~Fight for Life~

(Oh... LOL)

Taki growled and sped up her pace. "Get away from me you lousy freak!" She stumbled a bit and fell onto the ground. She trembeled a bit, then managed to get back up. "I'm going to the damn infirmary, no need for you to follow me!"
He watched her fall not even taking a second thought to help her"That's true there is no need for me to follow you." he smile and laughed "However in your condition you can't stop me either so I think I will follow you anyways."
Taki didn't once turn around to ask for help or talk with Hadix while she was walking down the halls. "Hey." She said to a passing person. They smiled and waved, and she waved back. Once she reached the room she closed the door on Hadix and talked to the nurses about her bones.
He sat outside the doorway for her to exit. He sat there staring up at the light. His legs were crossed his fist were together and his eyes were closed.
The nurses replaced her casts and instructed her to have someone drop by her room every few hours. "Okay..." she mumbled exitting the room. Taki opened the door and said, "Done." she walked away in the direction of the dorms and smirked, "I don't need anyone to check on me."
As soon as she she exited he stood strait up "All better sunshine." he walked beside her "So you don't need anyone to check on you that's fine I'll just come visit you periodically." he smiled at her brightly "Why are you here?"
Taki growled and said, "Here? Because I'm a great karate and aikido practicer. They kind of kidnapped me." She thought that's was what he mean't, but she was not so sure.
"Oh so that's the kind of person you are." he said quietly and gave her a hug not letting go "I'm sorry." even though he hadn't done anything in the kidnapping situation he still felt inclined to saying so for whatever reason.
"You were kidnapped too. So I suppose ypu should be scared too." Taki said, trying to wriggle out. "I don't need a lover. Get off of me."
"I'm not loving you I'm pitting you." he squeezed her harder and spoke in a baby voice "and you just so gosh darn cute." he let go of her suddenly but held on to her so she wouldnt fall over.
Taki growled and wriggled away. "Pity me all you want." She got to her dorm and mumbled, "You annoying freak." She walked into her room and laid on her bed.
"Aww that hurts my feelings." he stood in her doorway looking in at her "Why do you hate me?" he asked still smiling
Taki sneered and said, "Because you're a stalker!" She closed her eyes and tried to ignore Hadi, who was almost about to get slapped.
"Ahh so you hate me because I care because I want to look after you." his smile slowly faded "Because I feel bad about breaking you,so you will hate me. So I will as you say stalk you."
Taki was confused by his words. "Speak properly." she mumbled covering her head with a pillow. "You creepy...stalker. Just leave me alone."
"You say that I'm creepy?" he looked confused "When one gets something to go away it is always out of fear."
Taki did not hear him and closed her eyes. Her stomach ached due to hunger, and thrist. But she didn't want anyone to know she was weak! She was Taki Ki! The surpreme aikido and karate master!
He closed her door for her and sat outside. Laying his head against the door waiting for her to come back out or ask for help.
Taki closed her eyes and coughed a bit, but endured it. "Go away..." she muttered quietly.
He ignored her completely making himself comfortable "No I won't because you inspire me." he sat guard in front of her door
Taki groaned and said, "Well then, you lousy bast.... GO GET ME FOOD!" She grunted and complained, "And you better hurry, or I'll starce to death."
"What do you want to eat love." he said warmly from the other side of the door and stood up so he could take on her quest.
"A sandwitch. With pickles, turkey and lettuce... don't forget the honey mustard." she said
He walked down the same hallway as the infirmary and found the kitchen he walked in and started making her sandwich for her. After he was done he started making his way when two soldiers grabbed his arm making him drop it "We've got a special show today three of us vs You." they said pushing him into the arena looking around again for his opponents.
Taki sighed and said, "Damn it, what's taking him so long?" She grabbed the Tv remote and typed the password in for the arena battles. On the screen, there was Hadix and three soilders. "Oh no..." she muttered getting up and unwrapping her casts. She ran out and into the stadium with a bone grinding noise in her leg and arm. Her face was turning pale slowly, but she said, "I volunteer to help Hadix."

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