Fighting Academy by Fire of Hearts (Closed)

Garos just nodded and smiled. "I know the feelin'. I'm glad to have someone like ya' to talk with. Lookin' like I do, most folks are pretty nervous to come up and talk to me. Guess it's the curse of bein' a scary lookin' guy," he joked, snickering. He waved a hand at her words. "Ya' don't need to return the favor. Hell, ya' saved me earlier from bein' speared by Vince. I'd say ya' owe me nothin'!" he said with a wink and smirk.
Flower smiled. "I think you just have alot of character." she chuckles using his saying. "Anyways I never really liked to judge a person by his or her looks." she chuckled at his wink and then put her hands behind her back. Something was making her a bit jittery. "I would never want to lose a friend...even at the cost of my own life."
The man returned her smile with another of his own at the compliment. "Well, thanks. You've gotta' bit of character yourself, ma'am," he joked, raising a brow as her hands moved behind her back. He nodded at her words, though. "I know where yer' coming from... but if I had to give my life for someone to keep theirs..." he began, then signed. "Especially if it was someone I cared a lot about. I can't stand seeing people get hurt or made to do somethin' they don't wanna'..."
Flower looked at him. "Yeah. So I guess I must be very important to you since you went insane on Vince." she laughed teasing him. As she looked back in front of her. Waiting for a response she added."Or am I thinking to highly of myself?" she looked back at him keeping her hands behind her back.
Garos chuckled, flushing a little and rubbing his head. "Yea', I guess I have takin' a liking to ya'," he joked, tipping her a wink. "But, seriously... I do like ya' quite a lot. When I saw him hurtin' you... I just went nuts. Hell, I didn't even have to see it... I just knew somethin' was wrong." He sighed, shaking his head. "How crazy must that sound, eh?"
Flower looked at the ground smiling. "Not at all, this is a world of many unormal things." she looked at him and saw his face. "I'm glad it was you though." she stretched out her arms.
Faye glared at Shade and without intending to her hand reached out and slammed across his arm, burning his clothes at the touch, fire leaping up his arm as it spread. She turned back to Raina and shook her once more, "Tell me where the f**k he is!" She yelled furiously, this man had hurt her sister and she was going to get revenge whether this girl told her where he was or not.

Raina looked at the furious girl and raised an eyebrow, "Calm down Faye, I have no idea where he is anyway." She shoved Faye's fiery hands off of her and glared at the girl, rubbing the burnt patch on her skin as she waited for it to heal. She then looked over at Myra, "But I can get him. I don't care if you tear him apart or not. He's a bast**d anyway." She speeds of before Faye can burn her once more, making it outside and tugging out her phone.

Faye turned to look at her at frozen sister and her eyes soften, the flames from her hands and feet dissapearing as she runs over to her big sister and envelops her in a hug. "Myra, please, what did he do to you?" She asks gently, her concern for her sister flooding away the anger inside of her.
Shade watched as Raina ran away. He then turned his attention to the fire crawling up his arm. He winced at the pain. The wound he got earlier burned even more. "im just gonna something about this." he said.
James sighed. "Please don't make me asume the worse. Myra...I'll burn him to ashes if I have too." he said looking down. "I care about you a lot Myra. I haven't even heard your voice can't you talk to me this once?" he said looking at her with concern.
(um garos might be funny but I would effect flower more then you would want it to. Nick would give in to her advances and encourage her not the effect you would want...shade I have no idea how he would react. You could ask who wants Tiffany to go after their characters.)
(Haha, it would be hilarious if Tiffany went after my character Chameleon, he's a shape shifter so as soon as he sees her coming he'd be like, ' O.o ' *Turns into a bird and flys away* xD )

Myra looks up at James and bites her lip, if he was coming for her....didn't that mean he broke his promise? Could she then break hers? She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again, a single tear fell down her cheek as she opened her mouth again, then closed it. Maybe that vampire girl was lying, maybe she wouldn't call him.

Raina spoke through the phone, hearing her Father's disgusting voice on the other side, it was raspy and deep, "You found 'er yet?" Raina spoke through gritted teeth, she hated having to be related to him, but he told her that once she did this last job, he'd give her enough money to get away from him for good, "Yes. She's here." That was the whole reason she was here at the school, to find this girl. His cruel chuckle came through the phone, "Good. I t'ought she'd be 'dere. I'll be 'dere in about half an hour. Try and get 'er alone." She nodded and hung up before she could hear anymore of his voice. She grinned and sped back to James, Faye and Myra. Slight doubt was in her eyes as she watched the tear on Myra's cheek, should she really be doing this? She shrugged it off and planted a smirk on her face as she spoke to them, "He's coming."

As Raina spoke those two words Myra's breathing quickened, the girl sped off before she could notice Myra's reaction and Myra's mouth opened as she leant against James, tears flowing freely from her eyes as she brought up the courage, the courage to speak. "No.." She whispered against him, her voice was beautiful even though it was raw from not being used in so long. It was sweet and gentle. "H-He can't be..." Her body shook as she sobbed harder, images of that awful man flashing through her mind.

Faye watched her sister wide eyed as she began to cry, leaning against James. Her shock then increased as she heard a very faint, "No.." She knew it was Myra, and her eyes watered, she was talking?!? If she weren't so shocked she would have rolled her eyes. Typical, she wont talk for four years then a cute boy comes along and BAM! She talks. She watched her sister cry hysterically as pain hit her, she was going to kill that man.
James stroked her head gently. "What did he do to you?" He asked hugging her tightly not wanting to let her go. "I won't let him get you." He said looking at Raina and breathed fire with furry in his eyes. "No one is going to get her away from me." His eyes turned to dragon eyes furrious that someone was making Myra this upset. His dragon wings ripped through his shirt. They were looked like feathers but they were scales. He made his wings cover myra so no one could see her. He duct his head into his wings and kept trying to comfort myra.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Well I'll talk to Eagle heart. I'm sure as soon as everyone puts in their imput she'll choose which character to go after lol. But I can text her to get on now and we can test it out.)
(Okay! :D )

Faye glared slightly as James enveloped her sister in his wings, half of her angry at being excluded, but the other half happy that he wanted to protect her sister so much, she remained where she was though, she wanted to hear this. She'd been waiting for four years to hear this.

Myra shuddered, she leant closer into James and spoke in her small, weak voice, "He...." She coughed a little bit, "After he killed Mum and Dad.." Another tear fell as she spoke in the tiniest voice ever, still audible though, "He r@ped me." She buried her head against James's chest, ashamed of what they'd think of her.

Faye's eyes widened and her feet wobbled, "That's what happened?" She asked in a little voice, she covered her face, she had been at her best friends home, complaining about her family, while her sister got r@ped? She began to cry lightly, she was such a bad sister. How could have not been there for her?

(Sorry 'bout the @, it'll get blocked out otherwise.)
(I'd rather it NOT be Garos. That'd be funny, but Flower might murder her. :P Also, I should be able to write a post up soon, sorry it's taking so long. Writer's block and all that.)
(lol yep she would...)

--- Merged Double Post ---

James eyes widened and then roared furrious. "I'll tare his head off!!!!" He looked down at Myra and hugged her tighter. "I won't let him do that to you again....Never again. No one is going to touch you like that." he had to lift his head though feeling fire rising and released it. He looked back down and then sighed slowly letting his anger fade. "I promise you that." He said being very carful where he put his hands. Not like he wasn't careful at first. He looked at Faye. "If he's coming I want Trinity and Ginger out of the way...take then away from here." He said seeinf trinity watching from above and ginger behind her. "Please I will protect your sister with my life I don't any other girls cought up in this."
Garos chuckled and nodded. "Yea', guess it is, isn't it." He looked down to her, meeting her gaze. His grey eyes looked into her's, peering into their depths as if to study just what made her so special to him. As she stretched out her arms, he pulled her into a sneaky hug, grinning. "Yea'... me too. Can't have some other fella' stealin' ya' away," he joked, arms tugged almost protectively around her.

At James' yell, Garos' looked up with a raised brow. "Ah, damn. What's happenin' now?" he wondered aloud, hoping it wasn't something too taxing. He felt like he was holding heavy weights just by walking around after the fight with Vince.
Flower blushed deeply as he hugged her and she looked up at him. Suddenly her heart was racing. "Um...." When she heard james she just barily pulled her gaze away to look. "Um don't worry I'm sure I can handle it...You better get some rest..." She said looking at him and then looked down knowing she had to be blushing. (Yep lol)
Garos laughed a bit, his own face seeming a bit more colorful than it had before. "Well, if you think so, I trust ya'. Just come pound on the door if anything's needed." He smiled, noticing her blush and how quickly she'd looked downward. Tipping her face up with one hand, he gave her a quick peck on the forehead before sneaking through his door and dropping onto the bed. Before he could think any more on what had just happened, sleep overtook him.
Faye looked at him, she was so used to being the only one looking after her sister. She spoke very seriously, "Ok. But that doesn't involve me. I'm her sister..." She looked at Myra and her eyes watered incredibly. "I'm sorry. I should have been there...I should have protected you."

Myra turned as her sister spoke to her, she watched Faye's eyes water as she blamed herself for not being there. She stepped out of James embrace for a moment and pulled her baby sister close, hugging her tightly as she whispered, "It's not your fault. I love you Faye."

Faye's eyes watered, she said it. She told her that she loved her. She returned the hug also tightly, her eyes dropping tears like bombs. She then let go as Myra did and wiped her eyes fiercely, she turned to look at Ginger and Trinity, "You guys heard what James said" She looks at Ginger then Trinity, "Maybe you should go find Flower or Garos, just make sure you're not around us when he gets here." She pauses her voice softening, "Please?" She also didn't want the girls around, this was the man who had killed her parents, even she had a tiny fear of him. Although she knew she would go mental when she saw him, that man was going to pay.
Flower was in shock and as he kissed her forehead she got a smile on her face but as he sneaked off she frowned. She blinks and got rid of her blush before heading off to see what was up with James. She looked at them all. "Ok what's going on." She looked at Faye. "And garos needs to rest he'll have to stay out of this." She opened a portal for the two girls. "Get going while james fills me in here." The girls ducked into the portal and flower closed it. She jumpped down and sighed deeply.

James sighs not going to give Flower all the details. "Um Someone is after myra." He said looking at myra worried. He got up and sighed looking around. "That's all you need to know."
(Uh.... Well shade would be kinda.....straightforward about it. If he doesnt like someone, he would say it. Its up to you if you want Tiffany to go through that lol)

Shade, after hosting down his arm and wrapping it so it doesnt leak, went back to the training room. He wondered why every one of his spars with Garos ended up being interrupted. That just made him want to fight even more. Shade dropped the thought and began to train. He set up targets around the room to hit in a certain amount of time. As soon as he set up enough, he took out the sword and began slashing.

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