Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(I'm also waiting until Macal or Legend post...Fire, where did Deathwish and Nick come from, they weren't even in the hallway and now you have them in the room like they've been there all along...and how did Flower hear about all this and why does she not care? I'm really confused)
*Mac flashsteps in front of Raina's path* First of all I'm considered to be quite young where I come from 12, 323 years is considered to be the new 30's in my world. Second of all who do you think you're kidding Raina, I'm a freaking god and even if I wasn't my spy training allows me to read people and vampires really well..Lie to yourself but don't even try to lie to me..You think you are any different from me? Let me see if I can put my finger on it. You're an Uber Badass and lately all this touchy feely crap is making you feel you're a little puny punk...a push over so you think the only way to regain your Bad Ass-atude! is to start acting like a lone wolf who don't care about nobody and nothing..You think people are gonna start saying Oooh there goes Raina she's one bad MotherF...SHUT YO MOUTH! But I was just talking about Raina! Look Raina you have it all wrong acting like the way you've been acting doesn't make you look strong...It makes you look weak and afraid..The strongest people don't even have powers..For every feat or battle I fight there is a father reading to his kids that make me look like I'm the weakest man on the Earth..Power doesn't make us strong Raina...Deeds make us strong..Family and Friends make us strong...Without them giving us a reason to step up and fight...We'd all just be a bunch of egotistic weirdos running around in funny outfits with weapons..Raina the strongest I've ever seen you was when you make my daughter smile..That's why I know that was the real Raina..not this. *Holding out his hand, the sword he left behind digs itself out and flies to him, after he slips it back onto his back. He turns away and starts to walk off.* Now this old man is done lecturing, when you come to your senses come to our quarters and I'll make the arrangements for your mother and sister to come back, I'll start the process tomorrow morning I suggest you don't waste time, as I said I can only hold them on this plane for 24 hours without doing great harm to myself and to their souls.
(Deathwish was going to be appart of excuse me having them pop up all of a sudden but I didn't say they were there all along. Sorry I have been busy so I sort of felt out of the loop and it's hard to come up with something quickly while having to read up long posts. [i'm a bit lazy on that I'll have to try better.] Anyways Flower use to be Queen she keeps tabs on Mel, almost all humans she has secret spies on it's appart of her protection program for humans. She gets reports on them and Mel (being in the school) would be in those reports. She doesn't care because she knows Mel isn't one worth saving.)
(Well, in Fire's defense they still didn't close the door . . . As for the barrier, Lil and Liza should be in there too because I had planned out the fight so that they were both important factors to the outcome of the fight. I'll move around my plans to include Nick and Deathwish though. I do ask that you don't kill her because that's also an important fact. Honestly I'm not sure if the barrier was all that necessary since Riff and Vash will be in their own respective fights with Faye and Lekki. You can still keep it up though. And I know this may be bunnying but can I deactivate the barrier when the fight is over or nearing the end? Faith is going to come around then and she should probably see the outcome. But then again so should everyone else.)
(Macal, you gonna respond to Sheena's long post about Muriel and all? I'll probably have her go find Eve within next post or two...also amdreams, is now a good time for Faith to or will you indicate on your post when you'd like her to come in?)

Liza makes a noise of anger and concern in her throat, eyes widening as she sees Faye get hit by Mel's bullets. "Faye!!! I can heal you later!" she declares, but she is soon distracted by Riff's stepping in front of Mel, taking the impact of the injury meant for her. "I can heal you too if you aren't bad but you are being SO SO BAD!" she calls out to him in a scolding tone.

The wind is still whipping about the room, but Liza has toned it down some, now intent on the confrontation between Faye and Riff. She joins Faye's side, tilting her head and speaking to Riff in her most reasonable tone. "I thought you weren't mean. You shouldn't oughtta get in our way or you'll get hurt. I don't even want to hurt you but if you're bad we'll have to kick your ass 'cause you just gotta do that sometimes. Okay? So you oughtta help us get Mel I think."

She smiles at Faye too. "I didn't even know you could do that. That's wicked!"

When Deathwish and Nick join, she beams at them, giving a cheerful wave. It appears she can easily maintain her wind currents without even needing to concentrate much. "Hi! You gonna fight too?"

Faith is turning down the hall where Mel's room is located as all this is going on, and hearing the commotion, speeds her steps. Whatever is going on in the room towards the end of the hall,it can't be good, and she has a feeling her daughter is in the middle of it.
*Alex places his hand on Sheena's shoulder* Hey calm down and remember your training, rage has no place in a battle, it makes you do stupid things..get sloppy and then dead. Eve will eat you alive if you go at her right now. You need to focus and plan your attack. Because chances are she's been planning and manipulating just in case you found out what she did. Sheena you have training and resources at your disposal you need to use them. *He reaches down and turns off the computer* That is just data don't let it stick in your head and mess you up. And Sheena never blame yourself for what she's done, none of that is your fault, she decided to do all that, you had nothing to do with it don't ever forget that.
(Somehow it just dawned on me . . . I'm fighting four users at once, almost everyone here with the exception of Mac and Mar. Quite a party we have going on here. It's six vs three but if Liza joins Lil inside the dark bubble, it'd be two one on one battles and a four on one . . . Anyways, I'll post now but wait for Lekki after this. But Flower do I have permission to have the barrier go away when the time is right?)

Riff paid no attention to the barrier behind him. He knew Mel could take care of herself and any interference on his part would simply get in her way. Plus he had his own fight to worry about. He listened to everything Faye, Liza and even Nick had to say. He took each stab at his master's character in silence. After they finished talking, he smiled sadly at them. "Miss Faye. Miss Liza. Master Nick. I appreciate your concern for me even though I'm not worth it. But you do not know anything."

The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees and the air became slightly white. On each side of Riff, ice formed on the ground and grew into life sized identical clones. All three Riffs covered their hands in ice to form large claws. Deciding to make the first move, he froze the floor to limit their movement. Even if Faye were to melt the ice on the floor, it would at least focus her energies on something other than his attack. At least hopefully. She didn't want to burn Liza, did she? So she'd have to focus her fire on a specific spot to prevent it from spreading. All this of course relied on whether Liza decided to stay here or go help Lil and the vampire twins with Mel. Each Riff had three ice spears form above their heads and then the spears flew toward Faye. None of them were aimed at vital organs or anything. Riff's main objective was not to kill but to hold the half breed back.


Vash glanced at the barrier once and turned to Lekki who he had just noticed. He still didn't remember that he was the one that brought her there so he assumed she was with the rest and wanted Mel dead. "Lekki, do you feel the same way as them?" He motioned to Faye and Liza. The goofy grin that usually appeared on his face was replaced with a conflicted look. Lekki seemed like a cool girl, not quite as awesome as himself but she was getting there, but if she was against Mel than was she also against him?

At least he had no reason to kill her. As totally awesome as he was, Vash still had issues with killing. He found it strange how Mel could kill someone so easily. And she was indiscriminate as far as race was concerned. From key holders to demons, vampires to humans, Mel had killed at least one of each. Though why should race really matter? Being a keyholder or whatever didn't make you above death, did it? Mel had her reasons for the trail of blood that followed her. After all, some people deserved to die, but that made it no easier for the demon to pull the trigger. Vash had only killed two people before and the memory still made him uneasy. Riff's stats were higher but still paled in comparison to Mel's. Killing was her job. Their job was to stand on the sidelines and do chores pretty much.

Weighing his options, Vash decided that his feelings for Mel did exceed the feeling of potential friendship he felt for Lekki. She may have been younger than him but she had had her powers longer and knew exactly what they could do. Vash, on the other hand, was still a green horn when it came to his demonic powers, only having them for a year so far. He did have a bit of a trump card but it was a bit unpredictable and risky. Plus the room was not big enough and Mel would kill him if he caused any collateral damage. Well, if she survived that is. Wait. What? Of course she'd survive this. She's Mel. Her power level was over nine thousand (at least in his mind). Still, he couldn't get rid of this paranoia in the back of his head.

With his hand already steel, Vash changed its form to that of a spiked mace and moved it to the end of the chain of his shackle, creating his own makeshift flail. Right now, he had no time to worry. If he were to lose this fight, Mel would make him give her horseback rides for a month again. It wasn't that she was heavy. In fact she was rather light. The problem was that she made him free run while carrying her and you can only jump so many roofs on all fours. He immediately attacked, aiming for the young girl's legs to distract her. He then sent links from the other shackle toward her, having them explode like grenades, sending shrapnel in random directions.

(Yeah . . . Vash is not the king of modesty, but that's what makes him so lovable.)


Lil turned red as Liza had to protect her, then Faye and the vampire twins had to do the same. Did she truly sink so low that she became nothing more than a damsel in distress? No. No. No. There was no way she was that weak. She was a warrior of God. She had more pride than this. She didn't need to be hidden in the corner like a little girl. She was Lilith, one of the first angels created by God. She could handle her own problems and she'd be damned if these people kept her out of her own fight.

She rushed forward to the dark barrier determined to get in somehow. She pounded on the outer wall in futile attempts. It seemed impregnable. If Lil was in her true form, she could probably have opened up a door with her third power, a power that she had lost when her age was reversed. But she no longer had that power so she needed to find another way in. She turned to Liza. "Liza! Do you think you could get us in this thing? This is my fight and they're trying to take over."

(I'm having Liza teleport them instead of Nick letting her in because Liza kind of needs to get in as well. Just a quick heads up for later on, Lil's third power is the manipulation of this white light that has exorcism properties. So you could say that she has control over the element of holy or something.)


The first thing Mel did was summon a few candles to light up the place. She looked at the twins in a bit of confusion. If they could see her face they'd see she raised an eyebrow at their actions. "You guys aren't very smart, are you? Or at the very least, you'd make horrible villains." She reached her hand out to graze the shadowy walls with her fingers. It was a sturdy barrier but how much effort was used into making this useless thing? "If you wanted to prove how much I don't care about the safety of my subordinates, then why did you make it so that I can't help them? If I were to handle this, I would've attacked them myself while allowing me the chance to help them. If I help them then you were wrong. If I didn't then they'd see for themselves that I honestly do not care. By preventing me from helping them you are doing nothing that could change their minds. Even if I were to leave them to die while in this barrier, they'd believe I was trying to get out to save them to their last breath. For people as old as you two, I would've thought at least one of you would be versed in basic psychology. Unless you've already got Alzheimer's."

(Wait . . . if it's "illegal" to kill a human, then that must mean that there is a law prohibiting it. And if there is an actual law, then wouldn't they get in trouble for killing Mel despite what Flower's individual thoughts on the subject were? They'd need some official pardon or something wouldn't they? Also, these spies can't peek into student rooms, right? Because that's going to far. Come to think of it, which faction's laws does the school follow? Because royalty is split by race and I'd think that a school that supports unity among all the races, no one race should reign over the academy or there'd be people with superiority complexes and some who rebel because they feel they're being oppressed. Of course, I might be overthinking this whole thing.)
OCC Answer 1: First off the spies just check up on the humans once in a while, they are not always following the humans and they do not go into their rooms or invade to much of their life. They protect and a basic track on them not really detailed or anything. Mostly just making sure their alive and out of danger.

OCC Answer 2: Second off FLower's law on killing humans will make their actions towards Mel illegal but Flower will pardon them and classify Mel as a demon based on her unual powers. This law is only kept by Flower and her guards because the other powers in their government don't really care about Humans so they wouldn't get into trouble.

OOC Answer 3: Third off the law of key holders does carry the most weight since the school was created by King Moon (Flower's father). Although Nick and Deathwish don't have to follow these rules and they control their 'subjects' for the most part. However because Nick and Deathwish are pretty much "afraid" of Flower she does carry much of her rules on vampires given a little tention. Drinking blood is allowed just not that much liked in the school. Killing is basicly a no no but really the school can't do anything about it and the protection of the students is on the teachers and the students themselves although I am planning on setting up school guards so it looks like the school cares lol. Shapeshifters and Lycan's (Or werewolves which ever) are guided by their rules but respectfully it's mostly Key holder laws here. Nick, Deathwish, And Leon can over rule laws for their kingdoms if nessassary. I will say this now...It is the jobs of royals in this school to help the teachers keep everyone inline. Meaning Nick and Deathwish will get blamed for Raina killing a human.

OOC: Hopefully that helps you out and smooths out the bugs that seem to pop up in the storyline here. lol Please feel free to ask anything else. It does help clear up a few things.

Oh and yes you can take it down ^^
Liza shows little sign of cold at first when Riff acts, instead focusing her attention now on the ice sharps aimed towards Faye. She uses her wind ability to attempt to knock turn them, then send them back towards Riff himself, before turning her gaze back to the ice forming around them. In a few moments she has built up a current of electricity and uses it in a controlled fashion to strike the floor repeatedly, hoping to crack the ice without hitting anyone.

"YOU ARE BAD!!!" she shouts as she continues to strike the ice with her lightning bolts, but then Lil's voice penetrates her ears. She turns her head towards her, understanding what the girl is asking of her, and nods. Get them inside the orb? She can do that!

"Uh huh I can!" she announces, and then she grabs hold of Lil, teleporting her within its circle. Inside of it, she asks, "Do I gotta bring the others too?"


Sheena feels Alex's hand but doesn't yet acknowledge it, still staring at the now closed screen. She makes herself breathe more slowly, trying to think of anything at all but her sister, her stepmother, even her father...god, how is it that the thought of Ab dead, as much as she had disdained him, is still upsetting?

Not her fault...maybe it isn't, but it sure feels like it is.

"When," she asks quietly. "When can I do this...I have to soon. I need to."

(remember let me know when you want Faith in...)

(So by those laws, killing Evangeline is allowed because she is killing a human and because she herself is no longer human, she was not born vampire but rather turned, which makes her technically a demon)
(Yep. Most humans with powers aren't considered demons but Mel is sort of an extream case and acception. Now with your character she was turned into a vampire so she would be classified as a vampire, so it would be legal to kill her.)
*As Eve walks back towards the Academy, a chilling wind kicks up, the sky seems dark even tho the sun is high in the sky shining down on her, up ahead a tall man with grayish skin and long pointed ears, wearing the blackish of clothing, his body seems to be made up of shadows but solid, he moves towards her as if he was floating and stops in front of her, a wicked smile creeps across his face, his eyes barely hidden by his long white hair..If Eve had any choice in the matter she would flee for her life because standing in front of her is HardTime God of Death and Chaos and today he picked her to play with.* Well hello there child. *His words seem to his sweetly and hypnotic.* Are we in a hurry today? Perhaps on your way into the loving arms of someone special? Mmmm perhaps a lover? No no family am I right? Hmmm perhaps a sister? Yeess a sister who loves you with all she is and no matter what tainted deeds you may have done right? Ah yes nothing like the devoted sister with love that is just unconditional. So sweet so beautiful...SO FALSE!
Because Evangeline has been hallucinating almost constantly lately, courtesy of the tracker Raina had tagged her with, she does not look at HardTime as a real person or figure before her. In fact she shows little interest in him other than to stiffen, lifting her chin further as she continues to walk past him, approaching the academy front gates. He is no one she recognizes and therefore she is not concerned. In her mind he's just another vision, nothing that means anything...he is in fact less to her than the hallucinations of her father or mother.

"Out of my way," is all she says with some impatience, and she strides past him, paying no attention to his words.
*At first HardTime is confused almost thinking he's lost his touch but then he can see the intruder lodged in her spine.* I see someone else enjoys a bit of chaos and is playing games with you but that is not my concern. No one denies the God of Death and Chaos his amusement! *The ground in front of her splits open and black flames begin pouring out of the ground right in front of her, various demons crawl out of the ground.* YOU DARE TURN YOUR BACK ON ME BRAT! I DEMAND TO BE AMUSED! *He glides back in front of her and gripping a demon by the head and rips it clear off his shoulders, it shifts in his hand into a skull shaped goblet filled with some kind of redish liquid, but it smells like human blood to Eve.* Now I want to play a game with you...Lets call it....Vampire Brat's Future! I'll give you three guess and about your future and if you get two of them right you win.
Despite all these dramatics, Evangeline barely reacts. If anything she seems almost bored as she watches all of this, still fairly convinced it's all a figment of her mind and nothing else...until the blood is waved before her face. She can smell it, hot, enticing, and it takes all her effort not to simply snatch it from his hand and down it in one gulp. She can almost taste it on her tongue, feel it thickening the back of her throat, and she moves towards him unconsciously, swallowing.

"I don't play games, I create them," is what she says, still eyeing the cup. "What do you want?"
*HT releases the cup and lets it float to Eve's hands and grins.* I just want to have a little fun at the expense of others, we have that in common don't we little one? My name is HardTime and you know someone I would very much like to kill..Macal Cord but that is a game for just me and him to play. Right now I want to show you something that will just tickle my funny bone. *He snaps his fingers and next to eve a large metal rack comes out of the ground, strapped onto it is a man and a woman with a bunch of tiny demons crawling all over it ripping and tearing at their flesh, it's her parents Abe and Muriel.* The old man had it coming but the woman well she was on her way to eternal peace but she didn't quite make it so I threw her on the rack so she could be reunited with the man she loved and had you little demon spawn...Just listen to those screams on agony doesn't it sound like the most beautiful music? So now for the fun stuff. *He snaps his fingers and another rack appears with another body on it and more demons tearing and cutting the flesh off of it and this body looks like Eve.* See child this is your future and it's not that far off and you will belong to me. And I'll love you and squeeze you and pet you and I shall call you Fred...I'm kidding I'm gonna torture you and torment you for eternity. *He starts laughing* Seriously it's gonna be a good time for all involve...Except you! Oh and you want to know the best part of this? *He leans in over her ear and whispers* Big sis sends you to me..Ain't that a hoot! You get snuffed by your own sister....Unless..unless you snuff her first. *He pulls back and smirks at her* But you can't do that can you? Because despite how evil you think you are..You're pathetic and weak! *He snaps his fingers and again and everything vanishes including him but the skull cup is still in her hands.*
Lekki wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen. She just thought it was going to be a normal day. She also wanted to see if she could cheer Vash up. He had seemed so down last night and even after all the dancing and candy and cake, Lekki felt like he wasn't still fully happy about what happened. To Lekki it made her a bit glad that Mel was going to be leaving. She didn't like her and she felt like she was only going to cause problems here. Problems that the half-breed could do without.

But it seems that things weren't going to go well today. She found herself being dragged along, although she had a feeling that if she had been left behind, it wouldn't have mattered to the two boys. She frowned, concerned. What was going on? Something had happened that she was not aware of and she didn't like it at all. It wasn't the not knowing part. No sometimes it was better not knowing things, but the way the two of them looked. Something was happening and Lekki would bet it had to do with Mel.

So she allowed herself to be lead on. She got to someone's room just in time to see Jinn move away. For a moment she was distracted by the half-elf. She had been here at the start it seemed, but had slipped away now. Where was she going and why did she come here anyways? Who's room was this?

Lekki saw that Mel was here. But she certainly wasn't alone. Lil was here along with a few others. Even Liza appeared. Was this how it was going to be? Lekki wanted Mel gone, but she didn't want to hurt her or kill her. But she had a feeling it was not going to be that simple. If she had to fight, then she would. Something in her stirred as she felt herself getting worried and distraught. No she shouldn't be here. This was not a good environment for her.

Of course, as life would have it, it seemed that she was not leaving anytime soon. Vash turned to her. So they were going to fight? Lekki looked at him with a sympathetic look. She had thought they were becoming good friends. She liked Vash. He was a fun person and he seemed like a good guy. But could she really hate him for choosing loyalty to someone he had known longer? No she really couldn't. But she didn't want to fight her friend. Still she was not going to back down. Maybe she could make Vash see reason. The attack was sudden, but Lekki was prepared. She teleported and came up behind Vash, pulling back to slam a hand into his neck.

"Is it really going to be like this? I don't want to fight you."

"Little one?" Evangeline says aloud, eyebrows raised; it is a phrase she has heard Macal Cord himself use when speaking to his daughters, and she continues to believe as a result that this person is surely a hallucination. But when the cup lands in her hands, she looks down at it, eyes wide, for she can feel it physically. She wastes little time before gulping it down, licking every last dreg out of it and relishing the warmth that spreads through her as a result. She licks the last droplets off her lips, eyes shining as she looks up at Hard Time, hoping he'll give her more. Fresh from the kill of Abby, she feels as though she could drain at least three more people.

It isn't until she sees the tormented forms of her parents that her eyes narrow with concern, and she goes still, watching intently. Her mother's screams bother her vaguely, though she tries to deny it to herself, and when Hard Time shows her the vision of her own body, beginning to speak to her of Sheena and Sheena's future betrayal, true concern begins to form within her.

What if Sheena found out what she'd been up to, or else if Hard Time told her? She should bury Abby's body. She should find a way to deny everything where Sheena would believe. She needed a shower, would she smell Abby's blood? Sheena wouldn't really harm her...she loved her. Evangeline had made sure of that...hadn't she?

She looked down at the cup in her hands as Hard Time disappeared, tightening her grip on it, and she wondered...could she kill Sheena, if Sheena went after her?

She could. If she had to. If Sheena made her. It would just be a shame.
The three Riffs made no move to dodge the spears and actually took them head on. Each spear merely fused with their bodies. "Are you trying to beat me with my own element?" Riff frowned at Liza. "Your views are too black and white. How do I become bad for wanting to protect someone I care about?" He looked to the floor. Maybe it was a mistake to come here after all. Why did he think it'd be any different here than any place else the trio had been. His hand reached up to touch the blue gem of the choker Mel had given both Vash and him. He was tempted to rip it off, undoing the seal but he knew he had no permission to.

The floor around his feet froze again as small pillars of ice jutted up all around him. It began snowing in the room as Riff still kept his head down. The wind picked up and it soon looked like a small blizzard in there. The two clones on the side began charging for Faye, claws up for a strike. One aimed for her legs, the other for her left shoulder. Mobility was their first priority.

(It's funny. I'm trying to picture how big this room is. Three separate fights going on simultaneously in a student dorm room. It can't be too big in here.)


Vash fell to his knees as Lekki struck him from behind. He stood up rather quickly though and turn around to face her. "I don't feel like fighting you either but . . . " He gave a rather sad smile. "But I vowed that I would protect her no matter who became her enemy." It was true. Both Riff and he had taken that vow when they had formed the contracts. Of course there was another reason why Vash was compelled to fight for Mel but he couldn't just go and confess to someone he didn't really know.

Vash looked up when he felt a snowflake touch his cheek. It was snowing rather hard in the room. "Riff is sad . . . " Both demons had their powers stem from negative emotions. While Vash's source was anger, Riff's was sorrow. It always snowed when the blond felt down. What was that guy thinking about? What did the flame head tell him? Still, Vash now found another reason to fight. No matter how little they got along, Riff was his comrade and to make him sad was a big no-no. The white haired demon got angry now. Keeping the flail arm, he turned the other one into two thin wires. Sticking the ends into an empty outlet, he winced as the electricity flowed through his arm. It wasn't a pleasant sensation, in fact it hurt a lot, but it was an advantageous move. With his body electrified, Lekki couldn't touch him thoughtlessly. Of course, there were gaps in the current that provided moments where she could hit him, but it was good enough.

He swung his free arm at her again. It was also electrified to the point where it was similar to a stun gun. Vash couldn't handle much more power than that without risking his heart in the process.


As Lil and Liza teleported into the barrier, Mel turned to greet them. "Well look who joined the party." Lil was filled with anger at the sight of the masked girl and she charged forward knife in hand. She wasn't thinking too clearly and Mel quickly elbowed her in the stomach, throwing hr back a bit. "Oh, come on Lil. You were much more cunning before. Use that brain a little. Fight me with all you've got."

Lil coughed up a little blood. The bullet wounds in her leg still stung. "You know I can't fight with everything I've got. You took it from me!"

"Now, Lil, did you not ask for youth? All this was your fault to begin with. Don't tell me your brain s also that of a child's?"

(Sorry for the short Mel/Lil post but I've got class soon. Anyway it gives people a chance to attack. I might cut it a bit short though, maybe three or four more of my posts before Lil finishes her off.)
"My views are not either black and white. They don't got a color except brown. 'Cause that's what color my eyes are and that's what I see out of and all so they are brown," Liza informs Riff even from inside the barrier, one hand on her hip as she half turns from Mel.

From within the barrier she sees what Riff is creating from the outside, the winterland swirling about Faye and the others, and how Vash is attacking Lekki, trying to electrocute her. Liza wants to help them, but when she tries to strike out with her electricity against them, realizes quickly that the barrier is containing them, instead causing lightning to crackle dangerously about them, almost hitting Lil.

"Oops...Lil how come we're here?" she asks aloud, before turning her face back towards Mel, addressing her with finality. "She don't got a child brain, Lil is smart and anyway children can be smart. I'm smart."

Lil is coughing up blood, and without another thought Liza reaches out to her and grasps her arm, still glowering at Mel defiantly as she attempts to pour healing into Lil. She says to Mel as she tries this, "You can't even hurt her bad 'cause I can heal her. So just stop being bad or I might have to hurt you. I might even kick your ass except Lil says that's vug-lar only I don't even know why."
Lekki looked at Vash with a sad smile. Why was he fighting so hard? Was it really for Mel? Lekki wondered what she had done for him that made him want to defend her so. Was it simply loyalty that drove him to fight her now or was it something else? Lekki really couldn't see the reasons for being lioyal to someone like Mel. Not for someone like Vash. But there was a lot she was missing and she knew that.

Lekki wasn't going to do this though. She wasn't going to fight Vash. He was her friend and if he wanted to fight, well Lekki didn't think she could stop him. At least not in a way that made her feel good.

She watched as Vash changed his tactics and took a deep breath. This was going to hurt. He aimed a punch and Lekki caught it, stopping the blow. She cried out as the electricity rippled through her body. She bit down hard on her lower lip drawing blood. She staggers away and let go of the hand, shaking her head.

"I won't fight you Vash. But I will stop you from hurting anyone else."


Jinn saw this as the perfect oppurtunity. While the stupid fighting went on she could locate Hayley and take her away. No one would be paying attention. It didn't matter to the assassin who won the fight and who lost. Soon she'd be gone and there would be one less enemy in the world for her to take down.

Jinn wandered the halls for a bit, wondering exactly where the shifter might be. She thought of places Hayley might frecqent and headed to the library. Peering inside she did see Hayley. She seemed upset about something and Jinn smiled to herself. Now would be the test to see if she could manage to get back into the girl's good grace's. She headed inside and moved to where Hayley leaned against a bookshelf. Hayley's eyes went wide when she saw her approach and her hair flickered a bit from Hayley to a dark blue color.


Hayley was not expecting to see her. Not here and not yet. After seeing Sheena run out after telling her about Evangeline's attacks on her, Hayley had left herself. She didn't like upsetting her friend even if it wasn't her fault. And now Jinn was here. She didn't like this. She was not ready for this. She looked around at the other people. But last time she was here alone, Evangeline didn't seem to care that there were others. So maybe Jinn wouldn't as well.

The pair looked at each other for a moment until Hayley looked down at the floor.

"Are you okay?"

"Go a-way. Please."

Jinn shook her head. She put on a sympathetic expression, all of her body language reading that she was concerned and understanding. Everything she needed to make Hayley believe she was genuinely worried about her. Which she was in some ways, but not enough to be convincing. It was almost too easy to slip into it all. The lies and the fake smiles and the like. Jinn liked doing it. No one really knew how she was feeling. Just how she liked it. Well maybe one person, but he wasn't around any more. And his replacement, well that might take a while.

"Did something happened?"

"N-no. Please go."

Hayley felt really uncomfortable. Jinn seemed to be worried about her, but was it real? It looked that way and Jinn sounded like she honestly wanted to know and help, but Hayley wasn't sure if she should trust it. Trust Jinn again. Still she shrugged and looked away.

"It's just... I don't think I'm doing a good job of making friends here."

"You have plenty of friends. Trust me on that." Friends who would very much prevent Jinn from doing what she had to do. But she had a feeling most were currently occupied at the moment. Which was perfect for her. "I mean do or don't. But it's the truth. You're just too stupid to see it." Hayley looked at Jinn in confusion. She was insulting her now? It seemed to be an odd thing to do if she wanted Hayley to go with her. Maybe that had changed. Hayley wasn't sure into what and she didn't want to know. "I mean that's fine and all. It's not like you need friends anyways. They tend to get in the way. But family on the other hand," Jinn said with a wicked smile. Hayley looked away again feeling scared and uncomfortable. "Now they are what is important."

"You have a family?"

"I do. And I want you to be apart of that family Hayley."

Hayley just shook her head. No she couldn't do that. She couldn't imagine what kind of family Jinn belong to but she was sure she didn't want to be apart of it. Jinn just shrugged as if it didn't matter. She was expecting this from her.

"You'll change your mind Hayley. One day."

As Lekki took the attack full on, Vash's concentration broke a bit. She wasn't fighting back so maybe . . . No . . . She was the same as the others. She was just like them. Visions of flickering shadows appeared in Vash's mind. The cheers, the flames, the accusations. His head started pounding as his memories came to him in pieces. The sting of the burns. Him trying to yell over the cloud. The tears he shed . . . Thank you . . .

He was once again filled with anger. Lekki was just like them. No matter how nice she may seem, in the end she shared the same mind set as they did. He raised his weapon hand again, morphing it into a large sword this time. The electrical current was still active and sparks began flying off of it. "We never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it!" He swung his arm down to strike Lekki with full force but his arm stopped a few centimeters above her shoulder. The sword vanished as the original shape of his arm came back. His other arm also changed back, no longer allowing electricity to flow into his body. Metal became flesh again as he fell to his knees.

Vash was crying now with his bangs covering his eyes so it wasn't really visible. It was obvious though by the way his body was trembling. He was a failure of a guard. He couldn't do it. He didn't want to kill Lekki. No matter how she opposed Mel, he just couldn't do it.

(Well, seeing as Lekki wasn't attacking back, if I had Vash continue to attack her I'd feel like a bully . . . )


"Thanks Liza," Lil said as the little girl healed her. But the angel jumped back again as a bolt of lightning nearly hit her. Seeing what Liza's lightning could do before, she really didn't feel like being hit. Lil stood up again now refreshed and ready to attack again. She looked in Mel's direction, hoping a little that she was hit with a little bit of the lightning. But Mel seemed perfectly fine. A large transparent golden circle was in front of her. The circle had the markings of a magic circle with a pentagram as its center. Mel's hand was near her mouth and in it was a tarot card, the Ace of Pentacles. The pentacle let off some electricity before disappearing.

"It's been years since I've last had to use these cards. This is certainly interesting." At Liza's threat, Mel was silent for a bit. Her expression impossible to read behind the mask but after a second, she chuckled to herself. "Heal her all you want. It just means more fun for me." Lil charged at Mel again with knife in hand. She used wind to help boost her speed as well as form some sort of barrier in front of her. The masked girl remained unimpressed and even sighed. "Add in all the theatrics you want, it's still the same old tricks." She kicked Lil in the stomach sending her flying toward the vampire twins. "And weren't you going to help? Or are you just here for a show?"
Deathwish jumped up and grabbed Lil. He looks at her and then looks at Mel. He raises his coffin. "Just for support but since you asked." He said and then sent out his creature from the coffin. It went straight for mel slashing it's long bone claws at her. He let out an ear percing scream. Deathwish covered Lil's ears for her. He was use to it but it could stun anyone. Deatwish looks at Lil.

Nick eyes go completely black and he let's out his long nails and fangs. "For the record Mel. The last time we met...let me just say something. Many of us pay heavy prices for our ranks." He said and then suddenly appeared behind her. He was so fast....there wasn't many who was faster then him. He demon was begging to come out but Nick repelled Ogy's efferts. He needed to tink clearly.

Deathwish looks at Lil and then frowns. "Come on...get up." He said looking at her. He frowned and then looked at Mel. His creature plus Nick....hmm that might be a bad combination for mel. His creature couldn't be killed and Nick was as faster and stronger then Deathwish thought. Deathwish never knew Nick could fight seriously.
(Sorry guys for the absenteeness! College is fun, but sure as heck takes up 96% percent of your time. Plus the other 4% was spent finding a job, but I got one now, so I'm happy! :D Oh okay, could either HardTime or Scorn go pay Raina a little visit? I'm going to make her go bite a human, but I think she should be paid a visit by someone to persuade her even more. And I'm sure HardTime would be interested in Macal's newest 'project' or whatever it is you'd call her xD )

Raina simply growls as Macal walks off, infuriated now. Why the hell couldn't he just leave her the heck alone? Why her? Why did he want to help her? With this thought in mind she shouted after him, clearly pissed. "How many times do I have to fu*king say it Macal? LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" She hissed afterwards, baring her fangs just to make a point, before she turned and walked off, away from the school. She was growling to herself, "Damn stupid God, thinks he can try and get inside my head. He needs to give up. I mean, what does he even want from me? He has his perfect little family." She is muttering this as she pushes branches aside, now going through the woods.

She isn't entirely sure where she is going, she doesn't care much, as long as she gets away from Macal. She knows he is right. So right. But she just can't bring herself to admit that, she can't let herself slip like this. Who is she kidding? Her? A part of the Cords? She didn't even deserve a tenth of what that family had. She'd mess it up anyway. It was just her way.


Faye frowns as Liza speaks to Riff, and she glances to the small child, "Riff's not bad Liza. He's just protecting someone when he shouldn't be." She was looking at Riff now, concerned. Did he not understand that Mel didn't care? She had beaten him when he was already hurt just the other day, then left him with nothing only a few hours later. Then, then Riff spoke, stating he was not worthy of their concern, and Faye was about to respond when the room began to chill, ice forming around their feet and holding them in place.

Of course Faye's instant reaction was to melt the ice, but she realized she would have to control the ice in order to keep it from burning the others. Then she glanced up in the time to see three, not one but three spikes flying at her, and before she could react Liza had thankfully blown them back at Riff. Oh damn that would have hurt. She was upset he was trying to hurt her now, but she understood in a sort of way. Even if Mel was a complete and utter bi*ch; he still had some sort of attachment to the masked girl. She noticed him touch the blue gem around his neck, and frowned a bit, distracted. Was that it? Was that the spell making Riff act like this? Surely he was smart enough to see Mel didn't deserve nor need his help, so it must be a spell, right?

Of course, Faye was so focused on this that she didn't notice the clones until it was too late. The snow evaporated before it could even touch her, as heat was actively radiating around her like an aura now. Both hit the firey girl, and she let out a small yell of pain as their claws dug into her skin, but with the yell a burst of fire seemed to erupt from the girl, consuming both clones, and once it cleared she was standing alone, her eyes a bright orange colour now, like a flame, as fire lined her arms and legs. She stood still for a moment as the two wounds shimmered pink, not healing entirely as much of her energy was focused on the fire. She made a rush at Riff with her combined vampire and key-holder speed, knocking him to the ground as she ignored the urge to yell out from the painful sting of her shoulder. She glowered at him, trying to pin him to the floor though she was sure the boy would soon push her off, "You are worth my concern Riff. I don't care what you've done, or who you've killed. I know you're good." She then, in a spilt-second decision, grabbed the gem that he had earlier touched and ripped it off, as though she knew he had wanted to earlier.

Jumping back off from him, gem in hand, she watched with nervous eyes as her fire died down and her wounds shimmered pink once more. She sure as heck hoped pulling that off was the right decision.

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