Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Sheena smiles, incredulous, but also a little amused, at the mental image of Liza's childish drawing to Raina hanging up, framed, of all things, in her room. She would never have thought Raina would go that far in sentimentality...jeez, Sheena herself never framed anything Liza gave her. But then again, back when she had no one and nothing, if a little girl like Liza had looked at her, decided she loved her, and gave her a picture...then yeah, Sheena might have done the exact same thing.

Her smile fades as Chameleon's question resonates through her thoughts, and she shrugs, turning her face so she can only see his profile before she replies.

"Yeah. I have." She does not elaborate, but should he ask...there is a possibility she might answer.
Flower put her hands behind her back walking beside him. She listened to the slight rustle of the leaves in the trees. She looks at him as he speaks and then gets a smirk on her face. "My dear boy.....I am the best fighter here..." she said showing a chain around her neck. Under her shirt there were three keys handing. She was a key holder(disruption on the first page) not only that but the Queen. She had a crown mark, that looked like a birthmark on the back of her neck like all of the royal bloodline. However for now her white hair hid the mark as her hair had gotten so long ot covers her entire back. She holds out her hand swirls of different colored light danced in her hand. "Not many win fights with me..." she said looking at him. "But I am not a sore loser, I will only be happy to find a challenging opponent." she said with a bright smile.
Vulcan looked in suprise at the woman, she seemed like a sweet girl, not the type of woman who was a well known fighter. But on top of that she was the best the academy had to offer. It was such a suprise indeed vulcan would have never guessed that if flower had never spoke of it. He chuckled lightly hearing her speak, not laughing at her but the irony. Earlier he wanted a fight but as soon as he saw flower that urge was subsided and now when it dwindled away it flared right back up."Well i will accept your challenge, i look forwards to it" said Vulcan as he continued to walk forwards through the woods.
Flower looks at him and then smiles. "Well then. Suddenly I'm not in the mood to walk." She said with a smirk and then tapped her sword. "Name your weapon...I'll even do hand to hand combat." she said looking at him and then leaned against a tree waiting for him to speak. Flower could be nice but she was also agressive, stubborn and a bi of a hot head sometimes. She loved to fight and fight hard.
The man continued to walk forwards until flower stopped the listened to flower speak as he stopped turning around. Seeing the woman tap her sword vulcan grinned slidding his right foot forwards. "A sword is fine by me" said vulcan as he breathed in deeply then spit of flames infront of his body. From these flames a single sword arose, this sword was a katana. A black scabbard covered the blade with a black square shaped blade guard, the hilt wrapped in a red fabric and a red gem upon the top of the hilt. With his left hand he clutched the scabbard of the blade while vulcan's right hand loosely held the hilt. Tighter and tighter his fingers griped the hilt until he slowly pulled the katan from the scabbard. A gleaming silver light shinned from the trees above flickering through green as the light fell upon his blade. Silver shined as soon vulcan completely removed his blade form the scabbard then tossed the scabbard aside griping his katana with booth hands. His eyes shinned with a bright intensity, within his eyes was a power. A power known as thrill of the fight, it was almost like a drug that over took his entire body, mind and subconcious. "So are you ready" Spoke the man with a high degree of confidence.
Flower chuckled at VUlcan and then pulled out her own sword. It was forged by key holders and was used by her own father. The blade glowed suddenly as flower smirked at the man. She was sending light onto he blade makin it glow a bit. She looked at him. "Before we begin...I must ask...are powers allowed in this fight of ours?" she asked and then stood holding then blade pointed to the ground. "I just want to be fair and ask before you call me a cheater." she said in a calm manor. She was one to think things through and not rush into the trill of fighting so quickly. She didn't mind his eagerness.
"If you want to use powers i will be ok with that" Said vulcan as he held his katana with booth hands. The man began moving into a stance with his feet slid apart. His knees were bent slightly with his blade held firm. Vulcan smile began to turn to a serious expression as he pointed his sword towards flower.

"Ill give you the first move" said the man as he took his left hand off the hilt of the sword. With that hand he took of his sunglasses throwing them next to the scabbard to his sword.
Flower watched carefully trying to see a style or if this was his own. She stood there and then got a wicked smirk on her face as if that was a mistake. She was given the first move. She knew many styles both for attack and blocking. She decided wiu her native style. She took a deep breath her eyes sharp on any movement of his. She waited and then suddenly dashed forward with speed. She spun on her left foot and swung her sword towards his side as she continued her spin to try and get behind him. She watched him carefully. She lifted her left arm, her sword in her hand hand, and then fryer to elbow him in the head if he blocked her sword. She smiled planning her moves carefully.
Once flower began to move vulcan adjusted his stance to that of a deffensive one. His hand twisted with the hilt of his katana now pointing up and the tip of his blade aiming downwards. Right before flower was to try to attack him, he watched her movements and judged her momentum. With his blade vulcan blocked her first strike but she kept moving as she slid past him. Vulcan predicted her movements as he pushed off his right foot moving forwards while spinning. With the momentum he was able to adjust his stance once more placing his blade forwards to block yet another strike. But just as vulcan blocked the strike he bent booth knees and lowered his stance avoiding flower from ellbowing him in the face. As he bent his knees he kept his arms extended forwards with his blade still pressed upon flowers. At that moment he would push forwards with his feet with enough force to push flower stumbling backwards. If she were to stumble back vulcan would take his left hand from the hilt of his sword and send a fist for her stomache with enough strength to wind her.
Flower watched him carefully and then jumped up suddenly taking her blade from his and avoiding the blade of his sword she grabbed onto his shoulder and used that to jump off. She landed behind him, she was fast...very fast. She looked at him swinging her sword to his neck. She stared at him watching him move. She was serprised by him but was smiling at it. She loved a good challange.
Vulcan stood in the same position as flower jumped off his shoulder. As her blade came down towards vulcan's neck he reached over his head with his blade in hand placing his blade behind his back. The blade would block the strike with sparks flying from the two swords clashing. A wide grin would peer across vulcan's lips at that moment as he would push upwards tring to send her blade into the sky. At that moment vulcan would barrel roll to the side grabbing ahold of his sccabard placing inbetween his belt with a smile as he sheathed his blade. But this wasnt a end to the bout, he moved into a stance holding the hilt of the sword with his right hand and holding the sccabard with his left while it was tucked into his belt.
Flower looked as he had knocked her sword out of her hand. She looked at him and in a blink of an eye she was a good 15 feet from him. She looked at him and watched him carefully. Her sword came crashing down. She held out her hand to grab it. She didn't mean to have the blade slip through her fingers cuting her hand between her pointer and index finger. She grabbed the sword and then sheathed it. She looked at her hand and then smiled, blood droping to the ground. She only healed it with her light. She looked at him watching him carefully. She wondered what his next move was. She was planning on showing off a bit. This fight was interesting to her.
Vulcan began to walk forwards towards flower but once he was nearly in striking range he stopped. He began to pull his blade from its scabbard with a grin on his face. But as he began to show the sword, fire formed from the blade. Showing about an inch of the blade, Vulcan slammed his katana back into its sccabard. A pressure was formed causing a sonic boom to occur from the force of the katana blade guard clashing with the sccabard. This sonic boom would disturb ones equilibrium, which is the sense that keeps one form falling. But this would not only effect there sense of balance, it would effect there visual system and there vestibular systel (eyes and ears). Once vulcan would used this technique he would follow up with a slash at flowers mid stomach.
FloWer gasped as suddenly her ears were ringing and her vision blurred. However she did not panic, she stood still shutting her eyes. She carefully felt the vibrations of the earth to tell her what was happening. She smirked a bit as she felt him rushing at her. She spread invisible light on the ground gathering information quickly and then blocked his strike at her stomach. She knew where he was now but wanted some distance as she blasted light at him. Light also shot ou from the ground around him. She was starting to recover but still had her eyes closed.
With light being shot at the man he pressed off his right foot launching himself about ten feet into the air. Once in the air Vulcan would do a back flip in the air as he took a deep breath of air. Pressure formed in his mouth while his cheeks puffed up. Smoke began to rise from his nostrils as he exhaled deeply at flower. Once the man exhaled flames would explode from his mouth in the direction of his opponent. The fire would rip forwards right before he hit the ground, Once back upon the dirt Vulcan would sheath his sword again. Getting into the same stance with his left hand holding the scabbard and his right hand holding the hilt, he pressed his right foot forwards with his knees bent.
Flower smirked and then suddenly jumped up. She shifted into a hawk and then flew out of the way of the flames. She flew into the trees to hide. She shifted into a leapard to further hide herself. It was very hard to see her. However she could see him clearly. She saw he was doing the stance again and then turned human. She was very silent as she drew her sword. She prepard to leap from the tree, and as she leaped from the tree, she sent light through her sword. She shot out a blaze of light towards him with her sword slicing through the air aiming for his shoulder.
Chameleon looks towards her as she quietly admits to wanting to be hated. He frowns lightly, "Why?" His voice is soft but still has that sense of authority in it, yet the authority isn't the usual commanding type, it is more reassuring, calming. He can't help his naturally strong tone and body language; it's in his blood.

Raina speeds through the forest, going deeper and deeper into it until she can only see trees surrounding her. Nothing else. She stops, and looks around her. "Rainnnaaaaa" She hears a taunting voice and spins her head around as a blur whizzes past her. Nothing. "Rainnaaaa" She growled now, "Get your @ss out here you bast**d" Another flash before Jace stood infront of her, his eyes looking black as a cold smirk lay upon his face, Sethos. Of course Raina didn't know about Sethos, only Jace did. "Now now little Rai-of-sunshine. How would Mummy feel if she heard her baby swearing?" Raina hissed at him, her fists clenched into white balls of fury, "I have no idea now, do I Jace? Mummy isn't here anymore." For once, she was glad for the way her Father taught her, if she ignored the whole unbearable pain that he caused her, he taught her how to cut off her emotions, how to stop feeling. She could easily joke about her Mother's death in the face of the enemy because of him. Jace chuckled, "Wow, someone grew up fast, eh? I thought Daddy would have spoilt his little girl once he lost the other two special girls in his life." Raina rose an eyebrow, planting one hand on her hips as she now laughed bitterly. Confusion passed through Jace's eyes. "You honestly think you HURT him by killing them? You think he CARED?" She rolled her eyes and latched their cold depths onto Jace's confused ones, "He planned it. He WANTED you to kill them." She took a step closer, sudden courage within her. "You gave him EXACTLY what he wanted." He glared at her now, "You're different." She placed a hand below her throat in mock surprise, "Oh really?" Her eyes narrowed and her voice became icy sharp as her hand fell, "You noticed." His turn to take a step closer, he needed to rile her up. "What about you though Raina? You got HURT didn't you? You CARED. You didn't WANT me to kill them." He used his words against her, stepping closer with each sentence. She looked a bit uncomfortable and backed up slightly, he smirked. "You had to suffer for his mistake didn't you? You had to sit and watch as I de-limbed your beautiful mummy. Then slit her throat open and watched the deep blood pooourr from the wound." Raina's eyes hardened but you could see the emotional waver in them. "Then, then your precious little Mabel. She was screaming and crying so damn much for her mummy that I just couldn't RESIST ripping that annoying little tongue of hers right out of her mouth." He laughed cruelly and Raina's body had tensed; he was cornering her. "She looked so confused as the blood filled her mouth like a sink, it filled her tiny little lungs right up didn't it? And you. You just sat and watched your baby sister DROWN in her own blood." He then smirked at her, "I bet you wanted it didn't you? I bet that blood smelt delicious to you." Raina hissed loudly and slammed her hands out, hitting him in the chest so that he flew backwards into a tree, "SHUT THE F**K UP!" She screamed at him and he looked up at her, grinning devilishy, "Got'cha."

(Yeah, Chameleon's mum is defiently going to show up in a bit. ^.^ Make all the other characters jealous and him peed off - he hates his mum. Oh, anyone could have been watching Raina and Jace if your character had nothing to do just then and you wanna leap back into the RP)
The man saw flower attack him as he smirked at her, his body began to change as well. Black scales formed around his entire body, these scales were dragon scales. The covered Vulcan's entire body in a black shade although this wasnt just an appearance change, the scales were thicker than steel acting as a armor. With a smirk still on his face the blade pressed against his shoulder just moving about a centimete forwards not even scratching the skin below the scales. With force vulcan swung his sword upwards while spinning his body. He would use a move similar to one flower used earlier. By using his body momentum he would slash once with a force capable to knock the blade from flower's hand but his body would continue to spin thus having a follow up slash.
Flower eyes widen and his skin turned to scales. Her sword was knocked from her hand but she ducked avoiding the slash. She looked at him and then suddenly turned into a dragon matching his scales abilities. She roared at him and then swung her tail at him. He was surprising her a lot, but hopefully she was doing the same. She smiled showing her teeth and then spead her wings wide creating a strong wind at him. She wanted to end this fight soon. She hoped she could, yet far he has been very challanging.
The winds pushed the man backwards sending him through trees as he rolled backwards. The man would brush himself off looking at flower in dragon form. It was truly interesting how this bout was turning out. The man looked at flower as he sheathed his sword. Once again the man breathed in with fire building up. But unlike before he used the fire to build up pressure in his body. With force vulcan's shirt ripped as his muscles got much bigger, the man almost looked like the hulk as the fire inside him burned making him stronger and bigger. Now vulcan was strong enough to lift up a elephant with his pink with ease. Although this would hurt vulcan if he used it to long. The man ran forwards jumping of the ground upwards. Once vulcan pushed of the ground the ground below would form into a crater under his force. Within the air vulcan held back his fist and slammed it forwards at flower.
Sheena sighs, turning her face slightly away from him, but allowing Chameleon to see her profile as she continues to play with the surface of the water, as much for a form of self-soothing as for something to do with her body where she doesn't look like she's too interested in the conversation. She takes some time to find her words, and they emerge with care.

"I've done so many things...horrible things. Hurt people...failed know, I didn't...I never had a dad that actually wanted me until this year. And I still don't have a mom...I mean, I LOST my mom. I HAD a mom, I just don't now. No, I do...she's just...not here."

Well, this was going really well. Irritated with herself, Sheena looks over at Chameleon fully, clarifying.

"I wasn't exactly the most popular person around even when I was a kid. It was my fault as much as anyone's, but...I don't have enough people that don't care, after a while, you want them to keep not caring. Because if someone wouldn't believe it. You wouldn't think you deserved it, you know? Because why else would everyone else think you're a loser? So you do stuff to make sure they keep not caring about you, and then you start to think you're REALLY bad because of the things you do just to be like that, and they hate you more, and before you know it, you f*cked up your whole life, no one cares, and they wouldn't even if you wanted them to. And if someone did, you'd make sure to make them stop."

She looks away again, hiding her face behind a curtain of hair as she focuses again on the water. At least no one else was around to hear that...that would have been horrible.


Liza has, of course, been hanging out with her mother, as it is mother's day, as well as her father; however, it occurred to her after some time that Sheena was mysteriously missing. It had bothered her to the point that she took the opportunity, when Macal took Faith for some alone time, telling Liza to occupy herself for one hour so they could "have grown up time for a while," to go look for Sheena. Of course, looking for Sheena had been exactly what they told her to do, but their intention had been for Sheena to babysit Liza. Liza's view of the situation was a little different; in her eyes, she would be looking for Sheena to keep SHEENA company. After all, Sheena was, in Liza's eyes, her little sister...just much bigger and older.

As Liza attempts to concentrate on Sheena's essence, so she can teleport to her, she is distracted as she senses another, much stronger presence, one that is tainted with strong emotional pain and rage. Realizing after a few seconds that it is Raina she senses, her eyes widen, and she immediately decides to go to her. If Raina is being "bad" again, Liza will just have to help her is all.

She appears in the branches of a tree just as Jace begins his taunting about Raina's family. Liza listens with her eyes growing larger and larger, unblinking, her mouth dropping open with her shock at the "bad man's" words. Seeing Raina's face, and sensing her pain even with her angered reaction, Liza wants to go to the bad man and hurt him for talking about her family like that, for making Raina feel bad. Did he really do that? Did he really hurt her sister, her mama?

Still clutching her usually-present teddy bear under one arm, her broadsword in the other, Liza started to climb out of the tree with every intention of going after the bad man.
(OOC POST. Just putting up Jace's rather late form xD I've also put up all my character's form's on the first page to make them easier to find )

Name: Jace Kalhorn

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Half-keyholder, Half-demon.

Powers: Yellow key:Can drain people of their energy (works best on Vampires). Black key: Can control a black shadowy substance that he calls the Darkness, is like the opposite of Flower's light power, this also involves controlling Shadows (Like the Shadow Man out of Princess and the Frog xD ) Silver/White Key: Ghost power. He can turn invisible and literally fly through walls, like a ghost. Demon: His demon form is a three headed black shadow beast with bright red eyes and blood dripping claws. He only uses his demon form when he seriously needs to. He tries to reject his demon side.

Weapons: An average sword and a knife that is attached to a grip-thing on his wrist and hidden underneath his sleeve until he uses it.

Vehicle: He DOES have a black camaro, but it got left at his house when Flower "Kidnapped" him.

Pets: None.

Family: Deceased mother, his dad is the Vampire king and he has two older twin half-brothers called Nick and Deathwish.

Husband/wife: No.

Girlfriend/boyfriend: No.

Crush: Maybe, maybe not? ^.^

Looks: View attachment 3900(But with icy blue eyes instead. He only has yellow eyes when using his energy draining power)
*After being gone for weeks on an outside project for Macal, I returned, excited to reunite with Sheena, who I've only been about to talk to a few times since I've been gone. After putting my stuff back in my room, I go to Sheena's room to tell her I'm back. I knock a few times before pushing the door open, she's not around I wonder where she got off to, I know she isn't in class this time of day, I guess she could be in the Cord's residence but after checking there and not finding her I decide to ask around, a few people say they saw her walking around outside maybe in the woods or by the lake so I decide to go check.

Finally after about 30 minutes of looking I see her in the distance by the lake standing next to someone, I have to admit I'm a bit jealous, my girl standing by a lake with some guy, but I remember that I trust her and it's not easy to get Sheena to feel romantic towards someone and the few weeks I was gone I doubt someone could break down her walls when it took me the better part of a year. Slowly I walk along the path towards her, trying to seem as casual as possible.*

Hey how's my favorite girl, did you miss me?

(Ugh this sucked I'm so out of practice)
Flower looks at him and then smirks. She turns human and opens a portal. She was using her third power, she had light, shape shifting, and can open portals anywhere. She fell threw and then appeared above him. With fire in her eyes she slammed her fist down at him. Light suddenly built in her hand, at the touch it would burn, it was certainly burning her hand. She mixed the light into many colors it was growing. Her eyes started to glow as she was tapping into her key holder form. She was stronger now... and the light around her hand could burn the flesh to the bone. Her hand was slightly protected.
Sheena jumps as Alex approaches, then breaks out into a relieved smile. Not only will his appearance distract Chameleon from questioning her much further, or maybe even remembering everything she just said, but she has missed him terribly, and his absence had seemed all the worse on this particular day. Wading out of the water rapidly, she goes to him and hugs him tightly, giving him a very brief kiss but grateful kiss on the lips and keeping her arms around him as she smiles.

"Alex, you're back! Damn, it's about time!"

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