Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Jinn slid into class just in time to hear who she'd be paired with. She frowned as she would have preferred to be paired with Hayley. No time like the present to patch things up with someone. But she would do as she was told. For now at least. She had fought already and won, but she didn't want to alert anyone to her presence or who she truly was. She was quite sure the higher-ups wouldn't react too well to having an assassin on campus.

She moved over to Vash. She identified him as one of the *****'s lackeys and smirked. "Didn't I kick your fellow pet's ass recently? This will be almost too easy."

Lekki popped into class. She saw that she was most likely late and frowned. She didn't like being late so soon, she would remind herself to try and appear earlier. She saw people pairing off and one of them told her she was suppose to partner with Sheena. Lekki nodded. Sheena. A name she thought she may have heard, but was not able to think of a face that went with it. So she walked over to Faith.

"Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?"

Hayley arrived late as well, almost not walking into the classroom. She thought about the previous day. It was a mess and she really wanted to avoid people right now. She saw Jinn in the classroom and Evangeline as well and she whimpered. Those were the two who she wanted to see the least. She was not paying attention to another late arriver and Kesson made her jump and cry out.

He watched her shift as she tried to calm down. He bowed to her.

"Sorry. That wasn't my intention. Late as well?"

Hayley just nodded and looked back inside, still not wanting to walk in. What would happen? She could already hear Jinn's sultry voice calling out to her. Or even Evangeline giving her a look, didn't matter how. She felt nervous and queasy and afraid, but how could she admit to that? That she was such a wimp she couldn't walk into a classroom full of people and a teacher because she was afraid of two people.

"Well we better go inside then. No need for more trouble." She almost bolted down the hall, but she followed Kesson into the classroom. As he tried to figure out what he missed, she tried to hide herself in the people.
Nick suddenly stopped and he ducked. He looked at hayley and then smiled. He and Deathwish looked at Hayley. Nick smiled at her and then continued his spar with deathwish, of course Deathwish always won their fights. Deathwish looked at Nick. Nick never really took these fights seriously, so not even Deathwish knew what Nick's true strength was. It seemed Nick was always holding back, he never got to fight the real Nick. Nick had also told deathwish not to come to the first lessons between him and Hayley, he almost wondered if Nick was going to pull something. He would think that but Nick had a serious look in his eye, one that ment Nick had no tricks up his sleeve . Nick suddenly kicked Deathwish back while Deathwish was in thought.

Nick sneaked away to Hayley. "Hey...I know your probably hiding and everything...but i was thinking we would start our one on one training with you. Listen I just want to help honest." he said with a serious look. "I wanted to teach you how to do a few moves to fend off'll have to train hard but I promise you I won't stop you if you're not up to it. However I do think to survive here you're going to have to get stronger." He said.

Ben took a look at Kesson and then at hayley. She was so shy it seemed. He looked at Nick and Deathwish, wondering what intrest they took in her. He looked as Nick went over to Hayley and then looked at Flower as she waited for the shifter prince to start their spar. He rubbed his chin and then sighed deeply.
As Hayley, Kesson, and Lekki came late into the room, Faith raised an eyebrow but didn't lecture. Gesturing for Hayley, even as Nick speaks to her, she tells her, "Hayley, I'd like to work with you today."

She doesn't want Eve near her, and that's the best way she can think of for that to happen. Looking over to Kesson and Lekki, she clarifies, "Faye is with Sheena, Lekki, Kesson, you can be with Mar."

Turning her attention back to Ben, Faith raises an eyebrow again. "You know Jace? What is it you know about him, exactly?"'

Walking towards the girl with the injured ankle Ben mentioned, she examines her quickly, then, seeing that it is a strain, tells her to keep off it for today before returning back to Hayley. Liza has been keeping the girl company, chatting up a storm.

"Hi Hayley, I'm Liza. Are we gonna fight? Are you good? I'm real good."
(well Zelda and james are free.)

Ben looks at Faith, it seems she was very busy. "I use to know Jace's parents....from what i hear...being back from the dead and all, his mother was killed by his father who found out Jace is really the king of vampire's son. Darn that ********" He sighed. "Jace was a good kid back then before Sethos appeared. Sethos is pretty much the half that came from the vampire king." He rubs his chin. 'I saw Sethos in Jace and I had hoped he would never be awakened. Nick and Deathwish are his half brothers, they also have problems with their demon sides." He cleared his throat. "Excuse me I'm getting off track here. Jace and Flower got along well back then, Jace had no intentions of harming anyone until Sethos awoke." He said and then looked around the class. He looked back at Faith. "I know your busy...maybe we could talk at a later time?"
"What I mean is...Zelda, Kesson, you two pair. Lekki, Mar, James, I guess you can form a trio since there's an odd number," Faith states again when several students look confused, somewhat distracted as Ben speaks again. She looks back at him, taking in only partly what he is saying about Jace, and nods again, seizing on his final suggestion. "Yeah, later, that would be a better idea, class time's not the best time to go into big discussions..."

Addressing the class at large now, she raises her voice slightly to be heard over everyone. "Okay, each of you know what your weak points are, and that's what you're working on now. If you don't know, I can definitely fill you in. Hayley," she lowered her voice slightly as she looked to the girl, "like I said, you're with me."

Liza is looking at Ben and giving him a smile, holding out her hand. "Hi. I'm Liza. I'm a princess. You guys are king and stuff right? My daddy is too."
Ben looks at Liza and then kneels down grabbing her hand and shaking it. "Really?" He smiled warmingly. "Yes I am a King, I am Benjamin Moon King of Key holders." He looks at Liza. He nods. "Ah...He is, is he? Good to know." he said and then smiled. He glanced around and then back at her.
Lil came running into class. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Her hair was a mess, her eyes were red and slightly swollen and her clothes looked like they were just thrown on. The night before, she was trying to perfect the spell. And after failing about 20 times, she had finally got it right. But by the time she was done, it was 4am. She tried her best to smooth her hair down. There were eyes on her, a few of the other students (NPCs). Normally she would like attention but her appearance was in shambles. She wanted to disappear. She tried to slip to the back of the room, but froze when she saw Mel. Not sure what to do, she made a b-line to the back, away from Mel. She was not ready to face off with her just yet.


Vash glared at the Jinn. That stupid woman was the one who nearly killed Riff yesterday. He didn't like her. Sure, Mel had beaten the two of them up multiple times by she was their master. She had a reason to. This woman just left Riff for dead though. Not only that but she tried to kidnap . . . kidnap . . . what was her name again? Oh, Hayley! Yeah Hayley. The poor girl was so frightened when he had left her. She seemed to think that fighting Vash would be a walk in the park. This irritated him. Sure, he was less skilled than Riff and he was slower. But Vash was physically stronger than the ice demon. And besides, Riff was much stronger that what he let show the other day. She just caught him off-guard was all. Plus, they still had "that" option.

The boy brought a hand up to the choker around his neck. It was a plain black collar with a small chain that held a rectangular blue gem. Riff had one just like it. They could remove it and assume a demon form. Then they'd be stronger. But Mel forbid its removal and he had to follow her orders. He gritted his teeth and prepared to spar. He wasn't sure he had any moves that were meant to deflect attacks but he could think of something. "Can we get this over with? I have better things to do than listen to you yap."


Riff stood nervously across from Mel. How was he going to just attack her? She was his mistress. He couldn't fight her. He could never raise a hand against her. Sure, the two had sparred during their early years together but that was when Riff couldn't control his powers and had no experience in a fight. But this was different. He was stronger. To fight her now would be like rising against her. And why should he even be doing this? Because some other woman had said so?

Mel was just standing there, waiting for Riff to come at her. She tapped her foot impatiently as the butler was struggling with his decision of whether or not to attack. "Riff, just attack already. It's not like you can even hurt me." Her gaze fell to Faith, the teacher, though it wasn't apparent because yet again, she was wearing a mask. Mel didn't like the woman. She was strong but she was also proud with a strong sense of justice. Mel detested people like that. But she was still the teacher. And as long as they were in the classroom, Mel would treat her as such. Outside the classroom, however, she had no authority over the masked girl.

"But Miss."

"No buts, Riff. Now do as the woman said."

Riff, doing as he was told, created shards of ice in the air. He then shot them at Mel. The black haired girl just swung her arm and the majority of the shards were redirected back at the blond. One had even grazed his cheek. He looked at her raised arm, the one she had moved, to see the tonfa in her hand. He hadn't even seen her take it out. As he was lost in thought, Mel was beside him and kicked his feet out from under him. He fell with a thud.

"Riff. You're improving but you're still 1000 years away from defeating me." Mel sighed. She didn't even need to use her powers, not that she even wanted to.

Riff got up and the two continued to spar, which mostly consisted of Riff trying to hit Mel in some way and failing.
Lekki nodded, a little sad not to be able to make a new friend in Sheena, but she was happy to be able to interact with Mar again. She hadn't seen him in a while. She also looked to the third party, a guy named James and smiled at him as well. She was ready to get this going.

Kesson nodded and felt a little cheated. He looked at Zelda and blushed some. He would have preferred to have been paired with James, to see if he could get an idea of where he might be on his secret. But he wasn't going to question it. He looked at Zelda and smiled at her.

"Seems like we are partners once again. Must be my good luck."

Hayley blinked in surprised as she watched Nick and Deathwish fight. She smiled a little as Nick talked to her and she nodded. "After class? O-okay. That sounds fine to me." She believed him. Hayley felt that Nick and Deathwish wanted to help her out and if it helped her against Evangeline, then she was happy for it. She was drawn away from the boys by the presence of a younger girl.

"No. I'm not that good of a fighter." Hayley would believe that she was better than her. Anyone was better than her. She looked up to see Jinn smiling at her and the half-elf waved. Hayley looked away. She then looked at Faith. This she was happy about. Jinn nor Evangeline could touch her if she was with the teacher.


Finding a weak point? Hayley felt that shouldn't be hard. She had ones all over.

Jinn scoffed. The balls on this one. She would teach him a lesson if she had to. She looked over at Hayley who had finally arrived and smiled at her and waved a little. She seemed to look away, but Jinn couldn't tell in what. Terror? Nerves? She was going to have to work hard if she was going to regain her trust, but she didn't think it would take too long.

She looked back at Vash and gave him a cold smile. "Well I guess we better listen to the teacher. What are your weak points? I'm sure it won't be hard find one for you."
"King of the moon?" Liza's eyes widened, and she giggled, covering her mouth with her hand. "Can I go there? Will you take me? Do I get a cool space suit? Can I jump around and not even touch the ground none?"

"Liza, you've only got five more minutes you're allowed to be here before you go to your own lesson, so you better come watch me with Hayley now, huh?" Faith calls her, still not wanting her to stray too far with some of the others present. As Liza returns to her side, Lil comes in, looking distinctly rumpled and weary. Faith watches her, somewhat concerned, and again says nothing about her lateness. Today there is much more to worry about than that, with this classroom being so crowded, particularly with some of its inhabitants.

"Oh I bet you are too good," Liza tells Hayley, smiling. "Only real good fighters are in this school, right Mama?"

"She's right in a way," Faith tells Hayley, looking her firmly in the eye. "You're here for a reason. You're capable of more than I've seen from you now. I think it's a good idea for you to work with Nick as long as it's done safely, and if you want to work with me too, or even with Sheena or Alex, who if I'm going to be honest with you, really don't even need to be in this class, then that would be very good for you. In fact..."

It strikes her mind then that assigning Sheena the task of working with Hayley would keep her mind of Evangeline and Evangeline from being able to hurt Hayley behind her back, and she walks over to where Sheena is paired with Faye, tapping her shoulder when they pause. "Sheena. I want to talk to you after class about a few things, but first off, find some time in your schedule to start working privately with Hayley, okay?"

She returns to Hayley and Liza, keeping an eye on everyone else even as she talks to Hayley. "Your weakness is not your skills so much as your lack of confidence. That's what really needs work. And a ton of it."
Zelda looks at Kesson and then nods. "If you think so." She said and then glanced down. She looked back up at him and then smiled. She then rushed at Kesson. She got very close to him and then puts her hands on the ground aiming to kick him. in the stomach. She wasn't wasting anytime. She glanced at Kesson waiting to see what his reaction would be.
Raina is focusing on Evangeline, and Evangeline only now, as the blonde leans close, licks her lips and even checks to make sure her pup of a sister isn't looking.

Pssh, what a tool.

When Evangeline speaks, Raina can't help but smirk at the girl's words. Can't prove anything? She has the video. And for calling Raina a wh*re. Yeah, that stung a bit, but of course Raina didn't show it. More sneaked insults fly at her, everyone knows who Raina is, her life is a pathetic waste. The mention of her 'daddy'. Raina, a lier. Throughout Evangeline's words, a smirk kept on the black-haired vampire's face. Because she knew, no matter what Evangeline said, no matter what she thought. Raina would be walking away from this fight with a damn smile on her face 'cause she knew Evangeline would be fuc*ed. She would have that micro-chip thing on her, she would go insane, and she would lose, everything.

Oddly enough, the one thing that does make Raina narrow her eyes in that little smack-talk was the notion that Raina was a lier. But still, she placed a hand on her hip, raising a brow also, and speaking in a condescending tone. "Aw silly Lina, when are you and your tool of a sister going to learn that oddly enough, I don't lie." She was aware of the others around them beginning to spar, most of them casually, half-heartedly, and she almost laughed at how contrasting it was from her and Evangeline. Even though they hadn't begun to spar yet; the hate-filled tension between them was evident in the air.

She knew they were supposed to fight, and she knew Faith wanted her to hurry up and chip the damn premature bloodsucker, but she wanted, she needed Evangeline to make the first move. Since she was planning to tag her in a defense move. Plus, smack-talking was fun.


Chameleon almost breathed a sigh of relief as the teacher Faith spared him no more than a glance. She hadn't heard. Good. He slipped past her, and as she called his name he froze, but then she was only pairing him up, so he relaxed and nodded.

Wait...pairs? Oh sh*t. He didn't want to spar with anyone, let alone the Princess of Key-Holders. No...maybe he'd just...uh...say he's tired? Or....umm..fake a sprained ankle? Wait no...she'd already seen him walk in. Damn.

He walked over to the Princess, offered her a smile and then began his excuse,
"Um...would you be terribly offended if I told you I don't want to spar? It's not you or anything, I just, uh, I'm really tired today...and uh, you'll kick my ass?" When did he get so bad at lying? He knew the two best liers in the world, why did he suck at it?

Maybe he was having an off day.....


Faye looks to Sheena as Faith told her they are paired, then she speaks something of having Myra protected too, but before she can respond Jace has walked in, and she offers him a friendly smile. Even greeting him,
"Hi Jace!"

Jace looks over at the firey halfie as she says hello, he seems a bit shocked for a moment, but then a smile takes over his face, eyes utterly blue and he nods,
"Hey Faye, you alright?" The girl nods at him, and grins jokingly, "Yeah, I'm good. No-one's tried to kill me lately or anything." Jace frowns for a moment, looking a bit guilty, before she lets out a small laugh, "I'm joking." She prods his arm, "Just keep Sethos away from my sister and we're cool, okay?" Jace nods, smiling a bit, "Yeah sure, wouldn't want you burning off my face or anything."

Faye then turns to Sheena, smiles at her with that positive energy she seems to have unlimited amounts of, and gets in a defensive stance,
"Ready when you are" She is grinning rather happily, and her amber eyes seem to be dancing like a campfire.


Jace meanwhile, looks to Ben as he defends him and his right to be in the classroom. Jace isn't so sure what to do now. Faith has instructed him to leave, but he fears Ben is right. Sethos is more likely to come out when Flower isn't around, when Ben isn't around. Kol and Raina are the major triggers. And even though Raina is here, she isn't interacting with him, so he thinks for now he is fine.

But Kol. Kol could be out there, he could interact with him, and then---

Then we can kill him. You can't deny it Jace, you want him dead too.

Of course I want him dead Sethos. I just want to be the one who does it. I want to do it by myself, on my OWN free will. I don't want you to take over and kill anyone who gets in your way.

If they get in my way of killing a sick bast*rd like him then they deserve to die.

You think everyone deserves to die.

Because they do. Everyone has done something wrong in their life. Or are going to.

What about Raina's little sister?

Never gonna let that one go are you? She was a vampire. She would have killed humans, key-holders, anything with a pulse. And she was Kol's daughter; she could have turned out just like him.

Or she could have turned out a good person. You don't know. She was five. She could have only drunk animal blood, she could have brought peace between Key-Holders and Vampires. You don't know Sethos.

Faith was right. Jace shouldn't be here. Not with Sethos here too. He headed to the door.
Flower looks at leon and then sighed. "Alright....I was kind of hoping to spar with you." She said and then rubbed her head. "I'll let it slide this time...but you owe me a spar." She said and then smiled at him. "Ok?" She said and then looked at Jace. She sighed a bit and then wondered if she should let him leave. She then looked at the ground. If Sethos came would be bad. "Since we aren't going to spar Leon...." She didn't know what to do now. She looked as Sara was sparing some other kid. She growled a bit.

Nick saw Faye was sparing Sheena. He really wanted to spend some time with Faye since they had been appart for a long while. He sighed though and then as Deathwish punched him in the face Nick suddenly got mad. Before anyone could blink Deathwish had been slamed into the wall. Flower looked at Nick who was rubbing his face. What the heck just happened? Was Nick stronger then he looked or acted?

Ben looked as Nick had thrown Deathwish to a wall. It was no surprise to Ben. He and nick had fought seriously before, Nick had almost beaten Ben. Ben looked as Jace was about to leave. He walked over. "Jace...." Ben had something he seriously wanted to talk to Jace about. "How about we talk..." He said and then smiled at Jace. He walked out the door waiting for Jace to follow.
Chameleon grinned weakily as she agreed, then said he owed her a spar. Uh, yeah, that wasn't going to happen.

He muttered a "Thanks", then watched as she looked over at the other Princess, Sara was her name, she growled lightly and he frowned. Why was she mad? Since they weren't doing anything, Chameleon decided to voice his thoughts, "Why the growl? Are you mad at your sister or something?" Chameleon himself had never had another sibling, or someone he would even consider a sibling, so he was always wondering how the dynamic of them worked.

He glanced over just in time to see Deathwish land a blow to Nick's face, and then watched as Nick slammed his twin against the wall. He wasn't that surprised either, Chameleon knew all about hidden strength, about hiding your skills, but he did grin a bit, not commenting. He didn't like it when people brought up his 'ninja skills' as Jace called them, so he decided to leave Nick alone too.


Jace looked back with a small frown as Ben called his name, "Yeah?" Then the King spoke about talking, and once he had passed him Jace's eyes widened a bit and he glanced to Flower to see her talking to Ninja boy. He caught her eye before following the King out in the hallway. He leant against the wall a tiny bit, not enough to look disrespectful, but still leaning a little bit.

"Uh, what do you want to talk about?" Jace was never sure with Ben. He didn't know if the King was about to scold him or praise him most of the time. It seemed Flower didn't know either.
Ben looks at Jace and then sighed deeply. "Jace...." He stood tall and commanding although his had a saddness to his eyes. He smiled the tightest bit. "You should know I knew about Sethos when you were young. I knew who's kid you really were." he sighed. "I don't know how to explain why exackly...I just can pick up on things quickly...maybe it's my instinct." He sighed and then looked towards the class room. "I never said anything to Malcom but I talked to your mother. She always brought you over so I could keep an eye on you. Not that it was the only reason, you were like the son I never got to have." His head dropped. "Sometimes I wish I had a son instead of two stubborn daughters." He blinked and then cleared his throat. "Don't tell kira I said that." He added quickly.

Flower looks at Leon and then sighed. "She has the power to pick up on feelings and my father's ability to gather information, let's just say she figured out something I didn't want her to know." She shrugs. "I'm not really mad at her more like frustrated at how quickly my personal life has gone out the window." She said and then looked at Leon.
Kesson did not expect Zelda to attack him so suddenly and he let out an "oopmh" as her blow connected with his stomach. He doubled over and moved backwards, sort of pushed by the kick. He looked at her and smiled. Sure it was a bit awkward being paired with Zelda again, but he enjoyed it as well. Whether it was sparring or just talking, Kesson found he liked being with her.

Which was why he had to talk to James.

Kesson righten himself and moved to throw a punch at her stomach, feinting to the right and then trying to go towards the left.

"So what would you say your weakness is?"

Hayley looked down at her feet at Liza's words. She was right. Hayley couldn't have been accepted if she was no good. But the recent events spoke otherwise. If she couldn't stop herself against being kidnapped or being attacked by a vampire, then did she really belong here?

She looked at Faith and then to the people she mentioned. It seemed almost unreal to here her offer to help her out. Hayley was confused by it. Why did people want to waste their time on her? It was nice of Nick to offer and she wouldn't mind training with Sheena either. Still it made her wonder why. Why did they care? She blinked at Faith's words. Her weakness was a lack of self-confidence?

"You're probably right. But what can I do about it?"
Zelda stummbles back not being able to breath for a moment. "Ummm.....not being able to breath fire right now." She said and then looked as James was watching. Zelda jumped up. "If I told you, you'd kick my butt." She said and then flipped her leg straightened out about to hit the back of his head with her heel. Zelda could barily see out of her left eye.
(hey if Sheena trains Hayley, I was thinking she'd ask Hayley if Eve really attacked her, she would actually believe it if Hayley said she did...)

Evangeline flipped her hair behind her shoulder, her eyes narrowing as she speaks in a low, dangerous tone, her slight muscles drawn tightly. "Talk about my sister like that and I'll rip out your filthy tongue in your sleep."

She didn't wait any longer for Raina to make the first move, nor did she alert her to her intention to begin their "spar." Looking only to make sure that neither Faith nor Sheena were paying attention, Evangeline moved with speed, seizing Raina by one shoulder and her leg just above the knee with the intention of throwing her to the floor. As she does so she moves her mouth in very close to her throat, a threat more than following through at this point, but she is prepared to genuinely hurt Raina, just to enjoy it.

She doesn't like this girl at all...and this girl is dangerous. Dangerous to what she could tell Faith, or Sheena, and dangerous what she knows. If she gets a chance, Evangeline will do all she can to drive her away, or take her out of the picture entirely.

Facing Faye, Sheena gives her a brief smile, but she is lacking her usual spunk this morning, her face somewhat serious and subdued. She attempts to talk through their interaction before they start. "Okay, fire, right? Is your main thing? Is that your weakest? Mine's probably...I don't know, keeping control of how I fight, exactly, when I'm shifted to Lycan. You know, exact aim and exactly how much harm I cause, that kinda that might not be something I can do with you."

Faith watches, glad when Jace heeds her advice and heads out the door, and more so when Ben follows him. She really doesn't want to deal with the kid, especially not now, or today, not with so many other plans set in motion, so many different people to look out for. She needs to keep an eye on Raina with Eve, make sure she's getting her tasks done. She needs to watch Mel and make sure she knows as much about her fight style as possible, and same with Mel's people and with Jinn. She needs to make sure Liza is safe at all times, even though Mara is also there with her, and somehow, she's also supposed to teach.

Didn't ask much of her here, did they?

Turning back to Hayley, replying to the girl's meek question, Faith looks down to her daughter, giving the child a smile. "Well, you could spend some time with Liza, she makes everyone feel like they're special," she says in a somewhat sarcastic tone, but she is truly smiling and does mean what she says. "But seriously, Hayley, all you can do is practice, and the better you get and more you can do, the more you'll see that you can do what we're all thinking you can. You need time too, but that, we don't have. So we're gonna give the other option, lots and lots of work."

Raising an eyebrow, she said, "You pick. Attack Liza, or attack me. Give it your best shot. Don't worry about the outcome, don't worry about pissing me off or hurting us, just do it. Let's see what you can REALLY do."
(I was thinking about that. It should be interesting when Sheena learns from Hayley about what happened.)

Kesson nodded. He remembered her telling him that yesterday. Kesson watched as she attacked again. He was a bit distracted and he moved his hands to block. He was thinking of what his weakness would be. Besides his guilt, Kesson thought it was his reluctant to actually fight full force.

"I'd have to say mine is that I hold back," Kesson admitted. There was reasons for it, but Kesson knew in a real fight, he couldn't. Nor could he rely on his opponent to fight fairly, which might qualify as another weakness. "Well as another DHH I could probably help you with that."

Hayley looked from Liza to Faith. She did not want to attack either of them. Liza was just a girl and Faith, well, she was pretty sure Faith could kick her butt. Hayley knew she shouldn't hesitate and she knew that in the end she'd choose Liza over Faith. In the end, Liza seemed to be a better option, although she was worried that she would hurt the girl, even with Faith telling her that she won't.

She bit her lip and knew that she had to do something unless she wanted to be kicked out. Hayley's eyes went though a rainbow of colors revealing her nerves as she moved forward and aimed a punch at Liza's face. Why she aimed there she wasn't sure.
"yes ma`am" Mar said as he got up from his seat leaving Hal and Santos to cross over to the area where Lekki was. The boy offered her quick a smile and then turned to face James`s direction, he had heard someone rush into the classroom sputtering apologies but otherwise didn`t notice Lil`s presence. While waiting on James he asked Lekki a question "so, can you do anything besides teleport?"

Once the giant ant had consumed the rest of the foodstuffs from the M.R.E Santos pocketed its empty husk and turned his head to say something to Hal... but found the Key Holder sleeping with his head on the desk, a small puddle of droll emanating from his mouth."how can anyone fall asleep that fast?" the Half Key Holder wondered to himself.


While Santos wasn`t looking the red, gator sized ant had turned to face Lil, peering at her with it`s unnatural looking black bulbous eyes. The hullkish insect wasn't still hungry so it wouldn't just attack the angel but most would still find a huge ant looking directly at you to be a creepy sight
(I just thought of something. If keyholders mate for life, how was Jace born? Unless his mom's affair cancelled out Malcolm . . . You know what? Nevermind, I'm sure I don't want to know.)

It wasn't too long before Riff was on the floor for the 30th time already. Despite being healed by Faye the other day, Riff could still feel lingering pain from his fight with Jinn. He struggled to get up but Mel sat herself down on his back. He fell yet again. Straining to turn his head, he glanced at Mel. She wasn't out of breath nor did she seem to have any scratches on her. She turned her head to him.

"Don't exhaust yourself or you'll die. And I never gave you permission."

Riff sighed in admittance of his defeat and continued to lie there with Mel still on his back. He knew that she was right. When Vash or he exhausted their powers or stayed in their demon forms too long, they would experience what they called a "code break". Basically what happens is their bodies lose the capability to control their powers anymore and all that demon energy would burst from their body like an explosion. In Riff's case, his entire body, and anything within 30 feet of him, would freeze and he would die in a matter of minutes. He had nearly hit a code break three times already. The latest one was after his fight with Jinn. Luckily, he was pulled back and his injuries were healed.


Vash roared with laughter. "Ha! Mel says my only weakness is my thick skull!-Ow!" Right as he had said that, Mel had thrown a rock that hit him square in the back of the head. He turned back to his mistress and asked, "Why?"

"Oh sorry. I thought Jinn would like to see how amazingly thick your skull was." Mel of course said this rather sarcastically. She showed no emotion as she continued sitting on Riff. The man made a rather comfortable stool, at least for now.

Vash smiled bashfully and scratched the back of his head. He actually believed Mel was praising him. "Oh, really? Well thanks then." He then turned to Jinn. "See? It didn't even hurt." as he said that, a thin stream of blood dripped from his forehead and down his face. He didn't notice it though.


Lil watched impressed as the other students began sparring. Everyone was so skilled. Lil was really dependent on her powers when she had her original body. So her actual combat skill was next to none. Maybe that was why Mel had managed to beat her long ago. She continued to try to fix her clothes now that her hair was passable. She was glad she didn't get scolded though. Still, she was still sleepy, trying to stifle a yawn back. She looked around the classroom. She shouldn't trouble Faith by having the woman look for a partner for her since she was late. Lil hoped that there was someone who was available.

As her eyes scanned the room, she noticed Mel sitting on top of Riff. That fight was over fairly quickly. She wondered how the blond guy was doing after that whole ordeal the other day. No, now was not the time to think about boys. She had to find a sparring partner, but who? Everyone seemed preoccupied.

(Mel or Lil, mar? Because Lil was the one to come in late so I don't really know who you're referring to.)
The fist has barely moved forward before Liza flashsteps to the side, then behind Hayley, then back in front of her in the time it took her to move her fist forward, grabbing it and then hanging from it briefly, kicking her legs, before bursting into giggles, dimpling. Looking up at Hayley, she grins, shaking her head.

"Silly Hayley. You're not even using your power stuff none. You oughtta try real hard I think. I'm not gonna be hurt none."

"She won't be," Faith assured her, smirking slightly as she watched her daughter literally go circles around the older girl. "Trust me, I wouldn't put my kid in harm's way if I thought she couldn't handle it. Hayley, this kid here has more raw power than I even know how to train or deal with. Her father is a demi god. Don't worry about hurting her. Just do what you can. Don't AIM to fight her...just FIGHT her."

She comes closer, looking Hayley straight in the eye. "I'm not going to go easy on you. I will help you. I want to help you, and Sheena will too. Sounds like Nick does, even. But that doesn't mean any of it will be easy."
As Lil scanned the room for a potential partner, she was suddenly met with huge black eyes. She squeaked and fell back on her butt. A bug. It was a giant bug. Lil wasn't good with bugs. She hated them even, especially ones the size of alligators. She tried backing away but hit the wall a little sooner than she had hoped. Luckily the ant was not coming any closer but its steady gaze was making her extremely uncomfortable. She just wanted it to go away.
(Hmm, that'a good point...I don't know much about the 'mating for life' thing, so I'm not sure either xD Heh, it's odd, I see Jace and Sethos as more like twins sharing the same body rather than just two separate personalities...Oh, just wanna clarify that Jace's Mum was killed/Sethos unleashed before Benjamin was murdered. Jace/Sethos killed Malcolm then fled straight after when he was 10/11 and Flower 5/6, so Benjamin would have probably been the one to discover Malcolm's and Jace's mum's dead bodies)

Jace frowned as Ben sighed, was it really that bad? Oh no, was he going to kick Jace out of school? Forbid him from seeing Flower? Yell at him for not being better at controlling Sethos?

No..Sethos was mentioned, but Ben's words took Jace by surprise. He...he knew? Ben knew about Sethos? Even before Sethos was brought out? This was a shock to both Jace and Sethos. " knew?" Jace stumbled a bit on his words, eyes wide with confusion as he stared up at the man he considered his role model, the only man who he had ever seen as his dad. He barely registered the comment about stubborn daughters as his brain tried to keep up.

" time I came over....all you could think about was how I might snap at any minute and turn into a little killer?" Jace could imagine that, comically so, himself running around in the garden as a young boy, barely out of toddler years, playing with his best friend Flower while her Father watched from the window, only thinking that he had to keep an eye on this messed up child in case he hurt his daughter.

" could have helped me..!" He realized this with wide eyes, his emotions were haywire right now, he wasn't sure if he was angry or sad. He looked Ben straight in the eyes, and a thin watery layer was coating his own blue eyes, "You could have trained me, so that I could have controlled Sethos better! I...I..." He trailed off, shaking his head. He thought he could trust Ben, but this whole time the king had known? He had been lying to him?

"Where were you to 'keep an eye' on me when Malcolm killed my Mother?!?"
Jace's voice was rising now, and he was becoming angry, but as he got angrier, his eyes got darker, his voice began to shake, until it was combined with two voices. "Where were you when he lunged at me afterwards?" He growled now, "Where were you when I killed Malcolm?" During that sentence, his eyes swapped to black and Sethos took over, glaring at the man. "I don't give a f*ck if you think Jace is your son or not, Benjamin, it sickens me that he even agrees with that stupid thought of yours, but why didn't you tell us sooner?"

The shadows around the pair of men were flickering wildly now, snapping at the air beside Benjamin but never touching the King. "I had to wait 10 fu*king years to kill someone! Sure I technically have no thoughts before that time, so Jace tells me I didn't exist, but that's a frickin' long time! You ever think maybe I wanted to be able to remember something more than Jace's stupid pain of seeing his Mum--our Mum die! Maybe I wanted to fu*king remember more than just her dead body!" Sethos was panting now, chest heaving with the effort of shouting at the King, and his black eyes still glared at Benjamin. "And maybe I wanted to meet MY real dad! Who by the way, is actually Jace's REAL dad too!"

Jace meanwhile, was extremely confused, and for once not fighting Sethos for control; because he was too busy thinking over what Sethos had been saying. He wanted to remember their Mum? He would have liked to have met his dad earlier, properly? Wasn't Sethos the one who always said family counts for nothing? And here he was spouting stuff about missing their Mum and wanting to know their dad? Yeah. Jace was confused, and Sethos was pissed.


Chameleon grinned at Flower, "Well, I have no idea what she found out, so I guess your personal life isn't out the window just yet." He glanced to Sara as he spoke to Flower, "Just wait until the entire school knows whatever the big secret is, then you'll be screwed." He looked to the Princess then around them at the people sparring. He noticed Mel sitting upon Riff, and frowned lightly. Why was she sitting on him like that? Then he watched as she threw something at another guy, and the man smiled, not seeming to mind even as his head bled.

He glanced to Flower, frowning, "What's up with the masked girl?" To be honest, that girl reminded him a bit too much of someone he didn't like. But he was trying not to judge someone he didn't know.


Raina smirked as Evangeline showed an actual bit of emotion when Raina insulted Sheena. Bingo.

But then Evangeline is running at her, and the girl has her pinned quickly. Danggit, Raina needed to take this seriously. She could feel Evangeline's fangs so close to her neck and she rolled her eyes. "The fang trick may scare little shifters.." She speaks as she pulls her knees up and kicks Evangeline in the stomach, sending the girl back before she flicked her own body upwards. She grinned despite the subtle pain at the back of her head and ran at Evangeline, gripping her shoulders and flipping herself over the girl. But, as she gripped the smaller blonde's shoulders, she managed to chip the vampire at the back of the neck. She was grinning as she landed behind her and then spun around, directing a sweep kick to the girl's ankles to try and trip her up. "...But I'm pretty sure my fangs have had much more blood on them than yours, little Lina."

Mission accomplished. Evangeline was offically chipped. Now it was time for some actual sparring.


Faye watches Sheena as she chats to her, noticing how serious and maybe even sad the older girl seems. She, out of the corner of her eye, sees Raina flip over Evangeline and grins at the move. She looks back to Sheena then, and nods, "Yeah Fire, um, weakest?" She frowns, "I'm not sure really, I mean, my Fire is strong, but it's so strong that it can get me into massive trouble, like burning down buildings and accidentally setting people on fire sort of trouble.." She shrugs, "So maybe control is my weakness too?"

When Sheena says she can't train that, obviously because she'll hurt Faye, the red-headed teen grins, "You can if you want. I've got the power of healing, so as long as you don't bite my head off or anything, then I'll be fine." She smiles at her, "As long as you don't mind getting burnt then maybe we could both train our weaknesses? It'll be hard though, 'cause I only tend to really 'blow up' when people insult me, Myra or Rai."

She does wonder what is making the Lycan look so serious, and she once again glances to the sparring Evangeline and Raina, she frowns a little bit, she honestly doesn't trust that blonde vampire.

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