fight dirty as she grabs Raina's hair with one hand, pulling her close as her other hand reaches up to scrabble for her eyes. She cannot understand how Raina is getting the better of her, nor why she is suddenly finding it hard to keep her balance or see quite clearly, but it is really, REALLY angering her.

As she reaches up to claw Raina's eyes, bucking her whole body in an attempt to thrust her off even as she maintains her hold on her hair, there is a face suddenly looming over her, just behind Raina...the face of Atherton. Evangeline gasps again and strikes out blindly.

"What the HELL, go AWAY!"

Sheena smiles back at Faye as she begins to flame lightly, pleased with herself as much as for the girl. She's never really tried to train anyone else even in the mild manner she just instructed Faye, and she's happy to see that she could help another person. Maybe Faith asking her to help her work with Hayley will be kind of cool, and anyway, Sheena likes Hayley.

It crosses her mind what that girl Jinn had said about Evangeline, and how she had tried to hurt Hayley, but Sheena shoves the thought away. The girl was a liar. And anyway, she was working with Faye now.

As Faye holds the fireball into her hand, Sheena shifted into her Lycan form, the skill much quicker and easy for her than it has been in the past. As Faye throws the fireballs at her, Sheena takes them, growling lightly as she smells her black fur singing, then flaming, and she lunges out at Faye, taking her down to the ground with her claws scraping over her chest. Rolling off Faye, she puts out the flames with her roll onto her back. She is too busy focusing on Faye to yet notice Evangeline and Raina.
Flower looked at jace and then gasped. "Oh sorry!" she said and then grabbed his hand looking the blood. "Sorry....I didn't see it was you...I should have checked but..." She put her hand over his neck and healed the wound. She sighed and then looked down. "Heh...I just snapped there..." she rubbed her neck. She blushed a bit. "I guess I'm getting tired of all the guys from the same family line forcably kissing me." She looked as Ben turned to look at her as she said that. She rubbed her head. "Um....The vampire king himself....Vince....I think one time Nick and now Sethos." She looked at the ground. "I probably wouldn't freak out as much if it was Jace not Sethos." She blinked and then blushed and looked away, how the heck did that slip out?! "I wouldn't try to kill you anyways..." She added. She changed the subject. "Anyways....I didn't break any bones right?" She asked.

Ben looks at Flower and then at Jace. He smirks and then chuckles a bit. He looks at Leon. "Came here for Flower." He said and then looked at Flower. He aproved of Jace although he rather not Flower go for him while Sethos was still able to take control. "Althrough I might see if I could help Ms. Faith with her class. Maybe even give her a break." He said and then smiled. "I may be a king but I don't exackly like to be treated like one." He said.
*Macal back in his office on Titan after his talk with Alex, sits at his desk staring at the mounds of data that seems to never stop coming in, missions reports, intelligence reports, threat assessments, agent profiles, criminal profiles, how the hell did Fury do this everyday? Then suddenly his comm starts going off, it's the Director of Psi-Ops telling him that Eve's implant has been activated. Finally he can have some fun, jumping over his desk he runs out of his office, down the hall to the lift and heads down to Psi-Ops Division, wasting no time to get the operation off and running.* Contact Operations and have the LMDs delivered on site, remember we want a slow build up we don't want her to realize someone is messing with her head..Do we have the scans of the old man she killed in South America loaded..The academy just got some new staff, let's give the gardener and Janitor a vacation and send in our LMDs with his image....And make sure you record all of this, my wife will kill me if I don't bring her home something nice...So chocolates and a dvd of of a evil little ***** going crazy should be good...Personally it'd be kinder to just throw her in The Vault.
Lekki grinned. She never thought that her abilities were all that impressive, but she had to remind herself that Mar was human. Even if he was a pretty tricked out one. She felt sort of bad and for a moment, her smile slipped and she felt something rise up in her. But then she thought that Mar was not complaining and it wasn't her fault that she was born half-demon.

"Well it's not that impressive. I really don't use it as much as my other abilities. Besides you're pretty cool as well with all your...stuff," she said, waving a hand up and down Mar's body to indicate his machine and nanos.

Hayley wasn't going to lie. Not only was she upset, but she was getting frustrated. She was sure it was amusing to watch her. As much as she tried to put a clamp over her abilities, her hair, eyes and even skin color kept on changing. She tried to regain her focus. She couldn't be a complete failure. She had to do something to show her worth. Maybe then she'd actually believe she could do something.

Hayley moved at Liza again, this time with more force and faster, aiming not only to hit her, but to try and knock her off her feet as well. Hayley looked back at Jinn, who was waving to her and smiling. She did not notice Evangeline's plight though. If she did, then it might have improved her mood. But it was enough from Jinn. She couldn't let herself be almost kidnapped again. Because next time no one might be there to save her.


Kesson withdrew his hand. She did have a point. He also hoped his face wasn't all that red. It felt a little warm. He shouldn't have touched her, but he was concerned for her. The way she talked about that guy though. It gave him an unsettling feeling in his gut. It seemed maybe she would not be happy to hear about what he did after all. He did not take from another DHH, but what he did was not good.

"Well then let's go." Kesson smirked and made a sweeping move.
Lil looked up at the man who had helped her. A keyholder or at least part keyholder. She took the guy's hand and allowed him to help her up. She was still wary of the bug though. It was just so big and creepy. Lil waned to run from the ant and the classroom but that would be disrespectful. "Thank you," she said to the keyholder. She then did her best to smile despite the growing disgust in her gut at the giant bug. "My name is Lil. I'm fairly new here. Just came yesterday actually." She giggled a bit when Santos apologized for his . . . pet? "I-it's okay. I'm not very good around bugs." She maintained her distance from the insect as her body stiffened. Oh God please make it go away.


Vash ducked at Jinn's first blow to his head but fell as she swept his feet. He fell down but quickly got up. With Mel watching, he could afford no screw ups. Plus he needed revenge for Riff. This woman was dangerous . . . and really mean. Why did she make him tell her his weakness if she wasn't going to do the same? Luckily he didn't tell her his true weakness. Of course he himself had no idea what it was. Mel refused to tell him, claiming that if he knew he would announce it to the world. Vash wasn't . . . that . . . stupid . . . Okay, maybe he was but would it kill the girl to trust him a bit more?

The white haired boy concentrated. Links from the chains on his shackles began separating from the rest and floated up into the air. Suspended like they were in jello, the links changed their shapes to that of needle like knives. The make-shift blades pivoted so that the tips pointed at the half elf. Then with a flick of the wrist, they all flew forward toward the assassin. Vash didn't plan on hurting her too much. He just hoped she would get nicked a little so that she would be able to see that they weren't weak.
As Hayley comes forward now, she actually makes contact with Liza, though she doesn't knock her off her feet. Nevertheless Liza was not prepared enough to move out of the way, as she was still giggling, and she stumbles back a step, her grin widening as she congratulates Hayley. "Wow, good job Hayley! You got me! Can I get you now?"

"No," Faith tells her immediately, seeing disaster in this possibility. It would hardly be great for Hayley's self confidence to get pummeled just after she finally made contact with Liza. "No, actually Pip, it's time for you to go to your own training now. Thanks for helping."

As she watches to make sure Mara accompanies Liza out, she then turns to Hayley, giving her a smile. "That was actually really good, because Liza, she's tough to even touch on. So nice with that. I want you to stay after with Sheena so we can arrange when she'll work with you."

Evangeline's skin, always cold, is riddled with goosebumps now, every muscle tensed as she attempts to get her head back into her sparring. But even as Faith turns to glance at her, she can tell that the vampire is rattled...and even as she watches, Evangeline speaks again, seeming to be looking at something past Raina rather than at her.

"Will you LEAVE already?!"

Faith again doesn't even try not to grin. Oh yeah, this will be fun, she unconsciously echoes Raina's thoughts. This will be a blast.

(Macal, I want Eve to also see her parents)
Zelda didn't expect the sweeping move so she started to fall, however she slamed the end of her staff on the ground and pushed up managing to do a flip. She stummbled a bit but she looked at Kesson. She swung her staff at Kesson and then jumped back putting some distance. However with her one blind eye she rather stay close so she can use her good eye better. She wondered with maybe she could turn into her dragon form. No she couldn't do that, the room was to small and she might freak out a few people.
(Wooo! RPnation is back up! Missed it :P )

Raina smirks as Evangeline falls, quite harshly as well, and when the girl correctly grips her hair Raina curses herself for forgetting to tie it back. She is tugged down by Evangeline, who is reaching for her eyes with the intent to obviously scratch them out or something similar, but then the blonde seems to spot another ghost, gasping and striking out at Raina blindly as she tells someone to go away. The blind strike barely hits Raina's side, but does land, and as Evangeline's grip looses slightly on the vampire's hair she smirks, growling out barely audible words as she grabs Evangeline's wrist - the one holding her hair - and tugs it harshly enough for it to possibly snap, of course it might not, but it could have done. "You want me to go away Lina? But I'm just getting started."

Now that her hair is free, she is standing a distance away from Evangeline, watching her with a curve to her lips and a joyful glint in her eyes as the girl speaks to the thin air behind her. She glances behind herself briefly, to where Evangeline is looking, before turning back to the delusional girl with a smirk, "There's no-one there Lina" She then tilts her head, speaking playfully with a subtle condensing tone, "Did you drink some druggie blood? It's okay. I won't tell your sister."

She then speeds forward, grabbing Evangeline's shoulders and aims to bring her knee up into the girl's gut, planning to push her to the floor if the kick lands.


Faye is so focused, so worried that she will actually hurt Sheena, that when the girl - in wolf form - leaps at her, she easily takes the fall, she can smell the smoke that has singed the wolf's fur, and it is only when the sharp pain of claws going over her chest is noticed by her brain that Faye suddenly remembers she is in a fight, and that Sheena is not hurt....and that her claws hurt.

She does however grin when Sheena rolls over, reminding her much of a large puppy that's playing, and she jumps up, her chest glowing a faint pink before the scratch wounds heal. She reminds herself not to use the power too much, or else she'd exhaust herself. Of course, Faye...being Faye, can't help but comment with a grin as she looks at wolf Sheena, "Okay, don't kill me for saying're SO cute like that! You look like a giant puppy or something!" Faye doesn't realise how this may offend Sheena, or how some people look at a wolf and shriek in terror, as Faye's idea of cute is tigers, lions, foxes, wolfs and even panthers.

She then holds out her hands, shooting a stream of fire at Sheena as she pushes herself off the floor, flipping right over the wolf and landing behind her as she delivers a low kick, aiming for Sheena's side.


Jace simply blinked as Flower healed his wound, apologizing and muttering about checking. But then Jace's interest is piqued as she mentions Vince. "Vince?" He frowns, "Who the heck is Vince and why did he kiss you?" He sounds almost defensive now, and as he hears his own voice, the questioning tone, he realises how much he sounds like a jealous boyfriend and quickly looks away, going a bit red.

He shakes his head, glad for the change of topic, "Uh no, I don't think so, I have pretty tough bones." He prodded his arms and legs just to check, then nodded, not meeting Flower's eyes yet, and still avoiding even acknowledging Benjamin's presence, "Yup, no broken bones, I'm all good." He stood up then, brushing himself down with his non-bloodied hand. Of course since it wasn't wounded Flower's healing didn't get rid of the blood on his hand. He looked to it, "Uh, I should probably, um, go wash my hand or something...." He trailed off then. He did wonder who Vince was though; since he had died before Jace had shown up here.


Chameleon nodded at Ben's words about not wanting to be treated like a royal, "Yeah, sometimes it's nice to be, well, not royal." He rubs the back of his neck, as if his words have a darker meaning to them, and he watched Jace and Flower, grinning when Flower said she wouldn't mind if it was Jace, and then Jace reacting with obvious jealously at the mention of Vince kissing Flower. Although the look on both their face's was hilarious; you could tell they were mentally kicking themselves.

He lowered his voice so only the king would hear, "If they get married, will they be King and Queen of Key-Holders or Vampires?" He is still grinning as he says this, finding the pair rather amusing.

(Uh yeah sorry if the fighting sucks a bit with Faye and Sheena, just never RPed being a human fighting a wolf before
xD )
Ben chuckled at the two. He looked as he heard the word cute. He looked at his beloved wife Kira. "You think so?" He kissed Kira's cheek and then looked at Leon. "Nick is older then Jace so it would be Nick who would be the vampire king. They would be Key holder royalty." He whispered and then chuckled again finding it all just funny how things between Jace and Flower seemed to have no changed to much.

Kira looked at Flower. "She grew up just to fast." She whispered and then sighed deeply. "My little girl...." She said and then looked at Leon and then smiled kindly. "Oh hello...I'm Kira." She said and then held out her hand.

Flower saw that her mother was here but she looked at Jace. "Oh just another one of your half brothers.....I'm pretty sure he's from the same mother as Nick and Deathwish, anyways your father managed to arrange a marriage....Of course that never did happen thanks to a friend of mine." She said and then looked at his hand. "Yeah...probably should wip that off."

Kira looked at Flower and Jace. She looked at Ben hugging him from behind. " much trouble did our daughter get into." She blinked as Ben dropped his head. She frowned and then sighed. "Oh I see...Is that why your going to put gaurds around her? Secret ones anyways?" She asked.

Flower's ear twitched. She looked at Kira, Ben, and Leon. "What are you guys talking about?" She asked with a glare but Ben and Kira waved there hands as if to shrug it off. Flower stood and put her hands on her hips. "Mother....what is father up to now?"

Kira smiled nervously. "Nothing dear." She said and then pulled away. She walked over and handed Jace a rag to wip his hand off with. "You need to be more careful flower, not everyone is as ferce as you." She said and then smiled at Flower. "Oh my poor curse has rubbed off on you." She said and then they both laughed. "Oh I had guys asking my out and being all over me....seems your just stuck with being kissed." She said. Flower stopped laughing and sighed. "It's not fun when it's guys you hate." She complained.

Ben looked at Kira. "It's amazing how you two look alike....and exackly HOW Many guys were all over you my dear?" He asked as he crossed his arms. Kira just smiled not answering. "Kira?" he asked again but she ignored him. He sighed. "I'll take that as....too many." Kira just giggled. "Ben you know I love you and it's not like I let them....not all of them anyways." not she was just playing with him. " couldn't very well control yourself either."

Ben rubs his head. 'Please dear other people can hear you..." He said. Kira smiled. "Well Flower can't be the only one who get's picked on around here." She said and then winked at Ben.

Flower looked at jace and then rubs her head. "I'm so sorry for's like they're kids!" Flower said and then looked at Leon. She sighed embarrassed by her parent's behavor. "Believe Leon there are times were they're serious...." She said and sighed.
Evangeline is barely even noticing that Raina is alive anymore, let alone that she is still intent on the fight. Her focus is entirely on Atherton's form in the doorway, on his dark eyes, burning into hers. He has not yet spoken a word, but for him to be present, to be staring at her, as though he hates her, as though he wishes her though she has failed has Evangeline deeply shaken.

What if he is alive after all? What if he was resurrected? Is he here now? Why doesn't anyone else see him? Is he haunting her? Will he take her away...will he kill her?

When Raina breaks her wrist it breaks her out of her daze, and Evangeline shrieks, then reacts, shoving back at her with renewed strength and fury. She aims a kick into Raina's face, wanting to break her nose, to see blood spurt. And then....well, whatever happened, happened.

She has forgotten Sheena is in the room.

Sheena bares her teeth, letting out a somewhat offended snarl in response to Faye's giggling comment that she looks cute. It's one thing if her sister or even her father tell her that, but for a classmate, a girl younger than she is, to tell her how cute she is when she's fighting, when she's supposed to be FIERCE? That one she won't let fly.

She manages to twist her body into a leap in the air so that Faye's fire only gets her tail and part of her hindquarters, and as she comes down she straightens her body out so her paws catch Faye directly in the center of her chest, intending to knock her and pin her to the ground. Her teeth are still bared, claws out, and Faith has turned now to watch them very closely once she sees the fire come out. She has seen Evangeline's wrist snap, but that she will happily ignore for now.
Mar gave a jester that was a crossbreed between a smile and a short nod as thanks for Lekki`s complement and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Evangeline`s shriek which caused the boy to turn his head towards what he perceived to be a psychotic blonde girl about to kick her opponent in the face. Mar quickly turned his attention back to Lekki; "anyways" he said "this James guy doesn`t look like he`s coming anytime soon, do you just want to start sparring without him?" the boy`s tone was`nt exactly impatient but he was still worried that class might end before he would get a chance to spar if they waited on James all day.


In response to Lil`s introduction the Half Key Holder said; "nice to meet you Lil, i`m Santos" but when she mentioned that she was uncomfortable around insects a knowing smile made an appearance on his lips, he half expected people to be tad bit intolerant of his ants... especially the giant ones. In fact it took a good 10 minutes of explaining to convince his roommate that they were remotely harmless. The grey-eyed teen turned and once again crouched down to the ant`s level, this time he made a "shoo" motion with his left hand and watched as the insect weaved through a few chair legs as it scurried away until it was near the entrance. "Better?" Santos asked with a smile after he had faced Lil & brought himself back to full height again.
James looks at Mar. "Oh no I'm here....just been waiting for you." He said and then looks at him. "I'll take you both on." he said and then chuckled. "If you want or you can spar yourselves." he said and then got off of his dest. He crossed his arm, his golden eyes signaled he was a DHH. Half Dragon half human. He looks at Mar. "Full human huh? Nice." he said.

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