Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Mar smiled. So, this James person was paying attention after all! "Thanks" the Augmented Human said and then considered James`s offer which made the boy compelled to add "both of us against you?... are you sure that you want to disadvantage yourself like that?" with furrowed brows. Not that he`d underestimate a person who appeared to be a DHH but James seemed to be biting off a little more than he could chew....

The boy wondered why James thought he could take Lekki and him on at once. Was it because they both looked weak in the Half Dragons eyes? or was it because he thought himself to be exceptionally strong?
James smiled. 'nah I just want a challanged...I really don't expect to win. Not to mention....Between the two of you....I'll release more stress without worry of hurting you too much." He sighed. "i normaly don't like to fight but I think I need it." He said and then rubbed his head. "Just a warning though....I might turn into a dragon...or something in between." He said and then stood up. He smiled at them both.
*Macal directs his agents like this was a movie, moving back and forth to one station after another each one in charge of a certain aspect for Eve's torture.* Keep it nice and subtle for now folks, call up the image of the mother, maybe sitting in the back of the class with a disappointed look on her face, something simple for now. Have the team finish setting up her quarters yet? *An agent nods at him confirming Eve's room has been setup with everything needed to continue her punishment.* Remember folks don't ever let it be said that I didn't let you have any fun.

*Alex finally arrives back at the academy, as usual he's late for Faith's class so he sneaks in hoping not to be noticed taking a seat in the very back of the class, in honestly he doesn't want to be seen by either Faith or Sheena, he plans on just making it through the day and then go back to his room and sleep for the rest of the day, doing as little to no work if he can swing it.*
Lekki grinned in glee as if the thought of tag teaming James was a fun idea. And it was in some regards. She had no plans in going full force with her strength power. It was one she rarely, if ever, used anyways. But she liked the idea of giving him a challenge and he said it was okay as well. So why not enjoy the spar? Lekki could find no reason herself.

"Well if we are all ready, then we can start." She looked at James when he mentioned turning into a dragon and she went wide-eyed. "Ooo. Would you fit in the room? What do you look like as one? Oh this is going to be good!"


Hayley was surprised. No that was an understatement. She was shocked. She actually landed a blow on the girl. She stood there for a moment, stunned into silence. But the young girl's mention of her trying to hit her brought her out of it. Hayley would surely not be able to move or fend off an attack from her. She wasn't sure how hard she's hit either. If it was okay for her to go all out, it surely wasn't the same in reverse.

She was happy for Faith's safe then. She took a deep breath to calm down and nodded at her.

"T-thank you."


Jinn was a bit impressed by the idiot. He seemed to have gotten right back up, but if she was being honest, she wasn't going all out. Why let an enemy know her strength as well? If she had to defend herself, she would and the fight yesterday was a good show. But Jinn wasn't even warmed up. These people weren't even half the standard of the marks she got.

But in the long run it did not matter.

Jinn was not here to show her skills or to prove her worth. She was here for Hayley and she would do what she had to in order to make the possible. If she had to break some bones and beat up the entire school, then she would. And if she had to make nice with the students here. Well Jinn was not one for that, but she'd do what she was told until she could drag the shifter from the building.

She looked over at Hayley. Jinn was bit pissed off to see that she was with the teacher. If she wanted to avoid drawing attention to herself here, she had to avoid those people.

She turned back to her fight with Vash, but something drew her attention. A scream. She turned to see the vampire ***** crying out in pain. She grinned in joy. At least someone was getting that they deserved.

But her joy in seeing Evangeline being hurt, distracted her. She turned back only to barely dodge a strike from Vash. She could feel it slide against her cheek and warm blood dripping from it. She raised a hand and looked down at the blood. Then she looked back at Vash. She drew one of her poison knives and moved forward, crouching down, then she rose up in a slashing movement. If it hit his stomach, chest, neck or face, it didn't matter which to the assassin.

Zelda didn't expect the sweeping move so she started to fall, however she slamed the end of her staff on the ground and pushed up managing to do a flip. She stummbled a bit but she looked at Kesson. She swung her staff at Kesson and then jumped back putting some distance. However with her one blind eye she rather stay close so she can use her good eye better. She wondered with maybe she could turn into her dragon form. No she couldn't do that, the room was to small and she might freak out a few people.

(new post)

James chuckles. "Don't think I can fit in this room...and I'm a golden color...I even have scales on my chest in human form." He said and then looked at Mar and then back at Lekki. "I think now would be a good time to start." He said and then breathed fire at the two of them. He then closed his mouth and waited for them to react.
Mar didn`t expect the attack to happen so suddenly, the boy was barely able to duck low in order to avoid the fire but in the same movement he managed to reach for the left leg of his dark blue pants and slightly raise it revealing a concealed ankle-gun holster that held the judge in it. The boy pulled out the jet black revolver before he hastily brought it up to eye level and opened its chamber allowing 7 live slugs (another word for bullet) to hit the ground with staggered clinging noises. Mar then proceeded to quickly tap each empty hole in the weapons cylinder with his free left hand prompting his nano machines to fill them with copies of non lethal rubber rounds. Mar didin`t raise himself back to his full height until the last bit of warmth from James`s fire passed over his head.

"okay that was cool" he admitted with a smile of admiration before he fired a quick yet inaccurate retaliation shot aimed at the DHH`s left knee

at the end of the day a rubber round wouldn't have the stopping power needed to break bones but it would still hurt like hell if you got hit.
Vash did a silent cheer when one of his projectiles grazed Jinn's cheek. But he celebrated too soon. Jinn was already up and charging at him with a blade. It was probably poisoned. Jinn seemed like the type to carry such a thing. The assassin was quick but Vash had been able to see her. His eyes were quick as well. But seeing an attack and being able to dodge it were two totally different things. Even if his eyes could keep up, his body could not. Vash had already decided to take the hit full on, hoping it would strike him in the chest to avoid further damage. He'd be able to heal soon enough and if it was poisoned, Mel probably had some sort of antidote handy. The white haired demon clenched his jaw to prepare for the surge of pain that was sure to come.

But it didn't. Vash felt himself being pulled back and soon he hit the floor with a heavy thud. Opening his eyes, he saw Mel standing over him, facing Jinn. "Are you done playing yet? Because I have business to attend to." She then turned to Vash. "Get up. We're leaving."

Vash stood up, a bit confused. There was still a little time left in class, though he did notice some other students leaving earlier. Maybe it was okay. Then he followed Mel out of the classroom with Riff. He noticed a strained face on his fellow servant's face. Riff was clearly near breaking point. The chill in the air around him was clear evidence of that.


Lil watched as the ant went away and breathed a sigh of relief. The color returned to her face as she smiled at Santos. "Yeah, much better. Sorry to cause you so much trouble." She looked over at the door where the ant was staying near and noticed Mel and her lackies following out of the class. Riff didn't look so good. His face was pale and it looked like he was in a lot of pain. She turned back to Santos with a look of worry on her face. "I'm sorry but could you excuse me for a bit. I-I want to check something out." (Santos could watch or follow if he'd like. It's up to you, Mar.)

The blonde angel ran out of the classroom door and quickly spotted the demon crew a bit down the hallway. She ran after Riff. "Riff, are you okay? You don't look so good."

Riff looked down at Lil. He knew better than to interact with someone Mel was so clearly against but it would've been rude to just ignore her when she was worried about him, right? Plus Mel did say on multiple occasions that he was free to talk to whomever he wished. "Yes. I'm fine. I just need a little rest." Riff swallowed back a sudden surge of pain that filled his chest. He was really close to a code break and needed to rest immediately.

Lil stepped closer to the blond butler. She felt chills that got colder the closer she got. She grabbed his hand and held it tightly in her own. He was cold to the touch, much like a corpse. "I really worry about you and Vash. Following Mel is going to bring you nothing but trouble. Can't you leave her and become a normal student? I'm sure everyone here would accept you. After all, no one is born evil. Even if you are a demon now, you are a good person." (Keep that phrase in mind. "No one is born evil." It'll get somewhat important in the future.)

Riff felt a bit weird at Lil's touch. He began to tell her that he had no intentions of leaving Mel when a black blur sent the poor angel flying into the wall. Lil had hit her head upon impact and a bit of blood now stained her blonde hair. She opened her eyes to see Mel standing before her. And though the mask hid much of her face, Lil could tell that she was angry by the murderous aura surrounding her.

"Who gave you permission to touch Riff? I don't want your filth to rub off on him."

Riff was a bit confused. Mel had no problem when Faye had touched him yesterday. She didn't even seem to mind too much when Jinn had nearly killed him. Why was she so angry at Lil?

Lil looked up at Mel with angry eyes, though with her childish face, it looked much like a kid trying to stand up to a bully. "I want to save him! Vash too. They were innocent humans before they met you! They were God's beloved creatures and you turned them into servants of the dark lord! Do you intend to drag them down with you?!" The blonde's voice grew a little hoarse with all the shouting. Though all this happened in the hallway, it could probably be heard in the classrooms since neither party bothered to be quiet. Lil tried to send forth a burst of wind to knock the dark haired girl off her feet, but Mel stood her ground firmly. The wind seeming to have no effect on her.

Mel grabbed the angel by her collar and lifted her up. "It would do you good to keep your nose out of places it does not belong." She then threw Lil onto the floor hard. "Stay away from my servants, you dirty tramp." Though anger and hatred laced every word, Mel did not raise her voice one bit.

Lil pulled out her whip to attack but in a flash, Mel was in front of her and drop kicked the blonde into the wall again. The angel tried to sending more wind to attack Mel. The wind seemed to have very little effect, only giving Mel's clothes small cuts. Though one wind blade managed to cut the dark girl's arm. A small trickle of blood went down her arm but disappeared as it reached a black glove. Mel still advanced forward though and kneed Lil's stomach.

The blonde fell to the floor and began coughing up a little blood. Her eyes then widened in realization. Mel wasn't using her powers. She wasn't even using a weapon. Had Lil really gotten so weak? At least in their fight eight years ago, Mel had been forced to use her powers but now . . . now she didn't even need them to put Lil in such a state. Lil was scared now. The silver dagger was back in her room and Mel was practically handing Lil's ass to her. In a last attempt to get some form of advantage, Lil sent a small twister at Mel. It was small enough so that there would be no damage to the school but hopefully it would be enough to push Mel back a little bit.

Unfortunately, it didn't. As the winds dissipated, Lil could see Riff standing in front of Mel. His jacket and shirt had been torn to shreds, and white scales shone through. Riff was obligated to protect Mel afterall. It wasn't strange that he'd throw himself in front of her. Mel charged toward Lil again, and again drop kicked her into the wall.

Shit, Lil thought. Was Mel going to kill her? Then Mel stood before the angel. There was a smirk on her face and little to no sign of injury. "Where's your God now, Lil?"

(Woo, that was long. And so much foreshadowing too. I wonder if anyone could pick up on anything. Oh well, anyway, if people want to interfere in the fight, you are welcome to. Lil probably really needs the help right about now. But remember that Riff and Vash are there and you're going to have to go through them first.)
(if no one minds after Joboz's post I'll end the lesson for right now)

Faith nods in response to Hayley's thank you, giving her another brief smile before moving apart from her,first reminding her, "I want you to start seeing Sheena today, few hours after class. I think you'll start doing much better." Leaving her then, she begins to walk around the room, making sure that everyone is staying on task and performing correctly without putting themselves or anyone else in extreme danger. Here and there she stops to make corrections and suggestions, stepping in to adjust people and watch them retry.

She sees that Sheena has had her fur singed and that she and Faye are going at it pretty earnestly, that others are also giving it a pretty good go of it, but Evangeline paired with Raina she watches particularly closely. Although she does not know it, in Evangeline's mind, within the next ten seconds, her mother will be standing in the doorway, staring, one hand held in such a manner as to frame the deep wounds on her neck, wounds which appear to be bite marks.
Jinn had thought that she was going to land a blow. Even if the poison wouldn't kill him in the long run, it'd surely slow him down. She had never fought fair much, not since her training as an assassin. She was taught that you did what you had to and of course assassins weren't exactly the fairest or nicest of people. Jinn was a vicious killer and as much as she would hold back so not to draw attention, it was hard not to fight like she was use to.

But it seemed that his mistress had other plans. She stopped and watched her drag her little pets from the room. Jinn gripped her knife tightly and frowned. No one got in her way when she was fighting. She just about had it with that girl, who ever she was. Maybe it was time to knock her down a few pegs. This time she'd ignore her little guard dogs. If the ***** was so sure of herself, then Jinn wanted to fight her.

She walked out of the classroom. She was surprised to see that someone else had followed Mel and the mutts outside of the room as well. She did not recognize the girl either, but it did not matter. She scoffed at Mel's words. It seems that someone else had something against her, but she wouldn't doubt it. Not with the way she acted. But it matter little to the half-elf. If she had an ally or not, she would take on Mel.

"I see you're finally fighting and not hiding behind your little pets. Shall I give you a round of applause?"


Kesson was impressed with the way Zelda moved. Some part of him didn't want to keep up the fight, but he wouldn't treat her any differently now that he knew. He moved again and tried to come from behind and hit her in the back.

He had been hit with the staff when she swung and so he was breathing a little harder than normal. He'd surely have a bruise on his stomach come tomorrow.


Lekki did what she did best and teleported as soon as she saw the fire. She appeared behind James and watched as Mar's attacked. She teleported again just to make it sort of confusing and reappeared on his right side, taking a swing at his shoulder.

"Well then I hope you don't change fully. Not that I wouldn't love to see it," Lekki said as she attacked. "And ooo gold. Such a pretty color."
James saw them both attack and his wings ripped through his shirt.overed himself defending from both attacks. He opened his wings and breathed out tons of fire. He jumped to his right side going to attack Lekki. His shirt had burned off. "Oh great...I got to stop letting my wings lose so much." He said and then side. He abs were covered in bright golden scales that stretched up covering his entire chest. Attacking from the front wasn't a good idea. He jumped back and then blew fire at Mar. His wings stretched out. There weren't many places you could hit on a dragon. James' wings were like shelds.

"Sorry Lekki....I hope you don't mind me being like this..." he said and then rubbed his head a bit. "I'm going to need to buy new shirts now." He said.


Zelda looks at how his brother was fighting and she jumped away from Kesson. She looks at him taking a moment to cut her shirt in the back. She shifted her pink dragon wings to help protect her. They were covered in pink scales and outlind with gold scales. She waved her staff sending a swirl of fire at Kesson and she ran behind it so he couldn't see her coming.
Mar`s eyes widened as even more fire came his way, this time around the boy didn’t have sufficient time to dodge. He was instead, forced to use some of his nano machines to push every available atom that was directly in front of him forwards causing James `s stream of fire to reverse it`s course and violently shoot right back towards its creators face.

The “pushing” field that the boy had created wasn’t perfect. It was in a wall formation that had a small gap at its bottom. While a majority of the fire got redirected safely a small plume slipped through the hole and made contact with the bottom of his right pant leg, catching it on fire.

grit his teeth as he felt an instant, searing pain encroach upon his shin, the Augmented Human reacted almost instantly by commanding his nanos to remove the oxygen present in the flames on his clothing, extinguishing them with a hiss. Looking down the boy was relieved to find that his shin didn’t appear to have anything more than a minor burn. Looking back up Mar retrained his weapon on the last place that he saw James`s form. As soon as the fire cleared he would unload on the DHH.


Santos saw Lil leave the room but didn`t follow the blonde… not immediately at least. The Half Key Holder sat and waited for Faiths lesson to come to a close. Until he heard shouting coming from the hallway that was followed by the sound of something hitting the wall. Hard.

In a flash Santos could be seen sprinting towards the door before pulling it ajar. The teen didn’t even seem to notice Jinn. Seeing that Mel had apparently just beaten down Lil in a matter of moments the Half Key Holder didn’t hesitate to offer his assistance, even if Lil hated bugs.

At a snap from its master the croc sized ant launched itself towards Mel on powerful legs right as she uttered her “where’s your God now?” comment.

If the ants trajectory went uninterrupted it`s arm sized jaws would clamp down on the assailants shoulder with a bite that could rend through bronze.
*Mac stands over his team smirking with his arms crossed* Ok I say she's nice and warmed up lets move to stage 2, prepare for complete sensory take over next time Raina makes solid contact..If that child would stop talking smack and just engage, I want to pull Eve into our virtual world, I'm sure Faith can handle explaining why the girl suddenly vanishes in the middle of a training fight but that's on her. Remember we want to wait till Raina lands a solid hit on her before transport and full sensory take over begins. *He can't help but smile at this but then he sees two of his agents smiling also.* HEY YOU TWO THIS IS SERIOUS! It isn't a game! *Both agents quite smiling right away, then Mac rolls his eyes at them.* Ok it's sorta of a game, so I guess it's ok to enjoy yourselves. *the two agents smile again in relief and are about to high five when.* HEY THAT'S TO MUCH FUN FOCUS! Do a good job and puddling for everyone screw up and you'll end up being scrubbing the toilets her on this station with a q-tip..You get just the one! For all 3,291 toilets on Titan!
Lekki was surprised by James fighting ability. She teleported again to dodge the attack, appearing behind Mar. She watched as James somewhat changed and she went wide-eyed giggling in joy. He was very impressive looking even if he wasn't fully changed. And she didn't mind that his shirt had been taken off as well.

But she found that teleporting behind Mar was not that good idea as James blasted flames at him as well. She tried to teleport again but some of her clothes got singed. She stumbled as she reappeared near to James. She moved to the side, trying not to fall over and not to let herself be a target. She just hoped that whatever Mar was doing would be enough distraction until she got her footing. She thought maybe to try teleporting again, but she didn't trust it at this moment. After almost tripping over her own feet, she steady herself.

She moved and focused a bit on her strike, trying to knock James off his feet, but not seriously hurt him.


Kesson nodded. So that is how she wanted to fight? He had never really fought half-turned before. He usually didn't have to turn in order to do much and strangely he did not feel his wings would be necessary.

He was blinded by the fire as Zelda moved to attack him and all he could think of to do, was moved back and try and stay out of her way, although he wasn't sure where she was. He blew out his own flames, trying to mask himself as well, while preparing himself for an attack.
As the ant went for Mel, Vash charged in and blocked the thing's attack, allowing it to take a big bite into his arm. The white haired boy winced as blood trickled onto the floor. He then forced the bug off, flinging it back maybe a foot or two. His arms then turned a silver color before they healed themselves over. He looked at the bug that had tried to make a lunch out of him. God it was big. Vash would hate to see the can of bug spray needed to kill that thing off. Come to think of it, he really wanted to know what was in those cans. Because if cockroaches could survive a nuclear apocalypse, what the hell was in those cans?

But he was in the middle of a fight now, there was no time to be doing science. Changing his arm into a sword, Vash pointed the end at Santos. "No one is allowed to touch Mel as long as I am still standing." That of course included creepy crawlies. Vash stared at the ant for a good minute before saying, "Imma name you Bessy."

Mel didn't even turn her head to Jinn's direction. She was too focused on Lil and making sure that pathetic excuse of a being knew just who was stronger. "I don't need approval from trash. Now if you would just leave, I'm about to deliver punishment for this one's impudence." Mel stared down at Lil. "You aren't even worthy of scuffing my shoe. Pathetic parasites should learn their place." The black haired girl then stomped hard on Lil's arm, making a loud cracking sound.

Luckily, it was Lil's right arm and she was left handed. Lil struggled to sit up, clutching her arm. There was no blood but the pain let the angel know that it was broken. She grabbed her whip and tried to grip it tightly but just couldn't. She was fairly exhausted, having served as a punching bag just now. Legs shaking, she forced herself to stand. "I will defeat you. With God as my witness, you will be purged from this world!" She then cracked her whip and tried to attack Mel.

But the masked girl grabbed the end of the whip with relative ease. And with a slight tug, Lil had fallen again. "Pathetic. Just like eight years ago, you are just all talk. I wonder what everyone would think if they knew the truth."
All six of the ant`s legs scurried helplessly in the air as it was flung backwards 3 feet , it landed on its back with a solid thud and skidded on the ground for a few centimeters before it came to a full stop.

A frown appeared on Santos`s face when Vash said that no one was allowed to touch Mel; "Well if you don`t want your wife to get hurt tell her to back off." the Half Key Holder retorted with a hint of venom mixed in with his usually soft spoken tone of voice. He cringed as he heard his ant hit the floor behind him but didn`t turn to see if it was okay, at it`s size the things exoskeleton could take a reasonable amount of punishment.

But then Vash made the mistake of poking fun at his ant, at that exact moment Santos discarded all aspirations to negotiate with the offender, a blank expression came upon the teens face as his left hand flew for a right-hip holster that carried a glock-18 machine pistol which he whipped out and pointed in Vash`s general direction, leaving nothing but a seconds warning before he pulled the trigger.

The air was filled with the sound of hailing bullets as the ferocious, fully-auto side arm loosed a full clip of 33 horrendously inaccurate rounds travailing at ungodly speeds towards Vash, (they can all miss if you want) even though his face didn`t show it Santos was currently very p****d, nobody claimed ownership of his ants and got away with it. And the fact that Vash was associated with someone who was assaulting a fellow student he had been handed a great excuse to give if the Demon wound up dead.

Santos had completely forgotten that Mel existed for a moment but the ant had not. As it managed to flip itself back onto its "feet" it would dutifully continue in the task it was given. The insect attempted to bolt in a semicircle around Vash so that it would end up in a flanking position behind Mel.
Nick and Deathwish watch the fight with Mel. They look at eachother and then smirk. "Shall we teach these half Demons how to fight?" Deathwish smirks. "Yes." Deathwish replies and the two brothers use vampire speed to get right behind mel. Nick hisses loudly. "You my dear should learn your place...a real royal shouldn't be acting so childish. Human...." Nick said and then smirks as shadxows begin to rise from the ground. "There are powerful people don't tick all of them off." Nick said and then looked as Deathwish stood there with his arms crossed. The shadows begn to surround Mel, if she didn't move quickly they'd grab her.

Zelda appeared above Kesson and she had her hands together with her staff tucked under her arm. "Dragon magic...I call on my dragons!" She said and then four wolf sized dragons appeared. They were furry like wolves but they had no ears and scales on their chest and muzzles. They also had wings. These weren't normal dragons but they were still a type of dragon. They flew down at Kesson aiming for his arms and legs. (This is one of Zelda's powers.)

James suddenly was tripped and he fell, oddly enough saving him from his own blast of fire. He jumped back up and looked at Lekki. He swung his wing to try and hit her. She was more close ranged it seemed, while mar was long ranged...if he could somehow switch them he might have more of a chances, but if mar had close ranged weapons as well....jeez this might go badly.

(I think I might close it soon...but you are welcome to join it dante_abrax. While we're on the subject what do you guys think about closing it? I mean we do have plently of characters.)
(I think closing it is a good idea, I can barely keep up sometimes with who's who as it is. So I vote yes. Also, I vote that we have a Halloween party or the like...[MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] after you've sort of summed up fighting with Sheena and Eve then I'm going to skip ahead to the lesson being over and Faith talking with Sheena and Eve hallucinating, then if everyone's ok with it, to it being October 30 because that's Liza's birthday. We can have Liza's birthday and a Halloween party same day if that's okay with everyone?

I'll post Sheena talking with Faith a little later)
(Alright since you're co-owner I am decently thinking about closing it. I will still wait to see what some of the others think. About that party I'm ok with that. I was planning on party to let all the characters relax and flower and her family could have some fun together, I also wanted to Get the chance to talk about a big event happening. I was thinking maybe the vampire king attacking the castle and trying to kill everyone in it. Including the vampires which he would say were unpure because they've been hanging around key holders. That would give me the chance to show off ben's power and may e peek the intrest of faith and all them.)
( guys can finish up your fights in your next posts or whatever, and I'll set up for Halloween party/Liza birthday for tomorrow a little later)

As the lesson came to a conclusion and Faith made her rounds, checking over those who had been injured to see the extent of it, she was pleased to see the skill that most of them had shown, and the amount of improvement she was observing. It was good to see that some of those, such as Faye and Hayley, were already showing such progress. On the other hand, the skill of others, such as Jinn and Mel, was if not surprising, disheartening. She knew that the other students would need to continue to drastically improve to be ready for what might come their way.

Evangeline had left the room before Faith had called the lesson to the conclusion, her always pale face more ghostly in hue than usual, her expression shaken, lips thinned as she shot out the doorway without looking back. As Faith called the lesson to a close, Sheena looked around the room for Evangeline, finally noticing she was gone and growing concerned, but as others started to leave, Faith took Sheena by the arm, keeping her back with her. She sees Alex out the corner of her eyes and half hopes he lingers to listen as she begins to talk to Sheena.

“Like I said, I really want you to start working with Hayley, I think it would be good for both of you for you to help her learn to up her skills. Can you start that tonight?”

“Yeah, sure, I said I would, and I will,” Sheena shrugged, and Faith kept hold of her arm, looking her in the face until Sheena tensed, looking back at her with a slightly defensive frown. “What?”

Faith hesitated, picking her words carefully before speaking to her again, knowing even as she did that whatever happened now, however she might enjoy Evangeline’s suffering to come, Sheena would not…and in fact, Sheena would very much be hurt in the future. Whatever ended up happening, Sheena would know the truth soon enough, and it would be very, very painful for her.

“It’s Liza’s birthday tomorrow…five again, you know the drill. I’m thinking we can combine her birthday with a Halloween party, kill two birds with one stone. Will you help me with it? I’m going to need your help, Sheena, to look out for everyone at the party, make sure Mel and Jace and all the other pains in the ass around here aren’t going to ruin it or stalk around terrorizing everyone.”

“Yeah, sure…and Lina can help too,” Sheena said, looking her straight in the eye. She seemed to be almost daring Faith to counter that statement.

Faith grit her teeth, counting to ten before she responded, knowing there was an edge to her tone even as she maintained a neutral expression. “Didn’t think she was too fond of Liza.”

“She’ll want to help, Faith,” Sheena insisted, and Faith decided not to dispute the claim. Her thoughts were that the girl would hardly be able to see straight by tomorrow, let alone get off on ruining a five year old’s party.

Still, she felt like she needed to say something, to make clear to Sheena that whatever their recent argument about Evangeline, whether or not Sheena still resented her forcing her to begin investigating her, to confront head on the truth of her sister’s malevolence, she was still here for her. Faith knew she always would be, whether Sheena believed it or wanted to accept it or not, and so she lay a hand on her shoulder, hoping that if Sheena didn’t want to hear her now, she would remember in the near future.

“About our talk the other day…Sheena, how far along have you come with your assignment?”

Yep, Sheena was definitely avoiding her eyes now, her tone stiff as she responded, her shoulder muscles hard beneath her hand. “Fine.”

If it had been Faith speaking, she would have said “five by five,” and that, of course, would have meant not fine at all. She could definitely read that tone and that face.

“Yeah?” she paused, and when Sheena didn’t elaborate, pressed, “You spend much time with Alex lately? I think he’s been pretty lonely. Walking around with that mopey puppy look of his.”

“He’s been leaving a lot,” Sheena muttered, still not meeting her eyes, and Faith raised an eyebrow.

“Wonder why that might be?”

When Sheena refused to take the bait, Faith exhaled, still holding her by the shoulder as she lowered her voice, knowing Sheena would not respond, but hoping she still heard. “When this is over, and I think you know deep down it will be soon…we’re all still here, Sheena. Nothing you do will get rid of that. We’re still here.”

She paused, then gave her a small smile. "So how about it, you being Slayer now? It's a pretty wicked job...good kind and bad kind, depending on the day. Sorry I didn't catch it before, we do kind of live a hectic life, you know? But there's not much left I even need to teach you, Sheena. You've got like a dozen years' head start on most girls that get called. That's one thing I know beyond a doubt, if nothing else. When they picked you to be a Slayer, they knew what they were doing. They picked the right girl. And since you're Slayer're gonna have to make hard decisions. Ones that suck for you, so you can do your job protecting everyone else. But you'll do it. Because you're a Slayer...but also because you're you."

She squeezed her shoulder lightly before walking away, leaving her a space on her own to think over what had just been said.


In the small space of her bedroom Evangeline paced, trying to shove aside the images burned into her memory. Atherton in the training room, lingering in the doorway, stepping close, looking at her with that coldness that was all too familiar, all too terrible to see…she didn’t understand, she just didn’t understand how this could be. Why was he still here, how was he back? Was he a student? Why hadn’t Faith acknowledged him?

He was doing this to torment her, to pay her back. He was trying to make her think she was crazy…but then why had she seen her mother too? Could he do that? Send Muriel’s ghost, or control her…but Muriel had never been a vampire. Had she? Evangeline hadn’t done that to her…had Atherton?

She shook her head hard, attempting to thrust away the images building within her thoughts. No. No, that just wasn’t….no.

She would ignore it, all of it. If they were ghosts, they could not harm her. She was strong, she wasn’t afraid. She was-

“Evie,” whispered a voice to her left, dry as a corn husk, and Evangeline’s head whipped around, taking in the sight of the middle aged woman with dark roots to her bleach blonde hair, eyes wide and shocked, the blood marring the lining of her throat. “Oh Evie, why…”

Evangeline shook her head hard, denying the image, denying the words, denying everything about what she was experiencing. No. Muriel was dead. She was not in her room, she was nowhere but six feet under…Evangeline had made sure of that. She would not have wanted a weak, helpless mother figure tied to her even in the afterlife, an anchor weighting her down.

But the woman was reaching for her, repeating her name, and as Evangeline fled, she swore she felt her fingers brush her cheek.

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(I guess I'm okay with closing it but if it's okay, I'd like to reserve a place for two more characters who will come in later. Of course by that time, two of the characters I have now are going to die so it's more of a trade off. If that's not okay then it's fine. Also, Vash and Riff are fully demon, and Mel is fully human. Just a technicality. Also, I'm fine with the time skip, so I should probably wrap this fight up.)

When Vash heard the wife comment, blushed a little and shook his head with his hands on his cheeks, much like a little girl. "Oh stop it. It's not like that. I'm simply mistress #2. I could never hope to be her husband." Of course he was joking. As Santos began firing crazily, Vash didn't bother to move. He took most of the bullets head on as they penetrated his body. Blood was staining his clothes as small trickles of red escape the many holes in him. He smirked. "Thank you for the gift. Why don't you let me give you something in return." Being a metal manipulator, he sent the bullets in his body straight back at Santos. Of course this was a fairly inaccurate technique but surely he could dodge all of them. (He can if you want.) "An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. And evil for evil." That was Mel's favorite saying, and in a way, it was his too. He staggered a bit. The bullets had missed his vital organs but there were still about fifteen wounds on his body. The loss of blood was bound to be great.

Mel paid the vampire princes no heed at first. They were not on her list of priorities. But when Nick had spoken, she couldn't help but laugh. Even this stupid school was using her "title". A nickname concocted by some third rate journalist, the name in itself had no power. Through a smirk, she said to Nick, "But I am still just a child (under 18). So what reason do you have for your behavior, grandpa?" As the shadows rose, Mel made no attempt to move. She did not fear death. She welcomed it. "Powerful people huh? And what exactly have you given up for this power of yours? Nothing. I hate people like you who are born with the world in your hands. You who turn your back on the rest of the world because it's an eyesore. So before you go telling me how to act, get off your own high horse."

But before the shadows could grab her, she felt a chill and then the force of being pushed onto the floor. Riff had mustered enough strength to push her out of the way. The blond then stood up to face the vampires. "I cannot forgive those who wish harm onto Miss Mel." He then readied himself to fight. But then a huge surge of pain filled his hand and shot up his arm. He fell to the floor again, clutching his heart which thumped so hard, it felt as if it was about to explode out of his chest. What was happening to him? He had never felt this kind of pain before. It was different that a code break. He began coughing up blood.

Mel watched this with no change in emotion. "Riff, get up. I trained you to be stronger than this." She then sighed as if in disappointment and picked the boy off the ground. She then went over to Vash and pulled him back by his collar, dragging him away.

Lil was shaking now. Mel's servants were badly hurt and yet it didn't seem like she cared at all. "Don't you feel sorry for them?!" she yelled after the masked girl. "You know that following you is just going to bring them more suffering. Do you really plan to drag them down with you?"

Mel stopped for a second. "You of all people have some gall to be preaching your hypocritical religious bull sh*t. Now I'd watch what I'd say if I were you. The first ones to die are always the ones who bark the loudest."

Lil looked down in embarrassment. She really had gotten weak. Looking to the others, she said, "Sorry for getting you all involved in this mess. Is everyone okay?"


About an hour later, Riff and Vash were sitting on the floor just outside Mel's room. There wounds had been treated but it looked as if they were in great shock. They just continued to stay there as if paralyzed. What were they going to do now? Their whole reason of existing was gone. They had been fired. Mel said that she had no need for servants who couldn't even stand that level of fighting. Riff looked down at his hand. It still hurt from before. He wasn't sure why.

(Okay, so you're probably not going to see Mel for a while until Lil decides to do a final confrontation. If you want to help, I suggest becoming her friend now because I am very impatient and really want to do it now. :toung: But yeah . . . I think about 2 more days should be long enough. That way nothing is interrupting Liza's birthday bash.)
(Ooh, can I make my FINAL character first? xD I know I have a lot, but a few will be going soon anyway :P Oh, speaking of which, can I book a death after Mel and Lil's confrontation? Since this RP is so action-filled I thought I'd pre-book xD )

Raina had very much enjoyed the fight with Evangeline. After she had broken the girl's wrist Evangline had struck back with a blow to the face. Raina only managed to skirt back slightly, so the blow did hit her, but the force behind it was lessened slightly. Her nose did bleed, though it did not break, and she wiped away the crimson liquid like one would a runny nose.

The two girls had gone at each other for a bit more, Raina throwing in snarky comments as Evangeline carried on seeing the dead. Then the girl seemed to freeze up, spotting someone in the doorway, and it was then that their spar ended. Evangeline fled before Raina could even thank her for the spar - pssh, how rude - and she glanced around the room for Faye, remembering their promise to speak.


Faye realised that her cute comment offended the Lycan as soon as the snarl left her lips. Her eyes widened slightly as the wolf pins her down, claws at chest, and she gives her a weak grin, "Um, uncle?" She then - with flaming hands - shoves hard against the beast's chest to try and push her off as she sets herself alight and rolls over to escape the claws. The two then find themselves standing, facing each other, Faye on fire and Sheena snarling lightly.

Yeah, Faye made a mental note to NEVER call the girl cute again when she had claws like that. Her chest was stinging lightly from being pinned by those mini blades.

The two fought for a while longer; long enough for Faye to conclude that Sheena was definitely the better of them two and that had won the spar hands down. So once the lesson had ended Faye had put out her flames and grinned at Sheena, "Nice fight, we should do it again sometime." She looked down to her cut arm and waved a hand over it, healing the wound with a small pink shimmer. She still held the grin as she glanced back up, "Maybe I should wear metal Armour next time though, ever thought of buying a giant nail clipper?"

She turned to leave then, as Sheena was stopped by Faith to talk, but before she herself could skedaddle her name was called out and she spun around with a smile as Raina sped over to her, stopping infront of her little sister with a grin and lit up eyes. Fighting Evangeline had certainly put her in a good mood. "Hey Rai! Can we talk now?" Raina nods, then looks around, spotting the Cords' and is about to correct herself and tell Faye they should chat in her room, when the firey-girl begins to speak at an incredibly fast pace. "Phew! I'm so glad you're okay, you are okay right? What did your Dad-I mean our Dad do? Did he hurt you? He almost hurt Myra and I haven't seen her in days since, do you think she's okay? Please can you help me find her, I know you don't like her 'cause she's a key-holder and everything but she's my sister just like you and I really want you to to get along 'cause you're the only family I have left and if you two don't get along then that will suck." The girl paused for a breath and Raina grabbed Faye's shoulders lightly, cutting her off.

"Okay, okay, breathe? Alright?." She paused then, biting her bottom lip though trying to search for the words, she let out a tiny sigh, "Fine. I'll TRY and get along with Myra, but only because you asked me to, okay?" Faye smiled brightly then, "But if she starts acting like a bi*ch to me then don't blame me if I bite her head off!" Raina commented quickly, and Faye let out a light laugh, hugging Raina suddenly. The vampire seemed a bit surprised by the sudden contact, her muscles tensed, before she relaxed into the hug, taking the comfort Faye offered.

Faye ran a hand over Raina's back as the two hugged, she frowned as she felt something like an indent through the black tank-top's thin material, and as she pressed on it Raina winced every so lightly. Faye then pulled back, expression serious as she narrowed her eyes at her, "Raina? What is that on your back?" Raina became reminded of the publicness of their current area, still in the classroom with the Cords', and suddenly her back seemed to sting even more. "Nothing, Faye, can we talk in your room? There's too many..." She was cut off as Faye suddenly sped behind the vampire and pulled the back of her top up to reveal not only the deep fresh scar from Kol but the other criss-crossed white lines around it, clearly inflicted in the same manner as the new wound, just older. Faye let out an audible gasp, moving her hand forward to gently touch the painful looking scar, but then Raina had spun to face her, top back down as she hissed in Faye's face.

Faye stood her ground however, hissed back as her amber eyes darkened to black, then calmed and a worried look took over the younger's face. "Raina, did your Dad do that?" Raina glared at Faye, offended that her little sister had just invaded her privacy by finding the wound, and spoke rather coldly, eyes hard, "No. Our Dad did that." Faye frowned still at Raina's off tone, "Did you kick his butt for it?" Oh dear. Raina was getting a bit too annoyed now. She shook her head, fists clenched subtly at her sides, "No Faye. He's not some little puppy I can kick away when he bites my ankles. He's strong." Faye now realised the tone as being snappy towards her and she raised an eyebrow, almost a mirror image of Raina as she spoke back snappily, "Well I'm sorry for not knowing that, unlike you I don't actually know a damn thing about our dad, I don't even know his name!" Raina snarled back, "Kol. His name is Kol. There you go, happy now?" Faye gave off an irritated sound before speeding from the room fast enough to make Raina's hair fly back. She rolled her eyes and began to leave the room, not sparing a glance for Faith or Sheena.

Until of course she heard it was Liza's birthday, she then decided to follow after Faith, leaving Sheena behind as interest sparked in her gaze, "It's Liza's birthday tommorrow? I thought she couldn't age? Or do you guys still celebrate it anyway?" She did grin then, even she wasn't sure if she was poking fun or just trying to make light of the situation. "What is it? Happy 20th 5th birthday?" She hoped Liza wasn't that old; she'd feel so insignificant if she was.


Jace calmed slightly as it was mentioned this Vince guy was dead. But still. Did all of his family suck ass? Besides his Mum and the twins of course - though Nick was pretty damn annoying most of the time and Deathwish was, well, creepy. So yeah. Maybe everyone except his Mum. He listened to the others talk amongst themselves, still thinking about his messed up family. He tried to make a list.

Malcolm (technically not his family but sort of his family). Evil.

Mum. Apparently the only good one.

Real Dad Vampire King whatever his name is. Definitely Evil.

Dead Vince Brother he never even met. Labelled evil and a perv because he forcefully kissed Flower and no-one seems to have liked him.

Nick. Annoying, but not evil.

Deathwish. Creepy, don't think he's evil, but still creepy.

Was he missing anyone? Oh yeah, and of course his evil, twisted half-personality Sethos.

He found himself muttering aloud, "Is everyone in my family a messed-up wreck?" Then with an embarrassed glance upwards he realised he had happened to speak that just when everyone else had fallen silent. Great. They all just heard that.


Chameleon watched as Benjamin's beautiful wife Kira appeared beside him, and he found himself watching the pair interact, smiling lightly as they jabbed fun at each other. He could see the pure love that they had for each other, it was radiating from their very souls, it was incredible. Yet superbly depressing. Watching the two together, he was inexplicably jealous of the unbreakable bond he could see between them. And not only because he longed for it himself, but also because he could only compare it to his own parents.

His own parents, who from afar seemed to have that bond, that eternal love, but from the inside anyone could see it was broken, shattered in places. And of course, it wasn't until after his Mother killed his Father, her own husband, that he knew she had been faking the whole 10 years of their relationship. So now, upon looking back, even the love that appeared to be there was ruined for him. He knew his Father loved Felicity, his Mum, with all of his heart. Too bad she went and stabbed a hole through it.

He was jealous, and depressed by how much Ben and Kira loved each other, but also he wished they would never lose it. Pure shared love was a thing too precious to be taken away or destroyed. He blinked suddenly then, shaking his head lightly as an image of Rai grinning at him popped into his head. "We'reee going to Paris's best night club!" Why on earth was he thinking about Raina right now? Oh yeah, they sorta kissed, that might have something to do with it. They still hadn't spoken about that, and since the two shared a room, and classes, and a school, they were bound to bump into each other sooner or later, and have to talk about it.

He looked distracted when Flower spoke to him about her parents, and he offered her a grin, "I don't mind, life would suck if you were serious for every second of the day." Life does suck when you're serious. He found his thoughts whispering back to him.


Faye meanwhile had been walking the hallways, storming almost as subtle heat radiated from her body, as she grumbled in a low tone - typical when she was annoyed. Why did Raina get so pissy? And where the HELL was Myra? She was so focused on her angry and worried thoughts that she found her foot hitting against something hard and she went down to ground before she could realise it.

She saved her face from hitting the ground by holding out her hands and then spinning around so she was sitting on the floor, facing the thing she had tripped over, which happened to be either Vash's or Riff's feet - she wasn't sure who. She frowned then, noticing the boys' sad looks, and glanced to Riff; as she knew him better. "Hey Riff, what's with the long face?" She frowned lightly then, concerned, "Your injuries aren't playing up, are they? I can try and do a better job of healing them again if you want?" She glanced to Vash, not knowing him aswell, but still sort of spoke to him anyway, "Are you two alright?" She was sitting crossed legged beside Riff now, her anger vanishing as she found herself worried about the two.
(you guys I would think could make your reserved character since you're accepted rpers, then that's it for now...dreams idk what you mean. Who should befriend Lil?)

Faith had been dimly aware of Raina and Faye in the back of the room, Faye's loud voice carrying over her soft conversation with Sheena so that what they were saying was almost certainly not overheard, and she had deliberately blocked them out, focusing only on her sister. As she starts to leave, however, she hears Raina catching up to her and turns towards her as the girl questions her.

Liza, of course. Always Liza who was the truce between them...wasn't that the case with most?

"It's her third time being five, actually...she came to us three years ago, so technically she's three. With this body. But...she was made in my head like, twenty years ago, so...we just call it her birthday and leave it at that, we don't worry about tracking down technicalities," she said to Raina, giving her a slight smile. "She's five. And trust me, she'll be just as thrilled about turning five again as if she really were aging...that's the weird thing about life with Liza. Nothing changes with her, ever, and yet no day's the same. It's kind of comforting, really...she's the one constant."

Realizing then that she probably revealed more of herself than she was actually comfortable with Raina knowing, she straightened, her gaze a little less relaxed. "Guess you tagged Eve. Great...gonna be cool to see it get worse over time."
(Well, anyone can really. Liza already knows Lil but I'm not sure if she'd actually allow the little girl to come along for the fight. I was thinking of Lekki and Faye though, since those were the ones who wanted to hold the boys back. They have two ways of knowing about the fight. They can know and prove to Lil that they would be of help, or they could coincidentally be with Riff and Vash as the fight's going on and follow them as they head off to help Mel. The first seems more realistic but the second option is possible. Anyone else who wants to be there should probably make themselves known to Lil so that she asks them for help. I really don't care who wants in, I just need one more person.)

Riff looked up when he felt someone trip over his feet. It was Faye. "Oh . . . hi there." She asked him if his injuries were bothering him. They weren't. The only pain came from his hand but Riff had medical knowledge and there was no injury or anything that could explain the sensation. Though he had at least been able to put together that source of the pain was the same as what had caused him to collapse earlier. "No, nothing like that. It's just . . . we were fired. Mel said she didn't need people so weak serving under her." His eyes fell to the floor again. "I know it's a bit silly, but we enjoyed working for her. We didn't want to leave."

Vash punched the wall, making a painting fall from their shared dorm door. The picture fell with a clatter and the glass broke when the frame hit the floor. "How can she think she can just drop us like this? What they hell do we do now?! We have no family, no friends, no lives to return to. She knows this. And we can't even start new ones because everyone knows we follow her." His head dropped so that his bangs covered his face. "I just wish that if this was the part of some plan, she'd tell us. After everything we've been through, why did we get thrown away?"

Riff turned to Faye. "I'm sorry. You probably don't understand. Mel might be a bit . . . rough. But Vash and I had always seen us as a family." He laughed nervously. How could Faye understand? Even if her situation were a bit similar, it could never be the same. After years of running and fighting together, it seemed like there was a bit of a bond between the three of them. But it seems the feelings were never mutual. And Vash was right, they had no lives or people to return to.
(I have no problem with you guys making more characters.)

Ben chuckled and then wrapped his arms around Kira. He looked at Flower and then frowned looking at Jace. "...." he had no answer to Jace's question and lye looked as Kira stepped further into ben's arms. He sighed. "Aren't we your family Jace? I hope we're not messed up. I know your blood family certainly could do without your father but..." he sighed.

Flower looked at Jace and then rubbed her head. She looked around and then back on Jace. She put her hand on his shoulder an smiled at him. "Jace...because of you I've been through a lot if this isn't your family to you, you need your head examined." she said and then chuckled as Sarah walked toward them. "Oh hello Sarah."

Sarah waved to them and then smiled at Flower. Flower glared. "Why are you smiling like that?" she asked but Sarah didn't answer as she was silently enjOying something. Flower narrowed her eyes hating that Sarah could sense her feelings. Ben and Kira look at each other and then smiles at their two daughters hoping hey wouldn't fight.

Ben looks at Leon. "Don't mind Sarah she's just reading in on glower and flower never likes it when she does that. Guard your feelings well little shape shifter if she looking for them she can sense anything." he said and then smiles lightly as Sarah turns her attentions to Leon.

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