Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina had left her door open, because it only took her a second - literally - to change into some non-wet clothes. So now outfitted out in black shorts, a black halter top and black long boots that hide a weapon..or two. She was muttering curses to herself, her hair brushed as she looked in her closet at the bottom of it, staring at the various guns and other dangerous weapons. She reached in and pulled out a rifle, fiddling with it for a moment before muttering to herself, "Too loud." She shoved it back in the closet and pulled out an AK-12, studying it with her black eyes, her long brown hair pulled to one side and draping down to her waist.

Myra spoke a bit shakily as she felt his warm breath on her neck, getting an odd sensation to want to kiss him, "I-I'm fine." She then looked up at James's angry eyes, then noticed why as she looked behind him to see Seeker missing, "Oh no, he didn't follow her did he?" She looked around before looking back to him, "Please tell me the school isn't about to explode!" Knowing Raina's bloodlust, and Seeker's....annoying ways, it probably would.
Rosa shrugged her shoulders, "You can do what you want I ain't fooling with her anymore," she said feeling some of the anger leave her body. That was the funny thing about Rosa. She would be furious in the moment but holding onto that anger wasn't her thing. Oh she wouldn't forget it if you had hurt her or her pets but she wouldn't stay mad. After a moment she realized she was trashing this Bella girl right in front of Leo, he might be friends with this person. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be bashing her like that in front of you. Especially if she is a friend of yours. I'll filter it," she said quietly.
James sighs. "Don't worry if she threatens him, his wings will protect him if she acts." he said and then looked at her. He smiles, she was ok. He kissed her forehead just glad she was safe. He pulled her into a hug. This was getting out of control. He sighed. -------------------------Seeker blinked as he smirks at bit at Raina. "You really have to bring a gun into this?" he asked leaning against her door. He had one arm hanging down and the other above his head.
Chameleon shrugged, "It's fine, I don't really know her that well to be honest." He frowned, "She just started talking to me the other day and being nice." He rubbed the back of his head, Chameleon was practically clueless when it came to girls. He looked around, realizing they had been in the room for a while, "We should probably get outta here before the next class starts." He chuckles lightly, "Or before dust starts to settle on us."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Myra sighed, "Yeah, don't know why I'm so worried anyway, I think it's because Faye and Raina are close and stuff. If Raina gets hurt, I guess so does Faye." She bit her lip lightly, then accepted his hug gladly, she had to admit she was scared when Raina tried to strangle her, but she was glad she got out of it, she knew what to do. She was stronger than she used to be.

Raina pauses her inspecting of a gun and her eyes flicker over to look at him standing at her door way, she clicks the gun in her hand, showing it was ready to shoot. "Guns amuse me." She shrugs and her eyes travel down to his toes and back up to his eyes, she shut her closet door and walked a bit closer to him, pausing a few feet away as she spun the gun in her hand, a full spin. She leant against the wall and stared at him, smirking, "So, do I have to use this? Or are you gonna leave my sister alone?" She watched him with a twinkle in her eyes, wondering why his brother seemed to dislike him so.
Seeker looks her over and then chuckles. "Aw she's just such cute girl, but you're hotter." he chuckled. "However with that gun I sure will stay away from your sister." he smirks at her and then shrugged. "Hm James probably would like me better with I stay away from his girl....sigh such restrictions for me." --------------------------------------James let's go of her and then smiles. "Well if you get hurt Faye will hurt to." he said and then sighed a bit. "Hmmm I'm sorry about Seeker he means no harm, he's all talk really."
Raina rolled her eyes at his comment about her being 'hotter', then smirked as he mentioned staying away from Myra, "Aw, you actually care about your brother's feelings?" She walked over and sat down on her bed, sarcasm in her tone, "How sweet." She looked over to him and dropped the gun behind her on the bed, "I don't care if you go after Myra or not." She leant back, both hands on the bed as her eyes scanned over him once more, "You never know, it might just work." She bit her bottom lip subtly as she cast her eyes down slightly, showing off her long eyelashes, she knew how to make herself even more attractive. She then raised her gaze back up to his eyes with a smirk that just lifted the corners of her mouth, "You're pretty hot too." She was just playing of course, it was her way of creating entertainment for herself sometimes, messing with guys when she felt like it.

Myra nodded, accepting his words about his brother, but not sure herself if she believed them or not. She decided to change the topic, "So, when is your sister getting here?" She looked up at him, she did want to meet his sister, but was nervous. Would James's sister like her? Would she like his sister?
Faith had started to walk away before Raina showed herself, having nodded at Faye's acceptance of the conditions. "Good. We'll start tomorrow, before your first class."

As the others conflict with each other she stops and turns, watching, ready to step in if needed, and mostly observing Faye's handling of the situation. As it comes to a conclusion she smiles at her briefly, then walks away.

Liza meanwhile is still thinking about Raina being sad, and after class she carefully works on drawing stick figures of herself and Raina, helpfully labelling them "Liza" and "Rana," with staffs in their hands. She writes "You are a good fiter" and puts it under Raina's door.
Seeker looks at her and chuckles. "hmm." he contains himself and stays by the door. He smirks at her chuckling as he winks at her and then continues to smirk as he refuses to let himself move. He looks at her and then takes a few steps towards her. ____________________James smiles and then thinks for a second. "Tomorrow probably." he smiles and then looks around. He looks back at him an then chuckles. "She might be a bit hyper but she loves everyone I'm sure you two will get along." he said looking at her.
Faye nods in reply to Faith, and catches her eye as she smiles at her, she smiles back and then turns to face Nick. She notices his frown and sighs, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around him in a hug, leaning her head against his chest and listening to his heartbeat. Her eyes flutter closed slightly as she mutters, almost entranced by the thudding of his heart, "Don't worry..." She says it almost as a plea, she's not used to people worrying about it, and when they did she wasn't sure how to react.

Myra smiles up at him, he obviously liked his sister alot more than his brother, so that must mean she's nice. Assured by his words she now yawns lightly, either she's EXTREMELY tired, or it's night time. Either way she looks to James with a half-smile, "I think it's bed time for me." Just after she speaks she yawns lightly again. She blushes lightly, embarrassed at her yawning.

Raina smirks as she can tell he is struggling to contain himself, her eyes drift to the window and the darkness that is outside it. Night time. When he takes those few steps closer, she also gets up from her bed and walks over to him, she moves her mouth to the side of his cheek, close to his ear as her chest presses against him, her arms wrap around the back of his neck as she kisses his cheek then whispers seductively in his ear, "Night night Seeker." She then lets go off him and shoves him backwards, out of her room. She smirks and shuts the door, a click of a lock being heard right afterwards. She grins at the shut door then turns back around, grabs her gun and puts it back in her closet. She looks back at the door and frowns, seeing a piece of paper laying a while away from it, she walks over to it and bends down, grabbing it and turning it over to see the other side. She cannot help the smile that grows on her face as she reads it, she whispers lightly, much too lightly for anyone but herself to hear, "Thanks Liza." She gets up and walks over to her closet, opening it and sticking the picture to the back of her closet.
Seeker eyes widen as she gets closer to him and then whispers in his ear. Man he loved it. He only chuckled when he was pushed out and then looked at the door. "Next time I'm going to get her name." he whispered to himself loving how seductive she was. He put a mental note in the back of his mind a out her. He walked away. "Goodnight." he said to her through her door before he left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------James just smiles and nods picking her up in his arms and taking her inside. He looked down at her with a smile. He just really wanted to carry her again. Last time she was asleep. He looked up from her to see where he was going. --------------------Nick looks down at her and then hugs her back. One of his hands on her head. "Alright..." he said looking at her with a light smile. He always loved how she knew just what to do. Also that she can tell him apart from Deathwish. He always wondered how she could do that. "Hey Faye, woul you mind telling me how you can tell me from Deathwish?" He asked with a smile.
"Oh, um yeah you right lets go," Rosa said laughing at his little joke. "However with your powers no one would even notice you were here. You could stay here long enough for dust to settle." And with that she began to gather her books. "So what are you doing now?" she asked hoping not to seem to needy. She just wanted to start some conversation that didn't revolve around Bella and anger.
Chameleon shrugged, come to think of it, he wasn't really doing anything. Since he refused to fight and all, his spare time was really filled with nothing, apart from almost getting killed or bitten by Raina. "Nothing really." He replied honestly, having seemingly ignored her comment about his 'powers' How did she notice? He frowned lightly, he didn't like having anything to do with powers or fighting, or not being normal in general. Sure the shape shifting was alright, but he still didn't even shape shift unless he needed to.

Myra giggled, letting out a little squeal as he picked her up, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck, her head resting against his chest. She slowly felt her eyes closing as he carried her back to her room, she murmured softly just before she let sleep take her, "I love you James."

Faye grinned up at him, "It's easy" She shrugs, "Well to me anyway." She thought back to the first few times she met them and smirked at Nick, "You may look the same, but I can always tell you apart from your eyes." She looked into his eyes and carried on, "Even though you both have the same eye colour, you both have different emotions in your eyes." She had slowly been getting closer as she spoke and now, still looking into his eyes she pressed her lips to his lightly, just a little kiss, pulling back only the tiniest bit as she grinned, "Plus, you could never keep your eyes off me." It was true, she could always tell it was Nick because he was always the one looking at her like he wanted to make out with her.
Nick blinks and then chuckles. "I see I guess if everybody knew that they could tell me appart even when I'm not around you." he looked at her with a smile. He tightened his arms around her. "Always looking at you huh? Well I guess that was oh so true." he chuckled and then kissed her cheek. "I remember when we firt were pretty mad at me for hitting on your sister. Flower about scared me half to death." he remember something suddenly.Oh yes flower said she was sorry for missing your birthday party but Garos got I to trouble again. She did get you something." he pulled out a fire gem on a ring. "It's a fire gem it helps focus fire and you can take fire off of stuff and store it in the gem." he smiled. "Sorry I didn't get you anythin but flower said I could have some credit since I gave her the idea."

--- Merged Double Post ---

James smiles widely and then opened her door quietly and set her down on her bed. He covered her up and gave her a kiss on the forehead "I love you too, Myra." he said before walking out and closing the door. He smiled to himself and then walked down the hall.
"Well if you want you could finish teaching me to use a sword and I can work with you on your hand to hand combat. Our fighting instructor doesn't even know I can't use a sword yet and I'd kinda like to keep that way, I just want to be competent for now, nothing fancy," Rosa said taking his hand again. She didn't know what was making her so brave or why it was so important to her to be around him. Yeah Leo was nice but she had met plenty of nice people in her lifetime, she ended up leaving them behind though. Something would happen and Rosa pull up camp and leave. Plain and simpel
Chameleon knew an instant frown had formed on his face at the mention of fighting. Yeah he had fought with her before...but it was just a joke fight..not a real one. In fact, he didn't even know why he agreed to it in the first place, maybe he was pulled in by her long brown hair or her beautiful smil----he was getting off track, and she was waiting for an answer. But then again, she said she needed teaching, would be teaching be as bad as fighting? Last time they had fought, he had managed to stop it before anything bad happened, could he do the same this time? She said that she just needed to be competent, nothing extra ordinary, that wouldn't be so bad? Finally, after a while he nodded, "Okay." You could hear the unease in his tone though, he hoped she wouldn't notice, or ask about it. Why he didn't fight was his business, no-one else's.

Faye grinned at him, "And I certainly remember Flower telling you that if you went after me, you'd be dead." She laughed, "That sure went out the window" When he presented her with the ring however, a huge smile formed on her face, "That's amazing!" She took the ring from him and slipped it on her finger, she then looked up at him, it fit perfectly. "You gave her the idea? I never even knew something like this existed." She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and leant up a bit to hug him, "Thank you. Now hopefully I won't set another forest on fire." She couldn't help but grin even though it was a bad thing to burn a forest down.
Nick hugged her back. "Yeah they are very rare..." He said and then looked at the ring. If he ever decided to marry is he going to top that beautiful thing? He chuckled a the thought. Oh that was so far off. He wasn't ready to try and marry yet again. No not even years from now. He looked at her and then smiled. Suddenly he heard a sweet voice, small and soft. His eyes widened and he pushed Faye away turning around. "..." His eyes went cold. There was was a tall blond hair girl with beautiful golden eyes. She was quite beautiful. She lightly smiled at Nick. Nick frowned. "Why are you here?" He said

"Can't you say hi?" She asked walking closer but Nick only stepped back. She frowned and then looked at Nick. "You still haven't changed...I would think you would have forgiven me."

Nick turned his hands into fists and then glared. "Why are you here." He repeated with anger in his voice now. He stared down at her with cold eyes.

"I'm here to get our son. Peter." She said and then looked at Faye. She looked at Nick. "Aw Nick, alittle young don't you think?" She said smiling up at him.

Nick glared and she frowned again. "Why would you care about how young she is?" He said leaning over her. She giggled and Nick only backed up.

She looked at him. "Anyways....hows Peter-" "HE'S A NIGHTMARE!" She blinked and looked down covering her eyes. "I know...." She said sniffling.

Nick eyes softened and then he sighed. "It's him isn't it?" She nodded and then looked up at him. "He hasn't been helping that's for sure..." Nick crossed his arms.

"He's a demon....a full demon!" He yelled at her and then she looked away and Nick started to feel bad. He still loved her. He sighed and she hugged him. NIck eyes widen and his puts his hands up staring down at her. He looked at Faye and then at her. " wanted to end it all, you tore out my heart and you choose don't expect me to say sorry....Peter is your problem...and he has no respect for me...or anyone else." He said.
(ugh. I have no idea what to do with any of my people lol. I mean I know Faith will train Faye tomorrow...but Sheena is kind of floating and Liza too...any ideas? lol. sorry)
Faye smiled at him, about to speak when she heard the feminine voice, she turned to look at the beautiful woman and instantly felt jealously's cruel tricks sneak up on her. Her urge to smack the girl across the face just intensified when she called her young. She thought making herself look 17 would deal with the whole 'young' thing, but apparently 17 was still young. She knew the orange's of her eyes had turned black by now, a sign of her anger, and she felt her skin begin to heat up. No, no, no. Her and Faith had just started a new page! And she was sure turning Nick's ex to ashes would not only ruin that, but probably make Nick pi**ed off. When she hugged him though, she felt the fire die a little bit, oh no, being sad would NOT help kick this girl's butt. Faye caught Nick's eyes when he looked to her, confusion and subtle sadness in their black depths.

She walked over to Nick and wrapped her arm around him, leaning her head against his side, to Nick, it was a supportive thing, a way of saying 'I'm here for you, I won't break your heart like she did' But the glare she gave Nick's ex, it said, 'Stay away from him or I'll hunt you down' But the glare was gone before Nick could notice it.
Rosa felt the pause even more than she heard and something wasn't right about his voice. "Um okay let's go then," she said trying to sound really chipper as if that would cover up the unease. Should she try and back out, "I mean if you had plans or you don't want to...I didn't mean to be pushy," she added trying to back everything up. Why did she go from completely at ease to totally awkward in a matter of seconds?
Chameleon rubbed the side of his arm lightly, "Uh...I was just thinking it's really late and stuff." That part wasn't a lie at least, "Maybe tommorrow?" He could have hit himself for doing that, why suggest something you don't want to do Chameleon? So she doesn't get too upset. He cursed the voice in his head and glanced down at Swift, still wondering if she was ok.
Nick looked at Faye and then rubbed her back. He looked at his x and then put his other arm around Faye. "Just take him and leave." he said and then she started tearing up. Nick swallowed a bit tensing up, enough that faye would feel it. He Looked down hiding his eyes. "Don't use that trick on me...I see you haven't changed either." She turned around an then left head hung. Nick sighed relaxing once again, is eyes filled with pain. When he looked at Faye he smiled and his eyes seemed to brighten.
"Uh yeah your right...silly me, always forgetting the time, just have to go go go," Rosa added in a blur of babbling sentences. She could feel her cheeks reddening and her skin heat to a feverish temperature. He obviously had somewhere else to go and didn't need her clinging to him like a three year old. She dropped his hand. "Your right its late, I better go check on Leader or something, I'll talk to you tomorrow maybe Bye," she called trying to escape her embarrassment. She took a few steps away then clucked her tongue and leaned down. Swift leaped into her waiting arms purring softy the cat had had a long day and her side was tender to the touch.
After classes Sheena heads out to the lake area; though she has no one with her, she is half hoping to find someone there. She doesn't want to look at Alex too often, still upset and guilt ridden over having hurt him, but she feels a need to be around others.
Faye felt Nick tense as his ex started crying. She wanted to slap the bi**h....with fire. But then when he said it didn't work, she felt relief run through her and she hugged Nick a bit tighter. When the girl walked off, she looked up to Nick, noticing the pain in his eyes before he looked to her. She smiled and leant up, pressing her lips to his as her hands wrapped around the back of his neck, both of their body heats keeping each other warm as a few drops of rain started falling, slowly at first.

Chameleon looked at her as she left, his eyes and expression conflicted. He could tell she was embarrassed, upset even, and he hated that. But as much as fighting? He didn't even know anymore, so he just stood there, watching her leave silently as he thought endlessly.
Nick almost didn't even notice the rain. He hugged her tight around the waist. He kissed her passionately as he felt relief his X wife was gone and he still had Faye here with him. The sight of her pained him, but faye, Faye made it better. He truely loved Faye. He never felt this strongly about someone.

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