Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(So . . . I went and drew the costumes for my characters only to find out I never installed the scanner software into my computer . . . yeah . . . So I'll try to put them up Friday or Saturday.)

Lil wandered the entire room for a good chunk of time until she finally spotted Liza. Though looking at the birthday girl, Lil couldn't help but question why it took her so long. Liza was wearing a pink leather jacket. Not sure how she could've missed that. The angel had decided to run off the the gift table and give Liza her gift now. Why wait, right? With her right arm still in the sling, Lil started to drag her mess of wrapping paper and ribbon, over to the five year old. It wasn't easy since she also had to avoid bumping into the guests but she eventually made it, arriving after Raina did. She waited until the vampire, or witch as she was dressed, was finished talking before addressing the guest of honor. "Hi Liza. Happy Birthday. I'm sorry if your gift isn't all that great. It was sort of last minute." Lil then pushed the lumpy gift to Liza. It was only a little shorter than Liza herself. Maybe it was too big. (Just a reminder. It's a big pink pony stuffed animal dressed as Batman for some reason.)


Vash was amazed when he entered the dining hall and saw all the decorations. All this was for one little girl? He was in genuine awe. Having grown up in poverty, Vash had never even had a cake with frosting on it, much less a party as grand as this. Plus, he and his sister were pretty much isolated from the rest of the camp so there was really no one to wish them a happy birthday either. But it seemed like the entire school came to congratulate this Liza girl. He was honestly jealous. Either this girl was that much loved or the students here were just looking for an excuse to party.

As he looked around, he noticed how the majority of the gift givers were giving stuffed animals, and ponies at that. That was weird. Vash thought little girls loved llamas, not ponies or maybe that was just Maria. Still, it was a pattern, he looked down at the gift he and Riff had made for the birthday girl. It was a silver necklace with snowflake like clear crystals. Maybe they should've gotten something else. He nudged Riff with his elbow. "Our present is very different from what everyone else is giving. Do you think she'd even like it? After all we don't know this girl."

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I don't think she'll hate it. Besides, we had no time to shop for a gift. This will have to do."

Vash was still a bit iffy on their gift choice but it was too late to change it now. And it's not like they could crash this party and not give an offering to the birthday girl. After slipping the box back into his pocket, Vash turned to Lekki. "So what did you get this Liza for a gift?"
As more people begin to arrive, Liza is beyond thrilled with the attention and presents that are streaming in to her. She turns in circles, beginning to get overstimulated with her delight at all this attention. "Whooooa! I got SO MANY PRESENTS!!!!"

As Raina, Faye, and Myra enter, she checks out their costumes, announcing to all of them at the top of her voice, "YOU LOOK SO PRETTY! EVEN YOU FAYE AND YOU'RE SCARY TOO!!!"

She beams at Raina, shaking her head in response to her question about not beating her up, and then adds as a disclaimer, "Unless you're being real bad and need me to I won't!" Tearing into the wrapping paper of each gift, she oohs and ahhs and squeals, then hugs each girl in turn, including James, Deathwish, and Nick. "YAY I GOT NEW FRIENDS!!!!"

She is referring to her new toys rather than to the people giving them to her, and immediately sets to naming them. "This is Greeny Big Muscles. And this is Pinky Sparkle Tail. And this is Roary. And this is Pretty Pinky and Little Pinky, Tiny Pinky, Teeny Pinky, and Baby Pinky...oooh do you got me something too?" she asks Chameleon, coming over to him. "Is it a new friend?"

Faith, seeing Raina looking at Stick, Tsai, and Diana, decides that this could potentially be a good opportunity to influence the girl and so without touching her, attracts her attention towards them. "Raina, this is Master Stick, who taught Macal and Liza and helped raise Macal, and this is his wife Tsai, who did the same. And this is professor Diana Dormer. She was my Watcher and she raised me for a few years. This is Raina Sharpe, one of my students here."

Looking at Raina, she hopes she will see the significance of these people to her. Diana comes forward, recognizing as she always does a troubled soul when she sees one, and smiles at Raina, appearing genuinely pleased to meet her, and holds out her hand for Raina to take if she would like.

"Hello, Raina. If Faith is taking the time to work with you, you must be a very promising young talent indeed."

"She is," Faith says briefly but genuinely before taking Macal by the arm. "You and dance floor must meet."

View attachment 8336 Faith, Diana, Liza

As Lil approaches Liza, Liza takes the gift and hugs her before she even opens it. "Thank you Lil! Can I call you Lily? 'Cause that's prettier I think...."

As she tears into the package, she squeals and jumps up and down in a circle, absolutely thrilled. "IT"S A BATMAN PONY!!!! OOOOH!!! I'M GONNA CALL HIM BATMAN-PINKY!!!"

Hearing her in the distance, Faith snickers. Her daughter's naming "talent" always gets to her.
Faye smiled as both the twins and James came over to her and Myra, she nudged her sister lightly in the side, as if to say 'See! People did miss you!' Myra sent her a subtle glare in return and that just increased Faye's smile. She nodded to James, replying with a, "Hey James!" And then she turned to the twins as Nick pointed out Deathwish's hair and put his hand on her head. She grinned then, as the boys were both dressed as adorable little cats, and even let out a small squeal, covering her cheeks with her hands as she beamed at them both. "Awwww, you two look so cute!!!" She reached out and pinched a cheek each. Then, unable to help herself, she shoved the present at Myra and turned properly to Nick, leaning up and kissing him rather enthusiastically. She blamed it on the fact that she'd been so busy looking for Myra lately that she hadn't seen him in a while.

She giggled when they pulled back, leaning on Nick lightly as she looked up at Deathwish, "Hey Deathy, is that a wig or did you actually dye it?" One arm was still looped around Nick as she spoke to his twin and her eyes caught onto someone behind him, standing awkwardly near the wall. She grinned, "Hey look, Chameleon came as you two!" She nodded to the dark-haired boy, suited up in his 'vampire' costume.


Myra smiled as she noticed James heading over, though it was a very shy smile, but then Faye nudged her rather strongly in the side and she sent her a glare. She knew what that nudge had been for, but she stopped herself from saying anything. James then spoke and she looked up at him, smiling once again at his sweet comment and even blushing a light pink.

She had missed him.

He then held up his present for Liza and Faye chose that moment to suddenly shove their present for the child at her so that she could lock lips with her boyfriend. Shouldn't it be Myra kissing her boyfriend while Faye held the present like a good little sister? Oh well, they had never been particularly normal anyway. She smiled at him, seeming to gain some more courage as she spoke up, "Um, it might be that table over there piled high with presents?" She grinned at the obviousness of it and hesitantly reached for James's hand before heading over to the table with him and plonking her own present down beside his. She then looked down apologetically, "Sorry...I haven't been around's just that....I didn't feel too good after....after Kol showed up again.." It was hard to get that sentence out, but it needed to be said, she didn't want James to think she had been avoiding him because she didn't want to be his girlfriend anymore.

Because Raina was right. That was something she thought she would never believe to be true. But it was. She couldn't push away everyone she loved just because of Kol. And she did love James. A lot.


Jace heard Flower wake up, wondering why she gasped, but he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep until he heard her turn the shower on. He opened his eyes then, wondering if he should either pretend to be asleep again when she comes back out to avoid talking, or if he should leave now while she was out of the room.

He decided on the latter.

Jumping up quickly he pulled on some fresh clothes, put on some shoes and headed for the door. He could just leave the Academy until the party was over.
Flower heard movement as she was getting dressed. She walked out and then looked at Jace and then went silent. She pushed her hair behind her ear unsure of what to say. She wasn't going to stop him if he was going to leave. She thought maybe he should sort things out. "Not going I'm guessing?" She asked and then sat down on her bed brushing out her hair. She looked straight in front of her sort of hoping he was, even though she knew it was best he didn't. It seemed Jace's control over Sethos went straight out the window. She sighed a bit.



Nick looked at Faye in surprise but he didn't mind, he wasn't getting as much attention from girls anyways it was always nice to have Faye. He put his arms around her returning the kiss. When she pulled back calling them cute he chuckled. "Yeah well....This bell on my neck is driving me a bit crazy though." He said messing with the collar. "I don't think i'd make a good pet." He said and then looked at Leon and then laughed a bit.

Deathwish watched Nick and faye kiss. "Being the creepy one get's lonely somtimes..." He said and then looked at Faye. "Yes i did dye it....thought I'd try a new hair color it should either ware off in a few days." he said and then looked at Nick. "That's why i didn't ware one...." he said noticing Nick was messing with the collar.

James looks at Myra and then sighed. "Myra, i really hate it when you doubt yourself and shut yourself up in your room. It really makes me worry about you. I know seeing....that....******** again couldn't have been very pleasent...but couldn't you have come talked to me?" He said and thne looked at her. "I really want to make sure your ok....protect you." He looks at her and smiles lightly. "Because I love you." He said and then blushed lightly. He rubs his head a bit. He sets his down and then looks around.

Deathwish walked over and set his big one down and then looked around. He seemed a bit out of place....of course Deathwish wasn't very social but at least he came to these things with his brother. He walked off and then looked around for Faith or someone. He sighed deeply.
Chameleon looks slightly startled as Liza runs over to him, having seen the girl's over-enthusiasticness to, well, everything he blinks at her for a moment before smiling, handing her the present as he rubs his arm awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, I hope you like her, or him, um, I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl, you can decide." Since the karate bunny was pink and fluffy, he assumed Liza would see it as a girl, but who knows these days? Guys like pink too....right?

This sure was a huge fuss over one little girl, but then again when he was younger he was thrown huge parties at the palace and even though most were aiming to impress his parents, he still got a lot of fuss and of course a lot of presents. He did chuckle at the jacket she was wearing though, and watched nervously to see if the little girl would like his present he got her or not.

He heard Raina's name though and glanced up briefly, his eyes widened the tiniest bit. He had only seen Raina in the classical black t-shirt and black shorts - besides that time in Paris that ended in a kiss anyway - and seeing her in that black dress with brilliant purple eyes - well it was hard for him to look back at Liza, but he did so. Okay...maybe talking to Rai could wait until he felt less obliged to tell her how amazing she looked. She'd probably punch him if he even tried to compliment her.


Raina grins as Liza shows her clear excitement, yelling and whooping about everything she can. She's surprised China hasn't called to complain yet about the level of noise she's making. But then again, Macal's probably threatened the whole of the world that if they so much as breathe a word of complaint about his little princess he'd blow up their chocolate making factories or something...everyone loves chocolate right?

Oddly enough, when Liza announces she has new friends Raina automatically assumes she is talking about the new toys as she goes on to name them all. She holds back a scoff at some of the names. Greeny Big Muscles? She is tempted to tell Liza that his name is actually Hulk, but she bites her tongue and lets the birthday girl do as she pleases. Liza then heads over to someone else, asking if they have a friend for her. And when Raina looks properly she sees the person in question is actually none other than Chameleon himself, clad in a black suit and obviously impersonating a vampire. Raina's cheeks heat slightly and she mutters under her breath, "Vampires so don't look like that..."

She does have to admit though, he does look good in a suit.

Then her eyes snap back to Faith as she is suddenly introducing her to people, and she holds back a frown at this as she looks to the three. At first she is wondering why the heck Faith would think she would care. Why was she introducing her to people like she was some sort of....friend? Oh no. Raina found herself glancing to Macal then, as if silently questioning him with her eyes why the heck Faith was even bothering when she knew Raina would just be rude and walk off. It wasn't like the Slayer trusted her to actually care that these people were important to her. Right? She glanced to Faith then, and saw the look she gave her.

Oh sh*t the Slayer trusted her to care. Was that bad or good? Either way, time was running out to respond quickly and not seem insane, so Raina made a snap decision.

She resists the urge to frown at Diana, who offered her hand and smiled like she actually gave a damn that Raina was alive and breathing, and instead, reluctantly so, reached out her own hand and shook Diana's. You can tell it did take some effort on her part, and she nods at the woman, not quite managing a smile yet. "Hi Diana." The lady then compliments both her and Faith in the same sentence, telling Raina she must be something if Faith is taking time to work with her, and then when Faith agrees that Raina is infact 'promising' Raina is only further shocked.

Raina smiles, actually smiles a bit, as she withdraws her hand from the shake, "And you must be pretty promising yourself if you were able to raise Faith and still keep yourself from getting grey hairs" She is sure the slayer heard that comment, but it made Raina smile to say it, so whatever.
As she opens Chameleon's present, Liza is pleased to welcome Stuffed Animal #394 or so into her life, giving it a tight squeeze as she smiles up at Chameleon. "It's a boy 'cause tough karate boys can wear pink," she informs him. "And his name is Kyle."

After all the other names, this one is totally out of left field, but she hardly notices this. She does however follow Chameleon's gaze towards Raina and points out helpfully, and a bit loudly, "Isn't Raina so so pretty? She's my sister. We did bracelets. Plus also she said so."

Faith is already attempting to drag Macal to dance with her as Diana is speaking to Raina, but she does glance back briefly, trusting that the woman will be able to work her own subtle charm over her- the same skill she had used against teenage Faith and later teenage Sheena.

Focusing only on Raina at the moment, Diana laughs aloud as she steps back, allowing the girl what distance will make her comfortable even as she shakes her head, smiling at her. She has a British accent when she speaks. "Oh, touch ups of hair dye took care of that when I was alive. Believe me, no one could raise Faith Lehane Cord and not have a change in hair pigmentation to some degree." She shook her head again, still smiling, and her voice is amused as she continues. "It sounds like you know Faith well enough to know that if there was a window, she was sneaking out of it, if there was a party, she was finding a way to crash it, if there was a rule, she was testing and breaking and attempting to bend it to her liking."

She is more than willing to share some of her stories of raising Faith, should the girl's curiosity be piqued, just as she is willing to discuss how she is here post her own death.

Sheena watches as Faith drags Macal to the dance floor, still turned towards Alex; part of her hopes he'll ask her to dance, and another part of her wonders if she herself should do so. She doesn't notice Evangeline coming to linger in the doorway, not yet entering the room.
Lil smiled at Liza but winced as the little girl had hugged her. The kid's strength plus Lil's still healing arm equaled a surge of pain up her right side. At least Liza seemed to love her gift which was a relief to the angel. Liza even named it. Batman Pinky. Lil giggled a bit at the simplicity of the name. She stopped when Liza asked to call her Lily instead of Lil. The blonde smiled and patted the birthday girl's head. "Sure. Lily does sound prettier, doesn't it?"

As Liza went over to talk to a boy dressed as a vampire, Lil first wondered if any actual vampires would find offense to the boy's costume. Though maybe demons would find offense at her own outfit. Nah. It was cute, at least in her opinion. She had a black poofy miniskirt in with a matching corset like top with a hot pink strapless shirt underneath. A matching pink hat with little horns and pink stockings, along with black wings, tail and boots finished her look. No one was going to be offended right?

Still, she felt a little out of place. Lil was still very much new to the school and didn't make many friends at this school yet. Who was she going to talk to? She spotted Deathwish and Nick but they were busy. Nick looked especially busy with the zombie who was . . . eating his face? And other than Liza and Faith, who was busy with the vampire/witch girl, she really knew no one else currently at the party. She decided to get a drink to feel a little less awkward. Getting herself a soda, she began drinking it in the corner, watching everyone else chatting, dancing and just having fun in general.


After hearing what Lekki had to say (sorry for moving ahead Legend), Vash started walking toward the birthday girl. "Come on, Lekki. We'll give our gifts together. Riff, just . . . um . . . do something then." She was wearing a pink leather jacket so she wasn't too hard to spot. It seemed like she was talking to someone else but this was just going to take a sec. He tapped the little girl on the shoulder. "Hey. Um . . . I know we've never really met but . . . uh . . . happy birthday?" He then handed her the gift, a small box with the necklace inside. (It's a simple silver chain with three snowflake shaped crystals on it.) "It's from me and Riff. I know it's not a stuffed animal but we only found out this morning . . . and they don't sell any llamas near the castle. So yeah . . . enjoy?"

Waiting for Liza to open the box, Vash looked at Leon and waved. "Hey . . . I don't know you either."


Meanwhile, Riff was walking around the room. They were certainly making a bog ordeal out of this. It was a refreshing surprise to the boy. He grew up poor as well, not as poor as Vash, but his birthdays were simple. His mom would buy a small cake from the store and a book or coat, if he needed one, as a present. It wasn't much but Riff was never unhappy. Walking around, a familiar scent filled his nose. He turned around. It was coming from a green haired girl. He'd never seen her before but she smelled really familiar. He walked up to her, trying to ponder where he had smelled this before. It must've been awkward to her because he was getting really close.

After a minute, he snapped his fingers in realization. She smelled like that black haired girl, the one who was being kidnapped by that Jinn character. Hayley. He then noticed how close he was getting and backed off quickly. "I'm sorry about that. You just smelled like someone I knew . . . or at least know of."
Chameleon grins at Liza as she declares the stuffed animal male, then goes on to name it Kyle, he gives her a puzzled smile, after hearing names such as 'Greeny Big Muscles' , 'Pinky Sparkle Tail' and 'Pretty Pinky' he wonders how she came up with Kyle; possibly the blandest name Chameleon has ever heard. Staring at the pink bunny, he does realise it looks a bit like a guy anyway, despite the pinkness and fluffiness, and opens his mouth to ask what other presents she got and if any of them would be friends with Kyle.

But then she comments - rather loudly - on how pretty Raina is. His face heats slightly when a few people look over at Liza's loud voice and stare at him. He was wishing with every inch of his soul that Raina had not heard that comment and would not look over at his guilty coloured face. He quickly tries to change the subject, "She's very pretty, what did you mean about you being sisters?" He barely mumbles the first three words, focusing on the rest of the sentence. Raina and Liza were sisters? Since when? Wasn't she trying to kill Liza when she first got here? And now they were SISTERS?

He then noticed Vash as the boy spoke to him and nodded, "Hey, I'm Chameleon." He was still very much distracted with his fading embarrassment and Liza's declaration of being Raina's sister though, so it was more of a courtesy greeting.


Raina smiles slightly as the woman laughs, then when she goes onto say she's no longer alive Raina frowns. Not alive? But...but she's standing right there! She frowns still, even when Diana finishes speaking, and can't help but reach out and poke Diana's arm. She pulls back, raising an eyebrow at her, "You don't look very dead to sure you didn't just dream it?" People dream dying all the time right? Maybe this crazy lady just dreamt she died and has believed it ever since.

Raina does smirk lightly when she hears what Faith was like when she was younger, she is sure to use that against her at some point now. "Really? I was thinking more along the lines of having to stop her from staking anyone that so much as breathed the same air as her."


Jace practically froze up as Flower spotted him. So much for getting away without talking. He pauses in his actions as she moves around, simply blinking at her costume for a moment. Wow did she look beautiful. She spoke to him then, something about not going? Not going where?

Oh yeah! The party! He broke himself from his trance, and shook his head, moving back to sit on his bed again as he spoke.
"I don't think it's a good idea. Faith really doesn't like me, Raina's going to be there and I have no idea what happened with Sethos yesterday, it could happen again today...." He trailed off, he had almost kissed Sara yesterday. He had made both Ben and Kira walk away, disappointed, Sara had stormed off furious, and Flower, Flower had just seemed...sad. Really sad.

He sighed and flopped back on his bed, looking up at the ceiling idly as he muttered,
"Things were so much easier when we were kids." He was obviously referring to those days before his mum was killed, before he killed Malcolm and before Flower's family got killed. Things were a lot easier then.


Faye grinned as Nick played with the collar around his neck.
"Aw, I think you'd make an adorable pet."She knocked the bell slightly, making it ding, "At least this way we'd be able to know when you're coming so we can hide" She teased lightly, grinning up at the sweet cat. She then did a little spin in her own outfit, "What do you think?" She looked up at him, tilting her head and trying to look creepy, "Braaaiiinnnssss" She joked then stopped, hearing Liza say how pretty Raina was. She looked over to the young girl to see she was chatting to Chameleon.

Who had gone red. Faye smirked then, wait a minute? Did Chameleon...? Oh this was wicked! She so had to ask him about that!

She nodded to the red Chameleon, still leaning against Nick,
"Either he has unnaturally pink cheeks, orrrrrr, he thinks Raina's prettyy..." It was obviously the latter, and Faye couldn't wait to ask him about it - being the meddler she was.


Myra looked up at James as he spoke, her expression similar to that of a worried girl who had just told the guy she likes that she liked him. James was telling her off. He was mad at her. But then he started saying he wanted to protect her, and Myra's worried look slowly turned into a smile. She wanted to be protected. She needed to be protected. And for James to tell her he wanted to; well she knew immediately that shutting herself up in her room was something she'd never do again.

Then he said those three amazing, beautiful, important words. I love you.

Myra blushed a rosy pink, definitely smiling now, her eyes lit up a bit and rather than freezing up she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
"I love you too." She was struggling not to cry now. How could she have been so stupid to ignore James? One more day and he could have gone, he could have left her. Then what could she have done?

(Oh gosh almost passed out while writing that O.o I think that means I need to sleep...and it's only 1am danggit! Sorry guys! Gotta sleep)
"Uh huh," Liza nodded, hugging the newly christianed Batman Pinky to her chest as she looked up at Lil, now Lily in her mind. "I think so. So you're gonna be Lily now. Just like Sheena Legs is Sheena Legs 'cause that's how it should be."

She turns as Vash approaches her, recognizing him from class but not knowing his name. Nevertheless she smiles at him and takes the gift. "Thank you! I'm Liza Kathleen Cord. Riff is a funny name." She opens the gift and gasps, immediately lifting the necklace and fumbling with its clasp to put it on. "That's so so pretty! Thank you Riff and Vash!"

Only slightly paying attention to Chameleon's question and embarrassment, she nods in his direction. "Uh huh, Raina's totally wicked pretty...and uh huh we did bracelets and she said so we're sisters. Only my daddy isn't her daddy and my mama isn't her mama but that's okay anyway."

Diana doesn't flinch or move away when Raina pokes her arm and shows skepticism at her words, only laughing lightly. "You could call me something of a frequent flyer visitor from the dead, I suppose...Stick and Tsai generally live on a parallel world from our own, and in that world Tsai grows a field of a very special breed of flowers which can be used to summon people from parallel planes of existence for a specified space of time. Each flower can only be used once, and so she must use them sparingly as desired or needed. She has been so kind as to use a few of them in order to allow me to reunite with Faith on occasion and to see my granddaughter and Sheena. So yes, in a couple of hours I will return to my resting place among the dead, but in the mean time I am grateful for the opportunity to be here."

In answer to Raina's unasked question about Faith as a teenager, Diana corrects her. "I obtained custody of Faith when she was fourteen, she was not yet called as a Slayer at that time. That didn't keep her from wanting to hit anything that moved at the time, however, you are right about that."
Flower looks at Jace and then frowns. She walked over and then sat dwon beside him. "Yeah they were." She sighed deeply. "I had no idea about being princess or listening to orders or rules....all I cared about was when you would come over and we'd play." She sighed and then looked at him. She smiled lightly. "Not to mention kicking your butt everytime you scared me ghosty boy." She said and then smirked at him.


Nick looks at her and then laughs. "Creepy Faye." He said and then looked at leon. "Oh I'd say he does. Darn....there goes another possible date for Deathwish." He sighs deeply and then flinches as Deathwish smacks him on the back of his head. "Ouch." He looks at Deathwish.

"Don't play match maker it doesn't work." Deathwish glared at Nick and then crossed his arms. "I don't think me and Raina would get along anyways." He said and then hissed a bit. "Plus I'd hate to have your long list of girlfriends....even the serious ones are long. Including Kira..."

Nick flinched. "Oh God Flower's not here yet right? If she'd hear you say that she'd kill me...." His eyes widen. "Oh know....Flower's father isn't here is he?" he hides behind Deathwish. "Jeez if i set my eyes on Kira Ben's going to murder me." He said and then looked around.

Deathwish rolled his eyes and then looked at Nick. "When Flower was heading to her room she said she wasn't feeling well and King Benjamin and Queen Kira went out back to Crystal Castle. I think your safe." He said and then sighed. "Even your x girlfriends get you into the heck did you even date a Key Holder...the wars were going on."

Nick smirks a bit. "Oh you doubt me? I have had plently of experence." He said and then smirks. "Oh after a unsuccessful Key holder Vampire meeting I snuck out to flirt with her....and we always did that....untill Ben came along...ugh...i still remember everytime they saw each other it was like watching two teens." He shivered.

Deathwish glared. "And how are you and Faye any different?" He said and then smirks as Nick glared. "I'm still waiting." He said and then blocked as Nick tried to hit him.

Nick glared. "Oh shut up..." He looked at Faye and then wrapped his arms around her. "Completely different..." he said and then looked as Deathwish rolled his eyes. Nick sighed and then looked at Deathwish. He hisses at him.


James laughs as she hugs him and then looks down at her. "I'm glad." He said and then kissed her softly. He pulled back and then smiled at her very happy that things seemed to be going just fine now. He looked as Ginger and Trinity came in dressing like Alice from wounder land. Both girls as Alice? Oh well. James looked back at Myra and then held her tight. He heard a call from nick calling them Love birds but he ignored much as he wanted to fry Nick and put him on the food table as a Vampire on stake, this was a birthday party. "Someone needs to yell out unclean and burn him. He is half demon after all." he said glaring at Nick.

Nick glares at James. "Hey...I went through that once....I don't need no humans throwing garlic and trying to perce me with a stick doesn't work...all they got was an annoyed vampire with garlic breath." he said and then sighed. "And then they thought i could turn into a bat....if I could do that I would have and stayed away from those crazy paranoid idoits."

Deathwish rubs his head. "Please nick don't remind me...Humans back then mistook vampires in the worst ways....of course most vampires did suck blood...and weren't the best people to be around but still....they even tried to drill a hole in my head....which didn't work but they swore they say red eyes in my head instead of a brain....I wouldn't be surprised i bet Orpheous was ticked." He said and then rubbed his head. "Man it took father to keep me alive that time."
The more that Lekki watched Vash and Riff interact, the more she became to wonder about the pair and the other girl, Mel. She got a bad feeling about her and even with Vash's insistant that she was not mean or evil, the half-demon was not so sure. Still she knew better than to just judge so rashly. Everyone she had told that she was half-demon too seemed to be wary and when they saw her show no "signs" of such, seemed to make her into a liar of some sort.

"Ok if you say so Vash." Vash was her friend and so she wanted to believe his words. She smiled sincerely at him. Something must of happened though. She didn't ask what, but she thought maybe later. Maybe Vash would tell her more if she got to know him better.

They headed to the party, which put Lekki in a better mood. She was happy for that. Maybe later she would tell Vash all about herself as well. She held onto her present and watched Riff go off. She was confused, but then Vash presented a present from both of them. She smiled down at Liza. She held out her own present. It was a small charm of some sorts. The tag was a deep red color and on the bottom dangled what looked to be three moons crossed over each other and some stars circling it.

"Here you go. It's a charm that I made. We have a tradition in our family to give them to people we feel good about. It doesn't do anything really, but you can always pretend it does. I hope you like it. It's not much and it's handmade," Lekki said in a cheery tone. She smiled down at the girl.


Hayley, regrettably, did not have a gift for the girl. She felt bad about this. She had been keeping to the edges, trying to remain as insuspecitious as possible, but it seemed that her luck was not all that good tonight.

She looked to see someone approach her. She flinched at his words and she had to fight hard not to let anything change. No one must recognize her. Though by his words, it seemed that might not be as easy as she thought.

Hayley looked at Riff, trying to recall who he was. He claimed to know her and it came to her. He was with that girl from yesterday. The one who fought Jinn. She smiled softly at the memory and looked him over, feeling sort of bad because it had been her fault.

"I'm sure you've seen me around. Big place, lots of people," Hayley said, trying not to show her nervousness.


Kesson looked Zelda over and held back a blush, looking away for a moment. He cleared his throat and turned back to face her, giving her a smile.

"I think it's cute. And I really don't have anything for this occassion. Maybe next year," he said. He motioned for them to get going. "So what did you get for the little birthday girl?"


Jinn had not put on a costume. She did not think it was necessary. Instead she dressed in full black and stood in a corner of the room. She waited, watching each and every person that came through. She did not see Hayley, but the half-elf was not stupid. Hayley was a shape-shifter and if she wanted to be left alone or avoid people like herself, she could always change.

What Jinn had to do instead of looking for Hayley, was to look for someone who acted liked Hayley. If she could not tell who she was by appearance then she had to settle for habits she knew Hayley did or gestures. It would have been easier if she had known her for a longer time, but she was sure she could eventually locate her. She also decided to see if any of the people she knew Hayley had been around, would talk to anyone as well. Any of those could be Hayley as well.

The assassin was a bit proud though. If Hayley was here, disguised and not hidden in her room, then she was smart. And she needed smart. This only proved to her that Hayley would be perfect. She just had to convince her of such.
Zelda looks at him. "A dragon's charm." She said and then opened the small box. It was a golden necklace with a dragon. The dragon was pink and looked to be asleep. It was cute. "It's said to give anyone goodluck....but since I don't believe in that I thought I'd give it to her. Hopefully she likes it...I was going to give her the one that keeps evil away btu I thought it to scary." She said and then put the lid back on the box. She looked at Kesson and smiled. She started walking, looking at her nails that were panted pink. She shrugged and then looked bakc at Kesson. "Next time....going as a warror....maybe you should dress up as a general next year....then we'd sort of match." She said and giggled.
*Mac tries to resist Faith at first but eventually caves in and goes to dance with her, he can't help but keep watching how happy Liza is but his best present was yet to arrive, glancing down at his watch over Faith's shoulder, he stops dancing with her just as the lights in the room go out. through the skylight of the room a bright light shines over it with the Bat Signal in the middle of. Just as fast as the lights went out they come back up, crouched down next to Liza is Batman..or at least a reasonable copy with the exception he's Liza's height but other then that he's the same....And he's only about 7 years old.*

Stick: Who the hell is the kid in the long johns? Hey dumbass *taps him on the head with his staff that just appears in his hand* you're underwear goes on the inside.

*Tsai standing next to her husband and rolls her eyes*

Batman: *grabs the staff's end* Don't do that it hurts!

Macal: Ok maybe he's not exactly like Batman but she just asked for him like 45 minutes ago.

*Alex after giving Liza her present backs away and lets her other friends come together around her, he got a kick out of his present working as well as it did considering he just finished earlier this morning but now he decided to retreat to a table pull out his guitar and just try to stay out of the way playing quietly to himself.*
As the school was having fun at the party, Mel was sitting up in the rafters looking down as students, faculty and complete strangers gather round stuffing their faces with sugar. Idiots, she thought. Each and every one of them were just fools basking in the glow of their ignorance. Finally sick of watching them, she walked along the beams until she reached the doors and jumped down. Taking one last look back, she left.

Vash smiles at Liza. He's glad that she likes her gift. He's even happier at the fact that no one seems to be giving him or Riff any grief for being there. Maybe Faye was right. Maybe this school was a lot more accepting than he gave it credit for. After giving their gifts, he turns to Lekki. "I really want some candy right about now. Ooh! There's some! You want any?" He began walking to the table that had a huge cauldron of candy and chocolate. "So what does that charm do anyway? I can't imagine it being just decor-"

Vash quickly turned around. He thought he had caught a glimpse of a familiar face, and given his eyesight, he was rarely wrong. Scanning the crowd for a few moments, he found her. Mel. He ran through the crowd, pushing people aside until he exited the main doors and ended up in the hallway. (Lekki could and probably should follow him.) And he hadn't seen wrong. The figure of her walking away was clear as day in front of him. He rushed forward and grabbed her hand. "Mel?"

The masked girl turned her head to face him and slapped his hand away. "I don't know trash."

The slap was nothing but for some reason Vash felt a sharp pain in his hand. His face became one of desperation. "Come on, Mel. It's me, Vash. Remember how we used to sleep on rooftops and watch the night sky. We'd tell stories until we fell asleep. And that time I got drunk on that wine. So I got a bit handsy and you kicked me so hard, I practically got sober again. M-Mel?"

Mel said nothing though and continued walking away, but after a few steps she stopped and addressed the demon boy without turning around. "I'm leaving the school tomorrow night. This place is full of nothing but idiots and a**holes. If I stay here any longer, I'm going to throw up."

Vash was a bit distressed. He didn't really want to leave the school and no one was forcing them out. He'd even made a friend out of Lekki. But if Mel was leaving, then he should as well. "O-okay. I'll start packing after the party ends and-"

"No. You and Riff are going to be staying here. You've been fired, remember? I don't need you guys slowing me down."

At that moment, Vash felt his heart sink a bit. What? Riff and him were going to stay here? While Mel leaves? Was she abandoning him? Like his father did? Like his mom and his sister did? She was leaving him behind just like his family did? His fists tightened. He didn't want to be abandoned again. He didn't like the feeling that came along with it. "Mel, I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry. I promise I'll be better. I won't lose fights or say stupid things. I'll learn how to do first aid like Riff. I'll learn how to cook. I'll do anything but can I please go too?"

By this time, she had turned to him. Her arms were crossed over her chest. "I already said no. Vash, you are already 18 years old. You should act like it. I trained you to be a strong warrior, not a clingy baby. Now you two are going to stay here. I don't care what you guys decide to do with your lives but I'm not going to be part of it. Now enjoy this temporary paradise while you can. It will soon become Hell again." She then walked off, disappearing int the shadows of the hallway.

Vash fell to his knees, staring at the floor with blankness. This couldn't be right. Riff said to have faith. That this was all part of an angle Mel was working. But how could this be part of the plan? She was leaving and they weren't. She was officially throwing them away. He punched the floor. It was enough to make the ground immediately around him shake a bit, but now his knuckles were bleeding.


Lil gasped in surprise. Having seen Vash rush out of the party, she had followed him. And she heard everything. Mel was leaving tomorrow? That wouldn't do. The masked girl was crafty and it could take years before Lil could track Mel down again. No, tomorrow was her last change to end Mel's reign. It had to be tomorrow. But she wasn't ready. She was far from even beginning to get ready. She'd need help if she hoped to get Mel with the dagger. But who could help? Lil only really knew Liza and it didn't do her heart good to ask such a little girl for help. Even if she was a demigoddess. But who else could help? She knew Hayley but the girl was so insecure, Mel might just scare her into submission. There was Santos, but Lil barely knew him. Same with Nick and Deathwish. Faith was already so busy with the other students. Who could the angel turn to?


Riff pondered about what Hayley said for a minute and then shrugged. "I guess it's possible even though I've only been here for three days. Though my nose isn't as strong as a vampire's or werewolf's so I could be wrong. It's a nice scent though. Almost . . . refreshing. My name if Riff by the way."

The blond mummy looked out at the party. He was never one to be the center of attention. It was uncomfortable. "It's quite the birthday party, isn't it? All this for just one little girl. It's amazing really. Vash and I have never had such lavish parties for our birthdays. They were always so humble. Though it must be better than Mel's. No one has ever celebrated her birthday. Though I gues its understandable since she's a product of inc-" He quickly caught himself before speaking too much. Mel wouldn't appreciate him airing her dirty laundry. If he were to reveal too much, she might never take him or Vash back.

Trying to change the subject, he turned to Hayley. "So how long have you been at the school?"
Liza smiled at Lekki, taking the charm and admiring it. "Thank you! I feel good about you too Lekki. You're my friend. You're ALL my friends! Plus also I got new friends I get to name!"

Faith is slightly tamer than usual in her dance moves, what with all the kids and her adoptive mother being present, but she still moves in a very sensual manner, some of the usually controlled wildness that will always partly reside within her revealed. She almost stops entirely, her jaw dropping, when the seven-year-old sized Batman walks up to Liza.

"Macal...holy shit, you DIDN'T!"

She can't decide if she's happy Liza will be so happy or dismayed at the irritation now certainly lying around the corner for her.

Liza, meanwhile, lets out an earsplitting shriek of delight and runs to throw her arms around mini-Batman, so hard she actually tackles him to the floor. With Batman blinking and appearing somewhat stunned, she hugs him hard. "BATMAN! LITTLE BATMAN!!!! We're gonna be friends! We're gonna play and fight and kick ass and do EVERYTHING, you're my new friend!!! And my boyfriend!!! And you can share my mama and daddy and my sisters and we can share a bed and-"

"Oh hell no they're not, I don't care if he is just a realistic friggin' robot, you're gonna have to inform her to change those plans!" Faith says to Macal under her breath.

Sheena of course couldn't fail to notice that despite her attempts to approach Alex and talk to him, and her broad hints that she wouldn't mind dancing with him, he instead pulled away and went to sit by himself playing his guitar. Her face falls at this rejection, and she retreats into an opposite corner herself, not wanting to draw attention to herself and her growing misery with the situation or ruin Liza's party by leaving or showing how she feels, but unable to pretend to have fun. Out the corner of her eye she sees Evangeline enter the room and after a hesitation, starts toward her. Sure, Faith hadn't wanted her to come, but Evangeline was here, no one was paying attention, and it wasn't like her OWN boyfriend wanted anything to do with her.

(reminds self to post a longer Eve post when I get Macal I guess you didn't see Sheena talk to Alex a few times or is he just ignoring her? I just went with acting like he ignored her)
(I'll assume that Lady Charisse was accepted? xD Oh also amdreams, I'll try and drag Faye away from Nick at some point so she can interact with Lil, just so that when the 'show down' happens she can help hold Riff back or whatever :P )

Raina understood some of what Diana had said. They lived on a parallel world? Woh. What sort of people were Macal and Faith friends with? Well, then again...Macal was a God and Faith certainly wasn't what you would call normal, if she was married to Macal wasn't she technically a Goddess of some sorts? Still. Diana's deal sounded pretty sweet. Dead people could come back to visit their loved ones? If only she could get hold of some of those flowers. To see her Mum or Mabel again, even for a few hours, would be the best thing in the world. To hug them, to play with Mabel again like Raina was still a kid. Maybe she could get advice from her Mum like normal teenagers do. Talk about boys, talk about school, talk about, well, anything.

That would mean the world to Raina.

She then hears Diana's words about Faith and she grins at the woman, "When she was fourteen? Woh. You must have got the brunt of the hormonal teenager stage then, right? Was she bringing home boys everyday? Or was Macal her one and only love?" Raina is curious now, and as she knows Faith would never tell her any of this, well, she doesn't mind standing here talking to an almost stranger rather than messing around on the dancefloor.

She can't help but wonder though. If Faith was only fourteen when Diana, a woman she assumes isn't related to her, took custody of her. What the hell had her life been like before that? She knew, from Liza, that Faith had been loved in the wrong sort of way by her Father. But was her Mother bad enough that she left her? Or did she die like Raina's mum?

Oh god how much Raina had wished she had been in the custody of someone else at the age of fourteen. Anyone but her Dad.


Jace grinned at Flower when she called him ghosty boy, and he nudged her ever so lightly, "Oh you can talk, Flowerbud. Remember why I gave you that nickname?" He carried on speaking now, grinning still as she already knew what he was about to say. "I said it was 'cause you as were as fragile as a Flowerbud, all I'd have to do is jump out from behind a tree and you'd scream so loud I was surprised that your Dad didn't come running to see what was wrong."

At the mention of Benjamin Jace's grin fell a bit, reminding him of just one of the issues flying around his brain. He sighed, "Why did my mum have to have an affair with a demon? I mean, I loved her and all, I still do, but seriously? Being Malcolm's son would have been better than being Scorn's son. At least that way Sethos wouldn't be around." Sethos then made a snide comment about knowing he wasn't wanted, but not caring, and Jace rolled his eyes at the ceiling. "Yeah, being a kid was a lot more fun. At least when we were kids I didn't have a snide little demon commenting on my every word."

He sighed then, sitting up, as he ran his hand through his hair, he glanced to her, his eyes troubled. "You should probably get going before you miss the party." He did want to go, it would be fun to hang out with Flower at a party and maybe say Hey to Faye again, the only member of the Sharpe family that he didn't hate - maybe because she was only half-Sharpe though. Plus, she was one of the few people here who actually liked him. The others being Flower and maybe the twins.


Faye giggled as Deathwish hit Nick, it was amusing when they bickered, mostly because she knew Nick wasn't actually hurt. She nodded, agreeing with Deathwish, " and Raina wouldn't work. She's just a" She tried to find a nice way of saying mean. But it didn't work too well.

She frowned lightly as she heard Nick had dated Kira, Flower's mum. Okay, that was a tad gross. But she needed to remember Nick was, well, old. She tried not to laugh at that one, knowing that if he could hear her thoughts about him being old, he wouldn't be happy. But it didn't turn her off, Nick was still the most attractive guy ever, with the best personality to top it off. She didn't care if he was old enough to have dated Flower's mum.

She melted into Nick's hug as he wrapped his arms around her, insisting she and him were different to Ben and Kira, she liked it when he did that, wrapped his arms around her. It was almost a possessive gesture, and she liked knowing that he was possessive of her, even if it was a slight thing. It showed her that he cared, and that she belonged to him. Belonging was important to Faye. She had always tried her best to belong, even changing who she was so that people would like her. If they wanted her to smoke, burn down buildings and get drunk, then she would, just to belong. Things were different now though, she didn't have to change herself for people to want her to belong. She just had to be her.

She grins as Nick hisses at Deathwish, finding their fighting amusing, and she nods her head to a girl in the corner who was staring over at the three, she actually seemed to be eyeing up Deathwish, Faye wasn't sure if she was new or not, she hadn't seen her around before. "Ooo, look Deathy, that girl is giving you the eye." She nudged him lightly, "You should go chat to her, she's pretty." She remembered when Deathwish almost attacked her for calling him Deathy, and now he was taking the nickname like it was nothing. She was glad, she liked the nickname.

She then looked up at Nick playfully, raising an eyebrow even though she was grinning, "You dated Flower's mum? I'm surprised you're still breathing." Not only did he have to face Flower, but also King Benjamin was around AND his other daughter Sara.


Myra smiled as James kissed her, leaning her head against his chest and listening to the soft sound of his heart pumping happily, she also saw the two girls dressed as Alice and she held back a laugh. Even though Trinity had the age and better figure going for her, she had to admit that Ginger made an adorable Alice. She loved how tight James held her; feeling entirely safe in his arms.

She just rolled her eyes at Nick's call of love birds, tempted to shout back that he and Faye were just the same, if not worse, but bit her tongue. She wasn't quite brave enough just yet to shout across the room. She smiled, rolling her eyes good-heartedly as the two boys bickered, meeting Faye's gaze as they both gave each other a look that said, 'Someone needs to bang their heads together'

She heard what Deathwish said and her eyes widened a bit as she spoke in a soft voice; it was clear she wasn't quite over her sudden re-appearance of shyness. "They drilled a hole in your head? How did they manage to keep you down long enough?" She still had her head against James chest, and looked the image of innocence in her angel costume with her wide eyes and shy demeanour.


Chameleon nods at Liza's words, his reddened face had gone back to the pale colour he had changed it to for tonight, and he looked around as the lights went out, ready to defend and fight if he needed to. But then the Batman signal appeared, and suddenly a small kid was infront of Liza, dressed as Batman. Chameleon could tell it was a robot. But Liza seemed happy enough, tackling the chunk of metal to the floor, and letting out a shriek that made Chameleon flinch slightly and prod one of his ears. That girl could take out a full grown man with a shriek like that.

He listens to Liza begin talking at the fastest pace ever and he chuckles at her full-blown speech about the mini-Batman. "Uh Liza, I don't think your Mother would be so happy about you having a boyfriend just yet." He stands beside the two as Liza hugs the robot batman, "Maybe you should stick to just being friends." He could see why Raina liked this kid, she was pretty funny. Speaking of Raina, he was trying to avoid looking at her for fear of blushing like an idiot again.

"And I think you're squishing mini-Batman." He commented helpfully, moving to help them both up. The poor robot did look a bit bewildered.
Diana sees something in Raina's eyes then, a brief flicker of emotion as she speaks of her own circumstances of being able to return from the dead, and without needing an explanation, assumes that the girl has experienced loss in her own life, that she would express a reaction to Diana's explanation. A mother, a father, a sister, a friend? Diana did not know, but suspected a mother figure, for in hearing about her, Faith's mother figure, being able to return from the dead even briefly, a girl who had lost her mother would probably most strongly react to.

"I am very fortunate that I have the opportunity to see Faith at times," she told Raina lightly, "for the opportunity does not exist for every person who is deceased, even with the flowers. There are different planes of existence for the dead, and only a select few will be able through the flowers to access earth. Sheena's mother, for example, will not be able to visit her as I am able to. So yes, I am very lucky indeed."

Diana smiles, then laughs lightly at Raina's continued questions about Faith, more than willing to indulge the girl's curiosity and share some of her memories of the woman she loves as her daughter with her. She has no qualms about Faith's possible embarrassment, especially when it comes to being able to speak to other teenage girls who might in fact be rather like Faith about her.

"Oh yes, hormones running amock. Faith had been until this point living on her own with Sheena for perhaps five or six months, on the streets of New York City. I suppose Faith has explained to you the circumstances of how Sheena is younger than her now, but at the time she was slightly older. She was very much used to answering to no one, doing her own thing when and how she pleased, and it was quite an adjustment to her to have to become accustomed to living under my roof," she told her, smiling at the memory, but there was a rueful faint sadness to her eyes as well. She remembered Faith's defiance, of course, but she also remembered a malnourished, sick girl whose aggression masked deep pain and fear of being hurt.

"She didn't take any boys home, no, because I would not have allowed it, but she did sneak out to meet with grown men at all hours of the night. Macal she did not meet until I was long gone and Faith herself was a grown woman, he certainly was not her first attraction or even love, no. No, you see, Raina, I was only able to raise Faith until she was just over fifteen and a half, only two months after she'd been called as a Slayer. It was certainly regrettable that I died then, when she was still so young, but she has become quite a woman all the same, yes?"

She smiles at Raina then, having averted spelling out to her that it was in fact Sheena's fault that Diana had been killed. That was Sheena's business to share if she chose to do so, and Diana would not state it without her consent or knowledge.


(he isn't metal, Batman seems to be made of human flesh lol)

"I am not either squishing you, am I?" Liza asked her new Batman boy-toy, and when it hesitated, she took this as affirmation. "See? I am not either. Plus also Mama won't even care I don't think."

She helped it to its feet and immediately dragged it off towards the dance floor, commanding it all the way. "We can dance! And then you can teach me how to FLY!"

Faith is still dancing with Macal but sees Liza dragging Batman off. Shaking her head, she scans the rest of the kids briefly and is pleased to see that Raina is still talking to Diana. Yep, the woman is definitely one she'd pick to get through to her...and Raina actually looks INTERESTED. Dammit, that means they're probably talking about her.

She shrugs it off, continuing to dance, but then tenses, nodding towards the doorway with her chin as she sees Evangeline enter and Sheena head in her direction. If that girl does something, ANYTHING tonight...

"Hi, Lina," Sheena says, her smile not as wide as it might usually be, but its relief is clear as she slips an arm through her sister's, pulling her into the cafeteria with her. "We should hang out...everyone's busy, and it kind of looks like I...I mean Alex..."

She notices then that there is something odd about Evangeline's expression, strained, as though she is forcing herself to endure Sheena's touch. She is not meeting her eyes or rather looking at her at all. In fact, she's looking into the crowd on the dance floor, as though seeing something Sheena doesn't recognize, and she is pale, her muscles so rigid that Sheena frowns before a possibility dawns on her.

"Lina...are you...hungry?" she asks hesitantly, biting her lower lip. "Is this...tempting for you? Should you maybe..."

Evangeline paused for several long moments before shaking her head, but she barely seems aware of Sheena's hand on her arm as she steps closer, then pulls away from her entirely. Sheena frowns as Evangeline marches straight into the middle of the crowd, seeming to be going to someone specific, but as Sheena watches, then starts to follow her, her sister stops in front of no one at all. Sheena can't hear everything she's saying over the noise, but she appears to be frustrated, hissing something to the person in growing anger.

Confused, Sheena draws closer, catching the tail end of her sentence. "I don't know what you're doing but you have to STOP, you aren't even trying to hurt me yet or even touch me so what ARE you doing other than driving me insane?! I'm NOT afraid of you so just STOP already!"

"Lina?" Sheena asked, frowning more deeply, and Evangeline was slow to turn to her, still not seeming to quite recognize her.

"Lina-" Sheena started, but Evangeline was pushing past her, heading towards teh door again. When another kid bumped her, she snarled, her fangs coming out, and as Sheena started towards her, calling her name sharply, Evangeline took a step toward the kid, as though to intimidate her, but then her eyes widened and she stumbled backward, staring at a spot behind the kid where Sheena saw nothing at all. Her fangs retreated, and she ran out the door with Sheena staring after her, stunned...and also increasingly worried.

Something was going on...she had to start looking into her sister and her past soon, as well as her present. She knew it....but god she didn't want to.
(It's a Batman LMD Life Model Decoy, it looks human, has the memories, emotions, dna and brainscans of whoever they're copying, S.H.I.E.L.D uses them for decoys for high ranking agents in more or less unfavorable conditions, there is pretty much no way to tell the difference without an intense scan or dissection...But considering it's a 4 foot tall Batman I think the cat is out the bag.)

*Mac walks over to Liza and helps her and Mini-Bat up* Sorry Liza but he can't stay in your room, you know that right. *7 years old or not Mac wasn't having that. It's bad enough that her favorite teddy bear that she always carries has the soul of one of Mac's fallen knights in it as a last line of defense in case Liza is in mortal danger, so Bats living in her room is out of the question.* Besides he has his Batcave or crate that he lives in...Any other adults in the room feel free to help me out here.

*Stick turns away trying to be innocent, even Tsai walks away going to the table with the food on it.*

Real mature, for two people that are older then time you're sure are no help. So much for Sage Like Wisdom.
Deathwish looked at Faye and then raised an eyebrow. He looked to Myra and then pulled at his shirt. " don't want to know Myra..." He said shivering and if it made Deathwish shiver....oh it had to be the worst. He looked at Faye again. He chuckled as she questioned Nick and Deathwish backed up a little and walked away to see what food they had.


Nick looks at Faye and smiles a bit nervously. "oh well i try...Flower surely hated the idea of me dating her mom and then quite a few times flirting with her...." He rubs the back of his head. "Ben certainly scares me...." He said and then swallowed. "He almost murder me a few times...." He said and then looked at Faye. He smiled lightly. "Can we get off this subject....I feel like he's going to pop up somewhere behind me." He said rubbing his head.


James looks at Myra happy to be with her once again. He looked at Deathwish as he shivered. "If he's scared to talk about it......It's got to be bad." he said and then shivered not even wanting to think about the possibilities. "Jeez that's to creepy to think of." he said and then looked at Myra again. He smiled lightly, he kissed her head. He was enjoying having her around again. Even his body was warming up, sort of a dragon's reaction to love....well to James it is. His inner fire sort of heats up when he's feeling love.


Flower looks at him and then smiles. "I think i grew out of that fast." she said and then looked at him. She sighed as he talked about his mother. "Scorn....always finds a way...." She rubbed her neck. "Rules don't apply to him....he might have even put her under a spell. He's done that to me once....but only to attack someone." She said and then looked at Jace and chuckled. "I guess your right....I wouldn't want to upset the birthday girl....even though it probably won't matter to her if I show up or not." She said and then stood up. She looked at Jace and then smiled. She looks at him and then suddenly kissed his cheek. "You better not let Sethos out or I'll kill you both." She said and then stood up. "That for luck by the way." She said stubbornly and crossed her arms. "You seem to do better when I'm around...not to mention you always come out after a kiss." She shrugs and then walks to the door. "BE GOOD OR ELSE!" She yelled and then shut the door, then she aloud herself to blush a little. She started walking to the party.
"Awww but Batman wants to stay with me so he can be warm and cuddled and stuff, right Batman? Plus also a crate is not a good place to sleep. He doesn't have no pillows, and anyway he doesn't even sleep in a cave 'cause he's not really a bat. He's a little boy Batman so he's gotta have a bed I think. And a mama to tuck him in," Liza informs Macal, still holding Batman's hand, and mini-Batman looks between them as though waiting to see who wins out.

With Macal having ditched her mid-dance to interfere with the Batman situation, Faith rolls her eyes, knowing that a power struggle as only Liza can conjure is likely about to occur, and looks around again to check on everyone else. So far everyone seems to be behaving, she doesn't see Mel or Evangeline or Jinn or Jace or Kol, and everyone looks like they're having a great time. She does notice Alex playing guitar in the corner, to himself, and Sheena on the opposite side of the room by the door, and sighs to herself. One thing she's really gotten sick of over the last year and a half or so is the teenage melodrama between those two. They had more ups and downs in their relationship than an elevator.

She heads over to Sheena, who in that moment is deciding between whether to leave Evangeline alone or follow her out, knowing it will further irritate Faith if she left Liza's party without barely spending time with her. She attributes the look on her face entirely to the Alex drama as she speaks to her.

"Sheena, Alex is in the corner by himself playing guitar. The guy's gone so much he doesn't really have friends around here, he's over there alone. Don't you think you should go talk with him, at least?"

"Faith, I tried, he didn't even talk to me, he just gave Liza her gift and walked away and went to go sit like that," Sheena muttered, and Faith exhaled, rolling her eyes again.

"Well, what did you say, did you bring up something about Eve again?"

"No! I just...was going to ask him to dance...Faith, Evangeline-" Sheena started, then stopped herself, looking down and swallowing. On high alert now, Faith stepped closer to her, raising an eyebrow. Had Sheena actually started to research Eve? Had she found out something that she was having a hard time accepting?

"Yeah? What about her?"

Sheena paused, then said carefully, "She's acting sort of she's hearing or seeing things. Like she's angry, or...scared."

Faith struggled to keep a straight face as she nodded, knowing all too well what was going on with that. "Huh....well, I think you should talk with Alex. No, actually you'll probably screw it up so I'll do it for you."

Without waiting for Sheena's answer she headed off to him in the corner, as much so Sheena wouldn't read her expression about Eve as because she wanted to help her out with Alex. Once close to him, she leaned in, saying in a near whisper, "Chip implant thing with Eve seems to be working, and by the way, you're a dumbass, who goes to a party and sits alone in the corner when their girl wants to dance and make up? Get up and talk to her, stupid!"
Chameleon watched as Liza dragged Batman away to the dance floor, and he found himself idly following her, as though to make sure she didn't blow up little Batman or anything. He chuckled as she commanded it to teach her how to fly, and when Macal came over Chameleon watched him help Liza and mini Batman up and tell the girl that no, little Batman could not sleep in her room. When the man asks for help Chameleon holds back a laugh as Stick and Tsai ignore him.

He turns to Liza then, "Your dad's right Liza, Batman has to go back to his Batcave after the party and make sure Alfred the butler's alright, I'm sure he has a bed in the cave." He smiled at her, "It's in a top secret location that only Batman and Alfred are allowed to know." He added this just in case Liza declared she wanted to go see the Batcave. "I'm sure he's a good dancer though." He gave Macal a grin before glancing around the room. His eyes rested on Raina for longer than they should have, taking in the smile that was on her face, she was obviously laughing at something the other woman had said, and a small smile rested on his face before he dragged his eyes away and looked back at Liza and the mini-Batman.

(Reply to the rest later, my sister needs to borrow the laptop)
*Alex stops playing long enough and looks up to her* I'm sorry Faith but I really don't feel like any kind of drama right now, I just want to sit here and quietly enjoy the party, besides as long as Eve has her claws in Sheena, she's not going to listen to a word I have to say anyway, not saying I won't deal with this eventually but right now I'm really tired and don't have the energy to even stand let alone dance, took me most the night getting Liza's present together and in case you don't remember, I'm human, no immortal stamina like you guys have, so for right now unless Liza needs me for something I rather be left alone. I barely know anyone here anyway..I'm thinking maybe I'll move back to my base and get some real research done, I mean who are we kidding, this place is pretty much useless to me, I have multiple advance degrees, I'm S.H.I.E.L.D combat training, I can fly or drive anything from fighters to nuclear submarines. So why am I here? *Looks down at his guitar and starts adjusting the strings* I know you're about to lecture me Faith but please don't, I'm not a minor anymore and you and Macal are no longer my guardians, I'm an adult and I need to start living in the real world, no longer living under the shadow of you and Macal, it was nice for a bit but no one will ever take me serious as long as I'm under your wings. It's time for me to make a name for myself. *Alex pulls out a black marker and starts writing on the front of his guitar, then leans it against the a chair before he stands up and walks towards the doors in the opposite direction that Sheena left. Macal being Macal hears the entire conversation but doesn't say anything to either of them just tries to start in party mode for Liza's sake.* Before you start yelling at me Faith, understand this has nothing to do with Sheena, I love her and I'll still be with her if she wants me depending on how the situation with Eve turns out but this is something I've been thinking about for a long time, I'm no longer a child so it's time to put away my childish things. Once I had my own command, my own base and team and I gave it all up to come here, I put my career on hold and I can't do that any longer. Anyway I'll give it to the end of the week and I'll talk to Sheena and Mac tomorrow but for now I think I'm going back to bed.
"Awww...that's not even cool I don't think," Liza pouts briefly, before turning to hug Batman hard again, batting his back in what she intends to be a reassuring manner but looks rather rough and painful with her enthusiasm. "That's okay Batman, we can still have fun. Plus also we can dance and Chameleon thinks you're a good dancer so let's do that!"

She drags him the rest of the way to dance, easily the smallest two on the floor, and begins a rather ridiculous looking motion that looks partly like she's trying to copy her mother and partly like she's a puppy simply frolicking. Batman, somewhat perplexed, attempts to keep up with her.

Faith grits her teeth as she takes in Alex's reply, wanting more than anything to snap back at him and command him as a guardian figure, no, as Sheena's sister, to go talk to her, but she can't and she knows it. He's right, he's 21 years old now, and she can't tell him to do anything he doesn't want to do. And as much as she hates to admit it, he's right that at his age and with his ability he doesn't really belong here, he should be out doing his own thing making his own way. Sheena wanting to stay with her family is fine and appropriate for her age, if that is what she indeed chooses, and it's a strong possibility that it won't be long before she herself could have a job as a trainer if she chose to remain rather than to go off on her own with her own team. But Alex has never had interest in that, and Faith can't force him to stay. Not even for Sheena.

Still, everything he's saying pisses her off anyway, because to her he's not even trying, and he's definitely not showing any love towards her sister that she can see.

"You're right, I can't tell you what to do and you're an adult," she said evenly, looking him in the eye. "It's your business what you do with your life. I'm talking about what you do with my sister. You don't want drama, then you make sure there's not any. You're creating it right this second by sitting there ignoring her when she wants to be with you. You want to leave, you're tired, fine. You don't demonstrate it by sitting there not explaining that fact to her and ignoring her at a party of all places, how the hell is that proving what an adult you are? An adult does what they need to keep their relationship going even if it sucks. I'm not lecturing you because you're a kid, I'm lecturing you because what I think you're doing here sucks. Those all might be perfectly fine reasons for what you're doing but they aren't reasons Sheena knows about or that you're making any effort to let her know about. Maybe she's hurting you, maybe she's been a shit to you, I don't know, I'm not always there. But it's not her fault, okay, she's not in an easy position here. You're always quick to jump to the conclusion that she hates you every time you get in a fight, well what the hell do you think she thinks if you go off in a corner and don't acknowledge she exists in a freakin birthday party? Whatever. Maybe it's not my BUSINESS or whatever but it's me who always ends up dealing with the aftermath."

She stalks off towards the refreshment table, her back muscles taut as she pours herself a drink.
*Mac walks over to Faith rubbing her shoulders and leans in close* The kid is confused..both of them are, Eve is driving a wedge between them and I can't blame the kid to much, I mean you saw how she reacted when he showed her video of what her sister did, that look in her eyes, I've felt that look from you before and it's disturbing to think someone you love could look at you like that..all the trust and love at that moment seemed to vanish. It just takes time to get back in sync with each other, of course him brooding in a corner doesn't help much but everyone deals with this situation a different way...It's no longer our place to lecture them on how to deal with their relationship as tempting as it is for us to want to help, they need to either fix it themselves or not cause we're not always gonna be there for them to fix it. And he's right about his career, agents that are as idle as Alex is right now would pretty much be committing career suicide by not trying to advance their career and you know Alex he's happier when he's up to his elbows in research it's his comfort zone and I guess being here has kept him from it for to long..Look just let him sort things out in his own head first that way when he does goes to talk to Sheena there is a pretty good chance he won't say anything stupid to her. Let's face it compared to some of the fights we've had this is pretty much a day at the beach...He needs to think and She needs to think and in the end they will both make up..Now I believe I owe you a dance. *Taking his wife's hand and leads her back to the dance floor.*

*Alex is about out the door when the words from Faith start to sink in.* Dammit! I'm such an idiot sometimes! *He walks over to where is left his guitar and picks it up moving to the center of the room he starts playing and singing along with music from his bracer being channeled into the school's PA system* Sheena I hope you're close enough to hear this.
Faith sighs, letting Macal rub her, letting him lean close to her ear as he speaks to her quietly, and eventually some of the tension in her muscles begins to give way. He's right, and she knows it...compared to some of the issues Alex and Sheena have had, this is nothing. They aren't screaming and insulting each other, they aren't beating people up over each other, Sheena isn't crying all day long, no one is trying to throw themselves at other people, no one is trying to kill themselves....all in all it's actually a rather peaceful argument, even more so than the majority of arguments Faith and Macal themselves have had in the past.

"I guess you're right," she mutters. "Still, dammit, I'd like to fast forward the whole "letting Sheena deal with Eve" thing and just break the little b*itch's neck myself."

She lets Macal take her back to the dance floor and attempts again to lose herself in the rhythm of the music and the touch of her husband, but when Alex starts playing the music for Sheena, she can't help but notice that. She starts to smile just a little. "Ha. I've still got it."

But then when she pays attention to the actual lyrics, she starts to frown, because it's not exactly a love song. Her eyes drift towards Sheena to see how she's taking it.

Still standing by the doorway, as though caught between leaving and staying, when the music begins to boom through the school and Sheena looks to see that Alex has rigged it that way, Sheena starts to smile at first, thinking this is his way of making up. But when she listens to the words he is singing she grows serious again, not knowing how to respond. It sounds to her like Alex is saying that he does love her, but that he can't be with her right now, that he needs time away from her...maybe even that he's leaving. It sounds to her like he's saying that it's because of her...and what does the "how can I fall when when you just wont' give me reasons" part mean? Was he saying he wasn't in love with her anymore because she wasn't giving him a reason to be?"

She is pretty sure her thoughts are showing on her expression as she abruptly leaves the doorway, more confused than ever. Seeing Hayley among some of the others in the crowd and seizing this as a distraction, she goes to her quickly, touching her arm to get her attention. "Hi."

(here's the lyrics for anyone who wants to read)

How Can I Fall


Give me time to care, the moments here for us to share

Still my heart is not always there

What more can I say to you

Could I lie to you, I'm just too weak to face the truth

Now I know I should make a move

What more can I say

How can I fall, how can I fall

When you just won't give me reasons

When you just won't give me reasons at all

When all faith is gone, I fight myself to carry on

Yet I know of the harm I do, what more can I say to you

Now I hold this line, I know the choice to leave is mine

I can't help what I feel inside

What more can I say

How can I fall, how can I fall

When you just won't give me reasons

When you just won't give me reasons at all

I'll follow through, I'll see I do

When the time is more right for you

I'll make that move, and when I do

Will I doubt again, the way I do

How can I fall, how can I fall

When you just won't give me reasons at all

How can I fall, how can I fall

When you just won't give me reasons

When you just won't give me reasons

How can I fall, how can I fall

When you just won't give me reasons

When you just won't give me reasons

Just won't give me reasons

Just won't give me reasons at all

How can I fall, I fall, I fall

How can I fall for you

How can I fall, how can I fall

When you just won't give me reasons

When you just won't give me reasons

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