~Fight for Life~


Two Thousand Club
Hadix awoke in an average size room with a booming head ache. As he looked around in his mediums sized bed he saw a lamp, a plush chair and a wardrobe. There were two doors one of which he learned lead to the restroom. He opened the other to found a long hallway and a doors lining the walls. He walke down the hallway toward some loud noise. He arrived at a bar gate looking threw the square holes he witnessed a man laying on the ground bloodied. Another man inside was raising his arms while cheering occurred. He watched the man kick the other guy in the face as men in white came in and carried him off. He didn't appear to be dead just knocked out but Hadix started to walk the other way down the hallway arriving at a large room where men and women were either lounging or training. He took a seat akwardly and stood almost imidiatly when he saw a large man trying to hook up with a little girl who didn't look to happy.
Taki gravefully looked around the arena, "Two wins today Ms.Ki!" said the refree. "Is that supposed to be a surprise?" she said seriously. She hit him in the chest and said, "I had enough for today." Taki was a old timer at the arena, she usually won. Taki walked out of the hall and wiped her sweat off onto the floor. Blood was dripping from her nose and she had a bruise on her shoulder. She was wearing a dark black tank-top and black long pants. She bumped into a boy and said, "Yo, watch it."
As the girl ran into him he turned around to meet her eyes. She spoke and he returned with a sullen "That was your fault for not paying attention." After which he looked up on a screen where he saw his name with a vs between him and some guy called Mikell. Men came and pushed him into the arena and when he looked up he saw the crowed and the man on the other side. "What do I do?" he yelled looking for an answer.
(I'll reply soon)

Taki laughed and said, "Whatever you do, TRY to survive!" She turned to the score board to look for her name. "Oh? I'm up against a guy named Hadix. What a surprise. I thought that was Hadix."
He turned back to the man and put himself in his stance. The large man charged him with full on tackled and Hadix jumped into the air landing both of his calfs on the mans shoulders. He fell backwards bringing his leg back kicking him in the back of the head bringing him down. He then pushed him self upward planting a solid knee to his face.
Taki walked over to the stadium and said, "I'm next." The man nodded and gestured to a waiting lane.
The large man threw a punch aimed at his face but Hadix redirected the force of the punch to the ground with an axe kick. The mans back was exposed and Hadix did a sideways roundhouse kick to his back as the large man yelled and crippled to the ground. The crowd started to cheer and Hadix did a bow "What do I do now?" he asked looking around.
Taki smiled and stepped into the arena and said, "Suffer a large defeat." She threw an axe kick at his shoulder and smiled, "TAKI KI, FIFTH DEGREE BLACK BELT. AGE 18" said the loud speaker. "VS..."
He caught the kick on his shoulder gasping from impact but he held her leg the sending several thrust kick at her gut. He still held her leg in the air and smiled "Hmm we haven't even had a first date." and twisted her leg on his shoulder keeping his arm up by his head to quickly protect himself from a spin kick.
Elsewhere in a room near but unseen, Little Nick was gently snoozing away. Drool pooling around the flat side of her face as she stirred somewhat. Unaware of this new setting, she flopped onto her back and returned to listless unconsciousness, dreaming sweet dreams of fluffy little animals.

(Dunno how to enter so imma wait out a bit)
Taki winced at the pain and threw a palm heel at his solar plexes. She took her foot back and said, "Too bad I have to finish you off, we haven't ever gotten to know each other yet!" Taki threw a jab at the corner of his head and counterstriked it with a knee in the stomach.

(Temper, lawl I laughed when I read your post!)
He jumped up onto her knee taking the jab in his chest as he was in the air he flipped backwards trying to make his heel connect with her chin. He balanced himself on his hands and started spinning with his legs stretched out moving in towards her. His spinning kicks were aimed for her hips and he pushed into the air attempting to wrap his legs around her neck. "Oh come on I wasn't the one spreading my legs."
She ducked and threw a low kick at his hips and dashed back. Taki said, "Stop your complaining."
He flipped forward to avoid the kick and looked back at her. "Complain about it? Are you saying I should have enjoyed it?" he stood for a moment concentrating and charged doing several jump rope kicks at her ankles and and flip forward landing with a stomp aimed for her gut and his other leg to the air in a split.
She got hit in the ankle, but was quick enough to dodge the next blow. Taki smiled and said, "Just accept your loss." She kicked him in the face and her ankle made a cracking sound.
His neck went back from the blow and sprung back with a bloody nose. "...ouch." he sounded confused "What was that I heard a bone purhaps." he cracked his neck and flipped over her trying to grab her arms and lock her legs with his from behind.
Her arm cracked and she tried to stand up, but she was crippled. "I....withdraw." she saw two Hadixes and closed her eyes.
When she closed her eyes he pick her up in his arms and carried he to the gate. He stopped to ask one of the men where the healing area was. They looked at him confused for a moment but then realized what he meant pointing the way. He carried her to a white room and placed her on a bed and left. He went back to the areana greater by cheers and a few boos.
Jazzalynne awoke to a pounding headache and harsh lights in her eyes. She flipped to her stomach, trying to hide her sensitive eyes from their blinding gaze, but as she did so, her stomach lurched and she had to throw her body to the floor as it convulsed, vomiting. Once it subsided to violent gasping, she sat up, squinting. Where was she? Behind her a crude cot was clearly not her bed, and nothing around was familiar. She was dressed in her yoga pants and spandex bralette that she had left the gym with, but nothing else made sense. Around her neck, a device chaffed her skin. Trying to unbuckle the collar, she felt a shock go through her finger tips, making her immediately stop.

Shakily, she rose to her feet, grabbing the cot for balance. A door nearby opened to a bathroom where she quickly washed the vile taste from her mouth. Looking up at the mirror, she saw bruises around her face with no idea how they got there. Doing her best to clean herself, she abandoned the room, vomit and all, heading out the second door.

"Where am I?" she asked aloud, unwilling to stray far.
After they were done with him they sent him back inside where he made is way back to his room slowly. The blood from his nose slowly dripping and he met eyes with something like a goddess who had a slight stomach ache and couldn't hold it in. When she spoke he felt himself melt he had no idea what was happening but he shook his head trying to get himself out of the trance. "We'll you.." he coughed and his face got red "What's wrong with me." he said to himself "I don't know but I would say you should just go back to your room."
Taki woke up and realized she was in the healing room. She pulled out the IV and sighed. "I...I lost." She looked at the cast on her leg and arm and grabbed a crutch. She walked out of the room quietly and sighed. "DAMN IT I LOST!" she shouted angrily. Taki rushed to her room to find a pile of hate letters sitting on her desk. "We put thousands of thousands of dollars on you! You lost to a newbie!" She began to rip the letters up and toss them into the trash. She sat on her bed and looked at her millions of trophies she had won. But one was missing. She upsettedly kicked over one of the trophies and laid on her bed.
Kanjo was leaning on the wall next to the door to his room. He pulled the sides of the cape around him to the front of his body. That, along with the hood, made it almost impossible to see what he looked like. His eyes, which told no emotion, were locked up at a screen which announced and showed live coverage of match-ups. His gaze shifted to anyone who walked down the hallway, but only for a second or two before his attention went back to the screen.
Tali got up and decided to walk to the scoreboard. She walked to the score board and tripped over someone's foot. Her crutch fell and she landed on her ruined arm. She swore a bit and realized that she couldn't get up. "Excuse me, a little help?"
Kanjo felt something bump his foot and looked down to see Tali on the floor. He recognized her from the battle replays he watched. He reached a hand down towards her offering to help her up.
*Taki sorry mispelled.*

"Hi, I'm the failure Taki Ki." she smiled a bit pointing to her score on the score board, which was right underneath Hadix's. "I lost just because he broke my ankle and arm." She sighed and hit her fist on the wall. "Damn this...."

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