~Fight for Life~

Kanjo observed Taki and said, "And what is punching the wall going to accomplish?" He then bent down and picked up her crutch. He obviously wasn't a big talker.
She growled and said, "I wish I can just kick his ass right now!" She accidently kicked Kanjo in the leg and made him fall. "I'm sorry..."
Jazzalynne froze as she was surprisingly answered by a beat up man. "You're hurt," she said bluntly, holding the frame to the door she had just emerged from. There was a bit of concern in her voice, although she had heard many stories where predators faked injuries to earn sympathy and then attacked once off guard. "Is there someone you need to see for that?"

[[Forks, do you want to wait with Bump or what? .-. I'm enticed by it, but always hate going with people (Granted, nothing we're doing affects any of them) ]]
"I'll pull through it." she said looking away. "That idiot won't get away with it." Taki walked away, limping a bit to the gym.
Kanjo focused his attention back to the screen. "She seemed interesting... I'm looking forward to our battle..." Kanjo watched as the next battle was announced.
Taki punched the bag with all her might, with her avalible hand. She grunted when her cructh fell. She couldn't catch it, and was leaning against the wall, trying not to fall.
"Heal what...a meer bloody nose? No I need no such attention for this." he looked at her again with his cynical eyes. "I would suggest you go back to your room and clean up." he walked back into his room about three doors down to notice a few upgrades including a shelf and a trophy.
Jazzalynne's eyes widened in horror. "That's not just a nose bleed, it looks like it's broken," she answered, following him without realizing it. "What happened that you got so beat up?"
He turned around to look at her "Fine it's a broken nose it's not a big deal." he said nonchalantly "Come on in then." he sat down on his bed patting a spot for her laying down a towel for her. "Well apparently she's not very happy with me and my guard wasn't high enough."
She entered the room cautiously. "Who is 'she'?" she asked, noting that his room seemed to be the same as hers, minus the trophy brandished on a shelf. "Do you know why we're here?"
Taki grabbed her crutch and stood back up from the ground. She hopped to the battle list and noticed she was not on it. She growled and walked back to her room.
Kanjo noticed Taki as she went to her room, then he went back to watching the screen with the battles on it as if it would be part of his final exam. He saw his name on the screen. His fight wasn't for a while, but he figured he'd prepare. He began to walk down the hallway to the Gym.
"She...I don't know who she was but she is very feisty." he gave her a nice smile laid down on his bed. "I don't know why we're here really all I know is that I was forced to participate in two fights already thus the broken nose." he felt his nose wincing with pain with a crack snapping it back into place.
Taki realized her room was right next to Hadix's. "Why don't I aplogize, because I'm a horrible fighter." she thought out loud as she opened her room door and her crutch slipped once more. "DAMN!" she shouted as she fell. She hit the wall and her broken ankle snapped once more. "God dang it...." She muttered getting back up.
Jazzalynne jumped at the crack, fighting back another round of vomit that was trying to sneak toward her mouth. "But why?" she asked, eyes narrowed in confusion, "Do you remember coming here? I know I sure as hell didn't sign up for this...whatever it is."
"No I don't remember coming here at all I just awoke in my room." when he heard the girl from earlier fall again looking out the door to see her "Speaking of the little devil there she is now." he turned back to her pointing at the bathroom door. He stood up to head back to the main room to see the fight screen he looked for his name vs someone named animal in awhile. He walked back to his room. "I'm sorry what's your name.
Jazzalynne watched him walk around, confused by his actions. Her head was still throbbing and she almost thought she was going to throw up again. Quickly, she sat down, putting her head between her knees, breathing deeply. Hearing him reenter to room and question her, she answered, not looking up. "Jazzalynne. Jazz, is my name," she mumbled, "Who are you?"
He sat down beside her and started rubbing her back to try and easy her stomach. "My name is Hadix Right or for you Mr.Right." he felt bad for her because she was even more confused then he ways "You don't have a match for awhile so you still have some time to rest."
She jumped under his touch, nearly throwing up at her own movements. "You mean I have to fight someone? And has anyone ever told you how ridiculous your name is?" she asked, wrapping both her arms around her thighs, regulating her breathing.
"Yes I think you do have to fight someone unless they have different ideas for you." he laughed at her question "No I can say before you nobody has ever said that." he smiled even though she was sick she was still pretty. "You can call me by my monk name if you prefer."
(Anonymous I'm sorry, I have been trying to make longer posts so I've been trying to think of one.)

Taki picked up her crutches and kicked open her door. She walked inside and sat on her bed. She had millions of trophies, but her shelf felt empty without that one trophy.
"Monks? Fighting matches? What kind of a story plot have I fallen into?" she groaned, finally managing to straighten up and look at him, cheeks flushed from her former position. "What I care about, is how do I get home?"
Kanjo walked back after training at the gym. He passed Hadix' room and heard them talking. He leaned on the wall next to the door to Hadix' room and pretended to look at the screen with the battles on them. But really, he was listening to their conversation. "Maybe he knows about the group who is keeping us here..." He thought.
"I'm not quite sure how to get out. The only rewards I have seen are the trophys the hand out here." he said rather calmly "Okay we'll I used to be a monk until I was banished from the temple so I you want you can just call me Right." he stood up looking at the trophys glimmer. "I do feel bad for the girl I broke earlier though." he stood up from the bed when an announcement came on the overcom.'Hadix Right report to the arena please.' he started walking away when he asked her "Please watch me."

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