~Fight for Life~

Taki heard Hadix over the overcom and grinned. "I'll go watch him." She put on a mask, because obviously everyone would hate her now anyways. She hopped down to the bleachers and one boy said, "Why are you wearing a mask?" She said quite rudely "Because I want to."
As he proceeded to walk into the arena he noticed that there wasn't another person in the ring with him. He shouted "Where is my opponent!" almost as soon as he was finished his gate was closed and he looked to the other side as they opened a gate. A large bull charged out pointing its sharp horns at his chest and Hadix jumped onto it head jumping into the air as the bull ran into the wall Hadix stumped at the fall. "What the heck is this!" as the bull charged at him again.
"Heh, he didn't know there were animals?" A bunch of guards came up to her and snapped off her mask. "Ms.Ki, you will be assisting Mr.Right in battle." Taki froze and said, "What? I say no!" The guards didn't care. They brought her to the fighting arena entrance. She stumbled as they took away her crutch. She imagined her foot worked, and she set her foot down. "Think positive..." her sensi's voice echoed in her head. She walked over to Hadix, stumbling a bit and said, "They forced me to join you...." She sighed and as the bull came she pushed Hadix and herself out of the way. "We nee dto kill the bull, rather that, you."
"These people have odd ideals." he looked down at her ankle "Are you okay I really didn't mean to break it." he looked as the bull came charging back he back flipped and pushed her out of the way. It's horn scraped along his back tearing threw the cloth and causing a minor cut. As he landed he turned back running back to the girl. "So how would you like to do this?"
Taki shrugged and said, "It's-" The bull cut her off and Hadix pushed her out of the way. "All we have to do is kill it. No form needed!"
"Forcing an injured fighter to help another fighter without warning... pathetic..." Kanjo said as he watched from the bleachers. He sat in the back row so he could see the fighting from a high point of view. "If they really wanted a show they should have just sent me out there alone and give me my sword." He felt back under his cape where his empty sheath was.
"As you wish." as the bull charged again he jumped on its head holding onto the horns as he lead it into a wall quickly flipping up as it ran into the wall. He was balanced on his arms sticking strait in the air and fell back slamming both his feet into its back. He flipped off running back to her and spoke in the light tone "Don't die." as the bull pulled out of the wall bellowing because of the previous hit and charged again.
"I'm not going to die, I'm god!" Taki laughed and jumped onto the bull. She said, "Flipping it over!" She hit it's weak ribcage and it span in circles trying to buck her off. "Lousy bull!" The bull began to tilt and it flipped over. She jumpped off and as it fell, she yelled to Hadix "Kill it!"
As she knocked it over he jumped into the air flipping forward driving both of his legs into its neck. "A god...I'm sure that's why your ankle was broken and your arm." he jumped off the bull and looked up at himself in the screen. He lifted her of the bull and kissed her forehead and cheeks and raised her arm in the air.
Jazzalynne watched the fight on a monitor in the hallway. "This is barbaric," she muttered, watching them both get battered and beaten before the bull finally fell. "This is not the day and age we live in. Gladiators are a thing of the past." Lost, she tried to find her way to her room, but everything was so uniform, they all looked the same to her.
Kanjo began to walk away from the arena. "As expected," He said, "Animals aren't efficient enough. A fight between two humans is much more enjoyable." He navigated over to the arena doors where the fighters would exit.
Taki let her hand raise and she whispered, "Do not ever touch me again, after this." She walked off taking half the trophy. It was a small trophy, because it was an animal. Soon, her legs and arms began to ache. She exitted the room and turned around to see the boy she tripped over. "Hello," she said in a mighty voice. "I lifted my hate."
"Oh but just listen to the cheers." he walked back into the building giving one final bow before he entered the room. He looked at the boy for a moment but walked to the infirmary to see if the nurse could patch him and his clothes up. She put a cold gel on his back and wrapped it. He thanked her and started to walk back to his room.
Kanjo turned to face Taki. "That match wasn't the least bit interesting." He said, "Allowing a handicapped opponent fight just shows how weak these animals are." He turned back to the screen with the battles on it.
Taki laughed and said, "I know it's the worst. You know they break one rib so it's easier?"
"If they wanted to make it easier they could just give us weapons." He said without looking away from the screen. "And maybe a few robots couldn't hurt."
"This place is a hand to hand combat place." Taki rolled her eyes, "Did you not know that?" She leaned against the wall and yawned.
Taki grinned and said sarcastically, "Sure you did." She stopped leaning on the wall and turned to the hallway that led to the infirmiry. "I better get my legs checked. They've been making grinding noises lately."
"That usually means that something's broken." Kanjo said. "Did you not know that?" That last sentence sounded like a joke, but with Kanjo's emotionless, monotone voice, it was hard to tell.
After had rested for awhile he walked back to the main room and walked up to one of the bullies.(A standing punching bag.) He punched his fist into his palm and crossed one leg ontop of the other looking as if he were sitting on air. His eyes were closed where he suddenly snaps up kicking it and knocked it over. He picked it up and returned to his previous position.
Taki didn't turn back but instead nodded. "I'm not a fool you know, I'm Taki Ki." She procceded walking not turning back.
He saw the girl he broke from earlier and ran over to her "Hey there feisty." he said flirtatiously walking beside her along the hallway.

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