Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos skidded back at the blast of shadow, a few wounds opening up from the slashes of the blade. He meant to jump forward and attack again, then saw Vince push shadows at Flower, sending her reeling into the wall. Garos' grin vanished and was replaced with the snarl of a wild animal. He flung his blade toward Vince, then leapt, following it, his hands going for the vampire's face and eyes. He meant to press his thumbs deep and blind the creature.
Vince yelled and backed up growling loudly. "Think this through matter what you do Flower will have to marry a vampire...unless you really want to kill every vampire that comes through that door wanting to be King." He grabbed Garos by the throat. "There's no getting out of this...I'm going to be her husband. No matter what." He snarled.
Shades eyes widened. He ran over to flower. " Is that what this is all about?" Shade sighed. In order to protect Flower from being hit again, He made her sit up, leaning on the wall, as he stood in front of her. He was ready to dodge, block......or take.....anything Vince could throw at her.
Garos just smirked, shaking his head. "I don't care about the other's right now... just you, Vinny. I'll deal wit--" he began, words cut off by the hands around his throat, lifting him up. Garos still laughed, a raspy and guttural sound. "Hard... to be... husband... if 'yer... dead.." he choked, reaching forward and slamming his fists into the other's forehead and face to free himself. He struck again and again, fists unwavering.
Vince let go and backed up hissing. He jumpped back and then jumpped forward and punched him hard with shadow around Garos's legs tightning. He grabbed his sword ready to strike. "How about you die?" He lifted his sword before he was hit with light and blasted back.

Flower slowly stood up her hand on the wall keeping her standing. "Don't you dare hurt him." She yelled gaining strength. She growls and leans against the wall. She looks at Vince angry.

Vince lets go of Garos and hissed at Flower. "How did you recover already?" He asked annoyed at her. He crossed his arms and looked at Garos. "Why shouldn't I?
Faye appeared beside Flower and placed her warm hands near her neck, she spoke, her voice was full of anger that was directed at Vince, "Sorry, I can't let my hands touch your skin or else I'll fry it. When I get mad I apparently turn stuff to ashes." She hovered her hands over Flowers neck and kept her eyes on the bite mark as her hands glowed red and began to heal Flower, she chuckled, "Looks like I've done a bad job of being your body guard 'eh?"

Raina watched the fight with amusement, she then recognized the hunk as King Vince. She raised an eyebrow and sighed as she realized it was her 'duty' to look after her King. She whipped out her ninja stars and threw them precisely, aiming right at Shade, "Oit human boy, you want a fight? Here it is." She stands up tall, raising one of her perfect eyebrows as her long dark hair swished around her lazily, her black eyes boring into him. "I think Vince has enough on his plate with crazy 'ol scar-face." She smirked at Shade, beckoning him with two fingers in a seductive manner.

Myra turned visible and began to run in the other direction. Garos needed help and the first person that jumped to mind was James, for obvious reasons. She ran back to where she had left him and smiled in relief to see he was leant up against the wall, she ran over to him and grabbed his arm, her eyes wide and scared. She tugged lightly on him, trying to lead him back to the others.
Shade moved 3 inches to the right. The stars flew passed him. He teleported in front of Raina. "sorry...i dont hit girls" He said as he used his aura to push her away. "Wouldnt it be better to introduce yourself before attacking.......i always have to be a gentleman" He said.

Something snapped inside shade. He said everything with a sadistic nature.
James looked at myra and followed her. "What's wrong?" He said looking at her and sighed. "It's flower isn't it?" He sighs and looks around hearing all the noise. "Oh brother..."

Flower looks at her smiling. "Faye....your a great friend....that makes up for everything..." She looked at Vince and walked over to him. "Because there is nothing your fighting for." She looked at Garos. "The agreement has been sealed Garos...Not even you can brake it." She looked down again.

Vince looked at the Female vampire and chuckled. He looked at Flower and smirked. "hmm...Looks like she's taking my side." He smirks at Garos. "Now just to show you who's the winner and to annoy flower." He grabs her and kisses flower.

Flower screamed and pulled back but vince didn't let her. She slapped his face but nothing was working. When he ;let her back off she growled very angry at him. "If only I could kill you."
(Didn't see that post. Will edit accordingly.)

Garos smiled, looking back at Flower. "Thanks... I owe ya' one." He turned back to Vince and grinned. "Keep tryin'. Ya' don't have a chance to kill me." At Flower's words and as she walked over toward Vince, he scowled, shaking his head. "Agreement or not, I don't give a s@#t. I'll take him down either way."

At Vince's words, the man clenched his fists, then rushed forward as he kissed Flower. When he let her go, Garos jumped between them, putting her behind him. "I'm sorry, Flower, but I'm killin' him anyhow. I don't give a damn about this peace agreement. I'm not a 'Holder or 'Vamp." He leapt like a beast at Vince, slamming the vampire to the ground. The runes on his arms that had been healed by Flower began to cut into him again and his eyes began to smoke. "Even if it kills me... I'll make sure you never hurt anyone again..." he snarled, moving to strangle the vampire.

Raina raised an eyebrow at the human's tone, "Really? I've never met a boy who doesn't hit girls." She emphasized the word 'boy' "Or a man." She then rolled her eyes and slipped out a sword which immediately sliced across Shade's arm, she then spoke coldly, "That's for using your aura to push me away rather then being manly enough to actually push me." She then spoke in the same harsh tone, "And it's Raina."

Faye smiled at Flower then as Vince grabbed her and kissed her - and as Flower tried to push him away - she snarled at him angrily, her fangs showing and her eyes once again black, she got close enough to slap him as she spoke with a playful hint in her voice, although it was still furious, "I could kill him if you like. Although I'm sure I'd be casted as a traitor by all vampires." She shrugs, "Oh well."

Raina heard what the firey halfy said and was standing beside her in a second, she gripped her arms and slammed her into the wall, where she was touching Faye's skin her hands began to smoke, she let go but hissed at the girl, "Yes, yes you would. Little halfy. So don't you dare try it." She turned and looked at Vince causally, her eyes grazing over his appearance before she turned back to Faye, "Plus, you can't let a body like that go to waste." She smirked and Faye looked disgusted as she muttered, "Ew."
Shade laughed as he lay on the ground, clutching his arm. He let the blood drip and ran towards Raina, seeing her throw Faye. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" he yelled. He figured not fighting would get him killed. He took out his sword and made some of his energy flow into it. He swung his sword directly at Raina. The speed and force left mirror images of Shade doing the same thing.
Vince disappeared in shadow. "I guess for now you win Garos..." He appeared beside flower and smirked. "Aw I would have loved being your owner." He looked at Garos. "But others will step up to marry her. Good luck with them." He disappeared. (Sorry I want to keep him alive lol)

Flower looked at Garos and sighed in relife. She smiled at him happy as ever now. She stayed were she was though although she wanted to hug him. Maybe she'd let him calm down first.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Flower looked to Faye and then at the other vampire and growled loudly building up light to blast her. "Well vince is gone...why don't you leave as well?"
Raina in a quick movement grabbed Faye and placed her so that if Shade did strike, he would hit Faye. She made sure to hold Faye on the sleeves bit of her top so that she didn't get burnt. Raina's back was against the wall so Shade couldn't strike her from behind. She raised an eyebrow, "What happened to not hitting girls?"

As Faye was grabbed Myra's eyes hardened, she had been standing there watching with James and as her sister's safety was threatened she held out her hands and a burst of water flew out of them, it struck Raina, hard. Causing her to fly down the corridor and smash into the other wall, soaking wet.

Raina leapt up, dripping with water as she snarled at Myra, "You damn bi**h!" She then recognized her and smirked, "Oh it's you. My Father is looking for you, says he needs to finish what he started, apparently last time he saw you was 4 years ago." She grins, having no actual idea what happened between her Father and Myra, but by the way Myra turned deathly pale and her eyes widened in fright, she guessed he had probably attacked her or something, maybe killed a loved one.
Garos breathed heavy as Vince vanished, standing as he conversed with Flower to make sure he didn't attack her again. He smirked at the vampire, shaking his head. "Let them step forward. Better them than you..." he growled as the other disappeared. He turned to look at Flower, giving a smile and wanting to hug her. His eyes had stopped smoking, but the blood from his arms dripped onto the floor. He looked down at the wounds, shocked. "How... blood magick without the markings. That isn't..." he trailed off, the rush of adrenaline going to his head. "Oh hell..." he mumbled, going to the wall and sliding down it. The lack of sleep, shock and blood loss was getting to him.
Faye frowned and looked at her terrified sister, "Four years ago.....?" She frowned and her eyes widened as she spoke fiercely, "Four years ago!" She sped over to Raina and gripped her arms viciously, yelling in her face with pure anger radiating from her as her hands set alight and began to burn Raina's skin, "Where is he!" She screamed at the girl, her eyes ablaze with fury, "Where is that bast**d!"
(confused lol...guess i wont need to do all that complicated stuff...)

Shade dropped the sword and fell, clutching his arm. He stayed there, listening to the conversation.
Flower looked garos and walked over to him and leaned over him healing his arms again. "You really should get more rest and stop using that weird thing power what ever it is." She kneed down and looked at him.

James ran up and stepped between the vampire and myra. "Um what is she talking about myra?" He looked at her worried. He looked at the vampire angry.
Garos chuckled and nodded. "I'll give ya' the rest thing... but the power? I don't always choose to use it... it just sorta' happens on instinct I guess." He stood, leaning against the wall. "Are YOU okay?" he asked, worried look on his face. "I don't like him just vanishin' like that. Let's me know he's gonna' be back."
Myra didn't respond; she was frozen with shock. That, that man was coming back for her? She shuddered rather visibly but besides that she didn't move at all, she couldn't. All she could think about was him.

Raina laughed cruelly, not seeming to notice how freaked out Myra was, she shoved Faye off of her and spoke in a cruel tone, "Look kid, I'm not sorry if he killed mummy and daddy, he has a tendency to do that." Her words were harsh, almost as if she was taking out her problems on the girl. She still remembered the day her Father murdered her Mum.

Faye spat her words at Raina, flames burning the shoes and socks on her feet almost instantly, flames rippled up her arms and stopped at her shoulders, she was alive with fury, "Yeah, not only did he kill 'mummy and daddy'" Faye wasn't too sensitive about her parents, she was never too close to them anyway, "But that bastard did something to my sister and she hasn't fu**ing talked since! So you tell me where the f**k he is right now so I can go tear him apart limb from limb!" She shouted the last part furiously and didn't once flick her eyes to look at her still frozen sister or anyone else for that matter. The heat coming off of Faye was causing the air around her to waver, she was pretty sure everyone else around them was feeling the heat.
Flower looks at him. "I'll be soon and I disinfect my mouth." She shivered. "Oh yeah that kiss is going to be in my nightmares." She sighs deeply and looks at him. "Come on let's get you to your room." She held out her hand.

--- Merged Double Post ---

James growled and smoke came from his nose and mouth. "Myra...myra..." He looked at myra and hugged myra. "Hey...what's wrong? Myra." He looked her in the eyes. "Hey...." He looked worried.
Shade got up and walked toward Faye. "Calm know shes trying to taunt you...Shes not woth it Faye." Shade said calmly
Garos laughed lightly. "Ha, yea' that's for sure." He nodded, taking her hand and heading toward his room. His head throbbed and his eyes burned, but he still felt angry... wishing he could have done more. "Damn it... what a let down. I'm still not strong enough to take that bastard out for good..." he grumbled, clenching his fist for a second before giving a sigh. "Either way, we've got to find a way to get ya' outta' this. Unless you wanna' end up marrying a vampire," he said with a chuckle.
Flower walked beside him to make sure he could stand. "You've done more then got me some time to fight the agreement. But to do this behind my back means I have lost to much respect...and loyalty...and power." She sighed deeply. " life sucks." She looked at him. "And my problems are just getting everyone hurt."
Garos smiled a little at her words. "Well, good to know I helped a bit at least," he said, frowning as she spoke of loss of power and loyalty. As she said her life sucked, he shook his head. "Nah, ya' can't think like that..." he began, stopping and looking down to her. "And yer' not the reason everyone's gettin' hurt. Problems are problems. S%@t's gonna' happen, but we can't go pointin' the finger. Unless it's at Vince." He smirked a little and moved closer as they continued to walk again toward his room.
Flower looked up at him smiling a bit as she laughed alittle. "I guess so..." She put her hair behind her ears. "At least i have someone to talk to about these things." She said looking at him. She was very happy to have a someone to talk to and a great fighter to help her out. "You help me so much I don't thing I could ever return the favors."

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