Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Key holders only have three powers anyways accepted and please no role playing you're own boyfriend it's no fun for others or me lol thanks for joining!!!) ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆) ok so I have nick and deathwish free and I think James and hunter are good as well. Also Ginger and trinity are free so any one of those you can role play with. Um let me think...yay that's it
(Alex is played by Macal Cord, who is a member here. He probably won't join though...and you said key holders are strong anyway, so i deleted one of the five but the other three of the four are what's in her holder. the strength I thought just goes with it)
(Hey guys! remember me? xD )

Shade had a pretty straightforward life for the past few got boring to him. Shade lept out of his bed, and judging by the absence of people roaming around the academy,something important was happening.....not that he wouldve been involved anyway. He went to the training room. He began to train and his boredom quickly vanished
(no offense but...I'm not reading 90 pages lol. I'll just bring my family in now, and since they don't know anyone either, they can learn as I do what's going on.)

As Faith entered through the academy's front gate, she shows no signs of being impressed by its size or grandeur. She is used to sprawling castles, or at least had been once, back when she was still a queen and a goddess, back before her life began to go downhill and she lost everything but those she absolutely refused to give up. Coming here, she knows, won't give anything back, or make her sense of loss any less or less difficult...but it is her hope that she will gain something new in return.

She had to do something. She had to shake up the apathy she had been slipping into, the sense that she was useless and expendable, that her efforts could be matched or bettered by anyone. It was time to fight new battles, to pass on her mantle to others and teach them to fight as well. It was time to find a purpose, and teach others to do the same. And maybe, she could find that here.

As for Sheena, and Liza...well, they could train here just as well as back in the Gates, and it would be much better for them to lean among peers. It wasn't good for a child, or a teenager, for that matter, to be so isolated, to be expected to go through life alone. Just because Faith seemed to chase away everyone she loved didn't mean they should have to suffer for it.

Sheena, unlike Faith, stares as she enters through the front gate; having never seen the castle Faith once dwelled in regularly, she is duly impressed and awed. Liza too is oblivious as she holds both Faith's and Sheena's hands, swinging them cheerfully as she says to them, "Are there gonna be lots of little girls Mama? Lots and lots? Can I play with them? Will I get a new boyfriend who wont' even break my teddy bear up?"

"There aren't many children here, Liza, but I'm sure you'll find new friends," Faith told her, "but considering that there's no kids your age, there is no way in hell you get a boyfriend, sorry." She's not sorry at all about this, of course.

As they enter come to the front door, and Faith knocks, waiting for someone to come let them in. When she sees the person who comes to the door, she nods at them. "Hey, I'm Faith Cord, new trainer? This is my sister Sheena Sadovsky and my daughter Liza. New students. Where are we headed?"
James had been walking around with crist his pest whiter tiger. He smiled and nodded holding out his hand. "Welcome...well new students can get settled in their rooms and new trainers can meet with Steve the head trainer here. Other then that relax train do pretty much anything till the next class starts tomorrow. Make sure to put in training it counts for school hours." he smiled and looked at each of them. "I'm James." he added and then looked at the little girl. She was much younger then Ginger and trinity. It was a shame.
Liza smiles, going up to James and holding out her hand for him to shake. "I'm Liza. I'm five. Are we gonna spend the night here or are we gonna get our own house?"

Sheena looks James over subtly, still hanging back by Faith. She glances at Faith, then blurts out warily, "Wait, we have to do SCHOOL? Like...math and stuff?"
James looks at then and then shakes the little girls hand. "um none of that but there are extra classes like that I'd you wish." he said and then looked around. "Do you know where your rooms are?" he smiled and then crossed his arms looking at them all.
Faith shakes her head. "Nope, lead the way. Do we get our own, or sort of share an apartment area? Wasn't clear on that."

Sheena looks relieved at this information. "Good, because if this is like school school, I'm out. I haven't been in school since I was like, fourteen."
James looks at her and then walks to the room book. It was a basic map of all the rooms and who stays in which room. "Well you share a space but your rooms comes with a small kitchen. Not very big since most of our meals our cooked by the cooks. They are given a lists of students here and cook fir their needs like a Lycan would get alittle more meat then a key holder. Vampires are fed raw meat since the school looks down upon feedin on other students here." he said not sure what they were.
"Would these be vampires with souls?" Faith raises an eyebrow. "'Cause I kind of am used to staking those that are evil." She points to Sheena, then Liza. "Lycan, Key holder."

Sheena too looks put off by the vampire remark, even a little nervous. "I can kill them if they come at me, right?"
James sighs. "Ask flower she pretty much rules this place. The vampires here wouldn't go against a key holder most of the time because they were put in their place by flower." he said and the flinched as both nick and deathwish appeared behind him.

They both smiled and waved. "Yes Queen flower knows how to but us down." thy both laughed and looked at the new comers. Nick and deathwish were the trouble twins. They both showed their fangs. "Prince nick and prince deathwish are at your command."

James sighed deeply and then looked at them. "Wait what flower is a Queen?! I've been friends with her for 2 years now and she never told me that!" he hissed at the two alittle bit of smoke coming from his nose. The two twins backed up laughing. "Yeah we are vampire royalty of course we would know the key holder Queen."
Garos nodded slightly, but wore a reassuring look in his eyes. "We all have our fears." At the mention of her jumping on him, he flushed a little. "Yea', can't say I really expected that," he joked. "And don't worry 'bout crushing me. I'm pretty resilient."

Beginning to say something else, he was cut off as an armored guard appeared before the two, speaking of protecting Flower from him. He only chuckled as the guard reached for his sword. Moving in front of Flower, Garos only gave a bow. "If yer' plannin' to protect her, lets hope ya' can move fast in all that armor."

Stretching, the scarred man took another step forward, looking back to Flower. "I'll be fine. Guess no better time than now to see if my 'new skills' work, yea'?" he said with a nod, turning back toward the guard. "Well, c'mon then. Lemme' see what'cha got, Tin Man."
The guard tilts his head and smiled. "Over protective isn't he?" he said looking at flower and then took off his helmet. "Don't worry I'm not here to fight...yet...just here to see what the situation is." he said. His left eyes was covered by an eye-patch not to mention he was huge. He turned to flower and smiled. "I find alittle hurt you didn't recognize me my Queen." he said and looked at garos. His massive hand clampped down on the smaller human male. "I'm sure I would have won."

When flower saw his face a wide smile appeared. "Roger!" she laughed and jumped on his hanging on to his neck with a smile. "Sorry...all this armor threw me off." she said happy when his arm held the much smaller girl up. She laughed happy to see him. She looked at a probably confused garos giggling "Unless you want to have your butt massively kicked I'd stand down. Roger here is my favorite guard...he's like a father to me." she said leaning on roger.

Roger looked down at the human. "So you're love sick over this guy? Hmm I feel bad for him. You really are to stubborn for a human to handle." he laughed and so did flower blushing a bit. He looked at Flower. "He better not be another pervert...or touch you while I'm around."

"Don't embarrass me!" she smiled and once roger set her down she crossed her arms. "Don't worry you'll get to fight another guard soon." She said to Garos and then looked up at Roger. "No he isn't by the least he doesn't show it. I can't read his mind." She said shrugging while both of them laughed again. Roger's other hand was on her head easily covering it as he messed up her hair. "Hey!" She yelled and tried to get his hand off.
Garos raised a brow in confusion at the situation as it unfolded. At the hand on his shoulder, he tensed, but relaxed as Flower seemed to know and trust the guard. At Flower's words, however, he chuckled. "I'm not usually one to stand down, but I suppose I can make an exception," he joked, then gave a nod to Roger, blinking at the large man's words, but laughing none the less.

At the mention of fighting another guard, he smirked. "I can hardly wait. From what I've been told, the guards ain't ones to mess with. Should be an interesting fight then."
Roger nodded. "Yes better be quick and better be ready. Key holder guards are not as small as flower here..." he said taking his hand off her hair and laughed at the mess he had of her hair. Flower glared at him while she tried to fix it. "Anyhow I got a few question for you." flower's face showed worry. "Don't worry they are just super embarrassing fatherly questions." he looked at garos. "How old are you and do you know flower's age?" flower rubbed the back of her head nervous and roger took a note on that.
Sheena looks a little overloaded by all this, her eyes flitting between everyone but always returning to the vampires. Unconsciously her hand goes to her throat, covering her scar, and the scars from vampires' fangs, years ago, itch with her unease. She says nothing, simply remaining on alert.

Faith raises an eyebrow. " a person? Or a queen, as in, drag? And vampires have, what fruity idea next." She rolls her eyes.

Liza meanwhile smiles at all the newcomers. "Hi! Do you go to school too?"
Nick looks at the confused newcomers. "Flower is a Queen as in royalty." he answered and then looked at the little one kneeling down. "Yep." he said holding out his hand to the little one. He smiled charmingly. He was a really player kind of guy and offends flirted with all the girls. Right now it was harmless play. He looked up at the key holder hold her neck. "Ah bitten before...don't worry we don't often." he chuckled.
(no, Liza is the key holder, Sheena is Lycan...she was formerly killed by vampires before she was resurrected, long story)

Liza smiles back. "I know some vampires. I made them go all dusty. Plus also my pet Spike is a vampire." Faith snickers at this, not bothering to explain, as Sheena continues to eye him, not reassured.

"Whatever. I don't care, you're NOT invited into my room. They can't come in unless someone invites them, right?" she turns to Faith, and when Faith nods, adding "Far as I know, unless these super-special royal vampires are a different breed," with a smirk, Sheena turns back to them. "Not invited in, and my blood is NOT up for grabs, plus for all I know it could be like, AIDS infected, so back off."

Liza blinks. "What's AIDS?"

"Something you use for hearing," Faith said without missing a beat. "Where's our room again?"
Nick chuckled and with the sped of a vampire was very close to her. "I'm half demon so I don't need blood to often. Nether does deathwish over there." he smirks. "Don't worry I've never messed in a womens room. That's where I draw the line but believe me, I'd rather have a key holders blood anyways but thatnver happens so I've been off blood for about a year now. Well unless you cout animal blood." he said backing off a bit as deawish rolls his eyes. "But if you want I can just mess with the young lady." he pointed to the five year old. He chuckled only joking. "Hmm." deathwish sighed. "Don't you have a hobby that doesn't involve flirting with every girl you see?" nick shirts and looks at his brother. "At least I've never done anything wrong but flirt. It's not like I date any of them."
Garos nodded at this, face going a bit more serious. However, he still chuckled a little at how messed up the girl's hair had become as she struggled to fix it. At the question of age, however, he looked a bit confused. "Well, I am twenty-two and I guess I assumed Flower was around the same age," he said, inwardly cursing himself. He hadn't even thought of that.
Flower looked at Roger who glared at her. She slunched down. "only four years." She said trying to get him off her back. She slowly starting to step away from both of them. She looked at Garos with a shy smile then looked down. As she glanced at Roger who wasn't two happy about her.

Roger looked at Garos. "She's 18." He said and then glared down at Flower. He sighed and looked back to the man. "Better keep her out of your bed room hear me?" He said and then looked at Flower with a look that goes for you too. Flower blushed deeply. "Whoa! Hey!" She crossed her arms angry that he would even think that way. Roger ignored flower and looked back to Garos. "Have you met her clone?" He asked.

Flower sighed deeply. "You had to ask that one..." She said and growled at him like a wolf would. Roger growled back more like a human since he couldn't shape shift his volcal cords.

He looked back at the human waiting for an answer although Flower's reaction toild him yes. He looked at the two slightly disaproving already. However flower seemed to really care for Garos. None the less he was acting in her father's sted. He was King Willom's best friend and trusted adviser at one time.
Raina shrugged, her own mother smiling face in her head, causing slight pain in her chest. She blinked and pushed away the memory, keeping it locked up as she did with all the others, "Yeah, could be an issue." She grinned, acting as if it was no big deal, "I just waited 'till Mummy-dearest was gone before letting Daddy die." At the mention of Flower she smirked, "Just a good thing to know, best way to destroy a common enemy is to know it's weakness. Study first then make the move." She ran her tongue over her fangs absentmindly, watching the boy as she stuck out her hand, "I'm Raina, and you are?"

Myra and Faye had left their room together and were both ironically looking out for either James or Nick (without realizing it) when they spotted both of them, along with Deathwish and three other people. Faye raised an eyebrow and sped over with the speed of a vampire, eyeing all of them catiously, her sister soon appeared behind her, her shy shell coming back as her red eyes looked down at the ground, her white hair hiding her face from view. Meanwhile, Faye spoke, directing her question at Sheena or Faith, "Who are you guys?" She watched them curiously and her amber coloured eyes sparked with curiosity, as she noticed the teenage girl covering her neck. Myra looked up and nudged Faye, causing her to stumble slightly as Myra spoke in a quiet tone, "Be polite." Faye rolled her eyes without looking around at her sister and stuck out her hand, "Hi, I'm Faye, that's Myra and welcome to our school..."

Chameleon took a step closer to 'Bella' without realizing he had done it. He grinned at her and stuck out his hand - using the manners his auntie had taught him - "I'm Chameleon, you can call me Leon if it's easier" He shrugs, he was so used to saying that sentence that it just came out naturally, he preferred his long name, but almost everyone had difficulty in saying it.

James saw Myra and smiled at her. He walked over to her and smiled at faye chuckling a bit. As he looked at Nick who was smirking at him James slightly blushed and shifted slightly under Nick's uncomfortable gaze. Looking back at Myra he smiled again and then looked at the new comers.

Nick chuckled seeing Jmaes move to myra and then gave him a smirk before looking at Faye and his smirk widened. "Ah I trust that talk was much needed?" He asked and then turned to his latest victom of his flirting. "I hope it went well." He added crossing his arms.

Peter looked at her and sighed. "I see....highly dout that will happen with that guy around....he's qute protective about her and I have yet to see them having to much time away from each other. I'd say they are inseperable." He said with a chuckle. "Nah a girl should never be on that much focus to a guy. To much trouble I say." He said looking at her. "No affence." He said quickly.
Dark flower took a step closer to him as well. "nice to meet you Leon." she said and smiled hiding the fact that underneath she had a smirk. She looked him up and down then focussed on his eyes trying to hide her intentions. She stretched out and back alittle. "So Leon been here long?"

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