Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Faith is more than willing to let Raina go, though the girl's reaction to Liza's reproach did surprise her somewhat. She does not respond to Raina's further attempt to bait her, instead thinking about the softness in her tone, her expression, when Liza spoke to her. She thinks again of the girl's flinch at Macal's nearness, a gesture very faint, but nevertheless showing a crack in her vulnerability...a crack that reminded her of Sheena, when Sheena first came to stay with her. A crack that reminded her of herself.

She tries to tell herself not to read too much into it, but that is not Faith's way. It is her way to analyze her enemy and any showing of weakness, and the flinch is sticking in her mind.

Still she says nothing. It is Liza who flash steps in front of Raina just as Raina shuts the door behind her, standing in front of her and blocking her path. She looks up at her biting her lip, her eyes glittering with hurt.

"You don't wanna be my sister no more?"

(btw, confused, sorry...Fire, where are your characters currently? Where is Jace? And where are Legend's characters?)
(Well Hayley is currently on her way to her room but I don't have an exact location. Kesson and Zelda are on the second floor at a weapon's vault and Deathwish and Lekki are in the...east garden? I think that is the one with the koi/coy pond. And that is all my characters)

Kesson smiled, but he wasn't quite sure of that. Still it might be better than just being followed around or being whispered about. If Kesson dated anyone, and that was a big if, he would want them to be a little more...forward. Kesson really didn't like playing around, though he thought he could handle it for a while. He looked at Zelda and wondered how she would treat someone she liked. He decided it would be better not to ask.

Thankfully his mind was pulled off dating and the strange habits of girls and to weapons. He hesitated at the entrance, wanting to go in and really look at the weapons.

"It's amazing. I prefer handguns to use," Kesson said.


"Well, yeah. Hopefully that does get fixed eventually. I swear next time I
will land on top of someone." She laughed at that and then looked at the boy she had almost fell on. She smiled wider.

"I am Lekki by the way. Half-demon, half-human, all fun."
(Flower and Jace are in Nick's room currently.)

Deathwish looks at her and then frowns hearing she's half demon. For most half demons, they are tormented by their demon sides. Such as Jace's demon kills vampires, Nick's and his demon kills anything in their path. He grips his head feeling a huge headache coming on. It appears Ogy....nick's demon was let out for a moment. Since Nick and him are twins, they do have a bond inbetween their demons. Which means if one of their demons is released the other will follow. Making them both killing machines. He looks at her forcing a smile. "Well...half demon half vampire. Nothing much on fun I'm afraid." He said and then gripped his head harder. "Please forgive me....I am having a terrible headache."

Zelda looked at him and then grabbed his arm pulling him in. "Well come on. I don't really like unpredictable...I mean you drop one and it could go off or if you click the trigger there is no taking that shot back...I preferr this." She said grabbing her staff. She twirled it around in her hand before pounding the bottom on the ground. The fire swirled around Zelda and blew her pink hair up a bit. "Much more easy to control." She said and then had the fire sucked back into the staff. "Pretty cool huh?" She asked with a laugh.
Raina looks down at Liza as she appears infront of her, Raina's eyes turn to shock and even a bit of sadness as Liza looks up at her, her big eyes showing clear pain. Her words stuck Raina to the core. How could she have upset Liza when Liza had been so kind to her? She frowns, already sure she knows the answer. She sighs and drops down onto her knees, pulling Liza into a hug, her voice is soft. "Of course I do Liza. I don't think anyone would want you not to be their sister, that's how amazing you are." She frowns as her eyes water lightly, she couldn't cry again. What was wrong with her and the water works? Was it because she hadn't cried for 8 years and then suddenly because she cries once, she was going to be crying all the time now? No. "I just..." She sighs again, trying to think of the words without sounding weak, but she can't and suddenly her lips had let the words slip, her voice small and quiet, "I'm not very used to people being nice to me Liza, so I don't know how to deal with it when people are..." She pauses, "I'm sorry if I upset you." She is on the verge of tears, but she won't let it slip.

Sethos growled as the light hit him, stumbling back a bit and then glancing at Nick to see that Flower had also blasted him. Now Nick was trying to speak to Jace, telling him that demons were weaker and that Jace should think he was winning. Sethos scoffed at them, his voice still cold and demonic, "Demons aren't weaker." He smirked malevolently, "And Jace always loses, he sucks at pretty much everything." He glanced to Nick, his eyes looking as if he was a predator 'playing' with his prey, "Especially protecting his brother." He suddenly lunged forward but then, as if he had been punched in the stomach, he flew backwards and crashed into the bed, falling backwards onto it. Sethos growled and slammed his hands down on the bed, the shadows in the room moved suddenly, swarming towards Nick and grabbing his arms, slamming him against the wall. "What the hell Jace?" Suddenly the voice changed back to Jace, "You insulted me bast**d." Jace sat up, his eyes now icy blue like usual, he stretched, "And I don't particularly want another murder on my hands thanks to you." He then glanced to Nick, with a wave of his hand the shadows went back to how they should be. Just shadows, not minions of darkness. He then glanced to Flower, "Uh...can I go now?" He stood up, and winced slightly, "S**t Flower." He put his hand to his stomach, "I know you were trying to stop Sethos and all, but can you use some softer light next time?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Faith could have been listening through the door if you wish, I don't mind :D )
Lekki nodded. She had never met a half-demon, half-vampire before and was immediately intrigued and interested in Deathwish. She smiled at his comment as if finding it funny. Lekki was always told she had no sense of manners when it came to other people. Lekki didn't try to be in people's face or be rude, but it was hard for her to change the way she was.

"Oh come on. I am sure you are fun some times." She looked down at her clothes and frowned. "Well it could be worse. I could of been wearing white." She looked back at Deathwish. "Half-vampire? That is a bit strange if you don't mind me saying. I mean...sorry. You have a headache and I'm bothering never said your name."


Kesson let himself be pulled into the room. He watched as Zelda showed off her weapon and skills and smiled.

"You are very skilled. I can understand where you are coming from too. A friend of mine told me I should of learned a second weapon as well. Guns aren't too good for close combat either." She ran a hand over a nearby gun.
Flower looks at Jace and then smiles as he won the battle. "Ok....I guess think of Sethos insulting you next time." She walked over and then looked him over. "Anything I need to heal or are you just being a bady about it?" She giggles and then looks at Nick who glared at her wanting her out. She nods to him. "In a second." She said taking down the light from the door. She looks at Jace and then looks at Nick who had a huge smirk on his face like he remembered something.

"Sooo undying love huh?" NIck said with a bit of a chuckle, he looked at Flower who suddenly ignored the comment altogether. He saw the rather grim look on her face....she didn't want to talk about it apparently but not like it was true right? He suddenly shut up about it as well. "Oh well door over there." He said pointing to the door.

Flower looked at Jace and then looked at the door heading for it. She didn't want to say anything about what Sethos said, who knows if it was true or not. Unless Jace said it himself Flower could never be sure..

Deathwish looks at her and shakes his head as the headache passes. "'s no bother...My name is Deathwish." He said and then pushed his fingers through his hair. "Yes...well what can I say...parents." He shrugged and then looked at her.

Zelda looked at him and then smiled. "Yep...maybe the sword or something for close combat...or you could just learn hand to hand combat. It is taught with the gun classes here. I guess they think hand to hand combat and gun is a great mix." She said and then set her staff down. "Not many keep there weapons in here...but I have a spot that has my name on it so no one takes it." She said and then looked at him. "Plus, if someone does I can call it at will and it will come to me no matter what." She said with a smile.
As Sheena approaches the front of the school, she sees Deathwish standing with another person- a girl, it looks like- from the corner of her eyes, out by the east garden. Momentarily distracted, she pauses, then finds herself walking towards them. Somehow she is not really ready to walk back to her room and hang around Faith and Liza and their mother/daughter stuff today. If this girl is someone she's never met, or new, then maybe she can have some sort of distraction by talking to her. At least her mom isn't hanging around.

Watching Raina's emotional reaction, Liza softens, immediately reaching out to hug her close. She kisses Raina's chin from where the girl is bent over to reach her, then nuzzles her head underneath it.

"I forgive you," she announces, but there is worry in her tone too. "It's okay, Raina. You know what? I think a lotta people act mean 'cause they feel so bad. So next time you feel bad you just tell me and I'll make you feel better, okay? 'Cause you know my sister Sheena Legs used to be bad. She made my mama really mad and sad and now it's better. And you know what else, my mama was really, really bad. I sawed it in my head one time. She killed people. She really did. And they weren't even bad guys. But now she's not bad no more, and you can do it too. I can help you. So you don't gotta cry, Raina, I'll make you feel better and I'll help you be good. It's not that hard after you practice and stuff."

Faith had not followed Liza out, knowing very well that her daughter could easily escape her through teleporting, but she had definitely started to follow her to the door. As she hears Liza's voice outside it, realizing she had stopped Raina from escaping, she pauses at the door, not cracking it open, but pressing her ear close. Her Slayer's enhanced hearing picks up Liza's words easily, and though Raina's are softer, she hears them too. She stands very still as she listens not only to Raina's words, but to her choked she crying? Do vampires CRY?

This is confirmed when Liza comforts her, telling her not to cry. What the hell was this...was it actually possible Liza could do her good?

Heh, of course it was. It was fairly rare for someone to cross Liza and NOT act nicer as a result...but this Raina...

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to let Liza interact with her a while, as long as Faith was watching from a distance...but that didn't mean she wasn't going to kick Macal's ass tonight.
Raina smiles as Liza announces her forgiveness, but tries not to freak out at the worry in her tone. Worry, she didn't handle that too well either. Worry and Niceness....she wasn't sure how to deal with those. She chuckles lightly, a weak one, but still a chuckle as Liza tells her to come to her when she feels bad, she could just imagine her and Liza chomping down on ice-cream like depressed teenage girls. Raina doesn't say anything, but silently takes in the pieces of information about Sheena and Faith. They were both bad aswell? Faith had killed innocents? Maybe some people weren't as perfect as they seemed. She doubted Liza's words about helping her be good. She was convinced Jace killed the good Raina when he killed Mabel and her Mum. But she smiled anywa and pulled away from the hug reluctantly, grinning at Liza with almost-watery eyes, she even wipes them just to be sure, "I'm not going to cry infront you AGAIN Liza, that would be downright embarrassing." She raises an eyebrow at her, not rudely or even in a patronizing manner, it's more like a jokey eyebrow raise, "What's up with me eh? I don't shed a tear for eight years and then suddenly I make friends with a wicked little girl named Liza and I'm bawling my eyes out all the time." She prodded a joking finger at Liza, "You, missy, have a very odd affect on me."

Jace rolled his eyes, muttering lightly, "I don't need your freaky healing powers." But he had an undeniable grin on his face. When Nick mentioned the whole 'undying love' thing, he glared lightly at him, not because it was true or anything, just because he disliked him extremely. He then glanced to Flower who was heading for the door, "Oh yeah, sorry about that. You don't have to worry about it being true or anything." He shrugs, "Sethos assumes that I have a crush on any girl who I don't let him kill."

Well you do, Flower, Rosa, seeing a pattern here?

Flower is a key-holder. My rule, remember?

What about Rosa then?

I didn't want to clean up afterwards.

Bull s**t.

"Believe what you want Sethos." Jace then frowned, did he say that out loud. He groaned, rubbing his forehead lightly with his hand, "I need to focus on NOT speaking my thoughts aloud. That could become quickly awkward."
Liza frowns, worried, despite Raina's joking tone, and replies very seriously, taking her at her word.

"I don't wanna make you cry. I don't wanna make you feel bad. Plus also I am not either wicked. I'm good. I really am. Just 'cause I don't always listen to my mama don't mean I'm not good. Sometimes she just doesn't even know that I got a good reason to do stuff is all. Like that it's more fun or something."

She reconsiders her words then, frowning, and points her finger back at Raina decisively. "Crying isn't bad. I don't like to see people cry but I think it's okay if it makes you feel better. 'Cause then people know you feel bad and they hug you and stuff. Did you know that my mama didn't never used to cry neither? I used to live in her head so I sawed everything she did and stuff and she never ever cried when she was bad. But I saw her cry once when she was good. Maybe even twice. So I think you can cry when you're good and it's okay. Plus also Sheena Legs used to cry all the time when the bad guys were making her do stuff and when she was trying to kill herself and stuff. Plus also when the robots were in her head."

She says all of this as though it is very unremarkable and as if Raina will certainly understand everything she's talking about, as is her way.

(think it's your SK post Jo...and I would love to read your blog if you still plan to post it :) )
Flower looks at him and nods. "I see..." She said and then opened the door, she walked out and then continued walking down the hall. She put a hand to her head and then fell to the ground. She held her head and then rolled to her back. Something was wrong but Flower didn't know what it was. She felt a huge headache and suddenly she was unable to move. She soon fainted. A dark cloud appeared around her for a second but soon disappeared. (hmmm what ever could it be. *Evil laugh)

Nick looks at Jace. "It is perfectly normal." He said and then sat on his bed. "If you would please." He said waving his hand at the door. He looked at Jace. "I do wish you luck." He said and then looked out the window.
Lekki opened her mouth to ask more questions which would surely get herself in trouble or make Deathwish annoyed, but she managed to stop herself. She would just log them away for a later time instead. Maybe when she knew him better. Hopefully by that time there would be less questions. She was open to questions herself.

"Deathwish. Weird name, but mine isn't really normal either. I kind of like it. Can I call you Wish?" Lekki saw Sheena coming their way and waved over to her, happy to meet more people.


"That can be really useful," Kesson said to her last words. He wished he had something like that for his own weapons as well. He looked at the weapons again as if trying to judge what might suit him.

"I don't want to do hand-to-hand combat." He had his reasons for it. "But I might like the idea of a sword or a dagger maybe."

Deathwish saw Sheena and then looked at Lekki. "No...I don't like nicknames." he said and then looked at Sheena again. At least it wasn't Raina....he would surely be in big trouble with her. He looks back at Lekki. "So what is your name?" he asked as he turned to the pond seeing the fish had come back.

Zelda looks at him and then smiles. She looks at the weapons. "A a useful tool...but the mind has to be as sharp as the blade." She said and then pulled out her own sword. (The one in her picture....which I have yet to replace on the first page lol) She smiles and then holds it out for him to hold. "The user must be careful." She added with a laugh at how much she was sounding like one of those wise munks or something in the movies.
Jace looks to Nick as he speaks to him, his gaze is still angry, and Sethos is begging to let him rip Nick's throat out and tear his limbs off in variously violent ways. His left hand twitches, but besides that...nothing else happens. "Whatever." He mutters, heading to the door. But both of his hands suddenly slam on either side of the doorframe, his body freezing as a cold, inhuman voice floats back to Nick, his back facing him. "Next time Flower won't be there to stop Jace's conscious from beating me. He hates you as much as I do." Sethos smirks down at the floor, his back still to Nick as he lets go of the door frame and leaves, slamming the door shut behind him.

Raina rolls her eyes lightly at Liza's serious tone, "I'm not being serious Liza, and I meant wicked like awesome, not wicked like evil." Raina then falls silent as she tells her crying isn't bad. Her thought track runs straight back to her past. Liza's words of people knowing you feel bad and hugging you - she compares it to how different it used to be. If she cried, if her dad knew she felt bad, he'd just make her feel worse. Telling her that he'd give her something to REALLY cry about as he slammed his fists against her skin. Sometimes if he couldn't be bothered to move, which was oddly rare, he'd taunt her with his words instead. Using her Mother and Sister as a way to mess with her mental health even more. She realizes she had been shaking her head at Liza, and she says softly, very softly, "Crying isn't a good thing Liza, not when you're a grown-up." She hadn't been a grown up though? She wasn't even a teenager during the worst of his violence. She then frowns at her, "You lived inside her head? How? Is that even possible?" Her frown increases, "Must be possible, since you're here and all." She disregards everything she says about Sheena, but then her frown falls and her gaze drops to the floor as she mentions crying when you are good. "I'm not good Liza. I won't ever be good, okay?" She stands up now, not looking directly at Liza as she folds her arms and directs her gaze down the hall, asking quietly, "Can you move please?"

(Faith could have been eavesdropping on all the rest of the conversation also, if you wish, gosh, poor mixed-up Raina.)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Why would Deathwish be in big trouble with Raina? xD )
Flower gets up holding her head. "Dang it not again." She said and then looked at her hand. Her skin was pale. She walked to her room but not before Nick stops her. She looks at him and then Nick shakes his head no, he picked her up and took her to the nurses office. Nick sets her down but the demon ran to deep. It was bonded with her now and that was bad. Flower wasn't doing good at all. Nick sighs and then sits down next to her. "Why didn't she tell anyone?" He asked himself and then looked at Flower.

One of the nurses looks at Flower and tries to get the demon off but it was no use. The nurse looked grim and so did Nick. He gets up and then walks out. "I have to find deathwish." he said and then walked away trying to find Deathwish.
"It's Lekki," she told him, a little disappointed in the turn down of her nickname for him. Still maybe she could get him to like it later. Slowly but surely. That is if they saw enough each other after this meeting. She hoped so. He was interesting if a bit odd. "Not as interesting as Deathwish but it is not a normal name. Still I like it."


"That make sense, but my mind is very sharp and clear," Kesson said. Years of meditating and studying had earned him that and he was grateful, even if he did eventually leave it all. But he would stop thinking on that. He examined a nearby blade, his mind moving off the topic of his family and back to the school. He put the sword down.

"So what is next?"
Zelda walked out and then was about to speak before Nicxk rammed into her. She and him both fell to the floor. "NICK YOU BLASTED-" Nick got up looking deathly worried. "Nick...what's wrong." She said getting up. She blinks and then waits for his answer.

Nick was out of breath. "Flower.....Demon....dieing..." He said running off. He looks at Zelda worried. He ran off and then used vampire speed to get to Deathwish. He looks at his twin brother. "'s Flower." He said and then looked at the girl Deathwish was talking to.

Zelda's eyes widen. She looked at Kesson. "This is bad." She said running off. "Come on!" She said running to the nurses office. She opened the door out of breath. "Flower?" She said and then looked at James who was there. He looks at Zelda and then looked at Flower. Zelda ran up and looked at the poor girl. She was very pale and cold to the touch. "Demons....I hate them." She said looking at James who was deeply worried.

Deathwish stands up. "What is it?" He asked and then looked as Nick looked down. "Nick?" He asked again looking more serious. Nick looks at him with a frown.

"Flower............she's been fed off by a matter how much we try to get it off of her...." He sighed. "She's not doing well." He said and then looked as Deathwish looks down sighing deeply.

Hunter and sky run through the hallways to get to their master. They both were frightened....even on the mighty Eagle you could see fear. Sky turned hard and then landed in front of the door and Hunter opened it.
Sheena was still approaching, taking her time about it, as the girl she didn't know waved. Well, the girl didn't look like a total freak, or like she wanted to kill her at first sight, so that was a bonus anyway.

She had almost reached the others when Nick ran up to Deathwish, yelling about Flower dying. As she heard this, she stilled, immediately wondering if it was Raina involved. She had been so upset and unstable lately...could Sheena pushing her about her past have pushed her over the edge?

"How?" she blurted before she had quite reached them yet, her eyes on Nick. "What happened?"

But Liza doesn't move aside for Raina, her frown deepening. She keeps her arms crossed over her chest as she looks up at Raina with a furrowed brow, saying in a deeply troubled tone, "Raina, I think you're really sad. And you gotta cry sometimes to stop being sad. And you're not gonna do it so you're not gonna stop being sad. Plus also it is too okay to cry. 'Cause it just means you're sad is all. And it's okay to be sad. You just don't cry if you're doing it on purpose to be bad, that's all."

She comes closer, tugging on the end of Raina's shirt, and smiles up at her. "Do you want me to tell you how I got outta my mama's head? I can."

Not waiting for a reply, she launches straight into her rather confusing explanation.

"My other daddy, he was my mama's daddy too. And when she was little like me he did bad things to her. You shouldn't do that to little girls but he did, and I got borned in her head. And then every time he was bad to her then it happened to me too. Only I lived in a room inside her head all alone and no one even knew I was there, even. I didn't never grow up and my mama did. Then when she was big like Sheena Legs she started being bad, and another girl got borned in her head too. Her name is Fay. Like your sister!" she smiles, looking up at Raina as though hoping to connect with her through this coincidence. "Only that Fay is mean. She was so mean to me and Mama didn't know she was in there neither. Then when my mama was married to my daddy my aunt Kate went in her head and finded us, and they took me out and put me in a body and Fay had to go in a cage. She's still in my mama's head now but I don't gotta listen to her be mean no more. Plus also I can't get big 'cause I was borned in my mama's head so I'm not never growing up, but I don't mind."
Kesson, having no clue who Flower was beyond the earlier mention of her in the beginning of the tour, nodded and followed Zelda. Well he was about to meet her even if it seems like it was not going to be a good meeting. He felt a little hesitate about going too. He didn't know this Flower and she didn't know him. It felt rude to go with Zelda but he kept following.

Once they reached the nurse's office, Kesson stopped just inside the door. The woman, Flower, didn't look so good. The man who rushed by said something about demons and dying. Neither sounded like good things. Kesson, having respect, did not ask anything though. If he listened long enough he would know what was going on.


Lekki was startled by the arrival of another person, but this one didn't seem to be happy. She had no idea what was going on besides that it was not good and dealt with a demon. She felt a wave of panic rise within her chest and she flickered as if she had almost teleported away. She hated things like this. Avoided things like this. But Lekki didn't run just yet.

"What is going on?"
Deathwish looked at Sheena and then at Nick. He sighed deeply. "An unknown demon has been feeding on Flower's it's gotten so bad it's killing her." He said loud enough for Sheena to hear. "We have no idea who is responcible for this." He said again and then looked down sighing deeply. He looked at Nick who nodded conferming him.

Nick looked back at SHeena. "She didn't tell anyone appearently." Nick added. He sighed deeply and then looked at the castle. "SHe may you think we can do anything for her?" He asked Deathwish who sighed not knowing anything of how. Nick looked down and then hissed. "Darn it why didn't she tell anyone?!"

Deathwish looked at Lekki. "I'm sorry...She's a good friend of mine...I must see what I can do for her...Please excuse me lekki." He said and then looked at Nick. He waited for Nick to leave. He looked at Sheena. "Will you be joining us then? I am not sure if I can help her...or if you can...this demon has become so rooted in her it would be hard to get it off of her." He said sighing deeply.

Flower looked at James and Zelda. "James.....Zelda...." She slowly looked at Hunter and sky. Her two beloved pets. "WHy...Why are you here?" Flower tried to sit up only to be pushed back down by James. She looked at the new boy at the door. She grabbed her stomach area in pain. The demon's shadow appeared all over Flower and then disappeared.

James looked at her. "Stay laying down are weak..." He sighs deeply and then grabs Flower's hand. "Flower...I'm your best friend...why didn't you tell me?" He asked looking at her. He frowned and then looked as she pulled her hand away.

"No....he might switch...hosts anytime..." Flower said looking at James. "There is no known way to get rid of it...once I had it...I knew there was nothing i could do." She said and then gripped her stomach area again. "AH!" She rolled over, her back facing everyone. "AH!"

Zelda looks at her worried. She looked at Kesson and so did James. Zelda sighed deeply. " don't give up got it?!" She yelled at her trying to keep from crying.

Flower laughed weakly and held up her hand giving Zelda a thumbs up. "Got it ms yells a lot." She said and then smiled at Zelda. She sighed deeply. "Who's your friend?" She said rolling back onto her back. She looked at Kesson. "DHH Right?"
Frowning, Sheena's eyes dart between Deathwish, Nick, and the girl who's name she doesn't yet know as she attempts to process this. She isn't very close to Flower, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel any concern for her...and if there's some vicious demon roaming around...

"What can I do to help?" she asks, ignoring Lekki for the moment as she focuses on the men, her brow creasing with her concern. "I mean, I can't heal her...I could fight the demon, maybe? Help out with that? I could get my boyfriend...or my dad or sister...or my little sister, she can heal pretty well..."
Lekki flickered again as if she might be an old movie from a projector. She knew she would be of no help. She didn't want to be involved either. Not if it dealt with demons. She buried all that long ago. Her sides were at peace and it would remain that way. Still she was curious. She moved away from the group though, as if giving them privacy or letting them know she was not going to get involved. She was new. She was not expected to get involved in whatever was happening.

"I'm sorry." Whether about their friend, her running off, or whatever it was unclear. But it was too late to ask her anyways. Lekki disappeared, re-appearing elsewhere. She stumbled a little, but she was away from the group. Where she was, the half-breed could not be sure.


It was almost too hard to watch and listen. Kesson had very rarely come across demons and he knew nothing about demons, demon possessing or whatever might be happening to the woman before him. He nodded at her question.

"I am Kesson," he said, bowing quite low. "I...I am indeed a DHH. You must be the lady Flower I have heard about. It is sad to meet you this way."
Flower looks at him and then frowns. "Lady?- Ok who told him I was a Queen." She said looking around. She sat up but James Forced her down again. She growled like a wolf at James, being a shifter she could do so. She looks at Kesson with a frown. "Yes it is but I will be fine I assure you." She said and then blasted light out of her body trying to get the demon out. She gripped her head. "James....would you please get me some water?" She asked him and then he nodded getting her a glass of water. "Kesson...was it? A friend of Zelda I am guessing." She said gripping her head. She drank down the water.

Zelda looks at her and then gently put her head down. "Relax...stop your energy." She said and then grabbed the empty glass giving it back to James. " your light...right now...the nurses say you are not reseving any light...which is also why you are so weak." she said and then looked at Kesson with a frown. "You can come over." She said.

Flower looks at Zelda and nods. She closed her eyes feeling tired. She opened them again. "Your staff...I want to try something." She said looking at Zelda. She frowned and then gripped her sides. "Ohhh! AH!" She rolls to her side in pain.

Zelda calls her staff and then it appeared in her hand. " what?" She asked looking at poor Flower. She sighed deeply and then looked at James who just frowned.

Deathwish looks at her. "The demon is inside her....eatting away at her light and energy. It can not be battled...healing won't work ort else the nurses would have done it...." He sighed. "I don't know if anyone can help at this point....I fear for my dear friend." he said and then walked up. "SHall we go see her?" He asked looking at her with worry.
Kesson felt a little imtimited by Flower if he was being honest. She certainly was not going to give up without a fight and seemed to be stubborn not to listen to her friends. Kesson moved closer to her, though not as close as the others.

"Yes I met Zelda and her brother earlier today. I just got here." His lips twitched as if he might have smiled, but it was clear he was not in a humerous mood. "I seem to have excellent timing for bad situations I know nothing about."

He frowned, his brow furrowing in concern. Sure he didn't know Flower, but that didn't mean he couldn't be worried. After all he had always worried for other people more than himself at times. He reached out as if to touch Flower, but he was too far away. He let his hand drop to his side and waited to see what she might do.
Sheena blinks, unsure of how to take this. "Are you talking to me? You want me to see her? think she would want me to?"

It occurs to her then that the way Deathwish is talking, he seems truly concerned that Flower will die. Uncomfortable at the thought, Sheena shifts her weight, one hand moving to grip the back of her neck as she asks with awkwardness, "Um...would she really want me to?"
Flower looks at Kesson and then looks at James who sighs deeply. She closed her eyes. "Ugh...this thing was sent by The king right?" She asked looking at James. She looked at Zelda but neither of them knew. "Stupid idoit....I save his son and this is what he does to me?" She looks at her hand and then sighs feeling weak. "Nick and Deathwish....where are they?" She asked looking at Zelda.

Zelda sighs and then looks at Flower. "Nick was going to find Deathwish now....who do you mean by son?" She asked. "Isn't Deathwish and Nick his only children?" She asks and Flower shakes her head no. She blinks in serprise. "But..."

Flower looks at Zelda. "The guy tried to force me to marry him....this is why it is sore between me and the vampire queen....Nick and Deathwish have a half brother named Jace...He is half key holder." She said and then groaned a bit. "Jace's demon side is a murderous pain in the butt. He also takes control of Jace...which is why my old friend turned to a killer." She sighs deeply. "Sorry Kesson...let me fill you in. The Queen of Vampire's is fully vampire but the kind is fully demon." She said. "The king has a thing for Key holders..." She said and then sighed. "Jace was a childhood friend of mine...a very close friend. Before he left." She added and then sighed. "He probably wouldn't come..." She chuckles but frowns. "Aw yes...Jace's demon won't be happy he wasn't the demon who killed me." She said with a smile trying to lighten the mood bit it didn't work. "Sorry." She said.

Deathwish shrugs and then looks at her. "I'm sure Flower would be happy to see you there...even a bit touched. SInce she doesn't know you that well. But a Queen dieing is a serious thing....Flower is the last Key holder royalty...this is very serious." He said and then sighed. "I want to save her...I have to." He said looking like a man trying to save the women he loved.. (Ps. Deathwish has a little, ok BIG crush on Flower but as my own rule nothing will happen between them. lol)

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