Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Two hallways down from the dance entrance Sheena is leaned against the wall, facing away from Alex, her hand splayed as she takes slow, shallow breaths, her eyes open wide, but not seeming to really see him or notice his approach until he speaks. She is shaking slightly, and her voice shows her shock as she finally answers him, her tone unsteady. She doesn't meet his eyes, staring past him to the wall across from her.

" sister...she was there. She smiled at me. She shouldn't have been there."

She doesn't realize that Alex will of course automatically assume that she is speaking of Liza or Faith, that he will not automatically understand her reaction. She does not realize that he thinks she is embarrassed or upset with him as she swallows again, trying to block out Evangeline's smile, her small wave, from her mental images.

That was NOT her sister.
Who? Liza, I thought we were going to ignore that she was there and that kid smiles at everyone especially you, so why did that freak you out so bad..Wait did you mean Faith saw you acting all silly with me? Big deal that shouldn't bother you Sheena couples do silly stuff all the time. *Trying to gauge your emotions* Look we don't have to act like that in public ever again if that's the problem, I thought we were having fun.
Sheena shakes her head vehemently, her voice rising as she actually looks at you now, gesturing with one hand. "NO, Not Liza, not SISTER! Evangeline...there's something in there, at the dance, in the room, that looks like Evangeline!"

She is starting to pace up and down the hallway now, her voice very loud and increasingly agitated as she continues. She does not connect to the fact that the way she has emphasized Evangeline being her sister would, to most, sound as if she's placing her on a higher level of hierarchy than she is Liza and Faith.

"I want to know who the f*ck that is, I want to know...who would do that. Who even knows about her. That's not FUNNY, that's not f*ckin' funny...Alex, did you leave your files out or something? How would they KNOW?"
Ok that's not possible she's dead I read her file I didn't leave anything out and you saw her in hell, she's dead! So stop playing with me Sheena. *I did read her file but we never visited her grave or anything. I look at you confused* This is a big place Sheena and the lights and music were going, maybe you imagined you saw her..Right that has to be it cause we know there is no way she could be alive and here....Right? That's impossible right?
"NO, Alex, I didn't IMAGINE, it was HER, I know my own damn sister, it was HER!" Sheena nearly yells now, turning on her heels towards him and glaring, one hand on her hip. "I SAW the picture, I READ the file, just like you, I KNOW she's not around, I KNOW, but it was still HER! There are people here with powers, someone must have taken over her, someone must be a shapeshifter and they're just screwing with me, someone is just pretending they're her, but it WAS HER, I KNOW it was! Not someone else, not my imagination, her, okay, her!"

"It's really very rude to run off like that without saying hello," came a mild voice, not yet within sight, and Sheena stiffened, her head swivelling to find the source. The same girl she had seen in the dance stepped into view then...and with her this close now, looking her straight in the eye from only a few feet away, Sheena is positive beyond a doubt now. If this girl is not Evangeline...if she is not her sister...then someone has at the very least copied her face.

She shudders involuntarily as the girl steps closer, her lips quirked, head tilting as she extends one hand, palms up. "You would think after all these years you would be happy to see me. I realize we're not exactly close...but come on, sis, don't you think by now you could at least be happy to see your baby sister?"

She gave a little laugh, rolling her eyes. "Even if I"m not such a baby anymore...did you ever think I'd grow up to be this big? Not that I /am/ big, can tell just looking at me that my nickname growing up was never Beanstalk, or Pamela Anderson either," Evangeline remarked, running her hands over her sides for emphasis. Looking Sheena up and down, she added, "I bet you never got the Pam nickname either...but you do have the height. How does it feel to be so tall, Margaret- is that what you go by, Margaret? That's what Dad called you, but you don't look like the type...I like Eve, and Lina. What do you go by? Meg? Maggie? I heard Sheena, but that one doesn't make any sense to me."

Sheena cannot find words. She continues to stare, almost shrinking into the wall as Evangeline sighs, still smiling, but rolling her eyes too.

"Oh, come have to know by now that nine lives runs in this family. Weren't YOU raised from the dead too?"
(Guys I do want to repect that XJobzx won't be on so be slow with the replys....this will be closed for the rest of the night ok? I'll reopen it sometime tomorrow but I don't want like 10 pages for her to have to read. ok?)
Alex: *Stepping in front of Sheena protectively* So you were dead and we're not crazy, so why don't you tell us how you're here. *Engaging my contacts, I scan over this girl, no pulse, no heat signature and her heart isn't beating, I don't share any of this with Sheena, cause she would lose it if I told her, but then again with her senses she's probably figuring that out for herself* If you're really her sister where have you been all this time?

Finally paying some notice to Alex, Evangeline turns towards him, looking him up and down before giving an appreciative smile.

"Wow, sis, you really hooked a nice one, didn't you? /My/ only guy turned out to be a real ass past the pretty packaging, hope this one's not such a dud at the core..."

To Alex directly, she smiled. "Evangeline Sadovsky. If that's too long for you, which it is for most people, Eve or Lina is fine."

She waits to answer his question until all this has been said, and even then, she is dismissive, raising an eyebrow. "Where have I been? I've been around. You're the one that just came back, from what I could have bothered trying to look ME up, you know. So much for older sisters being responsible...I always wondered if that was a myth."

But Sheena is recovering from her shock just enough now for Evangeline's scent to really sink in, and it is with cold horror that she looks back at her, her voice hushed as she replies, her eyes slowly widening.

"You're a vampire," she almost whispers, stricken. "'re a vampire."

And Evangeline just smiles, replying with a casual tone and shrug. "Yeah, I am. But so were you once, right?"
Jace watched as Flower pulled away from him; confused at the sinking feeling that overtook him when she did so. He shrugged it off and walked over to take a seat. Sitting down and letting his eyes drift over to Raina, hunger in their depths as they turned a slight black.

Why don't we just take her now?

She's with the kid.

So? Who cares about the kid! You?

Of course not Sethos. I just don't kill Key-Holders.

You getting soft Jace? Too soft to let me kill a toddler?

I let you kill Raina's little sister. She was the same age.

Sethos shut up and Jace kept his darkened eyes on Raina, feeling Sethos's bloodlust and lust for her merge into his own.

Myra felt the shock run through her at the voice and the breath against her ear. She shuddered before stumbling back, spinning around to face Peter with fearful eyes as she fell against James's chest. Staring up at Peter with widened eyes. Oh no. No, no, no. He..he was the guy who gave her that nightmare. It wasn't even considered a nightmare. It was hell. She felt herself leaning dependly on James. She was frozen with fear once more. Images of that nightmare flashing through her mind. One word managed to slip through her lips though, "Bast**d." It was soft and quiet, but still filled with anger.

Faye smiled back up at Nick as she noticed him focusing solely on her. He looked so amazing. The joy was clear in her eyes and they turned a deep, chocolate brown as the urge to kiss him grew stronger and stronger, so she did. Leaning up and gently pressing her lips to his, unaware of Peter harassing her big sister as she just enjoyed this moment with Nick. Her body up against his as she carried on the kiss.

Raina grins at Liza, taking the cup but pausing as Liza looks at her mouth and then asks if she has fangs. She lets out a laugh at Liza's words, putting a hand on her hip in mock scold. "Are you comparing me to a dog Liza?" She then takes a sip of the drink, as instructed, and covers her mouth as she tries not to spit it out, swallowing it and putting the cup down with a sour face, "Yuck! That drink is disgusting!" She peers at the mixed, ugly brown colour of it, "Looks like sick aswell." She then looks back to Liza, frowning lightly, "Uncle Jirro? You have an uncle?" Raina couldn't help but ask. With no family left of her own, she was often interested in things such as uncles and aunties, since she never had any. Of course before now she had never admitted such a thing or asked about anyone else's family. She looked around the ballroom, noticing Jace's dark gaze on her. Fear rose inside her at that look. She knew it well. Lust. He wanted her, badly by the looks of it, and she knew she didn't want him. But then she glanced to Liza, and worry for the child arose too. What if he hurt Liza? He had killed Mabel easily, he'd have no trouble finding the heart not to kill Liza aswell. The fear was clear in her eyes as she glanced to the door then Jace. He smirked, seeing the fear there.

Chameleon was casually waiting for Rosa, only having been there a moment or two before he heard her soft footsteps and looked up. His eyes widened. She looks beautiful. His eyes took in her soft, delicate make-up which went perfectly with her gentle curls and natural beauty. She approached, and he noticed her difficulty in seeing him. Then her hand was against his chest for a brief second, and he lost his breath, electricity running through him at her touch. He inhaled sharply as her hand left his chest, regaining himself as he replied airly, "Hi Rosa" He cleared his thought and his mind before speaking again, holding out his hand and letting it brush hers to let her know it was there. "Shall we head to the dance?" He smiled at her, now noticing her blush. She was so cute.
Alex: *I smirk at Eve and even relax my body as i stand next to Sheena* Great another vampire? What's with your family Sheena, it's full of vampires, blackbloods, lycans what's next do you have an uncle that's Frankenstein and aunt that's a mummy? So Eve how is this suppose to go down? What do you want from Sheena?

Evangeline smirks back at you, her pale eyes glinting slightly, her lips quirking again as she shows some appreciation towards your sense of humor. "You can give us that much, huh? We're not a dull bunch, even if it does mean some of us are so-called monsters." She turns her smile towards Sheena and softens her voice, then reaches for her, laying a hand on her arm.

"What do you think I want? I want /her.../ Sheena? That's what you like to go by? Can't blame you, Margaret sucks, honestly. Anyway...I want you, Sheena. You're my sister. And from what I hear, pretty awesome."

But Sheena is not able to simply let this roll off her back like you can. She doesn't find anything the least bit funny or humorous about this. As she stares at Evangeline, her eyes wide, nearly unblinking, her face begins to drain of color. And when Evangeline touches her arm, she jerks away immediately, shaking her head, her limbs weak and drained of energy.

"No...NO, this...NO."

Without any sort of explanation to her distress, she turns and flees down the hallway, and a glimpse of her face reveals that she appears to be nearing tears. Evangeline puts one hand on her hip as she watches her go, making a noise of disappointment as her eyes narrow slightly.

"Welcome home, me, I suppose...what is it about us Sadovskys that no one wants to just hug and smile?"

Liza giggles at Raina's disgusted reaction, her dimples flickering into view. "I don't wanna drink that no more, it's grosssss..."

She ducks her head, looking up at Raina from under her bangs with a mischeivous expression as she nods at Raina's question about calling her a dog. "Uh huh...doggy. Doggy doggy! It's okay, my sister Sheena Legs is a doggy too. Plus also my Aunt Izzy. We don't mind petting doggies. I even have a dog, his name is Casey. Can I pet you?"

She laughs as she reaches out and rubs Raina's arms like a dog, her smile widening as she continues to explain. "Uncle Jirro is Aunt Izzy's husband. She's my mama's sister kinda and Sheena Legs's cousin. And guess what, Sheena Legs's mama and Aunt Izzy's mama are sisters, and they were TWINS. And Sheena Legs looks just like Aunt Izzy almost except not old."

When Raina's expression shifts, and she looks in Jace's direction, Liza follows her gaze, frowning slightly. "What's wrong Raina?"
Flower looks at jace. She sighed in relief and then walked to the table. When she did Deathwish came up behind her. He touched her shoulder causing Flower gasp and turn around. She looked at Deathwish and then sighed again. She grabbed her plate and started eating. "What's up?" she asked and finished her food. She crossed her arms and then smiled at him.

Deathwish looks at her and then offers his hand. "How about you dance with me..." he asked and then smiled as she took his hand. He lean her to the dance floor as a song played. Masquerade.

He danced with FLower, smiling happily as he did. He spun her out and then back in. He was having fun although Flower seemed to have something on her mind. He frowned slightly and then bent her back as the song ended. He looked at her his face getting close like he was going to kiss him. Although the next thing he knew she slipped from his arms. He stood straight up and looked at her.
Flower looked at Deathwish. She looked away and then pulled away as he put a hand on her shoulder. She looks at him and then rubbed her head. What was wrong with her tonight.....wait....what was wrong with him. He was getting close to her.

Deathwish swallowed. Had he affended her somehow? He sighed. "I'm sorry Flower....did I do something wrong?" He asked and then put his hands into his pockets. What a stupid question he almost kissed her! He looked away. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to...get so close."

Flower looks ar him. "That's ok...I'm sorry Deathwish i didn't know you...felt that way." She said and then walked away before he could say anything. She looked at something was wrong. She looked as a large Key holder guard walked up. He whispered something in her ear to make her laugh. It was Roger. She hugged him and he lifted her off the ground. He spun her and she seemed to cheer up. However when he saw Jace....his mood darkened.

Deathwish was left standing there feeling rejected like he had feared. He walked away and sat down. He looks at the floor and then put his hands over his eyes. How could he? How could she just....walk away. He felt awful. (T^T Poor Deathwish)

Nick closed his eyes and kissed her back. He tightened his arms around her leaning down a bit for her. He enjoyed her warmth and her soft lips. He smiled under the kiss unable to help himself, she always made him happy. It wasn't the first time he felt this way...but the first time he felt like she felt the same way all the time.

James got angry....and very angry. He put his arms around Myra protectively as he blew smoke at Peter. "Did you get kicked out?" He felt fire rise within him. His body heated up as he held it in. He got more angry as Peter mockingly laughed at them. He tightened his arms around Myra. "Step any closer and I'll bite your head off." He said taking out his dragon teeth. He hissed at Peter.

Peter looks at James. "Oh look at you....protecting a girl...why are you with her? She ruined...I thought dragons were noble...not taking advantage of a shy girl." he laughed and James blew a bit of fire at him. He ducked. "Oh come on." He laughed.

James looked at Myra and then at Peter. "That's it your dead!" He said and then snapped at Peter. He grabbed Peter but he slipped from his grasp. Peter appeared next to Myra. James turned around and then held back his fire.

Peter grabbed Myra's chin. "Tisk tisk...Hasn't he already used you? Come on tell me the truth?" He smirks evily. He was surprised with James charged and knocked him into the air. Peter fell to the ground and rubbed his head. "Ouch."

James hissed. "I know Nick can be a jerk...but you are just pure demon..." He looked at Myra and then looked at peter growling.

Zelda looks at Kesson. "Well my father was the dragon and my mother was the human...although father could change into a human form." She smiled. "I guess we had a normal childhood full of fire and fighting....and dragon family stuff. My faher's family didn't exackly like us...humans weren't exackly the highest repected race in their eyes...but that's normal."

(Oh yeah....welcome back xJobxz :) )
(Thanks :D )

Raina shook her head lightly, having almost missed all that Liza had said for she was so focused on Jace. His cold smirk, his knowing glint as he flicked his eyes between Liza and Raina. I'm going to kill her. His taunting voice rang through her head, and if she hadn't of heard those words before, she would have thought he projected them into her mind.

Her mind flashed back to all those years ago, remembering having to watch as Jace tied up her mother and baby sister, and feeling his own cold hands against her wrist as he tied her up also. He had walked over to her Mother, dragging the cold metal of his blade across her fresh skin. Younger Raina was shaking uncontrollably and crying, and she remembered, she had asked him in a small, frightened voice, she had asked him what he was going to do to her Mum. And he had ever so casually replied, "I'm going to kill her." Then he had flashed her a cruel cold smirk behind black eyes before he had proceeded to butcher her Mother.

Raina snapped back to reality, blinking in shock. Jace was still smirking. She looked back to Liza, hearing her words, "What? Oh, uh, it's nothing Liza." For once, Raina wasn't calm and composed, but she wasn't crying either. She was just, worried. She glanced around, "It's getting late Liza, I think it's time I got you back home." She looked back to her with a smile, "You had fun though right? The Cha Cha and all the colourful drinks?" In truth, she didn't actually want Liza to leave because it was 'late', pfft, like she cared about that. She was scared of what Jace would do to Liza. She didn't want him to hurt her too.

Myra easily let James hold her tight, fear swallowing her as Peter spoke more. Ruined. She was ruined. Her eyes watered but she held it back. She was good at holding back tears by now. Ruined. But then James was leaping at Peter, then Peter was beside her. She sucked back a breath of fear as he grabbed her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. Her own wide and fearful as he questioned her. Use her? Was that all she was to James? To boys? To everyone? Use her? Like she was a simple tissue to be thrown away once it was RUINED. Once James had knocked Peter away, the blow made her stumble back slightly, finding herself bashing into one of the chairs and knocking it right over. Ruined. She was ruined. She wasn't good enough for James. She wasn't good enough for anyone. She was ruined. The chair hit the floor with a loud clatter.

Faye kissed him back passionately, smiling aswell when he leant down slightly for her. She was radiating joy. Sure Faye had a few boyfriends before. But she was 10-12 and it never meant anything. It was more of a, 'we both like popcorn, why don't we date?' Sort of thing with them. Besides her boyfriend when she was 12. That was when she was into the bad crowd, burning down buildings and getting high and drunk all the time. She had started dating a 17 year old guy then who was in the druggie, bad 'kids' group because he thought she was this cool, spunky girl with fiery red hair and she had dated him because he was older, cooler and had a motorbike. But it never really meant anything to her. He was cool so dating him made her cool. That was it. But with Nick. She was really happy with Nick. He made her smile, he made her feel loved and wanted. For once she wasn't the trouble making, attention seeking 'child' she had always been. She was just Faye. And she loved being just Faye. But then a loud clatter caused her to pull back from Nick - with regret - to see a fearful Myra had stumbled back into a chair and knocked it over - not to mention Peter was on the floor, rubbing his head and James looked like he was about to explode. "Oh no." Faye murmured. It sure as heck didn't look good. And Myra looked on the edge of a break-down. She wanted to burn Peter's eyebrows right off, but he was Nick's son. So she couldn't. So she stood there, not sure what to do, but desperately holding her temper back as her eyes turned black and she felt her fangs grow behind her closed lips.
Nick looks at Peter and then hisses loudly. "BOY! GET OVER HERE!" He yelled but suddenly he was beside Peter. Nick's nails grew long and his fangs were out. He grabbed Peter furious at his son. However Peter grabbed something from his pocket and threw it at Nick. Peter ran out. Nick fell to the floor his face covered in blood....but it was human blood.

James saw Nick covered in blood. He looked as Flower noticed. "Oh....this is bad." He said and then saw Deathwish gripping his head. He backed up and then ran hugging Myra protectively as Nick started to change. He swallowed scared. He was scared....and that was bad.

Nick had gotten blood in his mouth and down his throat. He opened his eyes, but they were red like a demon's. His fangs grew till they touched the bottom of his chin. Shadow started covering his body and his nails stayed long. He got up...but he was no longer Nick...this was Ogy his demon half. Just as Nick changed....Deathwish started to change.

Deathwish's demon was worse though....Orpheus was his demon's name....and he was powerful. Deathwish suddenly grew larger. His eyes turn to a darker red. Chains appared on his wrists and neck. Shadow appeared below him and his blood coffin appeared behind him on his back. A dark cloak appeared and he was hidden. He opened his coffin and another dark creature came out. Orpheus walked over to Ogy. They both look at Jace sensing Sethos. Orpheus pointed at Jace and his creature dashed for Jace. However Flower blasted light easily killing the creature.

"This is bad....I don't mind Ogy....but Orpheus is bad." Even Flower was was clear on her face. She looked at the two demons....this was why they stopped drinking blood....they demons came out....and their demons were killers. As soon as two people try to run out....Ogy rushed at them and attacked the girl. He was on her in seconds....and seconds later she was dead blood on his long fangs. He dropped the dead body and Flower's eyes widen. Orpheus screeched loudly.
"Awww, I gotta go to bed now?" Liza says, disappointed, but she doesn't protest much as she takes Raina's hand. "I did have fun...are you gonna tuck me in? And say good night? And maybe have a sleepover? That would be fun I think."

Never mind that her mother might completely have a heart attack. That of course, did not cross her mind. She walked cheerfully enough with Raina towards the exit, oblivious of her concern.
*Left standing there with Eve* Look I have no problem with vampires but if you're here to upset or harm Sheena, I will put you down and don't think I can't do it cause I'm a mere human. So once and for all before I go after her. What are you doing here and where have you been all this time...You know what nevermind cause there is one person here I know will get the truth out of you..That's Faith she specializes in dealing with vampires.
Rosa nodded feeling a slight tingle when his fingers brushed hers. She hesitated for a moment than grasped his hand in hers; she intertwined their fingers so that they were clasped carefully. It was such a warm feeling to hold another persons hand even when it wasn’t romantic, but when you actually liked the person and it was like a blazing fire that tingled and sparked in the pit of her stomach. Rosa chilled her hand whenever she felt like her palms might begin to sweat hoping to make the moment last. She resisted the urge to explore his hand as they walked, she wanted to know everything about Leo but she could not let herself open up to him. He had a mother who seemed to care for him, her mother was some prostitute. She had lived that life and taken the job until she had found a way out and discovered her powers. Could she ever share that with him? Rosa realized that once again she was becoming absorbed by the dark and she had to bring herself back to the moment. “So tell me, what exactly are you wearing? I want to try and picture my date…is that the right word?” she asked curiously.
Evangeline crosses her arms, her eyebrows shooting up, and takes one step back, shaking her head in seeming disbelief, and some alarm too.

"Whoa, no need to call in the vamp-torturers here...although it looks like I'm going to interact with her anyway, eventually...calm down, already. I can't even properly meet my big sister before we bring in the wood-thrusters?"

She tilts her head slightly, her voice softening, and widens her eyes as she says with sincerity, " I just want to know my that so hard to believe? We never knew each other...and that isn't right. She's my /sister/. It counts for something, even if we're not the same species anymore. I didn't even know she was alive until recently...I came as soon as I knew and could find where she was."

She hesitates, swallowing, and although this appears to be because of emotion, and is in part, she is carefully avoiding moving closer to Alex, or looking anywhere towards the direction of his throat.

"I'll give her a little time to adjust to the idea...maybe you should go talk to her. It looked like she was upset. Guess it's not every day your loved one comes back from the dead...more like just a couple of times a year, in this line of work."
*Slowly letting down my guard* Fine, if you mean what you just said I have no problem with you..I'm sorry if I seemed judgmental of you, it's just Sheena has a hard time with vampires, it took her weeks to get used to our Sensi without running away from him. *smiles at her* If you really want to get to know Sheena I'll help you as much as I can without violating her trust, cause there are things that has to come from her. *holding out my hand for her to shake* But if you hurt her there is no place in heaven or hell you can hide from me...Now I need to go catch her, talk more later ok? *Starts to move off down the hallway*
Evangeline releases his hand very quickly, barely allowing for them to have contact, and then steps back, way back, away from him. She does not want to touch him or be near him any longer than she must, not at this stage.

"It's good to meet you, Alex...thank you."

She leaves it as simple as that for the moment. Sheena, after all, is the one she really wants to talk to.

Four hallways over Sheena is leaned against the wall, her forehead pressed against it, her palm flat, fingers splayed as she takes in deep breaths, half closing her eyes, but her senses are on high alert.

Her sister, a vampire...her baby sister...Evangeline, not dead, but not alive...and definitely, definitely not with her mother...definitely not at peace.

This was devastating to her, and she could barely accept it to be true.
*Eventually catches up with Sheena, I lean against the wall out of breath* Seriously, do you have to run off full speed, I'm only human here, I can't keep up with your speed. *I move next to you sliding my arm around you and pulling you into my chest* I know you're freaked out about her showing up as a vampire, that's a pretty huge blow cause you thought she was at peace..I really don't know what to do or say Sheena except I'm here for you, I won't leave your side ever. So whatever you decide to do about her...Sheena I'm with you don't forget that I'm always with you. So you tell me what do you want to do? *I have no clue what you're going through, I think if I were in your place I would be banging my head against the wall trying to either make sense of it or put myself out of my misery. I do know is I have to keep my composure for you*
Sheena remains rigid for several moments, not speaking, her face set and stricken, before she finally folds into you, her face pressed against your chest, her arms winding tight around you. She is shaking, her voice muffled and emotional when she responds.

"She's a vampire. Alex, she's a f*cking vampire...she's supposed to be happy. She's supposed...she's with my my mom's not happy either, they're was a lie. I was a lie, Faith and Macal were right, it was all a lie, they lied to me. She's not at peace, she doesn't have a soul, she's...she's a VAMPIRE, something KILLED her, it wasn' were wrong too, you said she was sick, you said..."

She pulls back suddenly, her eyes red, and stares up at you. "Did you LIE to me?"
Sheena I swear I didn't know anything about this, I'm just as shocked as you are so no I didn't lie to you I swear on my life I didn't. I don't know what happened but I promise you I will help you get your answers. *sighs* But Sheena if we can't trust the files and that Eris cow lied to you the only other person we can probably get answers from is your sister, I think you need to talk to her, and if you want I'll be there with you.
Sheena shakes her head vehemently, taking a step back from you, and even puts her hands up, as if to physically ward off your words. Her thoughts are racing, her chest rising and falling shallowly, and she speaks with urgent protest.

"NO! No, I will not speak to her...I don't even want to hear her, I don't even want to look at her! That...she's not my sister. That...that not my sister. It took her...she's...that's a vampire. My real sister...she's dead, that killed her. That's not my sister, I won't listen to it talk through my sister's mouth!"
Hayley was not sure what had happened. Sheena had went off the stage and was talking to...some girl. Same as her boyfriend Alex. Hayley moved off the stage shortly after Sheena had and made her way to a corner. She was now embarrassed and without anyone encouraging her to be more social, she would probably leave.

Hayley got a drink and sipped it, her mind whirling a bit as she thought about Sheena's strange behavior then she shrugged it off. It wasn't any of her concern now. She should just go back to her room. Parties weren't her thing and the person she came with had left.
Ok Sheena, if you don't want to talk to her that's fine I won't force you, like I said I'm on your side but are you willing to push all those questions to the side, cause as it stands without months maybe years of research and investigating we'll never know what she could tell us in maybe minutes. *steps closer reaching out for your hands* If that's something you can live with then we can just forget about this how thing and just go about our lives and be happy. Can you be happy like that?

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