Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

(Cool! :D What are they usually?)

Faye rolled her eyes as Vince winked at her, as Nick proposed the idea of killing Vince she looked at him thoughtfully, she titled her head slightly as her eyes seemed to be adding up all the pros and cons of it as their amber coloured depths bore into Vince's own black, evil eyes. She sighed and looked up at Nick, "Yeah...But I'm also a vampire..and if I killed Vince, it be like I was killing Flower" She then looked back at Vince as she rose an eyebrow, "Though of course killing Vince is way more justified since he's a bast**d and all" She then looked at Garos and smirked, "But Garos seems to want to tear Vince's limbs apart and grind them into dust...why not ask him?"

Chameleon listened to their conversation with interest, he noticed the threat was gone so he transformed back into his human self and strolled over to them casually, wondering what all the fuss was about this 'Vince' guy? He recognized Flower and frowned at her crumpled appearance, thinking that it was rude to just leave her there on the floor, he walked over to her and picked her up rather swiftly, the cloak still around her so that he wasn't invading her privacy or anything. He looked at Vince on the floor and glared at him, he looked down at the exhausted girl and then back up at the red-headed girl, "Should I take her to her room?"
Nick looked at faye and nodded. "Ok." He sighed and looked at Garos. "He's all yours." He said and then stood up tall glaing at his brother who glared back. Suddenly his brother moved to attack Nick. Nick jumpped back quickly and with speed punched him in the face. "You're not going anywhere." As He tried to attack Leon, nick grabbed his arm and swung him around to the wall. "Nope." He said and sighed deeply. "you're the coward." He said his words were his last strike to his brother.
Myra looked up at James, she noticed his smile and how amazing it made him look, she smiled slowly and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck in a hug, whispering into his ear, "You don't have to worry James...I..." She paused before closing her eyes and breathing in his scent subtly. "I really like you James" She spoke softly, every word true and nuzzled against his chest as she kept her eyes shut, her arms still around him.
James smiled even more. He put his arms around her tightly and nodded. "Alrigh then I won't hold back." he smiled and grabbed her chin tipping her head up as he kissed her on the lips. He replaced his arm around her holding her gently. He deepened the kiss enjoying Myra. He was happier then ever.
Shade sat in his room, thinking. (yeah....been real busy) He wasnt sure what to do at the moment to he tried to go to sleep.
Garos watched all of this unfold, trying not to stare too much at Flower's other form. Unlike Vince, however, he did not fear it, but was in awe. It was quite the sight to behold. However, when Faye calmed her down, Garos frowned as she simply fell unconscious. "Probably for the better," he said to himself more than anyone else, wanting Vince all on his own. Simply ignoring Vince's taunting, he turned to Nick, seeing him cover the girl. "Thank you," he calmly uttered, breathing getting heavier. He was trying not to snap and just attack Vince in front of them all.

As Faye spoke again, Garos turned to look at her, a grin spreading across his face at the idea. When Nick agreed, the grin only spread wider. He'd been waiting for this. "This time, Vince, don't try and run. I'll find ya' no matter where you try and go off to." Remembering the fake Flower suddenly, he chuckled. "I think I owe you a few scars. Especially after that little mind-trick you tried to pull on me earlier." The scarred man kneeled, taking a knife from his belt and lunging forward toward the creature's throat with the same quickness as the move Flower had taught him. He'd love to see Vince heal around a blade.
Vince looks at him choking as the knife was in his thoat. He looked at garos managing a hiss. He couldn't breath and slowly starting to die. He grabbed garos's throat. "..." he couldn't speak and then just topped moving. He stopped standing.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Nick nodded and grabbed Faye, He took her out of the room before garos attacked. "Come need to find your sister right?" He said and let go of her arm looking at her. "Better get to it before she goes somewhere else." He said and leaned in a bit. "Or before she sees James and you'll never get to talk to her after that." He said with a chuckle. "She'll be all crazyed up on love or what not." He said while spining his finger to his head.

Flower awoke at the smell of blood and then saw leon holding her. She grabbed his shoulder and jumped out of his arms taking her cloak and putting it back on quickly landing purfectly. She looked to Garos and then to Vince seeing what had acurred. She smiled in relief and then sighed deeply. She had only gotten alittle rest.
Garos looked down at Vince, right into his eyes. "Now ya' see what it feels like to be helpless," he growled, ignoring the grab at his throat as he twisted the knife, then left it there. He got up and sighed, standing there over the unmoving form of the vampire for a moment before turning and seeing Flower. He smiled a little, but there was worry in his face. There was no doubt about it now, there would be people coming for him at Vince's death. He moved closer to her and looked down at her eyes, not sure exactly what to say.
Flower looked up at him and smiled at him. "Thanks." she said and then looked at Vince once more before turning her gaze back to garos. She looked at his slightly worried face and then looked down slightly. "Worried about other vampires?" she said and then glanced up at him. "Seems we've gotten into more trouble." she said and then sighed deeply. "But....I think they will stay away since he is not the only royal vampire around here. Nick probably will take power and blame." she said and got even closer to garos. "I um hope I didn't scare you when I went crazy on Vince."
Looking back at her, he smiled a little. "Yer' welcome..." he began, trailing off as he followed her gaze to Vince. Chuckling at her words, he nodded. "That obvious, huh? Well, I just hope even more trouble doesn't come our way, is all." Smiling a little, he shook his head at her words of scaring him. Putting an arm around her, he shook his head. "Nah. I'll admit it shocked me a little, suddenly seeing that form, but I wouldn't call it scary."
Flower smiled as he put an arm around her and looked up at him. "Well that was only the begining. My full form is armored and with a huge light sword." she put her head on his chest happily. She yawned alittle. "It takes a lot out of you and I was at low energy to start with I'm surprised I'm even standing." she said but didn't want to pull away to go to her room. She continued to look up at him with a bright smile. She just hope she wasn't sleeping but his appearance seemed to reasure her. She thought in the back of her mind why the heck she would dream of this guy when she could have a more pleasant looking dude. No matter she did like him a lot.
Faye grinned, "It's good to see her 'crazed up on love'" She copied his hand gesture and smirked at him, "So...who's King now?" She asks him, looking away but looking at him from the corner of her eye ever so subtly, "You or Deathy?" She began to walk as they spoke, making sure he walked alongside her. "'Cause I'm pretty sure if it's Death he'll make the nick-name 'Deathy' illegal for anyone to use...and then I'll be in deeeepppp sh**" She grinned and looked up at him, waiting for him to answer.

Myra's hands moved up and she ran her fingers through James's silken hair as she subconsciously pushed her body closer to his, her mind completely and utterly lost to the world as her lips moved with his.

(Sorry, crappy post I know, xD Inspiration lost)
(I couldn't care less I don't care how long or short anyone's posts are if I did I would have said something to Momo. lol)

Nick looked down at her and laughed. "Well I was born 10 seconds before I will be...I don't think you get the point here our father who is full demon is king at the moment. Although I do have much more influence then Vince ever could hope to get. I will see what I can do for you Key holders. I may not have a love about you But flower is a seniable Queen. She and I both agree this war needs to end....and I do agree that past agreement is unacceptable. I wouldn't want any vampire to have to deal with that stubborn women." He laughed as he walked with her.

James loved the feel of her hands in his hair. He tightened his hold on her as she got closer. He deepend the kiss even more before pulling back. He smiled down at her and put his head to her forehead. He stared back at her with a flicker in his eyes. He had waves of chills up his back. Good chills that he really liked. He closed his eyes for a few seconds. Uncontrolably his skin on his arms started to turn to scales. She was making him so nervous yet happy that he wasn't controling his transformation very well.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Oh and King of Vampire is up for grabs by the way.)
Rya walked into a training room as Ruby walked came in as she went to the other side of the room as she lifted her hand as it was covered in a purple magic glow as Rya's hand was covered in twilight as they began shooting huge beam of power as the beam slammed into another as Ruby lifted her other hand as she shot another beam as Rya Gasped as he shot another beam as well the room glowing Purple & Black.

Rya closed his eyes as he made a twilight Double of himself as it continued to fire twilight beams at Ruby, as Rya made twin twilight blades as he opened a dark energy portal, as he jumped into it, as he reappeared behind Ruby, as his eyes widened seeing that Ruby had a glass double of herself reflecting the beams, as Rya got hit in the back by a extreme force, as he slammed into the wall as he made dark energy orbs appear all over the room.

As Ruby vanished as Rya looked around for her as he began making the orbs shoot out twilight blades as he saw a explosion of magic as Ruby blew back the blades as Rya smiled as the blades suddenly flew at Ruby as she made magic explode around her as he gasped as he made a guard around himself as the magic ripped though the walls as Rya held his hand as the explosion stopped as Ruby made it pull back as she looked around the destroyed room as she softly chuckled as Rya jumped down to Ruby as they walked out the room going the hall.
Faye grinned as he mentioned he was next in line for the throne, she suddenly started to laugh and grinned at Nick, "I just imagined you with a crown and a HUGE cape thing sitting on a throne!" She chuckled lightly, "You'd look hilarious!" She then frowned as he mentioned 'you key holders' She looked down and didn't respond to that remark, she found it difficult to talk about things like races, since she was so confused on her own one. She looked up and her eyes almost popped out of her head as she watched Myra and James making out! Then James pulled away but stayed the same distance to her as he leant against her, Faye took a step closer to Nick, her eyes wide, "Uh, think we might be just a tad' late with the whole 'crazyed up on love' thing...." She blinked but a small smile was on her face - no matter how gross, it was nice to see her sister smiling.

James looked at the two and suddenly pulled away. "Uhhhh...." He put his hands behind his back and looked down still with a smile on his face. He looked at Myra and then looked down again. He looked at faye and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry..." He said as if he was gulty of something. He looked at Myra still smiling. He held his gaze on her.

Nick nodded with a laugh. "Yes I mu-" He stopped as they both saw the two love birds. He blinked and then smirked. "James you sly dog." He laughed again and then looked as James held his gaze on myra. "Oh my....they are lost...we can never get them back now." He said jokingly and then looked at Faye. "Well if you can get her back...and talk...I'm guessing you don't need me now." He smiled and then turned to leave.
Garos nodded. "I hope to see it someday. Just, hopefully not on the attack at me," he joked, smiling as she rested her head on his chest. "Yeah, I can see how much it drained ya'. Expected ya' to be out for awhile, honestly." He sighed, a little, however, thoughts still going to what had happened. "I hope I didn't seem too nuts when I was attacking Vince... somethin' just sorta' snapped. He got in my head too easy and knew just how to push my buttons."
Flower chuckled. "Ugh to tired." she smiled up at him then shook her head. "Nah I would have been much crazier...calling me a coward is a HUGE no no." she looked down and sighed. "Even though he was right...I hate whips...everytime I hear those things I freeze up." she said slight clutching his shirt. She looked at him and then suddenly relized she had started grabbing his shirt and let go putting her arm down. "Well um anyways I would have been much worce."
Garos nodded and chuckled. "Yeah, I can believe it. It's like when somebody calls me weak. I have to fight not to just lose it." At the mention of whips, her hands wrapped tight around his shirt for a moment, then dropped. He smiled a little, trying to comfort her.
Flower sighs deeply. "I better get some more rest." she said slowly pulling away and smiled back at him. She started walking to her room. Yawning loudly, it started to hit her hard. She opened her room door finding it a mess. "Darn clone." she said not really caring to much. She sat on her bed and then slowly laid down.
Rya & Ruby walked down the halls as they saw Flower slowly walk to her room as they heard her drop on her bed as they looked at another as they walked to her door looking in as they saw her laying on her bed.
Flower's pointy ears pick up the two watching her. She slightly opened one eye and saw the two. The one boy that tended to act a bit weird. She slowly sat up some of her white hair in front of her face. "..." She leaned on her arm to keep her up watching them.

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