Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

As Chameleon leaves, Sheena watches his retreating form, her face very still, but her eyes are full of conflicted emotion. She glances down at the water, then wades back to shore slowly, sitting on its edge and wrapping her arms around her knees.

Faith, meanwhile, has noticed that Sheena never came in for the night but chalked it up to her and Alex spending the night together in the woods. As she prepares for her training with Faye she sighs to herself, just hoping that this time will go better than the last.
Nick looks at her and then smirks and when she runs off he sighs. "She is suck a tease." He laughed and then went to his room. He stretched out and then shut the door changing his clothes. He fixed his hair and then sat on his bed looking outside.
(Tomorrow is Sheena's birthday :) Not to copy Faye, it truly is her birthday, as designated last year. Not that anyone but Faith and Liza and co will probably know this...I'll post a longer ic post tomorrow)
To Sheena, birthdays in the past- other than last year, her first celebrated birthday that she can remember- have been so unremarkable that she often forgot them entirely, until a few days past April 19. She would then look back and remember oh yeah, I’m older now, then shrug it off as entirely unimportant. To her, her age, much like her appearance, was important only when made necessary- primarily, it only brought her closer to being of age.

Only last year, when she reached the age of gaining her Lycan powers, was the age itself of any consequence to her…this year she has nothing to look forward to, but nothing to dread either, and she had gone to sleep the night before not thinking about either her age or her approaching birthday at all.

But this, of course, was fully unacceptable in the eyes of her sisters.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY JINXY!!!” shouted a voice half an inch from her ear, and as Sheena’s eyes flew open and she struggled to sit up in her bed, she realized quickly that she was pretty much pinned down, as Faith was sitting on her stomach, grinning down at her, both cheeks displaying dimples that flickered in and out of view with her words. “No way in hell are you spending your birthday sleeping, get up get up get up!”

Still attempting to wake up, Sheena half heartedly tried to push Faith off of her, but Faith was not to be thwarted. Wrapping her arms around Sheena in an exuberant hug that would have injured a non-powered person, and was still enough to make Sheena gasp, she held her hard, then kissed her cheek before easing up on her just a little.

“Go BS, it’s your birthday, go, go, go!” she smirked, and Sheena stared at her, shaking her head as a smile started to play at the corner of her lips.

“Faith, you are spending way, way too much time with Macal.”

“What can I say, he’s infectious…kinda like an STD,” Faith snickered. “Speaking of which, you and Alex, you guys are still being careful with the protection, right?”

“Faith!!! Can’t you just knock it off on that, just on my birthday, even?” Sheena flushed, growling and scowling at the same time, and Faith grinned, ruffling her hair.

“Yeah yeah, birthday girl commands, sure thing BS.”

“Why do you keep calling me bullsh*t if you’re so happy over it being my birthday?” Sheena raised an eyebrow, and Faith shook her head, snickering again as she again ruffled her hair, Sheena failing at her attempt to dodge her hand.

“Not bullsh*t, though that’s the irony I love in it…short of Baby Sister. Even if baby sister here is getting OLD…move it, actually run a brush through your hair today, and go greet the world with a smiling birthday grin.”

Faith reached under the blankets to slap Sheena’s butt, and Sheena yelped, glaring at her again as Faith smiled.

“Birthday spanking, gotta have room to grow on. Not that you need growing, you’re already a beanstalk…maybe could grow some boobs though, right?”

She dodged Sheena’s fist and stood up, laughing, then offered a hand to pull her out of bed. As they walked out of Sheena’s bedroom, they had barely opened the door before Liza launched herself at Sheena’s legs, nearly knocking her down with the strength of her hug.

“Sheena Legs!!!! Happy birthday!!!! You’re my bestest sister and I love you and Daddy said I can make a cake and this time it won’t even explode in the oven probably and I made you a card and it has glitter. Plus also I made a dress for Wolfie even though he’s a boy ‘cause I don’t think pants for a wolf would be easy probably. Look look!”

She waved her gluey, glittery paper in Sheena’s face, having to stretch high to do so and still not making it to her eye level. Sheena smiled, taking the paper and examining it before hugging her.

“Thanks Liza, that’s really pretty.”

As Liza continues to talk with excitement, still hugging Sheena’s leg, and Sheena looks up, noticing that their living area has been decorated with balloons, streamers, and obvious Liza additions of confetti and glitter and stuffed animals dressed in their very best, a cake with “Happy Birthday Sheena Legs Jinx LD BS Little One Pup!” written in the small letters in a circle, Sheena continues to grin.

She can only imagine what Macal and Alex have in store for her.

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After the wake up, Faith goes to train with Faye, in a better mood than the day before by far, after the interactions with her sister. surely this time will go better, she thinks with unexpected optimism.
(Ok Mr. Grin quit this role play so I guess Flower is now Ugh....I hate losing a good role player.)

Flower was in class with Nick and Deathwish. Flower was looking out the window with a slight smile. She had been a bit busy with all the marriage crap the key holder advisers have been trying to put on her. She sighed, although she didn't want to be forced into marrage she certainly seemed to be lonely lately. Maybe it was all the couples going around. It was starting to bug her a bit.
The next day Faye woke up, also in a good mood because of the little mini-play fight with Nick last night and because - for once in her life - there didn't seem to be a bombshell waiting around the corner nor was she picking up the remains of one. It was just peaceful bliss. And of course by bombshell she meant almost being killed while on the run, or finding out her absentee father was the man who raped her sister, or that the vampire who almost killed her was her sister, or...well you get the picture. So, she headed to the training room to meet with Faith, being dressed in barefeet with denim shorts and a white tank-top because she was sure she would have to or might have to use her fire power, and she didn't tend to get cold anyway. She even made sure she was five minutes early, being late would not be a good way to start off.

Raina - for like the first time ever - actually decided to go to class today. She knew the troublesome twins were in it, and as she entered - late of course - she spotted the flawless Flower and the maddening Myra. She sighed and took a seat, this might be a longgg hour.

(Sorry for the post cut short, sister needs computer like NOW.
xD )
Yesterday had been rough. It had been a whirl wind of emotions and feelings, an annoying part of life she like to squelch. Once feelings were alive they took over like a weed, and you didn't know if the weed would blossom into a beautiful wild flower or turn into a sharp thistle. And like a weed feelings are hard to kill without hurting the ground it is in and around it.

Rosa knew all of this, hell she had lived by this philosophy her whole life with only short bouts of pain. Of course the pain would be prolonged if she had let the weed really take root in her but she always ripped it out and disappeared before any real damage could be done. But by living like this she has scarred herself, instead of one gaping wound there are multiple small, insignificant punctures that lead to her dis-trustfulness. That is why the night before, while she was doing her homework Rosa had mentally slapped herself. She could feel the seedlings of feeling sprouting in her heart over Leo and she couldn't let that happen. She had to disconnect.
Flower looked over at Raina and then sighed looking at her desk. She sighed deeply rubbing her head. She looked at Deathwish who was staring at her. "Yes?" She asked and then watched Deathwish get up and walked up to her. Flower looks up at him with a raised eyebrow. Deathwish looked at Nick and pointed. He seemed to be in a deeply troubled mood today. Flower looked at Nick and then blinked wondering what could be wrong. Flower got up and then looked at Nick. "Nick?" She asked. Nick only moved his head away. He sighed deeply troubling Flower even more.

Deathwish loked at Raina and then slowly moved back to his seat. "He won't talk to me, Flower... but maybe you." He said and then sat down. He looked at Raina again. "You seemed worried as well." He said leaning back in his chair while Flower dragged Nick out of the class. Deathwish looks as Nick screams no like in a horror movie. Deathwish rolls his eyes, flower wasn't that bad.
Faith is waiting for Faye as she comes into the classroom. She has not removed any of the usual items from the training room, meaning that there are several mats and furniture items, as well as the walls, and of course, her and Faye's clothing, that are flammable, but Faith has taken the precaution of taking with her fireproof robes for them both, and has also equipped the room with several fire extinguishers. As Faye enters, she nods in greeting, her eyes dropping down to the girl's bare feet.

"Are you barefoot for a particular reason?"
Nick blasts Flower with shadow back into the classroom. Flower screams as the shadow starts to hurt her. Nick stands over her glaring. Flower blasts the shadow away with light. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Flower stands up glaring at him and Nick grabs her by the neck.

"You need to learn that I am the PRINCE!" He throws Flower to the ground. "I am not one of your servents....I don't have to tell you anything!" He raises more shadows. He glares at her with anger.

Flower gets up and blasts him first with light. "I am your friend! I do not treat you like a servent and I know you are a prince!" She said getting very mad. "But remember I am Queen." She said and then blocks more shadows. "Darn it Nick what the heck is wrong with you today?" Nick kicks her down. Flower spins and her leg hits his legs knocking him over as she jumps to her feet. She stomps her boot on him. "Nick....I am your friend. I am worried about you...that';s why I want to know what is wrong."

Nick looks up at her and pulls out a knife. "Maybe you should stop treating me like a friend." He kicks her down and stabs her in the side. Flower screams and backs up away from him. She jumps back a few feet. "Nick!" She looks at the blood pouring from her side. "That's it Nick!" She heals her side but then looks as Deathwish steps in front of her.

"Nick! You are ticking me off! How dare you hurt a friend!" He looks at Flower and then at Nick. "You are acting poverly stupid today Nick...I sugest you leave." Nick glares and Deathwish glares back.

"Have you become her slave now to?" Nick said harshly glaring at Flower. Flower glares back and he grips his knife.

"She's my friend nick...and she use to be yours." Deathwish pointed to the door. "Now get out." Nick throws the knife hitting Deathwish's shoulder. Deathwish pulls out the knife and watches Nick storm off. He heals but he looks to Flower. "You ok?" He asked and Flower nodded. He sighed she looked very upset.
Faye looks up with a smile, then glances down to her feet and wriggles her exposed toes. "Oh right." She glances back up, "Uh, every inch of my skin can let out fire, so sometimes when fighting I blast fire out of my feet and kinda of like, uh, fly over my opponent's head.." She rocks back and forth on the balls of her feet, "So to save shoes I tend not to wear them when fighting." She looks around then back to Faith, still rocking back and forth, showing the energy she had. Not needing to sleep really meant she never felt tired or anything, so energy was never a problem for her really. She looked at Faith, waiting for her instructions. She had never been trained before, or even listened when told what to do, but she had watched Golden girl Myra go through school and listen to their parents, so she knew what 'good girls' were supposed to do.

Raina watched with subtle amusement, frowning at Deathwish as she sat beside her but not answering in time because Flower and Nick burst back into the room, she actually laughed lightly at the interaction, getting up as Nick left, "Finally something fun happens." She brushed past them both, not caring that she was techinally 'bunking' now. She breezed through the halls, stopping her pace as she found Nick, she grinned lightly at him, "What bit your @ss?" She was expecting him to lash out at her, so she was ready. She hoped nothing too serious would happen though, she obviously didn't have a damn for her life, but she knew she needed to keep alive for Faye's sake, Faye would freak out if Nick hurt Raina badly.
Faith accepts this with a nod, then proceeds. "Okay, so tell me, how much actual control do you have? If I asked you, for example, to aim specifically at an item, could you burn it and only it? If I asked you to burn the outside of an item, or only part of it, without affecting its center, or without affecting its other half, could you do that? And if I asked you to stop, could you do it immediately? If you feel the instinct to let out flames, are you able to hold it in, and how long can you manage before you let it go? Or are all of these things you're just beginning to think about and find out?"

She smiles slightly. "I know that's a lot of questions, but it's very important to fully understand your abilities. And if you don't know the answer, then we need to find out today."
Nick looks at her and then glares. "Get out my sight..." He said and then started walking away. "I will kill you and I don't care what faye thinks if I do. All you are is a lessened extent of your father." (Ouch he's just burning everyone today. xD Note to self don't role play nick after he's seen his x wife. You'll find out what she did after Nick and Faye went to get ready for classes.)
Raina dealt fine with his sharp tone and rudeness, about him killing her, although him not caring what Faye thought about it was a tad shocking..but as he called her a lesser extent of her father. Oh shizz, he should have NOT gone there. All logic flew out the window and so did Nick. Literally. She sped up to him in such a blur that he probably didn't realize he was smashing through the window until his butt was on the cool grass outside. Raina did a flip right out the window and in an instant was standing over him, her pitch black eyes blazing with fury and her hair messed up from how fast she had moved, "Look Prince, I don't give a f**k what the hell happened to you to make you such a d**k today. I don't care if you kill me or what the hell it is you do to 'punish' me for kicking your royal a** out the window. But don't you EVER, EVER compare me to that cowardly bulls**t excuse for a Father." She hissed her words at him, blind rage taking over her whole body as her clenched fists shook with the effort of restraining herself from pulling out her gun and shooting him through the head. (Poor Raina, bit of hidden history there. She hates her Father for more reason than what he did to Myra, it's also the same reason she hates keyholders)

Faye blinked with all the questions, but quickly slotted each one into her head and answered them one after the other, "Uh, I could burn one item and only the item. Um, I could burn only part of it, but fire spreads quick and usually it all goes alight after a few seconds. Stopping?" She frowns, "It depends, I could stop if I was controlling it, but sometimes when I get mad then it's's like the fire controls me when I'm mad, it feeds off my anger." She rubs the back of her head, "So it doesn't help that I have the temper of a bull." Faith then asks about holding in the urge to let out flames, basically holding in the anger then? "Well...I can hold in the flames for a while, but unless I find a way to calm myself down, then I can only hold it for a few minutes. And like I said earlier, it depends how mad I get. If someone irritates me badly, then sometimes I can't hold it in at all." She shrugs, "That's about it." She looks back to Faith, waiting for her response. Faye found it particulary hard to calm herself down when she didn't have many memories that were calming.
Nick stood behind Raina. "Um Raina....that's not me....please calm down." He said setting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Ok I think you've played around enough...I personaly just went to class and found Flower trying to kill me. I'd I hate your guts so I wouldn't have a problem with Raina killing you." (Surprise.)

He smirked and then changed into a demon with spider eyes. "Aw I was just getting to the good part." He chuckles and then looks at Raina. "Please calm down I did not mean what I said I was just trying to get you to kill the real nick is all." He pats her head. "You are quite strong I did not expect that from you." He smirks.

Nick crosses his arms. "Yeah make me look a wonder MY son takes after you." He glares. "I saw Stella yesterday now what on earth are you doing here?" He glares hating his sight. "Jake."

Jake laughs and then looks at Raina. "If you would please let me up ms." He asked smiling as if nothing happened. He pats his head :3 < with that face. Nick rolls his eyes. "Ticking me off!"
"Then that's the first thing we need to work on," Faith nods in response to Faye's summary. "Emotional control, stability, and centering while using your powers. So what I want you to do here, is to think about what has succeeded in calming you in the past. Logical reasoning? Visual imagery? Physical stimulus to cool you down? What? And if nothing in particular has, we need to establish something that will. So we'll work on meditation, imagery, whatever it is that will benefit you best.

Sheena is beginning to walk down the hall with Liza when she hears the fight occurring and recognizes Raina's voice. It's her birthday and she is definitely in no mood to tangle with She B*tch, but Liza, concerned, lets go of her hand and runs down the hall after her. "Raina! Are you okay?"
Raina frowns at first, then quickly processes what is going on. This man pretended to be Nick. She glares at him, the blindness of her rage gone, so she is now thinking in her usual way. Before anyone can even blink, the knife from her high heeled black leather boot finds its way to her hand and she throws it in a second, the knife going straight through the palm of 'Jake's' hand before her foot comes up and presses down on it, digging it deeper so that his hand is pinned to the ground via knife. She speaks cooly now, her eyes still angry as she looks down at him, him patting her head did NOT help his case, "Mess with me again and you won't live to regret it, got that?" She gives him an obviously fake sickly sweet smile before leaning down and RIPPING the knife out of his hand, ignoring the scent of blood as she stepped back from him and hears Liza's voice. She turns to look down at her and simply nods as she holds the knife dripping with Jake's blood. Her voice is stiff, struggling, "I'm fine Liza." She glances up to see Sheena in the distance, facing away from the others,and for once she can't manage to find the fake, careless smirk that she had practiced to perfection, she's not too sure if the barrier inbetween her eyes and emotions is there anymore, can Sheena see the real her? She hopes not. Without another word, she turns and speds off, vampire speed advantage number one: quick getaways.

Faye nods, the words rushing into her brain. Calm? Calming her down? She racks her brains, creating a long silence of her standing there thinking, and Faith waiting for her answer. Remembering Nick kissing her once calmed her down, but when she does that now, it has the opposite effect, it heats her up, a lot. So she shoves that away and once again thinks, what calms down others? A beautiful scencery, like Hawaii or something, with the sun beaming down on her face, the sound of cool, calming waves in the background...waves that are made of water, that link to her always-in-control perfect big sister. Nu-uh, not calming at all. You can see the interal struggle on her face as she thinks and thinks and thinks, everything links to someone or something. Anything to do with Water or Weather - Myra, anything to do with childhood or Earth - Her parents. Neither of which calmed her AT ALL. Finally she glances back to Faith, clearly not happy with the outcome, "I can't think of anything." She frowns, dissapointed overall, in herself, in her family, in her life. I mean, it's not like it's as bad as most people's right? So why can't she think of anything calming?
Jake blinks not at all reacting to the knife in his hand. He watched her run off and then looked at his hand chuckling. "I better go get that girl's knife before my blood eats through her clothes. Please excuse me." He ran off and then found raina again. "Please excuse my interuption but may I see that knife. You may not want my blood on you. It tends to have acid affects." He said before looked at a glaring Seeker who was watching the two. He blinks and holds up his hand with a ring on it. Idoit... He thinks and then sighs. "Just hand me the knife real quick and I'll be out of your hair I promise."

James was walking down the hall after his class. He blinks and looks to see Zelda running down the hall after him. She embraces him in a hug. "James!" She yells out holding onto him tighter then ever.

"Ch-choking....not breathing!" He tried to get out to her but she wouldn't let go of him. He stuggles under her crushing grasp. "S-S-seriously....please...l-let go." He pushes away causing his sister to laugh.

Nick blinks and then rubs his head. "I hate that dude....I don't care how nice he acts....his nice is not nice at all." He said anger in his voice. "Stupid idoit I hope Raina kills him." He said crossing his arms. He looks at Sheena and then at Lisa. "Oh Hi." he said with a bit of a smile. Seeing his x-wife's husband made him a bit upset but he tried to act nice.
Raina spins around as she hears Jake's annoying voice, she glares at him as he speaks and watches him, she smirks slightly, "Acid effects?" Without even blinking she whips the knife back then forward, causing the blood to splash onto Jake and the wall behind him, her eyes are still hard, but she smirks still, "That could come in handy." She turns around then pauses, "Oh yeah, you want this right?" With a flick of her wrist the knife just skims Jake's throat, getting pinned in the wall behind him. Only a millimetre to the left and Jake would have had a knife stuck in his throat. She looks over at shoulder at him, speaking coldy, "Keep it." It's obvious the comment about her Father earlier has defiently put him in her bad books, and that's not a good place to be. She looks back over to see Seeker glaring at Jake, seems to ignore it and walks over to the big double exit doors, kicking them open and leaving before you hear the roaring of a motorbike engine, only bad@ss chicks' drive motorbikes.
Jake heals and then pulls out the knife, the blade was eaten through. He drops it. "Ugh." He looks at Seaker and then sighs. "Another day another person who hates me." He laughs and then looks as his wife and her son come into view. He walks over.

James tries to get air as soon as Zelda let him go. He looked at her and then smiled. He leaned against the wall and then chuckled. "What's up sis?" SHe giggles and then ruffles his hair. She spoke in sign language but she could read people's lips as long as she was looking at them. She 'Nothing much brother.' she said using her hands and then smiles.
As Rosa made her way through the hallways she could practically feel the tension in the air not to mention hear the yelling. Somewhere in this school people were at each other's throats and she was glad that she was't involved. She couldn't possibly pick a side without knowing the story but even than why should she go looking for trouble. The less drama the better. She had a few class periods off this morning and all she really wanted was to take Leader for a ride.

When she reached the stables, Swift on her heels as always, she found him flirting with some other mares. He kept sending her messages to leave, that he was busy but she hadn't ridden him in days and he could flirt when the got back. She grabbed his leather halter, all soft and worn from use, and slipped it over his sculpted ears. She ran her fingers through his long silky mane relishing the feeling. She hugged him around the neck breathing in his scent, it was like a drug to her. Once she brought him in the stables she just dropped the leadline trusting him to stay, of course he did. She grabbed a helmet, a school requirement, and his bridle before returning.

When everything was in place she got in smiling at the warmth of his skin underneath her. She clucked softly heading out into the sunny courtyard. He flicked his ears listening to the fighting but in the end ignored it.
Liza regards Raina with continued concern and some disapproval too as she looks at the knife in her hand, then up at Jake, putting her hands on her hips as Raina walks away. Looking up at Nick as she addresses him, she says in a scolding tone, "No one is being very nice. They really oughtta stop that. They're making Raina mad and sad and then she does bad things."

"Liza, shh," Sheena says, putting her hands on her shoulders and trying to draw her away. She gives Nick an awkward nod, but she is thinking about Raina, about the brief look of something unlike anything she has ever seen in her that had flashed across her eyes when their eyes met. It had almost...could it really be something vulnerable...something like grief, or fear?

No, no way, Raina was a total b*tch, she didn't feel any of that. No way.

Faith frowned slightly as she listened to Faye's shamed admission, then nodded, even giving her a slightly crooked grin. "Yeah, well, there lies the problem...and guess what, I have the same problem. Peace and tranquility and concentration and me, they didn't go together so great when I first started...still don't a lot of the times. So you have to find your center...find your peace. Is there anything right now that you know for a fact makes you happy? Because we have to work on finding what will help you first before we can do anything at all. Without finding a source of control, you can't hope to learn it just by rote."
Nick looks at Liza and then at Sheena. "Don't worry let her speak her mind." He kneeled down. "Listen I didn't do anything, that guy you saw just said something that hit a very bad nerve." He sighed. "I just came here to try and calm her down...but as you saw she completly ignored me. I think we better let her cool off." He smiled and then stood back up. "Seriously I'd leave her alone." He put his hands in his pockets. "Maybe for about a week." He chuckles a bit. He smile faded as Jake and his x wife passed them. He looked away pain in his eyes and then once they were gone he looked back at Sheena.
(Yup, when Raina gets mad and sad she does bad things, think little Liza hit it right on the nail there xD )

Raina pulled up into town on her bike, it was extremely rare to find a human - especially out and about - nowadays, but she somehow managed. It was rather stupid really, that humans had been almost all killed off, if there were no more humans, what would vampires have to resort to? Animal blood? Eugh. Gross. But thankfully, humans were a productive species, they had babies without even meaning too most of the time. She began to track a particulary unfortunate female human, she frowned as they headed down an alleyway, didn't they know better? She cornered on them quickly and before she could make them aware of her presence they spun around and a knife flew past her neck, her eyes widened for a split second before she raised an eyebrow at the human, "Really?" She saw the seething anger in it's eyes and shrugged, "Look, I'm not in a good mood AT ALL. So, we can do this the easy way, you let me kill you nice and quick, not much pain at all." Her eyes hardened, "Or. You can be stupid, fight back and I'll make you wish for death to hurry up and conceal you." The human sent another knife - this time aimed at Raina's tummy - she side stepped it and it grazed her side, causing a small sting. Raina's eyes darkened, "Stupid move."

Faye nodded, something that made her happy? Well, now that she thought about it, she always enjoyed singing, not like regular enjoyment. She felt like it was the way that she expressed herself, her emotions. The first time she had sung in public was at her last birthday though, and she didn't plan on doing it in public again. But if she just blurted out singing, like some idiot, how would Faith take it? She imagined her rolling her eyes, 'Singing? Really? Who are you, Gabriella?' Okay. Faye had to admit she was ashamed of the High School Musical reference, but it made her point. Plus, how was thinking of singing going to help her in a battle? Suddenly bursting into a Chorus of 'Fighter' wouldn't help her control the fire now, would it? Another thing she liked was stargazing, like laying on a roof and just watching the night. It used to pass the time when Myra was sleeping and Faye had nothing to do. "Umm, I'm not too sure. I like watching the stars I guess, 'cause I don't sleep and all, I used to just watch the night while everyone else was asleep." The next part she murmurs, almost a bit ashamed, "Guess I like singing aswell, it's like a way to express myself, but that's not going to help."

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