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Fantasy Festival For The Lonesome Noble Or How I Was Tricked Into Attending A Hookup Event For Unmarried Nobles [Fantasy/Light Romance]

  • Illesia

    Illesia smiled gently at Seraphina when she asked to want to have tea with her. It wasn't a bad idea, she enjoyed a cup of tea with some fresh snacks. Maybe she would do that some time, yes this beach trip would be perfect. As she was lost in thought, Wren had walked over and tenderly placed a crown of flowers atop her head. Being a bit surprised by being brought back from her thoughts, she gave a friendly smile at Wren as she gently touched the crown on her head.

    "Thank you Lady Wren, these are beautiful, and I hope that they wont be wasted on me" Illesia then turned to Seraphina and addressed her invitation. "And that sounds lovely Duchess Seraphina, I will bring some snacks to pair with the tea." Illesia smiled warmly towards the woman before turning and heading back to her dorm. She needed to pack up her clothes for the trip and maybe a few accessories as well.

    While walking back to her dorm, she was suddenly approached by several wispy figures, all eagerly awaiting to speak to her. Glancing over her shoulder to make sure no one else was around, she permitted the spirits to speak.

    'Madame, there is someone else here that can see us. they pushed that lady down the hill. This caused Illesia to furrow her brow and slow her walking to a stop. There was someone else? If that is the case, why did they shove Seraphina down the hill after witnessing one of the spirits? They don't look threatening, nor do they have enough energy to be physically threatening either. She gave a sign and dismissed the spirits, making a mental note about what they told her.

    After a little time, Illesia returned to the meeting point, dressed in her swim suit, sandals, and a large floppy hat. She looked at the others who had gathered briefly before watching the Queen open the portal. Her brows raised as it had been a very long time since she watched a portal actually be opened in front of her. Most of the ones she encountered were already open, and none of them did she actually travel through since there was no reason to. She ended up following the other through and immediatly felt the warm air on her skin the refreshing hot breeze blow by. Her brushed some hair from her face and allowed her eyes to adjust before she moved off to the side. She happened to hear Edwin offer up cupcakes to everyone, but she she heard the flavors she hesitated to walk over. They were sweets, and while she didn't expect them to be overwhelming, she also never had a sweet tooth when she grew up.

Lady Isolde
Getting ready for the excursion didn't take long for the red haired young woman since Isolde really didn't need much more in life than her violin and people to toy with. Even that last necessity wasn't even fully a necessity because she did enjoy her own company. Even friends didn't generally mean enough to Isolde to cause her to seek them out for extended amounts of time, the only exception being Roland. So much had happened at the gala thus far that she was going to need a lot of time to fill him in and catch up on his own shenanigans. There was one other person weaseling her way into Isolde's very exclusive list of friends, and the redhead found herself worrying about Wren as she finished putting on her swimming attire. The way that Wren had looked to her so earnestly made it clear that she had something she needed to discuss with Izzy, yet she wasn't comfortable doing so in front of her sister. Did something happen? Had someone tried to take advantage of the sweet, naive girl? If so, well, no one could create a creative punishment quite the way that Isolde could. Rare were the times when Isolde saw fit to seek retribution, but she was vicious when the situation deserved it. Even a knave like Izzy had principles!

She slung her violin case across her back and approached the gathering of others who were apparently going on this excursion with the Queen. Green eyes narrowed as she felt the shift in the air, her skin tingling as the magic was cast to create the portal. She was not versed in many other forms of magic, but she could feel a similar sizzling in the air as when she used her bardic magic. Perhaps she would ask the other woman more questions about her magic later...though her largest question was why she didn't use any of it to help her disguise be more convincing. It could have been beyond her ken to trick others able to poke holes in her explanations.

A voice from her left caught her attention, and she turned to be addressed by the young prince from before. An amused smile curled on her lips as he sought to apologize for his behavior previously as well as to try to assert his position. How...noble. It was almost sickeningly so. If it had been anyone else, she would have thought his words were false in an attempt to gain her favor by seeming so chivalrous. Instead, she felt that there was an echo of truth to his words. Oh gracious, he had even made sweets for others..Was he that starved for attention that he had to try to hard to gain the favor of others? Ah, and that way he looked at Wren hadn't been lost on Izzy. They would make a striking pair, but Izzy was not completely certain of his intentions. If he was going to seek out the favor of Wren, well, he was going to have to pass Izzy's trials before she gave her approval.

"No need to apologize to me, my lord. There are indeed many who would take advantage of servants, but I have found in my years at court that other nobles, even royalty, are not immune to being targeted by nefarious fellows. Titles do not make a person just nor does the lack of one make a person either innocent or incompetent. I do offer my own apology for having not introduced myself previously. Sometimes I forget that my reputation doesn't always precede me. My name is Lady Isolde, but you may call me Izzy if it would please you." She looked at the cakes being offered and had to admit...he did have a talent. Like Wren, he seemed to have an ability to narrow down what sweets a person would prefer. Still, that wasn't enough to shift Isolde's opinion in his favor.

"Thank you, my lord, that was most kind of you to offer. You are astute to assume that I would not like something too sweet. One might say that one's taste in sweets mirrors their appreciation for other aspects of life. I enjoy tartness to create a balance just as I also like spiciness to play against sweet things. Now the question is turned on you, my lord. What is your preference?"


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