Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Alex: *Pull you in and hug you that way you can't see my face, I want you to be happy and give Eve the benefit of the doubt but everytime I hear the girl's name I get a nagging feeling in my gut, something feels off. But for now I can't tell you that cause I don't want you to think I'm putting you in a her or me situation, for now all I can do is support you and give Eve room to prove herself or hang herself* Sooooo does that mean you want to go ask her about how she was turned or do we do this on the down low? And more important can you please get ready so we can go eat Ms Bed Head. *Smiles at you and messes with your hair.* You look like you've been licking batteries.
Sheena half scowls, half smirks at you and half heartedly attempts to smooth her hair down, running her fingers through it with one hand. The effect is that it is slightly tamed but far from neat, which is usually her appearance when she isn't consciously trying to look good.

"What do batteries have to do with it? That wouldn't electrocute you...and just because you're Mr. I-Slick-My-Hair-Back-With-Gel doesn't mean you're all hot stuff because of it. More like in spite of it," she pokes your hair, then, focusing more seriously on your first question, shrugs and sighs. "I don't want to ask might be really painful for her to talk or think about. I mean, I hate thinking about when it happened to me, what I did...and she's trying so hard to be good now, there's no point."
Rosa started to snap, “Don’t tell me what to do,” but before that sentence could leave her lips Jace swept her up into his arms. She let out a low growl and gasp of surprise her body had swung so quickly it took her a moment to get her bearings and by that point it had become more than obvious that he was right in his decision to pick her up because the amount of relief she felt was like a wave of warmth swelling over her. Rosa tried to hold herself stiff and unbending in his arms as if she was just a box or burden instead of a real human but she quickly relented and relaxed. She ignored his commented and just a let out a huff that in her head meant, ‘try wearing a pair of five inch heels and your legs will most definitely give way.’ Instead the girl said, “Yeah, I may be blind but I am not stupid, it Room 135.” Rosa then added in a slightly alarmed tone, “And you can leave me at the door, no funny business. I may seem docile right now but I can rally and kick you ass if you try anything,” she hissed.
Jace grinned at her huff, ignoring the own relief he felt as she didn't punch him in the face or kick him in an even worse place. As she admitted to being blind outloud, he felt a mixture of shock and pride, he had sorta guessed, reason for the pride. "I thought something was up with your vision, you're pretty co-ordinated for a blind person though."

He chuckled lightly at her next words, "Don't worry Rosa, you don't seem docile at all right now, and I've had my ass kicked a lot lately, so I think I'm good." Plus, I don't prey on innocent girls. He added as an afterthought in his head, knowing how wrong that sound if he said it aloud - since Sethos DID prey on innocent girls.

None of them are innocent Jace. Rosa's not innocent, she played you the other day, remember?

Go away Sethos, now.

Ah, you didn't swear, am I weighing you down?

Fu*k off.

Apparently not.

I mean it. Come back, uh, NEVER.

Jace looked at Rosa again as he headed for Room 135, he had to ask. "So, you feel like telling the currently non-murderous killer why you were crying?" He knew her answer would be no, why would she tell him?

Faye watched as the girl moved the bag, like she was trying to hide it, her brow furrowed. She slowly added it all up, the 'hiding' of the bag, the girl's reluctance to talk and even her vague answer, "Are you leaving school?" Faye was still frowning, "Why? It's not that bad is it? I've been here for almost a year now and I've managed to survive." She grinned lightly, not knowing how ironic her words were - considering Hayley was leaving for almost not surviving.

Raina chuckles lightly after Liza's long winded explanation about why her family is a bit odd. Then as she turns to Macal and speaks of kicking Raina's butt again, Raina thinks back to when they last sparred, how Raina had infact actually 'won' by pinning Liza to the ground and almost biting her, but she had told Liza she had won because 'biting' was cheating. "You so didn't kick my butt Liz---" Before she can finish Liza has swung at her.

Raina however, instantly does a backflip, landing like a cat as the sword slashes the air infront of her instead, eyes slightly widened, "Woh kiddo, give me a second to breathe why don't you?" She is still holding the sword Macal gave her, and she holds it out infront her sideways as her eyes lock in on Liza, a flash passing over them before she cracks a grin, she is unsure of slashing directly at Liza, not wanting to actually hit her and hurt her. So, she stands up and with vampire speed she whizzes behind Liza, using the flat of her blade to strike at the back of Liza's knees, planning to take her down without actually using the sharpness of the blade. You can tell by looking at her eyes that she knows not only how to fight, but all the training that comes with her, she is focused and nothing else can distract her.
As Raina strikes out at the back of her knees, Liza takes the blow put then rolls forward and lands up on her feet, flashstepping behind Raina and jabbing her sword towards her spine. She pulls it so it doesn't hit her at the last second, giggling, and yet there is fierce concentration along with enjoyment in her eyes as she runs around towards Raina's front, meeting her sword in a clash of metal. She parries with her a few moments, then drops down low and makes a swing that would cut through Raina's ankles, if she didn't jump or dodge somehow, just before rolling forward again and leaping out, landing on Raina's back with sword drawn.

This whole time she is beaming, dimples digging deeply into her cheeks, very much pleased with and enjoying herself.
As Liza flashsteps, this confuses Raina slightly, and before she can spin around to face the girl, Liza is infront of her, swords clashing.

Raina grins, "That would have freakin' hurt" Imagining the pain of a sword going through her back, Raina would have shuddered, but she was too focused on fighting. Then, when Liza drops down and swings for her ankles, Raina jumps up, avoiding getting her feet cut off, and then places a hand on each of Liza's shoulders, using her weight to fling herself right over Liza.

Annoyingly enough, this puts her in the position for Liza to land on her back, and as she does so, still with sword in hand, Raina drops her own sword, grips both of Liza's wrists with either hand and lifts the girl right up over Raina's head, swinging her so that she is slammed onto the floor infront of Raina, facing upwards. However, Raina stops the swing at the last second, so that Liza infact is gently placed on the ground rather than slamming into it.

This kid is clever.

(At some point of the fight, even next if you want, could Liza slash Raina's back or accidently lift the back of her t-shirt up? 'Cause Raina has white scars all over her lower/middle back and I think 'tis time they accidently got revealed)
Liza seems to be rather cheerful about the fact that Raina just threw her to the ground, taking it as a measure of course rather than ill will against her. She uses the hilt of her sword to pop back up, then starts circling around Raina rapidly, feinting and jabbing but not actually making contact. Then she darts forward, making a motion as if to stab her in the chest, but then flashsteps behind her at the last second, again jumping on her back and using her weight and momentum to knock her to the floor. Still on her back, Liza's hand slips against the bottom of Raina's shirt as she settles onto her, and the shirt rides up, revealing Raina's back up to her shoulder blades.

As Liza looks down at Raina's exposed skin, her eyes grow wide, and she gasps out loud, asking in a very concerned tone, "Raina! What happened? Oh nooo somebody mean hurt you...does it hurt? Can I heal it?"

Her fingers trace Raina's back, where large white scars, obviously from serious wounds, criss cross her skin. She looks up at Macal, saying with anxiety, "Daddy, Raina's hurt!"

Then a new thought strikes her, and she says with horror, "Did I get you?! I don't see no blood...I"m sorry!"
Raina chuckles as Liza seems to bound right back up, glad she hasn't hurt her. As Liza circles her, feinting and jabbing, Raina does the same, occasionally clashing swords with her, Raina also has a grin on her face as they spar.

When Liza darts forward, Raina moves backwards, moving her own sword to slash down on the younger with the flat of the blade, planning to bonk her on the head playfully, but then the child is there no longer. And Raina has crashed to the ground.

She rolls her eyes, beginning to speak, "You got a thing for backs Li---" Then Liza gasps. And Raina can feel the fresh air on her tender back. What happened? Just like in a bad action movie, Raina gets a flash of her Father's sneering face as his blade comes down on her sharply, the feeling of warm blood leaving her body soon following. Somebody mean hurt you... Raina can vaguely hear Liza talking in a concerned tone as thoughts rush through her head. Somebody very mean Liza. Does it hurt? Can I heal it?

When Liza's gentle fingers trace Raina's back, this is too much, and she is shocked to her senses at the contact. With sudden strength and amazing speed, Raina moves forward, leaving Liza to fall on the floor as she now stands a few feet away, her top back down and the scars hidden once more. Sadly, she didn't move quickly enough, so it is extremely possible that Macal saw the scars.

At first, her eyes are wide, even slightly fearful, but then a calm blankness comes over them and she looks to Liza. She shakes her head, smiling though there is no emotion in it, "No Liza, you didn't hurt me, don't worry." Someone else already did. Raina doesn't look at Macal, at all, as she grins at Liza, still blank in her eyes though, "Looks like you kicked my butt again Liza."
Hayley shrugged. So she had been found out after all. She looked at Faye and bit her lower lip then looked away.

"I'm not good enough," she said after some thought. The truth would be best to go with. At least she had a good, honest reason for her leaving. She found she didn't want to lie about it after all. "I...I almost got hurt last night. I'm not strong enough to handle this place. I'm sorry."

What she was apologizing for Hayley could not say. She certainly didn't have a reason that made sense. But to her she felt like a disappointment. To herself, to her family and to the school. She wasted her and the people's here time after all. She looked at the ground wondering if Faye will try and stop her some more or let her go.
(I have been left behind in my own role that hurts. Oh well squeeze back in here. lol)

Flower retruned to her garden. The scent of a guy hit her nose. She opened the door and saw Kesson. "I see you have used my offer." She said but in her state she did not smile. "I hope you like it." She said and passed him. Her large pet Eagle; sky, turned her head and looked at the boy Kesson. Flower sighed deeply and walked to a pure white Flower and touched it. The light from her hand made it bloom again. She turned to Kesson. "If you wish to be alone I will leave here momentarly." She said and then looked down. Sky rubbed her head on Flower's trying to cheer her up. The lost of Hunter was almost more then Flower could bare. Her pet, her dearest friend gone. Flower looked rather sad and uneasy.
*It hits me that I may need to define what sparring is to you both, barely missing each other, it finally hits me that if something like this is making me nervous I must be getting to old for this. No screw that! I square my stance sliding my sword back into the scabbard, moving into a drawing position my eyes start to glow as I flash draw my sword, bolts of lighting fly off the blade and speed towards the sky and explode into the clouds dispersing them. After about 10 minutes of drawing I slide my sword back in it's scabbard one last time* Hey who wants some breakfast I'm starving.
Kesson nodded when he saw Flower approach. He froze a bit at first, unsure if she might be mad or yell at him, having changed her mind, but although she didn't seem happy, she seemed to have still allowed him to be here. That made him happy. It looked like an amazing place after all. He felt a bit honored as well after what Zelda told him before about Flower not liking people in her garden.

He bowed a little to her. He saw that something was really bugging her though. "I do hope I enjoy it as well. It is such a beautiful place I think it would be hard for me not to though," he said. He moved a little closer to her. "Are....are you okay?"
Sheena half scowls, half smirks at you and half heartedly attempts to smooth her hair down, running her fingers through it with one hand. The effect is that it is slightly tamed but far from neat, which is usually her appearance when she isn't consciously trying to look good.

"What do batteries have to do with it? That wouldn't electrocute you...and just because you're Mr. I-Slick-My-Hair-Back-With-Gel doesn't mean you're all hot stuff because of it. More like in spite of it," she pokes your hair, then, focusing more seriously on your first question, shrugs and sighs. "I don't want to ask might be really painful for her to talk or think about. I mean, I hate thinking about when it happened to me, what I did...and she's trying so hard to be good now, there's no point."


Liza shows no reaction to Macal's little show, seeming to think this is perfectly normal, and for her it is. She is still looking at Raina with her brow creasing with concern, but she stands up with her father, nodding in reply to his question.

"I do. I want breakfast. I want a cinnamon roll, plus also chocolate milk I think. Can Raina come too? She can have orange juice or water with red stuff in it instead of blood I think."

Looking back at Raina again, still frowning, Liza takes her hand and half hugs her again, resting her head against her hip. "Who did that bad stuff to you, Raina? Can I go kick his ass? Can I?"

Shifting her eyes to her father, she adds, "Daddy didn't you see Raina's back? Someone mean hurted her. Can I heal her?"
Alex: Ok Sheena then after breakfast consider me in research mode, I'll do what I can to track down some answers for you, even tho it would be far easier for you to just ask but hey this is my thing so consider me on the case..But will you be able to handle the answers I find and more important if I find the vamp that turned her and he/she is still around you have to promise me that you won't go after he/she without me and I'm not asking this cause I want to stop you from doing whatever you decide to do I'm asking cause I want to watch your back. Cause I know you would do the same for me if I was in your shoes. So promise me that before I even get into this.

Macal: Liza you have to ask Raina about that maybe she wants her scars after all she is a vampire there is virtually no wound that a powerful vampire can't heal with time and feeding. *Glances at Raina's back for a second* Sometimes scars are there to remind us of what we've been through and what we need to do. Raina may still need her scars. Now about breakfast if Raina promises to not fight with your mother or sister then she's welcome to join us. *Knowing that's is not a promise I'll get and if I did I doubt she'll keep it.*
Sheena hesitates, then nods slightly reluctantly, winding her arm around Alex's waist and hugging him again, nodding slightly against his chest.

"Yeah...okay," she says without enthusiasm. "But you have to let me do the killing, okay? You watch, but you have to let me do it...and don't tell Faith or Macal! Just us, okay? Just us and maybe Lina, if she wants. But that's all...okay?"

It hadn't crossed her mind until Alex said so that she could kill the vampire who turned her sister, that she SHOULD, but now that it's out there, that is exactly what she wants...vengeance. Justice. For matter what it took.


"Ohhh like Mama's got scars and Sheena Legs got scars?" Liza queries, accepting this without much further questioning. At your conditions about breakfast, she beams, then tugs on Raina's hand, bouncing on her toes as she pleads with her.

"Be good Raina, okay? Don't fight with my mama and sister, okay? So we can eat breakfast!"
Flower looks at him and then looks down. "I have lost a dear friend...My key dog Hunter." She said and then looked at him. She closed her eyes. "She has been with me since I was a child...She was given tome by my parents...who were murdered. She could talk and even turn human...of course that was normal for key dogs." She petted Sky. "She was murdered....yesterday." She closed her eyes the image appearing in her mind. She felt like se wanted to cry but not in front of this boy. She sighed deeply and looked away.
Rosa just huffed not finding any of his statements worthy of a response from her. I mean what did he want Rosa to say, ‘Why thank you Jace for not noticing my handicap I have been blind my whole life and I am co-ordinated just like anyone else, Big Whoop,” or “Thank you Jace for deciding that me being carried in your arms was not docile please praise me again.” Rosa was being ridiculously petty about the situation and had no desire to be mature. She was just pleased that she was managing to keep her rude statements to herself instead of snapping at him.

Upon arriving at her room it was the final question that made Rosa snap, a sad laugh escaped her throat. “Hell you know better than me, was it a game to see who could date the blind girl the fastest or some other twisted fantasy. Tell me why he pushed me away and then you will know why I am crying. You can actually see him and you know better than me what he can do, so if it all that important you find out,” she said idiotically. She wiggled her way out of his arms landing with grunt and she fumbled with her door.
Raina was glad Macal didn't question her about her scars, but she still felt herself tear inside as Liza asks who hurt her, if she could kick their ass. Well that's impossible because they're dead. She looks away as Liza talks of healing her. Macal's words annoy her. Deeply.

She's a vampire, so she should be able to heal her scars? What the fu*k did being a vampire have to do with healing? Did he fu*king think she wanted those scars? That she LIKED them?!?!? That she NEEDED them?!? Like she frickin' needed those ugly white scars on her back, reminding her how WEAK she was. Reminding her of how cruel a Father she had been given. No. She hated those scars, and she had no idea what Macal was talking about when he spoke of healing them.

Of course she didn't say this. She kept quiet, only allowing her narrowed eyes to land on Macal when he spoke of joining them for breakfast and behaving. She opened her mouth to respond with a snappy no, but then she felt Liza tugging on her hand, and she looks down, her eyes softening as Liza pleads. "Okay." She finds herself murmuring, not realizing she has let herself in for a family breakfast with the slayer, the werewolf and the freaky dad. Although, out of the three, Macal was currently the least annoying. She then looked up at him, re-hearing the bit about not harming Faith or Sheena, "I'll be on my best behavior, but if Faith puts a stake to my chest for the THIRD time, don't blame me when I react badly." Raina was clearly not over the almost-being-staked-twice thing.

Jace frowned as Rosa began to talk about games, dating and pushing away. "Is this about ninja boy? He pushed you away?" He got an explainable twist of anger at the thought that ninja boy had made Rosa cry. Not understanding it, he reached over and helped her unlock the door, "Want me to punch him in the face?" He was totally being serious. He didn't understand it, but he suddenly REALLY wanted to punch Chameleon for making Rosa so upset.

Faye frowned at the girl, "You don't have to apologize Hayley." She folded her arms, "Who almost hurt you? You don't have to leave because of it, the whole reason people come here is to get better at fighting." Her voice was kind as she spoke. She knew what it was like to be there, thinking you were too weak, not good enough. She had thought she was too weak to protect Myra. But here they both were, at this school, both still alive, and Myra was even talking now.

(Breakfast with Faith and Raina in the same room, at the same table.....this should be fun xD )
James was walking around looking for Myra. She ran off on him yesterday and he wanted to make sure she was ok. He sighed and kept looking worried about her. He went to Myra's and Faye's room and knocked on the door seeing if she was in there. He thought about what Peter had said....of course she was upset. He looked at the door very worried now. He rubs his head, anger rising at Peter.
"Oh Mama won't, Raina, not if I tell her to be nice and you're being nice too!" Liza assures her, then claps her hands, smiling up at her. "Yay, this is gonna be fun. We're all gonna have fun and be nice and they'll see your my sister and like you a whole lot. And maybe you can share my room even, I think. 'Cause Sheena Legs got a sister now and maybe they can share rooms too and I'll have so many sisters it will be like a sleepover I think!"

She grabs Macal's hand with the hand not in Raina's and swings it back and forth, beaming up at him. "Daddy let's go and get cinnamon buns!"

Faith has finally dragged herself out of bed but is in quite the grouchy mood. She's only glad it's Saturday and she doesn't have to deal with teaching class today, but she is not looking forward to the day, and especially Sheena and Eve. As she looks at Sheena and Alex standing in the living quarters, she raises an eyebrow.

"How many people have crashed through this place today?"
Myra was sitting on her bed, after endless attempts to get her to open up and talk, Faye had given up and left. Now Myra was sitting alone, in silence, and as the knocking occurs, she jumps, then silently looks at the door. Hoping the silence would make them go away. She didn't want to speak to anyone. Peter had told her that James was taking advantage of her, that he would use her, that she was ruined. She wasn't good enough for him, for anyone.
James heard silence. He leans down and then sniffs under the door. Her scent was all to stong for her not to be in there. He sighs and then knocks again. He looks saddly at the door. "Please open up Myra...I know you are in there....please I need to talk to you." He said and then sighed deeply. He keeps knocking. "Please myra open up!" He looked at the door. He knew she was upset and by the smell of there alone. He looked at the ground. "Peter is a lier and just know it...he knew exackly what to say but it's not's not." He stares at the door and then sighed. His golden eyes didn't leave the door almost like he was seeing through it, of course he wasn't.
Mar made it outside the academy and walked along the walls until he found an area on the opposite side the forest clearing that was dominated by patches of dead grass and dry earth, he removed the battery from the doomed laptop then ordered some of his nano machines to excavate a hole about twice it`s size before he threw it in, with the absence of more conventional methods of destroying the redundant piece of equipment Mar resolved that he would have to have the judge render it useless to anyone who would manage to find it. He pulled out the weapon in question and unloaded 4 cylinders worth of ammunition onto the old laptop filling the air with the sound of thunder while filling the piece of equipment with 28 holes making it resemble Swiss cheese.

With the execution dealt with Mar holstered the judge and used his foot to sweep dirt over the laptops remains, patting the resulting mound down untill it was level with the rest of the ground before having his nano machines dig another hole for the battery as he disposed of it in the same manner as the lap top before he re-entered the castle, with nothing better to do the boy would roam around the academy until something happened, the various halls where so beautifully ordained with sculptures and pieces of art that it almost felt like he was touring a museum rather than a school full of killers.
Hayley looked at Faye, wondering she could believe her words. Wonder if she could tell her. She thought about it and decided why not.

"A vampire girl...I...I can't remember her name. I think she knew Sheena," Hayley said, trying to recall what she knew about the girl from last night. Not much besides that Sheena went weird when she saw her, another girl almost (or maybe did) get into a fight with her and she scared Hayley a lot. She shrugged and looked down at her feet, "But what if I can't get streonger or better," she asked. "I'm only good at shifting and even then I can't do too much."


Kesson nodded and was silent for a bit. He looked at Flower as if to ask if he should go, if she wanted to grieve in private, but he did not speak. There was much he wanted to say besides asking if he should go. More about Key dogs. Kesson barely knew anything about Key Holders. Maybe he could learn more, but he thought better of asking too much. Also he wanted to say he understood lost that hit you so deep. Kesson recalled Lekki's words from earlier and this made him keep quiet for a minute.

"I am sorry for your lost Flower," Kesson said after some thought. "Loosing someone precious is always a horrible thing."


Lekki almost landed right on top of Mar when she teleported, having woken up a little more. She was feeling a lot better about it all. She had spoken to a few other people, wanting to become more part of the place and she also wanted to make some friends.

When she teleported and almost landed on Mar, she let out a cry and stumbled a bit. She looked back, scratching her head. "Oh sorry about that. Guess I am still a little shaky with my teleporting. You're Mar, correct?"
Flowe looks at Kession. She sighed and then looked around. "I know all to well." she said and then took a deep breath looking at Kesson. She sits down in the soft grass. "If you have something on your mind please say it." she said closing her eyes as Sky flew off her shoulder and landed on Kessons softly picking at his hair and ear. Sky was careful about her large claws.

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