Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos tried to stop Flower as she sped away, but couldn't. He scowled, angry at himself and the situation, then looked up toward Dark Flower. "Sorry? 'Course ya' are. Don't pity me. Just a 'lesser-race', right?" he spat, his voice full of hate. "Yea', overrated..." He turned and left as well, going to look for Flower and to cool down. At this rate, he'd end up knocking out the next person to cross him if he didn't keep calm. Passing by the strange newcomer, he turned toward him. "Did you happen to see where the hell she went?" he asked sharply, then sighed. "Sorry... didn't mean to snap. Not 'yer fault everything is f@%ked."
Shade woke up after a LONG rest. He didnt feel like doing anything so he went outside. He flew up to the roof and sat there, hoping nothing would bother him.
Flower sighed and tried to calm down. She looked at her feet woundering why this always happens to her. Dark Flower always ruins everything when she comes around. She messed around with light trying to calm herself. Using her powers sometimes does the trick.
Rya still had a white heart as he made it disappear as he looked at the boy "Um sorry i don't know" Rya said as he quickly walked away.
(Hey guys, I read Riddle's crash course to RPnation - should have read it when I started really xD - and I'mma start using that colour thing with my people's speech as to not confuse people, plus it looks pretty cool! So, Myra is blue (water power), Faye is red (fire, duh xD ), Chameleon is green (shape-shifters always remind me of earth stuff, dunno why) and Raina is bold black (evil, vampire, black hair, black eyes etc))

Myra smiled up at James and then suddenly remembered her sister, she turned to look at her and her eyes widened to see she had gone. She was worried about her so soon after the fight, she gently - and regretfully - moved out of James hold and smiled at him, "Sorry, I have to go find Faye." She leant in once again and gave him a tight hug, "Thank you, again." She kissed his cheek and then sped off, following the smell of smoke, yes smoke.

Chameleon looked down at Tiffany and his eyes widened just a little bit, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have talked to her. He brushed it off, maybe she just had a good memory? He nodded at her, "Yeah thanks, I'm just gonna go inside and uh, get, um, I'll see you around?" He asks, trying to find some sort of excuse to get rid of her. He wasn't being mean, but Tiffany was beginning to freak him out slightly.

Myra found herself being lead to a random room with the door slightly open, she peered through the open part and saw Faye and Raina sitting on a bed. She frowned, as she listened to their talk.

Once Faye had begun to regain some of her colour Raina looked at the girl and leant her back against the wall, "So...what was with that look earlier?" Faye frowned at Raina, "What look?" Raina stared at Faye, her eyes expressionless as if she was trying to hold something back, "You looked pretty bummed out when your sister blanked you." Faye glared at Raina, "She didn't blank me, she was just preoccupied with--" "That boy?" Faye's glare increased but she said nothing, Raina sighed, "Faye, why did you look so upset?" Faye crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, "Now you're suddenly being nice? What happened to trying to kill me?" "Faye, don't try to change the subject. What's wrong?" Faye blinked and looked down, unaware of Myra's hidden presence outside the door, "Fine. I think that Myra might hate me now." Raina frowned, "Hate is a strong word Faye." Faye looked up at Raina and her eyes narrowed, "She just found out I'm a half vampire, the race that killed our parents, and that I'm daughter to the man who r@ped her." Faye remembered that Raina was both of those last two things, "No offence to you of course." Raina shrugged, "Doesn't bother me." She sighed, "Look, you better listen up Faye, 'cause I'm about to get all mushy on your butt and this doesn't happen very often at all. I try to avoid mushy moments, but since your my sister and all...I think I can spare you one." She looked at her with softened eyes, "Myra is your sister Faye, you've grown up together and just because she finds out some bad things within a few minutes, isn't going to change how she feels about you. Just talk to her." She smirks, "'Cause you actually can now." Faye rolls her eyes, "Haha." Her eyes soften and she smiles at Raina before she unexpectedly leaps up and pulls her into a tight hug, "Thanks Raina. I'll go speak to her now." She lets go and runs from the room, setting of in search of Myra who wasn't outside the door. Raina looks out the door numbly, replaying that hug in her head about twenty times before getting up slowly, and pushing the door shut without another word.
James looked down and sighed. He started to walk around a bit woundering what to do now. He sighed and sat alone reading that book myra sugested a while back ago. He read silently before crist jumpped on his lap. "OW!"
Tiffany looked at him and then looked down. "Ok..." she got closer and looked him up in the face. She leaned in to kiss him.
"Well a lotta' f#$king help you are!" he snapped at the other's back, then got a sudden idea. The garden. She could be there. Frowning, Garos took off toward the outside ladder that lead there. Arriving, he climbed the ladder two rungs at a time, shambling up. "Flower?" he questioned, looking around.
Flower blasted light towards him but purposely missed. "Why are you here?" She said with a harsh tone. Angry at herself and her 'sister' she didn’t want Garos to be around. She turned her head over her shoulder. "I don't want to talk." She said tightening her grip on her arms. She sniffed and hid her face.
Rya jumped at the yell as tears came to his eyes as he ran down the hall sobbing hair everywhere as he jumped out a window as he grew Purple twilight wings as he flew off to the sky.
Garos jumped at the flash of light, climbing up anyway. At her words, he frowned, hurt by it. "I'm here 'cause ya' just ran off like that. And to figure out just what the hell's goin' on!" he said bluntly. Meeting her eyes, he sighed as she said she didn't want to talk. "Well, we need to. Shouldn't I be the one takin' this badly? After all, I guess I'm gonna' be killed," he said with a light smile, showing he was only kidding. He moved to kneel next to her, laying his hand lightly on her arm. "C'mon, Flower. Talk ta' me."
Flower glared at him and then looked down. "What's the point...I'll probably be forced back to the castle....She'll make sure I never see you again and so will the counsel. No one ever agrees with me on stuff like humans. They never listen to me because they think I’m just a little girl.” She looked at his hand on her arm and then looked away. Even though she liked his touch she slowly pushed his arm off. “Besides…I’ll be married to a vampire soon anyways. They treat me like an object just a symbol while they control everything.” She hid her face again.
Garos frowned, hurt by her words and how she'd just pushed him off. "So the best thing to do is just let 'em win, is that it?" he asked coldly. "Instead of fightin' for what ya' believe to be right, yer' just gonna' let them marry ya' off to a bloodsucker and let 'em push ya' around to their rules?" He shook his head, not knowing what to say. He wanted to get angry and just scream, but that wouldn't solve anything. He wanted to hug the girl, promise that everything would work out for her, but he couldn't. No way to know just what would happen.
Flower looked at him. "You think I haven't tried?!" she sighed and looked at him. She looked down and sighed deeply. "I don't understand a humans want to figh something hopeless apparently some of us don't have that in us." she said and then looked off to the sky.
Garos gave a cold and harsh laugh. "Yea', how stupidly human of me to wanna' fight for somethin' that I care about." He scowled and shook his head. "Nothin's hopeless, Flower. There's always hope, no matter how s#%tty the situation looks..." he muttered, trailing off as he turned back toward the ladder. "But, I'll leave ya' alone. Go do some training so I can be ready for whoever's gonna' try and f$&king kill me next."
Flower looked at him not really wanting him to leave now. "..." SHe sighs. "First they'll try and talk you out of it second if you refuse you'll find a key holder guard in your room with a knife while you're sleeping. Third if that doesn't work they'll send bounty hunters after you. Fourth when they run out of bounty hunters I'd say in 100 years They will leave you alone." She got up and then walked over to him. "If you're going to train you better learn our style." She said and with a smile. "Only one here who knows it all is me. Unless you want Dark Flower flirting with you while you train." She chuckled and then looks around. "I normaly do it up here but I can make an exeption."
Garos stopped as he neared the ladder, listening the her. He shook his head. It DID seem hopeless. As she approached him, he turned to meet her, looking down. "Yer' style?" he questioned, raising a brow. "If you'd train me, I'd be MUCH happier than trying to get Dark Flower to. Somethin' isn't right about that girl," he said simply. Giving a light smile, he nodded once again.
Flower sighs. "Yes, yes...She's from a mess up scientist you took my DNA without asking and made a clone who inherited all my bad traits and none of my more refined traits that keep me from acting like her. So in truth I'm a flirting B**** Deep down within which ticks me off every time I see her." She said and sighed. "Number one thing to teach you is the hand to hand combat we use. The training for it is quite weird but hopefully you'll withstand it."
Garos raised a brow at the explination, shaking his head. "Well, don't let it bother ya'. I like the real you a helluva lot better," he said with a grin, then nodded at the mention of their hand-to-hand combat style. "Withstand it? That sure sounds inviting." He smirked and took off his jacket, stretching a little. "Okay, I'm ready when you are."
Flower chuckled. "Oh man they'd be furious with me train a human...I can't wait to see their faces." she looked at garos. "Ok promise me you won't stare." she said taking off her cloak. The tunic underneath can be called a bit too short flower happened to be one of them. However showing the structure of her movements was important. "First of all you know I can knock someone out at anytime I want to right?" she said holding up her hand. "I don't know if it takes anything special but I have a feeling anyone can learn to fight like a key holder and we are too pridful." she said and then press a botten on the floor. A dummy on a stick popped up. She hit the left side of the neck hard. (by the way this is completely made up as far as I know.)

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