Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Sheena can be watching Raina train if you wish xD )

Raina finds herself, after speaking with Chameleon - and biting him, woops - in the training room. It was like her room, she could almost always be found there. No-one else was in the room with her, so she let herself go, she let herself fight in the way she wouldn't if someone was watching her. She picked up the sword and faced the obstacle course full of swinging knives and mini-bombs set to go off at intervals, centering herself as her past training took over. Her dad's abusive words flying into her like knifes as he fought against her, trained her through pain, she took a wrong step, a stab in the arm, she moved at the wrong time, a slice down the leg. Her eyes hardened but also disoriented at the same time as she began to move like lightning through the obstacle course that had been set up for solo trainers. Dodging the knives with perfected agility and slashing down all the dummys that swung at her, their fake heads rolling across the floor, a bomb went off underneath her but she had already done a perfect handspring away from the area before it even had a chance. She carried on like this, her senses heightened by a hundred, still convinced - even though he was dead and gone - that if she made the slightest mistake, a sword held by her father would be driven through her flesh.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Jace is at home, sitting in his office as he searches through images, still - even after eight long years - trying to find those two that escapes him. He had a picture of both, one was a man, in his thirties perhaps, with a sadistic look in his eyes, but the other was slightly more interesting. It was a young girl of about 10, she had coal black hair pulled back into a ponytail and a joyful smile spread across her face as her pitch black eyes held a smile of their own in them, she was in uniform since it was a school picture. He smirked lightly, last time he had seen her she was anything but happy. He still couldn't believe she had gotten away from him, he needed to find her, to finish what he started.

(We can say Flower teleported downstairs, his office is upstairs)
As Sheena re-enters the academy, her sense of Raina's presence takes her outside of a training room. She can feel Raina's body heat and knows she must be working hard, is perhaps feeling strong emotion as well. Sheena hesitates, her fists opening and shutting, reluctant, before opening the door just a crack, watching her, as she tries to think of what to say.
Flower looked around. SHe had brought Sky with her. The young bird flewout side and landed on a window near Jace's office. She knocked on the window and Flower headed upstairs. She looked at the window Sky was out and then hid somewhere waiting for Jace to come out. Sky continued to flap and make noise.
Raina did a few more flips, slices and dodges before finally finishing at the end of the course, she glanced over at the rolling heads and scattered limbs of the dummys, watching one of the heads roll all the way to the slightly open door, her eyes snapped up to met the face of - out of all people - Sheena. She glared and put her hands on her hips, the sword handle still clenched in her palm, "Having fun?" She spoke bitterly, annoyed that someone had snuck up on her and watched her lose herself. She still had no idea Sheena knew about her past.

Jace groaned - at first he had ignored the sounds of the bird - but now he was getting pissed off. He lurched out of his chair and headed to the window, slamming his fist against it to get the bird to go away. He then walked back over to his desk and swept up the two pictures, slipping them into his pocket as he opened his office door and headed along the corridor, muttering to himself.
Flower smirked and jumped out grabbing his hands and forcing them behind him. She kicks him hard in the legs to make him kneel. "Jace...Or that's what you call yourself now huh?" She glared at him. (Would it be ok if she knew him when she was very he knew her parents or something. I thought that might make is personal for Flower as well as Raina.) Flower kept his hands behind his back. Her crown gave a bit of color on the wall. Of course only royalty could use the crown. Someone with the crown mark on te backs of their necks would be royalty. Even so they couldn't use it against another royal bloodline.
Sheena ignores the question and bitter tone, taking in a subtle breath, before opening the door the rest of the way, stepping into the room. She eyes the remains of the training dummies scattered throughout the room, remembering the fierce concentration and emotion in Raina's eyes as she hacked into them, and tries to think of how to phrase the suspicions and new knowledge in her mind.

"Raina...I'm no fan of vampires, or anyone who threatens my family, and I think it's pretty clear by now you're no fan of me. But...maybe we could start over. Or at least take a few steps back."
(Sure that's fine. He is famous anyway for being a ruthless serial killer, so everyone will know him, but probably not as well as Flower would. Oh and can Flower not show up until Raina says: 'Whatever' ? xD )

Jace struggled until he heard the voice, a smirk spread across his vindictive face, "Flower dear, how have you been? It's been a while." He noticed the reflection of colour on the wall and rose an eyebrow, "Wearing your beautiful crown I see?"

Raina narrows her eyes, she is in no way trusting of Sheena, at all, and wonders what has brought on this sudden burst of forgiving behaviour. She takes a step closer, clenching the sword in her hand, she smirks suddenly, "I haven't met even one person who is a fan of vampires Sheena, so no need to let me know the obvious." She then frowns, raising an eyebrow skeptically, "Why the sudden want to start over? Thought you hated me." Raina then spins the sword in her hand expertly and sticks it into the ground, letting go of it and crossing her arms as it stays upright. Subtly showing she has no plans to kill Sheena....yet.
(Sure :) )

Flower grabbed some rope and then tied his hands. "Don't try to brake them....If you do I will not be merciful." She said tieing his hands very tightly and then walked in front of them so he can see her. " hasn't been long enough." She said harshly glaring down at him. She had her hand on her sword. "I think you know exackly why I am wearing it." She said and then looked as Sky wanted in. She didn't leave her eyes off of Jace for long. She looked back at him and then used light to open the window for Sky.
"I hate the way you act with me and my family," Sheena shrugs, exhaling. "And yeah, I hated you. doesn't have to be that way, you know."

Her eyes drift towards Raina's neck unconsciously, seeking to find again the initials carved into her skin.
Jace watched her as she walked, it really had been long, "Flower dear, you look so grown-up." He grinned then cleared his throat, "So, what do I owe this pleasure? I haven't done anything bad for almost eight years now sweety." He looked at Flower, they had been friends from a young age, that was of course until Jace's parents were mysteriously murdered and he had vanished. His fingerprints had been on the weapons that killed them.

Raina watched her skeptically, her words bugging her slightly, she was nice to Liza, wasn't she? Of course she wasn't going to mention that. Kindness was a weakness, her Father had drilled that fact into her head. She then noticed the eyes on her neck, she frowned lightly, why would she be staring at her neck? Her eyes then widened in the tiniest and then hardened once more, Sheena (and Liza) were there earlier, when she mentioned JK, the initials on her neck. Did Sheena hear her? "Looking for something?" She questioned coldly, her hands curling into fists as she glared at her furiously.
Sheena immediately snaps her eyes back to Raina's face, shaking her head, then, thinking better of attempting to deny it, sighs, taking a step forward, holding one hand with her palm up as if in an attempt to have a truce.

"Not on purpose," she admits. "Raina..." she pauses, already knowing that every time she ever tries to say something this sensitive, it never comes out right, and tries to blunder through anyway. "I think...everyone here, almost, has had some pretty f*cked up stuff happen to them. It does stuff to people. Inside."
Flower looked away feeling very hurt by there past friendship. She ignored it and then looked back at him. "Why should I believe are sick and a lier." She said her voice only getting harsh. "And call me sweety again and I will make sure that jaw of yours is broken." She said and then stepped closer making a fist. "I am here for a friend of mine." She said.
Raina watches her, her eyes hard as a cold smirk flitters across her face, "Yes, it does f**k people up inside doesn't it?" She points to her own head as she speaks, to demonstrate her point. She is furious now, furious that Sheena knows something about her that she shouldn't, furious that she is treating her in a kinder way because of it, furious that she knows Raina's weakness. So Raina pretends it isn't a weakness, admitting to what happened openly, "Watching as your Mother and five-year-old sister are mutilated by an insane psychopath Key-Holder reallllly f**ks with your head." She steps even closer, her eyes burning, now that she has started talking, she can't stop, "Watching your baby sister scream and cry as he cuts off your mum's feet and hands, then slits her throat open so that she can drown in her own blood. Watching him slap dear little Mabel across the face then grab her tongue and slowwlllyyyy cut it clean out of her mouth, watching the blood fill up and slip over her lips, dripping down her chin as she cries and cries until finally the blood fills her lungs and chokes her also to the point of death." Her eyes soften and she speaks lightly, almost whispering to Sheena like it is a secret, "Know the worst bit of it all? My bast**d of a father planned it, he messed with Jace Kalhorn, knowing Jace would come and kill his family. He told me it was because he wanted to get Mum out of the way, it didn't matter to him that it killed his five-year-old daughter and almost killed his ten-year-old kid in the process." She released her eyes were watering noticeably and then pulled back so suddenly that Sheena might have flinched, chuckling bitterly without humour as she walked back over to her sword, her back to Sheena as her hair once again moved and revealed the undeniable scar of initals 'JK'. She picked up her sword and turned back to look at Sheena, "That really f**ks with your head."

Jace grins, "I may be sick Flower, but I'm not a lier." He stands up, his hands still tied though, "For a friend of yours?" He frowns now, genuinely confused.
Flower clenches her fists and then looks at him. She glares at him. She probably should make him kneel down again but she doesn't. She steps closer looking at him with anger. "Yes a's about time you pay for what you have done." She said.
Jace raises an eyebrow, "Well, that is rather vague Flower dear, I've done a lot of things." Behind his back he was silently trying to scratch and undo the knots in the rope that tied him. He needed to get free so that he could finish his job. Leaving his job unfinished was irritating him to the ends of the earth. "Please elaborate on what exactly it is that I have done that has caused you to leave your little life and interrupt mine?"
Flower looked at him and then growled. "I do not answer to you." She said and then looked down. "But you do answer to me now." She said looking up at him once again. She tried to keep her anger up but they were friends once and she still felt pain from that.
Jace takes one step closer, only one, his features set in a frown, "Answer to you?" He shrugs, glancing around his room before he looks back to Flower, "What do you want me to answer Flower?" He watched her carefully, still amazed at how much older she looked, the last time they saw each other she was only a kid.
Flower crossed her arms. "Why?" She asked looking at him. She started to look more sad then angry. She sighed and uncrossed her arms. She put a hand on her sword again almost forgetting to keep her guard up. She let out another sigh making herself look angry again.
Jace frowned, "Why what?" He was becoming quickly confused now, what did that one little word mean? Was she upset at him about something, and if so, what? He knew he had done some terrible things, but none of them directly affected her, right? His emotions were confusing him, why wasn't he laughing bitterly and threatening her? He decided it was because his life was in danger if he did so. Yes, that was it, it couldn't possibly be because he still felt their friendship.
Flower growled and stomped the ground once getting angry again. "WHY did you murder your parents?! Why did you disappear?! WHY EVERYTHING! The vampires! Everything!!!" She yelled at him shoving him back hard. She turned around crossing her arms and then looked back at him facing him once more. "You were my friend."
Jace's expression is shock as Flower has her little outburst. He frowns, then his eyes harden, "It's none of your business why I killed Jenette and Malcolm." His eyes then lighten and he shrugged, "I disappeared 'cause I'm smart and didn't want to go to jail." He grinned now, "And the 'vampires' is because it's fun. Quite simply, fun." He smirked suddenly, "Hey Flower, did I ever show you this?" When he is done speaking, his icy blue eyes change suddenly to a bright, burning yellow colour, suddenly almost all of Flower's energy left her, and she probably felt drained, exhausted. (Sorry about this next bit, it's just what happens when he drains them) He watched as Flower fell to the ground, and made a break for it, heading to the stairs. He smirks, thinking he is home free when he sees the front door, but then something hard smashes into the back of his own head and he drops to the floor groaning, he glances up to see that stupid bird from earlier hovering in the air above him, holding a heavy, hardback book in it's claws. (By the way, his power doesn't work too well on Key-Holders, only vamps, so Flower should be alright and up in time to stop him from leaving xD )
FLower held her head and then got up running after him. Her own eyes glowed as did her crown. No... She stopped and then pinned him to the ground. Her anger grew and she was panting still a bit weak from his power. "You are not running away from me!" SHe said pulling his arms up and then slamming him down on the floor again making sure he doesn't try that again. "For fun? That doesn't sound like you! Not how I remember you!" She slammed him down again.
He winced as she slammed him down, twice, she was strong. He looked up at her, still managing to crack a grin, "Not how you remember me? If you haven't noticed Flower, people change. How long exactly has it been? 10 years? More?" He manages to push her off of him and he gets up, immediently holding up his hands in surrender before she can pin him again, "I'm not going to run, don't push me down again!" He smirked, "You could always pin me as a kid aswell." Maybe distracting her would help him think of a plan.
Flower looked at him and then looked at sky. Sky landed on Flower's shoulder. She glared at him. "I am not Queen for nothing." She said and then crossed her arms. "Yeah you've changed a lot. The only that has changed in me is the fact I am stronger now. So like it or not you try to leave I will kill you." She said making her sword clang against her leg. She made a quick burst of bright light to back up her claim. It was true she had gotten much stronger. She looked at him. "I just don't see how you could have changed so much....and no matter what you think what you've done envolves me. I was the one who was hammored while you went into hiding. Once vampires started getting killed I was blammed and sometimes beaten to get the answers out of me. I KNEW nothing, but vampires don't take no for an answer appearently." She looked at him. "I do have scars on my back and neck to prove it." She crossed her arms. "As you probably have guessed I'm not here just because of my friend."
(Trying not to get too attached to Jace as Raina is most likely going to kill him....or maybe she wont, who knows? xD Doing this non-attachment by making him have no good qualities ^.^)

Jace basically ignored everything she had said - of course he had taken it all in, but his 'new' self didn't have remorse or guilt, he was just driven by his sadistic nature. "Speaking of the friend again.." He says finally, as if everything she just said had NO meaning, "Who is he/she?" He was curious now, he had demolished each one of his victims...unless...his eyes widened slightly, "Wait..." A smile spread across his face, how sick he is. "Is she who I think she is?" He suddenly tugged something out of his pocket and shoved it at Flower, it was the picture of the happy young girl, "Does she look like this? But older?"

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