Daddy Dream
Creation becomes Destruction
- One on One
- Group
- Dice
- Quests
- Nation Building
- IllesiaIrvine
Illesia smiled gently at Seraphina when she asked to want to have tea with her. It wasn't a bad idea, she enjoyed a cup of tea with some fresh snacks. Maybe she would do that some time, yes this beach trip would be perfect. As she was lost in thought, Wren had walked over and tenderly placed a crown of flowers atop her head. Being a bit surprised by being brought back from her thoughts, she gave a friendly smile at Wren as she gently touched the crown on her head.
"Thank you Lady Wren, these are beautiful, and I hope that they wont be wasted on me" Illesia then turned to Seraphina and addressed her invitation. "And that sounds lovely Duchess Seraphina, I will bring some snacks to pair with the tea." Illesia smiled warmly towards the woman before turning and heading back to her dorm. She needed to pack up her clothes for the trip and maybe a few accessories as well.
While walking back to her dorm, she was suddenly approached by several wispy figures, all eagerly awaiting to speak to her. Glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one else was around, she permitted the spirits to speak.
'Madame, there is someone else here that can see us. they pushed that lady down the hill. This caused Illesia to furrow her brow and slow her walking to a stop. There was someone else? If that is the case, why did they shove Seraphina down the hill after witnessing one of the spirits? They don't look threatening, nor do they have enough energy to be physically threatening either. She gave a sign and dismissed the spirits, making a mental note about what they told her.
After a little time, Illesia returned to the meeting point, dressed in her swim suit, sandals, and a large floppy hat. She looked at the others who had gathered briefly before watching the Queen open the portal. Her brows raised as it had been a very long time since she watched a portal actually be opened in front of her. Most of the ones she encountered were already open, and none of them did she actually travel through since there was no reason to. She ended up following the other through and immediatly felt the warm air on her skin the refreshing hot breeze blow by. Her brushed some hair from her face and allowed her eyes to adjust before she moved off to the side. She happened to hear Edwin offer up cupcakes to everyone, but she she heard the flavors she hesitated to walk over. They were sweets, and while she didn't expect them to be overwhelming, she also never had a sweet tooth when she grew up.
- IllesiaIrvine
It had been years since we was able to spend even a minute of his time by himself. Laid out on a floating dock, an umbrella giving shade to his face, and the sound of a windchime occasionally dinging off to the side. Irvine took in steady breaths of the fresh air and was nearly asleep when a body approached, shaking the dock with each step.
"Prince Monte, your parents have sent a message. They have discovered you sent the young master in your place to the matchmaking party and they are livid. If you do not participate, they will destroy your prized book collection." The sound of a males voice inturrupted the peaceful surroundings and Irvine opened his eyes to see his personal guard looking at him with indifference. Irvine groaned and sat up, waving his had to fend off the judging eyes of his companion.
"I understand. If I knew they were going to get this worked up I would have just bit my cheek and attended. He looked out over the beach not far from him and sighed. He was going to miss being able to lounge around out here. Now he had to go participate in a stuffy atmosphere full of even more stuffy men and women. As he was taking in the last bit of self made vacation time when he spotted what he thought was a portal forming. With a furrowed brow, he got the attention of his guard and pointed to the area. "Is that what I think it is? Is that a portal forming?"
The eyes of the guard looked over before confirming the existence of a portal. Curious as to who was coming through, Irvine slid into the water and waded his way to shore until he was able to stand with the water chest high. He watched closely as several women and a small amount of men came walking through the portal, all seeming dressed in swimwear. Were they here for vacation? If so, he wondered if her could use them as an excuse not to attend that stuffy party. With that thought in mind, Irvine walked his way out of the water and over to the group right as the portal closed.