Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(lmao Faith will be thrilled about the whole sister gig, I'm sure)

At this suggestion of Raina's, Liza's eyes light up, and she beams, flashing dimples as she nods enthusiastically. "Okay! Yeah, that's wicked! And no blood and it won't hurt and it will be pretty! Plus also it will be soft."

She takes the stone from Raina and holds it up near her ear, prepared to whack off a huge chunk of hair, then pauses, frowning slightly. "I think if we do a lot of hair it will be too big for my wrist though."

Noticing Alex's slight reticence, even as he shows a friendly exterior, Sheena remains reserved as well, watching the interplay between Chameleon and his mother. She can sense Alex's mood but says nothing.

Even if Chameleon doesn't like his mom, unless she's outright evil, she still can't at all sympathize with whatever his problem is. SHE'S THERE! SHE'S ALIVE!

There isn't much Sheena wouldn't give to have her mother there, regardless of how much she might annoy her.
(Haha, I so want Faith to find out now xD Could totally imagine Raina smirking in the background while Liza gleefully tells her furious Mother ^.^)

Raina smiles at her, "Come here." She mutters lightly, she moves over to her and takes the sharp stone, she lifts up a bit of Liza's soft hair, "The trick is to take a piece from the underneath, so that the outside of your hair covers it up and hides it." She grins as she gently cuts a lock of Liza's hair, "Don't want your vampire-slaying mummy to come after me when you show up with a chunk of missing hair now do we?" She drops the outside of Liza's hair and watches as it hides the evidence that any of it has been cut. She then reaches back behind herself and snips a bit off her own hair off with the rock. She then takes both pieces of hair and spilts them in half, she gives one half of her own coal black to Liza, and one half of Liza's chocolate brown hair to Liza and then sits crossed legged on the floor, motioning for her to do the same. She takes her own share of both halfs of hair and smiles at Liza, "Just copy what I do." She begins threading the two different coloured hairs together, chattering about how to do it as she looks down at the slowly forming bracelet. A rare, content smile filled her face as the remaining black cloud of hair she had fell down around her shoulders and chest.

Jace headed back into the school, his eyes were at the floor and his t-shirt had blood stains on it. His fists clenched. Damn Sethos. He had never told anyone about Sethos; it would be the same as admitting he had a demon side and he was in utter denial of that. If anyone asked; he was Key-Holder. He would never willing admit he was half-demon unless his life was in danger - like it was with Flower. He ducked into their shared room as soon as possible, tugging off the bloodied top and revealing his six pack as he searched through his closet for another top. Flower would NOT be happy if she saw the blood-splattered top, so he planned to change into a new one and hide the stained one A.S.A.P.

(I'm going to wait for 14hca before I post for Chameleon, just to see if she says anything to Felicity)
Flower sighed deeply looking a vulcan. She suddenly saw sky who spurted her and she turned to Vulcan. "Please excuse me I have to take care of someone." she said and then ran back to her room. She opened the door. "Jace!" she looked at him and suddenly blushed a bit. She sighed and then closed the door after stepping inside. "Jace what did you do?" she asked Trying to be calm. She crossed her arms looking at him. "You do know I still have two pets watching you right?" she asked. She mently wants to kick herself for blushing, but this guy's got a six pack for crying out loud. She sighs a bit, so what he's a killer.

Ginger and Trinity were running around in the forest giggling and laughing as they lost a few boys who were soaking wet. They looked at each other and then ran off. Ginger suddenly stopped when she saw Vulcan and hid behind a tree. Trinity looked at Ginger. "What's wrong?" she asked and then looked at Vulcan. Trinity lightly smiled at Vulcan.
Jace glanced over at her, still topless as he blinked and then smirked slightly, "You're telling me that you've got your two pets stalking me?" He chuckled, "Obsessed much?" He then took a step back, away from her as he effectively hid the t-shirt behind his back. "What am I doing?" He smirked, noticing the blush that was slowly fading, "I'm watching you ogle at my awesomeness." He nodded down to his impeccable naked torso, grinning at her.

(Gosh, can imagine Flower slapping him for that one ^.^)
Flower growls at him. "You are a murderous idoit of course I have spies on you." She said and then glared even more. "Excuse me?" She sighs. "Suddenly I have a headache." She said rubbing her head. "Just get a shirt on you idoit." She said wanting to kick herself. She walks past him and then opens the window for sky who flew in. The large eagle took a piece of meat from Flower's hand. Flower tried not to look at him. "Good girl Sky." She said with a smirk.
Jace grinned, but then spun around as she passed him, the t-shirt hidden behind his back still. "All right then, just stop drooling on the floor." He smirked and turned to the wardrobe, chucking the bloodied shirt in amongst the back of the clothes there as quickly as he could while pulling out another clean top to make it seem like he hadn't just put the stained top inside the wardrobe. He tugged the new red shirt over his head and shut the wardrobe with a loud slam, he turned back to the eagle and glared at it. "Stupid bird." He muttered, remembering how it had slammed a book into his head back at his home. "When's hunting season again?" He spoke darkly in a cold voice unlike his own, Sethos. It literally sounded like someone else had spoken, but yet the words came from his lips. His hand twitched suddenly and then his eyes widened. No, he had just let Sethos out, he never tried to surface again this regularly, he usually waited for a while until he tried to come back out again. His other hand twitched. Then they both clenched and unclenched. Sethos wanted to kill that damn bird. He turned away so suddenly it looked as if he had flinched, heading over to his bed as he tried to keep Sethos away. It's not worth it; it's just a bird. Which will make it so much easier to kill. But much less fun Sethos, remember that? You like the fun. I like revenge Jace. As Jace sat down on the bed, he let out a groan and laid down on his back, staring at the ceiling. He was now offically fighting Sethos; and Flower was there, watching. Well isn't this great. His fist rose suddenly and slammed down on the bed. "Get out of here Flower." Jace hissed, half of the words sounding like him and the other half sounding inhuman. Sethos would never hurt Flower, but he still didn't want her to watch this - to know his secret.

(In case anyone is confused, Sethos is Jace's demon side, because he rejects his demon side, it often comes out in the form of 'Sethos' So technially, Jace is the good one :o But no-one knows that of course.)
Flower looks at him and then walks over. "Jace...I've seen this before...with your brothers...don't worry...just calm down." She said and then sent Sky out. "Now hold still why I try something ok?" She said calmingly. She sent light through her hand and then changed it colors. "Fucuss on this." She said waving her hand. She smiled at him and then touched his forehead with her other hand senting light into him trying to supress his demon side like she did with Deathwish and Nick a few years ago. Of course they were different their demon sides only came out with the taste of blood. She looks down at him and then closes her eyes fucusing.
Jace's body convulsed as Sethos's furious voice sent hate messages through his head. Get her hand off of us. Stop her. She's trying to hurt us, trying to hurt you. Flower would never hurt me. Are you sure about that Jace? Positive. You're losing Sethos. He focused his eyes on the light as he sent that last message, doing exactly as Flower said. "This--" His body convulsed again, "This won't work." He muttered, "Sethos is a bast**d." Suddenly his hand was flung and almost knocked Flower away, but his other hand pushed it back down, he wouldn't let Sethos hurt Flower. Sounds like someone's in love. What happened to it being a weakness? I am NOT in love with Flower. And it is a weakness, hence why I am NOT in love with her. Then let me hit her. No. Loser. His body convulsed once more and he groaned, not in pain, just from annoyance. The bird is gone. Calm down. We can't get it now anyway. Fine, later then. He his hands and feet become his own to control once more and the convulsing stopped. He blinked, looking at the light. "You should probably keep that bird away from me." He muttered, sitting up on the bed as if nothing had happened.
Flower sighs deeply. "Darn it that works for nick and deathwish." She looked at him and then turned her back. "I will..." She said looking at him and then looked at the door. "I should leave....but Jace...I smelled that blood." She said looking back at him. She sighed and then rubbed her head. "I think that little light show...has...messed with my head." She said sighing again.
Jace shrugged and got up from the bed, "Wait, did you say brotherS earlier?" He groaned, "I have another one?" He grit his teeth and walked over to the wardrobe, opened it up and tugged out the bloodied top, chucking it at Flower. "Here you go. That's what you smelt." He rubbed the back of his head, "It was a vampire. Not a human, so don't freak out too much, 'kay?" He walked past her and sat back down on his bed, yawning lightly. He still felt a bit odd, a bit of an out-of-body experience, so he needed to stay in their room for a bit. He glanced to her, "Drink some water or something, if your head hurts." He tried to act as if those words didn't actually mean that he cared by shrugging and glancing away from her.
Flower looked at him and then smiled. "Nick and Deathwish are you have two remember?" She said and then nodded to him. "I see...but that doesn't ease my anger." She sighed and then looked at him. "Water? oh yeah, thanks." She said and then went into the bathroom getting a cup of water. "Ugh...tap water." She said with a laugh.
Name: Lekki Owca

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Half-demon

Powers: Can teleport from one place to another, has increased strength, can see in the dark

Weapons: Brass knuckles

Vehicle: Her teleporting powers

Pets: A ginger cat named Palba

Family: Lekki has an older half-sister (fully human), younger brother (half-elf), her mother (fully human) and a step-father (elf). Her own father is a mystery and her sister's father is also not around either but both like her step-father.

Husband/wife: N/A

Girlfriend/boyfriend: N/A

Crush: N/A


Name: Hayley Ericks

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Species: Shape-shifter

Powers: Ability to change into any living thing as long as it is humaniod for right now. She does not have a lot of control over her powers, shifting when stressed or nervous.

Weapons: Nothing

Vehicle: N/A

Pets: N/A

Family: Just a mother who is fully human. Hayley knows nothing of her father and is very close to her mother. Her father was a member of

Husband/wife: N/A

Girlfriend/boyfriend: N/A

Crush: N/A


Name: Kesson Shinoya

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: DHH

Powers: Normal DHH powers (turn into dragon, flight), breathes fire, and he can see into someone's past (not yet discovered)

Weapons: Dual pistols

Vehicle: Motorcycle

Pets: N/A

Family: Has not seen his family in a six years but all are well. He has a close family of parents three older siblings (brother/sister/brother) and two younger siblings (sister/sister). He had a twin sister as well.

Husband/wife: N/A

Girlfriend/boyfriend: N/A

Crush: N/A

Looks: (Both his human form and his dragon form)
(Fixed it. I shall begin)

Lekki was happy. Not because something really good had happened or because of some nice surprise or any of the more common reasons for happiness. No she was happy because when she teleported she did not land on top of a nearby girl. Hayley, the girl that was almost landed on, let out a short cry and moved suddenly to the side, almost throwing herself to the ground as Lekki appeared. The half-demon girl looked around and saw a surprised Hayley and smiled apologetically at her.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean too. Sometimes I just can't tell where I might land," Lekki said with a shrug. She looked at Hayley and smiled wide but the shape-shifter did not return it. She looked afraid if anything. That made Lekki frown. What was to be afraid of? Sure she teleported but there was plenty of magic in the world. Why be afraid of something so simple. But she didn't get the chance to say anymore as Hayley had already run off. Lekki sighed but then shrugged it off. There was always some weirdo around. Maybe she had a reason as well.

Lekki smiled still and nodded. She had managed to make it to where she had planned even if it was almost on top of someone else.


Kesson drove up to the driveway of the school. He stretched as he dismounted his motorcycle, but said nothing. He knew he could have flown here, but something about being on his bike made Kesson feel a sort of calmness inside. He shook his head hearing his grandmother's voice, saying how mediation was good or something. A familiar yank in his chest made him scowl. He missed his family sure, but he had reasons for not seeing them or staying in contact beyond knowing if everyone is well. They were so big, he was sure he wasn't missed.

Kesson ignored looks and whispered from some of the other students. He had a small group of admirers whether out of his aloof personality, his looks or anything else. Kesson did what most aloof boys did to them, completely and totally dismiss them. Kesson wasn't a jerk though. He just hated being fawned over. Besides if he wanted to date anyone he would. He had. Admirers didn't make the best girlfriends though and any of the boys either weren't this type or did not go that way. Kesson was content with being alone though, if you could call being followed by a group of girls alone. He always had someone coming up to him.

Kesson made sure his bike was taken care of and headed to his room.
James was walking around reading a book. He was a DHH as well and a certain smell hit his nose. He looked up to smell of another DHH. He got a small smile, there weren't many around. He looked to his sister Zelda who smiled back at him and begand walking were the scent had come from. He turned a corner to see a man walking towards the dorms. He gave a smile and then walked up. "Hello." He said and then turned to his sister who had her arms crossed in disapointment at the fact this was a male and not a girl she cought hand out with. He rolled his eyes at his sister.

Deathwish was sitting outside alone watching the others. He was a half demon half vampire. He also had a death ora about him that people didn't like. Really Deathwish was nice...when he didn't drink blood, and he hasn't for many, many years. He looked at a girl who popped out of thin air and then smiled to himself. How funny. He then returned to his drawling that was about the flowers but had a dark twist to it. He sighed not meaning to draw that but with his own nature he did it anyways.
Kesson was surprised at the sudden call but did not walk away as the voice was male. It was not some girl, although there was a girl nearby. But why her expression she was surely not going to hit on him or make silly comments about his hair or the like. But what he did know was that the voice who called out to him was a DHH as well.

"Hey," Kesson said, nodding at him. Kesson always found he interacted with those of his own kind better than others not of it. "Sure you should be reading and walking? Might run into something or someone."
James chuckles a bit and closes he book. "Well I have my sister to keep me out of trouble." he said and then looked at Zelda. "Knock it off." he said and then stepped away as she gave him a glare. "Man we sure have been getting a lot of new students...if I assume correctly?" he asked looking at him. Somehow this guy reminded him of nick....maybe it was all the fan girls. He only smiled.

Zelda looked at this new guy and then slowly relaxed. "Hope you haven't been given trouble by our sudden appearance. We smelled another DHH and decided to follow it." she said and then leaned on a wall. "Please excuse my you ger brother...I am Zelda and he is James. May I ask for your name?" she said and then looked at James who glared at he younger brother comment.
(Legend you have so completed your stalking of me. are now in EVERY rp I am in, I believe. Except Winged and Luck and Hope!)

Liza smiles as Raina demonstrates how to make the bracelets, watching closely and then clumsily trying to copy her motions. She has never learned how to braid and her own bracelet is loose and sloppy at first, but she picks it up after several tries and works on her own, concentrating earnestly. Looking up at Raina to see how far along her efforts are coming, she is pleased to see the other girl smiling, appearing content. Liza beams, but says nothing, almost glowing with self-pride.

After she has finished her bracelet she holds up her wrist triumphantly. "Look Raina, I got it done! I like it. You have pretty's kinda like my sister Sheena's. I got hair like my mama. I look like her."

As the next thought occurs to her, she jumps up. "Oooh I gotta tell Mama that you're my sister now! And show her my bracelet! And then she'll know you won't be bad no more and then she'll like you and stuff and then we can share her!"
Raina finished her own bracelet a few moments before Liza, wrapping it around her own wrist and tying it deftly so it has no chance of falling off and getting lost. A few months, scratch that, even a few weeks earlier she would have scoffed at the idea of keeping something she and Liza made together, called it stupidly sentimental and labelled the idea for idiots. But she was determined not to lose it. A smile forms on her face as Liza proudly shows her the finished bracelet, "It's beautiful Liza." As Liza leaps up, chatting about telling dear Faithy-poo all about her and Raina being sisters, Raina can't help the smirk that grows on her face. "I'm sure she'd love to hear all about it." She tries to ignore the sharing Faith comment, as sweet as it is, Raina still hates Faith with all her being. The woman frickin' insulted her little sister, tried to make a fool out of them both in class and put a STAKE to her chest. Of course she hated her. Although how things were going recently with Liza and even Sheena, who knows, maybe they'll be besties in a few weeks! She held back her laugh at her own little joke, yeah right. She smiles at Liza, "Just don't lose that ok?"

Jace groaned loudly, hitting the back of his head against the wall, "Twins?" He rolls his eyes as he looks up at the ceiling, "That's just great." Can't we just kill them? Sethos asked annoyingly, Jace was shocked to hear Sethos voice loud and clear in his head. He usually didn't communicate to him at all - he just took over when he got riled up enough. But actually have his voice loud and clear in his head? To have conversations with him? How was that even possible? You're insane, that's how it's possible Jace. Shut up Sethos. Now you're getting it! "Flower!!!" Jace called out in a child-like tone, "Am I insane?" Yes, yes you are. "Shut up Sethos!" He realized he had spoken out loud now. Gotcha. Oh gosh, he was insane. He had voices---a voice in his head.
Flower looks at Jace with a smile. "Hmm...Sethos? Odd Nick's demon name is Ogy. Anyways yes in a sense people who are half demon are insane up to a point...most of the time they serpress the demon. However...they aren't insane. Sorry I must be confusing you." She said and then sat down. "However can take control and he can't fight you...believe me." She said giggling a bit.
Mai had been trying to enroll into the academy for a while now. Amazed at her chance she walked in, stumbling into Jace and flower. "Sorry.. my fault" she mumbled and bent to gather her things.

( sorry about this being so short and awkward)
(*Evil laughes* You can't escape me Faith! XP)

"I am new. I have tranferred over from another school," Kesson said. He looked over the two of them, still happy that the first people he met had been DHHs as well. And they weren't oogling him either. It would be nice to have friends from the start that he could rely on. After all the place seemed like it might take some time getting use to. He waved a hand shaking his head. 'No it saves me the trouble of trying to start a conversation with someone. I will admit I am not the best conversationalist."

Kesson shrugged as if it wasn't that big a deal. "I am Kesson. It is a pleasure to met you both," he said, bowing low.
Zelda nodded and then smiled lightly. "Good to meet you too, Kesson." She said and then giggled at his bowing. She looked at him rather strangely finding it odd he bowed at them. She looked at James who seemed unphazed. She blinks but keeps giggling. She looks at him waving her hand. "I'm sorry, but why are you bowing?" She asked him. (Oh i chranged her picture! here is her new look! Since she's a dragon I love the golden eyes!

James looks at him and then nods. "Just need pratice is all...everyone starts out like that at first." He said and then looked around the rather large hall. "So a transfer student? Hmm You are lucky...this is the best school. Mostly because the teachers here are the best and the students aren't that bad either. I could show you around with my sister of course." He said pointing at Zelda. "Please forgive her rudness." He said with a smile. His eyes were golden as well but they were dragon eyes, and under his shirt over his six pack (lol) were bright golden scales that covered his entire chest. James however wanted to fine Myra...he hasn't seen her all day. He looks around before Zelda elbows him a bit.

"What's the matter james? Inching for a kiss from ya girlfriend? I here from other students you two can't wait one minute before making out like crazy." She said teasing his egerness to find Myra. She looks at him with a smug smile. She never would think James would be that bold as to kiss myra out in the open so much.

James rubbed his arm. "NO! Seriously Zelda do you have to bring this up now?" He said glaring. "Besides me and myra don't make out...all that much." He blushes and thne looks away. Zelda snickers and he glares. He sighs and rubs his head. "Nah I can stand a day of not seeing her seriously I'm not that clinging." He said and then looked at Kesson again. "Again...ignore her rudness."
"It is a habit from my days with my family," Kesson admitted. He still did things a little like he was home, whether out of habit as he had said or because it was the only thing left he allowed himself to have from his time with his family, the DHH was not really sure. Still he had to realize that not everyone would just go along with it. "My family is all about politeness or rules. I have not completely detached myself from that I guess."

He looked over the two and felt a little weird. His eyes were a deep blue but could look purple under the right lightning or even have a bit of gold to them when he was feeling more...dragony. He had no scales or tail or wings to show for his dragon heritage but he did have a ridge in his back that was present on his dragon form. His hair also took on a slightly bluish hue, the same dark color as his scales. The rest of him showed his oriental descent.

"Then I am most happy. I cannot wait to begin my time here. Hopefully I do not find it too troubling. I would also love a tour, though if you wish to go you can. I am sure your sister alone is enough." He smiled a little. "It might also keep the girls off my back. I have seemed to attract some attention." He shrugged as if that was not a big deal, though it was a tad annoying to him.


Lekki looked around, tempted to teleport randomly, but made the start choice not to. She remembered what happened last time she had done so. Even if it was funny and the couple she intruded on found it so eventually, she didn't want anyone mad at her when she had just arrived.

So instead she began to walk, making sure to keep track of all the places in her head so that she would remember safe places to teleport to if she had to. She also knew she would probably head to an office of some sort. But was hoping rather to run into someone before that happened. No time like the presence to start making friends. She thought about the girl she almost fell on and wondered what happened to her.

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