Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Raina grinned, "No worries, I agree." She smirked at him, "Spending your time doting over a boy is useless and just a bit pathetic." She raised an eyebrow as she spoke once more, her tone not at all matching her words, "No offence of course." She folded her arms across her chest, "Never did catch your name by the way" Her cold tone was betrayed by the obvious smirk on her face.

Chameleon shook his head lightly, his coal black hair just reaching above his eyes, giving him a sort of bad boy look that contradicted his attitude, though of course he could be scary when he was mad. "About four hours at the most" He grinned, "Already met about ten people." He looked at her skeptically as he spoke, "Including your sister." He had no idea why he said it as if it wasn't true, they looked pretty much, exactly alike. Almost like twins.

Myra smiled back at James and couldn't help but think how adorable he looked when he blushed, she leant closer to him sub-consciously and without thinking she rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes to the noise and people around her.

Faye rolled her eyes at her sister and then turned back to the newcomers, waiting for them to respond to her question.
Peter held out his hand. "Peter...and yours?" He asked trying to see why she is smirk yet sounds pretty angry. He tiled his head. If he really wanted to he could put her to sleep and see what's on her mind through dreams. However when she awoke it would be a likly change he would be killed.

James smiled down on Myra and put his arm around her and looked back up at the newcomers with a wide smile. He put his head on hers chuckling slightly. He looked at Nick who was staring with his mouth open. He glared at Nick. He slightly tightened his arm around myra.

Nick crossed his arms. "If only I could get a girl to do that I'd have the silly smile on my face too." He looked at Faye suddenly getting a smirk on his face. He uncrossed his arms. Just wondering for now. He looked up as if having an image in his head.
Dark flower looked at him and chuckled. "I see. Maybe it's because you're so good looking." she said leaning towards him slightly. "Girls do love the bad boy look." she said and then lifted her arm to slightly move the hair around his eyes. "To bad my sister is with're much more of a match for her." she said and backed off a bit. The slit in her dress let him see a small part of her leg.
Shade walked out of the training room, exhausted. "Maybe all this training is the reason im always so tired." Shade said to himself. He began looking for someone. He was bored out of his mind again.
At the mention of the vampires taking Liza's blood and their teasing flirting with her, Faith's face darkens, and she puts one hand on Liza as she steps towards them, deathly serious now. "Let's get this straight right here and now. I'm here to train people, mentor, whatever, but that does NOT mean that anyone is going to hurt or even joke about hurting my daughter in any way, and don't even THINK about doing anything that I could remotely construe as flirty or sexual. Is that clear." It is not a question.
Faye raises her eyebrow and nudges Nick gently, "Now Nicholas. No flirting with children, ya' hear, me?" She grins at him, and her eyes flicker back to the angry woman, she smiles rather politely, but you can tell she has a hint of sarcasm and humour in her fakely sweet tone, "May I please ask your names?"

Myra opened her eyes and frowned at her sister, still snuggled into James she speaks in a condensing way, "Faye. Be nice." Faye turned and glared at her sister very lightly, you could tell it was fake though because of the amusement in her eyes, "Oh but I am, dearest sister." She turns back to the three newcomers and smiles sickly sweet.

Chameleon's eyes flicked down to her leg then back up again...something seemed off about this girl. As her fingers brushed against his skin lightly he felt a shiver up and down his spine; he didn't know if it was the good or bad kind. He grinned, "Uh thanks. I guess I'll see you around...Bella..." He waved shortly and turned around, walking off in the direction of the exit doors. Maybe he just needed to get away, go for a drive or something.

Raina smirked and gripped his hand with her own pale one, shaking it briefly before retracting her arm, "Raina." She frowned at him, "So what can you do? Besides the whole nightmare thing." She thought about the nightmares he could provoke within her and shuddered mentally. She'd kill him if he messed with her head.
"I'm Liza," Liza pipes up, pointing to her own chest. "That's my mama and that's my big little sister Sheena Legs."

Sheena blushes slightly at that and shakes her head, correcting her. "I'm her big sister, period, I don't know where she gets that. I'm Sheena. Or Legs. Not SHEENA LEGS...except to her."

"My name is Faith," Faith informs them, looking them all over again. She doesn't explain how Sheena is both Liza's sister and her own sister when Liza is also her daughter; she sees no need to. "And all of you?"

(jobozx- yes, same Sheena from the street kids rp lol, just different circumstances. i posted on that btw)
Nick chuckled. 'Oh come on I was joking." He said and then looked at Faye. "Oh jellous?" He asked poking her forehead and smirking. "But I guess deathwish would be better to stick around with you guys. He's quiet no flirty and he hasn't had any blood for 4 years." Glares at Deathwish. "Hard to believe we are twins." He laughed.

James looked at Myra and then smiled. "Sure you are faye." He said looking at Faye and then smiled as his gaze looked down and Myra. Loving having her so close. He kissed the top of her head and looked back at the others. "Try not to be such a player Nick....can't you be nice?"

Nick looked at James and started laughing hard Deathwish joining him. They both fell on the ground hitting the floor with their hands as they laughed. "ME....Not Player? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He got up and wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh yeah in another 100 years." He chuckled. Deathwish got up leaning on his brother his sides hurting.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Peter looked at her and sighed. "I turn into a demon form and then can turn invisible." He smiled and then leaned on a wall. "Well not much to my demon form...thanks to my father." He sighed and looked at her. "You're a vampire right?"
Garos blinked at the age that the large man gave, but sighed, a little relieved. Things could have been a lot worse. Cursing himself again for not finding that out, he snapped out of it at Roger's words, flushing a little as well. "Christ, right to the point, aren't ya'," he said with a bit of a chuckle, then frowned at the mention of her clone. "Yea', I have met 'er. Can't say I liked the meeting either. Somethin' not right with her."

Sighing, he tried to explain further without sounding insane. "I know'm only human, but I can tell somethin's wrong just by bein' near her. Like somethin' in the back of my head," he murmured, scowling. "I must sound crazy."
Faith grows a little impatient when no one offers up their names, taking Liza's hand and putting the other on her hip. "Rooms? We have stuff to unpack. Guess I'll figure all of you out later."

"I gotta unpack my friends," Liza says earnestly. "They don't like being in suitcases too long. They can't breathe good. But I couldn't carry them all."
Flower sighed deeply as he walked away but waved by. "I bet Tiffany will be after him soon. I'll give him some space for now." she said to herself and walked on trying to find someone else to bother.
Roger nodded. "I heard humans can have a sixth sense I guess yours is stronger then most." he nodded. "Well from what I have seen and your protection of her....I will allow it. That doesn't mean the others will though." he looked at flower who jumped on him hugging tight and laughing. Roger smiled. "Try to keep him out of trouble...and that gies double for him. You can be quite a handfull." he said grabbing he and messig up her hair again. Flower stuggled trying to get away yelling no. When he set her down he smiled. "Better believe those guards will be coming soon little Queen." he said before transporting himself out of there.
The scarred man only shrugged at the other's first words. Perhaps it was true... but he'd never noticed it until recently. Or perhaps just never used it? Shaking off the thought, he listened again as the other spoke, giving a nod, then smiling at Flower's reaction. "I'll do my best to keep trouble away from her," he joked with a small chuckle, then frowned lightly at the mention of the other guards. He gave one final, stone-faced nod toward the other male as he transported away, wondering just how long it would be until the appearance of another guard.
Flower smiled and looked to Garos. "Hehehe yeah sorry about some of his questions....and stuff." She said rubbing the back of her neck lightly blushing. "He was my father's best friend and most trusted adviser, so he pretty much acts like a father." She said and looked at him smiling. "So you pretty much got my 'dad's' aprovel." She laughed a bit. "Anyways..." She trailed off a bit looking down. She was wondering what to do now. After that little embarrasing experence she was quite unsure what he thought. At least his reaction to her age was good. He seemed to be a bit nervous though.

Nick looked at the little girl. "Oh i see better get them out then....Deathwish...want to show them to their rooms?" He said knowing they probably wouldn't want to be around him anymore. He smiled charmingly and then looked at Anya. "Anyways you know James, boy the one with the girl on him. Deathwish...don't worry about him he's harmless unless you get in a fight with him. Just um don't call him deathy." He smirked at his brother. "He hates that nickname." He laughed.

Deathwish sighed and then grabbed his brother covering his mouth. "Well before he gets us all in trouble let's go get you into your rooms then." He glared at Nick. "Come with me please." He said and then let go of his brother starting to walk. (Well they know James, nick, and Deathwish's names because they said them eariler. lol)
At Flower's words, he grinned, but flushed just a bit. "Ah, no worries," he stated with a snicker. He nodded in understanding, smiling down at her again. "Well, good, I guess. Can't say I've ever gotten 'approved' that way before..." he joked, the sighed. "The age thing surprised me a little... sorry if it showed THAT much." He could almost tell by her face that she wanted to talk about it.
Flower looked at him and smiled slightly. " I was alittle worried about that." she blushed even more. "Roger didn't seem to like that to much." she looked down and then waited till she felt it fade. "Well um I must say I was a bit shocked myself." she said smiling. Looking back up at him. "I'm glad you seem not to mind." she said rubbing the back of her neck again. She didn't seem to sure of that.
Garos chuckled a little, a hint of nervousness in his own voice. "Yeah... I don't mind much, but I did think ya' were a bit more my age," he admitted, sighing just a bit. "It's a four year difference, but... that doesn't change a damn thing about how I feel." Smiling warmly, he leaned down a gave the other a light kiss on the forehead. "I can't say why, but I can't seem to stay too far away from ya'," he said with a grin. "Hell, we haven't even know each other for that long, but I couldn't stand it if anything happened to ya'."
Flower smiled up at him. She lost control of her shape shifting ability for a little bit as he kissed her forehead and talked about his feelings for her. A tail appeared through her clothes and was wagging. Flower saw it and blushed making it disappear. She chuckled nervously. "Me neather..."
(Faith, not Anya...haha) The girls follow after Deathwish, Sheena looking less than thrilled with the name he's given as his, with Liza still chattering away as she follows. "Are we gonna beat people up? Are we gonna fight bad guys? Do I have a pink room?"

Sheena's concern is more teenage related. "Is anyone else here Lycan? Do I only have classes with them? Are there a lot of people my age?"

Faith rolls her eyes. "Good grief why don't you guys just find out for yourself tomorrow?"
Deathwish looked at them. "Um you'll get train...most of the students here are around 14 to 19. You can request a repaintin if you wan it pink." he smile and looked at faith. Hoping he answered their questions for her. He looked back as they approached their rooms.
Liza bounds inside and starts throwing her stuffed animals on her bed and setting everything up, still chattering earnestly. Faith and Sheena settle in more slowly, with both quiet; Faith, because she is questioning her decision to be here, Sheena because she senses Faith's mood but doesn't know how to talk to her about it with Liza nearby. They unpack for an hour or two with little exchanges between them.
Deathwish was outside leaning on the wall. He watches some girlsd past by and wave at him. "I'm deathwish." He had to repeat to almost every girl. When Trinity and Ginger pasted they both stopped and stared at him. Deathwish blinked staring back. When they both moved on Deathwish sighed deeply and then got up starting to head off.
Garos smiled as well, looking down at her with care in his grey eyes. He chuckled and raised a brow as the tail appeared, wagging away. "Well, I guess I should be flattered that I can make THAT happen," he joked, lifting her chin and touching his lips to her's quickly.
Flower blushed has he mentioned it. When he kissed her she felt shock and then happiness. She relaxed having tensed up a bit. She looked up at him and closed her eyes relaxing even more. She stepped closer to him lifting her ups up just a bit.

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