Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Gibababaflub! What's happening tomorrow in the RP? Mel vs Lil or something else? Gosh, we've got so many things planned I can't keep track :P Oh, I honestly can't remember if I gave Raina's mum a name or not - don't think I did - but if I did then her name is now officially changed to Sofia anyway)

Raina's mood dampens considerably as Diana tells her that infact the flowers would not work for every person - only a select few infact - and of course the vampire has far too much pride to ask if she knows of Mabel and Sofia Sharpe and if they could use the flower to visit. Even if they could, Raina wouldn't want to ask to have a flower, because then she would have to explain why. And that was a topic she wished to avoid at all times.

Who knew, maybe Kol would show up and somehow get Sethos to kill them again. Or maybe he'd not be a coward and face them himself. The first was more likely.

Then Diana begins speaking of a hormonal Faith, and Raina's interest is sparked again as she listens with curiousity in her gaze. Faith and Sheena had been living alone on the streets? Sheena was older, right, okay, Raina needed to remember how most things to do with the Cords made no sense anyway. They had a toddler who couldn't age - so Sheena being older than Faith should be no surprise, right? She listened, holding back a grin as she imagined a 14 year old Faith, "She's still pretty much the same." Raina comments with a shrug, it was true in her eyes anyway, Faith answered to no-one still and did as she wanted. Well, maybe with the expectation of staking Raina and Evangeline.

Still, when Diana spoke of a younger Faith, Raina noticed the sadness in her eyes trying to hide, and although she made no comment on it, nor did she frown at it, she did have to glance away, pretending to look over at the whirlwind of a birthday girl for a moment. It was sad to think that Faith was on the streets, most likely parentless, doing who knows what, at the age of fourteen. Putting aside the fact that most people at this school had that sort of past, it still didn't make up for the emotional scarring that comes from that.

She somewhat takes in the information about men, and as Diana asks a question her eyes drift to Faith, laughing with Macal and shoving cake in his face. Raina tried to hide a grin. Nodding towards her, she responds, "She certainly has. It takes a brave woman to rub cake over a God's face and laugh about it."

This was so odd. Talking about Faith with some woman she had never met as if they were two old sisters gushing over how much their daughter/niece had grown. Well, Diana was Faith's mum in some ways, but Raina didn't belong in this scene. She was a rebel vampire, not a fond family member. Upon this sudden realisation, she coughed lightly, having lost eye contact with Diana, "I should go." She then pushed past the woman, not entirely sure where she was heading, but just knowing it was anywhere but near the Cords. Exception of Liza.


Myra's eyes widened as Deathwish shivered and tugged at his shirt. She nodded, silently agreeing with James. If Deathwish was scared, then it must have been hell. He was never scared of anything. Myra really admired that; since she was scared of almost everything. She smiled, blushing slightly, when James kissed her head and subconsciously snuggled further against his body. She looked up at him, and it hit her how much she had missed him, and how much she had missed kissing him. Oh god she had missed kissing him. She leant up then, feeling a sudden surge of bravery, and pressed her lips against his.


Faye smirked as Nick reacted nervously; she found it adorable that he was scared of the Moon family. That may sound a bit mean, but Faye isn't really scared of anyone, so she has nothing to compare it to. She giggled at him, fluffing his hair slightly as she spoke, "Aww, but you're so sweet when you're nervous" She kissed his cheek, having to stand on her toes, then paused where she was, whispering in his ear, "Don't worry, I won't let the big bad King get you while I'm around." She dropped back onto the heels of her feet, grinning at him.

When he suggested moving onto another subject she shrugged, "How about you and James try your best not to kill each-other while me and Myra go grab some cake for us all, okay?" She gave Nick a quick kiss on the lips before 'stealing' Myra away from James with the promise to bring her back in a few moments so they could carry on 'eating each-other's faces off' Myra had blushed and insisted that if anybody was more likely to eat a face from kissing each other too much then it had to be Nick and Faye.


Faye, with Myra at her side, headed over to the cake, but, being the clutz Faye was she had managed to bump right into a girl in a devil costume. "Oh I'm so sorry!" She blurted out, but then realised she had infact knocked the soda the girl was holding all over her devil outfit. "Uh, um, I'm really sorry, here, um." She took the - now empty - cup and set it down, "Uh." She glanced around, not much to clean yourself up with here, she spotted some tissue though, and passed it to Lil, not sure how to help her, "Um, I'm super sorry, I really need to watch where I'm going.." She rubbed her arm awkwardly, "I just went and tripped right over this guy Riff the other day, kinda his fault though 'cause he was just sitting outside that b*tch Mel's room--" "Faye don't swear." Myra's quiet reprimand ended Faye's burst of speech and she rolled her eyes at her sister - though it was obviously jokey - she looked back to Lil, "Once again, sorry about the soda spillage, I can pay for dry cleaning or whatever it's called."

(Lil can speak to Faye about the whole Mel issue if she wants - Faye could help out :D )
Nick chuckled and then saw Flower come in. He whistled at her and then flinched as she glared at him. He put his hands up and then hid behind Deathwish which Flower paused seeing Deathwish. Nick smirks and then put his hands into his pockets. He looked at James who rolled his eyes at Nick. "So Flower....heard Sethos is kissing you a lot." He said and then winked at her.

Flower looks at Nick and then opens a portal behind Nick. She reaches in and pulls nick through. She grabbed Nick's neck and then glared at him. She grabbed the colar and then started choaking him with it. Nick for a while was trying to get away but then he just stood still and Flower let him go and he walked away. "Now I really know why you didn't wear this." Nick said.

Flower smirks and then looks at an Angel that won't stop stareing at her. She raised an eyebrow and Scorn walked over. Flower looks at him and then smiled lightly at Scorn. Nick and Deathwish felt out of place for some odd reason.
(Yes. Mel vs Lil part II. But that's for the night or at least around sunset.)

Lil was startled when someone crashed into her, making her spill the entire contents of her cup all over her costume. She turned around to spot a red headed zombie the one who tried to eat that boy's face earlier. The girl seemed nice. She was apologizing and even offering to help pay for any cleaning expenses. "O-oh. It's okay. I bought this so I don't need to return it. And if all goes well, I won't ever have to wear it again because I'll outgrow it . . . hopefully." Lil's eyes fell to her extreme lack of figure. Angels lived much longer than humans. She had forgotten how long she had waited before for her adult form to come in. It'd probably be at least another 50 years or so.

Lil's eyes widened when Faye mentioned Mel and Riff. She grabbed the redhead's hands and looked at her with pleading eyes. "You know Mel and Riff? And you know what sort of person she is?!" The blonde was a bit excited now. Could Faye help her? Lil wasn't picky on who would join her. Anybody would help.

She knew this was a bit sudden but she had no choice. "D-do you think you can help me? Mel's leaving the school tomorrow and I need to face her before it's too late. I-if I don't, who knows how long before I can find her again. And I can't even imagine the things she can do by then. I-I know this may sound a bit crazy and you don't know me but I can't do this by myself. Please." Lil was frantic now. She hoped this girl would help her, even if Lil was just a stranger. Though she probably seemed like a crazy person now.
Kesson looked around at all the people. A lot of the school had turned up for Liza's birthday and the party. He could guess why and he smiled at it all. It was amazing and touching as well. He wondered about his own birthday. It was probably an event he would not share with anyone. Anything to do with home Kesson would rather either forget or keep to himself.

He let Zelda drag him along, not minding in the least. He smiled at her excitement. It made her so cute and Kesson had to wonder if it was right for him to push her away for selfish reasons. Then again he really didn't know how she felt about him. So maybe it was for the best. This was enough.

"He looks kind of good in those cat ears," he joked.


"No one is going to take the candy," Lekki said as she watched him eat it with a fascinated look on her face. Vash was something else and it just amazed the half-demon to watch him. She smiled. She really liked spending time with him. He was a lot of fun and for Lekki that was important.

"I'm sure no one will appreciate you hogging it all anyways," she told him, laughing at it. She dug in as well. She went wide eyed in joy as Vash agreed to dance with her. "It's okay. Like I said I'm not that good. I'm not worried either. I'm sure you'll be just fine."

She started towards it but Vash seemed to be distracted by cake. She turned and watched him barrel into several other people in his attempt at getting to it and starting laughing really hard. Yes being friends with Vash was going to be wonderful. She could already tell. She headed over to him, still laughing hard.

"Are you okay," she managed to get through.


Hayley blushed harder when he touched her forehead. She was sure her face was hot as well. She was so unuse to people touching her, let alone worrying about her, she was certain she was hot from embarrassment. It made her curious as well. Riff didn't know her yet he seemed to be friendly and polite towards her. Hayley found she couldn't understand why.

She brushed his hand away and looked away, trying to regain her composure. "I'm fine. Really. Maybe it would be better to get out of here." Hayley looked at Riff and gave him a small smile. She didn't want to stop talking to him. He was nice and that wasn't something Hayley was use to, but she found that she really didn't want to be here. She wondered if she could ask Riff to come with her. Last time she left a party alone Evangeline attacked her and she didn't want to risk anything.

"I am fine with being ignored," Hayley said. "It's better that way."
Zelda walked over and then looked at Deathwish with some of his hair white and in the neko custome like she is. She blushed a bit. "Wow Deathwish...." she said and then giggled and grabbed his cat ear. "Sweet that is so awesome!" She said and then smiled as Deathwish smiled back lightly. She giggled and then showed off her neko outfit. "Looky." She said and then twirled around. "Neat isn't it?" She asked.

James looked at Zelda and then smiled. "Sure is sis." He said and then looked at Kesson. "Hello Kesson." He said and then looked as Flower came over. He smiled at Flower. "You look beautiful tonight as well Flower." He said.

Nick of course looked at Zelda and then draped his arm over her. "Hello Zelda...." He purred at her. "Looking nice." he said and then chuckled as Zelda shoved him off. He crossed his arms and then looked at Deathwish who was beside Flower and they both were glaring at him. "What? She's a's different, I would never leave my lovely Faye. Are you nuts?" He said and Deathwish nodded. Nick crossed his arms.

Flower looked at Kesson and walked over. "Hello Kesson." She said with a bright smile. She looked as Ginger joined her hiding behind her. "Ginger...." FLower said and then looked at Kesson. "Oh Hunter and Sky have been looking for you. Appears they like you, thanks for keeping an eye on them. I've been....stressfully busy." Flower said, oddly enough in the beautiful dress she was in; and she was beautiful in it, she seemed much more calmed and royal like. She looked at Ginger. "Oh this is Ginger....she's sort of like a daughter...." she said and then smiled at them all.

Zelda waved at Ginger and then looked at Flower. "Flower....word around the school is that you and Jace are dating...hear you two have been kissing." She grabbed her head as Flower hit her. She looked at the now angry Flower. "Number one...that was Jace's demon side and he forced me into a kiss...number two, There is nothing going on between me and Jace!" She said and then crossed her arms.

Zelda backed away and then leaned over to whisper to Kesson. "Yeah...well did she have to hit me so hard." Zelda whispered and then crossed her arms. "Jeez...everyone kisses her....I'd like to have a boy kiss me." she said and then pouted. "No fair!" She said and then Flower raised an eyebrow.
Diana’s face held a faint, somewhat sad smile as she watched Raina leave her, her thoughts partly resting with the youthful Faith and with Sheena, as Diana had come to know her a year before, but more so with Raina herself. There was certainly no shortage of troubled young girls in the world, but if she knew Faith and Macal, this one too would slowly be worked on and worked with, until she had grown and matured into the wonderfully strong and capable woman that Diana already could see the potential of within her.

It wouldn’t hurt though, she supposed, if she herself tried to come around the academy more frequently, to try to interact with Raina herself, form a relationship with her independently of others. It had certainly helped Sheena…

As she returned to stand with Stick and Tsai, she touched Tsai’s arm, saying in a low voice, “I wonder if you would happen to have any knowledge of any deceased who might bear the last name Sharpe, within my particular plane of existence in my afterlife? I do hate to make requests of you, but if it were to be possible, I would like to endeavor in a favor for this particular young lady.”

(was thinking, Joboz, that Diana might try to form a relationship with Raina, would she be open to that? Also, not sure yet, but if she could, would you want her to allow for Raina’s mother to return for a few hours one day?)


The party would have never ended, it seemed, if Faith had not brought a conclusion to it herself, way past Liza’s usual bedtime. By then Liza was so wound up that she was basically running around making sound effects with her mouth and she was unable to talk to anyone without pretty much shouting at them in excitement at all the night’s stimulation. Faith’s cue to end things was when Liza started to get curious about if Batman had big muscles and started tugging at his costume as though she were going to undress him, so she hurried over, scooped her up onto her hip, and waved to the crowd at large.

“Liza’s bedtime. You guys can keep partying or whatever, this girl’s going to sleep now. Come kiss Di and Stick and Tsai and your daddy, then off we go, and no, Batman’s sleeping in his…bat cave.”

“I’m not even tired!!!” was Liza’s wide-eyed protest, but Faith paid no attention, passing her around to her relatives and then taking her back for herself as she carried her back towards their living quarters.

Liza kept up a running commentary, informing Faith of more than Faith could really pay attention to at top volume, speed, and excitement level, but by the time Faith had undressed her and gotten her into her pajamas, for Liza was too distracted to do it herself, the little girl was wearing down considerably and was in fact rubbing her eyes and trying not to yawn where her mother could see. Faith settled her under her blankets, then lay down beside her own top of them, putting an arm around her and smoothing back her hair from her face, and as Liza snuggled up against her, closing her eyes, Faith continued to stroke her hair until she could see that she was asleep.

“Good girl…five again,” she whispered, and though she sounded amused, there was a thoughtfulness in her eyes as well. She wouldn’t change Liza for anything, and she definitely didn’t want her to grow into teenage years and be another Sheena or worse, selfish as that was. But sometimes she did wonder just what it might be like, if Liza did in fact grow.

She made sure their living quarters were locked and Casey and Liza’s bear were at her side before she returned to the party for Macal. She would let Sheena party as long as she wanted, especially now that she and Alex appeared to be making up, and because of the rather enjoyable fact that Faith hadn’t seen Eve plastering her annoying self to her all night. Clean up could be tomorrow’s job.


In the morning classes had a two hour delay that Faith had arranged the day before, due to her not feeling like having them so early more than out of consideration for the students; she hadn’t been drunk last night, but she did have what might be called a birthday party hangover. Liza, of course, had no such weariness and was as lively as ever, bouncing around playing with her new “friends” and giving a verbal instant replay of what seemed to Faith like every second of the party. Sheena had been up rather late herself but showed up for classes the next day on time, and true to form, asked Hayley, as Faith had requested, to stay after with her and work on her sparring skills with her.

For most of the night before, Sheena had been able to push away her growing concerns about Evangeline and to focus instead on her relationship with Alex and her attempts to repair it, on her little sister’s party and having fun at it. But with a new day arrived, she found herself again wondering about Evangeline, dreading the research she knew Faith would make her do about her and what results it could possibly yield that she, Sheena, would not want to accept. And so in the course of the sparring she said nothing for some time, simply instructing Hayley and practicing with her, but her mind was rather distracted, and in less than fifteen minutes she couldn’t hold back any longer.

“Hayley…Raina said something about….well, you and my sister…Lina, I mean…Raina runs her mouth a lot but…did Lina…try to attack you?”

She looked away almost as soon as she asked, not wanting to hear the answer, her heart already speeding in its beats.


Evangeline had been unable to sleep the night before. There was a constant buzzing in her ears, a constant dull pounding in her temples, and she could not think or concentrate for more than a few moments at a time as a result. She heard voices addressing her constantly, whispering her name. Sometimes when she turned, there was someone watching her, someone that no one else appeared to take notice of, and sometimes there was nothing at all.

Throughout the evening she had heard people laughing close to her ear, felt them fingering her hair or breathing down her neck, and this made her more and more progressively irritable until she was ready to lash out at any small distraction, ready to seriously injure or even kill anyone who so much as approached her. Why couldn’t they just leave her alone, why were they all HERE?

Atherton was always near, drawing closer to her than all the others, whispering in her ear that she was a traitor and a whore, a scrawny b*tch, a waste of space.

“I was using you, Eve,” he whispered, as his hand stroked her neck beneath her hair. “I never wanted you…I never loved you at all. How could I love a scrawny little traitor whore like you? I wanted you to bring your sister to me…it was her I wanted. A Lycan Slayer….that was the real prize…that was the REAL woman…why would you ever think I was stupid enough to want YOU?”

Evangeline tried to hit out at him, to shove him and scream at him, and on one occasion even tried to stake him, but each time she tried to make physical contact with him, he disappeared, leaving her swiping viciously at empty air. The night before she had awakened from a sound sleep to see him leaned over her, chuckling darkly, and she was sure he would not leave her alone now…he was enjoying using this as revenge against her, a payback because she had let him die.

Atherton wasn’t the only one she saw…her saw Ab, her and Sheena’s biological father, in the distance down hallways, standing in the shower of her bathroom, and in the corner of the classroom she had then refused to enter. Always with a beer in his hand, a stricken, inebriated expression on his face, he would sway on his feet, eyes half open, one hand covering his torn throat as blood seeped between his fingers, as blood dripped down his arms and from the wounds littering his limbs and stomach.

“Never hurt you, Evie….never laid one hand on you, not one hand…why you go and do this to me? Why…”

But it was her mother who was the worst…each time she came across her standing in front of her bed, walking towards her in the hall, holding out her bleeding arms, her middle-aged face sagging with sorrow and weariness, Evangeline’s unbeating heart twisted with a guilt she had not known herself to be capable of feeling, almost as much as her anger.

“Why baby…why would you do this to me,” Muriel Orvis whispered, her sad eyes fixed unblinkingly on her daughter. “I gave you life…gave you all I had, I coulda had more, you know? I was young, could have gone somewhere, been somebody….I never did nothing to hurt you. Why did you do this to me?”

The answer, of course, was Evangeline had been thirsty, and her mother was readily available…just as was the case now. With each sighting of the dead, each escalating level of harassment, Evangeline found herself wanting more and more to seize on someone, anyone, and drink from them until they were drained dry. Atherton encouraged it, telling her that it was her right, the essence of who she was…so why not?

“You are thirsty, Evangeline, and they are here for you to take from…just do it,” he urged, when he was not taunting her for his lack of love for her. “Just do it, just take what you need…what you deserve.”

And by mid afternoon Evangeline was more than convinced that this was indeed exactly what she needed and deserved. Her mind went to work attempting, as she paced the halls of the school, then around the outside grounds, to figure out who, exactly, she should take…Hayley was a good option, except that she had twice been thwarted with her. Liza was overly protected, so another young one, or shy one…

It was about twenty minutes later, when her self-control had almost entirely dwindled, when she saw the young girl sitting alone under the trunk of the tree, a girl who appeared to be about 12 years old. Evangeline wasted no time in approaching her, spinning the tale in her mind of how she should go about this. She knew she looked similar to the girl in appearance as far as age went, and so she took on a new persona off the top of her head as she came to her, smiling, even as her skin heated with the desire to simply tear her open right then and there.

“Hi…do you mind if I sit with you a while? I’m new here, don’t know anyone yet, really, and most people here are older than us, I think…are you about my age? Twelve? You look about that age so I’m sorry if I’m not…”

The girl looked up with a smile, appearing shy but friendly as she nodded and invited Evangeline to sit with her. Evangeline barely listened to the girl as she told her that yes, she was twelve, and her name was Abby. Abby too stated that she was newer, one of the younger girls, and Evangeline quickly found out that no, she wasn’t in any of Faith’s classes, but rather was in one for the younger girls.

Perfect…absolutely perfect.

It didn’t take long for her to convince Abby to come away with her off campus, to explore the woods at their edge alone with her while playing a rather ridiculous game that Evangeline had invented on the spot. It didn’t take long for her to take Abby out of earshot of any others and to pin her to the ground, hand over her mouth to muffle any cries, as she pierced her slim neck with her fangs, drinking from her until Abby’s twitching body went still beneath her.

And after, Atherton applauded.

“That’s my girl, Eve…that’s who you are. That’s what you’re meant to be.”

(I intend for Sheena to find out about her very soon so it’s perfectly fine if people notice Abby missing or saw Eve leave with her, but I prefer that they not confront Eve or fight her just now if possible)
(Jo, Legend, I'm going to skip to the next day as well. So I'm going to assume Faye agreed to help and that Lil told her everything she needs to know about the situation, including about how they don't need to kill her, just stab her with the silver dagger, Vash and Lekki had some fun and cake before dragging the cauldron back to their rooms, and Riff walked Hayley back to her room with mindless chatter. If either of you have a problem with that you can just change the events in your post. I don't care.)

As the sun's rays flooded through the window of her dorm room, Lil fitted a holster to her hip. Normally she hated having a bladed weapon. She had always felt them to be a bit barbaric. The same applied to blunt weapons. Both types created such a mess. That was why she chose the whip as her weapon of choice. It was less . . . messy. It just seemed to suit her more than other more traditional weaponry. Still today was an exception to her normal inclinations. She slipped the blessed dagger into the sheath on her left hip, with her whip on the right.

She lifted her hand up to flex it. Thankfully her arm had healed last night so she'd be able to freely use it. It was a big day after all. Today was the day she would finally be rid of that thorn in her side. Luckily Faye had agreed to help Lil defeat Mel. Heaven knew that the lone angel wouldn't be able to face Mel in a fair fight going by what she had experienced the other day. It was utter humiliation.

Lil took one last look in the mirror and fixed her hair for the tenth time that morning before leaving her room. She wasn't actually sure when the conflict was going to take place. It'd have to be a time when both Faye and Lil were free and before Mel left. When was Mel planning on leaving exactly? Lil had heard evening but that didn't narrow the possibilities down enough. Maybe she'd ask Riff or Vash. It seemed that both had been fired but maybe they'd know something.


Vash had been up most of the night. He had managed to eat about half of the cauldron of candy and now he was facing one of the worst stomach aches of his life. It was almost as bad as the time he was ten and had agreed to drinking, well more like eating, milk that had expired the week before. Some of the neighbor kids had given him fifty dollars to do it so it was kind of worth it. He groaned as his candy hangover had just punched him in the gut.

Riff had been awoken by Vash's pained noises. The blond looked over to watch his roommate doubled over in pain. "Idiot."

Vash tried to give Riff a dirty look but the pain had distorted it to a point where he looked more constipated than angry. "I'm not an idiot."

"Who else would eat over ten pounds of candy in one night?" " . . . Shut up. My tummy hurts." Riff went over to an armoire and opened one of its drawers. After shuffling through its contents for a bit, he grabbed a pill bottle and tossed it over to the white haired demon. "Take two of those and you'll be fine."

Vash greedily took the pills and swallowed a couple. He looked up at Riff who was now in their bathroom brushing his teeth. He wondered if he should tell the boy about Mel's departure that evening. In the end, he decided it was the right thing to do. "Riff?" "Yes?" "Mel's leaving the academy tonight . . . without us."

Riff seemed to freeze for a bit but continued his morning routine like normal. "Is that so? I guess if she wants to leave, she can." Vash sat up, a bit confused at Riff's response. Wasn't he supposed to be the dedicated one? Shouldn't he be more upset that she was leaving him behind? Vash certainly was. "A-aren't you a bit upset about her leaving us like this? Don't you want to go as well?" Riff smiled at Vash though it looked a bit sad to him. He refused to say any more and Vash didn't feel like pushing it.

The two then left their room soon after. Class was rather uneventful since both had their minds occupied with the departure of their former master. Something honestly didn't sit right with Vash, but he couldn't just ask Riff about it. The blond wouldn't talk to him anyway. He sighed, wanting some sort of distraction. Maybe he should just go find Lekki. She seemed to be his only friend at the academy other than Mel and Riff, if you could even call them friends.


(Hm, I need to clear something up. I read in previous pages that it's impossible to kill on the castle grounds. So how does that work? I remember mention of some sort of spell or barrier but I'm still foggy on this. How does it work? I can't really see it as possible. Does everyone just become immortal while in the Academy? Or does some weird magic prevent the killer from giving the fatal blow? It's all too confusing.)
(actually we agreed that it is in fact possible. it being impossible was suggested, but i don't see how we can have a fighting school with bad guys popping up everywhere and have it impossible for people to die. I merely have Eve kill outside of the school because it makes it harder to track her down that way)
(You all moved on but I wanted Tsai to respond to Diana before I post anything on the next day.)

*Tsai taps her chin while she thinks about Diana's question* Tis a large underworld but if this is something that is important to you I shall seek them out and if they're worthy of the gift the flowers offer, then I shall see to it that they are delivered to you..However this will take some time I'm no tracker like your son in law, have you considered asking him to...*She stops as she looks over at her husband who suddenly is very serious.* Excuse me Diana I'll be but a moment. *Tsai walks over to Master Stick and stands in front of him.*

Tsai: What is it?

Stick: Do you not sense his presence here?

Tsai: Yes, there is some residue essence of our son here, I've felt it as soon as the portal was opened.

Stick: He's ripping at the very vale of the universe trying to retrieve the weapons..How can Macal stand there and act like there is nothing wrong! Does he not understand what's at stake here?

*Tsai glances in Macal's direction and smiles at her husband*

Tsai: You of all people know that he is not just standing around doing nothing...Look at him again even as he's here standing in this room with us, pieces of him are out in the universe searching for answers.

*Stick looks at Mac again, this time his eyes glow for just a second*

Stick: Of course how did I not see that?

Tsai: He is our king, he must always put on the appearance for the sake of his family that all is under control, even tho it is not.

Stick: True, He still has yet to regain even half his true power, at this moment The Princess is the most powerful being in the family..The boy pushes himself to his limits far to often. Perhaps it's time as HardTimes's parents we should put an final end to his wicked ways!

Tsai: Perhaps but for now we will leave it to Macal and Faith and if need be we will step in...Now I have to return to Diana, I'm being very rude to her.
(Sounds fine to me amdreams)

Hayley stared up at her ceiling before she did anything. Last night was actually really...nice. Riff was a good person and he was so kind and polite to her. He also didn't try and say anything about her not actually being Hayley and not Erica. She had a feeling that he didn't entirely believe her lie, but he played along all the same. It felt nice. Hayley wondered why she kept running into such people. Maybe she was wrong. There was decent people.

She almost had a run in with Jinn though. The half-elf had tried to confront her or so she thought, but she got lost in the crowd and Hayley lost sight of her. She didn't stay that long either. Riff brought her back to her room and they chatted most of the time together.

Hayley smiled to herself. She really liked him, like she liked Sheena and Faye and Nick and Deathwish she guessed. Maybe she would make friends here. But she knew that she couldn't escape those who meant her harm as well. Deep down Hayley knew that she was a burden on them all as well.

That was why she was happy for Sheena's help. She was going to give it her all and made an improvement. She was going to learn to defend herself. She had to. Hayley though was surprised by Sheena's question. She paused in what she was doing and looked at the other girl, nervously. She looked away trying to decide if she should lie or tell her the truth.

"She...she did," Hayley confirmed. "Twice." Hayley gave Sheena a sympathetic look. This couldn't be easy for her to hear. "Raina saved me the first time and Nick and Deathwish the second. I'm..I'm sorry Sheena."


Lekki had a pretty good night. She wasn't able to run into everyone, but it was fun. She hoped that she was going to become good friends with Vash. He was really fun to be around and a very amusing person as well.

Lekki felt a little sick from her own sugar consumption but she didn't feel as bad as Vash did. Lekki looked in the mirror and flashed a smile at herself. She thought to take it easy though and so she did not teleport as she left her room. She thought to check on Vash and make sure he was okay. She knew what it was like to get sick from overeating.

Lekki passed by Jinn on her way through the halls. The assassin flashed a toothy girl at the half-demon and Lekki almost paused to watch her go. Something seemed off about the girl, but Lekki wasn't entirely sure. She didn't know her after all. She decided to ignore it. She stood in front of Vash's and Riff's room and knocked.


Jinn had a poor night. She had not been able to locate Hayley and when she thought she might have found her - clever girl to shape-shift to avoid being spotted - she got blocked from view.

The half-elf was angry but she didn't show too much of it. She had to get this girl out of here soon. She hated this place. It was a trash school for trash. Jinn had no place being here and Hayley would be better under the teachings of the Black Acid assassins. She was made for it. Just like her father.

Jinn wasn't sure where she was headed. She decided to seek out someone who might be able to help. She ended up in front of Faye's door and knocked. The way to Hayley might be through someone else first.
(All sounds good to me, Faye would have agreed to help, but she would have checked that Lil didn't intend to harm Riff. I'ma skip as well. And yeah Faith, she'd be open to it, though she'd be careful at first, and the idea about Raina's mum returning would be cool, maybe her little could come for a few hours? Or does it not work that way? You'd definitely get to see just how sweet Raina can actually be if they showed up)

Faye had a pretty cool night actually, she had agreed to help Lil, as long as there was no harm to Riff involved - he was a good guy, just hanging out with the wrong girl. Then she had spent the rest of the night dancing and partying with Nick, Myra and James. When it seemed they had to leave, Faye was disappointed because she was having so much fun, but it had been fine because even though Myra had to go to bed - pssh, people who need sleep are so lamee - Faye got to spend the night with Nick. They didn't do much, just went out into the gardens and chatted for a while, but it was still nice to spend time with him. After chasing her sisters for so long it was good to take a break.

But of course she had to return at some point, so she and Nick parted at about 6 in the morning and Faye returned to her room. Myra wasn't awake yet, but Faye was used to waiting for her to wake up anyway. When they had been homeless she would always just wait for Myra to wake up, making sure no-one was going to harm her big sister in her sleep. She wasn't sure how long she had been waiting, but a sudden knock at the door made her look up curiously. Was Nick coming to say hello already? Or was it Hayley wanting to hang out? Maybe Raina wanted to speak to her. She shrugged and bounced off her bed, glancing back at Myra who was stirring slightly, and then pulled open the door. She frowned to see an unfamilar face, wait no...she was that girl from class. She titled her head at her, Faye was dressed already, but her long ginger hair was loose down her back, and her amber eyes flickered slightly as if they were made from fire. "Um, hey, can I help you?" She heard movement from behind her, and looked back to see a tired looking Myra had sat up, rubbing her eyes as she frowned at Faye and Jinn, "Faye, you okay?" Her voice was timid and quiet, and Faye nodded, "Yeah, you should get dressed Myra, I'll be back in a sec." She then shut the door, so that she was standing outside with Jinn now, "You're Jinn from Faith's class, right?" She tried to fight the surge of protectiveness towards Myra, the urge to get Jinn away from her big sister. Shutting the door was a way of suppressing that urge, and she had to remind herself that not everyone at this school was a killer who wanted to hurt her big sister.

Not everyone, but many.


Raina had left the party almost as soon as Liza had. Sure it was fun to be at a party again. But it wasn't actually at all that fun. It was sweet to see Liza running around with so much excitement, but all she could think about was Diana's conversation with her. So much so that she was even looking at Liza, watching her joy, and just imaging her as Mabel. It would be a blessing if she could see Mabel, even if her little sister was stuck as Liza was, unable to age or mature, she would take that over how Mabel was now. She didn't even know if she was buried or not. After she ran from the house, ran from Jace, her Father had found her, a shaking, blood and tear covered child, then groaned in disappointment as he muttered about how that damn demon couldn't even do his job right and kill all of them. He had then dragged her away, ignoring her protests that they should go and see Mum and Mabel, that they should bury them.

Did they stay there forever? that was too awful to think of. Raina hoped they had been found quickly, maybe by a neighbour. Yeah. They must have been.

So much her night was spent re-living the past, questioning both the present and the future. And well, no-one can party when thinking of their dead baby sister and what might have been. So she left after Liza, not wanting to leave before for fear of seeming rude. She was now on her way to Faith's class, lacking that usual strut of self-confidence, and instead almost aimlessly wandering. Her thoughts were everywhere, and as she entered the classroom she found herself hiding in the back, leant up against a wall, as she waited for the usual instructions to spar with blahblahblah.


Chameleon had an average night, wasn't bad, wasn't amazing. He left pretty early though, after giving Liza her present. It of course had nothing to do with the fact that Raina was looking beautiful and he was scared he'd say something embarrassing in front of the whole school, like blurt out how pretty her eyes were or something stupid like that.

Yeah, Chameleon was awkward when it came to girls.

Wait, why was he even thinking of this? Firstly, he couldn't have a girlfriend. For various murderous parent reasons. Secondly, Raina was, well, Raina. She hated everything besides a five year old key-holder that ran around squishing mini-batmen and a firey halfie who spent three quarters of her time last night sucking face with a Vampire Prince. Just because he and Raina kissed, and because he thought she was beaut--pretty, didn't mean he wanted to date her or anything.

So, as he entered Faith's classroom, on time as always, he ignored the black-haired vampire in the back of the classroom and settled against a wall closer to the front, waiting, as was Raina, for instructions. God forbid she didn't pair him with Raina. Of course he didn't fight anyway, but he was sure the vampire would either throw a fit, ignore him entirely - which was the best option, but would still sting - or, she'd make him fight her. As she had done many a time.

Fighting was not an option.

(Ooooohhhh, can Faith please pair Chameleon with Raina? Unless you've already got it planned)
Flower woke up and then grabbed her head. She rubbed it and then pushed her fingures through her hair. She had a nice time at the party and even danced with Deathwish and that angel guy. (lol Scorn) She sighed. "I slept in late." she said and then looked around rubbing her eye. She got up and quickly got dressed. She brushed her hair and then opened up the door. She looked at Hunter who was asleep in dog form. She smiled and petted Hunter and then looked at the scar on her neck. Flower moved Hunter collar and then petted her neck where Sethos marked her. She sighed and then looked at Hunter. "I'm sorry girl....I can't risk it." she sighed deeply and then pushed her hair behind her ear. "Come on....I'll let you bite Nick." As Flower said that Hunter suddenly shot up barking and wagging her tail. Flower laughed.

Zelda walked into class and then sat down looking out the window. She looked as Nick and Deathwish walked in. "Ah still working the white hair look?" she asked and Deathwish didn't answer. Zelda looked at him and then rolled her eyes. "You're not the only one who's feeling lonely buddy." She said and crossed her arms angry. She looked down and then back at the window. James was the next in class. She waved at him.
“I would certainly appreciate that, Tsai, thank you,” Diana tells her just before Tsai excuses herself to join Stick. “And I’m sure this young Sharpe lady would as well, if it were to be possible.”

As the party concludes she is still considering Raina. She had confidence that Faith and Liza combined would be nothing but good for her, but it certainly would do nothing but help to have the girl able to meet a loved one, whomever it might be that could be possible. She hopes this is the case.


Twice…she did, twice…it was the answer that Sheena had known was inevitable in coming, and yet she had desperately hoped that there was an alternate explanation, a way to make the answer negative as she wished. But seeing Hayley look at her with such sympathy, Hayley, who had no reason to lie to her, no reason to have a bias against Evangeline or to make up stories about something happening that hadn’t…Hayley had stood there and told her that yes, her sister had tried to hurt her. Evangeline had tried to kill her…not once, but twice.

It had to be true, then. Evangeline had tried to kill Hayley, then lied to Sheena’s face about it. It had not been a lack of control for which she felt guilt, or an irresistible urge that she had been horrified by, it had not been an unconscious desire she later forgot. Evangeline willfully and deliberately targeted Hayley, one of the shyest and weakest of the students in her age range, one of the ones who would not be able to fight back and would be unlikely to tell. Hayley, her friend…Evangeline could have killed her. She had tried.

And she had stood there and lied to Sheena about it.

If Raina was the one telling the truth…if Raina had been right about Hayley, then she must have been right about other things too…was she? The video with the pilot, had that all been true too…had her sister also murdered him?

It was the obvious conclusion, a conclusion that Sheena had truly known in her heart to be correct from the moment she saw the video. She had lashed out at everyone who tried to point it out to her, at Raina, at Alex, at Faith and Macal…but they had all been right, and as much as she had wanted to not believe, refused to believe, she had known it to be true. It was only that now, with Hayley standing there, looking at her with her big, hesitant eyes, that she couldn’t deny it to herself any longer.

Hayley had said she was sorry…what did she have to be sorry for? It was Sheena’s sister, it was Sheena herself, who had been wrong…sorry, how could sorry even begin to cover what Sheena was feeling, the pained realization now filling her to her very soul?

Her baby sister was a soulless killer, by choice. Her little sister, who Sheena loved so fiercely, had so desperately wanted and wanted to be with for so long, was a murderer of the very type that had once killed Sheena herself.

“I’m…Hayley, I’m sorry,” Sheena muttered, for she knew that she couldn’t possibly finish their lesson, or even this conversation.

Without waiting for Hayley’s reaction, she took off out the door and weaved her way through the academy’s hallway, seeking to avoid contact with all people, all situations. She could feel her heart pounding hard and fast in her chest, the sharp pain spiking through her heart, and she ran with her head down, swallowing against nausea rising in her throat.

She ran almost blindly until she found herself at the front gates of the academy, but she did not vault or go through them. Instead Sheena slumped down against them, the side of her cheek pressed against the iron bars, and she gripped them with both hands, feeling her tears pressing against her eyes and quickening her breaths, but not actually emerging. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she struggles to calm, to take control of her feelings, but it is very difficult for her to try to rope her thoughts into logic rather than pure emotion.

She knew what she had to do now…it was her job to do it. It was her duty. She had to investigate her own sister, just as she had promised Faith she would. She had to look into the crimes she had undoubtedly committed, discover who she had harmed, who she had killed, and make amends, allow justice to be served. She had to assess the level of danger Evangeline was, the seriousness of the crimes she had committed…and if Evangeline was dangerous, if she had no qualms over the damage she committed…then what?

Faith had already laid those options out to her. She had to arrange for her to be captured, or else she herself would have to kill her…and if she didn’t, then Faith would.

Even the thought of it went against the core of Sheena’s instincts…kill her sister, her blood? Kill the only living being she had ever known and loved from its first breath of life…could she really do that?


Sixteen-year-old Margaret “Legs” Sadovsky sat rigidly on the very edge of her chair, her thin shoulders slumped, arms crossed tightly over her chest in the hospital’s waiting room. Her long fingers nervously tapped against her arms, and she frequently licked her chapped lips, blue eyes darting restlessly. Every few moments she stood and began to pace the small space of the floor, her strides quick and agitated, almost angry. She said little, for she had little to say except one pleading thought: Let my sister be okay. Just let my baby sister be okay…

Her friends, the other members of her Foxfire gang, were all with her, of course, clustered as near as Legs would allow them to be, supporting her. It had been several hours since Muriel, her father’s girlfriend, the mother of Legs’s new little sister, had given birth, since Legs had been told the terrible news. Her new baby sister, Evangeline Nicole Sadovsky, was already struggling, and it was unknown whether or not she would even live.

Evangeline was almost three full months premature- courtesy, Legs was bitterly certain, of her father and his constant smoking around Muriel, his refusal to allow Muriel to take a break from the cooking and cleaning and waiting on him he demanded, despite her difficult pregnancy…and almost certainly, he had hit Muriel as well. The stress of living with Ab Sadovsky would be enough for anyone to miscarry, and any child in her womb, what chance did she have to develop normally?

Bronchopulmonary dysplasa, the doctors had said when Legs repeatedly and with mounting aggression had demanded she be informed. Evangeline had been born too small, too early, with undeveloped lungs and an inability to draw breath on her own. Her skin was tinged blue, and she could not properly eat or suckle, her muscle tone was low…her chance of surviving right now was uncertain. And even if she did, her ability to thrive, her ability to grow normally and eat normally and breathe normally, to have anything approaching the life she deserved, would be strongly affected.

They would not let Legs see her, and when she had threatened to go anyway, to push past them, they had threatened to have her arrested. They would do it, Legs knew. At sixteen she already had a record, and most police in her town knew her by sight as well as reputation. They were against her as it was just for living as she did, for the simple fact that more days than not, she was a street kid, without her pushing it…and if they arrested her, and she couldn’t see Evangeline? She couldn’t go back to juvie, couldn’t go to jail, she had sworn to herself the year before she would never, ever allow herself to be in that situation again, to have done to her what she had been forced to endure…and what if Evangeline never got to know her, while she was locked away? What if Evangeline never knew Legs was her sister, never knew how much she cared, how fiercely she would have fought to protect her before she even lay eyes on her? What if Evangeline died before Legs ever even met her?

No, she couldn’t think like that, she couldn’t think about her baby sister and dying in the same sentence. Why the hell would she jinx herself like that?

She would stay put, she would wait until they came to fetch her, told her it was okay to see her…but god it was killing her, flat out murdering her to have to stay here and wait while her sister was probably struggling for life on another wing.

“Oh Legs, I’m sure she’ll be okay, I’m just SURE,” said Rita anxiously, her chubby hands reaching towards her and patting her just briefly before pulling them back, as though she were not quite sure she had a right to touch Legs at all. “She’s YOUR sister, she’ll be strong just like YOU, won’t she?”

“Yeah Legs, Sadovsky stock, she’s gonna have them all on their toes, probably piss in their face too while she’s at it!” added Goldie, from where she too hovered near, her broad shoulders slumped, hands shoved into the pockets of her overly large jacket.

Lana and Violet too rushed to try to provide comfort and reassurance that they were too earnest to truly believe, patting and petting Legs, and though she knew they all meant well, that their words and gestures were motivated by caring towards her, though she loved them all dearly as her sisters, her blood…still, Legs could barely stand their hands on her, and their very voices burned. When she jerked away, resuming her pacing, it was only Maddy, quiet, intense little Maddy with her skinny frame and her unpretty face, who was able to pierce through her agitation.

Maddy said little; she simply stood with Legs and matched her pace, walking alongside her as Legs continued to pace. She didn’t speak, and didn’t try to touch her; she simply walked alongside her, unsmiling, only occasionally meeting and holding Legs’s gaze, and somehow this was more calming to her than anything the others could have said or done. And when she stopped walking, she was able to let Maddy take her by the arm and lead her to sit again, to let Maddy lean her head against her shoulder, and she knew that Maddy, who had no real family of her own, was the only one who might be able to understand.

When the nurse finally came and called for Margaret Sadovsky, indicating to her that she could see her sister, Legs almost jumped to her feet, her heart knocking hard in anticipation. The others got up as well, but no, only Legs would be allowed to see Evangeline, and only then with a mask over her mouth to protect against germs and while Evangeline remained in her incubator. It was with trepidation as much as excitement and relief that Legs followed.

Evangeline was covered with what looked to Legs like a spiderweb of wires and tubes, IVs and what appeared to be a special mask to help her breathe, and she was tiny, her skin tinged blue, its veins prominent and clearly visible. She had no hair or eyebrows, her eyes were closed, and each rise and fall of her chest looked forced, almost painful. As Legs stared at her sister, who was so very fragile, so very helpless and struggling simply to remain in the world she had hardly yet encountered, she found it difficult for her own self to draw breath. Her sister’s experience was terrible, her appearance shocking, but to Legs, she was utterly beautiful, and she knew in that moment how deeply, even now, she loved her. How much she would always love her…how she would do anything and everything in her power to protect her.

“Hi, Evangeline,” she whispered, and she wished so powerfully then that she could touch her sister, hold her in her arms, let her know through gestures stronger than words how she could show her love for her. “I’m your big sister…I’ll always be here for you. I’ll always protect you, okay? I’ll always love you.”

She didn’t cry, not then, not when she had to return to the others in the waiting room as they gathered around her again, eager to provide support should she need it, to be strong for her as she so often was for them. She brushed them all off, taking nothing offered, keeping a stiff upper lip and a lifted chin. It was only later, when she had snuck alone through the window of Maddy’s bedroom that night, that she curled herself into a ball in Maddy’s arms and sobbed until she didn’t have energy to move.


Almost three months later, Evangeline was still in the hospital, still constantly in a balance between living and dying, and the bills for Muriel were through the roof, beyond anything the unemployed woman could afford. Legs visited her and Evangeline as often as she could, even risking the possibility of having to encounter her father, and each time Muriel was stressed and worrying aloud over Evangeline and her medical costs, about the possibility that one day soon the hospital might simply refuse to treat her any longer. They couldn’t keep her indefinitely, and if Muriel couldn’t pay, what would they do, what would happen to Evangeline, who even now could only feed intravenously?

Legs had been hooking for quite some time, and now she recruited, with great reluctance and guilt, the rest of her Foxfire girls as well, hating it all the while, hating that she was asking them for such a sacrifice, but she would do it, whatever she needed, whenever she needed, to get as much money for Evangeline as she could. And still it was not enough…and that was when the plan came to her.

If she kidnapped someone rich enough, she and her girls, trapping him into thinking it was a hookup situation, if they could get his relatives to pay the ransom, she could have enough money to pay for Evangeline as long as she needed care. If only she could pull this off, Evangeline could be taken care of, maybe even healed.

How was she to know it would go so terribly wrong…how was she to know that it would lead to Mr. Kellogg’s murder, to the splitting of Foxfire, to the loss of Maddy, to the lasting homelessness and fugitive status of Legs? How was she to know that in her desperation to help her sister, she would fail her, that she would in fact never see her again?


Sitting by the gate, all these memories running through her mind rapidly, Sheena closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. She had failed Evangeline long ago…what made her think it could be any different now, that she could protect her even after Evangeline’s death?

The girl who had been the true Evangeline, her true sister, had died long ago. But it made it no easier not to love the Evangeline that remained, to feel that even now she was betraying her.

(I have more planned to this scene but it’s already soooo long I’ll finish later…and as for Faith’s fighting class? Do what you want, I didn’t actually plan to write it out, so if you want Chameleon to fight or whoever, just write it out yourself)

View attachment 8573 Maddy with Legs View attachment 8574 Rita, Maddy, Goldie, Legs, Violet
*Alex had been watching Sheena and when she suddenly bolted, he followed her the best he could but even not transformed it's hard to keep up with Sheena. Eventually he does catch up with her, his eyes begin to water a bit as he watches her crying, no man wants to see the woman he loves cry like this, to be so lost and hurt. It didn't take his genius IQ to figure out what exactly was wrong with her. He walks over to the gate pressing his back to it as he slides down it and sits next to Sheena's side. He sits there quietly for what seems like a lifetime before he slowly reaches over and takes her hand in his and gently squeezes it. After a few more minutes he finally reaches around her and pulls her into his chest and then speaks.* You know if it meant never causing you any kind of pain...I wish I was wrong about this..I'd glady be wrong about her if it meant you would still be happy. The last thing I ever wanted was to see you cry.
Sheena had not actually been crying, at least, not that she was aware of. She had been staring into space somewhat blankly, lost in her own thoughts, her own memories, and when Alex approaches her she does not hear, or notice his approach, until he is beside her, pulling her close. When she speaks to her softly, she starts to tell him that she isn't crying, but when she lifts her fingers to her face, she realizes with faint surprise that her cheeks are damp.

Closing her eyes, she lays her head against Alex's chest and allows him to curve his arm around her, to hold her hand lightly in his, and for several minutes she simply listens to his breathing, his heartbeat, aware of the discrepancy in rhythm of his and her own. When she does speak her voice is quiet, hoarse. "I told her I would always protect her. I never could."
Vash was sucking on yet another lollipop while walking back to his room. Riff was walking beside him but it seemed as if he was not even there. The blond didn't talk much the entire day so even class seemed boring. And class consisted of fighting people. The two continued walking in awkward silence until Vash spotted Lekki at their door.

"Hey, Lekki. You're actually knocking this time. Good for you."
Of course Vash still kept the candy in his mouth so it sounded more like the muffled noises that came out of a fridge or a mentally ill child. She couldn't have come at a better time though. Vash had wanted a distraction from the whole Mel thing and he knew Riff needed one as well. No matter how silent the boy chose to be, it was obviously bothering him. Either that or Vash was bad at reading the mood . . . which he kind of was . . . No time for doubts. Riff and he needed some mindless stupid activities to get their mind out of the gutters.

The white haired demon bounced over to the half demon. "So you need us for anything?"

(Jo, whenever you want to start the fight, just have Faye find Lil. For now I guess I'll just have her wandering around randomly.)
Look Sheena I'm no expert on vampires but I do know in the beginning they have no choice, they feed to survive that's it and sometimes if there is even a tiny bit of their soul that remains, they learn other ways to feed but most lose themselves completely in the darkness of the hunger, they begin to enjoy the kill and how much power they have over mortals...I have no doubt that your sister loves you and you love her but right now your sister is being held hostage, the vampire is using her memories and feelings to manipulate you, it's counting on the idea that you still believe your baby sister is still in there and I do think a tiny piece of her is but that's why you have to set her free and destroy the vampire that is holding her hostage, using your sister's memory and body to do these evil things..You want to protect your baby sister then that is how you do it..Set her free. *This entire time he's stroking her hair back and goes silent for a second.* Do you want me to do it, because if it will spare you any pain I will..You don't have to take this on by yourself just ask and I'll relieve you of this burden. *It sounds cold considering how he feels about Eve but he's more interested in sparing Sheena the pain of doing what needs to be done...Even if in the end she may hate him for it. That is a price we will pay.*
What Alex is saying to her, though she really doesn't want to hear or listen to it, makes sense. It would explain why some vampires, like Angel, Faith's old lover, and Raina, are able to have control of themselves and maintain some would explain why even though Evangeline is soulless, even though she feels no empathy towards her victims, Sheena still feels that she does love and care about her. And yet that part of her, the piece of the original Evangeline, is not enough to overcome the vampire...Alex is right. Sheena has to set her free...she has to. It would be the only way to protect her.

She remains silent for several more minutes as he talks to her soothingly, letting him hold her and stroke her, but when he asks her if she will let him deal with Evangeline, she shakes her head faintly. No, this is her job...her sister, her task.

"No...this...this is for me to do."


Whereas Faith's class has just started, Liza is only now making her way towards her, her guard dog Casey accompanying her close on her heels, her usual bear and a new "friend" under one arm, her sword in her other hand as she half skips down the hall, humming to herself lightly as she heads towards her class. Seeing Lil pacing several feet in front of her, she smiles, happy to see her friend, and flash steps just before her, blocking her path as she waves cheerily. "Hi Lil! Are you going to class? Me too except I might be late but that's okay 'cause it don't matter much."
Lil looked down at the little girl and smile. "Hi Liza. Sorry but I don't think I'll be able to make it to class today. I have something very important to do and I'm not exactly sure when it will start. So I have to be ready for this to happen at any moment." She prayed that Liza wouldn't ask any more questions. A prayer that was most likely too petty to be answered. Though given the level of curiosity in the girl, Lil began to wonder if even God could stop her from asking questions. The angel placed a hand on Liza's head. "You tell your mother I'm sorry for missing class, okay? But this is an emergency." It was. This was Lil's best chance to fight Mel again. Riff and Vash had both been fired so Mel didn't have her meat shields anymore. And if Lil let her go, it was highly possible that the masked girl would find more. Lil couldn't let that happen. With every follower Mel got, Lil would have a harder time trying to avoid hitting them.
*It may be selfish of him but he's actually relieved, even if Sheena now believed Eve needed to be put down, in the back of his head he still thinks she will somehow resent him if he killed her sister or what looks like her sister.* Hey, you do what you got to do and if you want me with you to be with you I will or if you want me to just wait for you. No matter what you decide I'll be whatever you need me to be. But I need you to be strong Sheena because if I lose you to her because you have a doubt, I'll lose my mind, there is no way I could or want to go on with out you. Stay strong because I want to grow old with you. *Grins and laughs* It's funny as a woman you were already gonna live longer then me but you being a half-lycan just eclipse me. But I want all the years I have coming with you so stay strong.
Sheena nods silently, taking in another slow breath as she raises her chin, wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands. She knew that Alex was right...she couldn't afford to break, now or after, she couldn't afford to let herself falter now. But this was hard, so very hard, and hurt her more deeply than she could remember feeling in some time...almost as much as last year, in the time of her possession, the time when she had had so little control over her own self. She was not suicidal now, as she had been then, and would never think of doing something to hurt herself or her family, but the pain is deep and intense all the same even as she speaks with slow clarity.

"I want to be do it alone...just us. But...first....Alex, I have to talk to her dad. Ab. They don't know she's...sort of alive now...but if I'm going this for her, for good...they should know what happened." She swallowed, pressing herself more closely against him as her voice dropped. "Muriel was good to me...she should know."


"An emergency? Like with cops and fire trucks and stuff?" Liza's interested peaked, and she blinked up at Lil, eyes widening. If the girl had hoped her explanation would deter her, she was out of luck. "I'm good with that stuff I think 'cause I can kick ass and stuff plus also I'm a good helper. Can I help you with your emergency? We won't even tell my mama. It can just be out secret and that's all. I don't even have class with Mama today so she won't even know...I'll help you! Where do we go? What do I do?"

She smiles, excited at the thought of being in on this exciting emergency secret.
Her dad? Well that's easy he's in Rikers still, as for her Step-Mom I'll have to do some research and find her, unless you have an idea where she could be? I'll arrange for a shuttle to take you where you need to go and....I have to say I don't understand what talking to either of them will do but if this is something that you need to do then I have no objections. Just try not to rip your father's throat out when you see him, I know there is still some...Tension there, to be honest I'd personally put a bullet in his skull after everything he's done but he's in federal prison so it's not like someone wouldn't notice that. *He realizes that just about every member of Sheena's original family he wouldn't mind shooting in the back of the head..What the hell?* Umm how about you and I go back inside so we can decide what to do next and get off this ground that's hurting my butt.
"Her mom....Muriel was her mom...we only had the same biological father," Sheena mutters as she slowly gets to her feet, taking his hand as they begin to walk back inside the academy. "She would probably still be in the same town where Lina was born...she didn't really have a lot of money or opportunity to be traveling much.'s just that...she was her mother, Alex. She deserves to know what happened to her daughter. She thinks she just died of...her disease...and there's no telling how guilty she's felt or how she blamed herself because she didn't have the money to really help with it or cure it or...whatever...and she should know about me too. That I'm alive again...she should know that. Just in case...I don't know, she's lost everything...maybe it wasn't right that she lost me too."

Sheena doesn't know if Muriel will still care about her, if she will want anything to do with her, if she'll even believe her...but she thinks the woman deserves a shot. And as for her father...

"I'm not seeing Ab...and he's not my father," she says tightly, shaking her head. "Macal is my father. He gave my mother some sperm, there's a difference. He can take a phone call for me. That's the best he'll get and probably more than he deserves...but she was his daughter. Probably more than I ever was."

She began her walk back with renewed silence, trying to keep herself from feeling anything at all just yet.
Raina felt like such a nerd.

She was here, in Raina's class, but Faye wasn't, Myra wasn't, so many others weren't and LIZA wasn't. That was saying something. But still, others were here, Faith was, so it wasn't THAT bad. Raina's lazy eyes drifted over to Faith, frowning slightly. Diana's conversation the other day had striked up a lot of thought within Raina, and the fact that her dad, the man who would kill everyone she so much as glanced at, was alive, here and revengeful, well, that didn't help the overwhelming sense of pushing people away that she was feeling. She knew it had to happen at some point though, Kol was right, she was becoming soft, too nice. She leant on Faith the other day! Sure, her Father had just cut her back open, but now she was being called part of their family, Macal's daughter, one of Faith's girls. Liza's sister. She wasn't any of this. She didn't deserve to be any of this. She would fail them all eventually, so why not now? She should do it before she got too involved. Push them away before they could really latch on.

Then Faith made it a whole lot easier to be a b*tch to her, just by pairing her up with Chameleon, of all people.

Well, if she was going to do this, get people to start hating her again, maybe she should start with the boy she kissed.


Chameleon kept back his groan as Faith paired them up, but he noticed Raina roll her eyes. This should end well. The vampire stalked over to him, raising an eyebrow at the blue-eyed shifter. "You ready?" "Um, about that, can't we just skip the fighting?" A cold smirk crept across Raina's face then, and she pouted at Chameleon, "Aw, Leo still got issues with fighting?" Without giving him time to respond, she grabbed his arm and flipped him over. But rather than him landing hard on the floor like she intended, Chameleon threw himself under her legs at the last second did a back roll and then stood up behind Raina, speaking with clenched fists, "I don't want to fight Raina, you know that." She turned, facing him then as she glared, still speaking in the mock voice, "Why not Leo? Why won't you fight?" She stepped closer then, running a finger across his chest lightly. He struggled to focus. "Is is the fighting you don't like? Family issues?" She murmured, looking up at him. She saw something flicker in his eyes at the word family, and her malicious smirk returned, "Oh, family it is. Mummy issues maybe? Was Daddy a bast*rd to y--" Raina didn't get to finish her sentence as Chameleon grabbed her shoulders and flung her to the ground, also going down with her as he pinned her, eyes alight. "Don't talk about my Dad Raina, EVER." He ground this out dangerously, almost snarling at the vampire.

She did nothing but smirk. But then Chameleon seemed to snap back, and he got off her, even offering out a hand to help her up, as HE apologized. "Sorry, didn't mean to throw you like that, just, what's wrong Raina? You're being such a..." "A b*tch?" She took his hand then, and as he went to deny her words, Raina realised it would take more than insults to throw Chameleon off. So she used the momentum from him helping her up, and fell against him. Then her fangs sunk deep into the Prince's neck. His eyes widened and he let out a sudden wince, his hand instantly going to hold Raina, though he should be pushing her away. He let out a groan, "Dang Rai, if you were hungry you could have just told me."

This just irritated the vampire even more. She was biting his neck off, and he just thought it was because she was hungry! But then she tightened her grip, and he frowned, "Rai, Raina, stop." He winced as she dug in further, and that's when he tried to push the girl off. But she clung on tight now, draining him, and it was only when his knees shook from the loss, only then did she pull back, and shoved his chest as he did so, causing Chameleon to fall on his butt, looking up at her with a dazed expression, two neat holes in his neck as she snarled down at him, "You get it now Chameleon? Stay the hell away from me. We share a room, nothing more. We're not friends, we're not anything. You mean nothing to me." He frowned at her now, still a bit dazed. "What if I want to be friends with you Raina? What if you mean something to me?" She rolled her eyes, "I don't care if I mean a damn thing to you. Just keep your nose out of my business and I will try to keep my foot out of your ass. Deal?" She then turned around and walked straight out of the classroom.

Chameleon winced, putting his hand to his bloodied neck. She hadn't taken too much. It was just the shock that had got to him. He shuddered, "Well, that was an unpleasant sensation." He tried to pick himself up, trying to seem less of an obstruction so that the other students could get on with the lesson.
Nick looked at the poor boy and then got up. "Ouch....." he said looking at the injury. He swallowed and then looked away. He looked at Deathwish who was glaring at him. "What?" He said and then looked away. "No! Raina is as bad as Flower I am not talking to her!"

Deathwish sighed. "And you call yourself a prince." He said and then looked at Leon. He looked at Nick who just hissed at Deathwish. Deathwish glared and then sighed as Nick sat down. "I don't think he wants our's non of our business." Nick said and then looked at Deathwish who looked away. "Just because you have a crush on Flower doesn't mean you can push other people." Nick said and people gasped.

Deathwish turned to Nick with the scariest look ever. The shadows started rising around Deathwish has he's eyes turned red. Nick hissed at Deathwish and then stood up the two twins staring each other down. Deathwish couldn't believe Nick said that outloud. Nick sighed. "Oh calm down Deathwish." Nick said sitting down. "That deathglare doesn't work on me old man." He said and then smirked at Deathwish.

Deathwish narrowed his eyes. "Your just as old as me....and dating a girl younger then Flower so shut up." He said and then Nick turned his head hissing loudly. He looked as Flower entered the class room with Hunter. Deathwish seemed normal as ever but a few students were smirking.

Flower stopped and then looked around. She looked at Zelda who was smirking the most. Flower raised an eyebrow. "Um....what's going on?" She asked and then sat down as Zelda giggled. Flower rubs her head. Hunter sits wagging her tail as she looked around the classroom.

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