Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina was just about to bolt when Faith approaches her. She throws up her defences instantly, her eyes meeting Faith's as they show slight scorn. She is still waiting for the moment when Faith mentions her past, or tells her that she heard Raina telling Liza about what happened to her when she was younger. She regards her coldly for a few moments, saying nothing to her offer. Then she is called over by another student and Raina still remains stoic. Should she accept her offer? Sure it would be interesting to partner up with Faith - what with her kid being so powerful, she's got to be something - but what if she loses? Then Faith would be seen as more powerful than Raina - what the heck, she already is, but there is no proof of that yet - and then Faith might hold it against her. Then Faith would see Raina as nothing more than a weak, big-mouthed 'child' But Faith is back already, waiting for an answer, and Raina shrugs. Who is she kidding? As much as she dislikes Faith, if she attempted to kill her....Liza would kick her butt AND never forgive her. She sighs lightly, almost in defeat before responding, "Sure. Gotta do something I guess." She pushes herself off of the wall, looking to Faith, wondering if she is going to assign them an 'action' as she did with Rosa and Mar.

Chameleon smiles at the girl, at least someone in this school had some pep. "Nice to meet you Lekki." He glances around for a moment, his eyes lingering on Rosa for longer than anyone else before he looked back to Lekki. "You're new here, right?" He guessed he no longer counted as a 'new kid' Although many people didn't know of Chameleon, he had been here longer than Lekki and the others.
As Sheena rejoins Hayley, Faith faces Raina again, still showing little in her expression other than a very business-like, almost brusque mannerism. She has, in fact, banished for the moment any thoughts of Raina in the hallway, Raina with her daughter or her sister, Raina and her past. At the moment she is focused on Raina the student, Raina who had so easily bested Jace in the classroom, and this is the Raina that she tells herself is most important.

"You obviously know how to fight, and how to handle yourself to your best advantage in a fight. So that gives you advantage over many in this class and in the world overall. If there's anything you still want to learn, or thing you need to work on, tell me and we'll start with that. Otherwise...field's yours. No weapons, no powers, all hand to hand..go to it."

She uncrossed her arms, raising her eyebrow again. "Show me what you've got."

Of course, she has no doubt she will block the girl off from seriously hurting her...but she does want to see what, exactly, she can do, and how it compares to Faith's own skills.
Hayley nodded, taking in the information that Sheena told her. She took several deep breaths, trying to push out her fear so that she could do this. She wasn't weak, but Hayley was always afraid. Her reasons were her own and Hayley would never share them, but they still effected the way she lived right now. Terrified of everyone. Unsure of herself.

But Hayley had come here to make all that go away and become stronger. And she had to start somewhere. She nodded at Sheena when she returned to her. "I...I'm ready to begin. I want to learn. I...I...I want to learn to fight."

Lekki nodded at Chameleon, but notice that he kept looking elsewhere. She turned her head to try and see who he might be looking at but gave up. "I am indeed new here!"
Zelda is knocked over. She looks at Kesson in surprise and then smirks. She chuckles. "Beginners luck." She said and then pushed her hair out of her face. She waits for a moment and then jumps up and does the same quickly hoping to have the same result. She stands tall resting after her move.
Raina looks at Faith levelly, "When you say no powers, that doesn't include my super speed and strength, right? Because that's not a power I can turn on and off." She noticed her raised eyebrow and ignores the similarity of her words to her Father's. His mocking, cruel smirk as he spoke those exact same words and then struck her afterwards because she had started with the wrong foot. She stares at Faith for a moment as her eyes secretly analyze her, looking for weak spots. Then she shrugs, "Ah whatever." She runs straight at her, making a move as if she is going to swing her first at Faith's face. But at the very last possible second her knee comes up instead, aiming for her stomach and her hand pulls down to try and land an uppercut on Faith's jaw.

(Uh, please pardon me if my fighting sucks. I'm best at making my two own characters fight, not too good when it comes to fighting with another RPer
xD )
Chameleon looks to Lekki, not quite sure what to say. His gaze sweeps the room once more to see Raina and Faith...sparring? His eyes widen slightly, "Oh dear." He mutters, "Rai is fighting Faith." His gaze drops back down to Lekki. "Oh sorry, I'm not being very social am I?" He grins, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "Uh. You should probably go, um, fight or something." His black hair flops over his piercing blue eyes, "Wouldn't wanna get you in trouble."
Sheena smiles again at Hayley, encouraging, as she turns to face her entirely, looking her up and down to assess her body size and frame. "Well, I'm taller, but I think you have a larger frame, so we'll have to adjust for all that? Gotta warn you, I do have added strength for a girl my size. Not like Faith, but some. So...what do you know? Do you know how to punch or kick, that's really basic. We can start with that if you don't."

Faith had no time to answer Raina's question, but if she had, she would have answered that no, as Faith herself was abnormally fast and strong, she did not expect Raina to do so. As Raina lunges at her, Faith is ready and immediately shifts her body into a stance that will allow her to best see what Raina intends. Raina aims for her face, and Faith prepares to move it aside, but suspects that Raina will pull the punch and make another move at the last second. The girl is too skilled and smart to just go for a straight punch, she is fairly sure.

Faith's suspicion proves correct as Raina's knee comes up, nearly catching her in the stomach; it is only Faith's own supernatural speed and her preparation for Raina to make a different move than she was broadcasting that allowed her to twist herself out of her range, and even so Raina only missed her by centimeters. By twisting her body around in this manner she also misses the punch to her jaw. Using the momentum of this rapid turn, she reaches out to grab hold of Raina's upper left arm and right hip, intending to take her to the floor with the speed of her turn serving as an aid to fling Raina's weight far.

She's got to give it to the girl, she /is/ fast.
Hayley blushed a little at 'larger frame' but she knew that Sheena didn't mean anything by it. After all it was true. She thought about what she had done so far.

"I know how to punch and kick, but I don't think I'm all that good at it." She shrugged. "I could show you, if you want."

Kesson smiled wide when he saw that he had gotten Zelda. "Was not. I got you fair and square," he said, feeling a little more cocky. But then Zelda attacked and Kesson wasn't able to block it, falling right on his ass. "Oomph!" He scowled, but he smiled afterwards, standing up. "Oh it is on."

"I could fight you," Lekki said. "I mean it seems that most people already have a partner."
Chameleon frowns lightly at Lekki as she speaks of fighting him. He had an idea she might suggest that. "Uh, I really can't." He looks away slightly to the side, "I'm planning to coast this class." He couldn't fight her. Or anyone for that matter. He wouldn't. He would refuse with all his heart. He was only here because his bast**d of an Uncle was making him go to a Fight School; but he wouldn't fight.

Jace looked up as Flower shouted his name and barged into their room, he walked out of the bathroom, blood from his hand and neck gone. "Hey Flower." He states casually as she enters, going over to his bed and plonking himself down, inspecting his pained hand, "Danggit, the knife went all the way through. That's gonna take a while." He mutters, twisting his hand back and forth to inspect the wound.

Raina honestly wasn't expecting Faith to turn so suddenly and avoid BOTH attacks, so Faith's own move is successful as she grabs Raina and flings her to the ground. Raina's body makes contact with the floor and she bounces slightly as she hits its, her head smacking the ground. She growls slightly and pulls back both her feet and in a few second sharp move slams her feet into Faith to push her back and then pushes both hands against the ground and does a back flip to get herself back on her feet. She then drops to a crouch and swings her leg at Faith's ankles to try and get her on the ground, standing back up immediently after in case Faith trys to leap at her and pin her down. If this was a real fight, she'd just grab her and drain her blood. But of course that would be frowned upon in a fight like this.
Flower looks at him with a glare. "I hate this bond....and I am seriously going to freak out!" She said and then grabbed his hand going to heal it. She sighed deeply and then looked at Hunter entered. She barked setting down a mask. Flower looks at her and then sighs. "Oh right the masquerade dance is tonight....darn it." SHe said and then looked as Hunter shifted human. 'You going to freak people out by going?" She asked.
Seeing Hayley's blush, Sheena looks at her blankly, not sure what she's embarrassed about, but then makes the connection to her comment about Hayley's size and shakes her head, trying to correct it.

"No, like, I didn't mean you're LARGE or whatever, just, you know, heavier than me. That's no big thing, I don't weight much at all. My sister, she's always teasing about my mosquito bites, showing how she can push me around, you saw how she did the flip thing on me...that's my sister, by the way. Faith, I mean. It's a long story."

She shrugs, then stretches her arms, popping one shoulder. "Yeah, go ahead and show me...I'll see if I can block. Don't worry about hurting me, I heal fast."

Faith was taken aback slightly by how rapidly Raina recovered from being knocked to the ground- the girl actually connected with her chest as she got back up, without Faith being able to block it. As Raina makes a sideswipe for her ankles, Faith jumps, then grabs at her left ankle with her hand as Raina is standing and Faith's feet are returning to the ground, her body crouched low to the ground, but she is careful to keep her face out of easy range of Raina's feet or fists. Her intention is to reverse Raina's attempt to bring her to the floor.

Yeah, this girl is good for a student.
Zelda looks at him and then crossed her arms. "Oh really?" She said and then looked at Faith who was busy with Raina. "Oh Kesson....there's going to be a dance of those where you wear's going to be really fun." She said and then looked at him. "So after I beat the crap out of you you want to go with me as friends?" She asked looking at him. "Of course I could leave you to your fan girls." She said chuckling. "Of course that would probably mean you'd get a second beating."
Jace froze as Flower grabbed his hand, staring at her for a moment before he realized she was healing his hand. He looked away quickly, so glad he wasn't a girl otherwise he WOULD have blushed. Then his attention switched to Hunter and he glared as she turned back into her human form. Well, Sethos glared anyway. He had an urge to kill everything that breathed. Except Key-Holders. Jace wouldn't let him harm a Key-Holder even to the extent of a simple flick. Then Jace smirked, "A masquerade ball?" He glanced to Flower, "That sounds wicked!" He grinned at her, "Can I please go?"

Raina smiles slighty as Faith takes the kick. But then Faith's hand is around her ankle and she is tugged to the ground, her butt hitting the floor. Dammit. Second time? Her free foot lifts up, and since Faith is keeping her face out of Raina's reach, her foot comes down sharply on the hand around Raina's ankle. She makes sure she doesn't hit her own ankle of course though. She then flings her whole body forward, using the tip of her toes to push her body weight directly against Faith's own body, attempting to pin her to the ground with the move. Damn Faith was a good fighter. She couldn't expect less from the 'goddess' though. She was just glad that those six years of intensive, brutual training her father had inflicted on her had done some good for her fighting skills. She knew a way out of almost every situation by now.
Faith takes the weight of Raina's body as it knocks against her, allowing it to knock her back, but she did not allow Raina to pin her. Instead she locked her arms around the other girl, using the momentum of Raina's move and the help of Raina's weight to roll, allow for herself to top her instead. She lets go of her immediately and stands, not wanting to be that close to her for that long, both because of personal preference not to touch more than necessary and to avoid pissing Raina off too badly. She is not yet sure if Raina will keep fighting back at the moment or stop for now, so she remains at a stance to defend if necessary but does not attack.
When Raina is pinned herself by Faith, she gets ready to kick her off, but before she can do so Faith has leapt off of her and is in a stance to defend. She glances up at her, resting her body by her elbows. She flicks her head back, looking to Faith. Studying her silently for a moment before she pushed herself up onto her feet, her long black straight hair draping over her shoulders. "We done?" She asks casually, placing a hand on her hip. She glances down for a mere second, her eyes raking over her black tank top, black shorts and black boots. In fact, Raina was sure she only owned black clothes. Yup, she couldn't remember the last time she wore colour. Well...she could. But she wouldn't ever want to remember that day ever again. Her gaze goes back to Faith as she waits to see whether Faith wants to continue the fight or not. "I'm cool if you want to carry on." She shrugs, ignoring the slight headache that was beginning to throb. Dang, how hard did she hit the floor? Not that hard. Nah, it was nothing.
Flower looks at Jace and then blinks and then looked back at Hunter when he looked away. "Do whatever you want just don't cause trouble or else I'll hurt you in the most painful way possible and I don't care if I feel it or not!" She said looking at him. She let go of his hand after she had healed it and then looked at Hunter.

Hunter giggled and then nodded. "Oh yes flirt with a few human guys and then tell them I'm a key dog." She said and then looked at Jace for a moment. She held back a growl. "If you can't hurt him....are you sure you will keep your sanity?" She asked looking back at Flower.

Flower looks at her and sighs. "I'm sure I'll manage." She said and then opened her closet. She pulled out a white dress. "Hmmm.....what do you think Hunter?" Hunter looked at her. "I know you're a dog but still." She said ignoring Jace completely. (Here's the dres)
Faith shakes her head, also looking Raina up and down in an assessing manner. It isn't until then that she notices they are in nearly identical clothing; Faith herself, as is fairly typical for her, is in black pants and a black tank top with black boots. How had this escaped her notice before?Shaking her head, Faith says in response to Raina, "No. That was enough for now, I need to watch everyone else too." She pauses, trying to figure out how to best word what she wants to say to Raina without being too enthusiastic. "Like I thought, you're pretty skilled. I think right now working on blocking is what you need most. Next time, maybe." She walks away then, moving on to watch Lekki with her partner.
Lekki was confused. Why wouldn't he want to fight? After all this was what the school was about. She opened her mouth to say something about it, but a familiar but weird sensation came over her and she realized that she shouldn't.

"Well okay then. It was nice meeting you anyways."

Kesson smiled wide, glad that he has asked Zelda to be his partner. He made a move to strike her. "We will see who gets beaten up," he told her. Though he didn't mind if he lost to her. He was having fun. "And please don't leave me to them. You did so well in scaring them off last time. So I'd like to go with you, as friends." He really didn't want to go stag. He knew that if he was seen to be alone, that his fangirls would be all over him asking for a dance. So if Zelda had not asked, he probably wouldn't have gone at all.

Hayley nodded at Sheena's words. She looked from her to Faith and then back to Sheena. "Wish I had a sister," she said softly. "It's just me."

She shifted her position when Sheena told her to strike. She did a few punches and a kick, wondering how she did.

Zelda looks at him and blocked. She moved and kicked him hard in the legs trying to knock him over again. She looks at him and then smiled. "I'm a's easy to scare." She said looking at him with a smile. She was glad she wasn't going alone, at least with a friend.
Rosa had been preoccupied by the fact that she could hear not only Leo in the corner with some girl but another damn fight between Jace and Raina. “They need to stop letting people into this school if they are only going to cause trouble,” she muttered. She knew that his kid Mar had already caused a few fights but so far his record wasn’t as bad as Jace’s however right now she was going to put him in his place. And than the instructor had to go and toss her out of her element. For God’s sake she had attended this school to better her powers and since she had gotten here she hadn’t learned a singular thing.

She turned now back to face her partner after listening to the instructions Sheena had given. Thankfully Swift had relayed what was going on before her, than her partner wanted her to go first. Sighing Rosa backed up on the smooth mat the feeling of the squishy rubber beneath her toes dulled her senses. "You ready?" she asked softly tightening her ponytail, she longed to know what Leo was doing or if he was watching but she pushed the thought from her mind. Once she had backed up far enough the girl closed her eyes taking a deep breath and trying to visualize the scene she had forced herself not to count steps while she moved backwards so that everything would be fair and more real. Rosa would have to use other senses to tip her off as to where Mar stood. Than she ran at him, not wildly just forcefully lowering her shoulder so that it hit him squarely above his pelvis basically driving into his stomach so that he might double over. Rosa than hooked her arms about his legs and pushed upwards releasing at the last second in hopes that he would land on his back behind her.
"yea go ah-" Mar couldn't finish his sentence before Rosa struck him in his stomach with her shoulder, knocked the breath out of him and turned his world upside down making him hit the mat with a thud, his training told him to get up immediately by jumping back on his feet and suck in as much air as possible instead of tensing up and staying winded for long but still he had not expected to be thrown quite as hard, he felt as if Rosa`s blow cracked a rib or two, but he had his nano machines just confirm that nothing was broken and the feeling was probably more of his pride cracking than his ribs, he still touched his right bottom rib gingerly with a wince, even though it may not be broken it still hurt like hell, Mar said the first thing that came to his mind "that was excellent!" he applauded Rosa "was that your first time?" he tried to look and sound like he was not in pain but failed miserably.

so all and all so far
Mar has; ran 15 minutes late , jumped the gun, shot up a class room and been thrown by a girl. it may be that he was more much human than he thought , however he was but none-the-less ready to complete his "schooling" here because simply put he didint want to go back to Fort Gunther and he had nowhere else to go.

Jace shrugs at Flower's words, "Sure thing Flowerbud." He then glared back with just as much intensity as Hunter was showing. "Stupid dog." He muttered under his breath, expecting her to hear. Flower then pulled out the most beautiful long white dress he had ever seen and he fell silent for a moment, watching as she showed it to Hunter. He opened his mouth to tell her how beautiful it was, but then shut his mouth and got up from the bed, growling lightly to himself as he exited their room and slammed the door shut behind him. What was wrong with him?

I've got a great long list, wanna hear it?

No Sethos, I don't.

Well, you're weak, too slow, you let your emotions get in the way, you--Oh wait, did you say no? Sethos spoke with a snarky tone.

If you were a seperate person from me, I would have beat the f**k out of you by now.

If I was a seperate person from you all the idiots of the world would be dead by now.

And so would you. You wouldn't have MY three powers.

I've got my demon form.

Which you can rarely use, so shut up.

Jace headed into the kitchen, stuffing his face with food while he waited for class to end and the ball to begin.

Raina watches Faith as she turns and heads to Lekki and Chameleon. Work on blocking? Sure. But right now she is preoccupied by watching Chameleon turn down Lekki's offer to fight. A smirk crosses her face and she can't resist this opportunity. She speds over to Chameleon, reaching him within seconds. She leeches herself onto his arm, looking up at him with her big black eyes, "Aw come on Leo. You gotta fight Lekki. Afterall.." Her gaze flicks to Faith who is standing with Lekki infront of both her and Chameleon, then she looks back up to Chameleon, his black hair covering his bright blue eyes slightly as he looks down at her, "This is a fighting school, right?"

Chameleon could have slapped Raina there and then. But he didn't hit girls unless it was in fighting defense, and not in such an unprofessional way as slapping them across the face. He looked down at her mischevious eyes, she knew he didn't fight. He pushed her off of his arm lightly, "I think I'll take a rain check." He glanced back to Lekki, hoping desperately Faith wouldn't say anything, he didn't want to show disobedience to the teacher, but he couldn't...he couldn't fight someone without freaking out. "Sorry Lekki. It was nice meeting you too." Raina just rolled her eyes at him.
Lekki looked at Raina with an unhappy expression, but did not say or do anything. She nodded at Chameleon.

"No it's really alright. I am sure I can find someone else who'll fight me. Don't worry." She gave Raina one last look before turning and almost walking into Faith. "Oh sorry. Um...Chameleon doesn't want to fight with me. Is anyone else free?"

Kesson wasn't able to block or take the kick and he fell, but moved to strike at her waist. He never liked hitting people in the stomach if he could help if, especially when practicing. He got ready to stand back up and fight more.

"Well I can't wait then. Do I have to wear anything in specific?"

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