Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Deathwish opened the door and then looked at Jace. He sighed and looked down. "Jace....come in." He said and then looked as Nick looked up and then looked down. Both of them were in pretty sad states. Both of them had let out their demons. Deathwish looks down. Orpheous was just playing....if he was really in the mood he could release much death.

Nick puts his head in his hands. "What is it Jace?" He looked up sadly and then looked away. He rubbed his still healing burns from Faye. He stood up and then put his hands in his pockets.
Jace blinked as Deathwish simply let him in. No, 'why are you here?' or 'what the heck do you want'? They didn't even glare at him or anything! The shock was clear in his eyes for a moment before it cleared as Nick spoke, now noticing how down they both look. Well, at least he wasn't the only one.

He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly having trouble with what he was about to say. "Uh, um, I was wondering if you guys had like room for me to stay in here tonight? I've got no troubles sleeping on the floor." He paused, imagining that he could still smell remains of Hunter's blood on his hands. "Sethos, uh, he...he got mad at Flower and...he took control and killed that girl-dog. Hunter?" He looked away from them both, at the door, as if he expected Flower to charge through at any moment and stab him, "She's going to kill me, she looked really, really mad." He looked back at them both, a mixture of pleading and subtle fear of Flower in his eyes. Now that Sethos had vanished and taken his snarky personality out of Jace for a moment, Jace almost seemed....nice?
Deathwish looked at Jace and then sighed. "I would be mad Jace....but I understand after what happened today." He sighed and then closed the door behind him. "Hunter huh? That's just asking to be killed." He said and then pointed to the couch. "Flower as had Hunter since her father gave hunter has a puppy to her. Hunter and Sky has been with her since her parents died. You'll be here a few months." He said and then sat down looking down. He sighed deeply and then sat down on his bed. He looked at the door. "Poor Poor Flower..." He sighed.

Nick looks at Deathwish. "I'm surprised you're not killing him right now...or is it that you tried something and Flower-" Deathwish smacked Nick right into the wall. "SHUT UP!" Deathwish yelled and then sat down. He hadn't regained his control over his emotions yet. Nick falls to the ground and rubs his head. "Hey!" He sighed and then looked at Jace.
Jace blinked as he processed it all. They weren't mad? Well okay then. He'd take what he could get. But something Deathwish said poked at his brain again, "What?" He frowned at Deathwish, "Hunter was that tiny puppy that Flower got when she was like, still learning to crawl?" His eyes widened slightly. "Oh s**t. I am dead." He groaned and rubbed his forehead, "I'm so dead. I hate Sethos so much." He blinked, thinking back to when he and Flower were little kids, Hunter would go practically everywhere with Flower.

Jace pulled his hands away from his face and nodded a thanks, walking over to the couch and sitting down on it as he watched the two brothers interact, his brow furrowing as he tried to make sense of what they were saying. Then his eyes widened, and then they narrowed. Deathwish liked Flower. But he didn't have a right to be jealous. He repeated this to himself a few times and then his expression slowly returned to normal, "I know this is a really odd time to ask you guys this question, what with the whole demon fest back at the dance, but how the heck did you get your demon sides to appear so rarely? I mean, Sethos practically takes over my body every day, not to mention he's constantly contradicting me in my head."
Nick looks at him and sighs. "Well Deathwish controls his emotions...we are also half vampire which gives us the ability to surpress the demon just like our hunger for blood....of course for some odd reason blood brings them out....another thing.....we've had 100 years to gain this much control." He said and then sighs. "We are the dominat personality."

Deathwish sighs. "It just happened....mostly when we got the disire to never again go demon...that came at a high price...I killed someone I loved..." He looked at Nick who nodded. He looked at Jace. "I'm not sure if we can help you Jace...but Nick has a new idea about why so suddenly he's talking to you. When was the first time Sethos showed himself?" Deathwish asked.
Liza considers Raina's analogy carefully, frowning lightly before she nods. "Uh huh I get it. Like when my ex boyfriend, he tored up my teddy bear and killed him so I hadda break up with him. No one else could break up with him, just me. But you know what Raina, if you wanna get me to help I'll do it."

She stifles a yawn as Raina stops before her dorm door, shaking her head and laying her head against Raina's shoulder even as the girl asks her about her being tired, denying it.

"Nuh uh. I'm gonna stay up. Maybe dance some more. And play...and kick ass..."

When Raina nearly knocks into Sheena and Evangeline, Liza raises her head, blinking, and smiles at her sister, holding out her arms. "Hey Sheena Legs! I sawed you dancing with Alex on the stage. I said hi to him and he didn't even say hi back for a long gonna hold me now?"

Her eyes moving to Evangeline, she includes her in a wave, saying, "I don't know you but you're pretty. I'm Liza Kathleen Cord. What's your name?"

Evangeline regards her coolly at first, her blue eyes narrowing briefly, before she looks at Sheena and then smiles, waving back at Liza. "I'm Evangeline, Sheena's sister. I'm a new student here. And must be her little sister? I've heard about you."

"Uh huh!" Liza nods, smiling again at Sheena automatically takes her from Raina, holding her close against her chest. Surprisingly, Sheena barely seems to notice that Liza is with Raina, or that Liza is in fact supposed to be grounded. She just holds her sister absently, but she is looking at Evangeline, appearing partly dazed, but happy, a little smile playing at her lips. "That's me...Sheena Legs has a sister? How many of those do we got?"

"She just has me," Evangeline said with a small smile. "I'm her real sister...her blood sister."

Cutting her eyes to Sheena, she adds, "Isn't it time for the little girl to be in bed by now?"

Sheena blinks, looking down at Liza almost as if seeing her for the first time, and then nods, barely glancing at Raina.

"" she looks back at the blonde girl, licking her lips. "I'll...see you tomorrow?"

"Of course, sis," Evangeline says, and she leans in close, avoiding much contact with Liza as she kisses Sheena's cheek, squeezing her shoulders. "Good night, Sheena...I'll see you tomorrow."

As she begins to walk away, Sheena is still staring after her, appearing dazed. Liza breaks the silence, looking at her curiously.

"She's a vampire, Sheena Legs. How can she be your sister?"
Hayley wasn't sure of where she was headed. To her room, she had planned in the beginning, but her feet had over plans it seemed. She didn't mind though. She was fine and no one was really around the halls. Hayley felt herself shift a little and she sighed, humming a tune to herself.

She didn't notice Evangeline in front of her. She focused on her form and paused in her movement. She was facing the ground, humming still, but she looked up and saw the girl. She recognized her from earlier. The girl Sheena went after. She looked around, wanting to go. She may be fine with Sheena, but she still was incredibly shy and she had a bad feeling about the girl in front of her.

The shifter shuffled her feet and turned, hoping she had not been seen.


"So Zelda," Kesson began, sipping his drink and looking around. A few people had left, but it didn't bother Kesson. He looked at Zelda and sighed. "I am glad I met you. It's not always so lucky to meet a good friend right away. I'd thought I would have to deal with fangirls for ages before finding a good female friend."

Zelda looks at him. "I'm just glad to meet another DHH...I'm just sorry you have fan girls." She looks at the the girls staring at him. "Nope....mine." She said and they turned around. She smirks and then looks at Kesson. "I mean did you see how they swarmed Nick? They were ready to tare his tux off." She giggled slightly and then looked at Kesson.
Evangeline's superior sense of hearing picks up footsteps behind her even before Hayley steps fully into her hallway, but she does not yet turn, feigning ignorance of the girl's approach. She can tell it is a girl walking because the lightness of her steps, and the distance apart of her footsteps. The girl is moving hesitantly, as though she knows what or who Evangeline is, or as though she is reluctant to pass her...for which she is wise. Evangeline can smell her scent, the blood pulsing through her veins, the very humanness of her...and she is very thirsty.

She has practice restraint all night, in that crowd of people at the dance, in the hallway with the child who so brashly called herself Sheena's '"sister..." it had been hardly within her ability to stand still, to ignore their blood clogging her ignore her instinct to take them then and there. Evangeline does not think she can stand it for much longer. Regardless of whether Liza had arrived, she had found it necessary to leave Sheena before it was too late for her to remain within control.

And now as this human approaches, Evangeline can feel herself swallow convulsively, and as she turns to greet her, smiling, her fangs are nearly coming out over her lips.

"Hello," she states, the words almost a threat. "Don't think we've met."
Kesson nodded at Zelda.

"Yeah. I haven't really met any DHHs beyond my family." He looked at the girls around and shook his head. "It's not your fault, so don't apologize. Not your fault I am so darn attractive," he said with a laugh. "But yeah. I saw. I hope that doesn't- Wait did you just say I was your's?" Kesson raised an eyebrow at Zelda, not sure if he heard right. She was probably saying it to make the girls go away, but still. He wasn't sure if he liked the idea of being Zelda's or not.


Hayley was just tempted to run at that point when the girl spoke to her. She paused for a moment, unsure of what to do next. She moved a little more forward, before looking back at Evangeline.

"I am new here still. I haven't met anyone really besides a few people," Hayley said in a quiet voice, looking anywhere but directly at the vampire. She did not know that she was one. Hayley was unaware of the danger she was in, but she still was nervous. She didn't like the girl one bit. She wanted to flee.

"I am going to my room. Sorry if I interrupted you or something. Bye."
Zelda looks at him and then hid a light blush. "Uh yeah....the fan know. They were bugging me with their staring..." She rubs her head. "Heh...So uh....what's your family like?" She asked looking at him with a small smile. She rather change the subject then her choice of words for scaring off the fan girls. (Collage 101?)
As Hayley attempts to slip past her, Evangeline's eyes grow dark, and she moves with unsettling speed and stealth, blocking her path. Casually leaning against the wall, her slight body taking up as much space as she can, she focuses unblinking, narrowed eyes at Hayley's face, her pale lips quirking at the corners, then slowly spreading out into a vindictive smile.

"What's the rush....we haven't even been introduced."

She licks her lips slowly, her eyes never leaving Hayley's face.
Kesson would have rather professed his love to Zelda in front of everyone (not that he loved her) than speak about this family. When he had left them, he had left all of it behind. He licked his lips, struggling to figure out what to say.

"Well it's nice. I'd rather not have anyone at the moment," Kesson said, firstly. He didn't want Zelda to get the wrong idea. Sure he did like her, but only as a friend. For now at least. He wouldn't mind dating her though. A DHH just like him. His mother would be proud to know he'd keep the bloodline pure. But that thought reminded Kesson of Zelda's question. "I grew up in a fairly strict setting. I have parents, like everyone, and four siblings, all younger." Kesson shrugged. "My family history, isn't all that interesting, really."

A lie but he couldn't talk about it. Not yet at least. The memory of what happened was too difficult to discuss with Zelda. He still barely knew her after all.


Hayley let out a whimper as Evangeline blocked her path. She stumbled backwards, wanting to get away from her, but unable to move beyond the steps she had taken. She shook her head.

"I...I'm not good with talking to people. I just really want to get back to my room," Hayley said. She could hear the pleading in her voice, but she didn't care.
Zelda nods. "I see...nothing much here either." She looked around and then leaned on the table. She looked at some of the food and then sighed a bit. She looked at him. "Yeah I'm out of things to talk about." She sighed letting her hair slip from her ears. She sighed and then looked off to the side. Suddenly she wanted to excape his commany....not that she was sad or anything....more that she was slightly embarrassed. She noticed Trinity and then smiled suddenly having the purfect excuse....but before she could leave Kesson. Trinity ran off. "Darn it." She whispered under her breath.
Evangeline's eyes glitter, and though she is small in form, she manages to convey even with her slight size her power as she refuses to move out of Hayley's way, leaning her face in towards her. The smell of Hayley's blood, so near her face, is so enticing that she swallows again, then sniffs deliberately. It is almost torturing herself to wait, and Evangeline feels saliva fill her mouth as she places one hand on Hayley's face, turning her chin to force her to look her head on.

She can smell her fear, and that is all the more exciting.

"You shouldn't be rude...we could be great friends. Or I could ask you to dinner."

Her tone makes it sound as though she might end up making Hayley the main course.
(Let’s have them get lost!)

Rosa started to get the idea that Leo might not be completely sure of the whereabouts of this dance. She knew just how confusing this school could be and sometimes had to pull out her tape recorder when she was trying to remember how many steps she took down one hallway or another. It was almost as if the corridors moved, not a lot, but just enough to throw a person off especially if they were blind. As leaned in closer to tie the mask, the feeling of his hot breath across her neck was titillating and she resisted the urge to turn around and face him. No one had ever had this affect on her, she always viewed men as some kind of savage and if they behaved half-way decently might be friend material. But Leo felt like more than that to her. She had the desire to know him and his interests not just chat casually and joke. And she wanted him to know her even if it meant revealing her own little secrets.
(Sorrryy Evangeline. Looks like Raina's gonna interrupt your meal!)

Raina watches with interest how Sheena is acting towards this new girl, taking note that this girl is Sheena's sister, her real sister. And with this shocking revelation. Raina feels like she just received a stab to the stomach. An instant hatred of this girl has sparked already, and ANY connections that she and Sheena had somehow managed to find. Were gone. Sheena had her sister. She wasn't dead. Had Sheena lied to Raina? Or did the girl show up unexpectedly. Either way, the familiar feeling of disappointment and anger had settled inside of Raina.

Raina didn't miss the way Evangeline looked at Liza, that brief flash of 'I-dont-like-you' Before she had looked at Sheena, almost like she had to remind herself to act because Sheena was there, and then Raina had recognized how fake she had been when being 'nice' to Liza. Raina was an expert in faking, she knew all the signs. Sheena hadn't noticed. She was in such a daze what with her precious sister coming back. Raina felt all the more alone all over again.

Raina glares at Sheena openly now, taking note of the direction Evangeline headed in before letting her cold gaze settle on the Lycan girl. "Aw, you seem happy Sheena." Her tone is as bitter as a thousand lemons, her black eyes burning into Sheena's skull, "Glad to see your baby sister isn't dead afterall?" She gave her elevator eyes before folding her arms over her chest and giving Sheena her back, heading the same way Evangeline did, calling back over her shoulder to Sheena without looking at her, "Just don't get too wrapped up in your little perfect fairytale. A wicked witch always comes along and ruins it, right?" She then, with that last word, glanced back at Sheena, her black eyes flickering with mischief and a unidentifiable smirk on her face.

Raina was heading to her dorm, which happened to be in the same direction Evangeline and Hayley were in, when an overwhelming amount of fear hit her nostrils. Considering she hadn't drunk blood in a while, her senses were heightened and ready for a hunt, so it was easy to follow the smell to the source. Keeping herself hidden in the shadows, blending in easily with her dark dress and making no sound at all as she rounded the corner to see Evangeline herself, so close to Hayley. The fear was wafting from the shy girl herself. Evangeline had hunter eyes and Raina could feel her desire to take Hayley's blood there and then. And although Raina didn't care for the girl, not at all, and would have no problem with Evangeline killing her. She wanted to piss the girl off.

So with that thought, she plastered on her best bitter-sweet bit**y smile and stepped forward, allowing her heels to clack against the floor as she came into view of both the girls, close enough to dart forward and stop Evangeline from biting Hayley, but still about a few feet away. She tilted her head, letting her coal black hair drape to one side, staring directly at Evangeline as she kept the fake smile on her face, "Aren't you supposed to be dead Evangeline?" Her tone was curious, but it had that underhint of a threat there. She took another step closer, slowly, as if Evangeline was her prey.

Jace groaned slightly at their reasons why, all of them were ones he couldn't do, such as being half-vampire and being old. "So I gotta wait 78 more years before I can get Sethos to shut up?" He then fell silent as Deathwish mentioned Nick having an idea. He frowned slightly at the question, when was the first time Sethos showed himself. "You mean, like, ever? Or since I got here?" He shrugs, the frown vanishing as he spoke, "Well, if you mean ever, it was when my Mum told Malcolm she cheated on him with a demon, Malcolm went berserk, killed Mum and then Sethos took over and killed Malcolm." He then looked at them for their reaction before continuing, "Then he didn't take over again, but he used to mentally convince me to kill Vampires after that." He frowned, "Then, when Raina's dad killed the only girl me and Sethos had ever loved, Méilǐ, Sethos took over and murdered her Mum and Sister." He thought to Sethos's next appearance, "Uh, then....Sethos came out again when Raina ran into him." He shrugs once more, "And since enrolling at this school, he's been a lot Like at the dance today when he saw Raina." He glanced at the both of them, remembering how Sethos had tried to convince him to kill them, "He doesn't like vampires....or Raina."

Chameleon finished tying up her mask just in time, knowing that if it took any longer, he wouldn't have been able to resist blurting out how he felt. He moved back to her side again, taking up her hand as he spoke determinedly, "Right! I'm sure it's this way." They began walking again, only to turn the corner and see no ballroom once again. " Maybe it's this way?" They carried on going, to turn the corner and see a dead end. He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. Way to make a good impression Chameleon, go and lead your date to a dead end. "I...I think we may be lost?"
Sheena is still barely paying attention to Raina and her presence, let alone her words, and she merely watches her exit without really seeing her at all, still gripping Liza on her hip. It's not until Liza nudges her repeatedly that she blinks and tries to listen to what she's saying.

"Sheeeeena come that girl is your sister? Is she really? 'Cause you just got me and Mama I thought and that's all. Plus also she's a vampire."

Sheena shakes her head, trying to clear it, and shifts Liza's weight on her hip as she moves to open the door. "Uh...I had a sister, a long time ago, Liza...I, I thought she died. But...that's her. She's a vampire now. She's back...isn't that cool?"

Liza shrugs, not really having formed an opinion yet. "Uh huh. But she said she's your real sister. I'm your real sister too though, right? Right Sheena Legs?"

"Yeah, Liza," Sheena says, but she sounds absent as she carries her inside. "Of course you are."

"I'm gonna tell Mama," is Liza's last thoughtless declaration, but even that doesn't shake Sheena out of her own thoughts.

Evangeline's body tenses as Raina approaches, sensing that she is another of her kind even before she makes her presence seen. When Raina blocks her, Evangeline looks her directly in the eyes, but she is already withdrawing with great reluctance, forcing herself under control. Now will clearly not be the time...

Swearing violently to herself inside her head, Evangeline looks up at her, giving her a cold smile. "I am dead. That would generally be the definition of a vampire, but then, you would know." Raising an eyebrow, she shoved Hayley back slightly towards Raina. "I see you're staking your claim? Have her, she's not to my taste."
Nick snaps his fingers. "Emotion!" he looks at Deathwish who nods. "Sethos came out after your father kille your were just a kid so that caused extream sadness and anger. Sethos took that so he could take revenge. Now Sethos probably wants to kill everything but he convinced you to kill vampires. Vampires and key holders have a dislike of each other because key holders can kill vampires and vampires can bite a key holder and make them become weak. Raina's father killed someone you loved so she becomes an emotional trigger and since then being so close to Raina and seeing her so much Sethos is able to influence you because of your emotion. One more thing to prove I'm right, is Sethos talking to you now?"
Raina smirks coldly back at Evangeline, noticing her tensing in the slightest, "I would know?" She laughs bitterly, no real humour in it as she locks eyes with the younger looking girl again, "I was born a vampire you clueless idiot. I wasn't bitten and killed."

As Hayley is shoved at her, Raina instantly moves her to the side, looking at her with a steel focus, "You should get back to your dorm, quickly, you almost became a blood bag." She then smirks, casting a glance at Evangeline before she looks back to Hayley, "Maybe next time you should walk back to your dorm with your new besty, Sheena." She smiles, sickly sweet, "Infact, you should let her know that you were almost killed tonight by Evangeline, she'd be interested to hear that." She nods her head in the direction of Hayley's room, encouraging her to go now, before she looks back to Hayley, her glare back in place as she folds her arms, raking her eyes up and down her body scrutinizingly before locking gazes with her again, "Piece of advice? Don't eat students. Otherwise Sheena's bi**h of a big sister will put a stake to your chest. Trust me, it's not pleasant." She then rose an unimpressed eyebrow, "Although, now that I've met you, I guess I can say she has two bit**y sisters. You're reallllyy bad at faking by the way."

(Hey Fire, just to check we're on the same page, is the answer to Sethos talking to Jace right now: Yes or No?)
Evangeline raises an eyebrow, not in the least intimidated by Raina. In fact, she draws close to her, almost in her face as she shakes her hair back over her shoulder, one hand on her narrow hip as she in turn looks Raina up and down.

"/I/ am Sheena's sister. I am her blood. There is no other. She has no one else. In the end, that's what will matter to her."

She turns to Hayley and gives her a sweet smile and wave, but there is a challenge to her tone as she addresses her. "Sorry for the little really won't be necessary to speak of it again, will it? Perhaps I'll see you soon."

To Raina, she smiles again. "I'm not faking at all. I'm so very happy to be here with my sister. The rest of you...let's just say you don't measure up."
As Evangeline pulls closer, rather than backing off or looking shocked, a malevolent grin spreads across Raina's face and her wicked black eyes light up. Listening to her speak, piecing together the REAL meaning behind Evangeline's words, "Well, this is becoming quickly interesting." She speaks still with the grin.

Raina doesn't pay mind nor matter to Hayley as she is spoken to by Evangeline, she doesn't really care. But as the girl turns back, declaring she is not faking Raina rolls her eyes, "Oh give it a rest blondie. I wasn't speaking about your relationship with your hypnotized big sister." She meets her eyes again, "I meant how you obviously don't like Liza and how you faked that smile towards her earlier. I wonder what Sheena would think if she found out her sister wants to isolate her and spends her spare time trying to sink her dirty little fangs into any student she can find?"

Raina shrugs, inspecting her nails like the conversation bored her before she let her eyes return to Evangeline, her big black eyes showing feigned innocence, "Of course, how on earth would she find that out?" She grinned then, changing the topic entirely as she planted one hand on her hip, mirroring the younger blonde girl, "We have a lot in common actually, expect it's Sheena and Faith that I'd rather get rid of." She smirks coolly, taking the last possible step closer, she is ready to pull out her hidden knife at any second, ready for any move Evangeline can make, "So, Lina, can I call you that?" Without waiting for an answer or allowing Evangeline space to reply, showing her dominance at the moment, she speaks again, "Good. So, Lina, I think you should watch Sheena's back, and yours of course." She smirks sweetly.

Jace flicks his eyes between the twins as they each talk, quickly understanding what they are saying and what they mean. But he still frowns, "Emotion?" Well that sucks. As long as Raina is around, and as long as Jace feels emotions - which he always will - Sethos will still bug him. Then they ask if Sethos is speaking to him right now and he instantly shakes his head, "Nope. After he killed Hunter he's been quiet. He tends to leave me alone for a while after a satisfying killing." He frowned a bit more, then his frown vanished as understanding filled his eyes, "Emotion? Oh great. After Flower beat his a$$ earlier at the dance, she made him feel pain, so he got really mad, which is a strong emotion right? That's why he was able to take over so easily and kill Hunter!" He groaned, holding his face in his hands, "Being half demon sucks."

(Faiitttthhhhhhhhhh! Could you pretty pleaseeee post a scene where Faith talks about Liza sneaking out with Raina? Or make Faith confront Raina about it? :D I love your mini-family scenes! They're so cool!)

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