Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(The song to him which he'll explain to her is she doubted him, when he tried to tell her about Eve, it hurt so he needs her to reassure him they she still trust him, he's given up a lot to be with her so if she doubts him, why is her there.)

*When Alex stops playing he sees Sheena in the doorway and walks to her taking her by the hand a pulling her into the hallway and closes the door behind them.* Sheena, I need to know if you trust me or not, I have the feeling you don't, you accuse me of being jealous of your sister even after I showed you proof of what she's done, you pushed me away when I was only trying to protect you. You need to decide if you trust me or not, you need to decide if you believe I would ever do anything that would cause you pain..And I need to decide rather or not I need to put my own needs on hold any longer for your needs..I mean should I continue to put my career on hold and stay here? I mean I feel so useless around here..God in my head this all made sense and now I think I'm just babbling.
Sheena has barely made contact with Hayley before Alex is coming up to her and pulling her away. She looks back at Hayley, apologetic, and now somewhat apprehensive as she lets Alex take her out into the hall. She doesn't know at all what to expect from him now, between his ignoring her, the song, the lyrics, and now this? What is going on? She half fears he's about to break up with her.

He's holding her hand though, and this doesn't seem to indicate that he would be thinking of that...but then again they've had a lot of misunderstandings in the past.

As she listens to what Alex is saying, it is clear to her that he's been thinking all of this for some time, that it is something he's genuinely struggling with, just as she herself is struggling with her situation with Evangeline. She does not know exactly how to respond. On one hand she resents some of what he's saying about her pushing him away, of her not trusting him, of her somehow making him put aside his own needs...but on the other hand she is beginning to feel guilty, because some of it does sound correct. Alex isn't very useful here, nor fulfilled...this is not the idea setting for him, and he is stagnant, going nowhere. But...what if he does leave? He would want her to leave too, and she doesn't want to, she knows that much. If she didn't go with him, would he be breaking up with her?

Trusting him...of course she trusted him. She knew that. But if trusting him meant having to tell him that Evangeline was...

She didn't let herself finish the thought.

"Alex, I do trust you," she said slowly, opting to say only that and not mention Evangeline at all. "I'm not trying to push you's...really hard for me. I was trying to be with you all day today and you didn't want to so it's not just me...what are you talking about though? You're going to leave? Where are you going...I mean..."

She swallows, then lifts her chin, looking him in the eye. "If I don't go with you...does that mean you're...moving on?"

From me, is the unspoken words.
As much as I want to always be with you Sheena, I feel like something is missing from my life, this place is probably everything you want and need but for me it's like a prison, I was on the verge of my own team and missions as well as my research and I left it all behind to be with you..I need to get back to work, as for what that means for us...Nothing has changed except I won't live here any longer. *He takes a deep breath, then smiles at her* I don't know, I've waited this long, maybe I can wait till we have more time to talk about the future, who knows maybe together you and I can think of something that can give me a new purpose...I'm confused! Seriously how do you put up with me when I get like this? I'm suppose to be a genius and I still can't get my thoughts together unless it's to make a weapon or something.

(This is soooo sappy but I gots to do it. LOL)

*Macal slowly dances with Faith at first it's a low humming coming from him but then looks down into her eyes and for some reason The God of War is singing to his wife and somehow he's tapped into the school's PA also.* *Alex in the hallway with Sheena finally finds the words he should have said to Sheena in the first place and starts to sing along to her.*

(Ugh it's so sappy it's making my teeth hurt. lol)
This isn't at all an answer that is, well, answering very much, and yet seeing that Alex too is confused, that he isn't necessarily breaking up with her, reassures Sheena just a little bit. And when he starts to sing, "Something" by the Beatles, she starts to smile, even as her own confusion remains. Slowly she nods, then reaches for his hand, not dancing, but swaying unconsciously.

"I don't know either. But..." she pauses for several moments, then continues, "I love you. I don't know anything else...I you."

Faith leans into Macal, relaxing into his arms and not caring whether the majority of her students are watching or not. She doesn't notice the humming at first, and by the time it's become words, she is smiling, almost laughing, as she looks up at him. "Are you stealing the kid's moves?"

She reaches with her hand to pull his face down towards hers, kissing him lightly. "Thanks....for this, for Liza's day, for not butting in on those two...just in general, I guess."
"I'm..." Hayley wasn't sure what to say. She couldn't give her real name. Not after pretending to be someone else. She thought about it. "I am Erica," she said finally, choosing to use her mother's name in her stead. It would work well enough. She then smiled a bit. "I haven't been here much longer really."

She was glad that she finally had a chance to talk to Riff. She wanted to thank him and tell him that she hoped he was okay. That she couldn't fathom why he would fight Jinn or why anyone would come to her rescue. But she couldn't. She looked around the party, shuffling nervously on the spot. She looked back at Riff and gave another small smile. Why was she here? She should just go back to her room.

"I like your name by the way. Riff. It's unusual but I like the way it sounds."


Lekki smiled down at Liza. She was really glad to here that she already considered her a friend. She found the young girl to be infectiously joyful and a treat. She hoped to see more of her. But she was brought back by Vash's question.

For a moment, an almost dangerous look flashed in her eyes but it faded as soon as it came. "It doesn't really do anything. Or at least it shouldn't." Lekki did make it with a purpose, but she did not feel she knew Vash well enough to tell him her secret. It would be best to save it for a later time. "But it doesn't matter."

She was going to agree with Vash and go look for candy. But then she saw him move away. She paused for a moment, not sure if she should follow. She decided to let him go at first. She instead made her way over to a table and started to dig though it, hungry and a little hyper at the moment. But something about Vash walking off bothered her. She wondered who he had followed, but she was a bit distracted and didn't catch it.

Lekki decided to make sure her friend was okay. She pocked a piece of candy and headed out the door. She saw Vash on the ground and she moved over to him.

"What happened?"
Riff smiled at Hayley. "Erica's a nice name. I haven't been here too long either. Only about three days. It seems like a nice place though. Everyone here seems relatively happy. Do you think so too? Do you like it here?" He couldn't help but laugh when she said she liked the way his name sounded. "Really? I've always hated my name. Not 'Riff' but my full name. 'Riffael Raffit'. It sounds so weird doesn't it? Sometimes I wonder why my mother even named me that." His smile became sad for a bit as he thought of his mother. But soon it was gone again. "Though I've been able to drop my last name so it's just Riff now."

The blond winced as a dull pain shot up his arm again. Looking down at his hand, he couldn't help but wonder exactly what was wrong. Before she fired them, Mel had injected a bright red liquid in his arm. She wouldn't say exactly what it was but she did say that it'd take a while to take effect. He wasn't sure what it was supposed to do, but he had never truly questioned Mel before. Maybe she meant well by it.

He turned back to Hayley now "Erica". "You seem to be the only one not in a costume here. Why is that?" (I just noticed that if Hayley probably sticks out like a sore thumb being one of the few not in a costume. Only her and Jinn are in civilian clothes for now.)


Vash was in a daze before Lekki snapped him out of it. Looking up at the little fairy, his gaze fell to the floor again. "I've . . . been left behind again . . . " He then realized that he was confessing his troubles to a stranger. He jumped up and put on a goofy smile, even though his eyes were tearing up a bit. He forced them back though. "It's nothing. I just fell is all! W-why don't we go get some more candy. I want to bring that entire cauldron to my room. Though Riff would start to nag me about cavities and what not." He then made his way back to the party. His movements were rushed and a bit stiff.

He wasn't looking forward to telling Riff about Mel leaving either. Still, the blonde was bound to handle it better than Vash did. Riff was so calm and freaking perfect it annoyed Vash. Of course, if Mel wasn't taking Riff, she'd never take him. But now was not the time to think of this. Come on Vash. It's time to move on. It's obvious that Mel has already done that.

He turned to Lekki, fake smile still glued on his face. "Come on. Let's have some fun." Lekki seemed nice. She was four years younger but Mel always said Vash was childish so it should be no problems for him to befriend her. Still, he wondered if Lekki would leave him too. What if she found out about his background? What if Vash just wasn't good enough to not be lonely the rest of his life?

Zelda looks at him. "A dragon's charm." She said and then opened the small box. It was a golden necklace with a dragon. The dragon was pink and looked to be asleep. It was cute. "It's said to give anyone goodluck....but since I don't believe in that I thought I'd give it to her. Hopefully she likes it...I was going to give her the one that keeps evil away btu I thought it to scary." She said and then put the lid back on the box. She looked at Kesson and smiled. She started walking, looking at her nails that were panted pink. She shrugged and then looked bakc at Kesson. "Next time....going as a warror....maybe you should dress up as a general next year....then we'd sort of match." She said and giggled.

Hey I'm enjoying this just as much as she is, seeing Liza smiling like that surrounded by all her friends like that is all we ever wanted for her..Finally we've found a place for our daughter to really fit in.*Mac gently touches Faith's cheek and smiles at her* I'm not quite done yet come with me cause I'm on a roll today. *Takes her by the hand and leads her out to where Alex and Sheena are.*

*Alex is a little shocked by Sheena words and is speechless at first but then steps into her wrapping his arms around her.* I love you to Sheena..That is the one thing in my entire life I have no doubts about. I'm always sure that I want to be with you..I'm just not sure what I'm doing here at this academy, I don't have any purpose here.

*Macal slaps Alex on the back really hard and knocks him forward*

How about you teach? Lets face it kid you got more degrees then Faith, Me, and half the staff here put together you could teach some kind of techno warfare or something like that? Look Alex you got a huge headstart on most people that work for S.H.I.E.L.D taking a year or two off won't hurt your career to much...What do you think Faith am I right?
"That's all I ever wanted for her," Faith tells Macal, relieved when he seems to finally understand her stubborn insistence that they remain in this school and let Liza remain too. "Yeah she's a warrior and princess and immortal and all the rest, but she's a kid too. She should have friends. She should have more time with people who are like her, or at least sort of like her, and don't know enough about her to be awed by who or what she is. She's happy here...she's missed having friends. It's so much better for her than when it was just us and our family at the Gates and all she could do was watch everyone outgrow her and move on."

She follows willingly enough when Macal leads her out of the room, though she doesn't know what he's cooked up. She suspects it has to do with Daughter 2 and that it's going to be something of a large scale surprise.

Sheena hugs Alex back when he hugs her, leaning into him, and so is caught off guard when Alex slaps him, almost stumbling to the ground with him. She had not seen or heard him approach and so listens with something like shock when he speaks up. It's an offer she and Faith have both not thought of, and they look at Macal with surprise, this seeming a rather obvious solution for now.

"Well yeah, why the hell not?" Faith says slowly. "I mean we probably wont' be here for longer than another year or two anyway and by then I'm sure Sheena will be ready to move on if she hasn't decided to settle here as permanent employment. Not to mention that I've got like 20 kids in every class and I'm giving private lessons to like six people. I was already trying to shift some of the load off to Sheena, so hell yeah I need some people to help me out. Consider yourself hired."

Sheena looks at Alex hopefully, almost holding her breath as she watches for his reaction.
*Mac grins and slaps Alex on the shoulder again and again almost knocking him down* Well there you go it's settled so don't worry kid and as long as you keep your nose clean I'll watch out for your career as an agent.

*Alex actually never thought of this either but he's trained jr agents before this can't be to much harder and it couldn't hurt to help take some of the load off of Faith but most of all it would give him a purpose to be here, he'll feel useful again and worst comes to worst he can go on a mission an shot a terrorist in the face and come back.*

If you think I can do this then yeah I'm in..I'll do it now I just have to think about what to teach.

*Mac still holding Faiths hand again pulls her with him back inside the party* Yeah well good luck with that lets go back in and enjoy the little Princess's party cause I want some cake now!
(Ok....about time I put him in play.)

Scorn walked into the party in his undercover more. The angel form was much pleasing to this demon. He had a necklace for the birthday girl. However this was just to blend in not to cause any harm to the child since he had no use for her. He set the box down on the table and looked around his black wings stretched out a bit on his back. He did not see his target Flower although he saw a few girls he'd love to tease. Another two that caught his eye was Nick and Deathwish, his sons seemed to be having fun and Nick had his arms wrapped around Faye.

His smirked a bit at this. He also saw a few half demons or at least sensed them. He pushed his bangs away from his face and continued to walk catching the eye of a few girls but he paid no attention. He stretched out his arms and then saw Flower enter the party. He smirks at this and then looked her over. He walked past Faith and Macal.

He seemed normal enough if a bit to quiet. He shook his head and then sat down waiting for the perfect time to approach Flower. That was until a little girl screamed her name and ran up to her. He raised an eyebrow as the girl called her mother. Flower was to young to have had that child, not to mention she wasn't married and it was a rule to keep key holders from over populating themselves to mate for life, so to speak.

Here's what he looks like:

Ginger had yelled out Flower's name and then called her mother. She ran over and jumped into Flower's arms not having seen her in such a long time. Flower laughed and then put Ginger down. "Hello Ginger." Flower said with a smile and watched as Trinity walked over. "Hi Trinity." Flower also greeted her. She smiled at the two and then kneeled down. "Hey Ginger have you met the birthday girl yet?" She asked and then smiled brightly. Ginger had shook her head no. "Well she may be younger then you but you might become friends." Flower said and then stood up acting like it was true that this human was her daughter. Flower did in a way adopt this human girl.
"You teach fighting, you teach strategy, you teach power control, this is a fighting academy, you know," Faith says in a "duh" kind of tone, smirking at Alex, but her eyes show her new enthusiasm for this idea for Sheena's sake as much as Alex's. "All else fails, you can teach them tech crap, because I don't know shit about that so I can't teach that anyway...and I have a feeling most of these kids are clueless too."

She smiles at Sheena, happy to see her sister is smiling too, and as Faith follows Macal back into the party still holding his hand, she checks to see where Liza is. Still dragging poor mini-Batman through the motions of a ridiculous looking dance, sometimes stopping to accept gifts or introduce herself to people and announce she's five...again....she is definitely having a ball. As Faith calls her over to blow out candles for her cake, then cuts it into slices for people and starts setting out plates for people to take as they're ready, she can't resist running a hand over her pigtails with affection. Their kid is probably the most spoiled child on the planet, which just sets her up to disobey her parents quite often when she's convinced that her way of doing things is better...but Faith still believes there's no better kid in the universe.

Today has been a nice change and distraction from everything that's been going on lately, and she's just glad that nothing has happened to taint it. Tomorrow, all the baddies will probably be back in business full swing, but today was a welcome respite.
*Mac walks back in with Faith on his arm and right away his eyes start glowing brightly, he senses serious evil intention in the room. Looking around the room he starts reading the auras of everyone there, eventually he hits Scorn. Not letting onto to Faith that this was going on they casually walk by where he's sitting and for a moment time freezes in the room including Faith, Sheena, Alex everyone in the room except Macal and Scorn. Mac looks at him and speaks to him..for now with some respect sensing the power coming off this guy is probably on par with his own..But Macal is a God of War it doesn't matter to him how powerful a foe is...But this was his daughter's party and he'll have no drama at her party.*Well now that no one can see or hear us we can talk. Look I don't know who you are but I'm asking you to forget whatever plans you have tonight, I'm asking you to do whatever you're going to do another day...Do this for me and I'll forget my Paladin Duty and not try to take your head...So what do you say no drama...have some cake and some ice cream tonight and plot another night..Or we try to destroy each other here and now...Personally I want some of that double chocolate cake...It's made with puddling so it's real moist.
Scorn looks at Mac. "Aw and I was being nice." He said and then showed his demon eyes. "I don't have anything planned for fact I got your daughter a lovely necklance. It has an angel on it." He said and then chuckled. He looks straight at Flower and then back at Mac. "I wasn't going to ruin the party, I was just going to get closer to someone who's here." he said and then stared Mac straight in the eyes. He narrowed his eyes, his power could almost stun most. (I don't want him to know who he is ok? Thanks) He looks away and then stretches out his black wings. "I won't have changed bodies if i planned on ruining this party...." he smirks. "Well maybe but you got lucky now back off before you get unlucky." he said and then glared.
*Mac stares back at Scorn, his eyes glowing with tiny bolts of lighting popping around them, then he smiles at him* I appreciate you behaving yourself tonight and I do apologize that I can't take you up on your offer to see which one of us is actually the lucky one here..Rain Check on that ok big guy. But honestly I'd probably rip your spine out through your nose and beat you to death with it but hey, this is a party so I'm gonna unfreeze time real quick and we'll try to have an innocent good time..By the way it was nice of you to bring a gift, so nice with you evil types have manners.*Mac grins at the man again.* By the way I like the wings..Black is classy and very retro glad to see them make a come back.
Scorn looks at him. "If you kill this body....I'll give you the wings." he smirks and then sits down. "killing an angel....such a bad thing to are the God of War." He said and then shrugged. He looked at Faith for a moment as if planning something for her but he just smiled only joking with him, in an odd threatening sort of way.
Kesson nodded. This gift was more practical. It was a book on lore. He had found it fascinating and he really didn't know what kind of things girls her age liked. He just hoped she liked it.

He blushed a little with Zelda's suggestion for next year. Why did it sound like she was suggesting a couple costume? Maybe he was just overthinking it. Still it made his face go warm. "I'd...I'd like that," he told her, giving her a smile. He just hoped that things would not be awkward at the party.

"Your gift sounds awesome. I am sure she will love it."


Hayley smiled at Riff. She felt better. Just a bit really. She didn't see Jinn or Eve, but she wasn't really searching for them really. If she did, it would only make her more nervous and she'd just watch them and draw attention to herself. Besides Riff seemed to nice.

"Thank you. I really like the name as well." She looked down at the ground at his questions. Did she like it here? She thought no, but she thought that she really didn't mind the place. It was just some of the people. Besides she felt she didn't really belong here. She was not good enough for it. But she put on a smile and nodded. No reason to make Riff worry about her.

"I think it is a great place. The people seem so nice. I...I do think I like it."

She then smiled again. "I have never heard of a name like it. It sounds pleasant on the tongue as well. Riff." She then blushed deeply. What was wrong with her? Sure she thought that, but what made her think that was acceptable to say. Still she was a little surprised by his words. He had dropped his last name? Hayley could not imagine dropping her own. It was her connection to her family. Even if her mother had retaken her maiden name, Ericks was all she had left of her father. It made her wonder what had happened to him to make him do so.

"I...I didn't have anything." It was true. She didn't own any kind of costumes and she really didn't even want to leave her room to begin with. She looked down at her clothes. "I guess I sort of stick out." Which was not what she wanted.


Lekki didn't believe him, but she didn't push. Vash would tell her on his own time. If it was not now, then it would be later. She smiled and nodded at his explanation, forgetting the first part of what he said. She might think on it later, but for now she was happy to be distracted by the thoughts of candy and fun and partying.

"Oo. Maybe we could share the cauldron. Then it won't be as bad," Lekki said with a wide grin. She loved the taste of sweets. She looked over at where the candy was and then back to Vash. She took his hand and pointed to the dance floor.

"How about we dance? I promise I won't step all over you. I'm a fair dancer," she said with a laugh. She just hoped that tonight would help out Vash as well. Maybe he needed to be distracted as well.
Zelda looks at him and then smiles. "Great." She said and then put her hands behind her back. She looked at Kesson and then looked down. She heard girls giggling about Nick in a neko costume. She stopped as she heard Deathwish was wearing the same thing and her face turned as evil as the grinch. She rubbed her hands together. "Deathwish in a neko constume....oh i have got to see this!" She said and then looked at Kesson. "Come on! Let's hurry up." She said and then grabbed Kesson's arm tugging him along.
*Mac notices the look towards Faith and steps in front of Scorn and blocks his view* Eyes up here big guy, if you know what I am then you know that there are places in hell were saying my name is outlawed because of the fear it causes in evil. Do not underestimate me you think time is only frozen in this room...Use those sharp senses of yours and you'll see it's the world that is no longer moving..Granted I'm no where near my full power due to some recent battles..But trust me my friend I will come for you someday and I will show you no quarter...Till that day comes enjoy what's left of your life. *Mac's eyes flash again and times starts moving again and he and Faith continue walking as if nothing has happened. Grinning at her he pulls her closer to him.* So when do we get cake!
(Hey. Don't become all powerful here....your pushing it.)

Scorn looks at Mac and then smirks. He completely changed his face going back to the normal. He wasn't nearly as scarry as Ben was to him, of course Ben wasn't as powerful but he knew how to use it well. Scorn might just drain the mighty 'god' (It's just Scorn's thinking I'm not bashing Macal.) He looks around and then disappears into the crowd. Even his ora fades although he is still here.
(Fire, I'm just super curious due to a conversation yesterday but what is your daily post average? I tried to do the math but not knowing exactly when you joined, I can only guess somewhere between 30 and 40 posts.)

Vash stuck his tongue out at Lekki. "No. It shall be mine!" He then let out a typical evil laugh though it sounded silly coming from him. He charged toward the candy table only to slip on something, fall onto his back and then slide under the table. He popped out on the other side. He had already stuffed a handful of candy into his mouth when Lekki opted to dancing. He tried to say no but, not considering the load of candy in his mouth, he began choking. A few minutes of punching his own gut and a lot of chewing later, he managed to swallow the bunch, gasping for air before speaking again. He hugged the cauldron tightly with a look of sadness on his face. "But the candy. What if someone takes it all while we're dancing?"

He gave another look to the candy before sighing. "Fine, but let me warn you that I'm not so graceful. I'm not as bad as Riff who can't keep a rhythm to save his own life but I'm pretty bad." He tried to hide the cauldron under the table but it was still sticking out of the table cloth. Then he noticed the cake being cut. "Cake!!!!" He rushed for the line but while trying to skid to a stop, he managed to push down at least ten other kids ahead of him. "Ehehe, whoops."

(I'll post for Riff and Lil when I get home tonight.)
(Well, a guy yesterday was kind of complaining about how his post average was about 21 a day when everyone else in the shoutbox averaged out to like 3 or 4. Someone then noted if he was trying to achieve "Fire of Heart" status since most likely, you have the highest number of posts on the entire website. He then said that if people would keep up with his posting that the title would no longer belong to you. I was just curious to see if it was possible for him to do so. Looks like it might.)

Lil walked back to the party a bit disheartened. Her window of opportunity was closing and there was really no way for her to take it on alone. She was also unsure of who she could ask for help. Everyone seemed to be having fun and she shouldn't just drag them into this muck she had gotten herself in. She suddenly felt a chill run up her spine. Turning her head she took note of a boy who entered the door. He seemed like an angel. Normally, Lil would be excited to have one of her own race closeby but this man seemed different. He seemed like an average angel but at the same time there was something dark about him. Lil continued to stare for a bit before running off. Something about him told her to stay away. She instead diverted her attention to getting some soda. She'd worry about Mel later, for now she wanted to have some fun like the other students.


Riff noticed Hayley's blush and put a hand to her forehead. "Do you have a fever? If so, you should go rest. It may be just a fever or a sign of something worse." He then noticed what he was doing. He was actually having a conversation with someone other than Mel. No offense to her or anything but Mel was always so serious and rarely joked, so talking to her was mostly all about work or something depressing. Talking to this girl was a bit . . . refreshing. It had been a long time since he had last talked to someone like this. About 5 years now.

He noted her reason for coming in her casual clothes. It seemed plausible. Riff himself barely had any time to find a costume and even then he just chose something from the stuff he already had. "Well, sticking out isn't so bad, I guess. It makes sure you aren't ignored."
(I'm thinking time skip to next day soon? [MENTION=1488]xJobozx[/MENTION] is getting kind of left behind... so my next post, for me, at least, will be the next day, I had PLENTY of time to map it out at internship in my head today lol...Legend, just so we're on the same page, want to have Sheena and Hayley's talk then?)

Faith did not, of course, notice anything unusual going on in the course of the exchange between Scorn and Macal, as she was frozen, and instead continued to walk snuggled beneath his arm. She smiles up at him, playfully pinching his side.

"Dude, I already cut the cake, where are your eyes? Go get some, it's on the plates over there." She waits until they are close, then picks up a pinch of cake off a plate and smears it over his mouth and beneath his nose, laughing up at him, dimples flickering into view. "Did we do this on our wedding day? We so should have."

Standing close to Alex, Sheena too smiles at him, then after a hesitation takes his hand. "I think you'd be a great teacher, Alex."

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