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Fantasy Feudal Love


Berry bad fruit puns
Name: Ayda Birch
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Position: Werewolf Princess
Appearance: Ayda is fairly tall, standing at 5"11 and weighs around 145lbs. Her long hair is impeccably kept and seldom tangled despite the fact that she usually wears it down. However, for formal events she usually has it braided. Generally she likes to wear light colors and loose clothing when the weather permits, but when it's even slightly cold out she will throw on jackets.
Personality: Ayda is what you might call a daydreamer as she has a tendency to drift off into her thoughts and become oblivious to her surroundings when she is bored. However, given enough intellectual stimulation, she is very focused and likes to get her work done. She loves to read and is quite intellectual, and in addition she has a knack for languages which is helped by her easygoing nature that allows her to empathize with people around her. She tries not to judge others for their appearance or race, but she does have an ingrained hatred of vampires that she has tried hard to shake but has thus far been unsuccessful. Ayda is very much a free spirit and doesn't like to be confined, instead she likes having freedom to roam and explore her surroundings. Despite her calm nature, she gets nervous very easily and breaks under pressure; not to mention that she actually has a flaming temper that she struggles to control. She will very quickly get angry if somebody tries to challenge her authority or tries to talk down to her.
Hobbies: Reading, learning new languages, trying new food, protecting her people.
Dislikes: Vampires, extroverts, cold weather, cats, invasions of privacy.
Other: N/A

Name: Mina Wolfsbane
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Position: Maid to Ayda
Appearance: Mina is a delicate 5'2 and has a small, petite frame. She has big brown eyes, silvery white hair cut to bob length with two buns, and round features. She loves flowers and nature, and wears a flower crown as much as possible. Don't be fooled by her innocent looks, for her wolf form is one of the most powerful forms, which makes her so respected among her peers. Her wolf form has never been seen by Ayda or Arthur.
Personality: Mina isn't very intelligent bookwise (she can't read), she relies on her street smarts and knowledge of the world to help her. She is very polite, but also doesn't have much confidence. Despite this, she is loyal to those she serves and will sacrifice her life to make them happy and safe. Mina is a hard worker and keeps to herself and her master, although she does long to have a romantic companion, and will often imagine her life if she was in love. She sometimes projects on Ayda and Arthur, really wanting their love to blossom. She is accepting of Vampires because she comes from a clan that have already stopped fighting and carrying prejudices about vampires. Mina is afraid of her wolf side, because it is much more stronger and meaner than her "human" self, so she tries to control her emotions so her loved ones won't see her as a monster. Mina enjoys rules and following them.
Hobbies: cleaning, cooking, serving, designing clothing, daydreaming
Dislikes: disorder, fighting, rude people


Name: Arthur Landon Claymore
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Position: Prince of the Claymores, Apart of the Claymore Clan

Appearance: Crimson hair, pale skin, blue eyes, fairly tall (6'0), slim build but not athletic

Personality: Arthur is an only child and the son of the Leader of the Claymore Vampire Clan. He is used to being treated with respect and carries himself highly. He only accepts the best money (or power) has to offer and prefers to be in the position of control. He is sarcastic and critical of others. Arthur is the kind of person to make assumptions rather than actively pursue the truth. When there is something ingrained in his mind (ex. his parents told him werewolves are bad, so it takes him forever to understand they are beings too) it is hard for him to let it go. Even though he may come off as too honest, he is a kind soul under pressure. Everyone expects him to be a great leader for his clan and to fulfill his purpose. He still does not like werewolves, but tries to make an effort in his own weird way ("Hey, foul beast.") because he knows that his desires are far less valuable when it comes to the interests of the clan itself.

Hobbies: Drinking blood, hunting humans, gardening.

Dislikes: Werewolves, people below his status, dirty rooms

Name: Seth Alistar
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Position: Bodyguard
Appearance: Seth is tall and thin, standing at around 6"1 and weighing 150lbs. He usually dresses casually in a huntsman's clothes unless he is on guard duty in which case he dresses in black and white in order to appear more formal. He is seldom seen without his mischievous grin, though he knows when to tone it down in serious situations. His hair is long and black, with white tips, and normally he wears it tied in a braid down his back or in a low ponytail. He talks a lot about cutting it but he never does.
Personality: Seth is what one might call a trickster. The only reason he is still employed is because of his incredible fighting talent, but otherwise he is quite a disaster of a bodyguard. He likes to eavesdrop on private information and can be impulsive, very rarely thinking his actions through before he does them. He hardly ever learns from his mistakes and despite the fact he can be incredibly aggravating, these qualities can also make him endearing. However, on rare occasions he will take it upon himself to be serious and on those occasions he can be very professional which comes as a surprise to most people around him. Despite his laid-back demeanor he is also very observant and very rarely can be tricked.
Hobbies: Hunting, eavesdropping, creating mischief, combat.
Dislikes: (Live) Humans, water, animals, children.
Other: N/A

Castle Staff
Head of Staff: Cosby Lane
Head Chef: Norma Yi
Head Guard: Stephen Sardin
Maids: Maria Vancov, Aubrey Miles, Kayla Williams

Ayda Birch
Opening her eyes and staring at the ceiling, Ayda took a second to process the light shining in through the window. It was finally morning, after the long sleepless night she had spent writhing in bed. The reality had yet to sink in. Her nerves were made apparent through the two wolf ears sprouting out of her head and the unnaturally sharp ends to her fingernails - when she was agitated, she lost control of her ability to shapeshift and ended up sprouting random wolf ends. Pulling herself up into a sitting position, Ayda started to take a few deep breaths to calm herself down and was quickly rewarded as her second pair of ears sunk obediently back into her head. "Mina?" She called wearily, looking around the bedroom. She had requested that she and her maid could share the same room, but it was still early in the morning so she couldn't be sure the other werewolf was awake yet.

Standing up to stretch, Ayda began to set out the clothes that she would need for the day before freezing halfway through. She wouldn't be needing commoner's clothes today. After all, it was her wedding day. All at once her nerves were sky-high again and the damage didn't contain itself just to her ears as she felt her nose start to elongate into a snout. Letting out a sharp bark of frustration, she returned to lay down in her bed while she calmed down. She hated to leave Mina all the work, but as it was she would need to regain her composure before she would be any help. "I'm getting married today." She groaned to the maid. Saying it out loud seemed so final and foreboding. She had met prince Arthur the previous day when they had arrived at the castle, but they hadn't interacted much at all.

Ayda hated the idea of marriage. It seemed so confining. And she liked the idea much less considering the circumstances - arranged marriage to a vampire? It was like all her worst nightmares combined into one day. After today she supposed that she would have to start sharing a room with Arthur, and the day after they were to be leaving on their Honeymoon. Ayda liked the castle they were in well enough, why did they have to travel? She realized she was being nit-picky and irritable, but she gave herself some leeway given the circumstances. Getting back up, Ayda resigned herself to her fate. The first obstacle to concur would be breakfast with the vampires, and after that she would have to get ready for the wedding.

Seth Alistar
"Hey, Arthur," Seth whispered in the vampire prince's sleeping face. "Wake upppp." The sun had just come out and it was probably too early to do anything anyway, but Seth figured that on the prince's big wedding day he might as well be up early. "Arhurrrrrr" he grumbled as the prince failed to wake, beginning to poke his nose annoyingly. Normal people probably wouldn't be so casual with a royal, but in this instance Seth viewed Arthur as a younger brother so he figured it was fine. At least he didn't act like this with the prince in public - not most of the time, at least. Anyway, it's not like the prince would fire him or anything, so Seth rolled with it.

"It's your wedding dayyyyy,"the vampire soldier continued, not paying much attention to whether Arthur had woken up yet or not. Personally, Seth hated this arrangement. He despised werewolves from the bottom of his heart, and upon meeting the princess yesterday he had had to restrain every inch of his body from pouncing on the two girls and tearing them apart. Pouncing. What an ugly, werewolf-esque word. Jumping would suit him better. Very well, he had had to restrain every inch of his body from jumping on the two werewolves and tearing them apart.

Nonetheless, Seth had gotten it through his somewhat thick head that this marriage was important so he had actually been behaving himself. He hated to admit it but he was also concerned for Arthur, his little brother was about to be married away to some heathen from another country! It was a nightmare. Almost on queue, Seth's stomach started rumbling. "We've gotta go to breakfast so hurryyyy," Seth insisted, turning his gaze back upon the prince.
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Arthur Claymore
The sleepy prince of vampires, Arthur Claymore, was awaken by the rattling of his servant. Arthur didn't appreciate Seth's efforts to wake him up; royalty rose when they felt like it. Especially on their wedding day. So annoyed with his bodyguard, Arthur pretended to sleep until he left. When he did, Arthur gave a small yawn and got out of his plush bed. He took off his robe, revealing his pale bare chest. Arthur stared in the mirror, watching his crimson curls move in his reflection as he pushed them out of his sharp blue eyes. I'm getting married today, huh? He thought, frowning. Who would of thought a vampire prince would be married to an atrocious werewolf. As much as he didn't like the idea, he would have to grow used to it. This marriage was to unite two warring clans; between his and the werewolves. His opinions didn't matter, for his father would never let him back out. This marriage was literally life or death; if he ever wanted to see his parents again, he needed to make this work. Or better yet, let the wolf girl, Ayda, be the cause of the failed marriage. If only he could get her angry enough, then he could return home and not have to be with a disgusting werewolf.

Arthur sifted through his chest, looking for something to wear. He felt foolish for talking so long--why did he need to look presentable for this girl? He couldn't answer the question for himself. So he threw on clean linen, strapped his boots, and headed downstairs. On the way, he noticed Seth waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs, rolling his eyes. A faint grumble could be heard from Seth's stomach. The man was always hungry, which didn't surprise Arthur. Arthur raised an eyebrow at Seth's impatient behavior. "What? I'm the prince. I wake up when I please." Seth rolled his eyes and signaled Arthur to come downstairs. He followed. Despite the circumstances, the castle they stayed in was quite beautiful. It wasn't nearly as gorgeous as the Claymore Manor Arthur was used to living in, but it would do. Glass chandeliers hung in the main halls, and the cobblestone floor glimmered in the sunlight. Arthur wished he could be here alone, not preparing to getting married to Ayda.

In the dining hall, Ayda and her maid, Mina, were already waiting. Ayda sat at the end of the table, and Arthur took the seat furthest from her. She tried to make eye contact, but Arthur gave her a menacing stare and turned away. "Filthy mutt. I bet you people don't even eat at tables. Speaking of which, why isn't the table ready? I took my time and yet neither of you are prepared." Mina looked shocked, but continued setting the table. Arthur didn't look up to see the facial expressions on Ayda's face. He didn't want to look at her, let alone marry her.

Mina Wolfsbane
Mina sped around the castle, trying to do all of the daily chores. At the break of dawn, when Mina sensed the light rays coming through her chamber, she immediately got to work. There was so much to do around the castle before the wedding, especially preparing Ayda. She needed to mend Ayda's dress, trim her veil, do her hair, and prepare breakfast. The poor girl, Mina thought. She was probably going through so much. The vampire prince, Arthur, wasn't much of a man. Vampires were never friendly, and Arthur was no exception. Mina always caught him glaring at Ayda or making a snarky remark. Even though this was a complex marriage, Mina felt a pang of jealousy. She wished that she was the one getting married. Mina was two years older than Ayda, yet she was not betrothed. Instead, she was forced to be a protector of Ayda and other royal wolves. She didn't mind taking care of Ayda, she was a sweet girl, but sometimes she wished that she could be walking down the isle. Mina knew this would never be real for her, but she loved to imagine.

After preparing Ayda's morning bath, she hurried to a secluded room in the castle to begin working on the dress. She ran the needle through the beautiful lace fabric of the dress, closing any ripped seams or lose ends. Holding the dress up, Ayda smiled. It was beautiful, just as the girl who was going to wear it. Mina moved downstairs, to the kitchen. Norma Yi was already in the kitchen, preparing fresh loaves of bread. Mina inspected each dish with her werewolf senses, making sure that everything was safe. It also smelled quite delicious, and Mina found herself licking her lips while hovering over the meal. She immediately stopped when she found Norma Yi giving her an approving look.

Ayda was just sitting down as Mina began to set up the table. "Hello, Princess. Everything alright?" Mina decided not to push it and ask anymore questions. She already had enough on her plate with Arthur, and his mysterious bodyguard Seth. Speaking of the devil, Arthur entered, inspecting the setup. He scoffed, trying to make it apparent that he didn't like it. To the shock of Mina, he made a rude remark about her handiwork. Be calm, Mina. Don't let your wolf show. Mina took deep breaths, trying to remain calm. Her wolf was much nastier than she was, and she didn't want to lash out on the prince of vampires. There was so much riding on this marriage to work, and she really hoped it would. She didn't want to be a reason it fell to disaster.
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Ayda Birch
As Mina was inspecting the breakfast and went about her chores, Ayda took her time in the bath. She needed some quality time for herself before embarking on this day. After feeling like she had finally mastered her emotions, she began to look through the clothes she had brought to the castle. While she wanted to look nice, this was just for breakfast before she would have to change so she didn't want to wear anything too intricate. Eventually, the princess settled on a simple white dress that well-suited the warm morning. The girl quickly and deftly braided her hair before going down to breakfast where Mina was already waiting. Smiling at her maid as the other girl asked if she was alright, Ayda waited patiently for the table to be set. When Arthur and Seth entered, her hair automatically stood on edge, but after her intensive morning meditation she kept herself in check.

Despite her mental preparation for this meal, it still struck her that Arthur deliberately chose the seat as far away from her as possible. While she did despise the nasty vampires and everything they stood for, couldn't the prince at least attempt to be civil? As he called her a mutt, Ayda squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to control her reaction. Control. That's all I need. She tried to shut down her mind and ignore the rest of his tasteless comment, but as he lashed out at Mina the princess could feel a screw coming loose. Staring intently at the table, she could feel her nails beginning to grow out as her anger started to force her to shapeshift. Breathing steadily through her nose, Ayda willed her nails back to their human length and mustered up a sarcastic smile.

"Typical that we'd have to set the table for you, seeing as you probably don't know how to do it yourself. Pathetic leech." Ayda mumbled under her breath. She said it softly enough that nobody aside from Mina might hear her and aside from that kept a cold quiet demeanor. She wasn't going to give in to his taunting, she was stronger than that. At least she hoped she was. Once the food was laid out, Ayda kept her meal small. She didn't want to risk throwing it up later due to nerves, not to mention that having vampires at the table completely demolished her appetite. Not surprising.

Seth Alistar
Grinning easily at Arthur's arrogant remarks about princes waking up when they want to, the guard strolled behind the prince as he entered the dining room. Seth had to avert his eyes away from the werewolves as they entered in order to control his hatred and he created himself a place at the table. His head snapped up, however, at Arthur's crude remark about werewolves. Raising his eyebrows, the guard settled back in his chair. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He remarked offhandedly. While he could sympathize with Arthur's hatred of the werewolf race - after all, Seth had been on the battlefield fighting their foes many times - he wasn't exactly sure if this was the way political arrangements were supposed to go. Nevertheless, Seth wasn't particularly bothered as long as no harm was going to come to Arthur, and quickly tucked into breakfast when it was served.

His game plan as a whole was to ignore the werewolves as much as possible in order to avoid aggravating himself. Patting himself on the back for his excellent sense of self-restraint, Seth focused mainly on Arthur throughout breakfast. "Aside from the company, how are you this morning?" He asked the prince, not making any particular effort to quiet his voice but at the same time not being overtly menacing towards the wolves. Arthur's attitude did not easily offend or annoy Seth. Sure, the prince was arrogant and entitled, but Seth was too. He was confident that he wouldn't be fired regardless of what he did, so he took the situation pretty lightly. Generally when one was interacting with royalty they had some sense of humility, but not Seth. Not by a long shot.
Arthur Claymore
"Alright, I suppose." Arthur responded to Seth. "Although I do find myself craving animal blood." He said this last part a little louder, hoping Ayda would hear. In truth, Arthur didn't like the frilly breakfasts served here. He could eat it if he wanted, but it was more for taste. What he really wanted was blood, fresh from the source. Back when he was with his vampire clan, Arthur made time every week to hunt. It was a tradition for him and his mother, the only two in the clan who constantly craved blood. He also loved the thrill of the hunt, searching for someone or something to strike upon. He was no monster, he let them survive, but drank just enough blood to feel full. Arthur wished he could get up and leave to go right then and there.

But Arthur's legs didn't move. Instead he sat there, jabbing at the food with his fork, thinking about his life. How strange had it felt, to be stripped of his right to hunt because he had to get married, to a werewolf at that. Here in the castle, he had nothing except Seth to remind him of his vampire roots. It was a beautiful cage, but all birds need to be set free eventually. Arthur hoped his time would be soon, as long as he tried to keep his distance from Ayda. Although even that was beginning to grow difficult. They were getting married soon, and he would have to speak to her directly at some point. But he had made up his mind that it wouldn't be him who initiated the contact.

Mina Wolfsbane
Mina gave a small chuckle at Ayda's comment. Even though she was still disgusted by vampires, she found it humorous to make fun of them. Especially the prince of a vampire clan. Mina knew her main duty was to take care of Ayda and the estate, but she believed she could spare some time to ruffle up the vampire boys. For the sake of good fun, she told herself.

Mina left the dining room with a bow and roamed the halls looking for work to do. Today was going to be an important day, and she needed to make sure everything on the inside was running smoothly. She peeked into empty door frames and halls to check for any blemishes. Mina enjoyed being clean. It was calming to her. When everything turned sour, like vampires interrupting your life, order in the castle soothed her.
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Ayda Birch
Taking it upon herself to entirely ignore whatever the vampires might be saying, Ayda stoically ate her breakfast. Concentrating on cutting the food perfectly into little pieces, she shut down her sensitive sense of hearing and let herself be consumed by the thought of the meal. Eating it piece by piece, her method was slow but her chewing was fast so she soon managed to finish the meal. As Mina chuckled at her comment about leeches, Ayda looked up to smile appreciatively at the maid. Soon enough, Mina had gone off roaming through the castle, and Ayda was left alone. Turning her attention back to the food, she discovered her plate was empty. Hesitating, wondering if she should eat more as she was still hungry, the girl decided against it and carefully pushed her chair back and stood up. Generally, she liked to thank people for the meal but in this case the cook was in the kitchen so she simply began walking back to her room.

Unfortunately, on the way to the exit of the dining hall, she had to pass Arthur. Keeping her head up and her eyes locked on the doorway, Ayda walked with as much dignity as she could muster. Her hair hung limp on her back, and thankfully her wolf ears had been obedient for once and stayed in her head. As she drew closer to the vampire, her nails started to grow out a bit, but the reaction was controllable. She knew that she would have to talk to this man eventually, but decided that right now was not the time. Perhaps after the ceremony. Knowing that she would most likely put talking off as long as possible, Ayda narrowed her eyes. She would speak to him after the wedding ceremony. That was final. Thus resolved, the werewolf walked past her husband-to-be and continued on her way.

Seth Alistar
Seeing the wolf maid leave the dining room, Seth narrowed his eyes. He didn't want some strange intruder roaming around the halls unattended, who knew what she would get up to. Standing up, Seth bowed to the prince somewhat mockingly. "I'll return shortly," he told the prince before leaving after the maid. He was reluctant to leave Arthur alone with the princess, but he was confident that the prince would be able to deal with the girl himself should trouble arise. The Ayda girl looked just like a pampered princess who had never known battle, whereas Arthur was somewhat proficient at combat. Besides, he intended to make this interaction quick. Find the maid, order her back to the dining room or into her room, and then return to his prince.

Spotting the maid looking around at doorways and such, Seth's skin prickled. Was she gathering information? Was she a spy? He was tempted to draw his blade and cut her down right there and then, but he restrained himself. "And what would you be up to?" He asked from behind her, not attempting to conceal the hostility in his voice as he regarded the werewolf.
Arthur Claymore
Arthur, seeing Ayda, Seth, and Mina leave, took it as a sign that he should too. It's not like he was eating anyways, and he needed to get dressed. Plus, he was the only one left in the dining hall. Arthur got up, pushed in his chair, and left. When he got to his room, he laid on his bed, stretching out his legs. Today is still the day, Arthur thought. No matter how unreal it feels. Once he grew bored of that, and reality struck him, Arthur began to get ready. He slowly fastened each button on his shirt. He put on his boots, the good ones that were the color of charcoal, and played with the hems of his pants. Finally, he put on his father's amulet, which contained their family stone, emerald. Arthur smiled as he hung it around his neck. Even on this horribly fated day, this amulet would protect him, as it had for years. It was all he needed to remind himself of home.

Looking in the mirror, Arthur flicked a few curls, and smoothed down his fiery hair. The wedding would be soon, and he needed to get ready. No turning back now. Before the vows, Arthur needed a walk, so he went outside to the castle grounds. He took a breath of fresh air, where it didn't smell like werewolf hair and damp stone. Taking a risk he stepped out of the safety of the shadows to feel the sun on his skin. Vampires didn't die immediately in the sun, but it did make them weak, which could kill them over time. Arthur was aware of this, but he liked the temporary feeling the sun gave him. Even though he grew sleepy in the light, he loved the warmth. It was nothing he ever felt before.

Mina Wolfsbane
Mina ran out of things to clean. She was a fast and proficient worker, so most of her rounds around the castle were touch-ups. It's not like she could trust the maids that the castle came with; they had done a horrible job taking care of the home before she arrived. The maids weren't even polite in Mina's opinion. They had never introduce themselves. Where Mina came from, even sniffing was a nice gesture to say hello. She supposed it wasn't like that anymore.

Lost in her thoughts, Mina didn't even notice the vampire behind her who was speaking. She turned around and addressed him. She took a step back and gripped her broom, trying to get a good look at him. "I'm cleaning, which is my duty. I am here to take care of the princess as well as tend to the estate. Unlike you, I am here to work and am serious about what I need to do. So excuse me, while I make myself useful." Mina huffed and rolled her eyes at the vampire for good, dramatic measure.
Ayda Birch
Returning to her room, Ayda sat on the bed for a few moments before gathering the courage to stand up and look at her wedding dress. After putting it on, it was unlikely that she'd have very much mobility for awhile. Undressing, she carefully began to put the dress on. She knew that her family had paid a pretty hefty sum to have it made, so she didn't want to ruin it. The thought of her family shot through her like a stab to the stomach, and abruptly her wolf ears appeared. Ears dropping, the girl pulled the rest of the dress on. Of course, it fit like a glove. It was floor-length with flowing short sleeves and honestly it was pretty beautiful. Pulling her hair back, Ayda began to braid it while standing in front of the mirror. To complete the braid, she tied a small band around her hair that her sister had given her before she left.

Thus dressed, Ayda put on her nice shoes and attempted to walk around to the best of her ability. The room was confining to walk in, so she ended up pacing the corridors. While she was royalty and therefore accustomed to wearing nice clothing, she still did want to make sure that she was comfortable in this particular garment. She didn't want to end up looking like a fool in front of the nasty vampires in the audience. In this emotional state, her ears were still out, and she made no attempt to conceal them. She was a werewolf, and she figured that she might as well be proud of it. Back straight and chin up, Ayda decided that she was ready for the wedding. It was planned to be a nice but small-scale event, and her own family wasn't even coming out to see it. As long as it got done they were happy.

Ending up in the castle grounds, Ayda enjoyed the sun as she walked around. Freezing when she saw Arthur standing around the corner, she hid behind a tree so that she wouldn't be seen. Breakfast had already been too much of the vampire prince for her to handle. Cautiously looking back around, she realized that she was standing in the sunlight. That seemed weird. Wasn't sunlight supposed to harm vampires? Returning to her hiding place behind the tree, Ayda prayed that she wouldn't be found.

Seth Alistar
Waiting for the maid to turn around, Seth scowled at her words. She was here to work? Unlike him? He was working a harder job than any maid could relate to. Killing people in battle seemed a lot more troublesome than killing the occasional spider. Her attitude also made it impossibly hard for him to refrain from slitting her throat - at this point even biting her was out of the question, he didn't want to even associate with that kind of blood. Eyes glassing over as he worked to control his rage and hatred, Seth was silent for a few seconds. "Useful. We'll see who's more useful if anybody ever tries to lay a hand on my prince." He stated coldly, making it clear that he didn't trust the werewolves to keep their side of the peace arrangement.

Walking away before his sword decided to take things up on its own, Seth looked for the prince; his day left with a bitter taste at the back of his mouth. Disgusting. That's what those werewolves were. He needed a pay raise to deal with such creatures, but he noted that his salary was incredibly high anyway. Being the vampire military's top general had it's perks. So what am I doing here? He asked himself sourly, but he knew that in the end the prince's safety in front of such heathens were his top priority. That's why he was here. To protect the prince.
Arthur Claymore
Arthur laid down in the grass among the flowers. With one heavy gasp, he took in all the air around him. He felt the petals of the flowers between his fingers. He smelled the fresh, crisp air, and tingled underneath the warm sun. He even laughed for the first time in a while as the grass tickled his skin as he fidgeted. As ironic as it could be, Arthur loved the outdoors. He wished he could stay here forever, but was confined by everything. His status as a vampire, his clan's rules, his arranged marriage. It all felt like too much, yet he knew that this was his duty. This was his life now.

Finished pondering, Arthur stretched his lengthy legs and rose from the ground. Arthur started to feel dizzy; he had been outside too long, getting lost in his thoughts. How foolish I've become, Arthur thought. Then his thoughts turned sour. And it's all because of this ridiculous arranged marriage. He stumbled across the field grasping the sun as it grew faint. Seeing a tree, Arthur picked up his pace and tried to hold on to it. It was too late, as he fell to the ground. Not before meeting the eyes of a certain werewolf.
Mina Wolfsbane
Mina felt quite proud of what she said to the vampire. It was about time she stood her ground. Who knows how long the vampire prince and her darling Ayda would be married, if the marriage lasted at all. She could be here for the rest of her life, and eventually at some point, she would need to stick up for herself. Mina decided now would be better than later. And it felt good.

Mina pranced down the halls, sweeping with newfound happiness. "I'm my own wolf," she declared to nobody in particular. "I'M MY OWN WOLF!" she cheered. From now on, Mina thought, she would not be afraid to be around vampires. At least that Seth. Arthur was another subject. A very frightening, cold subject. He was quiet and calculated. Nothing that came out of his mouth was remotely nice. It was as if the man had never interacted with others outside of his clan before. Which could be the truth. Mina had heard many things about vampires, and their antics. Other werewolves had once told her they never let the vampire princes leave their clan territory! Which sounded ridiculous to her. Mina pondered actually asking the prince about his life before the castle. But she quickly dismissed the thought. She may have been on a roll, but Arthur would forever be a scary being to Mina.

Stopping to dust a vase, Mina heard noises coming from outside. Quickly coming to her senses, she peered out a neighboring window. To her surprise, she saw that wicked vampire, Arthur, outside! Mina tried her best to be discreet, taking glances out the window as she was amazed by what she saw. Were vampires not supposed to stay inside unless it was night? Maybe he's trying to hurt himself, Mina questioned to herself. Wait...If Arthur was trying to kill himself, then Ayda couldn't get married to him! Although she hated the vampire, a deal was a deal, and if the wedding was called off, destruction would occur. I must bring him back inside! Mina thought to herself. So she scurried down the stairs once more to run outside. She came just in time, and stared in shock as he passed out underneath a tree while saying Ayda's name.

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