Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Sky looked at him and then looked up as if thinking it over. She looked at Kesson and looked to the ground needing more information before answering. She looked back at him and then stepped closer. She began playing with his hair having taken a liking to him. She thought it over more before deciding a no. Not completely anyway. He was old enough to be on his own and decide for himself, yet to completely be seperated from family seemed hurtful. At the same time Sky did not know all the details. She stayed quiet.
Mar`s expression brightened a bit at Lekki`s words, while he`s had messmates, squad-members and comrades, the term "friend" was not a very common phrase at Fort Gunther "I`d like that too" the boy said running his fingers through the back of his hair, somewhat nervously " If you can tolerate a trigger happy kid for a friend." he said jokingly with a small smile


could be seen walking the hallways looking down at a recently torn-from the-wall-map of the school in his hands, his half-brother Santos complained about damaging school property for a while but when he found that his cries where reaching deaf ears he would sigh and silently follow close behind the Key holder, they had already located their room and unpacked but it was already furnished with someone else`s things , meaning that they would have a roommate.

The two where on-route to the cafeteria to eat breakfast while a maintenance man was to place a bunk bed for the half brothers in their room, looking up Hal walked past Evangeline and purposely shoulder-bumped Sheena muttering "Damn filthy mutt" under his breath to her so that only she and not Faith or his half brother could hear him, he openly loathed werewolves for having spread half of their genes to the family line, his distaste for the race had gotten to the point where he could barely even tolerate their scent , but it would only cause trouble between the two if he let it show when Santos was around.
As she feels someone knock her, hard, Sheena turns, tensed, ready to defend herself. But when she hears the comment about her being a "filthy mutt," her guarded reaction flares up to anger. It was some guy she didn't know looking at her with nothing but disgust in his expression. How did he know, just looking at her, that she was Lycan...had he been watching her? For how long? Could he just smell her, or sense her?

Standing abruptly, she leaves the table without explanation, grabbing his shoulder and turning him towards her roughly. "Who the hell are YOU?"
(the first post on page 287 has Trinity identify Mar as a human with the key holders enhanced sense of smell, so I had Hal do the same with Sheena (please tell me if that was a wrong turn or something.))

Hal`s keys that he wore around his neck made a slight clinking noise as he was forcefully turned towards Sheena "did this Lycan really have the gall to touch me?!?" he thought angerlly.

at this point
Hal, was considering then and there whether or not he should just slug the werewolf , but his half-brother most likely didn`t hear what he said and hitting Sheena now would be unwarranted in his eyes so Hal acted as if he never did anything in the wrong as he quickly dropped his hostile poster and facial expression with a practiced ease to one more fitting of the act; "whats your problem? he inquired of the Lycan, the only implications of his true nature being his still clenched fists, one of which where crushing the map.

Santos in fact did hear his half brother mumble something, but not clear enough to discern it to be an insult to Sheena , however, seeing that there was an angry girl asking who the hell Hal was he deducted that it couldn't be anything good.

"Hal" Santos said with a voice slightly above a whisper as he lightly pulled on his kin`s jacket to get his attention as he motioned his head towards the food line, causing his half brother to give him a short nod and stuff the map in his pocket before heading off to get a plate. when Hal was out of earshot the half key holder turned his attention to Sheena offering a quick "i`m sorry" in the same voice he used with his brother with the hope that an apology would defuse the situation before following him.
Sheena stares after the guy who had insulted her- Hal, this second boy had called him, her eyes narrowed. She watches him for a few moments, making sure he is not coming back towards her, before turning to the second boy, her voice only marginally civil as she questions him now.

"Who was that, and what exactly is his problem with me, since I've never seen him in my life?"
Santos was already on his way to fall in step with Hal when Sheena spoke to him, he turned around while he was still about three paces from the Lycan "Hal, lionheart" the half key holder replied simply "I don`t think it`s anything personal, he`s just irritated because he doesn`t want to be here." Santos looked Sheena over, his senses wern`t as acute as most key holders (yet another thing his family blames on his Lycan blood) so he couldn't tell that Sheena was a werewolf but "human" wouldn't be his first answer if he`d been asked to guess her race.
Sheena continues to eye the guy now speaking to her- the friend, apparently, of "Hal Lionheart-" and then just shakes her head. Whatever...she has better things to do then fight with some guy who doesn't even know her. She has her sister's sire to find, and fast, because she needs to get to her as soon as possible, make up for lost time...

Was Liza right, did she REALLY have to go to South America? What would Lina think? What was she going to do about being with her if she really had to go there?

"Whatever...I don't have time for this," she mutters, turning to leave without introducing herself. As she rejoins the others in the cafeteria, she addresses Macal rather than Alex.

"What's Liza talking about?"


But Evangeline had been lurking around the corner, in the opposite direction from the cafeteria doors. She stares at the two boys with narrowed eyes before stepping forward, coming up on Hal and seizing him by the throat with rapid reflexes. She squeezes hard, her voice very cold, her blue eyes narrowed to slits as she hisses, "I heard what you said to my sister. You speak to her like that even touch her...and you will know what true filth is."

She dropped him then, and turned, her blonde hair swinging behind her, as she began to walk away.
*Both Macal and Alex's first instinct is to stand up and beat the hell out of anyone that would dare insult Sheena, but they both realize that this wasn't one of those times where Sheena needed a knight in shining armor to step in and defend her honor, it's hard for both of them to come to terms that they are both involve with the strongest women they're ever known, in fact stepping in right now would probably be more of an insult to Sheena then what this moron did to her. When Sheena comes back and sits with them and directs her question to Macal, Alex steps in.*

Alex: Yeah, I don't know about the grenades but yeah we get to take a trip and work on our research.

Macal: Research yeah right. That's your story and you're gonna stick to it...Anyway how about someone fill me in on what happened with all 3 of you ladies left the table?
Liza is frowning, looking at Sheena with concern as she says, "That boy was mean to you, Sheena Legs...did you beat him up? Did you kick his ass? I coulda helped you. Is he gonna be good now?"

Faith, glancing at Liza, then at Sheena, answers before Sheena can, her voice very controlled. "I met Sheena's...Evangeline." That was all she had to say about the matter, at least in front of Sheena and Liza.

Sheena too seems rather reserved, shrugging as she says, "That guy's not worth wasting my breath or fists on." She smiles briefly at Liza, assuring her, "It's fine, Liza, really, don't worry about him. He's just a jerk."

She is more concerned about this new information from Macal and looks at him with some alarm, shaking her head. "South America? How do you know that? Are you sure? Where did you hear that...Lina didn't say anything about that. We'd have to be gone a long time too..."
As quick as Hal had disengaged the Lycan another random female approached him out of what seemed like nowhere and grasped him by the neck with surprising speed as she made quick a threat and exit. Taking in a sharp breath after being let go, the irritated key holder mouthed ; "so the mutt has a freaki`n Sister huh? as he reached for his side arm. Hal was about teach her a thing or two about respect...

Or so was his plans before Santos grabbed his half brothers hand to prevent him from doing something really stupid until the blonde turned the corner, Shaking his head at Hal he said ; "just calm down" before entering the cafeteria.

This time Hal would be the one following his brother.
Macal: Really, you too? Do you kids really think that there is anything you can ever hid from Faith and me, we know all we see all, you be wise to remember that. *Looking at Liza and smiling* Well you too just be careful, S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't have a strong presence down there, but Viper does so I suggest you get in quietly and get out before her or some of her agents detect you.

*Just the mention of Viper's name sends chills and bad thoughts through Alex, knowing his luck they'd send Grace after them again.*

Alex: We'll be careful I promise, anyway I'm done eating I think I'll go and prep a scram jet, so Sheena I'll be back in a few hours for you. *Leans in an whispers* Pack a bikini, no sense in this being all business.

Macal: You know what Alex, I want you two to take Raina with you, if you're going into a possible nest I think a little extra help will be good.

Alex: Raina? Take her with us, is that an suggestion or an order?

Macal: Depends do you own a scram jet? Don't bother answering cause you don't, so if she agrees then she's going with you.

Alex: Yes sir. *looking disappointed cause he was looking forward to it being just him and Sheena, not to mention Raina is hardly Akira, Mitsy, the only vampires he's used to working with and trust.*
Both Faith and Sheena turn to stare at Macal at this suggestion, both stunned and disbelieving. They take turns letting him know all about it.

"Uh, Macal? Raina, the one who can't stand either of them and hates Eve...why exactly would she agree to this?" Faith points out. "Whatever happened to her being around Liza and me working with her?"

Sheena too has more than a few reservations. She crosses her arms, not quite outright refusing, but coming close.

"Raina wouldn't go, she'd probably try to crash us or know, I really think I should take Lina. She's the one who's sire it is, she would be able to tell us a lot of things about us we could use to help take him down. And she just got here...we really need to spend more time together."
*Macal, looks them both in the eyes, there is no kidding or amusement in his voice, no this is more of a king speaking to his subject, more of a seasoned warrior speaking to a inexperienced one*

Macal: Not that I have to explain this to anyone, as your father and his boss my orders should go unquestioned but for the sake of convincing Raina into joining you.

You've hunting an unknown vampire in a completely hostile country, with no support or allies. Second it's been my experience that nothing builds bonds quicker then when your lives depend on each other, combat is the a true way to gain the respect of one another, I'm not saying you'll end up liking each other but you will hopefully gain some respect.

*Alex still doesn't like this one bit but he can't exactly questioned it, the only one that probably can get away with that is probably Faith.*

Alex: If it means we get the jet, that's fine it's just another mission and you can't always control the details of a mission, but I'm issuing a formal protest.

Macal: To who kid? I'm the top of the food chain here, nobody is going to overrule me on this. *smirks*
Sheena, knowing that she doesn't have much of a say at this point, still looks very troubled, and tries to bargain. She is already upset at the thought of leaving Lina for so long, when she has just now met her, especially knowing Lina expects to see her right this minute as Sheena is lingering in the caf.

"Okay, whatever, so Raina's there...but...shouldn't I take Lina too? I still want her to come, I don't see any reason why she shouldn't. She could be a lot of help."

"Except the part where her sire figures out in half a second what you're up to when he sees her," Faith puts in bluntly before turning to Macal, frowning. "There's still the matter of you aren't Raina's guardian or teacher or anything else, she doesn't have to do anything you say, and she sure as hell isn't about to listen to me. Unless she thought Liza would go too, my guess is she'll say no, and there's nothing you can do about it."
Macal: This is true I can't make Raina go with them, but knowing Raina, just the thought of this pissing both you and Sheena off, she may accommodate me and go. And sorry Sheena but I think the team of you 3 will be more then enough. *Hoping Alex will explain to her the the vampire/sire relationship is not like one with Lycans and their makers, vampires in most ocassions are usually in love with the one that sires them, they are seduced into being turned, so there is a good chance Eve is still in love with the one that turned her and will fight to the death to defend him, this is a point he'll make clearly known once he and Faith can get Sheena alone.*

Alex: If we need a vampire can't you recall Akira..Mitsy maybe even track down Jirro, I mean you can't tell me you're not keeping track of their movements?

Macal: That's a no, I promised to not bother any of them, they'll come back when they're ready.
"Hey, it doesn't piss me off unless she goes out of her way to screw the mission over or ends up doing something to hurt or endanger Sheena and Alex," Faith shrugged, still thinking it over. "Actually, that would be good for me, gets her out of my hair for a while. So whatever...go for it, if you can make her go through with it. Which I still doubt."

She meets Macal's eyes meaningfully, not saying aloud that it would also be the added benefit of keeping Sheena away from Evangeline. Sheena doesn't notice the look; she is looking down, still frowning, upset at the thought of a prolonged separation so soon, and especially one where she's stuck with Raina. She says nothing aloud, but she clearly looks troubled still.

Liza in contrast is smiling, and she gets up to slip into her mother's lap as she looks up at her. "Mama I'lll tell Raina she should go and be good 'cause that's what I think. And I'll tell her I'll miss her so much but we'll have lots of fun when we get back. Okay?"

Faith smiled down at her, smoothing her hair. "Thanks Pip. You do that."

(if need be, we could make a separate thread just for the trip if Raina does go, or even if it ends up just being Sheena and Alex, I'd prefer it carry out on this one for less confusion though)
Chameleon had skipped breakfast - for fear of bumping into Rosa - and had instead gone to sit by the lake where he and Sheena had spilled their guts to each other - twice. Then Alex had shown up, then Rosa, and then his Mother. Also, Raina had a moment with him here once, and pushed him into the lake - even though he had jumped off the water.

Yup. This lake held memories for him. He was now calling it Chameleon Lake.

"'Sup Leo?" He looked at the lake infront of him to see the reflection of Raina in it, "What's up?" He shrugs and she takes a seat beside him, "I think I just broke a girl's heart. What about you?" Raina sighs, "Just blew off family breakfast with the Cords'" "Why?" "Why'd you break a girl's heart?" Chameleon looked to glare at the vampire. Raina looked back at him, "If I tell you why I blew off breakfast, will you tell me why you broke her heart?"

Chameleon looked away, "It depends on your answer." Raina looked to the water infront of her, she was sure her answer would be good enough, so she speaks in a small voice with the tone of admittance, "Because I'm scared." Chameleon looks to the girl, frowning, "Scared? Of what?" Raina reaches down and runs her fingers through the cool water, "Of family. Of being part of a family." Her voice is small, and she carries on speaking, leaving no room for Chameleon to answer, "I can't be a part of a family again Leo. The last time.." She pauses, swallowing, "The last time I was part of a family, I lost two of them and got ruined by the other." She shakes her head, "I'm scared to lose another family."

She sighs, looks to Chameleon and he is looking at her, an unreadable expression on his face, "You ever tell anyone I said that Leo. And I'll kill you." He chuckles then, looking at the water, "You've already tried about four times Rai." Raina smirks, "But this time you wouldn't be able to stop me, just one surprise shot through your skull with my sniper and BOOM. Dead shifter." They fall silent before Raina speaks, "Your turn."

Chameleon sighs, "Rosa kissed me. I mean, I kissed her back, but...then I pushed her away." His turn to focus intently on the water infront of him, "Why? She's pretty, and blind's not a deal breaker, right?" Chameleon rolled his eyes, "Of course not. I..." He looks to her, "I think I might be falling in love with her Rai." Raina blinks, "Woh. The L word." Chameleon nods sorrowfully, "So. What's the problem?"

Chameleon sighs, she had told him something rather personal. What was up with this lake? "I can't love her. My mum and my uncle are evil." Raina falls silent, letting him speak, "They kill anyone and anything that I love. Just to make me miserable. I can't love her, because they'll kill her." Raina sighs, "You can't stop yourself from loving her just because of them." He glares at her, "I don't want her to get hurt!" Raina glares back at him, "Chameleon! You need to stand up to them! If you don't stand up to them now, they'll ruin your whole life! You'll never be able to have a wife, or kids! Stop being a puppet!"

Chameleon stands up abruptly, "You don't know them Raina. You don't know what they're capable of." Raina also stands up now, staring at him as an unusual softness comes over her voice and eyes, she lays a hand on his arm, "Yes Chameleon. But I know you. You're the strongest person I've met so far. You could stop them." Chameleon's eyes are pained, troubled and show extreme confusion, "Raina" He murmured lightly, "Who do you think taught me?"

Raina sighs and begins to walk away from the pond, looking back at the confused Chameleon who remains there, "I wasn't just on about physical strength Leo! You're mentally strong! You can take 'em!" She smiles and tilts her head, "How about we make a deal?" Chameleon strides over to her, "Go on." "I'll have breakfast with the Cords' and face MY fear. If you tell Rosa you love her and face YOUR fear." Chameleon blinks. "I...I can't....not today, not--" He was about to say ever before she cut him off, "Then we'll do it tommorrow! Or the next day! Or the next day. But not the day after that." She grins, "Okay? Good, we have a deal. Later Leo!" Before the shifter can process any of that, the vampire has sped off.

He blinks and looks back to the lake. Yup. That sure is a special lake.


Faye smiled and followed the shy shifter, taking a seat on the table she had chosen. As the girl thanked her, she grinned and tilted her slightly, "For what?" She had no idea why the girl thanked her, but then she thought maybe it was about stopping her from leaving, "If it's about earlier, then don't worry about it. We all have our moments." She speaks that sentence a bit more softly, so that only the two of them could hear.
Santos and Hal made a quick entrance into the almost empty breakfast line, they had shown up for breakfast a bit late so all they had to choose from was cartons of white milk, large chocolate-chip muffins and some grapes.

after receiving their meals Santos made it his business to keep a step ahead of his older half-brother so he could lead him to a table that was as far away from Sheena as possible in order to prevent any more conflict, there was a table occupied with just two girls (Faye and Hayley) that fitted the bill perfectly.

The pair took seats facing each other on the far end of the table from where the two girls where sitting before Santos takes a few bites out of his muffin, between bites he would look up at his half-brother who had his right hand resting on the side of his head and was just tilting his milk carton back and forth with his free finger as if he was in deep thought and had forgotten his food entirely.

"you should've expected it" Santos scolded, referring to when Evangelina had choked Hal for apparently, insulting her sister. Hal sighed, his voice sounded more annoyed then angry when he spoke ; "I almost get choked out, and you just tell me i had it coming to me all along?" Hal removes his hand from his head letting his forearm rest on the table; "what happened to backing up family?"

Santos gave the key holder a serious look; "I'm the only one that has to be here, you can leave if you want" being a soft spoken person, Santos`s comment didn`t sound as ominous as it was meant to be

"Touche" Hal replied simply before finally opening his milk carton. Santos just didn`t get. Their was absolutely no way in hell that he was about to let his little bro die in some washed-up Fighting Academy.
Flower walks in to get some breakfast. She grabs a tray and then sits down at a table. She had her hair down over her face. She swallows and then pushes the tray away. The mark on the back of her neck that was a birthmark in the shape of a crown; also signaling she was the Key Holder Queen; was showing. She lifted her head after she had whipped her eyes. She took a deep breath and then pulled her food back. She sighed again.
While Hal was in the process of drinking his milk he spotted something unexpected in his peripheral vision: sitting about four tables diagonally-right of the Key Holder was a most likely female form with it`s hair covering it`s face, while he couldn't be 100% sure about the mystery persons gender from his distance, there was no mistaking the mark of Key Holder royalty on the back of it`s neck.

Hal chocked on his milk.

Santos was relived that Hal had finally decided to consume something... Until he started coughing, the Half Key Holder got up and practically sprinted to his half brother`s side before he began patting Hal`s back worriedly "are you okay?!"

Hal`s coughing fit prevailed for about a minute before he could manage to get the last of the milk down with a gulp "I'm okay, I'm okay!" Hal repeated until Santos stopped hitting him on his back.

Santos sighed in relief; "What`s wrong?" he inquired to his kin who replied; "That" while pointing Flower out.

Santos cocked his head slightly to the side at Hal like a dog that was`nt understanding something after spying Flower; "Are you in love?" , Hal shook his head furiously; "no nothing like that!" he retorted, Santos must have been to young to remember what the royal symbol looked like, he quickly gave him a whispered explanation of what the birth mark on the nape of Flower`s neck meant and that she may even have the power to force them to leave the Academy.

Santos tensed "But if i go back, Father will k-" Hal covered his half-brothers mouth before he could finish his sentence and spoke in what he hoped was a reassuring voice "Don't even think about that, if we get kicked out I wont take you back to the old man... that's a promise." seeing Santos relax somewhat, he let go of his mouth.
After breakfast, Faith goes to teach classes, Sheena and Liza to teach them; Sheena is now faced with the task of explaining to Evangeline that she not only cannot meet her straight after breakfast, but also cannot skip class, nor can she be at school at all for some time...AND she can't explain to her why. She is not looking forward to this at all as she dawdles her steps, looking for her.

Liza, on the other hand, is as bouncy and smiley as usual as she skips around the hallways, looking for Raina.

(sorry so crap)
Flower'l heard the coughing and slowly straighter up. She pushed her hair out of her face. She looked at the boys who were talking and even pointing at her. She didn't recognize them, why was her appearance something to take note of? She turned her gaze away as Jame's white tiger named Crist walked up. Flower let the large wild cat have her food since her hunger had left her after the death of her key dog. She looked at the two boys, something was bothering her about them but she wasn't sure what. She looked away shrugging off what ever was bothering her.
*After breakfast Alex goes off campus about 40 miles from the academy to an airfield, on the surface it's looks like a normal civilian small airport, but miles before you make the turn on to the road leading to the front gates, his motorcycle is picked up by a armed drone flying high above, which scans Alex and his bike, looking for a certain transponder being broadcast from them, chances are if that signal wasn't detected, Alex would be a pile of ash. But since it was nothing happens, at least that can be seen to the naked eye. With that signal detected the all the workers and employees go about their business with no need to break their cover and reveal the hi-tech weapons they're all carrying.

Alex rides through the gates and pass 3 hangers before reaching a small hanger barely bigger then the average home garage, the doors slowly open revealing a small airplane park, Alex rolls inside and the doors close behind him, he waits as a man in dirty overalls goes over to the tool desk and pulls a screwdriver off the wall, Suddenly the plane splits into as the floor opens up revealing a ramp leading down below into the base underneath. Down here there is now no need for disguises or pretense, down here is a fully operational S.H.I.E.L.D base, with operatives, and armored troopers all over, in the middle of the room is a massive holo-screen, half of it showing multiple views of the planet and our solar system and the other half is showing the Academy grounds and building (except private rooms :P ) Past the Ops Room are elevators that head not just down but also travels sideways, which Alex steps onto and presses the button that goes to the hanger where the scram jets and other aircraft are kept.

Once at the hanger Alex is greeted by an agent in charge of taking care of all the aircraft.*

Agent: Agent Sage, I've prepared with you wanted and it's waiting onboard number 42, it's a lot of fire power for what was logged as a recon mission.

Alex: How long have you been with us?

Agent: 7 months, I was with SAS 94th Division for 4 years

Alex: Well you'll learn that with S.H.I.E.L.D there is no such thing as a simple recon mission, Shit happens and it happens fast, so I look at it like this, I wouldn't leave home without my phone, cause you know just in case...Well this is the same thing only with assault rifles and explosives. Now excuse me I like to do my own inspection of the jet before I leave.

*Alex doesn't wait for a response he just moves down the line of jets till can see on the floor 42 boarding it and starts his pre-flight check*
Kesson looked at the bird. Could she understand him? Probably. But would it matter telling his secrets to a bird? He wasn't sure but what did he have to lose?

"You see Sky I had a good childhood. Sure it was strict. I was the oldest in my family. I was meant to lead them someday. And I love my family. They were the best, but so much was expected out of me." Kesson shrugged as if that was not something he minded at all. "But what was the problem you may ask my fine feathered friend? Because, you see, not all of us were DHH. I know, I know, but it's true. My parents were, but some of my siblings were not and this put a pressure on those of us who were. My family was worried that the family line would die out if those who weren't DDH and things got...tense. I...I did what I had to, but then I forced exile myself. I couldn't face my family after what I did."

Kesson shrugged, then he stood. "I have class." Then he walked off.


Jinn moved along the halls, listening to the chatter of the people. She ignored almost all of it. Most of it was unimportant to her. She had her goal and she would complete it. No one else here mattered to her. She was sure she might be assigned to kill one of them later, but for now Hayley was all that matter to the assassin. She had to find her and convince her to come with her.

Jinn assumed that since the shifter was here, she would be easy to convince. She was here to learn how to fight but the Black Acids would be much better teachers for her. She'd learn how to use her shifting abilities properly.

Still Jinn didn't know where to look and having a bit of help, wouldn't be that bad. She a girl skipping down the hall and moved to stop her.

"Hello there. I'm looking for someone. Can you help me?"


"Excellent," Lekki said with a nod. She was happy that Mar agreed for them to be friends. She did rather like the boy and she thought he could use one. "Have you ate yet?"


"No I mean..." Hayley shrugged, looking down at her lap. "For talking to me and stuff. I don't interact with people a lot."
Sky looked at Kesson and then flew to his shoulder. She looked at him and then groomed his hair as a sign of comfort. She kept her large claws loose not wanting to hurt the poor guy but her weight on his shoulder might. She looks at him and then looks at the door leading out. She tilted her head and then looked back at him. She liked this guy....even though his past is still a bit sketchy. She thought he might be a good friend to Flower....boy did her young friend need one....better then Jace that is. She fluffed up her feathers. Flower isn't the only one hurting. Hunter was a friend to Sky to.


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