Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Aw man. Uh . . . the chokers Riff and Vash had were to keep their demon forms in . . . And I haven't finished drawing them yet XP. Uh . . . plus he's going to lose most of his humanity now . . . I could've sworn I mentioned these chokers before. I guess not. Whoops. XP I guess I'll have to hurry this up. Faith can find Liza and the others now. The fight's going to end in my next post anyway. It may seem a bit rushed but I really want to get this over with. XP)

Riff's eyes widened as Faye ripped the gem off his choker. When the half breed jumped off of him, Riff rolled over to his stomach, clutching his head as the pounding grew more intense as time went by. "Damnit, why did you do that?!" The pain in his skull made his vision go hazy and then the whispers started. They were muffled enough so that he could not clearly make out what they were saying but the constant hushed tones were driving him insane. Suddenly he screamed as the room now looked like a blizzard with snow and wind whipping the loose stones from before all over the place.

When the snow cleared, the being before Faye no longer resembled Riff at all. The demon that stood where Riff had been before was all white and looked as if he were made of ice. The only part of him that didn't look like ice were the nine white wolf tails that were gently moving behind him. Each measured at least four feet in length but seemed to change in size and shape as they moved. He was clothed in an extremely tattered cloak that left his legs and feet bare. His arms looked like the ice claws he had used before but they were larger in size. Even his face was not his but the face of a beautiful woman with long white hair that flowed down his back in soft waves. From the cold blank eyes, tears flowed as if his face was a fountain.

Riff crouched down onto all fours and in a flash disappeared. He reappeared behind Faye in the blink of an eye. "Show me your tears," he said in a raspy voice before trying to knock her aside.


Vash stopped crying and turned his head as the temperature in the room lowered drastically. He swore when he spotted Riff in his demon form. "Who the hell was the idiot who removed the choker?!" This was bad. This was very bad. Someone had removed the seal Mel had given them to suppress their demon forms. There was a reason she didn't want them to easily access this form. In their demon forms, Riff and Vash were stronger and faster than in their human bodies but their mental states were weak. Riff as he was now had lost any connection to his humanity and common sense. Right now, he operated solely on instinct and their main emotion. In Riff's case, as mentioned before, it was sorrow.

Vash ran to Riff and stood in front of the ice demon, arms spread out. There wasn't much chance that Vash could outmuscle Riff the way they were now. But maybe he could try reasoning with him. "Riff! Stop this! It's me Vash, remember? Damnit dude just stop this already!"

Riff responded by grabbing Vash and lifting the white haired boy into the air with a tail. He slammed the kid into the wall and the boy fell to the floor in a limp pile. "D-damnit . . ." Riff opened his mouth and let out a loud cry, a cross between wailing and a wolf's howl. The tears continued to fall from his dead eyes.


Deathwish's wail stunned Mel for a moment. A piercing pain filled her head momentarily. It especially hurt since Mel had trained her ears to be rather sensitive. Enhanced hearing came in handy when trying to perfect musical scores but right now, it was just a nuisance. Luckily she was able to recover fairly quickly. Mel scoffed as the shorter of the twins mentioned about the so called horrible prices the royals had to pay. "You have no idea. The only reason you are even here is out of ignorance."

She laughed a little at Deathwish's skeleton as it managed to cut her arm with its slash. "Cute." Her smile faded as she felt a chill. Riff. She'd have to deal with Speedy Gonzales and the little Halloween decoration first. "Execution style 6: Electrocution." Long lines of barbed wire broke through the ground and weaved throughout the barrier before electrical currents blasted through them. This was bound to stop them from moving recklessly. She even flinched as the wire managed to shock her. Now to get rid of the barrier. Mel reached into her pouch and pulled out another card. The Star. Good.

Holding the card to her lips, a bright light came from the card before a woman with short blonde hair and a pale blue dress came out. The woman held out her hands to reveal a star-like crystal. A bright light came from the crystal that flooded the space. The shadows of the barrier began fading away. Mel jumped out from the wires and ran toward Riff who was still wailing. She first made a detour to Faye though and ripped the blue gem out of the half breed's hand. "Idiots should stay out of business that doesn't concern them. Curiosity kills more than just cats."

Turning back to Riff, she kicked him in the head with all her might. The impact slammed the demon into the wall. As Riff staggered to get up again, Mel stood before him. "Stop wrecking my stuff you useless demon. Remember just who you belong to!" She then took the gem and stabbed it into Riff's shoulder. The demon froze for a minute and the ice melted away revealing Riff underneath with a bloody shoulder.

Mel clenched her fist before spinning around to face Lil who hadn't moved from Deathwish. The masked girl drew another card. This time Strength. Another woman appeared from this card, her brown hair went in all directions like a lion's mane. Her body disappeared and a pair of golden gauntlets appeared on Mel's hands. "If all goes well, I will be rid of another nuisance tonight." She then ran toward Lil with her fist raised, ready to punch the angel. Strength, obviously, was a card that increased the wearer's strength about five times. It was unsure if Lil could survive a direct hit to the head.

Lil herself was paralyzed. She knew she needed to move but she just couldn't. She shut her eyes tightly, not really wanting to see what was going to happen next.

(That took so long to write . . . Five points to the one who can tell me the inspiration behind my characters' demonic forms. Though you should probably see the other ones first. Oh well. Also, I'll have the pictures up as soon as I can. Anyway, Faith, do you think Liza could get in the way of Mel's punch? Like stand in front of Lil to protect her by planning on taking the impact or something?)
When Mel begins to kick and hit Lil even more, throwing her towards the vampires, Liza yelps again, trying to get in between everyone and Lil to protect her.


It was at this point that Faith burst into the room, then momentarily froze at the door, eyes darting as she tried to figure out what, exactly, was going on, and who was attacking who. She saw Faye near Riff and Vash, Lekki, Nick and Deathwish, Mel and Lil, and Liza, her own daughter, her small face flushed with fury. And then Liza actually took the time, upon seeing her mother, to wave. As though she were on a playdate rather than in the middle of a dangerous battle.

"Hi Mama! Come help me kick ass!"

"LIZA!" she yelled in response, coming forward into the room and withdrawing her sword, but then Faye is ripping something off of Riff, and he is shifting into a demonic form that briefly gives her pause. Is she going to have to kill him now? No, as it turns out, because Riff's own partner in crime, Vash, jumps in front of him, stopping him from getting to anyone....and then, the weirdest part of all, Riff is crying. Crying...after having asked Faye to cry? What? What?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!

Deathwish is shrieking so loudly and shrilly, in what appears to be an attempt to injure Mel, that Faith wants to drop her weapon and cover her ears, or at least cover Liza's, but Liza appears unaffected for the moment. Mel has snatched the object Faye had snatched from Riff from her hands, then she's done something to make Riff look semi human again, and it seems she herself is never permanently affected by anything anyone tries...and then she's headed towards Lil, ready to punch her out.

Faith raised her sword, having now somewhat decided that whatever is going on, Mel is behind it and the one needing stopped, but Liza inserts herself between Lil and Mel then, her small chest taking the impact of the punch. Fury rushes through Faith then, at the thought that anyone would hit her little girl, though logically she knows if it harms her, it won't be lasting damage with her healing abilities, and she seizes Mel from behind, attempting to spin her around as she thrusts her sword towards her heart."What the HELL is going on here?"


In her room, Sheena is gathering the weapons she will need to either secure or stake a vampire, namely her sister. As she secures them about various parts of her body and clothing, her heart is heavy, and she is gathering the will to do so as well. She knows what must be done, but it is the doing that is so hard, almost impossible to imagine.

Outside the academy, Evangeline too is preparing, dimly aware of her own hallucination of Atherton watching her in the background, an encouraging presence. She too is considering death, the murder of her sister. It may be the only way to save herself.
(Just a quick question before I end this fight but have I ever said that Mel was the villain? Sure I've said that I made a villain and Lil has certainly said that Mel was the evil one but that was it, wasn't it? Other than that, I've never really specified who was the evil one.)

Mel froze when she had hit Liza instead of Lil. She hadn't intended to. This was bad. Never in her life had Mel hurt someone who didn't hurt her or someone first. She was still in shock until Faith had spun her around. Sword pointed toward her heart, Mel opened her words to speak up but no words came out. There was a sharp pain in her back. Mel fell to the ground in a crumpled heap. A silver dagger protruded from her back. Lil had taken Mel's moment of hesitation to stab her with the dagger and now Mel's soul had been expelled from her body.

A twisted grin formed on the angel's face and her body became light before entering Mel's body through the dagger. The body of the dark haired girl twitched a bit before it stood off the ground. The first thing Lil did in her new body was instantly grab her chest. "Yes! I'd forgotten what it was like to have an actual chest. Though these are a lot heavier than I thought." Testing out her new powers, she summoned a mirror to her hand. Throwing Mel's mask to the ground she took a look in the mirror. To think that Mel was actually pretty underneath that mask, with pupil-less eyes the color of lapis lazuli. "I can get used to this face," Lil said chuckling to herself. She turned to the rest of the group. "Well, I should thank you. None of this would have been possible without all your help. I could never hope to take Mel alone after all. And it was so easy to get you guys to help. Everyone just wanted to protect poor little defenseless Lil. Hohohoho." (Yeah, I gave her an annoying laugh.)

By this time, Riff had come to. The pain in his shoulder was still there as he pulled the gem out and reconnected it to his choker. The first thing he spotted was Mel's mask on the floor. There were still other people here, why would she take it off? Mel hated her face more than anything. Looking up at his master's form, he knew that wasn't Mel. The mannerisms and posture of the person there was not her. He turned his head when he felt a hand clutch his arm tightly. It was Vash and the white haired boy was definitely angry. "That @#$%ing angel. She killed Mel." It didn't take long for Riff to put two and two together. He wasn't as slow as Vash was. Lil was in Mel's body now.

Now angry as well, he forced himself to stand though he was still losing blood. "Get out of her!" he yelled before charging at Lil. Lil spun around to face the charging boy and looked him straight in the eyes. "Stop!" Riff froze in place. He tried his best to move but could only manage to twitch slightly. Lil laughed. "Hohoho. I'm going to enjoy this."

Her joy was short lived though as pain surged through her body. She suddenly felt light headed. Why was this happening? She looked up to see Riff smirking. "What the hell is happening?!"

"It seems Mel's injuries are finally catching up to you." Mel's greatest asset in battle was her complete control of her own emotions. To control demons, you were allowed to show no weakness so she learned how to no react to pain or injury. Of course this didn't mean that she was unharmed. It just gave her the illusion of invincibility.

Lil looked down to see that it was true. She had just realized the numerous wounds on Mel's arms, the burn from being electrocuted by her own attack, and the amount of blood that was lost. Her head was also pounding from Deathwish's scream earlier. Realizing the situation she was in now, she decided to escape. White wings spread from her back. Luckily she was able to keep her original powers as well. She disappeared in a gust of wind.

Riff was soon able to move again. Vash punched the floor. "Look at what you guys did! Why did you even attack anyway?! Lil I can understand but what did we do to you guys?!" He was holding back tears now. "Mel is dead now! You guys are just a bunch of jacka**es!"

"Stop crying Vash. You're a grown man. It's just pathetic."
The familiar voice made both Vash and Riff jump. They looked around to find the source of the sound and eventually their eyes fell to a dark corner. A figure stepped out of the shadows. It looked like a ten year old girl with long blonde hair and glass blue eyes. She wore a frilly dress. Her hands and legs were jointed. It was a doll. Vash's eyes widened. It was the doll he was making. Why the hell did it have to be that doll. It was the girliest thing he had ever made with frills, lace and ever small wings coming from the side of the doll's head. Still that doll sounded just like . . .


"The one and only. It seems I've been exorcised. Though I though it could only be done to actual possessions." Mel, now a doll, walked up to Vash first since he was the closest and smacked him hard across the face. It was no where near to her normal strength but the hardness of the material of her hand left a sting. "Why the hell did you guys come back?! Didn't you guys figure it out after what happened to Riff the other day?! Lil's holy power was coming back and that sh*t is like poison to demons. I don't have enough blood to cure you guys each time."

After her little bout, Vash tackled her to the ground in a bear hug. She didn't hate them after all. He was happy. "Vash, what are you doing? Get the hell off of me! Riff! Do something." She looked up to see Riff smiling brightly. He slowly walked over to the two of them . . . and jumped in as well. It wasn't until they heard a crack that they both got off. Mel brushed the dust off of her clothes and went to sit on the broken stone throne. The skylight let a beam of silver light fall on her as the moon rose in the sky. Looking at the people she had just been fighting earlier, she asked, "I do hope you guys just realized that you guys just unleashed a self absorbed, and possibly psychotic angel out in the world in a body that can summon and control demons."

"But I bet you're all going to say that it was because you all thought I was evil. Well I guess it's time for my favorite game 'Why is Mel Evil?' Though it'd be more fun if the reasons weren't always the same everywhere I went. Let's go with door number one: the way I treat my servants. Well, that's none of your business how I treat them is it? If fear and discipline are the only way I can keep them by my side then I will do whatever it takes not to end up alone again."

"Door number two: my attitude. I've done a little research about this place and it seems I'm not the only one with an attitude problem."
She turned to Faye. "I hear the little flamer over there has gotten in fights with the other students before, even using her powers against them. She even burned down part of a forest. The attitude must also run in the family. I've met your half sister, Little Miss Sunshine, and though I don't get out much, I can assume throwing knives at people is not very polite."

"And let's not forget the elephant in the room: I've killed people. Now are you seriously going to stand there and tell me that this school is not filled with killers. The princess' little lapdog (Jace) was a murderer, even tortured them to death. Oh but he has a mental illness so he's okay." She then turned to Deathwish and Nick. "And let's not forget the wonder twins. Half demon and half vampire. Are you going to tell me that that combination hasn't yielded a death total. I mean the kid's very name is Deathwish. That's like saying 'Look at me. I'm a killer.'" She finally faced Faith. "And you, the big bad Slayer. Well, I don't feel like being lectured about my killing habits by someone whose very title means that they kill things. Oh, but those people were evil so they don't count, do they? The people I've killed were people I saw as evil as well. And if I have to become evil to punish evil, then so be it!"

"As far as I'm concerned, the only thing that separates me from any other student here is that I had a bleach blond skank of an angel spoon feeding you hack job gossip articles from an obscure newspaper written by a third rate journalist. Think about it. Until she came here, none of you have even heard of the Princess of Lucifer and I bet you still don't know what that stupid title means!"

After her little rant, Mel was feeling exhausted. It was really the same story everywhere they went. She sat back in the chair, wanting to sleep. She was silent for a minute to allow any rebuttals from the people gathered there. "Now if you excuse me, I hate parties, so get the @#$% out of my room!"

(You guys can enter at any part of this entire thing if you want. I just wanted to get that whole thing over with. XP So . . . yeah. Lil was the evil one all along. Marmar, you were close with your guess but Lil doesn't "become" corrupted because she already was. Sorry for lying to you guys about this. Though in my defense I never actually lied. I just gave an incredible amount of misleading statements and questions. Though it became obvious near the end as to who was the bad guy here. It actually helped that we don't have to put down a personality or background in the sign up though. I've tried to do this Mel and Lil plot twice before on different sites. Each time, I put in everything about these two characters and asked people to please act along. They didn't. Along with walking among a bunch of godmodding mary sues and gary stus, everyone was apparently some sort of mind reader. They kept treating Mel kindly and Lil with skepticism. I had Mel rip this girl's cat to shreds but the girl brought the cat back to life and said something along the lines of "It's okay. I know you're a good person at heart." And I'm like I just killed your cat. I kicked your little brother into a wall. I just mauled an angel. What the hell?! It usually ends with my character killing herself the next post. It's not that I didn't trust you guys to keep along with the story but I was just covering my bases. I'll explain some of Mel's actions later. I also don't have Mel's face scanned into my computer and I don't have my scanner so I tried taking a picture but it's very bad quality. View attachment 8882 I'll scan a better one when I can. And also this is Mel's new body.View attachment 8883)
Nick grabs Deathwish as his anger starts to spike. " don't take it personaly. I think we've done enough damage." Nick said scratching his head. "To be over 100 and still fooled....that hurts." He said and then looked at Mel. "I wouldn't be so talkitive chucky. Most of us here don't kill of our own acord. And our father named Deathwish so he's touchy on that subject." He glares and then looks at Deathwish who looks away. "Come on the guy is already lonely." He said and then patted Deathwish head.

Deathwish smacks Nick's hand away. "You got on our bad sides so you didn't exackly help your situation there..." Deathwish said glaring at Mel. He hissed and then walked out Nick sighed, now he was super annoyed.

(I know how that works...I can't say knowing someone is bad doesn't effect my characters interactions but I know how it feels. Not to be mean towards Macal but I had hoped no one would find Scorn out so fast. It is annoying slightly seeing how he is UNDERCOVER! *Yelling with hands failing* *sigh* Although I have never gone as far as to have my characters not react completely...I mean come on....they'd tried to kill her if she killed one of her pets. *Cough* Jace wasn't welcome there for a while. *Cough* lol xD Perfectly ok.)
(Oh shizzz, didn't realise that. AND WHAT A PLOT TWIST! :D That was freakin' awesome Dreams!! Yeah, I'm actually glad that you didn't tell us, otherwise I might have been a bit different towards the characters without meaning to xD Oh dear, Faye is gonna feel like crap now... Oh, and in my next post Raina will kill the human, because I want her to kill the human BEFORE Macal brings back her Mum and Sister, so if anyone wants to interfere with her, do so now :P )

When Riff groaned out, beginning to scream, Faye's eyes widened as worry filled her, "Riff?" Oh she sure as heck hoped this was the spell lifting. But then he had changed, to some sort of demon form, and was crying. Tears flowing down his face as crazily as Faye's fire when she got pissed. She easily took the knock as the demon Riff spoke to her about tears and she didn't bother to tell him she cried very rarely. Only three times in 15 years. She didn't even cry when her parents died. She flew straight into the wall, barely recognizing the pain that shot through her already wounded shoulder. Then Mel was taking the gem, and Faye watched with wide eyes as she went over to Riff, kicked him down and then stuck the gem in his shoulder.

He seemed to go back to normal. Faye ran over to his body, touching his shoulder lightly, ignoring that her own needed healing. She was such an idiot. She tried to heal the wound, but it didn't seem to work, probably because the gem was still in there. But then Riff woke up, and Faye moved back from him. He was bound to be mad at the halfie. Mel was dead. Faye looked behind her just as Vash came over, and her eyes widened as she realised just what she and the others had done. Lil, Lil was the evil one? She had tricked them. All of them. Her eyes narrowed then, and sparked red for a moment. Faye didn't like being tricked. She got up to go and burn the bit*hes face off, but then Riff had ran over, and the red-head froze in spot as Riff did so.

Then the angel vanished, realising she was injured, and Faye didn't know what to do. She had been such an idiot. She knew she was one. Her parents had told she was an idiot, a deliquent, and Myra was always quick to agree. But this was by the far the stupidest thing she had ever done. She would happily burn down 50 more schools just to undo this mistake. Vash was right, Faye was a jack*ss. She found her arms wrapping around herself, as though hugging herself, as she bit her lip and looked down. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Mel? That was Mel's voice? She looked up then, to see that the masked girl had been somehow re-incarnated into a doll, and was giving them all a well deserved lecture. Shame rose in Faye when the doll looked to her, and she took the words with no rebuttal. Mel told them to get out, and Faye, still having said nothing, walked to the door, she held up her clenched fist and opened it, looking to Riff as a pink orb flew from her hand and hit his wounded shoulder. It of course was only her healing power put into a sphere, so it wouldn't hurt him, having the opposite fact actually, and she watched, satisfied when the wound closed up, he should be feeling no pain also from his shoulder now. This of course did not pardon her and she looked to the three apologetically; she was an idiot. "I know this doesn't mean anything now, but I'm sorry for being such an imbecile." This of course was another word Myra had once called her when she had come home paralytic after drinking too much. She then obeyed Mel's request and left the room promptly, her fire was completely gone, the air around her cold now as she headed outside.

There was no way Riff or even Vash would ever speak to her again now, and she had judged Mel so wrongly she was so ashamed.
Nick watched Faye leave. "Mel...if you want a new human body...go see a vampire named Adrian. He turns puppets into human flesh and bone. Only if you want to." He said and then left himself. He followed Faye and then grabbed her pulling her into a hug. "A fire girl like you....shouldn't be so cold." He said and then looked at Faye. "She alive Faye...don't worry about it." He said trying to make her feel better.

Scorn appears behind Raina. "Running from that stupid god?" He asked and then chuckled. "What's the matter raina....feel a bit annoyed? Worried about getting to close to them? Well I wouldn't be to surprised....they are vampire slayers after all." He said and then crossed his arms. He smirks at her and then got closer to her. "Hmm something doesn't seem right here..." He said waving his fingure at her.
As Liza took the impact of Mel's intended blow towards Lil, she stumbled back a step, feeling surprising stinging pain for a child who is very rarely even mildly injured. She looks at Mel with wide, wounded eyes, more emotionally hurt than physically. She has not been hit since she was still residing within Faith's head, and she has become so accustomed to the idea of anyone truly harming her that it momentarily stuns her.

Faith, of course, is enraged. Mel had HIT her daughter, Mel had put her hands on her daughter, and all she wants in that moment is to hurt her as painfully as possible. But before she can run the sword straight through her, Lil has already stabbed her from behind, beating Faith to the punch in what Faith figures is rightfully her wounding thrust anyway.

But then...Mel's body is moving, speaking in such a strange and different manner than the Mel that she is accustomed to, that it takes her a moment to realize exactly what just happened, what she is seeing. When she understands, the reality of it is like a sledgehammer against her mind. MEL was the innocent one, the one persecuted...Vash and Riff were not sadly misguided, but right all along? LIL was the bad one, LIL, the one she had felt sorry for, the one she protected, LIL was the one who was evil?!

She lunges towards her again, but even as she swings out her sword Lil is disappearing just as its blade reaches where her heart had been moments before. Frustrated, she whirls around, eyes darting to find her, but the girl is now gone.

The anger, disbelief, and self-disgust she feels is so strong she can barely listen to Mel's explanatory near rant, let alone make sense of it. All she can think over and over is how stupid she was, what the hell is wrong with her, how badly rusty is she and how far has she fallen that she can't even identify the correct evil person when she sees one? She's supposed to be protecting and guiding and teaching these kids and she can't even identify the right person to protect them from?!

And now what will she do, one of her students is a doll, the others have all been in a battle they should never have taken part in, her own daughter included, and now the student she had tried to PROTECT had stolen the other's body and was actually a demon.

Too sick to hardly speak, Faith lifted the wide-eyed Liza onto her hip and started towards the door, jaw set, almost radiating anger. She can't even bring herself to apologize to Mel just now. Liza, however, wiggles and calls over her mother's shoulder even as she carries her away.

"Lil was BAD?! But...I thought Mel was bad...and she was hurting her...and Lil wasn't gonna let me help...and Lil was nice and Mel wasn't...and Mel looked scary...and was gonna hurt Lil...but Lil hurted her and she was bad? But...Mama Lil was BAD?! Lil was my FRIEND! Mel, do you need me to heal you...I'm sorry, I'll be your friend now!"

Faith didn't let her stay to say anymore. Carrying Liza all the way back to their living quarters, back with Casey and Mara under strict instructions not to let her out of their sight for a moment, she slammed the door behind her, practically leaving a stormy cloud trail in her wake as she began to search the castle for Macal, calling out to him with increasing volume in his mind.

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(pretty sweet plot twist...Joboz, pleeeease post in parmad and castouts and street kids? lol)
(I was actually planning on Mel getting her own body back, hopefully before December 24th in the rp and whenever Scorn plans his little raid. Also, is it okay if Mel still treats Scorn poorly? It's not because she knows or anything but she just really hates angels with her particular history. She also hates priests, paladins and just about anything that has to do with churches or heroes. Hm, I just realized that Lil really has no evil plans other than steal Mel's body yet. I've never gotten this far before . . . I should figure something out then. Mel's first murder was actually an accident as well. The others were on purpose though . . . If anyone wants to find out about these then you'd have to ask Riff or Vash about why they follow Mel. The news articles Lil had also provide hints: a businessman raped to death, a village burned down in their church, and a family slaughtered. Hints. :D )

Mel stared at Nick with glass eyes as he proposed a way to obtain another body, and after he finished shook her head. "I do not take favors. I'll find a way to get my body back myself." She turned her head away from Liza as the little girl had offered her healing and friendship. "This vessel has no injuries and I have no need for friends." How many times have her so called friends betrayed her in the past? No, she didn't need friends. She didn't need anyone other than Riff and Vash. After everyone left, Vash closed the door behind them. Mel pulled her knees up to her face. The voices of memories came back. Devil spawn. Demon. Omen. Evil. "I'm not a demon . . . " No matter what people were calling her, she wouldn't have it. She was born human to human parents to a human family. She didn't care what they said, she was human.

Vash walked over to Mel and placed a hand on her head. "We know you're not. You know Mel, we don't stay with you because we're scared of you. We owe you our lives. You're like family to us now." His trademark grin was plastered onto his face. Mel looked up but still looked down. "But I don't think I can protect you guys like this. I lost my powers and the body I've been training for years now." Vash then hit the doll in the head. "Do you honestly think any guy wants to be protected by a girl? Let Riff and I do our jobs, okay? This time we'll do it right." There was a bit of silence from Mel until "But you're weak . . ." "Will you please let me look cool for once?!" Riff appeared with a few cups of tea for the trio, smiling gently for Mel.

Mel laughed a bit at Vash's outburst. But the happiness ended quickly when Mel came to a realization. "@#$%! Lilith is in my body! That sl*t! Who knows how many people she'll sleep with until I get my body back!" Vash dropped his cup. "Y-you mean that some random pervert could be touching you right now?!" "Yeah, that's why we h-" "When I haven't yet?!" It took a while for the white haired demon to realize that he had said that out loud. He slowly turned his head toward his companions to see that both had a look of shame and disgust on their faces . . .

The room filled with an awkward silence until Riff spoke up. "Well, you should get to sleep Miss Mel. Tomorrow, we'll look up a way for you to get your body back. Though I don't think you have to worry about one thing." "What?" "I don't think Lilith has a full grasp on your powers, at least not the Emperor Aura. When she used it on me a while ago, I was able to put up a slight resistance. When you use it, it's a definite control." "It makes sense. That power is a three part ability. You need the eyes, voice and presence to make it work. And Lilith does not have the presence of a leader. But there are plenty of demons who know who I am. They only need to see my eyes and they will follow without resistance." "I suppose but for now, go to sleep. Operating that vessel must be tiring."


(I should explain some of the things Mel has said and done:

  • Mel being rude to Lekki - Mel isn't good with people who approach her. Everyone who had came to her in the past were either out to kill her or worse. And the "shallow relationships" comment is that except for Riff and Vash, any "friends" she made in the past would break off the friendship once they found out who she was.
  • Mel calling Deathwish's name stupid - She actually meant stupid. And she questions his parents because a kid wouldn't really want to be named that when he's trying to make friends.
  • Mel threatening Liza - The Princess of Lucifer is a title given to the child who is born of sin, incest to be exact. The tell tale sign of the princess is her pupil-less blue eyes. She brings misfortune to everyone around her unless she herself is suffering so if Liza hung out with her too much, she would suffer from bad luck.
  • Mel kicking Riff when he was down - Riff was close to a code break which would kill him and everything within a 10 yard radius of him so Mel had to stop him from unleashing his demonic energy and the only way to do that was render him immobile.
  • Mel smiling when Riff and Vash came in - She was happy that even after she fired them, they still came for her. At first, she was ready to die by the hands of Lil but when they came, she didn't want to die just yet.

I know there are more but I don't want to type more. DX)
Flower was walking down a marble hallway to two big doors. The arguing from inside echoed across the hall. She opened the door and looked to see all of the teachers here and the members of the counsel was here. She looked to see a fimilar figure. She smiled and rushed over to him. "STEVE!" She yelled and hugged her beloved mentor.

Steve smiled and laughed. "Flower...I heard many things have gone on since I've been gone. Now it is time to set new rules. Where is ms. Faith?" He asked and then looked at Flower who was now standing by his side. He looked around the room. Flower looked at Steve. Much has gone on....what was he going to do now? Steve seemed in a serious mood. He wasn't playing around this time.

The other teachers seemed bent against Steve. Flower hoped Faith would previde some help since Steve was now overwelmed that the school was in much trouble. She looked around and then looked at Steve who waited for Faith to appear.

The large table in the room had many seated in it. Steve at the end of it. Flower took a more royal stance and then looked around the room. This was on the top floor and in one of the castles towers. Many stainglass windows colored the room. Flower found it a rather pretty room.
Faith was never what one might call a reverent person with automatic respect for authority or royalty; if anything, she was often irritated by it and possessed irresistible urges to buck against it. The fact that she herself was now royalty in Macal's kingdom, even if she could not at this time gain access to it, given his weakened state of powers, did little to increase her tolerance for showing much in the way of being impressed by other people's powers.

So as she entered the room with Steve and the other teachers, she didn't incline her head with respect or bow or extend her hand or anything of that sort. No, she strode in rather brusquely and glanced over most present briefly before looking Steve straight in the eye, not bothering to sit or ask where to be seated. She just spoke in her usual Faith fashion, which was laying out exactly what she was thinking.

"It's about TIME someone woke up around here and realized this whole school's heading straight for hell- literally, since there's about fifteen demons here killing all our kids! Where have you BEEN, didn't you like call to check on things, write, email, there are wonderful little things called text messaging you could try out too, something so you know there will still be a school standing when you get back, maybe? Also, what is with these people even being let IN, aren't there any background checks or security measures like at ALL around here?! It's like no one in this whole school is even aware of anything that's going on until at least five or six people wind up dead! What, is that like a policy, there has to be a certain number of corpses before we can drop being...what, politically correct or something?"

This said, she sat down in the first seat she saw, her expression still taut, fists clinched beneath the table as she attempted to calm down a little. Her stress and anger levels are approaching maximum at the moment, but this is in part because she is so disgusted with herself and what she sees as her own failure to protect the kids, her students. But there's a rather large amount directed towards others too, particularly Steve.

Steve...she hasn't seen the man since the day she first joined the academy staff, and this as much as anything is infuriating her. What kind of headmaster just went off for weeks or months at a time?
Steve looks at faith and then sighs. "At the time I had other pressing matters. It also had to do with dath but on a larger scale. My replacment however I found dead in his room. I find it rather disturbing no one noticed and I also find it disturbing matter weighed so heavily on you." he looked at Flkwer who seemed worried an put a hand on her shoulder

"As for other matters. I am aware that their are no background checks but really...if we did that not even Flower here would be accepted. Even Nick and Deathwish would be turned away....although that wouldn't be so tragic." He said and then growled a little as the glaring vampires. "Heck most vampires would be turned away and Faith even you." Steve looks at Faith. "However lots about our students are known. I also know you were put with most of our greatest students but they are also our most troubled and dangerous students. Now that I am back....Guards are to placed around the castle." He sighed. "And as for the vampire blood sucking."

At this the vampires in the room started shouting and yelling out in anger. Flower plugged her ears just before Steve let out a loud, ear percing, beast roar. He eyes had changed to that of beast, his ears like wolves. He was something new....something that just could be explained as a beast. He looked around the quiet room. "Now then, this is because blood was the trigger for Nick and Deathwish to kill, blood is the same thing that has vampires and demons alike killing humans and other students. Most of the time but not always. This school has been about proviting peace. Some of our students were sent here for a reason and some wanted to try out their skills against others. I will be working with ms. Faith for now on. She has the veiw of most students and I need that at this point."

FLower shifted her weight and then looked at Steve. Steve seemed worried....and Flower now was starting to get uncomfortable at this point. She looked at Faith and then back at Steve who wanted the other teachers to leave. All did but the counsel.
"There was a replacement?" Faith blinked, having been clueless as to this, but it's the second part of the statement that really takes her aback. "And he was MURDERED? Well twenty guesses who, literally, because there's like that many people who would have done it."

She prays for Sheena's sake that however the guy was killed, it wasn't by a vampire, by Evangeline. Still, she can't resist asking. "How was he killed?"

She has to grudgingly admit that Steve has a point about background checks, since she and Sheena both would flunk them if strictly run, but she still thinks something can be done about that too. "Okay, well for the background thing, at the very least we need some kind of system where we can at least check if people are CURRENTLY killing people and evil or whatever. Some might still slip through but right now it's practically an open door policy. And what about if they do, on school grounds? We need some kind of system of justice or punishment or whatever, if someone does go evil on us. If kids here are badly hurting other kids or students or killing them we need something we can do where they can be set straight or hauled off to magical prison or killed or whatever. My husband is an agent in SHIELD, he can put people in vaults or whatever, that's like prison for people with powers, but we can't do that with everyone. And what if they're about to kill another kid or did, what's the whole policy of killing evil kids here? Because I'm gonna tell you now, if someone was about to kill one of my students, and there wasn't a way I could get out of it, I'd kill them. And if someone was gonna kill my daughter or my sister, I would do it without flinching."

She looked Steve straight in the eyes as she said this, meaning every word. It might be against school policy, it might even get her fired if she ever carried it out, but that was her own moral code and she had no intention of not going by it. It was exactly why, if Sheena didn't get on with it soon, she would kill Evangeline herself.
Steve looks at Faith. "I know who killed him but not even I have the power to punish him." He said and then rubbed his head. His frustration was clear. He looked at Flower who's eyes widen with surpise. "SCORN!" She yelled out and then grabbed Steve by the shirt. "What is that blasted demon up to now?" She asked. Steve gently pushed Flower off. "How could I know that? For crying out loud Flower his sons are in this school." He said.

Flower's eyes burned with fire and hate for Scorn. She turned her back and clenched her fists as she crossed her arms. Steve pushed his bangs back a little. He looked back at Faith. "Faith I understand your consern....Punishment should be met....but with what? Is it right to kill someone who has yet to do something wrong? Even intending to I can not prove that to the leaders of their kingdoms. My hands are tied." he said and then set his hands on the table and leaned on them. "Any action taken against a student is questioned." He said and then put a hand over his eyes.

Flower looked at Faith. She sighed and then looked at the ceiling. "We can update the Security systems...camra's would make it hard to kill without being seen." She said and then looked at Steve. "As for punishment...well...I don't know." she said and then looked at Faith for ideas.
"Scorn? Who's Scorn? And why don't you have the power to punish him?" Faith's eyebrows rose almost to her hairline as she sat up straight, her hands now on top of the table in their fisted form as she leaned towards Steve. "Are you NOT the head of this school? Can you not kick him out or do SOMETHING about the fact he killed the guy you put in charge and could kill any one of the kids here, including MY kid? What do you mean you don't have the power to punish him? Someone has to! Hell, I can get my husband to pull strings to punish him if it came to that!"

She shook her head, finding it hard to control her feelings now the more she thinks about this. "Has yet to do something wrong?! You just said he killed a guy you left in charge to be running things here! I know for a fact one of the students here has killed multiple other students, so yeah, she needs punished. And as for the security cameras, what, someone's gonna get there in time to stop them? And what if they kill outside, or just outside school grounds? There's gotta be rules, are you telling me there really isn't any kind of justice system in place here? That's it's just decided on a case by case basis? This is a fighting school, every single student here has the potential for violence, we have to have some kind of rules and then something specific that will happen if kids break them, especially if they really hurt someone or kill them! How can we expect them to obey rules if nothing serious happens if they break them?"
Steve looked at Faith. "You misunderstand me ms. Faith. Scorn is not a student here....Scorn is the king of Vampires. He is the father of, Nick, Deathwish, and Jace. Scorn is a full demon." He said and then crossed his arms. "I understand ms. Faith and I agree but what action should we take?" He said and then looked at Flower who was glaring at him. "What?"

Flower turned her back. "Jace is not Scorn's son....Sethos is..." She said and then growled as Steve rolled his eyes at her. "You want to get on my bad side?" She said and then Steve looked at her. "No but learning exackly why your splitting hairs over a mass murder will do." He answered and Flower continued to growl.

Steve looked back at Faith. "I do hope she treats you better..." he said and then pushed his hair back. "Anyways... being under guard may help but it doesn't seem extream enough. Kicking them out of the school, well I'd get angry royals on my back....who take away fending and we all know where that road goes."

(Seriously...kicking them out of the school won't end well...and I can't come up with anything else. don't think that would work either.)
Seriously disbelieving now, Faith spreads out her arms, almost sputtering as she looks first to Flower, almost as if asking for backup, then to Steve. "Are you serious? You don't have anything at all set in place as a course of action when things like this happen? In a fighting school? You are just going to keep letting them kill kids because they might attack or something if we tried to go back against them? This is a fighting school, maybe it's time we actually did some real fighting against people who we're training the kids to be fighting against in the first place. And if Scorn isn't a student...why the hell is he here? Since when do we allow murderers who aren't even students to roam up and down the halls without even trying to make them go away or make them pay? And what royals? Who's royal over Scorn? I can tell you now that Evangeline Sadovsky might be a vampire, but I don't give a sh*t who rules over her, she deserves to pay for what she's been up to, and more than few other students do too. There's a kid's abusive father roaming around here, who ALSO isn't a student, he's on the verge of driving her insane and making her kill too if he keeps coming around, and that's the last thing we need. What's he, human, because if he is, then so am I, and I should be able to do what I want with him, right? Anyway how do you kick a guy out of school who isn't even a student?! You're just protecting the kids who actually are students!"
Steve looks at Faith. "Why do you think I wanted you to stay faith? I need this information." he said and then slowly sat down. "Now if you can calm down we might just work things out..." He said and then sighed deeply. "Now then ms. Faith, as for people who aren't appart of the school. I'm guessing I should put up new camra's unwanted guests shall now be kicked out by the guards." He said and then looked at Flower and then looked at Faith. "I know of a certain spell that will prevent in anyone killing inside the school." He said (That was your idea....and giving the situation....thought I'd use it.) "If anything it will also help keep unwanted killers out."

Flower shifted her weight. "Um....what about Jace....he does have sethos in his mind." She said scratching the back of her head. Steve lightly smiled. "Don't worry people already in the school will just be refrained from killing...your boyfriend will be safe." He ducked before Flower could smack him. "He's not my boyfriend!' She yelled at him and then crossed her arms. "I'm trying to help him overcome Sethos so he stops killing."

Steve looks at Faith. "Now ms. Faith. I would like to talk more about your students." He said and then leaned back. "If you are pleased with my compermise. The spell is not perfect....outside will be underwatch." He said. "If anymore death happens I guess we will have to find some pushment. As for evangeline. I'm sure Flower's spies can keep an eye on her." He said. Flower blushes. 'Spies....what spies?" She asked nervously. Steve looks at her and then smirks. "Didn't think I knew about that did you?" He said and then looked back at Faith. "I guess all we can do for now is watch. Punishment will be made by current royals in the castle." he said.
*Macal appears out of nowhere.* Actually it's Mrs. Cord it be wise of you to remember that as well as if either of my daughters are ever put into danger because of your lack of concern and attention to the actual threats to this Academy I will lose no sleep over shattering every bone in your body and string you up as the new Academy Flag! If you are not up to the task of keeping my girls safe then step down but if it's just a matter of resources I can have a platoon of troopers here in 10 mins and have them take on the role of security as well as upgrade all security cameras and security systems. So what's it gonna be Steve?
"Fine, you know this spell? Then why didn't we use it, like, months ago? And who's gonna use it, because whoever does it, they should be someone who's skilled enough that we can be sure there aren't loopholes or that it won't backfire or have consequences we aren't wanting. Someone who regularly does magic and can handle a spell of that magnitude," Faith said, but the next part of Steve's remarks is what sets her off. She actually stands up, her face heating with the rush of anger now coursing through her much more strongly than had been present before as her voice rises.

"Excuse me, WHAT? IF someone else is killed, THEN you GUESS they have to be punished?! There have been at LEAST three kids killed already, probably more, not to mention civilians, by MULTIPLE people in this academy, and what, they aren't going to be punished unless they kill AGAIN? And as for the royals, who's that for her, the vampires? You're telling me Deathwish and Nick are in charge of Eve, that RAINA is, even, and not her own sister? Spies, what spies, what's going on with spies? Who are these spies and who are they spying on, exactly?"

She looks up when Macal enters, and as angry as she is, a small smirk crosses her lips when she hears him being his usual self- threatening the people who run the place, who he has never actually even met before, as casually as if he had just asked them how their day was. With Macal there, she is able to calm down just enough to finish up, "If those people are in charge of Eve, fine. But they just better know to step aside and let her sister do whatever she thinks she has to, then. As for this Scorn, and Lil, and Kol, and all the others...they better be getting punishment for the crimes they ALREADY did, and it better not be a slap on the wrist, or screw rank here, it just...better be done."

She takes a deep breath, then says more calmly, "Well, you've been gone too long to have a clue what's up," this with an edge to her tone and a pointed look at Steve. "But Raina is in crisis, Hayley is a weaker personality who is a walking target, Myra is too, Faye has trouble controlling her temper, Sheena is probably going to have trouble personally after she does what she has to, Mel...I don't even know the story with her anymore, and the others? Lil, Kol, Sethos, Scorn, Evangeline, and probably Jinn, from what I've been able to guess anyway, are all trouble, and half of them have killed."
Steve looks at Macal. He looks back at Faith. "Mrs....Cord." He started and then leaned back in his chair. "I do not have the power to punish Scorn. He is a king...rank still plays a role here. I can't attack a king." He said and then sighed deeply.

Flower glared at Macal. 'Lay off...ok he's doing what he can." She said and then crossed her arms. She looked at Steve and then sighed deeply. "You know it's punishble by key holder law to kill a human. At least for key holders. The law has no heavy weight here although Nick and Deathwish do suport it so vampires are bound by this law. I have spies to keep track of certain humans." SHe said and then rubbs the back of her head. "And from time to time keep an eye on Jace." She said.

Steve looks at Macal and then back at Faith. "As for the spell. I can cast it. I warn you now. Any action indended to kill will be prevented inside the school. I do find it rather odd you want me to protect all the students yet want me to allow your daughter....from what I gather to kill a vampire. If I am correct?" He said and then stood up. He turned his back. "I am sorry but things got out of hand." He said and then looked back at Flower. "I'm sure Nick and Deathwish will be perfectly willing to step down punishment to her sister." He said and then rubbed his head. Macal just made the situation worse for Steve. "It is not in my rights to punish people out of the school. However...Flower is already keeping an eye on Jace and Sethos, Anyone else....will be put under strict guard and will not be allowed any weapons or out after classes for the time being untill the royals decide what to do with them." He said and then looked at Faith.

(Oh and this is Steve's beast form
“You can’t attack a king, fine, whatever. Sounds ridiculous and like a bunch of politically correct crap unless that means like his whole kingdom would bring about the apocalypse or whatever, but whatever,” Faith crosses her arms, letting her teeth grind together for several moments as she thinks this over before she finally says, “If you can do a spell that can keep insanely powerful kids from killing each other here, then why can’t you do some kind of spell that will force Scorn to leave without killing him? You can’t do some kind of “get out of my damn academy” spell or some spell that hijacks his mind enough to make him think he wants to leave all on his own? I mean, come on. If you can stop a kid from chopping another kid’s head off surely you can get the guy to get out of a place he shouldn’t have been welcome to in the first place.”

When Steve addresses Faith about Evangeline and Sheena, she shakes her head, holding up one hand. “No, I don’t WANT her to have to kill anyone, because I know what that does to you. Believe me. I just…I’m realistic here, okay? If she can manage to do what she needs to without killing her, that’s great, I’ll be very happy for her. But she’s a teenager, she’s got a terrible task to do, and if something were to happen where she felt like that was her only option…then I’m not going to blame her for it and I’m sure as hell not going to punish her. Whatever will end up happening with her sister, if Sheena can bring herself to do anything at all…I’m supporting her decision, no matter what.” She doesn’t state aloud that if Sheena can’t make herself do anything towards Evangeline, she will step up for her and do it herself. She doesn’t mention that Sheena has exactly one day left to come to a decision, and so that if she is going to act, it will likely be soon…very soon.

As some of the security measures to be taken now are named, Faith nods slightly, still far from pleased with all of this, and concerned not just for her own daughter and sister but for the other students as well, Hayley and Myra in particular. “Okay, fine, whatever…but if all this is gonna take place, and rules are being set up, which they should have been in the first place…” she can’t resist adding, “then we need to make it really clear to the students what’s gonna change, maybe have a mandatory assembly or have each teacher spell it out to them or something. If Flower is now appointed to being another teacher then I’m going to suggest appointing Alex Sage and Sheena Sadovsky too. They’re young, but they’ll take it seriously, and anyway I already unofficially assigned them to help me out with that. And anyway, Alex is older than Flower is.”

She’s ready to move on now and actually put all of this in practice, because knowing her sister and her daughter, the two of them are already itching to get themselves into a mess in this short time that she doesn’t know where they are.


By a near miracle, Liza, after her interesting encounter earlier today, is in fact playing peacefully in her living quarters, with her dog and her guard Mara vigilantly keeping watch over her, and she as of that moment has no intention of trying to leave. It is Sheena who is busy, Sheena who is making her move at last, and it is Sheena who is as of now seeking to stop her sister from committing any further crimes.

She has already told Alex that she does not want him to be with her when she confronts Evangeline. She will not be able to stand the thought of his eyes on her as she does whatever it is that she will have to do, of how judged and nakedly vulnerable she will feel for him to see her in these circumstances…for anyone to. She does not know about the spies in the school, and it is her desire that whatever will happen, it will be a very private matter, a decision between herself and her sister only.

She will give Evangeline one chance, one single chance to try again, to decide to become ensouled, if possible, to truly and sincerely struggle to make amends for her behavior, to have a genuine change of heart…this was not within the clause that Faith or Macal have given her, not within her orders as a member of SHIELD, but she cannot turn against her own conscience to not do so. And if Evangeline were to turn it down, or to lie…then she knows what she must do. She cannot let her sister go to the vault, to be tormented for the rest of her life, for the rest of eternity. She will have to end her suffering, get rid of the creature that her baby sister should never have been forced to become. She knows that the being Evangeline is now is not her sister at all, does not possess the heart and soul of who Evangeline had been…and yet she hopes, almost prays that somehow, she will find a way to change it all.

She does not plan to shift when encountering Evangeline into her Lycan form. She can’t stand the thought of having to harm her sister in a serious manner, as she would have to with her teeth or claws, or of making her bleed, doing anything to mar her pale, nearly transparent skin. No, Sheena takes with her only a stake, and it is only the stake that she will be able to bring herself to use. She will watch her sister fade into dust, then into nothing at all, exactly as she should at this point be in the first place.

She knows Evangeline is not within the academy grounds. She has roamed the hallways, allowing her heightened Lycan senses to come into the foreground of her consciousness, trying to find her sister through her scent among the many students within its halls. A walk along the outside gardens and grounds told her that Evangeline was not to be found there either, and so she slipped outside of the academy gates, stake stashed in the loop of the belt she had borrowed from Faith, very much aware of the rhythmic pounding of her heart, the way her breath entered her lungs in cold stops and starts. She felt somehow distant from her own self, her own body, as though she could no longer allow herself to feel at all if she were to get through this.

It didn’t long for her to smell the body in the woods. Abby’s had been removed, but her scent still lingered among the leaves…and there was another. Lying on the forest ground, only a few feet away from the final resting place of her last murdered child, lay a young boy, perhaps ten to twelve years old, eyes open and expressionless, face very pale. The only sign of a cause of his death were the puncture wounds on his throat. This boy was less viciously attacked than the unfortunate Abby, but that did nothing to lessen the terrible implication of his death.

Even before Evangeline spoke, Sheena could smell her, somewhere just above her head.

“You’re a long way from the nest, aren’t you, sis?”

Sheena looked up, and there she was, sitting several branches up in a nearby tree, legs dangling like those of a child’s. As Evangeline looked down at her, she gave her a small wave and a smile that Sheena recognized as being fully without sincerity, her eyes hard.

“I heard you got a promotion…teacher, right sis? So I guess that makes you head of the class…so what will you do now? Slap me with a ruler? Give me detention? Make me write lines?”

She jumps down from the tree, landing rather gracefully on her feet, as she steps closer, her words soft, but she is looking Sheena in the eyes, and for the first time Sheena can see the same coldness in there that had been so apparent to everyone else. Looking at Evangeline then, it is her sister’s body, but her face, her eyes, do not seem to belong to the Evangeline that Sheena thinks of as her sister at all.

(Sheena/Eve to be continued soon...please no one interfere in it? If someone wants to witness it or part of it I guess that's okay but don't try to help Sheena or get in between them, please?)
Flower looks at faith. "You do not understand faith. We didn't allow scorn here in the first place." she said and then looked up. "Maybe you should have a look at this faith." she said and then Went and grabbed a computer. "Not even my father can fully challenge scorn. Although he is a coward." she said and then opened the computer. "Scorn...the name of one demon throughout vampire history. Even a few human gods..." she glances at Macal. "Scorn is mentioned. The curse...the body stealer, and The death have been titles. Scorn is a very Powerful and old demon. He can switch from body to body and corrupt anything. His powers change depending on what body he's in. I fear not even the protection spell can stop him from killing." she said and then Rubbed her head. "I never knew how much of a threat he was..." she said and then sat down. "He's older then when vampires started appearing...he was back when humans ruled the earth."

Steve looks at faith. "I'm sorry I can't do much. However I will not stop flower o any of you taking care of him." he said and then stood up. "I know you feel you're he only ones who fear for the students but they are all strong students. Flower here will be a teacher and your suggested students may as well. What ever you need just ask and I will see what I can do. I'm sorry if you think I'm not doing enough and I'm sure I'm not but this is all I can do." he said and the. Looked at them both.

Flower looks at faith. "I trust Steve with my life...he is doing what he can but nothing is perfect." she said and then looked at Steve. "We can work out punishment for killing students with the other royals. Faith I guess that makes you incharge of humans...and sheena for werewolves or lycans."
Lay off? It would do you well to remind yourself Flower that I'm the King of The Gods of War, my wife is a Queen and my two daughters are Princesses of my realm, if we have to abide by the rules of the Academy then so should all others especially Scorn and Kol. But I will take it easy...for now, I suggest you get your house in order for the sake of the students but also Steven I'm sure we are not the only parents that will hold you personally responsible for any harm that comes to any of the students here. *His eyes start glowing and the room shakes, outside their is a display of thunder and lighting that appears out of nowhere.* If need be I will go over your head and have you removed and replaced by someone more capable of handing the job...Now what do you need in resources to do your job! *His eyes return to normal and all the effects vanish* Look my daughters love it here and my wife enjoys her new calling, but I will not lose a bit of sleep dismantling this place and rebuilding it if need be. As for Scorn...I promise I will not engage him here out of fear our battle could destroy the place but his time will come and I promise you..You will see the difference of what a King and a God King are!
Flower looks at Macal and then glares. "If anything....Scorn and Kol are my problem.....they are here because of me....Scorn is the vampire king....he wants me to marry him...kol was revived using my keys. If anything their actions should be blamed on me. I will take full responcablity and this is not your kingdom...this is mine and I will make the orders. I don't care if your a god or not. I never much believed in them. I know you're powerful but respect is still required!" She said and then glared. 'I know what's it's like wanting to protect your family. Steve will do all he can....but unlike the show off that is you, Steve can't make the earth shake. If you want to fight scorn...fine by me but you will not threaten my friend when I command the castle got it?" She said and then calmed herself.

She took a deep breath. "Steve will work with Faith and do what he can...but things are more complicated then each of you seem to know." she looks at Faith and then back at Macal. "I know you guys care but so do we. Only we have to deal with powerful people too and it makes things much harder. Keep Scorn and Kol out is hard when they can teleport in and out. Protecting every student when there are so many isn't as easy as snapping your fingures and getting them to role over." She said and then crossed her arms. "I do repect your conserns and I do care...but need to be more understanding. Most of this is my fault so I will correct it. I do own this school and I will make the nessarrary changes but nothing is perfect." She said and then looked at them with eyes asking for them to help Steve. "Macal....some of your people will be much help." She added looking back at him.
“You’ve lied to me,” Sheena said quietly, not yet making a move towards her sister, standing before her on the forest grounds. She simply looked her in the eye, the numbness she had felt earlier continuing to keep her emotions removed from herself as she blocked from her senses the smell of the body, making herself see only Evangeline and her every move. “You told me that you didn’t kill that pilot, Lina…I watched you do it on video. I wanted to believe you, I wanted to give you every benefit of the doubt…but you lied to me. You lied to me about Hayley…you lied to me about how hard you’ve been trying…you killed this little boy. You killed someone else too, didn’t you? Someone I haven’t seen? And you’ve been here long enough that I bet there were others. How many children have you killed, Lina? How many times have you looked me in the eye and put your arm around me and lied to me?”

But if she expected any regret from Evangeline, if she expected any flicker of emotion at all, she was to be disappointed. Evangeline continued to look her boldly, almost callously in the eye, the same small smile without real warmth or joy curving her lips. And Evangeline was keeping her distance, not drawing near as she once would have, not taking her arm or embracing her to her side. There were no stroking hands or soft words from her now, only a stiff alertness, a watchfulness, as though she were prepared to act if attacked- or perhaps prepared to attack first.

“It was easy,” she said, shrugging, and she seemed to almost take pride in this, in her ability to deceive. “It was what you wanted to believe, wasn’t it? It was what you wanted to hear, so I told you exactly what you wanted and you never questioned it. It’s not my fault if you believed, that’s all on you. Because you knew better, didn’t you?”

She laughed then, stepping closer, and though she didn’t touch Sheena, Sheena shivered, almost able to feel her cold fingers against her skin.

“You should have known better. You’re the big bad Lycan PRINCESS here, aren’t you? You’re the one with the super smell and super speed and super duper fighting stamina, aren’t you? You didn’t smell the blood on me, SIS? You didn’t see with your super duper extra-sharp eyes what I was up to? With all your so-called daddy’s training you and all that time fighting the supposed bad guys, you couldn’t tell what was up with your own sister? Maybe you’re already past your prime, then, because a super duper Lycan princess fighter like that ought to be able to see a bad girl right in front of her, shouldn’t she? Or…maybe you just didn’t want to see. Maybe you knew the truth every second and lied to yourself, every time you ever saw me, because that was how you wanted things to be. Either way…you’re out of your game here. Maybe it’s time you got fired off the job.”

Sheena didn’t respond to this, only feeling her breath catch, her fists slowly form at her sides. Because what Evangeline was saying, it did have an element of truth to it. And did that mean…did that make every person who had been hurt, every person who had been killed, every family torn apart by Evangeline….did that make them equally Sheena’s responsibility, because she had failed to act?

“It was your fault,” Evangeline repeated, another step closer, and she narrowed her eyes, seeming to see Sheena’s thoughts in her posture or expression. “You let me get away with it, Sheena. If I’m guilty, so are you. And you’re supposed to be the good guy…are we really so different, sis? Really?”

Sheena shook her head slowly, not in agreement, but rather than in denial. She shook it again, more firmly, before taking in another breath, saying softly, “Lina…I could have helped you. If you were honest with me…about what you are…what you’ve been doing…I could have helped you.” She swallowed, her voice coming out in a rush of increasing emotion as she went on.“Lina, I would have moved heaven and earth to help you. We could have figured out a way to get a handle on your cravings…Lina, other vampires manage, you could have too…you still can. You still can,” she said with intense hope that translated to a feverish near desperation glowing in her eyes, and she took Evangeline by the arm then, holding her tightly, nearly pleading.

“You still can change, Lina. We can still make things better. Please Lina…stop this. Let me help you. Let me work with you, I know I can. There are things we can do, steps we can take to make sure you’ll never hurt anyone ever again…it could still be okay, if you want it to be. I mean, you would still have to be punished, but please…we can make it better. Please Lina, don’t make me do anything I don’t want to. Stop all of this…let me help you. Please.”

She is almost holding her breath, feeling the prick of tears behind her eyes even as she fiercely holds them back, praying that Evangeline cannot see them and that if she can, they will lend weight in her favor rather than against it. And for a moment, Evangeline looks at her, her own face still,the expression unreadable. For a moment Evangeline appears to be truly considering her words, truly considering giving in.

But then Evangeline’s eyes drift past Sheena, and narrow slightly. She tilts her head, appearing to be looking at something Sheena cannot see, hearing something she cannot hear. Sheena’s eyes shift too, though her head doesn’t turn, not wanting to turn her back to Evangeline. There is nothing. Nothing, but whatever Evangeline is seeing, whatever she hears, it is what makes up her mind.

She laughs, but the tone is without amusement, and her tone when she speaks is gentle, almost sad.

“What you don’t understand, Sheena, is that I don’t care. This is who I am. This is who I want to be. Sister or not, I won’t let you take that from me. I won’t let you make me some pathetic little toothless pet of yours,begging for blood bags and scraps of approval. I won’t repent for something that I don’t care I did. I have power. I have control. All my life I never did,all my life I was poor, weak little Evangeline, Evangeline who couldn’t breathe, couldn’t do one damn thing in life, and I will NOT go back to that.”

She almost hisses the last several words, her eyes so small they were almost slits, and every muscle was taut, coiled for action. Looking at her was like looking at a snake.

“You were my sister, Lina,” Sheena said quietly, biting the inside of her cheek until she tasted blood on her tongue, her tone controlled.“You could have been my family. I wanted you to be. You could have had everything. You could have-“

“Your FAMILY?” Evangeline snorted, shaking her head. “Your FAMILY? With your fake so-called “daddy” and your fake so-called “sisters,” that stupid, spoiled brat of a child and that stuck up b*tch of a vampire hater, you think I’d want to be part of them?! Be their FAMILY?! I hate them,Sheena. I hate all of them, I would never be anywhere near them or let them have one breath of life if it wasn’t for you. I would electrocute Macal with his own lightning, stab Faith in the heart with her own stake, yank Liza’s pigtails from her head and strangle her with them. They would take my power away from me without a second thought and be glad of it, and so would you. And first chance I get, I will. Sorry sis,, but I guess I’m not one for big happy families. I won’t let anyone take that from me, not even you.”

The last word was still leaving her mouth when she lunged at Sheena, her face shifting into his vampiric form, fangs bared, mouth open wide as she attempted to tackle Sheena to the forest ground. Sheena was prepared and caught her, then turned her own body, using her weight to knock them both down, her own body partly over top of Evangeline’s. Evangeline was considerably smaller, but stronger than Sheena would have predicted. She fought back,bucking and giving vicious swipes at Sheena’s face, swipes that left bleeding scrapes that Sheena ignored as she shoved her off of her, then stood, trying to keep calm, trying to keep herself from growing upset or angry enough to wolf out without her own permission.

She didn’t want to attack Evangeline in her Lycan form. She didn’t want to hurt her at all…but Evangeline was trying to force her to,trying to hurt her, and if she kept it up…

Evangeline was coming at her again, and again Sheena held her off, throwing her away from her, trying to keep her away long enough to flip out her stake, but also delaying and knowing she was doing so. She knew that she could have already had her stake out and used it, she had had plenty of time…and yet she was still delaying. Each time Evangeline came at her Sheena simply held her off, not retaliating, not harming her, even as she knew, KNEW this could not go on, even as Evangeline’s attacks grew increasingly wild.

And then she bit her. Evangeline’s fangs sank into her shoulder, scraping to the bone. She had missed her neck only because Sheena had jerked out of the way in the barest nick of time. As Sheena yelped, then again shoved Evangeline off of her, using all her strength to do so now and sending Evangeline flying back from her, she barely feels the sharp throbbing pain in her shoulder, the blood trickling down her face and arm. It’s time now.

Evangeline is slightly stunned by the force of her fall and has not yet managed to struggle to her feet, and so as Sheena steps towards her, drawing her stake from Faith’s belt, she walks with slow steps, her heart heavy and pained. She kneels before her sister, straddling her narrow chest,and pins her down with one hand, the other holding the stake. Evangeline cannot escape now, and she knows it. As Sheena looks down at her, Evangeline’s face shifts back to its usual human appearance. She looks every bit like the young,fragile girl she normally does, frightened, sweet, even repentant, and as she meets her sister’s gaze, Sheena thinks that she finally looks sincere.

“We could still be family, sis…we don’t have to do this,”she says softly. “All I want, all I ever wanted, is to be with you…us. Sisters.We can still have it…just let me turn you. Let me make you like me. It would always be the two of us then. Young forever, together forever…just us. If you let me do that, Sheena…if you let me make you like me.”

Sheena paused, her throat choking at the thought…because it was what she wanted too. To be with her sister, never to be interrupted, to never have their relationship and what they meant to each other taken away…

But she had other sisters, other sisters whose faces flashed into her mind. Sisters who would never lie to her, never hurt her, never use her to advance their own agendas. Sisters who loved her…sisters she loved and owed just as much as she loved and owed Evangeline.

She could never leave her other sisters. She could never leave her father, her boyfriend, her friends. And she could never give herself over to the amorality of Evangeline.

“I’m sorry,” she almost whispered. “I can’t. I can’t…I’m sorry, Lina. I love you.”

With one fast movement she shoved the stake through her sister’s heart. She watched with pain spiking through every part of her as Evangeline’s features slowly disintegrated, then scattered into dust, leaving nothing beneath her at all. But before she was gone, Sheena was sure she had seen her smile, her real smile…the smile of the girl Evangeline had once been before. Almost like a thank you….as if she had finally set her free.

For several minutes she remained knelt, her breathing the only noises about her. When she got to her feet, then began to walk, one foot slowly placed before the other, Sheena did not know where she was going or what she was thinking, for her mind was one dark mass of her pain. Eventually she began to climb the first tree she saw with shaky hands, pulling herself up to its highest point, and there she sat numbly, legs dangling, one arm wrapped around its trunk. She could not cry. She could not even think. She simply sat,the weight of what she had done settling over her.


“It’s your responsibility, you say? Well that’s really interesting Flower, because queen or not, you’re also a teenager my kid sister’sage. As for the whole respect thing, how much are you showing my husband who is also a king? And I happen to be a queen myself…not here, yeah, but the whole royalty argument is kind of a moot point here. We’re all royal, we’re all powerful, whatever. You ask me, that doesn’t matter…though whether or not you believe in a god, that’s a pretty stupid thing to say if you ask me, because here he is. A god, existing,” Faith rolled her eyes.

“The point here isn’t who’s in charge or who respects who or who can give what orders. The point is, kids are dying, and people damn well better pay for it, and it damn well better be that no one else around here will be dying because of the totally inadequate security and system of rules and punishments. I don’t care about anything else but whether or not another kid and their family is going to suffer. You call Macal a show off? Maybe it’s about damn time he does show off how much he can do to make this place shape up,because obviously you guys think you can’t do it yourself. Steve can’t make the earth shake? Macal is a god of war, I’m thinking he can and could.”

She’s starting to get worked up again as she talks, using rapid gestures, eyes almost sparking. “ Dealing with powerful people is HARD? Aren’t you also supposedly powerful people? Isn’t everyone in this school, isn’t that the point of this school, to prepare them for that?! Look, both of us have prevented the freakin’ world from ending I don’t even know how many times. It’s when people try to do everything by themselves and are pulling rank and caring about power and politics that everything gets screwed. Good things happen and worlds get saved when people put all that aside and work together to get done what needs to be done. All I’m understanding right now is this place is failing and it sounds like you guys are making excuses for it. So yeah, I”ll work with you, believe me, I’ll be telling you everything going on I’m seeing. And we’ll put in Macal’s guys and cameras and whatever else we need. But if you won’t let us help with much more than that then you’re right, it is your responsibility for whatever happens.”

She stands, knowing if she stays any longer she’ll end up unable to control her mouth or fists, , and throws back over her shoulder as she goes, “Yeah, we’ll be talking again soon.”

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