Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

James pulls back smiling at her. "Wow...." He looks at her and rubs the back of his head. "Um....well that was great..>" -///0 He swallows and looks around. Blushing again.
Garos sighed to himself. He'd been looking around for Shade for awhile now, but couldn't find the boy anywhere outside. And, checking the time, he noticed he was late for a class. He was no longer a student, but he helped out in the training classes, sparring with the students and teaching them the basics of fighting. Running into the building, he took off toward the class, bursting through the door. The instructor gave a raised brow, then laughed. "Glad of you to join us, Mr. Voraath..." the man joked, pairing Garos up with a group of students that were interested in training with two handed weaponry. As he began to train them, his mind went elsewhere, to everything that had been going on... to Flower. Blinking out of the thought, he jumped back, just avoiding one of the training clubs. "Ah, sorry Garos!" the boy muttered, embarrassed. The scarred man just grinned and patted the younger male on the back. "Not 'yer fault. I was off in my head. Now... try it again, when I'm payin' more attention.."
Flower sighed and when she got out of class she saw garos and watched. She watched from the cracked door. Smiling at the training kids. She always got out of class earily because of my skill the teachers always let me off because they know I do alot of training with the head teacher. Steve was his name.
Garos sparred back and forth with the group until the class had ended. Giving the lot of them a grin, he waved off their thanks. "Don't worry about it. Thank me when yer' kicking my ass usin' some of that training," he joked, getting a bit of a sharp eye from the instructor who could hardly hold his laughter. Giving one last wave, Garos walked out of the room, surprised to see Flower there. "What'cha up to?" he asked with a sly grin. "Stalkin' me?" He raised a brow and smiled, stretching a little and yawning. "Outta' class a bit early, hmm?" he questioned, assuming that she hadn't just sprinted there to meet him.
Flower smiles at him and then crossed her arms. "I just happened to see you and yes i train with Steve alot so I get out of the classes earily." She leaned back on the wall. "So why were you in a daze that kid almost scrambled your brains." She looked at him.
Garos nodded at her words, smiling down at her. "Ah, yea'. Well, a good reason to get out early. Can't get enough training." He laughed a bit, then blinked at her question, a bit surprised. "Well, I just had my mind on some things. The attack, Vince's return, you..." he said simply, trailing off a little at the last bit of that, sighing. "I still feel awful about what I said regarding 'Holders... need to get it through my skull that there's gonna' be exceptions in everyone." He shook his head. "Ah, hell. I'm just ramblin'," he said with a smirk, leaning on the wall next to the door.
Flower blinks and sighs. "um me? Well I'm hardly worth thinking about." she sighed and looked to the side at nick and deathwish who were talking while walking by. "...Trinity things I shouldn't always let my anger spike so I really get angry that much? I mean I had a perfectly good reason to stab that vamp right?"
Garos chuckled. "Well, I'd have to disagree..." he said, trailing off before he answered to her other question. "I'd say ya' gotta' watch the anger sometimes... but who'm I to talk? And I'd say ya' had every reason to stab the 'Vamp. I can see where she's comin' from, though... both of us have to work on that, I guess." He thought about his words and sickening grin to the 'Vamp after she'd called him scar-face. In that moment, it had taken all he had not to attack her. Shuddering at the thought for a second, he nodded again. "Yeah... I really gotta' work on that."
Flower nodded and sighed. " least I tried to be kind bu then she broke it and ticked me off." she sighed and looked at him. "..." she looked down.
Raina raised an eyebrow and spoke, stepping out from the shadows opposite them, "Yeah, I have a tendency to do that. Tick people off." She smirked and looked at them both, "But it's always rather fun when I do so."

Myra smiled up at him and nodded, her blush still on her cheeks. She looked around and her eyes widened as she realized they had basically missed all of class. Oops.

(Sorry, writer's block xD )
Flower looked at her and then sighed and crossed her arms looking down. "..." She sighed again before stand up to walk away. She glanced at gars and the started walking down the hall.
Crow ignored everything that has happened. All he cares about is becoming stronger."I need to be stronger even if it kills me." he says to himself. He swings the sword he had since he was very young. Then some thing came over him."No not again!" He shouted then he transformed into a large black werewolf. He smashes through one of the walls and runs into a near by town. he was hungry and he needed food.
James smiled at her and then let his arms fall to his sides. "Um...I think we better explain to the teacher why we didn't show up...ok bad idea why don't we say we go into a fight with nick and deathwish."
Crow came to a house. "I have to stop this but i can't" he thought to himself. He smashed through the wall and killed everything in the house and began feeding. He transformed back. "Oh God! Not again!" He screamed in horror. then he ran back into the school. He needed to tell someone this but didn't know who. He didn't really know anybody in the school. Crow started to look for Flower even though he didn't know her he felt he could talk to her.
Flower saw someone running down the steps and then saw it come back. She slowly walked down to the guy wondering what happened. She blinks seeing his scared face. "Um hi?"
Garos looked at Raina and frowned. "Yea'. That'n showin' up at the wrong time." He moved past her without saying another word, following Flower. He started to say something to her when he noticed someone running around. Following Flower, he spoke to the boy. "Hey, what's wrong? What happened?" he asked, worry creeping into his mind. Had Vince come back already? Had someone been attacked?
Flower looked at gars then at the boy and blinked waiting for an answer. She sighed deeply and looked to the ground. She looked up and then put on a serious look. There was something bothering her. She knew Vince wasn't coming back and she knew why. The thing is...why was it bothering her so much. In her pocket was a letter she receved from trinity.
As the man waited for the boy's answer. he looked over toward Flower, troubled by the look he saw on her face. He turned from the boy, giving her a look of worry. "What's on yer' mind, Flower? Ya' look troubled." He frowned, tilting his head slightly. If she was troubled, one could only imagine what she was thinking of.
Flower looked at him and sighed deeply. As she grabbed the letter from her pocket she closed her eyes. Giving it to garos. It was a letter that told her that all behind her back vampires and key holders have made a agreement of peace. Flower was to be wed to a vampire. It was Vince of course. She looked at garos. To have done this behind her back ment she was losing power in her kingdom.
Garos took the letter, raising a brow at her before opening it and beginning to read. An agreement for peace between 'Holders and 'Vamps? At the cost of the Queen being wed to a vampire. Vince. Garos swallowed hard, the fist that wasn't on the letter clenching tightly. He should have been pleased that the two races were finally going to end their war, but he felt ice in the pit of his stomach. He handed her back the letter, trying to find words. "Flower... I'm sorry..." he began, his mind churning to find more words than that and finally just pulling the smaller girl into a hug. It was all he could think of to comfort her.
Flower eyes widened as he hugged her. "..." she looks up at him. " too." she closed her eyes trying not to cry. She never cried but he thought of being married to the same person who killed her parents broke her promise that she would never cry again. She opened her eyes and swallowed he pain down. "But it's my duty to my people I guess..." she wipes a tear from her eyes.
Garos pulled her closer for a second, then broke the hug, sighing. "It's bulls@%t. If the only way to peace is an arranged marriage, what's to say that peace is even gonna' last." He frowned, thinking of what he could do and coming up with nothing. "Maybe when Vince gets back, he and I are gonna' have a chat. I'm curious to know just how much've a part he had to play in this." He scowled, knocking his fist against the wall with a thwack.
Flower sighs and rubs the back of her neck. "I don't know but they don't see the danger. I'm going to be his food sorce for the rest of my life...which unless he kills me forever." she sighed and looked down. "the agreement is that all queens or kings will be half can see how that would solve everything." she shivered at the thought. "A half vampire half key holder to rule both lands would bring peace."
Garos' mood darkened at the female's words, especially at the mention of Vince feeding from her and killing her. He began to speak when she continued, speaking of all kings and queen being half vampire. "Solve everything? Bring peace? I think both sets a' leaders have their heads so far up their asses that they can't see the light've day anymore," he spat venomously.

Looking back to Flower, Garos took her hand in both of his. "Don't worry. There's gonna' be a way outta' this, even if I have to kill yer' future 'husband' myself." He dropped her hand and then turned, starting off to... somewhere. He wasn't sure yet. He needed to think, needed to train. By the time Vince got back, the man planned to have Hell waiting for him.
Shade had been training for a while. He was moving as swift as the wind. Untill then, he didnt notice how good he got with his powers. "I guess the race with Hunter was alot of help" He thought. He figured he's only doing this well because hes only fighting with dummies. He thought that maybe if he fought a real opponent, he would find out how good he REALLY is. Shade dropped the training sword, picked up a real one he found lying around, and left the training room, hoping to find someone to spar with.

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