Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Chameleon nodded, smiling at her. "Uh yeah, it's been a while. Just been busy with stuff I guess. What with the new guy showing up and trying to kill Rai." He cleverly missed out his Mother's visit. He'd rather not bring her up or remind himself of her existence. He paused, his heartbeat picking up as he felt his nerves picking at him. Just ask her! He blurted out the words before he could stop himself, but they all came out in one nervous blur, "Wouldyougotothedancewithme?" He felt a warm blush grow over his cheeks and mentally slapped himself. Men don't blush. His uncle's voice reprimanded him, but he ignored it. Wondering if Rosa heard what he said or was going to ask him to repeat it.
Zelda looks at Kesson and then blinks. She looks at the girl and then let out a dragon growl at them. They suddenly ran away and Zelda looked at Kesson again. She smiled and then arrived at the bail room. She looks around the large room, there was food, music and masks spread about the walls. The different colored lights weren't bad either. She looks to see Flower sitting alone watching the other people already here talk. She seemed a bit down. Zelda looked at Kesson with a smile. "Guess it's not as bad as I thought." She said and then giggled.

James knocked on Myra and Faye's room door and stood there wearing a normal tux, his hair was the same as always. He looks at Nick who was wearing that too but his hair was more of a bad boy style. James sighed deeply. Nick couldn't help it, he guested. It annoyed James very much how Nick was always trying to attract girls even with Faye. James shook his head, maybe he did it to impress faye. He waited for them to answer as Nick leaned on the wall beside the door.
Mar`s reading was interrupted by an inquisitive female student who lightly tapped him on the shoulder "i haven`t seen you before, are you new?" Mar set aside the book he was reading and peered up at the speaker, the girl had short orange hair and eyes that oddly matched the blue one piece dress and key ornematemted neckelace she wore, she looked one or two years older than him yet she was soft spoken. "Yes" Mar replied "I just arrived at this Academy today" Mar stood up extending his hand out to the girl who took it, beaming at him she said; " you can call me Izzy" then without warning Izzy asked Mar; "can you take me to the dance?" the bottom of her dress swaying back and forth as she rocked nervously Mar lowered his voice and took up a serious face; "I can escort you to this event but first you have to tell me who or what is after you." Izzy looked at Mar with a confused face before she walked off to a group of girls around the far side of the library assuming the boy had rejected her. Izzy's friends where close enough to see but too far to hear, they looked like they where asking her questions which she responded to by pointing at Mar making the girls giggle and leave the library.

Mar wondered why Izzy would just request protection and leave mid conversation like that so as he moved to the library`s front desk to check out his book as he inquired about the dance,it figures that it was literally just a dance meant for students to have fun at "Of course" Mar thought shaking his head at the mistake he had made, he was not home anymore meaning there would be no skirmish`s , missions or police work to do and absolutely no more VIPs to protect. Mar exited the library out of the opposite door the girls took, headed towards his dorm and changed into his class A`s, he would attend the dance to see if Izzy would be there , Mar sighed saying "that`s another apology i`ll have to make" making his way to the ball room

(shadow company class A`s look like the marines class As (But has matching black buttons and green trim instead of red, also the sleeve insignia is a yellow sheild with criss crossing thunder bolts)

(is it okay to use an NPC character like this?)
The door swung open to reveal Faye, smiling at them both. She already had on her white mask and she smiled nervously at Nick. A blush creeping over her face as she tried to keep her knees from buckling. He looked so hot. She glanced back to Myra to keep herself from falling all over Nick, grinning at her shy sister who was hiding behind her. "Come on Myra, I'm sure James won't bite." She chuckled and grabbed Myra's arm, pulling her to her side, into the boy's line of vision. Myra's eyes first hit James. She was wearing a mask that matched the colour of her dress perfectly, and her big red, doe eyes stood out beautifully as she stares timidly at James, biting her bottom lip lightly. "Hi James." She spoke softly, as if trying out her voice incase it faltered. Faye rolled her eyes at Myra and James, but then she looked to Nick again and almost melted. Oh dear, how was she going to get through the night? "Uh, should we go?" She asks, daring herself to look Nick in the eyes, she looked extremely elegant with her hair pulled back and with her gentle, yet complimenting make-up.
Nick looks at Faye and then smiles. "Well don't you both look very beautiful." He said and then grabbed his black mask and put it over his face. He chuckles and then holds out his arm for Faye. "Yes we should go..." He said and then smiles at her under his mask. She was so beautiful it was making him a bit nervous, however just being Nick he wasn't showing any signs.

James however got one look at Myra and then almost fell over. He smiles nervously at her. "H-Hi Myra." He looks at Nick who like always was as cool as possible. He looked back at Myra and then held out his arm pulling down his golden mask, the same color as his eyes. He looks at Myra and then swallows. "Like Nick said.....very beautiful." He said and then rubs his head. He looks at her and then smiles.
Liza's face falls as Raina pretends to sob, and immediately she wraps her arms around her, hugging her waist, reaching up to try to take her hands off her face, her face puckering with her anxiety.

"Raina...Raina, don't cry! It's okay to be old! I like old people! Really! I do, a lot! I don't mind if you're old! You're still pretty and we can still play! Don't cry Raina, okay? Okay? I didn't mean to make you you feel better? Raina?"
“Yeah that seems to be an almost constant issue,” Rosa said not forgetting the odd way he had behaved around his mother and almost obvious choice to avoid the subject. She was about to speak, say something a need to go get ready for the dance but something about the silence made her believe there was something more he wanted to say and she was right. Rosa paused before she replied, it took her a second to understand the question and than she had to resist the urge to squeal like a pathetic thirteen year old girl. “That sounds nice,” she whispered coyly. “Why don’t I meet you at the fountain at…Well when exactly does the dance start?” she asked trying to hold it together until she got to a private place.
(Since everyone else is posting outfits. But it's just the clothes that is what they are wearing.

(Only no red necktie things, and the black and yellow part is a pale blue)

(Just without the hat)


Kesson smiled wide when Zelda growled at the girl. He knew she was doing it to help him out, but a part of her wanted her to do it because he was her's. Kesson blinked and shook his head. No. He couldn't think like that.

He looked around and smiled wider. It seemed to be just starting and Kesson already couldn't wait. He nodded at Zelda's words.


Lekki looked around the large room, looking down to check herself out once again. She adjusted her top part, trying to cover her small chest, but show it off too because why not? She was single and old enough to date. Why not try and attracted a few boys.

She looked around, trying to see if she could find anyone she had met earlier. Deathwish, Chameleon, mar. Anyone really. She didn't care who. She smiled a little when she realized her list just considered of boys.


Hayley moved nervously in front of her mirror. She knew she had to go or Sheena would assume she had stood her up. Hayley didn't want that. She looked at herself, a little more dressy than she had said, and tried out a small smile.

She knew she had to go and she almost threw herself out the door. Eventually she saw Sheena and waved, nervous about how she looked.
Deathwish was already here. He looked at saw Lekki. He wanted to talk to Flower but somehow his control over his emotions vanished around her and he would get very nervous. He walked over to Lekki with his hands in his pockets. "Hello Lekki." He said looking at her. He had his normal emotionless face on

Zelda looks at Kesson and then smiles. "Well...come on." She said and grabbed his arm pulling him more inside and then stops grabbing a mask on the table. She picked out a pretty black and hot pink one and put it on. It almost matched her pink hair. She looks at Kesson and then smiles.
Mar walked into the ball room with his book under his arm and his side arm holstered on his hip, out of habit the boy never went ANYWHERE without at least one weapon on him, placing his book on a table near the entrance Mar casually walks around the ball room looking for Izzy over the general hustle and bustle of the growing crowds in attendance at the event. (finally got a picture that works :D , once again the buttons and belt is black with green trim instead of red, also it has depictions of a yellow shield with criss crossing arrows over it on the sleeves, minus the hat)
Lekki looked around and then smiled wide at Deathwish. Well at least her wish of running into one of them came true and it seemed to be him.

"Hello Deathwish," she said, in a good mood. She ignore that his face was expressionless. She felt it was just the way he was just as she was normally cheery and in a good mood. It was not wonder people did not believe that she was half-demon.


Kesson grabbed his own mask, a pitch black one and followed Zelda into the place.

"So, hey, I wanted to say thank you. I am happy you asked me to come with you."
Mar was stumped, he`d searched for the elusive girl for about five minutes now, even if he did spot her or pass her by he wouldn't be able to tell it as almost every one else where wearing mask`s making it near impossible to identify anyone. Mar opted to take a seat at the table he found earlier and retrieve The Wind In The Willows from it continuing to read from where he left of in the library, while he could hear talking and laughing around him it did`int do much to prevent him from reading.

was content, life at the academy seemed to be easy going enough so that he could read peacefully without some drill Sargent yelling in his face every hour on the hour.
Raina carries on shaking but then her face is revealed and she's grinning widely - she was laughing. "I got you!" She grins at Liza, "I was only pretending silly!" She drops down and hugs Liza though anyway. She was aware of the number of people going into the ballroom growing now and she grins at Liza as she pulls out of the hug, "You ready to dance your butt off?"

Chameleon's smile increased massively when she replied with a positive. She wanted to go with him? He felt like he was flying right now. Chameleon then shrugged as she asked him when it started, "Uh, I think it's starts pretty much any minute now. It's more of a 'come whenever you want' sort of dance." He smiles at her, still thrilled that she wanted to go with him to the dance. "So...I'll meet you at the fountain when we're ready?" He couldn't keep the smile off of his face, and you could hear the elated feeling in his tone of voice.

Faye blushed at Nick's compliment, feeling the warmth on her cheeks and knowing they had turned a shade of pink. She gladly took his arm, trying not to swoon at his closeness. What was wrong with her tonight? Didn't she promise herself to never be one of those stupid girls who blush at everything and giggle when a boy so much as looks at them? She lets him lead her to the ballroom, looking around in awe at all the big decorations. They really made it look realistically like it was Victorian times or something around that era.

Myra smiled as James seemed almost as nervous as her, thankfully, she held back her own blush as he agreed with Nick, hearing the words come out of James's own mouth made her heart skip a beat. She loved his mask and how it matched his stunning golden eyes. Such an amazing colour. She realized she had been checking him out and then looked down slightly, her cheeks turning slightly pinker, but not as badly as Faye's blush had been. Faye was more prone to blushing thanks to her high temperature issues. She linked her own arm through James's arm, as Nick and Faye had done, smiling at him as they followed behind Faye and James. She let out a small gasp at the beauty of the ballroom, it looked perfect.
"That was not funny," Liza pouts, but she hugs Raina anyway, and within a few minutes she's smiling. "Mean Raina. Bad bad...supposed to be good, remember?"

She shakes her finger at her, then grins. "I'm gonna beat you. I'll dance better. Way better! Watch!" She darts inside the dance floor, weaving in and out of the larger bodies as she heads straight to the middle of them all.

Sheena smiles at Hayley as Hayley opens the door to her dorm, looking her up and down and giving her an appreciative smile. "Nice, Hayley, lookin' good! You ready?"

Sheena herself is still in very casual clothing, looking no different from usual; to her, there is no such thing as an event special enough to dress up for, unless she happens to be forced to do so.

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Raina laughs at Liza as she smiles and tells her to be good. The instant reply, 'who are you, my mother?' came to mind. But she held that back. Not the best of topics. But then Liza was gone, vanishing amongst all the dancing bodies, and she had lost her. "Oh c**p." Sure she wanted to annoy Faith and Sheena a bit, but actually losing the little girl was not on her agenda. Jace could be here. Her mind warned her, and she glanced around, not spotting him or Liza yet. She rolled her eyes as she caught sight of the small girl and her white dress. She swept past the box of provided masks, picking up a small white one that looked the right size for Liza, and a red one with diamonds encrusted on it to match her own dress. She made her way over to Liza, following behind her. She grinned as she quickly swept down, Liza's back to her, and put Liza's mask on her - her own mask on now. "Gotta wear a mask Liza. It's a mask party" She nodded to the others around them, all of them wearing masks also. She then did a curtesy, joy lighting up in her eyes as she put on a posh accent, "May I have this dance?" She held out both hands to Liza. Best way to keep an eye on her? Dance with her. Not like she had anyone else here she would dance with anyway.

Jace entered the room silently, clad in a black suit with a blue tie that matched his eyes. He also, like Nick, had a black mask. His eyes instantly scanned the room. He noticed Raina first of all. His eyes widened slightly. Oh god did she look stunning. Well now him and Sethos were having mixed thoughts. Oddly enough they were the same though. They both lusted for Raina's body now and her blood. He stepped forward to go 'say hello' but then he spotted the spunky little key-holder child with her. Well that sucked. Now he'd have to leave her alone until the kid fu**ed off.

Why? We can hurt the kid if she gets in the way.

No. She's a key-holder Sethos.

URGH! You and your stupid loyalty to your race! Get over it already! I let you kill Demons and Half-Demons!

That's 'cause Demons are evil bast**ds.

Aw, thanks Jace. That means a lot. Now let me kill them both.

No. Later. We'll get her when she's alone.

Jace carried on scanning the room, spotting Flower sitting alone. His eyes widened for the second time tonight. She looked beautiful. He found himself walking over to sit beside her, who else here would he talk to? He sat down beside her, taking her hand and kissing it charmingly, "You look beautiful tonight Flower." He then let go off her hand and had a mixture of a grin/smirk on his face. Please don't kill me, please don't kill me.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Oh gosh, all this masquerade ball stuff is getting me pumped for my own prom! :D 2 days left to goo!!!)
Flower looks at Jace and then nods only to look away. "Hardly." She said in reply to him. Flower was very senitive to her back, it only reminded her of what happened in those three months being locked up by vampires as a child. She sighed deeply, to think she got pain by seeking out Jace back then. Well, being a six year old child who got her family murdered why not seek out your best friend, the only one you thought you had. The dress was quite upsetting since you could clearly see her back and clearly see the many scars traced alone it crossing upon layers of scarring. She looks at Jace again. She looks away and unknowingly to herself she turned, showing her back to him. On some level she wanted to tell him what was wrong, appearently that was stronger then wanting to keep it a secret. She barely knew why she even came, well, probably to keep demon boy now behind her from doing something stupid.

Zelda looks at him and then smiles. "I'm happy you accepted....since you're the only boy not afraid of me." She said and then saw James and Nick walk in with their girls. "Oh my brother found his girlfriend." She said and then looked at Kesson. "Well...if you will excuse me I must go embarrass my brother, unless you want to come along that is....the girls are circling like vultures." She said, it slightly annoyed her that they were always after Kesson.....then she noticed them swarmming around Nick and Faye. She blinks. "Oh....they are for nick....not you." She giggled and points to Nick. "Meet the former player....I saw former because he has been with Faye there much longer then he normaly stays with a girl. What's worse is he is the prince of that dubbles the amount of shallow girls looking to get rich." She said rolling her eyes. "He and Queen Flower have become good friends...I guess when Nick takes the thrown there is a good chance the Vampires will quit the war." She said and then walks over to Nick and James.

James sees his sister coming and then swallows. "Oh crap." He nervously waves at Zelda. "H-hi....sis." He said and then looked at Myra and then back at Zelda. He looked for help, oddly enough from Nick but Nick was busy trying to get the swarmming girls off of him. James leans towards Myra. "I'd feel bad for faye....but I'm to worried about Zelda." He said looking at Zelda and her 'I'm going to embarrass you' smirk.

Zelda looks at Nick and then let out a roar scaring off the girls. Nick looks at her and then smiles nodding a thank you. She chuckles. "I did for your girlfriend not you." She said waving her hand in a shooing motion. She looks at nervous James. "Aw I get to meet your girlfriend now right?" She asks.

Deathwish looks at Lekki and then looks at Flower seeing Jace was sitting beside her. Jealously started to rise, however he didn't want to leave Lekki so rudely as he did the day before when Flower was ill. He looks at Lekki. "Thanks for not calling me a nickname." He said and then looked around. He sighed a bit. "Well I don't know why I'm here so can I ask your reason?" He said, he wasn't good with talking to people.
Liza accepts the mask with a smile, putting it on and feeling around her face experimentally. "Ooooh it's like Halloween...I was Batgirl for Halloween last year! And I was a tiger the year before that. I like Halloween. You know what I wanna be this year? A Slayer! Like my mama! Or maybe Tinker Bell. Or Hulk."

As Raina holds her hands out to her, Liza takes them, dancing in a very simple, silly manner, which involves a lot of swinging hands and twirling and giggling. She is not concerned with any kind of style, does not change pace no matter what the beat of the song, and sings even when she doesn't know the words. She is having a great time.
Hayley felt herself blush when Sheena complimented her. She looked away, trying to hid it. She then looked back at her new friend. She looked her over and then looked back down to her own clothes.

"Thanks Sheena. I don't usually dress like this. But thanks."


Kesson looked at Nick with a small smile. Well at least he wasn't the only one who the girls were going after. That strangely made him feel better. He then laughed at Zelda's comment.

"I am not easily scared. Besides I find it hard to think that anyone wouldn't want to be your friend." He followed Zelda to her brother and bowed a little. He smiled at Myra. "Hello. I am Kesson. Zelda's friend."


Lekki saw Deathwish look away. She wondered if he wanted to be elsewhere.

"Well that's only because I haven't thought of a good one yet," she said teasingly. She looked around the room, already loving the energy. "I love parties. Things like this. I mean...I guess I'm pretty weird. But I love the energy of these kind of things. People are so happy and enjoying themselves. It's fun."
Deathwish looks at her and then rubs his head. "I guess it is not that weird....I do love dancing. It is one of the times I feel like I don't need to guard my emotions...unlike you my demon half can take control...that is why I keep my emotions down." He said and then looked at her. He rubbed the back of his head.
Rosa smiled, “Yeah I’ll see you than, give me about an hour and now I have to go,” she said knowing that she really needed to rush in order to get ready. Her steady rhythmic, flat out running footsteps were silent but only occurred after she had rounded a corner and slipped away from Leo’ vision. She had thankfully left all of her stuff in Mary’s dorm, and by that she meant that she had left her shoes, dress and brush there since she didn’t own a lick of make up.

The girl arrived in her friends room and what could have been, if timed, a record speed. If her heart had not already been fluttering from being asked to the dance it was now performing a full out tap dance routine against her chest. Mary ushered her into the room commenting on how late she was and how they had so much to do. Rosa just smiled and teased the fairy, “I know something you don’t know,” before slipping into the bathroom and stripping so she could take a shower. Her friend banged on the door begging for the little secret but Rosa just continued to tease never daring to tell her little, childish and petty victory. No she would save that for later. For now she wanted to cherish it and not over think/ruin it.
Raina laughs at Liza, picturing a tiny, green Liza. "I think you'd make an awesome hulk Liza. Or a REALLY pretty Tinkerbell." She avoids the slayer idea. But she grins at her, picking her up by the waist and spinning her in a circle before putting her back down to dance again - her version of dancing with her. "Know what I might go as?" She pauses for dramatic effect, spinning herself in a circle before facing Liza again, "A vampire." She then giggles afterwards. Noticing how much fun Liza seemed to be having. But then some joker put on Cha Cha slide by DJ Casper (Never heard of it? LOOK IT UP NOW! And watch youtube videos of groups dancing to it :o If you have, then you rock :D ) and Raina grinned, her smile even in his eyes. "Liza! Come on! This dance is really easy, you just have to do what he says!" She demostrated first, sliding to the left with the rest of the crowd as he said, "To the left." Then she stepped back as he said, "Take it back now ya'll" She then proccedded to hop once, stomp her right foot, stomp her left foot, and then 'cha cha' She grinned at Liza, "Come on Liza! It's way more fun than it looks!"

Chameleon smiled as Rosa left, resisting the urge to punch the air like Mario does when he gets a key. 'Date obtained!' He grinned to himself as he sped back to his room - which took longer than most people around here considering he didn't have super speed unless he shifted into a cheetah or something. He put on a simple black tuxedo, slipping on the dark blue mask that matched his dark blue tie. His bright, piercing blue eyes standing out. He noticed, as he checked himself in the mirror, that they seemed to be almost glowing, his unbelievably bright eyes. He shrugged it off and ran his hands through his sleek, black hair, watching as he moved his hand away and it flopped back to how it was before, drifting over his eyes slightly. He slowly made his way to the fountain, glad that Rosa wasn't already there. The girl was supposed to take longer than the guy, it would just be embarrassing if he showed up after her.

Jace felt his eyes widen slightly as she turned her back, those scars? What were they from? His hand slowly reached out and gently traced one of the scars, his voice filled with...concern? "Flower, how did you get those?" His eyes grazed over the scars, his eyes full of worry. Not disgust or scorn. Pure and utter worry.

Faye stuck to Nick's side, but then felt jealously take over as his fan girls began to swoon over him. 'Nick! Nick! Will you dance with me?' 'Oh Nick, dance with me instead?' 'Nick! Will you be my date tonight?' Uh, hello! I'm right here! Faye mentally beat the s**t out of the girl who said that last request, she shot daggers at the girl with her eyes and the stupid girl actually backed off, hurrying off before Faye could burn her eyebrows off. But thankfully Zelda scared the rest of Nick's fanbase away. Faye nodded a thanks, a smile on her face. She then looked up at Nick, before glancing to the scurrying fangirls, she blew out an annoyed breath, "Gosh, you think they would have backed off once you got a girlfriend." She stared after the girls, annoyed at them, not Nick.

Myra smiled and watched as Zelda headed over, barely noticing what was going on with Faye and Nick as she glanced up to James, her eyes joyful though her tone had a playful tease in it, "Are you scared of your sister James?" She looked back to Zelda as she spoke, holding out her free hand, "Hi, I'm Myra." She felt her shyness creep up on her at the new face, and you could notice it in her tone as she spoke to Zelda.
Flower shivers as he touched one of her scars. She looks at him and then sighs deeply. "After my family was murdered....I went out....looking for you...and got caught by vampires. They bit me and beat me, some of the nicer ones took comfort in thinking I'd die in the next few days...I lived for three months before I was saved by key holders during a raid." She said looking at him. She sighed deeply. "Of course then...I wasn't good with my healing." She said and then looked down.

(Reply to the others later! brb)
Mar was still at his table reading alone when his soul was stirred by DJ Casper`s beats each thump sound could be felt in his chest, at first he found himself calmly tapping his foot to the beat, then nodding his head, and then he caught himself grinning and thinking about how fun it would be to dance informally for once ; "me? do something so unprofessional? outrageous, ludicrous even!" the boy thought to himself but that was before he looked up at Raina and a few others giving up their ghost`s to the music, they looked like they where thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Mar was infected, he laid his book down and stepped up to join the ranks of the eccentric dancers with enough energy and happiness to make up for all of his sucky childhood.

"CRISS CROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Nick looks at Faye and then chuckles. "But I'm not going to dance with them am I?" He said and then listened to a song. He looks at the dance floor. He chuckles and then bows to her. "May I have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand to her. A smirk on his face. He looks at her and then waits for her answer.

James looks at Zelda and Kesson. "Oh Hi Kesson." He said and then looks at Myra. "Yes..." He answers her question about fearing his sister. He looks at Zelda and then swallows. She knew so many embarrassing stories and things that no one should about him. He looks at Myra.

Zelda took her free hand and shook it. "Aw Myra....interesting name. As you probably know I'm Zelda." She said and then chuckled lightly. "So did you snatch this one?" She said and then knocked on his chest. "You were such a weakling when did you get all this muscles?" She asked and then watched James blush. "And such a girl for a boy." She said raising an eyebrow.

James swallows and then rubs his head. "Zelda...." He groaned and then looks at Myra. He sighed and shook his head. He pushed his hand through his hair. He watched as Zelda laughed at him. "You are so shy!" Zelda said and looked at Myra. "Believe me, you are lucky if it wasn't for his intence shyness he'd already be married by now, back in high school there was a bold girl up to ask him out everyday but James would run away before they could." She said and then looked as James gave out a growl. "All the guys hated him! I think once he was confronted by a huge DHH guy and he took one look and ran off to the bathroom....lucky he didn't pee his pants." She laughed.

James jerked back and then blew smoke from his nose. "You are going to do this all night aren't you?" He said and then blew more smoke. "I'm not like that anymore, geez." He said and felt his sbody warm with anger towards his sister. He hated that story with a passion. He looks at Myra unable to smile....what would she think? He was such a coward when he was younger.

Zelda leans towards Kesson. "Now he's just a hot head." She said and then looked at James. "Yep!" She said with a huge grin. "Aw come on James it's my job." She said and then pushed her pink hair behind her ear. "I only do it because I love my little brother."

James growls and looks at her. "Your little brother isn't exackly smaller then you." He said and then took a step back as Zelda got in his face. "That a challange?" She asked, suddenly holding her staff. James smiled nervously. "U-Uh N-no." He said and then Zelda backed off with a wide smirk.
"Well, you should more," Sheena tells Hayley, shrugging, then inclines her head towards the hallway. "Let's go."

As the song instructs them, Liza laughs out loud, enjoying how silly she and everyone else looks as they dance. Some of the terms she does not understand, such as "criss cross," "Charlie Brown," and "cha cha," and she constantly mixes up her left and her right, colliding into people on both sides in her hasty efforts to follow the song. It takes less than two minutes before she's killing herself laughing, barely following the song at all because she's so behind trying to catch up to everyone. Her dimples digging into her cheeks, Liza calls out to Raina at the top of her voice, "RAINA I LIKE DANCING!!!!"

It is at this moment that Sheena enters the room with Hayley, and even over the crowd, even with all the noise, there is no mistaking Liza's voice to her ears. Her head snapping up with some shock, she looks around for her sister among everyone. What is Liza doing here?

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