Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Not dead just yet ^.^ Seems we are going to throw in another unneeded person xD )

Faye took the bag swiftly, mumbling a "Thank you." to Shena before handling it as easily as one would handle a packet of crisps - afterall, she was half-vampire, she drunk that stuff sometimes aswell. She shoved it at Raina and Raina's eyes widened as it made contact with her fingertips, her eyes turning blacker as she dug her fangs into the bag and drunk from it eagerly, the blood vanishing within a few seconds. She dropped her head back and put the empty bag beside her, the wound which Liza and Faye were healing was now closing up, almost completely. Faye smiled in relief, "Thank god."

Chameleon had been worried about Raina after their encounter earlier, and was looking around for her, wanting to check if she was alright. Well, when walking into her favourite place - the training room - and seeing she was FAR from alright, he frowned. "What the heck?" His voice broke out into the air and he took in the scene quickly, seeing Flower and a randomer covered in blood and fire burns, that little Liza girl and Faye crouched over Raina's body and Rosa heading towards him, towards the door. "What the hell happened here?"

Jace looked up at Flower with a gasp as she stabbed him, well that frickin' hurt. A lot. His eyes glazed over lightly and he mumbled lightly, "I didn't kill mum..." He coughed, "Malcolm killed mum because he found out that she cheated on him..with a demon." He groaned, his hands clutching his stomach and coming off covered in blood, "I'm half demon Flower. I killed Malcolm because he killed mum.." He then looked up as the new boy spoke, his eyes lit up with oppoturnity and he leapt up, throwing himself past Flower and somehow managing to stand behind Chameleon, with the sword that had stabbed Raina pressed against Chamleon's neck. Jace grunted at the others, "Move and he dies."

Chameleon reacted as the blade pressed against his neck, without even thinking he switched into a mouse, hit the ground and switched back into himself, his eyes turning a dark, midnight blue as he became blank to the world, grabbing Jace's hand and in three swift moves made Jace stab himself in the shoulder, the arm and the side, then he spun behind him, still holding his hand, twisted it behind his back and kicked him to the floor, pinning him to the ground easily with his own body weight and by bending Jace's arm backwards. All in the space of three seconds. Exactly three seconds. If you blinked, you missed it. Only expert training could deliver those moves so precisely and swiftly without messing up. Jace groaned, his vision blacking, "What the f**k kid? What are you? A ninja god or something?" Chameleon's dark blue eye colour changed back to his bright, light blue and he blinked suddenly, as if shaken from a trance, "Oh s**t." He got off of Jace and then looked down at him, "Shouldn't have put a blade to my neck..." He muttered lightly, as if he wanted to pretend that never happened. Would people start asking now? He looked back up to Rosa, hoping she somehow hadn't just heard the sudden, fast movements, at least she couldn't see what just happened, right?
Flower looked at Jace. "Your half demon!?" She looked at Leon and then sighed. "Leon!" She ran up. "At least you didn't get hurt." She said and then lightly smiled at Leon. She looked at Jace and then sighed. "I'm sorry Malcolm killed your mother....but none of this gives er a reason to hurt everyone you see." She blinks. Wait...he hasn't put a knife to her neck yet. She sighed looking at Jace. "Leon....please give him to me. I will take him out here now!" She said and grabbed a knife putting it to Jace's neck. "I have never heard of a key holder demon...but like you east you're not a lier."
Just as she was about to exit Rosa felt another vibration enter the room, it was Leo's and he was not caught up on anything. Before she could try and answer his question a scuffle ensued. It felt as if Jace's energy had moved to attack Leo put at that moment Leo's energy shrunk than grew again at lightening speeds and in the confusion knocked Jace to the floor. Swift was relaying this information to her but something was wrong, the bobcat was saying something about him turning to a mouse and back. As if Leo was some kind of shifter but was that so hard to believe? He could blend in without people noticing him, so much so that she sometimes had a hard time even finding him.

Rosa was beginning to lose it, "This needs to end before someone gets even more severely hurt. We just nearly lost Raina and this physco doesn't seem to have a preference when it comes to victims," she spat the word physco and clenched and unclenched her muscles. She felt vulnerable at this moment unsure of what she was dealing with and what the people around her were capable of.
Chameleon nodded, "Uh, take him." He muttered, he stepped to the side, moving out of the way almost robotically, numbly. He looked back up to Rosa then down at the ground, frowning lightly. Flower hadn't mentioned his sudden expert fighting skills, so maybe no-one else would. Hopefully.

Jace groaned in pain, his stomach killing him, literally, and looked up at Flower as she put the blade to his neck, he mumbled to her, "I never lied to you Flower." He put his head down slightly, resting it on the floor. "It sucks being half just want to hurt people...and sometimes I can't stop it.."
Flower sighs and then looks around. "Darn you Jace...." She grabbed him and opened a portal. She walked through with him. They were in her room now. At least Raina couldn't see what she was about to do. "Jace you idoit. I really wish I could kill you." She said and then healed him. She took the chains that already bound him and tied him on the edge of her bed so he couldn't go anywhere. She looked at him. "I can't keep you here and I can't let you go." She looked out the window. "And I can't let raina see me constently healing you. UGH! Why was I stupid enough to go after you?" She punched her fist through the wall and then ignored the pain of her broken hand.
Sheena takes Liza by the shoulders, pulling her back and holding onto her protectively as the others continue to fight between them, not letting her get in the middle of them. What she wants now is to bow out and leave them to it, but she also very much wants to know what's going on. She stands watching, holding Liza still.
Jace was actually quite surprised when Flower took him through the portal and healed him. He didn't expect it to work. He sat on the floor at the end of her bed, looking up at her, his eyes confused and well...confused. He watched as she smashed her fist through the wall. It was probably broken now. He just blinked. Looking up at her from his spot on the floor.
(I'd like to join, but can I use a Void Spyder and Void Destroyer Hybrid? The hybrid has the strength of two strong humans and excellent magic attacks)
Flower looked at him and then looked away. She had no clue what to do now. Flower sighed. 'Don't give me that look." She said crossing her arms. Her hand screaming in pain but she was to stubborn to heal it right now. She sat down by her window. "What on earth am I going to do huh?" She said shooting a glare at him and then looking back out.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Sure go ahead. :) Welcome)
(Thanks. My character is Hostile Character that is Masochistic.)

Name: Benjamin

Age: 127

Gender: Male

Species: Hybrid of void Destroyer and Void Spyder

Powers: Elemental powers and powers of the Void.

Weapons: None.

Vehicle: None.

Pets: None.

Family: A son and Wife.

Husband/wife: Wife.

Girlfriend/boyfriend: None.

Crush: None.

Looks: Quadruped, with the upper body Human like but more muscular. Has a tail and a few horns running along the back.
Raina groans, sitting upright and Faye's eyes widen, speeding over in a second and holding her back so she doesn't fall back down. "Rai? You okay?" Raina nodded, her brow furrowed, "I'm fine." Her voice was croaky but she pulled herself up then stumbled a bit, threatening to fall over. Faye is immediently there, holding her upright. Raina smiles at her, and Faye smiles back, not because Raina is showing kindness, or just to be polite. But when Raina smiles, when she really smiles like she did just then, her whole face lights up. Her usually black, cold eyes sparkle slightly and light up and her cheeks flush a bit, bringing colour to her face. She looks beautiful. She looks over at Sheena and Liza, her eyes resting on Liza first as she smiles at her and leaves Faye's hold for a moment to bend down to Liza's level, she pauses, looking at her for about a second before drawing her close and wrapping her arms around her in a hug. She smiles lightly in the hug and whispers to her, "Thank you Liza." She then lets go after a while and stands upright, she looks at Sheena, still a bit confused on how to treat her. It takes a while to break an eight-year-long habit. Unable to hug her just yet, she smiles lightly - very lightly, but it is still a genuine smile, not a fake one or sarcastic one. She nods at her, a silent way of saying 'Thanks' Before Faye links her arm through Raina's, "Come on, bed." As she is led away, Raina groans, "But I'm fine." You can hear their voices as they walk away.

"No. You just almost died! You are not 'fine'!"

"I'm breathing aren't I?"

"Raina! Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Yes! I'm still alive!"

"And you still need to sleep."

"Sleeping is for losers!"

"And dying because you were stupid enough NOT to rest after recovering from a serious wound is for idiots!"

Their voices carry on, but become too far away to hear probably.
Jace looks up at Flower still as she growls at him and tells him not to give her 'that look'

He frowns, "What look?" When she asks what she should do with him, he shrugs, deciding not to push his luck by answering with something like: 'Feed me dinner and read me a bedtime story?' So instead he offers a serious suggestion, "Let me go and I'll live my life and you'll live yours?"

(Hey Fire, what powers do Demons have? None? Or just little things? His would be weaker anyway 'cause he's a halfy, but still just wanna check if there's anything he should not be able to do or be able to do xD )
(Uh, it's Raina and Faye, and they are in the school still, just heading to Raina's room that she shares with my other charcter Chameleon.)
(Demons are powerful being that can have any powers. They can take many forms and some have just one ability like causing nightmares.)

Flower looks at him and then glares. "If I do that you'll try and kill raina!" She said and then stood up. "Didn't I say I can't have you stay and I can't let you go?" She kneeled down infront of him glaring. "Te way you acted out there proves I can't let you go without you killing someone. It appears I'm the only one you haven't threatened yet that you've met today!"
Liza smiles back at Raina, her face still streaked with tears, but she is glad to see that it looks like Raina is nearly back to normal...or perhaps not "normal," as her behaving in such a kind manner towards anyone, especially Sheena, is far from normal, not that Liza, being Liza, understands this. Sheena, her hands still on Liza's shoulders, returns Raina's tentative smile, not saying anything as Faye leads her away. When they are almost gone she picks Liza up, hugging her more tightly than usual, and heads back to their rooms. She is almost back to their dorm area before she remembers it is Macal's birthday.

"Damn it!"

(and yes, it is the character macal's birthday today)
Jace moved back slightly as Flower got up in his face, he hated to admit it, but after her stabbing him - painful experience - he was just that slightest bit afraid of her. For now at least, since he was completely defenceless right now aswell. He frowned, "That's not entirely true! There was four people in that room that I didn't threaten, not including you! And one of them tried to burn me alive!"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Raina's door swings open and a girl with fiery reddish/orange hair and amber coloured eyes faces Benjamin, "Hello?" She seems slightly peed off as she sizes up the guy knocking. What could he possibly want? Was he new here? He must be, she hadn't seen him around, did he need help finding his way to his room? Why would he come here and knock specially if that was the case..? There must be someone else wandering around to help him.
Faye raises an eyebrow as he walks in and declares it is because he is 'just bored' Her arm shoots out and stops him, "Excuse me, but my sister needs to rest and you need to get out." She moved herself so she was infront of him, blocking him from going any further. "You can't just storm into someone's room, someone who you DON'T know, and say it's because you're bored." She paused, took a breath and then started speaking again, "If you are bored, go to the training rooms or the dining room, you are likely to find someone there."

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