Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Lol I understand although it would only be temporary. Lol it would just be more fun since I always had to role play flower aranged marriages. Well Vince anyways. However eagle heart said she would do it. Oh lord save us...we with her role playing there's no telling what will happen. She promised she won't make him crazy like her characters.)
Dante gives the man a funny look as he walk away, and says to his self, "Oookay..." He definitly wasn't an ordinary person. Dante was getting a strange feeling about him, but just shrugs it off, and he then proceeds to lay his helmet on the seat of his Crotch Rocket. He begins to walk into the castle and head over to the counter, hoping someone was there to sign him in.
Teacher looks at him and then looks down at the book. "Ah...You are Dante yes?" She had cat ears and cat eyes. She wrote his name in. "Good to have you." She gave him a smile having cat fangs. Looking at Peter her cat like nose twitches. Looking back at Dante. "Your room is here." She pointed it out on the map on the wall with the room numbers. "Your key." She held out a key to him.
Swift eventually found an entrance and the bobcat guided Rosa and Leader to the gate. Surprisingly the gate was open and the threesome entered, the sound of Leader's hooves against the wood sent a chill down Rosa's spine, and she begged the Leader and Swift to describe their surroundings. The tunnel into the castle was only a few seconds long but those seconds were like an eternity. The intermingled heartbeats and the echoed sound of their breathing was just the back drop to the sounds coming from outside the tunnel, a mixture of so many voices. Then the warm sun was once again beating against her head and Rosa asked Leader to stop. She slid off of the horse and kept one hand on his shoulder the whole time, Swift was pressed against her opposite calf.
Dante stutters a bit at her, "Uhh.. Y-yeah, I'm Dante, thanks Miss." He says looking down at the map, then taking the key. He glances once more at the map to see where the garage is. My goodness, it's even bigger on the inside, He thinks to his self. He finally finds the garage on the map, and steps back outside, waving back at the teacher. "Have a great day!" He slides his key back into his pocket and walks back over to his Crotch Rocket.

(Who all is outside? I'm a bit confuzzled xP)
(Trinity and Ginger, Peter went inside.)

Trinity watched the girl go inside. She looked at the cool looking bike and ran to it. She looked it over. Careful not to touch it. She looked at Ginger who was standing behind her not getting any closer. Trinity smiled and looked at the helmet on the seat. She smiled and then saw a boy come out again. She backed off a bit and watched him.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Peter saw a girl come in. He smiled as he saw she was blind. Purfect victom. He looked at the animals beside her and then walked over. "Hello miss. Need any help?" He asked and looked around quickly. Smiling he looked at the animals. "Nice animals."
(YEAS! Online People!!!)

Shade looked down from the roof, spotting a few people he hadnt gotten to know. He decided to sit there and watch them, as he did not want to interrupt anything they were doing.
Rosa turned her head so she could face the voice, "Um, yes where can I enroll?" she asked. Swift stood protectively beside her and something about the feline's body language and tension made Rosa uncomfortable. Rosa formed a small dagger of ice in the hand behind her back. She had no desire to fight but Swift had never lied, she didn't think the feline would start now.
(Ok then :3)

Dante starts to cough and hack, for he is currently fighting off an unknown illness. After a few seconds of that, he puts on his helmet and rolls his Crotch Rocket on into the garage in the basement. He finds a spot to park it, and he takes his helmet back off and lay it on the seat. He looks around and tries to eye a map. After another few seconds of that, he finds one, and then grabs his stuff and proceeds to the 5th floor and to his room. On the way he starts to wonder about the teacher that was at the counter. What was she...? She was unlike anything I've seen before.
(this is so confusing! Who is with Liza and who isn't? Is no one in the stables or is everyone?)

Eventually Sheena finds her way to an exit and starts circling around trying to find the stables.
Peter looked at them and then at the cat he backed off. He pointed to the counter. "That way." He looked at them. "Over there to the cat lady and then she'll tell you what to do." He said and then looked behind him and walked away.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Lol neko....Half human half cat.)
Chameleon switched his vocal cords to that of his regular human form and was about to answer when the child jumps onto his back and tries to ride him, he grins and suddenly switches so that he is a furry black wolf with the same bright blue eyes, his weight being able to support the child now, "Hi Liza, my name's Chameleon and yeah I talk." His nose suddenly picks up a dangerous scent and he turns to face the girl who has now stepped out of the doorway and is glaring at the child and Chameleon.

Raina watches the pair of them up until the point where the wolf begins talking in a voice she recognizes, oh right, he was that boy from earlier, the one who had arrived at the same time as her. She scowls at him as he turns around and he glares back, her eyes flicker to the key-holder child, she growls lightly but is cut off from saying anything by Chameleon's voice, "Leave her alone." He growls as his vocal cords change back to wolf then back to human. Raina raises an eyebrow and steps a bit closer, "What if I don't want to?" He sat so that Liza slid down his back and fell on the ground lightly, he stood up on two hind legs and as he did so he changed back into his human self, his black hair falling slightly over his hard blue eyes as he glared at Raina, his height towering over her slightly, "Too bad. We don't all get what we want." His body was blocking the small child and he looked down at Raina as she glared at him, hissing and showing her fangs as they stared each other down.

Myra looked up at James and a smile of joy spread across her face, "If that's ok with you?" She asked in a small voice, hoping the answer would be yes, she felt so lucky to be so close to him. She just hoped she wouldn't screw it up like she did everything else.

(Is Nick gonna reply to Faye?
:D )
Liza stands up, surprised when he changes, then crosses her arms, scowling as she takes a step away. "You shouldn't try to eat me. That's not nice. Plus also I wont' even let you. I'll kick your ass, probably," she says with confidence, then adds nicely, "I like your fur though. It's soft."
Of course by pointing he was no help but luckily Swift got the gist of it. "I'll be back," she whispered to Leader and she left the horse grazing. Swift guided her into the building with gentle touches of her tail and stopped her in front of a desk. The desk was a little higher than normal and as Rosa ran her hands down it she could feel that it was wooden, possibly stained. "Excuse can you please help me register?" she asked quietly.
Nick thought about it and then sighed. "Fine which ever one you want." He smiled and looked at her and then heard his father. "Oh is here." He said and then raced to see what was happening. He saw Flower in his father's grasp and then backed away seeing his angry mother as well. "Um dad." He didn't look up.

James smiled and nodded. He looked at her and then breathed in deep. "I like you a lot myra of course." He looked to see Nick running. "Hmm....Dad? Oh no." He said and looked at Myra and then looked as he looked back up not wanting to go he stayed there holding her.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Teacher looked up from her book and nodded. " are?" She asked her cat nose Twitching. She looked down to see another cat and tilted her head saying hi in cat tonge. She looked back to the girl. "I see you have a helper." She said and then looked around.
Rosa smiled and nodded as the teacher spoke to Swift for a second. "I'm Rosalind Faire and I have two pets Swift and Leader, I can fill out any paper work if you read it to me and direct me to the lines," she said quickly hoping not to be a burden. She didn't like being treated any differently and hoped she could get that across painlessly.
Teacher smiled. "Well I would let you but there is none to fill out." She grabbed the sign in papor. "Just sign in here." She said and grabbed her hand and gave her a pen leading her to the line. "Then I will show your cat to where your room is. That is if she can memorize a map." She said tapping the counter. Wanting the cat to jump up.
"Thanks," she said and signed the sheet of paper focusing on keeping her writing at straight as possible. Swift obliged to the person's request and relayed the information to Rosa as she memorized the map. "Thanks again," she said as they set off for the new room. Swift was careful to direct Rosa around potential dangers and prevented her from bumping into people. The going was slow though because Rosa had to count her steps, she needed to gain an understanding of the building before she could move freely.
Vampire king sets flower down and looks at his son. "Nick...I see you are well." he looked at flower. "our marage is soon get ready young one. Don't expet me to back down. Your human male will not stop me. Don't expect that I will allow you to speak freely ether. You will learn respect and quickly key holder." he took a more alpha like stance. "It starts tonight if you are not there little flower you will be punished." he looked at his wife and then at his son. "You and our brother better be there as well."
Flower looked at him and was taken back. She looked down and then backed into a wall. "..." Her eyes widen and started to fill up with tears. She growled and then looked at him and stood up. She growled right in his face. "No...way." She stared right back at him.

Nick eyes widened as he heard what was going to happen then even more seeing Flower's reaction. "" He didn't dare get any closer to his father. In fact he backed up knowing this was going to get ugly.
As Garos finally caught up to Flower, he was shocked to see her in the grip of a large armored being. He grit his teeth and rushed over, just as the other set her down. "I won't stop ya', eh?" he said with a devious grin, eyes seeming to flicker with red for a moment. "Oh, guess we'll see about that." Moving over toward Flower, he looked down to her. "Are you okay?" he asked, eyes going to her's. His mind spun, though he remained calm, trying to think of the best way to get the both of them out of this situation. He'd do whatever it took.
Vampire king looked at the human and then at flower. He swiftly smacked her to the ground. He turned to the human and went to grab him. "No one says no to me." he said and then walked up to the human. "Better luck next time young human." he chuckled and then looked to flower. "Get up and get ready."
Garos simply grinned at the beast, his scars making his grin seem twisted and insane. "Don't touch 'er," he snarled, glaring at the other thing. "Yer' not just gonna' push people around, least of all humans. Not any more. I'll do ta' you what I had to do ta' Vince. I'm not too afraid of yer' kind."
Flower yelled as he smacked her. She landed on her side, it took her a few moments to try and move again. Healing quickly she slowly sat up. STill trying to figure out what just happened she looked confused for a while. She slowly got up with the help from Nick. She looked at the vampire king and then at Garos. She held her head. "Ow...."

Nick helpped her stand till she was able to stand on her own. Nowing how hard his dad hits he knew she would need a bit more time to try and walk. He sighed and looked to the floor. "Great I get flower as a Mother in law. This stinks." He looked at Flower with sorry eyes.

Hunter saw him hit flower to the ground and dashed forward to her. She growled at nick making him back up. Her hackles raised looking at the demon and bared her teeth. She raised her tail high and growled loudly. She stood protectively infront of flower.

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