Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

As everything seemed to quiet down and Jace and Flower disappeared to an unknown place, Rosa did her best to begin cleaning up the destroyed room. All the fires were out because all the heat had left the room but she could tell where it had charred the wood. There wasn't much she could do for that but she could at least pull down and fold the tattered tapestries and straighten frames. Being blind you might think these were overly complicated tasks when in reality her lack of vision made it easier. Her mind couldn't sike her out thus leaving it too her hands to feel the truth.

"Get a broom would ya," she said softly to Swift sending the bobcat away with a flick of her hand. Suddenly remembering Leader she sent out an apologetic vibe to the horse. He merely snorted, he had been grazing quietly for almost the whole time and was just going to wait for her below the window. So with that Rosa set to work, she ran her hands along the stone walls feeling for anything that remained hanging and carefully pulling down what was in need of repair.
(.....Right. Well Powa, I advise your character to not attack Faye on sight, because he has no good reason to and it annoys me deeply that you seem to be doing a minor version of godmodding. If you don't know what I am talking about, check your last posts, you seemed to ignore every attack Faye and Faith threw at you and just carried on as if you hadn't just been engulfed in flames and punched and kicked.)

Faye watched as the boy left, she was still pi**ed off, and the air around her was like a mini-heatwave. When Nick held her though, it died rapidly, she leant back into his touch without realizing it and looked at Faith. She was a bit ashamed that she had lashed out, but she thought she had good reason to - even Faith got peed off with that new kid. She glanced down at her injured arm from where the kid had sent out more of that weird, purple crystal stuff and winced, she hovered her hand over the wound and tried to heal it. It worked, but not as well as usual, her arm still looked a bit odd. She leant the back of her head against Nick's chest, murmuring lightly, "Why am I tired? I'm never tired. I don't sleep. Like, ever." She chuckled lightly, a smile on her face, "That was an issue for Mum. A baby that never slept and burnt her cot down. No wonder she didn't like me.." Faye was mumbling still, obviously speaking things she didn't mean to because of her tiredness. She had trained with Faith, healed Raina from the drink of death then fought some annoying new kid, of course she was tired. But it was an odd feeling for her. She had been tired only once before in her whole life, but she still couldn't sleep, she ate, and ate and then felt better. She opened her eyes slowly and pushed herself off of Nick's support, rubbing her eyes, "I can't sleep, I need to eat food.." It wasn't that she couldn't sleep as in she was still not tired enough, or that she didn't want to, she physically couldn't sleep, her body wouldn't allow her.

Raina watched this all go down, glad that Faye was alright. Raina felt so much better now. Better than she did before the stabbing, she then looked around, her eyes narrowing. "Where the heck is Jace?" She glanced at each person, "Where did that bas**rd go!" Her eyes turned furious and her hand covered her stomach, her other fist clenching, "That fu**er almost killed me!" She left out how he killed her family aswell, she was still confused about having seen them. For some reason, she found herself looking directly at Nick, as if he knew, he wasn't even there. She vaguely remembered Flower taking him. Her eyes narrowed, "Where's Flower?"

Chameleon was still in the room with Rosa, but he had stood still for so long that he had blended away like, well, like a Chameleon. He moved suddenly, helping Rosa clean up the left over mess, chuckling lightly as he tried to make the subject not about him and his oddity, "Sheesh, people go and make a mess then leave us to clear it up."
Nick looks at Faye and smiled. He loved it when she relaxed in his arms. "Oh that reminds me Flower wants some food as well." He looked at Raina. "Oh she's in her room. I will be bringing food to her." He smiled and looked at Faye. "Come on....I'll get you some food to." He looked at Raina. He was slightly worried.
Jace glared at Flower as she threatened him, he then flicked his eyes to Deathwish, finding the name quite awesome. But what kind of parent names their kid Deathwish? He frowns as this Deathwish person seems to freak out slightly, then storms off. When Flower glares at him, he shrugs, "Don't ask me." He closes his eyes and his face becomes concentrated, then his form shimmers slightly, almost, almost turning translucent like a ghost. It fails and he growls, "Danggggggggit." He looked at Flower, not caring that she might have seen it, he used to use that trick on her all the time as kids, he called it 'Ghost Power'. He could turn invisible and literally fly through walls, like a ghost. He used to sneak up on her when they played games as kids.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Raina walked back immediently into her room, "Thanks." She swung open her wardrobe and ran her hands over the endless amount of weapons. She was going to kill that f**ker. She grabbed her second most dangerous weapon, the Heckler Koch HK MG4 MG 43 Machine Gun, known as the tenth most dangerous weapon in the whole world. She sped back out of her room, passing Nick and Faye easily, Faye saw the weapon in her hand, "Raina!" She moved to go after her but stumbled slightly and groaned, covering her face before pulling away and looking after the now gone Raina. "Right. Food, fast, then stop Raina from doing whatever it is she is about to do." She groaned, "Oh great, I sound like Myra." She grabbed Nick's hand and headed to the kitchen.

Raina stood outside Flower's door, she glared at it, should she kick it down, make a nice impression? Maybe shoot right through it? Nah, she might hit Flower, that wouldn't go down too well. Maybe Jace wasn't even in there? Maybe Flower disposed of him. She leant back against the wall, opposite the door, and watched it, her ears tuning into the other side of it.
Before Faye and Raina left the area, Faith calls out to her, gathering her anger and stuffing it down for the moment. The new kid had definitely gotten to her, maybe more than she should have allowed...but why a kid like that, with even less control than Raina, was allowed in the school was beyond her, and something she damn well was going to address with whoever had admitted him. Catching up to Faye, though not stopping her, she repeats again.

"Faye, I do want to see you later this evening as earlier agreed. You will not be punished for what I saw today, but I do want to hear what happened. Rest up, meanwhile, and we'll talk before training."

As she lets Faye go, Faith herself is going over again what happened in her mind. Doubtless that kid had provoked Faye, though it was still dangerous for her to have reacted as she had...and yet Faith had found words of encouragement leaving her own mouth. Shaking her head, she exhaled, heading off to work off some of her own lingering frustration before meeting Faye later.
Flower looked at Jace and then smiled remembering that trick. She frowned and then looked at the wall. She looked at Jace and then sighs. "Enough of this." She walks over and then unchains him. She turns around and crosses her arms. "Do whatever..." She said and looked at the ground.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick looks at Faye and then smiles. He nods and then runs with vampire speed. When he entered the kitchen he looked for food. He got out everything within seconds and looked at Faye. "Whatever you want." He chuckles and then grabbed a water drinking the whole thing down.
Faye grins at him, her eyes still looking tired despite it all. "This might be a bit gross." She comments as she pulls out a bunch of food and one, just one, blood bag. She was half-vamp after all. She glances at him, "Sure you wanna watch me stuff my face?" She was grinning despite the subtle insecurities that were there.

Jace frowns up at her, his eyes softening lightly before he opens his mouth to speak, then closes it, then he speaks gently, "Flower...I.." He never finished his sentence, for Flower's door literally broke off of it's hinges, flying across the room. Jace swore and jumped out of the way, leaping at Flower and knocking her to the ground so that she wasn't hit by the door, he glanced up in time for Raina to be there, beside him, pulling him up by the throat and firing a bullet through his crotch, not hitting anything vital enough to kill him or make him bleed to death. But he let out a yell of pure and utter pain. (Yes, you can survive being shot in the balls O.o ) Raina hissed in his ear, "That's for trying to kill me bast**d." She then moved the gun and shot through his other testicle. He let out another screech of pain, "And that's for Mum and Mabel." By this point, Jace was actually leaning on Raina's shoulder from the pain, wincing and gasping. Raina glanced up at Flower, her eyes kind of cold, "I hope you don't mind me taking him, 'cause I will." She glanced at the door, the one smashed against the wall before muttering, "I'll pay for that, thanks, bye." She put the gun to Jace's temple and dragged him from the wall, pushing him through all the corridors as she headed to the exit, not caring if anyone saw her. (Anyone can interrupt her if they want, just be ready for her to flip out on you xD )
Flower eyes widened and then looked out. She sighed and then looked down. She made a fist and hit the ground. "Darn it!" She ran out and then followed Jace and Raina. She grabbed Raina's arm. "Wait!" She said and then looked at Jace. She looked away ashamed for trying to save him yet again.

Nick looks at the blood and stares. He blinked and then put a hand on his head. "Oh um...I don't mind....I eat alot because I don't sleep either." He looks away from the blood and then sighed deeply. Stupid blood. He made himself a sandwitch.

The vampire king was hiding as a Shadow watching his other son. JAce. He flinched as Raina shot him in certain places. He looks at Flower runs after him. He smirks, he knew the bond he made with Flower. It still effected her. He couldn't believe it. His age old plan had worked. If Flower wouldn't save Jace then he would. He was his son after all.
Faye noticed the look Nick gave her and frowned lightly, she then glanced at the blood and her eyes filled with understanding. "Oh sorry. I have it like, once every three months." She turns away from him slightly and opens the bag, drinking it all as quickly as she could. She instantly felt better but then made a sandwich aswell and ate that super fast, then opened a packet of crisps and stuffed them down too. After a few minutes of completely stuffing her face she turned to Nick, looking much better than she had before, she grinned at him. "Gross eh?"

Raina's instant reaction was a growl in Flower's face, she spoke bitterly, still having the gun pressing against Jace's temple, "What the f**k Flower? This bast**d killed my family, and you want me to let him GO?" Staring at Flower with hard cold eyes, she moved the gun and shot Jace in the left foot, he let out a yell, still in EXTREME amounts of pain from the shots to his man area. He manages to hiss out through his teeth, "Fu**ing bi**h." Raina growled, slamming her gun across his head, not hard enough to KO him, just enough to hurt him. His hand shot out and a black, shadowy substance slipped out and caused Raina to fly away from him and hit against the wall, his eyes widened for a brief second before he made a break for it. Raina's head shot up, the blood dripping from her forehead, her messed up coal black hair and her demon-black eyes literally made her look like a demon girl as she rocketed off the wall and slammed herself into him, pinning his hands to the floor as her blood dripped and splashed onto his cheek. He smirked, as her blood fell onto his face, despite the pain. She hissed devilishly, still pinning him to the floor as the black of her eyes seemed to grow even more, her fangs showing, "You fu**ing touch me again and I'll rip your tongue out." She smirked suddenly, "Sound familiar?" He rose an eyebrow, surprised she could talk so casually about that, he opened his mouth to respond and suddenly her finger was on his lips, "In fact, your voice annoys me, talk and I'll rip your tongue out." His eyes flicked down to her body, pressed down ontop of his, her chest pushed against his and her face temptingly close to his. When had she grown up? His hands reached up slowly and she frowned as he cupped her face in his hands, he grinned and her hands moved to his chest, ready to push herself off of him at any second. "But then I wouldn't be able to do this." He suddenly pulled her face down and crashed his lips to hers, (Don't worry, Raina is 17, Jace is 22, only five years. No pedoness xD ) Only a few seconds after tasting her lips, Raina propelled herself off of Jace, glaring at him, "What the f**k?" She hissed angrily, he just pulled himself up slightly, looking at her, he shrugged. She sped back over but slammed him against the wall, right beside the ominious shadow that was there. She was holding him by the neck and brought his head forward sharply, then slammed it hard against the wall, doing it five more times with each word she spoke, "Don't!" SLAM. "Ever" SLAM. "Do" SLAM. "That" SLAM. "Again!" SLAM. By this point his head was dripping with blood and a nice big blood stain was on the wall, not to mention the stains on the floor from the gunshots. Raina looked possessed as she held him there against the wall, blood splattered across her impossibly pale white skin, her black eyes looking large and demon-like and her long black hair messed up crazily. She'd be a good candidate for a demon.
Back in their living area, Liza is sticking very close to Sheena, seeking her reassurance as she tugs at her arm.

"Raina's okay, right? Raina got better. I made her better."

Picking Liza up onto her hip, Sheena nods, giving her a smile as she smooths back Liza's hair. "Yeah, she's better, Liz. Good job."

But even as she pats Liza she is thinking about Raina, about the look that had passed between them before Faye took her away and Sheena took Liza...the way that she had smiled at her. For Raina to know what had happened to Sheena's mother...and for her to have told Sheena what happened to her own family...what did this mean for them now?
Flower watched her and him. Her eyes widen as he kissed raina. She glared. "That's it." She grabbed Raina and pushed her off of Jace. She put a hand on Jace healing him. "It's not that at all Raina....believe it or not Jace once was my friend. It was years ago....he was very important to me....I'm sorry if I can't handle seeing him hurt even though I know he's an B******" She looked at Jace and then sighed. "Yeah...I hate you for that too you jerk." She said and then looked back at Raina. "But there is something else yoiu should know."

Deathwish grabbed Raina's hands and pulled her back. "He is my half brother." He said and then looked at Jace. He looked at Raina. "You can't kill him or father will-" He looks as his dad suddenly appears out of the shadow.

"Or the king of vampire's will kill you my dear." He laughs loving how much of a demon she looked. He winked at her. "Not bad at all." He looked at Flower who was growling at him. He grabbed Flower by the neck. "Yes thanks for taking care of my boy. You see the feeling of having to protect him...the need to is all because I put that inside you. Once I saw you go after Jace and after he was burned I put a demand in your brain to protect him. So Raina it's not her fault really." He drops Flower who looked ticked off. "Of course it is not all me...I mean you still have a strong bond to him that you won't let go of." He looked at Raina. "Although I would love to see you punish Jace...because you look beautiful when you do I must not allow you to."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick looked at her smelling the blood. "No's ok." He said with a smile. He looked away. "I can't have blood at all...there are more reasons then one me and Deathwish don't drink it." He sighed and looked at her. "I hope you will never have to find out exackly why we can't. Now the other food thing." He pointed at the suddenly almost cleared counter. "I ate more then you did." He laughs.
Faye laughed lightly at the nearly empty counter, "Well that makes me feel better." She opened her mouth to ask why he and Deathwish couldn't drink blood, but then remembered he mentioned he didn't want her to find out. Okay then. She was curious, but if he didn't want her to know, she wouldn't try and find out...maybe. She then frowned, now that she had drunk blood, she could smell it, a lot. "Nick? Can you smell that?" She glanced to him. She could smell Jace's blood.

Jace frowns as this all happens around him, he could tell that he was healing already, because his head throb was slowly diminishing. He had no idea who his real father was, but this guy seemed to be it. He frowned even more, Jace has always rejected the demon side of him, always. Yeah he killed people, that couldn't be helped, but he never admitted he was half-demon. And suddenly his real dad shows up and he has a half-brother? He growled, standing up straight and rubbing the blood on the back of his head, glancing at Raina who looked a mix of furious and confused.

Raina pulled herself out of Deathwish's grasp, giving him a warning glare that said 'Don't touch me again, I'm in the mood to snap someone's neck' She glanced between the frowning Jace and the King of Vampires. She hated that she couldn't tell him to f**k off. Despite that fact that he was her king, and that she had to 'respect him'. She had also seen him fight before, and he was pretty damn strong. He could kill her in seconds and she wasn't stupid. She leant against the wall behind her, glaring at Jace. His blood was smeared across her cheek and splattered across her face, her eyes filled with rage but also with a hint of freakly-calm coolness. She just glared at him, didn't speak.

Jace noticed her glare at him and he stood up even straighter, ignoring the extreme pain in his crotch and foot AND head. He glanced over at his 'dad'. He frowned still, his eyes narrowing slightly, "Hey, hold on a're my dad?" Pain from his wounds was evident in his eyes, but he wasn't showing it in his facial expressions. Would he be able to have kids now? Not like he wanted them anyway, he'd probably end up killing them with his stupid demon side.

Raina almost growled at loud at the sound of his voice, she was SO close, SO close to killing him. She would just have to do it when his 'daddy' wasn't around to protect him. But it would be harder, she had the element of surprise earlier and two good, painful shots, it would be harder to kill him when he regained his strength. Her eyes glinted dangerously and she glanced down to the gun on the floor, it was one of the tenth most dangerous guns in the world. She had to kill something, and now. But what had Flower said earlier? No killing or hunting humans? Humans. So maybe she could kill something else. She mentally shrugged, it was worth a try. She moved suddenly, sweeping up the fat gun from the floor and turning her head to give Flower a quick, furious glare, "Well, this is clearly a 'you-guys issue.' So, I'm going to go kill something before it ends up being someone in this school, don't follow me. Don't worry, I won't hurt one of your precious little humans." She spoke the last part scornfully, humans to her were nothing more than food. She went to move past the King.
Flower rubbed her neck and then looked at Raina. She let her go and then looked at jace. She looked at the king who grabbed her by the neck again. She stuggled under his massive grip. She couldn't breath and she tried to get out of his hand or at least breath.

"You my dear my have gotten ot of marrying me but it just means I will not be kind." he tightened his grip. He loved seeing the Key holder Queen at his mercy. He smirked and then looked at Jace. "Yes, meet your real dad. I have to say I did not think she would get pregnant. Although when I did find out I was over Boyer to see you befriend flower. I had hoped to find a way to control her through you but that plan never took place because you killed off your dad. Shame about your mother such a beauty she was." he smirks. "Then of course you started killing off vampires. Ironic the prince of vampires would be half key holder and kill other vampires." he laughs.

Flower was struggling in his masive grip.
Jace frowned at the king, his eyes scrutinising him as he held Flower in a death grip. Finally he chuckled lightly, his arms crossing, "So far, you don't seem to be much better than Malcolm." His eyes widened slightly, "Prince of Vampires?" Woah. This was A LOT to take in. Since before he even hit puberty he had dedicated himself to killing vampires, and now he was prince of them? "Oh this is so twisted it's actually funny." He then noticed Flower struggling for breath and his eyes narrowed, "You might want to let go before she dies." Jace is still confused when it comes to Flower. Did he still feel their friendship? It was difficult. Right now, half of him wanted to run over and snap her neck himself, but the other half wanted to snap the King's---his Dad's neck for even daring to hurt her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Can Nick reply pleasee?)
He drops Flower. She falls to her knees coughing. She gasps and then looks up at him. He laughs cupping her chin. "Ha the mighty Flower....Queen of the Key holders is bowing before me!" he laughs. Flower glares and slaps his hand away. "I bow to no one!" Flower yells grabbing her sword and before he could move shoves it into his stomach. She sends light down the blade and into his fleach causing him to scream. She makes him bow and then pulls out her sword. Her arm becomes covered in light. "Foolish to let me go." she grows her nails longer and slashes his left eye. "gaaaaaaaaaaa!" he covers his eye and then looks up at Flower. "Apparently so. I should stop underestimating you." he stands up and then looks at Jace. "Well..." he holds his stomach. "I hope you survive little Flower here." he laughs even though he's in a lot of pain. He looks at flower. "I must have a think for young key holders." he chuckles and then looks at Jace. "Shall I go then?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick nods and then grabs her hand running to where Flower and Jace are. He got there in time to see Flower cut down his father. He smirks and then crosses his arms watching Flkwer make him kneel before her. He looked at Flower seeing anger in her eyes.
Faye followed Nick, except when she got there she was more focused on Jace, hadn't she burnt him to death? She growled at him and he flicked his eyes to her, his amused smirk from Flower's display of strength vanishing. "Oh s**t, not you again." Faye sped over in a few seconds but stopped just before she reached him, raising a brow, "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" She was remembering Faith's words, keeping calm and all that. Jace smirked, still a bit confused on where this fiery girl came from all of the sudden, all he knew was that she was sister to Raina, he didn't know she was only half sister though. "I could ask you the same thing, I thought I killed ALL of Raina's family except her and her dad." Faye rolled her eyes, "I'm Raina's half sister, long story short her dad raped my mum and then I was born, tada!" Faye's eyes hardened as Jace had the nerve to laugh lightly, he actually LAUGHED. She growled and her whole left hand became consumed in fire as she grabbed his neck and held it in her fiery grasp, burning the flesh on his skin. His eyes widened slightly and he held back the urge to yell in pain, the smell of burning flesh filling the air subtly as she slammed him back against the wall, woah this girl could be scary if she wanted. She let go after what seemed like a lifetime to Jace but was in reality not that long. He instantly held his burnt neck, "S**t girl."

Faye, still glaring, stepped back from him, instinctively closer to Nick, "You so deserved that." Finally, Faye spared a glance for Nick's father, Faye herself looked much older than she did last time she saw him. Last time she saw him, she looked more like a kid, whereas since her make-over she looked almost Raina's age, maybe even her age.

Jace looked at his 'dad', "You can go whenever you want to." He was frowning, not sure how exactly to talk to or treat this man who called himself Jace's dad and was also the King of Vampires. He had no idea what pushed his buttons or what amused him. Jace didn't like that, not knowing. It gave him the disadvantage.
Nick glares at Faye. "Don't do that! Just to let you know Jace there is my half brother." he said clamping his hand on Faye's shoulder and then looked at Jace. He sighed and looked at Faye. "Just try to hold back ok?" he said and then kissed her cheek smiling at her now trying to make her not so mad. It was a nervous smile.

The king looks at Faye and then chuckles. "Ah the little fire girl. Looks more like a women don't you?" he looked at Jace and then looked at Flower who looked to be holding back a ton of rage. He only smiled. Flower turned around crossing her arms.
(sorry for only having an ooc post...not really sure how to bring any of mine in, other than I know Faith is supposed to meet with Faye again. So where is Raina? After a time Sheena would probably try to check in on her)
(Uh, Raina's in one of the alleyways in the city, I'll do a post for her now)

Raina stared down at the dead body of a key-holder on the floor. This one had actually attacked her first, it was pretty easy to deal with it though. She had learnt all the tricks of killing Key-Holders by now - she still despised them. Liza was ok though. She had just ripped it's keys off of it's neck at the first chance she had and bitten it, after some real fighting of course, otherwise it would have been no fun. She kicked it's limp arm lightly, her eyes silently observing the splatters of blood around it's body. At least she felt a bit better now.

Faye basically ignored the King's remark, not knowing how to respond and not really wanting to. She frowned at Jace and Nick, glancing between the two. "Well, okay, I'll leave him alone." She was getting better. The old Faye would have ripped Jace apart without listening to reason. She looked back at Jace, her eyes angry, "But Raina will try to kill you. She doesn't take to being crossed very easily."

Jace simply shrugged at Faye, his neck already healing along with his other wounds, "Yeah, I'll keep an eye out for her." He then looked at Nick, then Deathwish, then his 'dad'. "So, my dad is the King of Vampires? And I have two half-brothers?" He shook his head, chuckling, "S**t Mum, coulda warned me."
He only laughed. "Well I doubt she wanted to tell you." he looked at flower who was glaring at him. "Why do I get the feeling you did something to her?" flower said standing in front of him. He smiled which just didn't look right for him. Flower turned to Nick. "As much as it probably pains you for me to say are more like your dad."

Nick rubs his head and looks at Flower. "Heheheh you noticed?" he sighed and then looked at Faye. He smiled very proud of her. He hugged her very happy. He looked back at his dad and then hissed as he was staring at them. He rather not have his dad wanting Faye as nick does. He knew his dad always loved to try and mess up his relationships. In fact the demon his x wife cheated on him for was a friend o his dad.

The king looked back at Flower. "I may have I may have not. Can't you believe someone would want me? E en a key holder." he took a step back as Flower go more angry. "You black maile her didn't you?" she yelled at him. He only laughed. "I don't know it's hard to remember." he said. Flower punched through the wall again. "Ticking me off. Not that Jace hasn't already." she said looking at Jace.

The king patted her head. "Aw did the boy upset poor flower? Aw two childhood friends are mad at each other. Sneaky aren't I?" he laughs.

Flower glares. "Oh shut up!" she was surprised when he hit her. He smacked her so hard she was on the ground. "Now that is where I draw the line flower, so not cross it." he said and nick turned and hissed. He grabbed his dads arm and flipped him over. "Don't you dare do that again. You may be king an I may b only a prince but I will make you pay if you do that again."

Flower got up. "Ouch....gee all the things I said and shut up causes you to slap me? Man you're an idiot." nick looks at her stunned. "What the heck he just slapped you and you say that?!" flower looked at Nick. "Yep."
After she is sure that Liza is calmed down, Sheena takes her to her next class and speaks briefly with the teacher before heading out, deciding to skip her next class. She doesn't let herself realize that she wants to see Raina, not consciously, but she is exactly the person her eyes are scanning for as she walks idly down the hallways. Leaving the academy grounds, she begins to walk on the outside grounds, her eyes straying towards the forest.

(thought it would be too huge of a coincidence to happen to find her outside the academy straight off, maybe she runs into her returning? Also Joboz I think it's your post in Street kids)
(I'm sorry I have been totally absent for the past few days...I have exams, try outs, and class elections coming up plus some other stuff going on personally so I am a little distant right now.)

Rosa gave a small smile, "Yeah leave it to the blind girl to pick up a mess, although I am pretty tidy, especially with my binder. Than again I tend to leave my closet a mess, but I also try to clean it every weekend, but if I miss just one weekend everything is messed up." She blushed realizing she had given a slew of unnecessary information. she quickly bent down so she could flip the corner of a rug back over, she had tripped on and thankfully not fallen on her face in front of Leo. At that moment Swift returned dragging broom behind her, the bobcat was complaining about getting her teeth stuck in the wood of the handle but she was just being fussy.

Before she could grab the broom and put it to good use gunshots fired through the building. They echoed in the hallways thumping against Rosa's ears like a heavy drum. She dropped the broom letting it clatter to the floor. "We should probably check that out," she said trying to keep calm.
(Sorry for the absent-ness guys, had some stuff going on but I should be able to post more often now. Also, Chameleon has a LOT more to his past, the Vampire King might recognize him as the world's most famous shape-shifter fighter's one and only apprentice/protege. So yeah, Chameleon is tough xD )

Jace stood silently and watched, he took a second to drop down and he buried his fingers in his foot wound, wincing a bit as he made the wound bigger. He managed to tug out the bullet and his foot began to heal much faster, he inspected the bullet then flicked it against the wall, he watched them all interact with a smirk on his face. The mum comments did bother him much, he was never really close to either of his parents. He chuckled and stretched, "Hmmm, this place is interesting, maybe I'll stick around for a while." When his 'dad' slapped Flower however, he felt his fists clench and he moved slightly forward, but Nick beat him to it, maybe the bond works both ways. He stared at his 'dad', anger in the depth of his eyes but only slightly, there was some curiosity in there too.

Faye also watched, smiling and hugging Nick back when he hugged her. She also noticed his dad watching her, and she narrowed at her eyes at him, what was he up to? Nick's reaction obviously told her it wasn't something good. When Nick moved away from her and flipped his dad over, she smirked, tilting her head to the side slightly and letting her long ginger hair fall to one side, her eyes turned a few shades darker, the mix of orange and black actually making her eyes look a chocolately, deep brown colour. It looked really nice on her. She watched Nick with a satisfied smile on her face, she had to admit he looked hot when he was standing up to his dad.

Raina had clambered back onto her completely black motorbike once she had disposed of the body, she had left her helmet at home during all her anger but she didn't really need it anyway. She did however wear her leather cropped jacket, completely her whole black, leather dangerous look she had going on. She revved it up nice and loud before speeding back to the school, she had nothing else to do, so maybe she would train. She decided to mix it up a bit and took the turn off, through the forest. She grinned as she dodged tree after tree, hyped on adrenaline and blood. She passed through the empty patch that Faye had burnt down before emerging through the forest break-line and seeing the huge academy, and a figure outside of it aswell. She slowed down considerably before breaking and parking her motorbike outside the academy. Standing up and glancing over to see the figure was infact, Sheena. Great.

Chameleon grinned at her as she blabbered on and then did an adorable blush afterwards. He found himself looking at her as she carried on tidying. She was so beautiful. His eyes widened, what was he thinking? He had no time to even answer that question because the gun shots sounded through the building, he instinctively took a step closer to her, feeling the need to protect her. "Yeah, we probably should." Without even thinking, he took her was just to lead her, right? Then they started walking through the halls, he wasn't even too sure where it came from, but soon he found himself and Rosa standing only a few feet away from Flower, Faye, Nick, that man who had put a knife to his neck and....was that the Vampire King? Well, this looks like fun. He didn't speak but squeezed Rosa's hand lightly, his eyes narrowing as he looked at all of them; a silent warning to keep away from him and Rosa since they were keeping away from them.
Flower looked at Jace and then at Nick. She sighed deeply and noticed they had caught a few more people's attention. She looks at Jace. "Sticking around? No way I want you out!" She tensed when she felt the vampire King's hand clamp on her shoulder. She turned to look at him, she glared as he smirked.

"Oh no Flower that is a good idea...Nick and Deathwish can protect him...maybe even teach him to control his demon side...if he gets out of line you can kill him." He said and then leaned down whispering in her ear. "Not like you could ever do that my dear." He chuckled making Flower growl. "Oh calm down wolfy." He laughs. "But were will you stay Jace?" He said and then looked at Flower.

Flower looks at him and then glares. "He's not staying." She said and then growled glaring as the King's hand tightens on her shoulder. She looked at Jace and then at Nick who shrugged. Flower let out a deep sigh.

Nick walks over to Faye and then looks at her eyes. "Um...did your eye color change?" He asked with a bright smile. He looked at her and then looked at his dad and Flower. He looks at Jace. "Me protect him!?" Nick's dad glares at Nick. Nick backs up a bit. "Alright...."
As a figure approaches in the distance, Sheena can see only that she appears female at first; as she draws closer, she is surprised and somewhat pleased to be able to make out that the girl is Raina. Controlling her smile, she begins to walk towards her, slowly, trying to appear neither threatening nor overly eager, as she gives her a brief nod of acknowledgment. She can see that Raina has stopped, but can't tell yet if it's because she wants to talk to her, or the opposite.


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