Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(I can’t say that I’m against closing the RP but I will miss the random character pages popping in from time to time. The sheer number of characters that this RP supports is what makes FA unique. (to me anyways))

After the flames cleared Mar saw that James had been tripped. The boy fixed his aim on the area where the DHH`s back ended and where his wings began ready to pelt him with rubber in case Lekki couldn’t subdue him.

But then class ended.

smiled as he returned the judge to its ankle holster “you fight like you were almost born to do it” the Augmented Human complemented sincerely, holding one’s own against two contacts like James did was no easy feat. Out of his peripheral vision Mar noticed Hal`s sleeping form slumped over at a back desk but didn`t spot his half-brother. The boy furrowed his eyebrows in mild confusion, Santos didn`t appear to be the kind of person who would skip class. He crossed over to Hal`s desk and flicked him lightly with his pinky finger causing the Key Holder to stir; “What?” he grumbled

sleepily as he wiped away a trail of drool protruding from his mouth using the back of his left hand.

(sorry if my character missed some interaction with James or Lekki I wanted to keep up with Dreams`s and Faith`s posts )

“Have you seen your brother?” Mar

stood up and looked at his roommate, a half-asleep expression still painted his features ; “half-brother” he corrected with a yawn before answering; “ no, did somthi-“ Hal`s sentence was cut short by what sounded like a series of no more than 8 soft chinking noises coming from the wall that almost sounded like someone just threw a bunch of penny`s against it. Or bullets.

Without warning the 19-year old grabbed
Mar by the collar of his black button-up shirt and nearly dragged him towards the door the Key Holders pace increased to almost break-neck speeds when he heard a muffled yowl from the other side.

Mar had to run to keep his shirt from being ripped off.


As Vash returned
Santos`s gift it`s initial sender didn’t feel as though he`d been shot. As a matter of fact the Half key Holder heard the eight bullets that had hit Vash all hit the wall harmlessly behind him. Or so he thought.

As the Key Holder attempted to move his left arm its corresponding shoulder exploded with pain making the teen drop his G-18 , cry out from the initial shock and then clutch his wounded member.

Almost as soon as
Santos had realized that he`d been hit three other area`s of his body lit up in pain, the left side of his jaw; where a bullet had grazed, as well as both of his thighs all emitted similar though less intense responses. Surprisingly he could still stand and keep himself from yelling again.

Looking up while still holding his injured shoulder
Santos scanned the hallway for Mel and her cronies but only saw the assailant’s backs as they left.

When Lil asked if he was okay Santos managed a small smile and said; “I think I’ll live” between painful breaths.

Less than two seconds after the Half Key Holders reply
Hal could be seen in the doorway with Mar still in tow. “WHO THE HELL DID THIS!” Hal growled angrily to a half-brother who simply gave a bloody-handed wave and offered the same smile he`d given to Lil. It didn’t take long for a thick stream of blood to ooze lazily out of Santos`s injured shoulder.

Breaking away from Hals grip Mar closed the distance between him and Santos before grabbing the older teens good hand and placing it back over his wound; “you’ll keep pressure on that if don’t plan on needing a blood transfusion ” Mar warned while looking over his injuries all of which seemed minor except for the one on his shoulder, “I can treat you when we get at the dorm” .

The boy stepped aside to allow Hal to escort his kin towards their room which was conveniently located in the direction opposite of where Mel was headed. Mar stayed back and retrieved Santos`s fallen weapon whose handle was well bloodied before he looked at Lil. Noticing the Angel for the first time he added “if your hurt you can come along as well, it`ll be a shorter walk than the sick bay”

Without waiting for an answer the Augmented Human trailed after the pair ahead of him muttering something about Key Holder lands being un-orderly.
In the morning of October 30, Faith didn't have to go to any special trouble to wake Liza up like she usually might. Oh no. She in fact was greeted herself, at just before six am, with the less than calming sensation of her daughter somersaulting onto her bed between her and Macal, then bouncing up and down excitedly, her voice perhaps five inches from her ear.


If she hadn't been just jolted out of a deep sleep, Faith would have laughed at the second sentence. Strange as the circumstances of Liza's life were, it was still somewhat amusing to her that the child had no real desire to age. It was lucky for her, since she wasn't going to any time soon, that she didn't know any better than to want to.

When Faith didn't move instantly, Liza bounced again, then flung an arm around Macal's neck, snuggling in close to him as she announced it to him too. "It's my birthday Daddy!!!! It's my birthday!!!! Can I have presents? Can I have cake? Are people gonna sing? Are they coming to my party? Will they be nice today? Is Mr. Stick and Miss Tsai coming? Is Grandma? Is other people I miss? How come you're not getting up yet? Mama!"

She extended the other arm to Faith, half gripping her in a headlock as she pulled her in to her, and Faith, eyes still closed, reached out to tickle her until Liza collapsed in laughter. Opening her eyes, Faith shifted closer to her, hugging her in an awkward embrace since she was still half over top Macal, and kissed the top of her head.

"Happy birthday, Liza-Meg. Stay out of the cafeteria until I say."

It's been decorated for her party later that day with the usual assortment of balloons, streamers, and the like, but mixed in with the brightly colored birthday celebrations is also spiderwebs, black and orange decorations, and dangling spiders, snakes, and similar items to show that the party later in the day will also be a Halloween costume celebration. It's not a private party, and Faith knows she will have to be on alert later. Anything could end up happening.

(those of you still back on previous day can still be on it a little while if needed, I'll probably start the party when I post later tonight)
Raina had found herself smiling lightly throughout Faith's words, she could totally imagine Liza being as thrilled about being 5 for the 3rd as she was about anything else. It was good that the girl didn't mind not aging, it would suck if she wanted to age simply because she can't age. When Faith spoke of it being comforting, Raina was forgetting this was something that could be used against the older, she was simply enjoying the fact that Faith was happy, because it oddly enough made her feel happy.

But then Faith seemed to straighten up, speaking about Evangeline in the manner of business. Raina herself felt her back straighten out then, her own guard coming down as she nodded, how could she forget? She and Faith weren't friends, not even close to it. She was a damn slayer! If anything they should be at each other's throats, not chatting casually over a child. "I'm very disappointed in ya' Raina, you're much too soft now.." As much as she hated to admit it. Kol was right. She was much too soft, speaking to a SLAYER like they could actually get along without killing each other.

Well, they could, but that wasn't the point. Faith was a slayer, Raina was a vampire. The two just didn't go together unless one was dead.

So she nodded at Faith's words, smirking coldly as she glanced down to her shoes, "Yeah, my feet hurt from kicking so much ass." She looked back up, still with the same smirk as she nodded to Faith, "Well, guess I better go get a present for tomorrow." She then sped from the room, worried if she stayed any longer that she might find herself actually LIKING talking to Faith.


Faye frowned when Riff explained their sorrowful faces, fired? How could Mel just fire them like that? From what Faye had seen, the two boys would do anything for the masked bi*ch. And she would do nothing for them. She had even hurt Riff when he was already injured. She didn't flinch when Vash punched the wall and glass shattered, she also listened to him speak, frowning even more. They had no-body? At least Faye had Myra, Raina too now, she had no idea what she'd feel like if they just 'dropped' her. She'd probably burn down the academy with her anger.

Faye looked distractedly to Riff as he spoke of her not understanding and she shrugged, legs crossed childishly as she played with the rug, looking down, "Yeah, I guess not." She shifted slightly, looking up at the door they were sitting infront of. Was Mel behind that door? "But me and my sister Myra, we're like a mini family, sort of, and I guess if she ever left me I'd have no idea what to do." She looked up with a mild grin, "After my parents were killed, I sorta, kinda, burnt down my house" Her grin fell then, she shouldn't be so jokey when the two boys were so sad.

She looked to the door again before glancing back to them. "Well, you can't just sit outside her door all day." Her tone was soft as she spoke, "You guys should apply for your own dorm at the student services office, and even if everyone here knows you follow her, that doesn't mean they're gonna judge you." She smiled lightly, "Heck, when I first showed up here I burnt down a class room, the entire south forest - which is still growing back - and broke the law by eating a human or two." She didn't mention the years of being a rebellious, law breaking murderer before coming here of course. "But hey, no-one here treats me any different for it."


Jace smiled lightly as Kira, Ben and even Flower told him they were his family. He would love that. To be a part of their family. Of course he'd always felt like it, like Kira and Ben's kid, but he never thought they'd still accept him now. After everything he had done, everything Sethos had done. They still wanted him? He pulled himself to his feet, just in time to see Sara approaching, and he instinctively cowered back slightly. He could already feel the pre-stinging of his head occuring. Oddly enough, she didn't hit him, yet, and instead smiled at Flower rather sinisterly. After spending most of his childhood with the two girls he knew that smile by now. It was the 'I know something you don't know' smile, either that or the, 'I know your secret' smile. The two were pretty similar.

Then Sarah turned her attention to Ninja boy and Jace decided now was the best time to try and sneak past the key-holder princess before she hit him.


Chameleon stood awkwardly while everyone declared Jace to be part of their family. Then another showed up, bearing a resemblance to King Benjamin and Queen Kira, and he recognized her as Princess Sara. Then Benjamin addressed him and Chameleon looked to Sara with his bright, almost mesmerizing blue eyes. She can sense feelings? A small smile passed over his face, his black strands of hair flopping over his eyes slightly. That power sure would come in handy with his mum. At least that way he would be able to duck if he knew she was about to hit him.

He stared at Sarah neutrally though, ridding himself of emotion as he watched her. He didn't want her to use her power on him and see something he didn't want her to see, so he did what he does every time he's around his Mother or Uncle. Erased all emotion and feeling from himself entirely. His stance, expression, and everything about him became entirely empty.

It might freak her out that there was nothing there, but Chameleon didn't have any emotions to even think about that right now.

(What would Liza like as a present? xD )


Name: Lady Charisse Chassaniol

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Species: Shape-shifter

Powers: Can shape shift into any creature

Weapons: A long blade she named 'Xavier'

Vehicle: A limo and personal driver

Pets: No. She hates animals.

Family: Unknown/Not mentioned

Husband/wife: No

Girlfriend/boyfriend: No

Crush: Chameleon


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Gray eyes, dark brown hair
Sarah looked at jace and then hit him in the back of his head. "Jacey can't get by me." she said and then chuckled. "By the way....tell Sethos if he kisses flower again. He's doomed for touching my sister." she said rather seriously. "And I won't let him hid because I can stir up his emotions." she said and then softly smiled. "She always get's a certain feeling arou d Sethos....but fo your sake I won't tell you what it is mostly because she get's another around you." she giggled and then flinched as flower almost smacked her. "Ok ok....." she said and then looked at Leon again. She frowned and then walke up to him trying to get a read on him but she started to freak out and she backed up. "What is that guy! A robot!"

Flower blinks and then looks at Leon. Didn't she see hat look somewhere. "Not that I know of." she said and then chuckled. "Sarah leave him alone I'm sure he doesn't want his feelings read cool it will you?" she asked and hen smiled scratching her head.

Kira look at Leon and then giggled. "Ok Sarah I thi k you met your match." she said and then pulled away from Ben. "Come on...we have business to do." Kira said and Ben nodded with a sigh. They started walking away. Flower giggled smiling more brightly then she ever had before. She suddenly had her family back and she couldn't be happier.
(Vash and Riff do have their own separate dorm room. It's right next to Mel's.)

Lil clutched her arm as she breathed a sigh of relief. Looks like everyone was okay for the most part. Then two other people arrived: one key holder and the other . . . human? No, he wasn't quite human but there was a little bit of it in him. As the unidentified boy offered to treat her wounds, Lil clutched her arm tighter. She had multiple wounds under her clothes so she would have to take her chances with the infirmary. "Um . . . thanks but I think I should have a girl treat my wounds." She then went off to the infirmary and had herself bandaged up. Her arm would be in a sling for a while and her ribs were fractured but all in all, she was lucky to only have this level of injury. She then spent the rest of the day in her room, trying to sleep. The angel remembered someone mentioning that it was Liza's birthday tomorrow. She smiled. She'd have to wake up early to get the little girl a present.

The next morning, Lil was walking down the hall, arm in a sling but a content smile on her face. She felt as if she had found the perfect present for Liza and she was excited to give it the five year old tonight at the party. That reminded her. She'd have to find a costume, would she? It was also a Halloween party so everyone would be in costumes. She began getting lost in thought trying to figure out a good costume. It'd have to be something cute or perhaps silly. Lil giggled at the prospect, excited for that night.


Riff smiled at Faye. She seemed genuinely concerned for them, but is wasn't going to be that easy. "I'm afraid it's not that simple. Even if this school were to accept us fairly easily, what would happen once we leave these walls?" Riff stood up and brushed the dust off his clothes. "Reputation is a powerful thing," he said, quoting what Mel had told Raina the day before.

The solemn look on his face disappeared and he patted Faye's head. "It's getting late. We should all go to bed." He and Vash then went into their room, next to Mel's. Lying in their beds, neither boy could fall asleep.

"Riff, do you think Mel has a reason for firing us?"

"I don't know. All we can do is trust her, I guess. Though we did perform poorly these last few days."

"Yeah. I guess you're right. I should tried to dodge at least some of those bullets. That's what I get for trying to be flashy. Anyway, night Riff."


The next day, both boys tried to see if they could try to do stuff for themselves. Hearing about a party being held that night, they both decided that it'd be a good opportunity to make some friends at least. Maybe even get a feel of life without being chained to Mel. It was a Halloween party so they'd have to get costumes. And it was also a birthday party, so they'd need a present. Apparently the birthday girl was going to be five . . . again. Vash found it odd but didn't question it.

Vash was now in the coutrtyard playing with some metal wire. He had an idea for a gift but he needed Riff to bring the final materials to complete it. He lied back in the grass and looked up to the sky. It was . . . boring being alone like this. But it was peaceful, relaxing even. Still, could Vash get used to this sort of lifestyle? After all the last year had been full of excitement. Running from angry mobs. Killing assassins sent for their heads. It was . . . fun. But now it seemed like all that was going to be over.
Name: Scorn (The vampire/ demon king)

Age: ageless

Gender: male

Species: demon

Powers: He switches from form to form (Or body to body that's how he keeps young) so his powers differ, main powers are shadows, teleporting, and controling of other demons

Weapons: unknown

Vehicle: don't need one

Pets: heh....I consider my wife one.

Family: To many to count but a few of the known ones are, Nick, Deathwish, Vince, and Jace.

Husband/wife: Vicky

Girlfriend/boyfriend: a new one everyday.

Crush: He tends to focus on Flower a lot.


(He has many Human forms)

His under cover form:

His demon form:

His shadow form:

Message One: I've added to his character....I've decided I should make him more threatening and a real bad guy. Of course his flirting side will still be there. I will also post Nick and Deathwish's demon forms as well considering I might have Orpheous and ogy come out more. (Orpheous is Deathwish's demon side and Ogy is Nick's demon side.)

Message Two: Alright, His undercover form will now be used for him to sneak into the school without being noticed or anyone knowing who he is. He will be a more active character now and don't be surprised if I have him become Flower's boyfriend. (That'll just add some tention between Flower and Jace....and Flower is probably going to kill someone if she finds out it's the vampire King.

Message Three: Since King Moon picks up on things quickly I will have him and Kira less active and busy all the time untill my plan plays out. Also Sarah will be less active if anyone has any ideas, issues or are confused please say so. :) .....PS I have also closed the role play but already accepted role players may add characters thanks. :)
Jace winced as the hand smacked into his head and then something happened that shocked him to the core. He heard her words about Flower, about Sethos and the pain in the back of his head turned into something more as he suddenly turned and faced the girl, pulling her back with a tug on her wrist, eyes black as he hissed at her demonically. "Don't fu*king touch me Princess." It wasn't even like there was a build up of a fight, Sethos was just suddenly there.

Sethos hadn't interacted with Sara properly, well, ever, since he only appeared/began to exist after Malcolm killed his Mum. So this was technically his first time 'meeting' the girl. He was itching to snap Sara's pretty little neck, but Jace wouldn't let him, and was beginning to realise Sethos was in control as his eyes flickered a dark blue colour. Sethos smirked at Sara then, still fuming, but hiding it pretty well, "Nice to meet you big sister, aw, that's so sweet, you want to protect Flower by keeping her away from me?" He chuckled darkly, "And where the hell were you when she was getting the shit beaten out of her by vampries?" As he finished that sentence Sethos suddenly stumbled back, wincing in pain, gripping his head. But it wasn't because anyone had hit him. No. Jace had just mentally slapped the half-demon. Sethos looked back up though, eyes a dark blue but still as himself, smirking, "Aw, Jace-y didn't like that one."

He then glanced to Benjamin, "Hey where you going Benny? Don't you wanna come back here and break Jace's trust some more?"


Chameleon meanwhile, had nodded politely to the royals, then left, keeping his emptiness intact until he reached his room and shut the door behind him. Letting out a long sigh he headed over to his bed and fell back on it. Eyes on the ceiling, not closed yet, as thoughts rushed through his head.

Most containing a particular black-haired vampire and how beautiful she looked when she was cradled in his arms in the moonlit streets of Paris.


Faye sighed as the two boys got up and left, though she had smiled the tiniest bit when her head had been patted. She stood up, mimicking Riff purposely with a grin as she brushed the dust off her own clothes. Did he do that every time he sat on the floor? Was it a guy thing or a Riff thing? She shrugged, knowing she very rarely did it herself. She looked at the door the two boys had entered, whispering softly, "Night." Before speeding to her own room, she of course didn't sleep, but she knew Myra did, she had to be there.

She pushed open the door quietly, shutting it behind her at the same level of volume before turning and seeing a lump in Myra's bed underneath the sheets. She smiled lightly and headed over, pulling the covers to see Myra curled up in a ball, eyes open as they slowly shifted to Faye. Faye frowned, seeing the blankness, "Myra?" She whispered softly, putting a hand on her sister's shoulder, "Myra? Myra please talk to me." The white-haired girl shook her head, she had been avoiding everyone since Kol's attack, feeling so weak, so vulnerable. So alone.

No-one could understand what Kol had done to her. No-one could sympathize with her, stand up and say, 'I understand'. She was entirely alone. So what was the point in being around others who pretended to know what she was going through? There was no point.

"You won't talk to me?" Faye's voice cracked then, tears welling in her eyes as she stared at her broken big sister. "Why not?" Myra did not look at Faye, looking straight ahead, as she responded in a barely audible voice, "You don't understand. No-one understands." Faye frowned, "What? What...what do you mean Myra?" "He didn't do anything to you Faye, he didn't.." Myra paused, holding back a sob as her eyes closed, "He didn't touch you like how he touched me. You can't understand. No-one can. No-one knows what I'm going through right now." She opened her empty eyes again, looking straight ahead, "I'm alone. I want to stay that way." Faye was crying lightly now, making no sound as the tears ran down her cheeks ever so subtly, "But, but Myra..." "Faye?" A voice sounded from behind the two as a knock reached their eyes. "Faye are you in there?" "Yeah, I'm in here."


Raina could hear the sob in her little sister's voice and it took no more than those words to make her fling the door open, speeding over to Faye, "Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry about earlier I was jus---" She trailed off, seeing Faye was infact crying at Myra, who lay on the bed motionless, still breathing, but besides the occasional blinking she seemed to be somewhere else entirely. "What's wrong with her?" "I don't know! She won't talk to me! She just said she feels alone, and that no-one can understand her and what Kol did to her." Raina's eyes seemed to harden then, and she spoke bluntly, "What you mean that he raped her?" Faye gasped then, and Myra actually looked to Raina. "Raina, you do---" "Don't what? Don't say it like that? What other way is there to say it? He raped her, and she needs to get over it." Before Faye could say anything else Myra seemed to snap and she leapt from the bed, shoving Raina up against the wall as she glared at her. Her emptiness had quickly changed to fury.

"How the hell can you say that? You have no idea what he did to me!" Her voice cracked and Raina glared, quickly switching up the situation by slamming Myra against the wall and pinning her there instead. "ONCE. He raped you ONCE. Sure he tried again. But that was just a try." She then slammed Myra against the wall, as if trying to knock some sense into the key-holder. She wasn't aware of Faye pulling on her arm; that's how pissed she was. "No-one understands do they? You're all alone." She growled out her words to the key-holder, who was about to push Raina away. Until she spoke softly. "I stopped counting after 24." Faye let go off Raina's arm, and Myra paused in her actions to harm the vampire. "After 24 what?" Faye whispered quietly, dreading what was about to come. Raina kept her eyes on Myra's widening ones, still speaking softly, "I stopped counting after the 24th time that he raped me."

She watched Myra, who had paled now, Faye beside her who began to speak, "Rai...he..I..I had no idea. 24 times?" "No. I just stopped counting after 24." Myra spoke then, ashen, with trembling words, "Raina I--" "Look, I don't need you guys to tell me you're sorry, or that you didn't know, or ask me if that's why I'm such a bi*ch all the time. But you." She narrowed her eyes at Myra, "You need to grow the hell up. Everyone goes through shit Myra. Some worse than others. And yeah you feel terrible inside, you feel broken and violated, you feel like at any second that disgusting man could show and start up your nightmares all over again, so you never, ever feel safe. No matter how many people are around you. And you can't help but look at them, look at them wonder are they capable of doing that to me to? Or maybe you'll fear what might happen if you meet someone new, someone who has no idea about you and what you've been through, and you'd be so damn scared that if they find out that they might look at you with disgust, call you a who*re, a sl*t. Just like the man who raped you did." Myra was barely able to speak, Raina was summing everything up so perfectly, everything.

"And then when people do find out, they offer you apologies, they try to UNDERSTAND you." She shook her head, eyes still on Myra as she gripped her shoulders tightly, still holding the girl to the wall, "But all you can think about is how they don't know sh*t. They've never been through it, so how could they understand right? And what is the damn point in apologizing? They're not the ones who broke you, he is. And they can't do anything about it now." She let go then, pushing back slightly from Myra.

"But the worst damn thing you can do is do what you're doing right now. Reject everything. It gets you no-where Myra. Trust me, I've been there. I've been there and back a hundred times. You have someone here who would do anything for you!" She gestures to Faye, then speaks again to Myra, "You have a damn boyfriend! A guy who will actually protect you and love you, a guy who can show you just how nice some men can be!" She shakes her head, eyes softer now, "Don't push them away from just because of one idiot. This is what he wants. This is exactly what he wants. For you to push everyone away so that HE can be the only one left, so that no-one will stand in his way when he takes what he wants from you." Her words were harsh, but not towards Myra. She was speaking from first-hand experience.

She sighed, glancing to the also stunned Faye, the crying stunned Faye, "I'll talk to you later, you two have some serious hugging to do." She then headed to the door, paused, then glanced back, eyes full of regret, "Don't end up like me Myra. Love the people around you while they're still there." She left the two alone to hug. Right. Now that she was done playing counselor. She needed to grab Liza a present and wrap it before tomorrow morning.

If only her damn eyes would stop blurring so she could find her bike keys.
Flower growled loudly and then grabbed Sethos by the neck her nails digging into his skin. Her eyes full of anger. "And don't you dare touch Sara..." She said and then pushed Sethos into the wall her arm at his neck. "You keep reminding them of my you care....yes I was beaten by vampires...yes I was bitten by vampires, it's not their fault they couldn't be there...i don't blame them. So SHUT THE HECK UP YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT!" She said and then glared at him.

Sara watched Flower and then backed up. SHe blinked surprised at how strong Flower had gotten. She was afraid of Sethos....but then again Flower probably was use to Sethos by now so she calmed down. She grabbed her wrist and then looked around. Ben was watching carefully and Sara looked back at Flower you seemed to have everything under control.
Sethos grinned at Flower despite the pain in his eyes, maybe he was getting used to her too. He pouted, black eyes focused on the key-holder. "Aw, I'm not allowed to play with your big sister Flowerbud?" He smirked, then hissed at her, eyes cold, "Maybe I'll just go kill your little pet Hunter again, that sure was a fun time, though I don't think she enjoyed having her throat slit open and her tummy cut up." He shrugged, still smirking, "It was nice for me though." He sighed, "Jace was so stupid about it though, freaking out that Hunter's blood was all over him. He's such an idiot."

It was so tempting to kiss her again. Speaking of which....what was that earlier about Jace kissing her? "You better move away Princess before I piss you off and kiss you again." He smirked then, "Although it's not me you want to kiss is it?" He tilted his head, "That's so weird, you want to kiss Jace, and not me." He leaned closer, smirking, "We're the same person Flowerbud, same body, same looks. Same thoughts." He spoke in a low, husky voice now, eyes on her lips, "And we both want you so bad." He stopped himself then, pulling back with suddenly blue eyes before they darkened again, Sethos was fighting for control, and winning. "Aw, you gonna hurt me Flower? It'll be Jace who wakes up with the bruise, so I don't really give a f*ck."

He looked past her then to Sara, smirking slightly. Oh he definitely wanted to play with her.
Flower glares at him but she couldn't help but shiver hearing his voice low and husky. She had to remind herself this wasn't Jace. She looked at him and then shook her head. "No you two are completely different and it doesn't matter I don't want to kiss either of you." Flower was lieing though, she was blushing a bit as well. This was bad very bad. She looked up at him and then pulled back out of surprise. They both wanted her? BOTH?! She growled at him and then blasted him with light. How was Sethos gaining so much control?!

Sara looks at Sethos, he was toying with Flower and for a few moments it worked. Sara looked at Flower and then grabbed her arm reminding her to pay no mind to Sethos's teasing. She looked down at the ground sensing much of Flower's confustion. Sara sighed deeply.
(wow Jo....*claps* And Liza loves anything. Batman, superheroes, My Little Pony, stuffed animals, anything...she's not a fan of dolls though. And no one is required to go to party yet or anything else, I'm just setting up for whenever whoever is ready)

Faith entered the cafeteria almost an hour earlier than the party was supposed to begin, adamant that she would absolutely not let anything or anyone ruin Liza's day. Not that Liza would be easily disappointed or upset by anyone's misbehavior or cruelty. She was simply too Liza to let anything spoil her joy for long. Nevertheless, her Pip deserved to have her fun today, and whatever it took to make sure the aggravating batch of baddies this academy held would hold off for one day, Faith was going to do it.

She had left Liza with Sheena until the party was supposed to start, instructing her to keep her from the general vicinity until it was time. Today Faith took off from instructing classes, giving only private training instead; she was going to enjoy herself today too if it killed her. It was bad enough that she and Macal hadn't got their vacation and probably never would at this rate, she was damn well going to enjoy her daughter's birthday. Even if it didn't actually involve a milestone of age of any kind.

Liza had already opened her and Sheena's gifts to her, of course delighted about each, and she suspected that the child's excitement had built up at this point until she could have handed her a shoelace and she would have squealed and jumped around all the same. As she stood slightly apart from the doorway waiting for people to arrive, almost daring them to cross her today, she found herself hoping that Sheena wouldn't push things and taint the day by dragging Evangeline alone. It wasn't that Faith couldn't understand Sheena's loyalty or her struggle...she understood it all too well. It didn't make it any easier for her to watch, knowing how it would have to end up.

And man did she hate that irritating little b*tch.

She made herself chill out by thinking about Liza, about how much she had brought into her life since the day Macal convinced her to take her in as her own. It was hard to believe there had ever been a time without Liza, let alone a time that she had protested the idea of having a child or Liza as her child. It was hard to believe that in three years Liza had grown from the timid, anxious child who cried daily to the joyful, vivacious social butterfly who was thoroughly convinced of the goodness of the world. Liza had changed her deeply as well, and Faith was no longer embarrassed to admit it. She no longer felt that being a mother, being Liza's mother, somehow weakened her; she knew very well in fact that Liza gave her strength beyond what she'd possessed before her.

She could not imagine what it would be to lose her daughter.

She knows that Liza is decked out in her party dress, insisting that she cannot be both a birthday girl and a Halloween costume at the same time, but she is fairly sure when she shows her the Superman costume she got her the child will change her mind. Faith herself has chosen vampire Bonnie Parker as her own costume, much to Liza's delight at the irony, and she has tried to convince Macal to be Clyde, but isn't sure he'll follow through. And Sheena? Well, she doubts the girl will wear a costume at all, given her utter distaste for clothes, but it will be interesting to see if Liza could rope her into something.

She will be quite amused to see that Liza has in fact managed, with her Liza logic and a degree of pouting, to convince Sheena to wear a odd assortment of clothing that Liza calls "genie clothes," though its skimpiness in fact embarrasses Sheena so much she will end up pulling a hugely baggy jacket over it that covers her almost to her knees.

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Sethos smirked, then let out something that was inbetween a yell and a wince as the key-holder blasted him full on with light. Now that hurt. He watched Sara grab Flower, as if reminding her to calm down. But the stinging of his skin was too overwhelming for him to give a damn about that. The light had hit him full on, no dodging. So it frickin' hurt. He hissed at Flower then, loudly, his eyes flashing a crimson red and as he hissed it seemed fangs were in his mouth, but they looked more werewolf than vampire. He growled at the Princess, sounding like some sort of big cat, but rather than going for her. No, rather than doing the expected the half-demon suddenly rushed at Sara, pinning her to the floor unexpectedly.

He growled at her, but was smirking, his nails were digging into her shoulders as sharp as claws, and he moved down to her lips, like he was about to kiss her. But then his eyes flooded absolutely with blue and Jace let out a yell as he flung himself backwards, making himself hit the wall, as he breathed in and out quickly, chest rising and falling at an impeccable rate with confused and sorry eyes.

How the hell had Sethos done that? He had just taken over! No argument, no discussion, not even a warning sign. It was just like how he was before him and Flower had started getting closer. He growled lightly, this time it sounded, well normal, and it was aimed at himself as he covered his face with his hands, mumbling, "Sorry...I didn't know he...he just..." He was so glad his lips hadn't actually touched Sara. Not because she wasn't pretty or anything, she was, but wouldn't feel right. And Flower would kill him, right?

His neck was stinging from Flower's earlier grip not to mention his skin was singed from the light earlier. He sure as heck felt like some sort of vampire when the light burnt his demon side. Damn Sethos, always getting him into sh*t and leaving him to deal with the aftermath.

"Sorry.." He removed his hands with that second apology, looking at the others with cautious eyes. Were they all okay?

(I'll post going to the party once Jace has gone to bed xD )
Flower's eyes widen as Sethos almost kissed Sara. She looked down as Jace said sorry. She looked at Sara who then got up. Sara stormed off angry that Sethos almost kissed HER! FLower just crossed her arms and then kept her gaze on the floor. She backed away from Jace and then looked away. "Yeah whatever..." She said unsure of why she suddenly was so upset. She looked as Ben and Kira just walked off getting the feeling they didn't want to get inbetween this mess.

Flower looked at Jace. "..." She walked over and then sighed. "I got to stop hurting you so much..." She sia dand then healed him but it was weaker then before. "I can only do this so many times...." She said and then crossed her arms. "I'll be in the room...." She said walking away.
Hayley was not looking forward to going to any parties. It wasn't just because she wasn't a social person, but now she was worried. The place would be crowded and loud and Hayley worried she'd be perfect prey for her two least favorite predators. Evangeline had attacked her last party she had attended when she tried to go back to her room alone. Jinn was probably waiting for her somewhere. Probably waiting for the right moment to strike and try and kidnap her again or something.

No Hayley was quite fine with staying away from such things. She could hear people's comments of course. Sheena, Faye, Nick. All the nice people she had met so far trying to convince her to go in her mind. But the overwhelming fear of putting herself in danger drowned out the voices. Then another one appeared. It sounded reasonable to her and almost like her mother's voice.

She was a shape-shifter. Even if she wasn't all that skilled she could still change at will. If she changed her form then she would not be recognizable. At least she assumed so. She didn't know if either had a way to get past that, but it was a way to go and not be targeted right off the bat. Beside why need a costume when you could become one yourself?

The shifter smiled at that thought and took a deep breath. She got off her bed and looked into the mirror. Then she watched herself change. Her black hair changed to a seaform-ish green color. Her eyes shifted to a similar bluish-green color. Her height shifter to make her a little taller than she was before. Her skin became a shade lighter than it was before. Hayley appraised her new appearance. She seemed similar to her original form, but she thought she look different enough so that no one would be able to recognize her for who she was. At least not by appearance-wise.

Hayley looked at the door and took a deep breath before taking another breathe. She then made her way to this party.



Lekki was more than excited for this. She loved occasions like this all too much. She hummed to herself as she fluttered about her room in preparation. She could not wait to get there and talk and party and dance with everyone. She was brimming with joy which only made her happier. For Lekki it was always good for her to be overly happy. And why not be?

She wondered if anyone else was going to dress up but why not? It was a Halloween party after all. She then shook her head. No it was a silly idea to think that people wouldn't go in some sort of costume. Well maybe a few might not, but Lekki was sure that they had their reasons.

She looked in the mirror and giggled to herself. She had thought at first to make herself go as a demon because she thought it would be funny. She thought to represent her "demon side" since she was sure not maybe people would guess that she was half-demon. Then she thought to go with something more her kind of thing. She was dressed in a white one-piece with gold outlining that had a design at the bottom and an interesting collar type thing. She had found wings at a store nearby and she fitted them onto her body. She had these white sleeves that had the same gold outlining and gold bracelets. She also had tiny gold bells in these fake ears she had found. Finally she had this little bottom piece of four white things that flowed down. Lekki had decided to go without shoes tonight as well, but she'd could always teleport back and get some if she had to.

She smiled at herself and nodded. She then teleported. She had meant to go outside Vash's room, but she somehow found herself inside. Blushing a little she smiled and waved at him.




Kesson had decided to forgo the costume. He wore something similar to what he had dressed in last time. His traditional robes seemed to be sort of out of place here, so he thought that they would suit well enough tonight. He did not think this was actually going to happen and so he had not thought to plan ahead. But he thought it should not matter either.

He made his way to Zelda's room, wanting to go with her to the party. He stood outside of the door for a moment before knocking upon it. He wondered if she had taken to dress up for the party.
At the time, Vash and Riff were both getting ready for the big party. Vash was starting to regret going as a pirate. There were so many bits and pieces to the stupid costume. And then there were the puffy shirt and odd pants. Why did pirates have to be so goddamn flashy. Riff was going as a mummy and all he needed were the clothes Jinn had torn apart from their earlier fight and a few more bandages since he was already so injured.

When Lekki popped in, Vash's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. He clutched his chest as he tried to catch his breath. "Lekki?! What the hell?! You could've knocked!"

Riff on the other hand was still as calm as always and waved to the little demon fairy now in their room. "Hello there. Your costume is cute. Are you wearing that to the party?" He put the finishing touches on the present he and Vash made together for little Liza.

After gaining his composure back, Vash stretched. Then an idea struck. "Hey Riff. Are we even allowed into the party? The people here don't really like Mel and they know we're connected to her . . . or at least used to be . . . " Vash's eyes fell to the floor. For a while, he had been able to forget how they had been fired but now he remembered and it didn't seem to hurt any less.

Riff noticed the glum look on his room mate's face and threw a pillow, which hit Vash in the head and then slammed it against the wall. Vash popped right back up though, steam practically flowed out his ears. "Dude! What was that for?"

The blond, now mummy, chuckled softly to himself. "A hyper Vash is better than a gloomy one."

Vash couldn't help but laugh. He was letting this Mel thing get to his head. He needed distraction. Finally remembering that Lekki was still in the room, he turned back to her. "So, did you want something?"


Lil marveled at all the decorations in the dining hall as she entered the party. Angels aged so much a birthday was really nothing special, and therefore never celebrated. With her good hand, Lil dragged a large poorly wrapped package over to the table she assumed was where it went. The angel was not too sure what she was supposed to get the little girl, but when rummaging through random shops, she found a gift that almost begged to be bought. It was a large stuffed pink pony but it was dressed as Batman. Lil found it so amusing, she bought it straight away.

Backing away from the table, Lil tripped over . . . well nothing, she was just that clumsy. She stood up quickly, face now blushing. She had decided to go as a little devil to the party and the costume had included a fairly short skirt. She really hoped no one saw that. Falling was embarrassing enough, but if they saw her underwear too, Lil might as well have just died right then and there. Luckily, it didn't seem like anyone noticed. So she went about the room, trying to find the birthday girl.
"Well I didn't really mean to appear inside the room. Sometimes my teleporting is off," Lekki explained. But she didn't seem to see it as a problem. Both boys were dressed. She wondered how bad it would have been if she appeared mid-change for one or two of them, but decided not to let her mind wander down that road. "But I am sorry I surprised you."

Lekki turned to Riff and nodded. "Yep! And thank you. I like your's as well. Same with you Vash. You're a cute pirate." She giggled. She giggled harder when Riff threw the pillow at Vash, but his words confused her a little.

"Why wouldn't you be allowed? Just because you know that mean girl, doesn't mean you should be excluding from such things. I mean you're a student here after alll." Lekki didn't really know much about their situation though and she wondered if he just didn't want to go. She hoped that wasn't the case. She was looking forward to spending time with him along with her other friends.

"I wanted to head over with you if that is okay?"
Zelda heard a knock on her door and smiled getting up. She walked over and then opened the door. She blushed a bit. "Oh Kesson." She said and then looked away, hoping she didn't look stupid in her neko outfit. "Heh....I see you didn't dress up....oh well I only put ears on top of my head anyways." She said and then smiled at him. "Do they look right?" She asked as she messed with them a little.

(Post for the others later.)
Vash puffed out his cheeks in embarrassment as Lekki called him "cute". That wasn't a compliment. No man ever wants to be called cute, even by a girl. Riff however took it with a smile. He knew that young girls would hardly use any compliment other than "cute" to describe appearance. It was really nothing to fuss about.

Both of them flinched as Lekki called Mel mean. Riff again took took the comment more calmly than Vash did. Mean, that must be how she looked in the eyes of others. After all, she was a murderer, and she didn't feel the least bit sorry or sad for the majority of the people she killed. She was cold and violent and the way she talked certainly didn't help her cause. He kept his thoughts in private. No use trying to change people's minds. They were stubborn creatures.

But Vash wasn't so quiet about it. "What are you talking about? Mel isn't mean. She's just . . . just . . . " Vash didn't want to admit it but a lot of the things Mel did fell into the mean category. She even threw Riff and him away like trash. But he didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to admit that the girl he had been following for the past year was mean. She wasn't. At least not in his eyes. Tears welled up a bit but he forced them back. "She's not mean. She's not evil. She's a student here too, but they probably won't let her in at all."

Riff looked at Vash with concerned eyes. He knew that the white haired boy was probably dealing with the abandonment harder than he himself took it. Riff had been with her longer but Vash certainly felt more strongly about her than he did. Trying to change the subject Riff jumped off the bed and went over to Vash's. He picked up the pillow he had thrown before and then placed it over the white haired boy's face, pushing down on it very hard. "Of course, we'll go with you. We're just about done here so just give us a sec." He then continued to smother Vash with the pillow until he wasn't crying anymore.

When the pillow came off, Vash once again had to fight for oxygen so that he wouldn't die. "Damnit Riff. You have a sick sense of affection. --cough cough-- But sure we can go now. Just need Liza's gift." Vash scooped up the small box on Riff's bed. Sure, he didn't really know who this Liza was but everyone loves presents on their birthday. He then ushered the group out the door and made sure to lock it behind them.

(I hope this isn't conceited of me but Vash really likes Mel. Of course they're never going to happen but I have some interesting scenes that center around this crush. I especially like the one where she rejects him.)
Sheena, slouched and zipped up to her chin in her jacket with the gypsy costume covered up beneath, comes through the door of the cafeteria holding Liza's hand in one hand and covering her eyes with her other hand. Liza is almost skipping, swinging Sheena's hand back and forth as she waits to be allowed to look. She is wearing the pink leather jacket Macal has given her over her party dress, which reads "I may be the princess, but I'll still kick your ass" across the back. Several people are at the party already, hanging out, dancing, and eating as Liza tugs on Sheena's hand.

"Can I look yet? Where's Mama? Can I? I hear people....Sheena Legs can I look?"

Faith smiles seeing her and gestures for Sheena to let her go, and as Liza takes in the party atmosphere, she beams, then runs to hug her mother.

"Wow!!! This is gonna be so much fun!!! What am I gonna do first? Are more coming? Is Faye? Is Lil? Are all my friends, all of them? Mama you look so funny...isn't Sheena Legs pretty? She won't even take off that dumb jacket and I don't know why."

Faith looked over Sheena with a raised eyebrow, smirking as Sheena reddened, pulling the jacket over her. "No idea, Pip. She is pretty silly, isn't she?"
*Macal walks in shortly after Liza does, his clothes seem to be shifting as he steps from the casual stuff he was wearing into a black suit and tie, he walks next to Sheena and Liza and places his hand gently on the top of her head.* Hold on Princess before things get started here, there is some people that want to wish you a Happy Birthday. *He snaps his fingers and large portal opens in the middle of the room revealing the Citadel's Throne room, standing up front is Stick and Tsai, behind them filling up the room is all the Generals and Knights of the Citadel. Stick and Tsai kneel and bow quickly followed by everyone else in the room.

Tsai: On behalf of all of us who serve you and cherish you Princess we want to wish you a Happy Birthday.

Stick: LONG LIVE THE PRINCESS...LONG LIVE THE CORDS! *The crowd behind them repeats this over and over as the skies about the Throne Room fill with Fireworks*

Tsai: Liza, we miss you very much and hope that you will come visit us soon.

Macal: I promise you will visit at the next school break..By the way Stick how come I never got any fireworks for my birthdays?

Stick: No fireworks for Dumbasses!

(If you want Diana there you could jump in)
Sheena is surprised she hadn't expected something like this, since her own birthday had been such a big deal with the dance in Macal's kingdom. Of course Liza, the princess of the kingdom and everyone's little darling, would also get a big reaction. It was still amazing to her to witness that any kid could be so loved, let alone to know that the same appreciation that Liza was receiving now simply for existing, Sheena too now had. She knew that she was very much loved, wanted, and respected in a way she had never dreamed of having before.

She smiled as the others came and greeted them all as well after Liza's enthusiastic round of greetings, hugging Diana, Faith's adoptive mother who despite her death, sometimes was able to visit, longest, trying to simply enjoy the moment for herself as well as for Liza, and not to think about the fact that she had mysteriously been unable to find Evangeline, that her sister's feelings were probably hurt or something by Faith's attitude. She wished Evangeline could also be so loved and wanted, as Sheena felt she deserved.

Diana seemed to sense this slight sadness in her and held her by the shoulders as she pulled back from the embrace, looking her firmly in the eye as she said softly, "Now is not the time for any thoughts beyond which piece of cake looks best. I suggest you find your man and dance the night away, Miss Sadovsky...for you look very attractive tonight. Even with that coat."

She smiled as she withdrew from her, moving to speak with Faith, and Sheena looked down, faintly irritated by the way the woman always seemed to just KNOW stuff, but also knowing she was right. She didn't see Alex though.
*Alex not wanting to be completely out done by Mac, finally enters with his gift for Liza, kneels down in front of her and holds a small white ball and places it in her hands.* Happy Birthday Liza, I hope you like it. *Alex taps the ball in Liza's hand and it melts into her hand and disappears.* So do you like it?

*Mac, Stick and Tsai all look confused at Alex's present, like what it vanished in her hand, they all seem to be thinking at the same time but then Mac notices the S.H.I.E.L.D logo on the front right breast pocket of Liza's jacket that wasn't there before.*

Mac: Was that what I think it was Alex?

Alex: Yeah, my Mark II Armor, and in my humble opinion the best work I've done to date.

Mac: Ummm wasn't that suppose to go into production next year?

Alex: It's not the prototype besides Liza can have some real fun with it.

Mac: Yeah but you just gave my daughter a multi-million dollar suit of armor are you trying to make me look bad?

Alex: Hey I saw the order you just made with R&D, I think you'll be ok.

Stick: Both of you are dumbasses.
Liza doesn't comprehend how valuable this is and so just smiles and hugs Alex. "Wicked! Thank you!"

Faith grins and shakes her head. "This kid is the most spoiled child ever lived, created, or broke out of heads...wasn't there some goddess who did the same thing? I don't know, maybe the goddess was just as spoiled. Probably not."

She raises an eyebrow and gestures towards the dance floor where some of the kids have taken initiative. "Why is no one dancing? You're here, it's a dance...go dance!"

She laughs as she looks at Diana, her expression playful. "I really want to see YOU get down."

Sheena smiles slightly at Alex, coming closer. "You always have to show everyone up, don't you?"
Raina, after returning home with the perfect halloween outfit and present for Liza - god did she hope the girl liked the Avengers - had woken up in the morning feeling unusually, well, happy, frowned at the emotion and gotten herself up and ready. She had come home late enough for Chameleon to already be passed out on the bed, and had made sure to wake up nice and early so that the shifter wouldn't bring up Paris or any other topics she was uncomfortable with.

Once she was satisfied with her appearance, wearing a black dress, carrying a black 'spell book' and with stunning purple contacts on, she claimed herself to be a witch and headed over to Faye and Myra's room, Liza's present under her arm. She smiled to see BOTH girls were indeed dressed up, Faye freakishly dedicated to Halloween by going full out 'zombie princess' grey skin and blood splattered pink dress. Myra was of course a beautiful angel, wearing a stunning white gown that drifted around her feet. Faye said she was only going as an angel because it was a last minute decision to actually go to the party and they just had to pull a white dress out from their closet. But it did really suit the quiet key-holder.

They then all together headed over to the party, Raina of course with her separate present, whereas Faye and Myra had got a present from the both of them - a my little pony toy set with a 'mummy' pony and four little pony babies. Upon entering the room Faye and Myra looked around, taking in the directions and other people. "Woh, Rai, this is prett---" She dropped the end of the sentence as she looked over to see Raina was not infact beside her and was already speeding off to congratulate Liza. Faye rolled her eyes, glancing to Myra who was shyly looking around the room, oh how she wished to run and hide back in her room.

Raina had bolted over to Liza almost as soon as she had seen the beaming child, she gave the others there a curious glance, wondering who the heck Diana, Stick and Tsai are, but then she turns to Liza, standing beside her now, and offers her the squishy bundle of wrapping paper in the shape of a cute plushy Hulk. He was large enough for Liza to hug to her chest but not big enough to be suffocating and hard to carry. Raina looked down at the birthday girl, her eyes a strong violet colour rather than the usual black and her lips painted a dark purple colour with heavy eye make-up, "Happy 5th Birthday Liza!" She then sees the slogan on the child's top and can't help but let out a subtle laugh. That was so Liza. "You won't kick my ass right though? Sisters don't beat each other up, do they?" She doesn't even think about what she's saying now, Liza and her had agreed a while ago to be sisters, even making 'sister' bracelets for each other.

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Jace, after the whole Moon family left him - what else could he expect? Had gone to the toilets, washed the blood from his hand then gone back to the room. He and Flower didn't share a word, just both went to sleep in awkward silence. He now, was wondering if he was even allowed to go to the party for that key-holder child, Faith didn't seem to like him at all; he couldn't blame her. Plus, Raina would be there. No...maybe he shouldn't go.

He was laying in bed, looking straight up at the ceiling. He had too much to think about. Ben had knew? Benjamin had known all along about Sethos...yet he never did anything? He said he never told Jace to protect him, to try and stop Sethos from being unleashed....but where was he when Malcolm killed his Mum? Where was he when Sethos killed Malcolm? If he was supposed to be protecting him...then why didn't he?

And would Jace ever be allowed a slightly normal life? Why did stupid Sethos always have to kiss every girl he sees and kill everyONE he sees! Jace could never get a girlfriend or even a friend 'cause Sethos would kill the friend, cheat on the girl friend and then probably kill her too. Infact, speaking of Sethos Jace was still thinking about the flash of humanity he saw in him the other day. The way he talked about their mum, and of course Jace knew Sethos had loved Meili as much as he did, maybe even more. Did Sethos actually have something in him other than a murderous demon?

Well, one thing was for sure, Jace shouldn't go to Liza's party.


Chameleon had woken up only to see Raina was gone, and he hadn't gotten to talk to her last night. Dammit. He was sure the vampire had done that on purpose. What was he saying? Of course she had. She was Raina. Either way he got himself up, realising he was a bit late for Liza's party, and pulled out the costume he had idly brought the other day. Infact, he was so distracted he wasn't even sure he knew what he had gotten as a costume. He had just grabbed something and brought it.

Oh sh*t would it even fit?

But yes, standing infront of the mirror, Chameleon noted it did fit, and was infact rather ironic for a costume, because he had picked up a vampire costume. It was a black suit with 'bloodstains' on it, fake fangs, white face paint and fake blood. Deciding that the fangs were too annoying and that he honestly didn't want to paint his face, Chameleon just focused enough to shift just his canine teeth into fangs and pale his skin tone to look the same shade as the twins. He then put fake blood on himself and couldn't help but grin. He actually suited looking like a pale vampire with his jet black hair and bright blue eyes. He sure as heck hoped none of the vampires at the party would take offence though. He'd rather keep his head attached to his neck.

So, with his gift for Liza - a typically girly fluffy pink bunny rabbit that happened to be wearing a karate outfit - wrapped up and in his arms he headed into the room, noticing there was already quite a few people here already. Including Raina who was chatting away to Liza. The shifter stood a bit awkwardly, not sure if he should wait and give his present to Liza himself or if he should give it to her Mother.
Flower awoke with gasp. She sighed and then put her hand on her forehead with a sigh. It was morning and Flower wasn't feeling any better then yesterday. She pushed her hair behind her ear still feeling drained, this stress was probably going to kill her. She got up quietly not sure if Jace was awake....of course she didn't want to check, still feeling weird about all that happened yesterday. Sethos was really getting on her nerves. She shook it off and headed into the bathroom to take a shower. She wondered if Nick and Deathwish would be at the party....probably, hopefully they don't do something stupid. She got in the shower and turned it on. Maybe the water would make her feel better.


James came walking into the room. Although he was half annoyed by Nick and an oddly cheery Deathwish. He didn't know if Deathwish was just going along with the twin ruteen today or if he really was happy which was unlikely but possible. James say Myra and smiled happy to see her here. He walked over and then smiled at Myra. "Glad to see you came." He said and then looked at Faye. "Hello Faye." He said more happy then when he first walked into the room. "Anyone know were the present table is?" He asked. He had bought her a Princess Luna from My little pony. He knew Flower was planning on bringing the other princess so he decided to get her sister. He didn't want to dress up so he came as himself.

Nick and Deathwish of course did dress up and Nick put his hand on Faye's head. "Hello Faye...look...Deathwish turned his hair white for the party..." he chuckled and then looks at James and then smiles at Myra. "Hey Myra....glad to see you could come." He smiled and then looked as Deathwish came up. "So Deathwish....what did we get the birthday girl again?"

Deathwish glared. "I got her....a stuffed lion....really big one." he said and then held up the big box. "Stuffed animals probably will be the most popular here but I couldn't think of anything else." He said and then looked and glared as Nick wrote his name on the card. "You didn't even help pay for it you cheep idoit."

Nick and Deathwish:

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