Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

"You can say stuff in front of me!" Liza protests, tugging at Lil's arm. "I'm a big girl. I can keep secrets and I won't even tell anyone. Except my bear. And my dogs. And my horse. But that's all."

Faith looks down at Liza, shakes her head slightly, then says, "Pip, I think Casey needs fed, by the way, and I know Rosie needs groomed. Go get to that and you can play with Lil in a little while, okay?"

She waits until Liza leaves before she looks back at Lil, her voice very even. "There are way too many secrets around this school already and way too many people registered here that are dangerous. You want me to help you, be on your side of things, you'll have to give me some details. Should I be worried about you here, or should I be worried about someone else? Either way I'm gonna find out and take action, so you might as well say the truth."


Sheena is already tensed as Atherton comes into view, her senses primed, ready to move very, very fast and with deadly violence if prompted. But when he speaks of Alex so mockingly, it takes all her effort not to immediately wolf out and just jump him. Instead, she lets her eyes move to Evangeline, noticing the marks on her face and feeling a flash of anger. Had he hit her, hurt her?

As if on cue, Evangeline speaks up, her voice pleading, anxious. "Sheena, you should turn around. You and Raina, he'll hurt you. Let me talk to him, you have to go back!"

To Atherton, she says in an indignant tone that is put on, though she does not want Sheena to realize, "You shouldn't talk about my sister like that! You leave her alone!"

Sheena takes a step forward, one hand on her sword as she continues to measure the situation. Finally she speaks calmly.

"I'm gonna take a leap of faith and assume you've got creatures waiting in the wings to ambush us, and that you're not gonna just sit around talking for long either. So let's get down to the real options here. Either we shoot the breeze a while and you let my sister go, or else we get out the big guns and fight. The first option would be nice but let's face it, that's not why any of us came. So...who's for saving time and skipping to option two?"
*He sits up right and slams his fist into the chair's arms* YOU DO NOT DICTATE TERMS HERE LITTLE GIRL. *Grinning now* There is sooooo much to talk about and as the designated bad guy I get to rant and explain my complex plans on how this was set in motion long ago and it's your job NO it's your duty to stand there sucking your thumb and LISTEN TO ME! See Eve here seems to think you're still her sister, that you're her only living blood relative but what stupid here doesn't realize here is you two haven't been the same blood for a long time...That's my blood pumping through her body now and just in case you don't believe me. *His eyes turn pitch black as he rises his hand and makes a tight fist as if he was squeezing something, at the moment the blood in Eve's body is burning her from the inside out, it's a pain so intense he has to stop after a few seconds of his demonstration so not to burn her up and give her a true death* Have I made myself clear, I'm your only family Evangeline!
Evangeline screams, dropping to her knees and pawing at her own hair and skin as though in an effort to put out flames that she feels very vividly, but are not visible on the outside. Seeing her in such pain, hearing the anguish in her tone, it's more than enough for Sheena to start to wolf out. Snarling, forced to let her sword drop beside Raina for the moment, she gets between Evangeline and Atherton and clamps her jaws around his thigh, chewing and tugging hard to attempt to bring him down to the ground, unable to stand or walk.

As Atherton releases his torment of Evangeline, she struggles to her feet again, panting, though as a vampire she does not require breath. Her chest rising and falling shallowly, face flushed, hair strewn over her face, she stands, hands forming fists.

She is no longer entirely sure which side she is on...perhaps it would be better to TRULY be on Sheena's side for this battle, after THAT experience. If only for this one instance.
Zelda looks at him and then smiles. "Yes. This is fun." She said and then looked around letting herself relax and have fun for the ride. She giggled. "Better not get lost." She said and then looked around. 'I haven't been around here much so don't exect me to be able to help." She said and then held onto him with one arm while trying to get her hair to calm a bit. At least get it out of her face. She then wrapped her arms around him once again. "Should have put my hair up first." She said and then laughed.
Lil was a bit embarrassed. Faith was right. The academy was really big. Of course there were going to be a lot of dangerous students. It made sense that the slayer would need to know more before helping her kill another student. What if Lil had been lying and Faith helped to kill an innocent kid? But she wasn't.

The blonde went through the pockets of her dress and pulled out a beaten and folded envelope. From the envelope, she produced various cut out articles and pictures. Some were more recent than others. The oldest dated to about nine years prior. Each article covered a murder. Some were group murders and others had single victims. The most recent talked about an entire village of people who were burned to death within their own church. One talked about a powerful businessman found dead in his home, cut, beaten and even raped. The others were mostly about victims being tortured to death. The earliest was a wealthy family, all dead.

They all had one thing in common. According to reports, they were all committed by a villain titled the "Princess of Lucifer," a merciless girl who is said to kill randomly and for nothing but pure entertainment.

The pictures were mostly of the results of the princess' little games, all except one. An extremely old photo with crumpled marks and yellowing paper. It was of a young girl, around six or seven years old. Her black hair was messy. Half was up in a pigtail while the rest fell down to her shoulders. Her small frame wore a simple white dress that had tattered edges and huge blood stains. The upper half of her face was covered with a pink blood stained bunny mask and she wore a smile on her face.

Lil placed one finger on the picture of the little girl and said, "From what I've heard, this girl is at this school."
Faith stared at the picture that Lil had just presented her with, her eyes scanning over the articles, and unconsciously her jaw tightened. What, was there some kind of rule that for every relatively safe and non-violent student that was admitted, a dangerous, murderous one must be too? What WAS this, what kind of moron was running this school- somebody straight from Wolfram and Hart? Or even hell?

It was quite a high possibility, in her mind.

"They really gotta just stop with this "equal opportunity for the evil bastards" thing they've got going around here," she muttered to herself as much as to Lil. Looking up at Lil, squaring her shoulders, she continued, "Okay, I'm interested. What's her name, and she sure as hell better not be one of the new kids on my class roster. Let me guess, I'm gonna have about FOUR psychopaths in one room every time I teach from now on, right?"
(I think Sethos will be around for a while now, might not be seeing much of Jace for a while since Kol is on the loose and Sethos's current emotions outrank Jace's.)

Raina tenses as Atherton addresses her, even going as far to call her little Raina and commenting on her growth and outfit, even crossing her arms as though to protect her chest from his sight, though of course that doesn't do much since she could certainly never be called flat chested. She falls silent, simply glaring at Atherton with tons of hatred in her gaze as he and Sheena talk back and forth.

She has currently found 9 different ways to torture and kill the bast*rd.

But when he does something to Evangeline, causing her to feel immense pain, Raina can't stop the smirk that spreads across her face. She had that coming. Atherton would be able to see the smirk that crosses Raina's face, Evangeline might even, but Sheena can't since her back is to her. When Sheena begins to bite and Evangeline stands, seeming uncertain of her decision, Raina takes this as her cue to speak up.

She steps forward, arms still crossed as her eyes flicker from Eve, to Sheena, finally to Atherton, though she remembers Alex's warning and doesn't look him in the eyes, instead letting her eyes rest on his cheek, so to him he may think she's looking him in the eyes. She's glad that she doesn't have to look him in the eyes, she's not sure she could after what he did to her. "Sheena. Stop. Impulsive fighting because he pissed you off is stupid, not to mention you're not doing a very good job of hurting him there." To her, Sheena currently reminds her of a pathetic puppy that is chewing on it's master's ankles. She then addresses Atherton, "Atherton. I'm going to make this easy for you. Sheena wants you to release your hold on Evangeline other there." She pauses, grinning lightly as she glances to Evangeline, "I don't care either way if you release her or not. Infact I'd love it if you caused her pain again. But I am here to kill you, with the help of Miss. Thigh Biter over there." She looks back to Atherton, not meeting his eyes, "So, how's this gonna go? You wanna waste some time first and set your little vampire pets on us? Or go straight for it?"

She pauses, before commenting, "Oh, and just so you know, blood doesn't make family." She glances to Evangeline also as she says this, though making a point. "Just because you have the same blood as someone, doesn't mean you have to consider them family at all."


Faye rolls her eyes as he says he doesn't know, not noticing he jerked back, "You don't know?" She speaks playfully, "Seems someone's not a very good party planner? How about day after tomorrow?" She then falls silent when she hears what he said about Deathwish, "Oh. Well hopefully he'll be feeling better soon." She pauses, then smiles lightly, "Do you think my healing will help him?" It has helped rest Myra before, when she wasn't getting much sleep Faye had 'healed' her body and she felt much more relaxed and well-rested.


Myra fell silent as James talked, her heart warming at his words. He didn't care? He saw her as more than that? Even though his words erased some of the doubt inside her, she still found words to argue back with, though she wasn't angry, it was more of a saddened tone in her voice, her eyes looking down as her gaze was unable to meet his. " was my fault James. I...shouldn't have shouted, I should have just run, I should have been faster...I should have.." Her voice choked up and tears came to her eyes, she closed in on herself, hugging herself almost as tears started to drip down her cheeks.

It was too much. It was all too much. Kol was back. He was back and he wanted her, again.


Sethos turned around, crumpling up the note and chucking it behind him to land on the bed as he listened to his dad talk. His dad. Sure he was technically Jace's dad too, since he had his blood running through him, but Sethos got his everything from his dad, his evilness was the one he was most proud of. Jace was more like their mum, soft, against the murder of innocent people. Pssh, what idiots.

"How'd you get rid of him the first time?" Sethos asked casually, arms crossing as he spoke again, "Couldn't you just do it again? Then again, he'd probably expect it this time." He murmured almost thoughtfully, "Couldn't you use Flower against him? Threaten her life or something." He frowned, "Speaking of her. Pretty sure she's following me." Sethos could feel it now that he'd picked his next victim. The urge to spill blood. Do some damage.


Chameleon had made his way back to the academy, looking normal though he felt like sh*t on in the inside, and had headed to his room. Only to see the door was gone, wooden splinters against the floor, and Jace--wait no Sethos, was standing by Raina's bed with....His eyes widened. The Vampire King.

"Uh. Why is my door shattered? And what the heck are you doing in my room Sethos?" He tried to ignore the Vampire King being in his room also.

Sethos looked to ninja boy, Chameleon, and raised an eyebrow, "Your room? You share with Raina?" He smirked, "Surprised you got my name right actually, people usually call me Jace. Kinda makes me want to tear their limbs off." Chameleon moved into the room as though their presence doesn't bug him, going to sit on his bed. "Right. Well, can you get out? Go kill a deer or something. Raina's not here." Sethos narrowed his eyes at him, "How'd you know where Raina is? She hasn't told anyone." Chameleon shrugs, "She told me. We're friends, well, sort of, she can't admit that yet." Sethos smirked then, maliciously, "You're friends?" Chameleon rose an eyebrow at the look, "You gonna try to kill me now Sethos? Jace tried that when we first met, didn't work too well for him." Sethos growled lightly, but didn't make a move towards the freakishly talented boy, "Jace is weaker than me."

(Can Atherton mention what he and Raina did together infront of the others? Maybe even something about her dad setting it up or being thrilled that Atherton was paying him so much?)
He looked at Leon and then smirked. "Heh...don't mess with him sethos." He smirks and then walks in. "I was talking to my boy....what is the name people call you?" he taps his chin. "Oh yes....Leon." He looked at Sethos and then pointed out the door. "I would kill him again and I would use Flower but I like to play with her...besides...Ben probably wouldn't let me near her. However since I have no use for your bond...I'll release you Sethos." he said touching his forehead and breaking the bond between him and Flower. "Just be warned...she can kill you too." he said and then looked at Leon. He smirks. He was just causing more and more touble and now he broke the bond that kept Flower and Sethos from killing each other.

He yawned and then looked around. "Just don't kill her...not yet I still like to play with her." He said and then looked at Leon and then laughed a bit. He couldn't help it.

Flower was looking for Sethos. However she felt something break. She blinked and then looked around. "Oh crap." she said and then started backing away. Now she sooo didn't want to see Sethos. She knew what that was. She turned walking away from Sethos now. Maybe he'd just look for Kol and leave her alone. She didn't smell Raina anywhere...thankfully.

James looks at her and then looks at someone who was watching. He looks at Myra and spreads his wings so they couldn't see. "Myra..." He looks at her and then sits next to her. He opens his arms and then gently wraps them around her. He looks down. He looks at her not sure what to do. He sighed and then wipes her tears away.
(if possible I want Sheena to kill Atherton, or at least cause him severe damage with her sword before the kill. Because I was counting on this scene to indicate to Eve that she is a Slayer as well as a Lycan, which they don't yet know)

Sheena has realized even as Raina is speaking that her biting is not seeming to inflict as much damage as she'd like, and so she rakes her claws down his chest, putting significant effort into it, and leans forward, preparing to rip out his throat. Even as she makes the effort she knows logically that this will not work to kill him. She is not angry enough to single-handedly dismember him, not yet, anyway, and she knows perfectly well that vampires do not generally bleed to death from open wounds. She gives him one more sharp bite and swipe before withdrawing, shifting back into her human form and taking up her sword again, glaring in his direction defiantly. Sheena had done all this attack in a space of a couple of seconds and withdrew as Raina was still speaking. When Raina is finished, Sheena is somewhat calmer, possessing logic, though still revved up, ready to fight.

"She got the releasing my sister part right. What she forgot is I didn't come all this way and watch you try to kill Lina and throw my boyfriend into a pit of fang-faces just to stand around negotiating. There's GONNA be a fight, and we're GONNA be the ones that come out of it. That's the other part she got it gonna start now, or are you gonna stand around showing off and wasting time?"

(Trying to give Macal an opening to fight back or backhand her away if he wants)
"I promise I won't," Kesson called back to the girl, laughing. He was relieved to hear that she was enjoying herself. Kesson was really happy about that and decided his past be damned for this moment. Besides it wasn't like he liked Zelda or she liked him or anything. This was just a friendly outing.

'Right keep telling yourself that,'
Kesson thought. He pulled up on near a tree and stopped. He stood and made sure the bike wouldn't fall off. He looked at Zelda as he pulled off his helmet.

"I thought we could spend some time away from the school. It's a little crazy there and everything." He shrugged, embarrassed. "We can just go back if you want."


Lekki wondered if her new friend, as she already considered Vash, might go away and she'd have to find someone else to talk to. She then had an idea.

'You know I am pretty strong. I know, I don't look like it. Anyways want to have a fight? If you want to get stronger, I'd love to see where you are and it might help."


Jinn saw that those in the room were ignoring them. She scoffed again and grabbed ahold of Hayley's arm and began to pull her away form the scene.

"Come on. We are not wanted here. Besides I am getting hungry. Let's find the eating area."

Hayley didn't resist at all to what Jinn had said and did. She, as much as Jinn, wanted to leave the scene. She was a bit disappointed that she got ignored, but she was also rather happy as well. She was not one to want attention at the least and whatever was happening, didn't sound particularly safe or nice. Hayley would rathr not get involved in anything here. She was fine with being just a shadow. Just some random shifter student.

"So Jinn were you really going to attack that guy?""

"Of course. He was hurting her. If he continued to do so, he'd get what was coming."

Zelda pulled off her helmet. She looked at Kesson and got off the bike stretching herself out a bit. She rested her arms ontop of her head smiling at him. "No I'm glad to be out." She said and then tried to untangle her hair and make it look nice with her fingers. "Besides...I think the teachers are getting annoyed as well. I hear they be cutting all classes for two months to get everything sorted out." She said and then looked at Kesson. "Two months of free time should do everyone some good but of course...they're putting up a guards and rules." She sighs. "A set time for students. So I guess there won't be free time." She sighed. "Ugh! Just like back home." She said looking up at the sky.

Flower was walking away from Sethos and ended up passing Jinn and Hayley. She stoped for a moment looking at them. Those two were here right? She didn't know she had to get Sethos...but now she has to get away from Sethos. She started walking again, putting her white hair behind her ear.
Lil's eyes widened a bit. Four? There were already three killers in Faith's class? But she's been able to do fine with them in her class, she could probably handle one more. Though would four be too many? "I-I don't know enough to tell you if she's in your class or not, but her name is Melidianna Lecarde. She goes by Mel though."

Lecarde. That was the name of the first family to die, the princess' first victims, her own family. "You'll be able to tell it's her since she's always wearing a mask. And she'll usually have two guys following her as servants." To tell the truth, Lil was more worried about the servants than the actual killer. I her heart she believed them to be good people deep down. They were both human once and they could probably be turned back. She looked back up at Faith. "I hope it won't be too much for you. It's probably asking for much since you have three others to worry about."


Vash thought about Lekki's proposition. He had only had his powers for a year now and didn't have the best control over it. A practice match would actually do him some good. Didn't matter if he was technically fighting a girl. He needed to get stronger.

He grinned at the half demon. "Okay. I'll take you up on that offer." He looked down at the chains on his shackles. They were about two feet each in length. He'd have to stay away from ranged attacks for now. Since he couldn't summon any metal himself and Mel wasn't there to summon more for him, he should waste the amount he had now.

Vash readied himself for Lekki to attack first. He had always had this bad habit of rushing in head first. This mistake allowed the enemy to kick his ass on multiple occasions and it was something that he got scolded and punished for frequently.


Mel walked down the darkening halls of the academy. She had already changed into some new clothes, giving the old ones to Riff to burn. Running her hands against the stone walls as she walked, she went at a somewhat slow but steady pace. Ahead of her, she saw a student room with the door busted down. That wasn't going to be cheap to replace.

Curiosity got the best of her just as it did when she had heard that scream later. The black haired girl went up to the doorway and looked inside. Her face then filled with disgust. The boy who had bumped into her earlier was there. Her fist tightened. There were two other people there, a boy and a man. Mel recognized the man as the vampire king but she couldn't recognize the other boy. She had heard about the vampire king. None of what she had heard was flattering. Every rumor and word of mouth painted him in a truly disgusting light. With a fetish for key holder women, no part of him displayed the dignity that was expected of royalty.

There was a lot of tension in the air. Perhaps there was actually going to be a fight this time. But the vampire king had advised the rude boy not to fight the other kid. Shame, she wanted something interesting to happen that day. She leaned on the door frame. "Aww, lovers' quarrel? Don't worry. I hear making up after a fight is fantastic."

(If you don't want me here, I can move her. : -_- :)
*Alex is laying on the ground, not moving when he's shocked by an electrical charge from his suit a failsafe to wake agents in the field up and keep them alert when they're in hostile zones, he snaps up gasping for air* I'M UP I'M UP..Damn I hate that thing.*Alex reaches for one of his keys around his neck and holds it* Activate Sage Protocol 24, 220 mg Fast Drug, blood clogs and auto repair ribs right side 2, 4.*Alex sits there while his suit and key start to repair his body at least enough that he can move again. About 8 minutes in he decides it's not enough time to wait much longer, he still needs to get out of this trap, using his visor he scans the stone blocking his path for a weakness and finds none, there is no weak point to expoit, he has no choice but to use a full breach charge and hope that the shockwave from the blast in this small chamber won't crush him.*

*In the main chamber Sheena, Raina, Eve and Atherton all hear a massive explosion, coming from the direction the girls came from, the explosion shakes the entire temple and sends smoke and dust pouring in the entrance the girls came in to the main chamber.*

*Not long after Sheena latches on to the leg of Atherton does she realize that it's not him but a decoy that took his shape but the poor guy is pretty shredded his leg barely hanging on.* Oh he doesn't look like he's gonna make it, bad dog bad dog! *This echoes from all around the chamber before anyone can move, Atherton appears by Eve picking her up by the hair* All this trouble for this ungratful brat! Just so I'd release her? Fine I'll release her, Brat I am your master and I command you to leave my service by attacking Raina and dying on her sword, this I command you. There she is to die!
"Mela...whatever...Lecarde," Faith repeated to herself, still frowning as she committed this to memory. "No, never heard of her. But I'm sure as hell seeing what I can find out before my next class tomorrow. 'Cause I would just about guarantee she'll end up on my list of kids."

She half snorted, half laughed at Lil's worry that she would be too much for her, waving one hand dismissively as she responded with humor. "Lil, trouble is pretty much my life and living. I don't have enough trouble, I get bored. I'll see what's up with this and I'll deal...that's sort of how things go with me. If I need help I'll get it, if not, then I'll do what I have to."

She raised an eyebrow, shrugging. "You have anything else you think I need to know, find me or get Liza to...alright? See you tomorrow."


Sheena jumped, her head swiveling as the explosion sounded and smoke began to sting her throat and water her eyes. She coughed, waving it away from her face, as despair flooded through her, sinking her stomach and wrenching her heart in her chest. She didn't know what had happened in there...but it wasn't good. It definitely couldn't be good. Alex...god, Alex...

She tried to keep from showing too much pain in her face or crying out, biting the inside of her cheeks savagely and making fists at her sides. She couldn't let Atherton use this against her, not now...she had to get this done. She had to kill him and NOW, she had to get Lina out safely, she had to try to get...try to get Alex out.

Evangeline freezes when Atherton grabs her hair, letting out an involuntary cry, and attempts to twist out of his grasp, but then his words are entering her hearing, and she has no choice. She is his childe, he is her sire, and she is bound to him...she cannot disobey.

Evangeline on any other day would have gladly attacked Raina, if it were convenient for her and would not cause her harm. She would have thoroughly enjoyed drinking from her, harming her...but now, it will bring about her death. Now it is not within her control. And as she lunges towards her, throwing her full weight against her and snapping back Raina's head to bite, it is not her choice.

Sheena wants to grab Evangeline and throw her away from Raina. She wants to hold her back, not allow her to doom herself to such a fate...she wants to save her. But to do so would be to leave herself wide open to Atherton and his attacks. She is here to kill him...and if she can, she can save Evangeline too, or so she believes. She will have to trust Raina now, and as much as she doesnt' want to, there is little other choice.

"DON'T HURT HER! JUST KEEP HER AWAY FROM YOU!" she screams to Raina before she seizes her sword, starting towards Atherton with renewed determination and new sharp focus in her sight. It's not rage that drives her now, but purpose.
Raina smirks as he orders Eve to die on her sword. She stands ready, in the defensive stance with her sword infront of her as she keeps an eye on Evangeline, "As much as I'd love to kill this blonde bi*ch Atherton, I'm sure her sister would fight to the death for her, and I'd rather not put down the mutt today. Haven't got a dog sized crate to take her home in." She grins as she speaks, amused by her own joke.

She is ready to defend against Evangeline, and when the girl begins to fight her, Raina doesn't hold back. Speaking as she fights with Evangeline, "Sheena, before you attack me for hurting Evangeline, take down Atherton, he's the one doing this." Raina would have loved to dismember the assh*le herself, but now she was stuck fighting Evangeline. "Nick trick Atherton, set the little girl on me so I can't tear you apart myself." She growls this out, her hatred of the man clearly visible.

Even as she fights, she is subtly self-conscious of her appearance, how much skin is showing. She doesn't know why it matters though; Atherton has already seen every inch of her body unclothed anyway.


Sethos grins at his Dad as he breaks the bond, able to feel it, "I won't kill her, I'll just harm her seriously enough to make her leave me and my murderous tendencies alone." He then glares at Chameleon even though his father had pointed for him to leave, glad the bond was gone, but now Chameleon had caught his attention. He ticked all the boxes. Appeared weak, yup. Close to Raina, yup. Had suggested Sethos was weak, yup. Sethos was about ready to splatter the boy's blood.

Chameleon frowned uncomfortably as the Vampire King spoke to him, hoping he would keep his mouth shut about Chameleon being a Prince. If Sethos were to find out....soon the whole school would know. And that had to be avoided at all costs. He looked away to the side as the Vampire King smirked at him, his black hair flopping over his eyes slightly, his tone matching his annoyed looking expression as he muttered, "Yeah well can you two get out now? Go talk to your kid in his room, not mine." Despite his reluctance to make eye contact, Chameleon's voice was strong, not feeble in anyway.

"Maybe I should wait here for Raina to come back, what do you think Chameleon? You don't mind me hanging out here. Right?" It sounded more like a threat than a question, as if he was daring Chameleon to say no, and as Chameleon looked to demon, a voice drifted into the room and he spotted a girl at the door, he frowned and his eyes drifted to look at her, before he could speak Sethos had looked around and smirked lightly, his black eyes recognizing Mel as the girl he had nudged, "A friend of yours Chameleon?" Sethos had to admit he preferred killing females, they were much more fun. Men usually had this stupid pride thing going up until the last minute, whereas girls' squealed and begged and always looked stunning when their eyes were full of fear. "Does that mean I get to kill her too?"

Chameleon stood up as killing was mentioned, matching Sethos's height as his blue eyes darkened, "You're not killing anyone Sethos. Now get out." His tone rang with authority and he looked to the girl, wondering why the heck everyone was gathering in his room. Something about her seemed familiar, though he couldn't remember what. That happened a lot though with him, after all his years of being around the palace, he had seen and even met many people, maybe she had been there once or twice. He just hoped she had nothing to do with his uncle or even mother, usually only murderers and thieves were there to see them. "You gonna make me?" Chameleon sighed and looked at the stupid demon, "Sethos. I will if I have to, but I'd rather not embarrass you infront of your Father and a girl."

Now Chameleon, unlike Sethos and even the Vampire King, acted like royalty should, and even though his Uncle and Mother were lying murderous despicable people, to everyone else in their kingdom they were beautiful, kind, wise and trustable. Because they knew how to act. So Chameleon did too. But thankfully he actually was kind, wise and trustable.

Sethos made a sudden move, going to grab Chameleon's neck and squeeze it. But before he could touch him Chameleon had grabbed the demon's wrist, slammed his foot into his and flipped him straight onto his back, his eyes a dark blue as he dropped down, pressing his body weight onto Sethos with one arm across the demon's neck and the other hand on the side of his head. One more move and Sethos would have a snapped neck. His eyes then filled with bright blue colour once more and he pushed himself back from Sethos, upset that he had slipped once again and almost killed the guy, muttering to him with his arms crossed, "Like I said. Get out." Sethos bounced back up, the shadows in the room swarming angrily before he turned translucent and walked straight through the wall beside Chameleon's head.

Chameleon then looked to Mel at the door, trying to ignore the Vampire King's presence as he spoke to her, "Can I help you with anything? Are you lost?" He moved towards her ever so slightly as he spoke, his tone polite as he kept at a respectable distance.

( Can the Vampire King somehow mention Chameleon being a prince infront of Mel pleaseeee?
:D I'll post for the others later, I gotta go now. I'm on a tight schedule lately D: )

(Gah sorry, I'll change my reply/extend Raina's tommorrow)
*Atherton walks around Sheena in a small circle, smirking at what he's done* Come now Raina you can do better then that or are you destined to disappoint me and deny my pleasure with your inept skills as a fighter..just like your inept skills as a woman kept you from pleasing me the night your father sold you to me, come to think of it I barely paid anything for you and I still feel like I was robbed blind, you're a sad excuse for a fighter and a sad excuse for a lover. And you she-wolf I sense a sadness in your heart, I think I understand the man that was with you he's your mate right? Awww did you get a chance for a final embrace, to say you love him before he died? Even if my children didn't kill him I'm willing to bet that explosion finished him off, you people are pathetic!

*On cue a blue bolt of energy shoots down from one of the balconies, striking Eve with a powerful taser blast that knocks her off her feet.
Atherton is shocked and pissed that his game was ruined, vampires start dropping from the ceiling and crawling out of holes in the walls and floors surrounding everyone*


*Earlier before entering the temple Alex had throw what look like little black marbles into the temple, all this time they've been moving quietly through the temple until they reached this chamber and dug into the ceiling, just as Alex says the code word they blowup and destroy the ceiling of the chamber just in time for sunrise to start shining down into the chamber.*

Evangeline is immune to the sunlight, having been made of Atherton’s bloodline and not continually stuck in the darkness of the mines with the other vampires to have her resistance to sunlight diminish over time, so she merely cringes at the sunlight but does not fully burn or try to escape it. From there she continues to determinedly tear and bite at Raina like a woman possessed, seeking to damage her in any way possible. But she remains near, able to view Sheena and Atherton in periphery.

Sheena smiles, her eyes lighting up as Alex's voice fills the area and the light floods in. She doesn't speak his name or look around for him, but her face seems to soften for a few moments, her relief making her skin seem to nearly glow. She is still smiling as she steps forward, and with one strong, swift, and vicious swing, slices through Atherton’s head, lopping it off cleanly. She watches as he explodes into dust, still smiling, before turning back to her sister.

Evangeline stops fighting Raina the moment that Sheena’s sword connects with Atherton’s neck, and she feels intense pain course through her, as though she herself is dying. She cries out, then stumbles away from Raina, no longer attempting to harm her. She is in continued pain for several moments before it begins to ebb away, and she grits her teeth, fighting to control the rage mingled with satisfaction now filling her thoughts.

They had killed him…Sheena had killed her sire. She had never been able to win him over…he was gone now. She may be “free…” but she was not free to be his.

She could not kill Raina now, not with him dead, not with Sheena still watching. She would have to have an entirely new plan…all of this was for nothing.

No, not for nothing…Sheena would think she had come to protect her, not Atherton. Sheena would believe that any hostility she may have had was entirely due to him. Sheena would think her fully “saved,” fully “good,” now…it would be easier, in some respects.

Her sister turns to her then, still smiling, and calls out to her and Raina both, beckoning. “Come on, let’s get out of here…Alex!”

And Evangeline draws toward her, throwing her arms around her and hugging her tight. Feeling Sheena’s heartbeat against her unbeating own.

“Thank you, Sheena…I just couldn’t bear to let you come here without knowing you’d be okay. I wanted to save you…I’m sorry I didn’t.”
*Alex jumps down from the balcony and lands near Raina, his suit is shredded to pieces and his forehead bleeding into his eyes, trying to ignore the internal damage he's suffered, so Sheena doesn't panic, besides nothing that a day in a healing tank can't fix. Alex walks towards Sheena and Eve and smiles at her* Nice work, now lets get the heck out of here, Sheena do you think you can run a line up there and tie it off so I can climb out?. *Alex purposely trying to send Sheena off so he can have a few minutes with Eve and Raina.*
"O-okay. As long as it's not too much stress on you," Lil said. She thanked Faith before leaving the training room. It was good to know that she had a teacher on her side. Now all she had to do was find a way to defeat Mel without actually killing her. She should probably see if the library had anything helpful, tomorrow after class.


When Sethos talked about killing Mel, Riff came out from behind her and placed himself in front of her. His eyes narrowed at the half demon. "No one threatens my mistress." Sethos had become a threat in Riff's eyes.

Mel placed an assuring hand on Riff's arm. She glared at Sethos though it was impossible to tell since she was wearing her domino mask with a frosted plastic over the eye holes. "I'd like to see you try." She went silent, a little bored as the two boys were simply throwing threats at eachother. She wanted action. As Leon forced Sethos onto the floor, Mel had to admit that was interesting. This boy was a skilled fighter and, unlike the Vampire King (Does he ever get a name?), had an air of dignity about him. A royal perhaps? Mel had dealt with important people before but no royals came to mind.

Then Sethos left. But Riff refused to move from his spot, mainly due to the Vampire King still being there. People who threaten Mel's life were a threat. People who were too strong were a threat. And people who are just plain creepy were a threat. The demon royal fell into the third category so well that he was practically a code red threat. Mel listened to Leon's question.

"Not really. Just bored." She ran a hand along the door's remains. "This certainly seems like an inconvenience."
Pulling back from Evangeline, still beaming, Sheena goes to Alex and hugs him quickly, her smile only slightly diminished as she notices his injuries. She lightly touches his forehead, wiping some of the blood, and nods in response to his request after hugging him quickly but tightly.

"Yeah, I will. Hurry after me,'re hurt."

She left with one more quick hug, and Evangeline, casting a glance at Alex, starts to follow her. The last thing she wants is to be left aloen with Alex and Raina. And besides, watching Sheena kill Atherton...something has just dawned on her, a suspicion that is almost a certainty.

It is best she tell Sheena before anyone else figures it out.
Lekki was a bit surprised to hear that Vash wanted to fight right at this very moment. She had no problem with it as she was the one who had suggested it, but she didn't think they'd be fighting in the hallway. She looked around making sure no one was nearby before looking at Vash and nodding. She then smiled at him.

"One rule, if you hit anyone else you automatically lose."

With that out of the way to safeguard any potential attacks on an innocent bystander, she readied herself to begin the fight. She drew on her powers, summoning her demonic strength. She didn't draw on too much though. No reason to attack the boy full-out. Not yet at least.

She moved forward, aiming at his neck before teleporting and striking at his mid-back from behind. "I hope teleporting isn't cheating," Lekki said, laughing.


Kesson nodded. That sounded good. At least the first part. He would like to have a break, even if he had just begun. It would help him adjust to the school and to the people inside easier if he didn't have to worry about classes or fighting them. Well depending on the person he guessed. But he wasn't one to fight someone without a reason, though practice fighting on his own time wouldn't be that bad.

But the second part didn't sound that good. Kesson sighed a little but shrugged. "Not much we can do about it. But we do have a break. I'd be happy to spend some of that time with you." He smiled at her. Now that they were alone and not having to do anything he realize how pretty she was.


Jinn watched as Flower walked by them and then stopped. She glanced at Hayley and the moved to examine the woman in front of them. She could tell this one was strong and a...keyholder? Yes, she was one. An important one. Jinn knew that much. She looked back to Hayley who had seemed to settle down although one eye was bright blue and the other a dark brown.

"Oh hi...Flower," Hayley said. She wasn't sure if she had met her, but she was certain she heard about her here. "It is Flower right?"

*Alex waits till Sheena is well gone but Raina is still close, typing in on his bracer pretty much the only thing on him not trashed and plays back Eve and Atherton's conversation.* Now don't get me wrong I would gladly give my life for Sheena but I'll be dammed if I let some backstabbing vampire sell me out! I should splatter your brains all over this place! *Alex pulls back his fist as if he's going to hit Eve but instead he pulls off a bug from her shoulder.* I should kill you but I won't because sooner or later you're gonna screw up with Sheena like you did with me..Fair warning if I ever think you're going to hurt Sheena I'll dust your sorry butt myself, I won't ever be the one that makes her choose between you and me. *Crushes the bug under his boot and then erases the recording* You can't hide your true nature from her forever, then if I were you I'd run! *Moves to where Sheena is suppose to drop the rope for him to climb out* Raina, you should have killed her, not like you have anything to lose!
Flower looks at Jinn and Hayley. "Yes that is my name. We take a class together right?" She said and then smiled a bit. "I'm not sure so far classes have been...well a reck." She said and then pushed her hair behind her ear. She was talked about a lot amongest the teachers here. She is one of the top students and most powerful in more ways then one. Her rank as a Key holder that has now been reduced to princess since her father and mother are back. She looked at Jinn for a moment. "You two are new here right?" she asked.

Zelda looks at him and then nods. "Sure sounds....nice." She said and then looked around. She looked back at him with a smile. "Yes hopefully the break will calm everyone tense I feel like I have to keep my staff to protect myself." she said and then stretched out her arms. She rolls her shoulders. "I hope things haven't been rough on you...although it seems you;ve made some friends....well Sky anyways." She said.
"Sounds good to me," Vash said. He didn't want other people getting hurt either. Especially if they weren't involved. Hurting innocents was a no-no. That's why he found himself questioning Mel's action so many times. They were just always so-

Then suddenly Lekki hit Vash in the back, causing him to fall and hit the floor . . . with his face. He sat up and rubbed his nose making sure it wasn't broken or anything. "Ow. That's cheating, meanie." (He's just whining. Pay no attention to him.)

After standing up, he concentrated. His arm became silver as he turned it into a metal rod. He then charged at Lekki and punched at her, elongating his metallic arm to be able to reach her.
Raina stiffens as Atherton speaks to her, telling her she can do better. He sounds just like he did the night that her Father sold her to him for a good few hours. Then he mentions it. Infront of Sheena, infront of Evangeline, even infront of Alex it would seem, as his voice also fills the room. Raina is dodging Evangeline's attacks, and is using her feet and the flat of her blade to keep the vampire from harming her in the slightest.

Yet she doesn't hurt the blonde vampire. She's just effortlessly blocking her with no emotion in it whatsoever.

Raina herself shows no effort of the sunlight, not even a cringe at it. And continues to block Evangeline, idly watching Sheena and Atherton. Once Evangeline stumbles away, and Sheena has killed Atherton, Raina steps back, her eyes blank of anything as she dissociates herself from the situation, placing her sword back in its holder, crossing her arms and looking to the left of her. None of them seemed to be mentioning anything about what Atherton had said, not even looking at her differently because of it. So maybe it was ok. Probably not. But still, maybe they were too distracted with their own issues.

Raina looks to Alex as he drops, ignoring the sting of seeing the two sisters hug, and takes in his appearance, "You alright Alex?" She doesn't think of what she is saying when she asks him this, not noticing it showed some sort of caring, just simply thinking it was the thing to say. Then Sheena is gone, and Alex is playing something back to both Raina and Eve. Raina smirks as she hears the conversation, so Alex knew Evangeline was a lying bi*ch aswell. Score 1 for Raina. But then Alex says something about Raina killing Eve, that she has nothing to lose.

Her fists clench and the clear nothingness in her eyes is replaced by a spark of anger. Of course RAINA has nothing to lose. That's what everyone thinks isn't it? That's all that anyone has ever thought of Raina. She's already lost it all, so what more can she lose? It's not like she'll lose Liza if she kills Sheena's new sister, or maybe even lose her life since Sheena would flip out on her. Maybe Faye - her only remaining family member who may not even count since she's only half Raina's - might get mad at her and decide she didn't want to be a part of Raina's life anymore. Of course, Alex didn't see that. No-one did. They just saw Raina, the rebellious, cold-hearted bloodsucker who doesn't give a f*ck who she steps on to keep alive.

As she follows Alex, she growls out her words, "You're right Alex, I don't have anything to lose. So maybe I should kill you instead. It would piss Sheena off right? That would make it worthwhile." Rather than glaring at him, her eyes are cold, cut off, and one brow is raised in question, arms crossed. Her tone switches to be ice cold, indifferent even, and she doesn't care that Evangeline is watching as she speaks emotionlessly, "It would be fun even. To see the upset and pain in her eyes if I was to kill you. It would certainly get Macal to leave me alone, Liza too." She shrugs, tone thoughtful now, "Yeah, maybe I should do that. Wouldn't take much with how banged up you are."

Then she rolls her eyes, uncrossed her arms and she is 'back to normal' as she speaks to him a tad bitterly, "I didn't kill Evangeline because I'd rather have a bit of a fun fight first. It's no fun to kill someone who's willing to die. She wasn't trying so neither was I. Simple." She looks to Evangeline, "I'll kill her when, and if, I want to. When she's able to fight back."


Chameleon looked at the shattered door as she spoke, and he shrugged, "It happens a lot more often around here than you'd think." He glanced to the Vampire King, almsot nervously, before looking back at Mel, "It's alright though, I'll get it fixed before Rai gets back. She'd flip if she knew Sethos had come in here, probably try to kill him again. Or me." He then looks to Riff, frowning lightly, "Mistress?" He looked back to Mel.

What was that guy? Her pet or something? He looked much too human to be a pet. "You have a bodyguard?" He asked Mel, confusion swarming in his bright blue eyes, "Are you royalty, or do you just have an overprotective guardian?" He was careful not to use the word parent, since he himself would never consider his Uncle his parent, even if he was married to his Mother.

He then glanced back to the Vampire King, plucking up the courage to ask him to go, "You might wanna go check up on your son, he's probably killed someone by now, probably another student." His tone was indifferent, it was clear he didn't like the king in the slightest. Then he looked back to Mel, smiling lightly, "If you're bored why don't you and your bodyguard go spar in one of the fighting rooms? Or you could find someone else who wants to spar, there's usually a few students hanging out around there."

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