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Fantasy Festival For The Lonesome Noble Or How I Was Tricked Into Attending A Hookup Event For Unmarried Nobles [Fantasy/Light Romance]

Lucia interacting with Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Violetti Violetti

Inside, Lucia became more infatuated with Edwin as said he liked many foods and then added that he can cook and bake. It made him sound even better when he spoke how he would also cook something for his servants. But it seemed he wasn't allowed to do more for his servants. Nonetheless, she began to think that he sounded like a wonderful person. Maybe he is the one for her. Though she didn't know what Lilia would think about it.

As Lucia's grip tightened as she didn't notice Edwin's discomfort yet, she looked up to him with hearts in her eyes. "You can bake and cook?! That's wonderful! As much I disliked the idea of this event, I think I have already found someone I could marry! You would marry me, wouldn't you? And if aunt Lilia has her doubts, I could convince her." Lucia said in excitement. The images of delicious dishes flooded her mind as she began to salivate. "We could cook together. But I am mostly only experienced with meat dishes from the creatures I have hunted. But I can only get the weaker creatures like dire boars or Livianian bulls. But maybe some day, I will be as strong as aunt Lilia, then we can eat wyvern or even dragon." Lucia was absolutely obviously to the fact that she wasn't as weak she thought she was as dire boars were five time larger and stronger than normal boars or that Livianian bulls were just minotaurs.

Lucia however began to notice that she held onto Edwin's arm too tight as he began looking visibly uncomfortable and his arm had turned white from the lack of circulation. "Oh no! I am sorry! I didn't mean to hold you so tightly. People say I have a strong grip. I guess that is the only thing I am strong besides climbing trees and running. Once I learn combat enhancement magic from my aunt, I could probably run from Liviania to Silversand in two days!" Lucia blabbered on.

"You said you treat your servants with self cooked food though." Lucia said before letting out another woopsie: "I have no experience with servants though. We don't employ them. Aunt Lilia says that we can do everything ourselves and without a large palace no extra help is needed. Sometimes the guards help out though."

Lucia felt as if she was being watched. She then noticed Wren staring at them after munching down on a pastry. It felt odd as if she was daydreaming. A rival! She's dreaming about Edwin! Lucia concluded. She hugged Edwin tightly while staring back at Wren and let out a hiss. "Prince Edwin. You are mine now. I wont let the other women here have you." Lucia stated with confidence.

Lilia interacting with redroseknight redroseknight Sincerity Sincerity Violetti Violetti

Ezra declined Lilia's offer to spar. "If you change your mind, just seek me out. I'd be delighted to spar as I haven't had a worthy sapient opponent in a while. Mostly, I run into smaller monsters while collecting herbs in the forest." She said as she curtsied.

It seemed Isolde took an interest in Lilia and inquired who she was. "My name is... er... Lili... yeah, my name is Lily." Lilia said, giving a crappy cover name that was very close to her real name. And the stammering probably made it worse. Isolde wondered about Lilia's way with words and her mana. Quickly piecing together an excuse, Lila replied: "Well, it is my duty to interact with people of high status and importance before my lady receives them. And I have trained myself to protect anyone in our country, especially my beloved niece... I mean lady."

Crap. Lilia thought. I hope I didn't blow my cover. I should have thought out a backstory instead of just putting on a maid dress.

Then Lady Seraphina caught on that it was odd that the maid Lily would see herself as second to only the queen. "Forgive the misunderstanding. I meant to say that I am only second to Queen Lilia in terms of ability. I may be pretty strong by Livianian standards, but I couldn't possibly win against the queen." Lilia said trying to mend the situation.

"Maybe I should check on Lucia." Lilia said with slight anxiety in her voice. "Do anyone need anything from me before I head back in?"

The man had endured for as long as the young lady before him had nearly torn his arm off. He was surprised that Livanian strength could go as far as it does. Thankfully he never had the chance to meet the royal Lilia on the battlefield to test the strength of her own either. Edwin finally felt freedom as she let go of his arm, he had to examine it just for a few short moments- to ensure it still worked after all.

It did.

Though at first he thought he misheard, Lucia seemed to go on about marriage. Wait, what? Marriage? Edwin had forgotten the event and its true purpose yet again, leaving him stricken with another bout of weariness. He had not accounted for someone being so forthcoming. Edwin had entirely expected the event to go on without any interaction of his own, and yet fate seemed to spin an unusual thread as of late. Edwin not only failed to comfort two nobles, but the third one he was finally able to comfort..Latched onto him like a fine meal.

"I--..Ah.." Edwin could only muster up a few short noises at her, he couldn't really get anything out. So far he had been taken on a roller coaster of emotions with not enough time to sort through all of them. That was until he heard Lucia's oopsie of the hour.

"I have no experience with servants though. We don't employ them."

Edwin's demeanor changed from his sudden shock to a more serious note. Something was amiss if this "maid" had been parading around Lucia...
"My lady...I do believe it is far too early of anyone to consider a marriage just yet.. Though I respect that you view me as such a highly candidate I would ask you to hold your judgement on me until we reach the end of this event... What I find peculiar is you stated that you don't have servants? Then by chance who is the maid accompanying you to this event?" Edwin seemed to be more concerned about the situation with the maid now.. He had barely heard of the mutterings Lucia emitted upon looking at another noble woman..?

Edwin had to look up to see what Lucia was hissing at.

A cold knife struck the scar against Edwin's chest. That very same knife dug deep and pierced through his heart like butter. It made him lose his breath while he tried to catch it. His burning crimson eyes glistened like wildfire surging in those awe-struck pupils of his. This was a feeling he had never felt before...? Why was it so unusual? It made him scared just as much as it wanted to pull him in. Was this...Lady Wren Ravenwood? He had not been able to catch her appearance before she ran off, far too invested in the corridors of his own mind to appreciate her beauty.

That was it, wasn't it!
This feeling.

Her cheeks were supple, and full. Her eyes weaved the colors of the sea and hold deeply that whirlpool of vibrant color. Her hair a void of rich midnight black. But his thoughts returned to those dainty, but adorable cheeks. For some odd reason, Edwin had the thought in his head to gently squish them! She'd pucker up like a chipmunk. Squish, squish, squish. Edwin stared long enough to make absolute eye-contact with Wren in her daydreaming state... As soon as their eyes would meet, a lingering hesitation welled up inside of Edwin; but the thoughts in his head regurgitated and belittled what little sense of a serene moment he had staring at Wren. Quickly the Prince of Silversand drew his eyesight away..

"Lady Lucia...I must go. I don't feel very well.. Please do not worry about my arm, I will be just fine. I'm just a little..Out of sorts." Edwin spoke to Lucia as he withdrew from her powerful hug...

Quickly did Edwin begin to walk away, with a grating echo piercing his sense of hearing..

"You are not whole. You are not worthy. Ever."

The thoughts continued to parade through his mind as he walked on and on and tried to go back to the suite that was provided to him for this event. How could he ever get past his own...his own insecurity for this event? He was a good man... He was a kind man.. But why did he never feel worthy enough? Why must he do battle with a foe that cannot be cut or silenced? Why can't he find the spotlight...? Mother and Father....They depended on him to acquire a bride. This event might just be the last hope for the Empire of Silversand... Would Edwin conquer the invisible foe that dances within his mind?

Interactions: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Violetti Violetti (Mention)
Code by Serobliss
Illesia Mondessa

A carriage the color of white and decorated with winding vines of pale pink and white flowers rolled into town. It bore the crest of the Mondessa family, a vibrant pink lily rimmed in golden vines. It was a late arrival, but the current duchess of the family was very against wanting to leave her room. However, now she was in the carriage and on her way to Rubinia to 'sight see' as her mothers told her. She was a bit upset during the ride, but loosened up when she saw the town come into view. A smile came across her lips as she watched out the window, watching all the people and shops roll by.

"Look Illesia, Castle Atreyas is coming up. Its our first stop in the town." Her mother spoke is a soft tone, pointing out the window at a large stone castle. Illesia looked at it and narrowed her eyes as she noticed quite a bit of fancy looking carriage rolling into their gates.

"It looks quite magnificent, but I noticed there are several carriages from other prominent families coming in too. Is there something going on?" She turned to her mother, who seemed to smile nervously and answer with a soft nod, followed by informing her there is a ball that is taking place around the time they were coming in. They were to be expected to attend, well she was expected to attend.

Illesia looked irritated, but with a single look from her other mother she didn't say anything, just sat quietly and allowed the inevitable to happen. She heard talk amongst the social circles that there was such a ball being held for individuals who were lost causes when it came to marriage and were sent here to find a partner. She didn't believe such talks and just assumed it was typical gossip for entertainment, but now she found that she should have listened a little more to everything being said. As the carriage began rolling through the castle gates, Illesia looked at her parents, who now wore hopeful faces, and groaned. This was actually going to happen and she had no other choice but to bit her tongue and bare with it until the event came to a close and she could go home.

When the carriage came to a stop, the doors opened and a servant was out there waiting to escort her out of her carriage. She peeked her head out and furrowed a brow, noticing that she was the only one getting out of the carriage. Was she late? She looked around once more before turning back to the carriage as the door slammed shut. With her mouth agape, her mothers waved out of the windows goodbye and disappeared into the horizon, leaving her there.

"What is the world just happened?" She was confused for a bit before being brought back to reality when the servant asked if she wanted him to take her inside. With a heavy sigh, she nodded and rested her hand on his forearm as he escorted her inside and to the ballroom, where she was announced.

"Entering Duchess Illesia Mondessa from the Duchy of Artor in the Kingdom of Rubin!" She gave a bit of a wince before straightening her back and lifting her chin. She didn't know who all was here, but judging by the carriages and her being the last one entering at such a late hour, she had to make a good impression.

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Lady Isolde


Movement from Wren caught Isolde's eye, and she watched the older sister pull the younger one aside to have a word. That was quite unsurprising since Wren had taken off so abruptly within the ballroom during her conversation with Princess Lucia and her maid. What did concern her, a feeling that was completely foreign to Isolde, was that Seraphina was sending her sister back into the ballroom unaccompanied. Why would she send such a sweet rabbit straight to a den of wolves without any manner of protection in the form of a companion?! The girl was absolutely too naive to be entertaining suitors on her own. Why, someone with nefarious intentions could--

Since when did Isolde care? The redhead had watched countless women be wooed then disposed of by rapscallions, herself quite the rake after all, and yet she had never intervened. So why would she do so now? Why would she care? It wasn't any of her business what happened to Wren, yet she felt an odd twinge in her chest at the thought of something happening to her. Maybe she needed to get something to eat or drink. And when she did so, she would keep an eye out for the little rabbit. Just to make sure that she was faring well and steering clear of those she knew would have nefarious intentions. Perhaps she would even make mention of it to Roland later just to be safe.

There were other matters at hand, she reminded herself, and shifted her gaze to Seraphina once the woman spoke to her. Thinking quickly on her feet, she was able to figure out exactly what parts of the conversation she had missed during her musing regarding what to do about Wren. Right. There had been a suggestion of competition between the maid and the prince, and it was quite peculiar that the maid had felt so confident to even suggest such a thing. This was a great distraction from her previous affliction of feeling, well, anything, and she threw herself into focusing on the other two women's mannerisms as well as taking in Prince Ezra's more subdued temperament. Poor fellow, surrounded by clearly stronger willed women.

"Games are exactly what is needed to ease the tensions that are bound to rise when you bring so many people of varied cultures and personalities in one place while expecting them all to mingle seamlessly. I shouldn't be surprised, of course, to find that you would come to such a clever deduction given what chance encounter I have had with your sister, Lady Wren. I see that not only is beauty a strong trait shared among your family, but also intelligence and a charming demeanor," she teased before looking back toward Lilia with a pleasant smile upon her lips. The maid was making more mistakes now, mistakes that were not being glanced over by the cunning and playful Countess.

'Lily' was said in such an awkward manner that it took every ounce of Isolde's considerable will to control her expression. It could be a coincidence, the maid becoming nervous from interacting so closely with women like Seraphina and Isolde...but that wasn't like to be the case. If it was her duty to interact with those of a grand station, then she was going to be far more at ease in that regard than those who did not often do so. It seemed she had only become nervous and flighty once she was being questioned. Servants were always to be questioned by those of greater stations, so this shouldn't have been a new situation for 'Lily'. Where had that confidence just fluttered off to?

Green eyes narrowed slightly like a cat zeroing in on a bird that had just landed on the ground before it once Lilia made a fatal mistake. Niece. How many aunts did Princess Lucia have again? Oh yes, Isolde was aware of only one. Yet no claws were unsheathed, no pouncing upon this mistake. Isolde was now very aware that she was no longer dealing with a simple maid, and that was good enough for her to allow the ruse to continue. What fun would it be to expose this woman if others did not catch the mistake? There was so much mayhem to possibly be caused by a woman like Lilia traipsing around in the guise of someone in the lower classes! Who was she to stop such entertainment from unfolding?!

"Princess Luciana is most fortunate to have a maid so devoted to her security and to be such a sterling example for her household. I have often said that if you look at those who are considered the least within a household then you will know the true measure of those who rule it. I would be most intrigued to see a friendly competition between the Prince and yourself, but I do understand your desire to see to Princess Luciana's welfare." Her smile only brightened as she seemed to catch on to an idea.

"I have not had the pleasure of making the princess's acquaintance, and I am most confident that she would love to have the opportunity to cheer you on in a competition of arms with Prince Ezra. Why don't we all take a step inside to invite her to see such a match?" Isolde wondered how 'Lily' was going to try to weasel out of the invitation being given by someone ostensibly of greater rank than her own. Oh this was going to be too much fun. It was the perfect distraction from uncomfortable things like...concern and feelings. She had never had need of a conscience before, and she had no need of one now!
Roland Welden

Interactions: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Edwin
Roland leaned on the baluster casually, finishing his drink in a single swig. Now that it was clear the confrontation wouldn't turn into a fight and he'd satisfied his curiosity regarding the plant in danger, he didn't really hold an interested in observing the conversation anymore. So he spun on his heel, walking towards a door leading into the hallway, empty glass in hand.

The moment he turned into the hallway he came face to face with a red-haired noble he recognized as Edwin Wellstein, prince of Silversand. That would do, no one would fault him for fostering some good business relations during a social event. "I was told today's event was to be one of leisure, yet you seem to be in quite the rush." He said, stopping in front of the prince. "Troubles with your companion?" He asked, thinking back to the woman the prince had been talking to.

"How about a drink with me?" He held up his empty glass. "What they serve here is quite good and I dare say I haven't yet partaken in it enough." He smiled. "If you continue to look quite so troubled you'll dash everyone's vision of the perfect nobility without ever so much as a single problem, wouldn't want that, would we?"

He twirled the glass between his fingers, staying quiet for a moment. "I suppose you are not likely to drink with a stranger." He quickly looked around, checking the empty hallway before extending a hand. "Roland Welden, duke of Theris, pleased to make your acquaintance." He offered, ignoring the proper titles.

"You seem quite eager to get away from here, let's talk while we walk, shall we? I'll send for some drinks later. Perhaps something stronger than what they serve in there." Roland waved down an attendant passing through the hallway at that moment with a short gesture. "Would you take this from me?" He held out the empty glass. "And would you ask someone to fetch us a bottle of the stronger stuff? Now now," He held up a hand as the attendant responded. "Just a simple yes will do, I'm hardly important or imposing enough to warrant such respect."

Wren Ravenwood

Interacting With: Illesia Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
Mentioned: Edwin, Lucia, Isolde TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi redroseknight redroseknight

"My lady," a soft voice intruded, "it appears... you are being hissed at, quite unfavorably by her highness."

The words seeped into Wren's reverie, slowly pulling her back to reality. She blinked, savoring the last wisps of her daydream before reluctantly letting it go. As her vision cleared, she found herself locking eyes with Prince Edwin for a fleeting moment before he abruptly looked away. At this, Wren's heart skipped a beat. She had seen this man when they had arrived, but she hadn't quite been looked at like that before. Had that really happened? She blinked again, and the prince was gone, as if he'd never been there at all. The line between her daydream and reality blurred. It must have been a trick of the light, a projection of her own fanciful thoughts onto a practical stranger's face. Yet, that brief gaze lingered in her mind โ€“ a glimpse of vulnerability, pain, and perhaps a longing she couldn't quite place. Wren's fingers unconsciously tightened around her forgotten pastry, crumbs falling unnoticed to the polished floor. A part of her yearned to see him again, if only to confirm she wasn't hallucinating.

Alissa's gentle tug on her arm brought Wren back to the present. "Perhaps you should clear the air with the princess, my lady," her maid suggested quietly.
Reality came crashing back. Of course, the prince was clearly fond of Princess Lucia. They had been standing so close earlier...even hugged! That's like...second base, right??
She brought her hands up to her cheeks, gently slapping them to shake away the blush that had crept over. How stupid of me. Of course a princess belongs with a prince. Me? I'm merely a noble lady. There's no way I could compare. A twinge of sadness tugged at Wren's heart, but she pushed it aside. Nay! She had no business interfering with love at first sight! The princess was undeniably loaded with cuteness and confidence. Besides, she could have her beheaded or something, right?

Wren squared her shoulders, determination rising within her. WWID, "What would Izzy do?" she muttered to herself. With newfound resolve, she turned to confront the princess โ€“ only to find her feet carrying her in the opposite direction.

"My lady???" Alissa called, hurrying after her.

Wren's courage crumbled as quickly as it had formed. She wasn't Izzy, after all. She simply couldn't face the princess. Not after insulting her aunt, and certainly not now that Lucia thought Wren was after Edwin. The plans hath changed. It was time for a hasty retreat. Snatching up several more pastries, Wren made for the gardens. Just then, a herald's voice rang out: "Announcing Duchess Mondessa of Artor!"

Wren paused, turning to see the new arrival. The duchess's hair seemed to shimmer like moonlight, her soft blue eyes radiating a natural beauty. Like everyone else at this ball, she looked as though she'd stepped out of one of Seraphina's paintings. Seizing the opportunity for a distraction, Wren approached the duchess. "Lady Wren Ravenwood," she introduced herself rather nervously with a small curtsy, "younger sister to Seraphina Ravenwood of the Ravenwood duchy of Ostlandia. Welcome! Have you tried the pastries? They're simply divine." She offered one from her own collection, (not realizing that the duchess of Mondessa disliked sweets).

"Oh, I don't suppose you're here seeking true love as well?" Wren asked. "I do hope you fare better than I have. I fear I've landed myself on someone's unfavorable list, but never mind that!" She waved her hand dismissively. "Perhaps I can help! Unfortunately I'm still learning...well...everything...but.."

Snippets of nearby conversation drifted to Wren's ears. Nobles whispered excitedly about a rumored duel set to take place in the gardens โ€“ between the Prince of Davaland and a maid, of all things! Some dismissed it as preposterous, but the gossip spread like wildfire. Concern began to fill Wren's heart. "Should we investigate, your grace?"

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Ezra Atkinson

Interactions: Lilia, Isolde, Seraphina, Wren (Mentioned)

Ezra smiled as with the added mana of the Livianian maid, the flower bloomed again in the young lady's hands. "Thank you" He said after her as she was pulled away by Seraphina who must be her older sister. He watched the flower a little before his attention was pulled away by the voices of the older ladies. He paid close attention to the Livianian's answers. As his brain cleared he found that itching sense of recognition ever present in his brain, and that name, 'Lily', it rubbed him the wrong way and he couldn't quite place why.

Trying to not focus too much on it he shifted his attention to the red-haired Countess asking the question, trying to figure out where she fit in the dozens of profiles and names he had studied in preparation for this event. It didn't take long to place her, Lady Isolde of the House of Aewenys, although there wasn't much else of note he remembered about her.

As for Duchess Seraphina, Ezra carefully added to his mental file on her, 'DONT MESS WITH PLANTS', definitely no more of that for the coming week if he wished to avoid further incidents with broccoli. That meant he probably had to deal with some of his personal issues with the Livianians to avoid future problems. Which brought him back to Lucia's maid, the newly identified Lily.

He carefully sorted through what he knew, especially as a spar was seeming more and more likely as Seraphina and now it seemed Lady Isolde as well both seemed to want one. Something was definitely off about her or her story, Ezra just couldn't figure it out. The pieces were simple, 'she looked weirdly familiar', 'Lily, maybe', 'assumedly an expert swordsman', 'Princess Lucia's protector? advisor? something, definitely not just a simple maid, aunt? that didn't seem right'. It seemed simple and the answer should be right there, just in front of him, yet it alluded him.

"Well it seems that a friendly spar might be what this company demands, certainly not what I expected from such an event." Ezra spoke eloquently, perhaps it could even help him with his little puzzle. "So what do you say Lily, shall we? Of course, I understand if you must go check on Princess Lucia, or perhaps like Countess Isolde suggested she would like to watch. If your duties must bring you away though, perhaps we could arrange something for tomorrow?" The prince suggested, a spar could be quite fun, he didn't really get much chance to spar with people who could truly challenge him, most of his sword fighting as of late had been helping to train younger soldiers.
An Unlikely Friend

Edwin expertly waded through the sea of people in his way, not stopping for a single soul while keeping the composure he could during his mental battle. Not without a shaky expression, Edwin continued forward. The hall out of the large gathering place was just a few short feet away. Freedom could be attained if he just held out a bit longer. The voice continued to mock him all the same, Edwin still agreed with the invisible foe and the words it spoke to mock him.

"What do you know of love?"
"Could you ever appreciate beauty?"

"Do you even know what beauty is?"

Edwin had just made it to the hall before someone stood in his way. At first, Edwin barely could tell who was in his way. All he knew was someone had stopped him, but their smooth voice and gentle tone seemed to pull Edwin out of his mind just long enough to focus a little.

"I was told today's event was to be one of leisure, yet you seem to be in quite the rush."

"I apologize.." Edwin started off, with a shaky breath. "The event is for leisure you are correct, I just had been overwhelmed. Old memories came back to haunt me." He breathed in deeply, and out slowly. Edwin finally gained a sense of control, and finally could see the face of the man before him while he asked Edwin about his time with Lady Lucia. "No, not at all...Lady Lucia is a kind woman. There were some things that bothered me, is all. Her maid might not actually be a maid, being one of them.."

"How about a drink with me?"

The fog surrounding Edwin was clearing bit by bit. His hands waved in protest "No no! I'm fine. I don't need a drink, if you'd like to drink more-go right ahead. I'm not here for the luxuries honestly.."

To Edwin's protest, Roland responded cheekily it seemed. "If you continue to look quite so troubled you'll dash everyone's vision of the perfect nobility without ever so much as a single problem, wouldn't want that, would we?"

Edwin had to laugh a little and shake his head. "Nobility is not perfect, everyone has their troubles.. Masking them only makes those troubles dig deeper, I'm afraid I'm being a hypocrite though..My own troubles seem to still latch onto me even today." Edwin took a look all across the banquet hall, giving it one final snapshot in his mind. Up until Roland offered his hand to Edwin, and his name. Roland Welden, Duke of Theris.

"Edwin Wellstein, Prince of Silversand. Please, call me Ed. I don't need any special treatment. Especially to a friend." Edwin had thanked Roland without making it obvious, as his mental foe had gone back to its slumber while Roland spoke to Ed. Almost like he had been coaching him to return to reality, rather than succumb to the horror of the mind. Taking his hand firmly into a shake Ed offered a smile to a newly found friend. With the offer to walk and talk, Edwin leapt towards that option with gratitude.

"Aye, I think it would be best to clear my head a tad bit more..." Roland seemed to be willing to order servants around without much of a care, to which Edwin wasn't very fond of in the first place, but casting judgement on Roland would be unfair. The man was only making full use of the event and its amenities. If Ed had to be honest, he'd much rather water than alcohol. But he did not speak for himself- instead he would wait until he got to his suite. He'd get water for himself thereafter.

"Have you found anyone that piques your interest?" Edwin asked, while a faint image of midnight black hair and sea blue eyes flashed his mind. His heart stirred once more, but with a much warmer sensation than before.

Interactions: Key of Stars Key of Stars

Code by Serobliss

As Lucia was hugging Edwin, something seemed off and his demeanor changed all of a sudden. He asked Lucia to stay her feelings for a bit until later in the event as it was still early and it was still too early to think about marriage. Once Lucia had hissed at Wren, something about Edwin seemed even more off as he freed himself of her grip and excused himself, stating he wasn't feeling well. "Prince Edwin,... wait..." Lucia said in a sad voice as she reached out, but Edwin simply left.

Her head sunk. "What did I do wrong? Does he hate me?" she said sadly. Maybe she was being too upfront towards him. Maybe she was being too assertive? She felt like crying.

Suddenly, two hands covered her eyes. "Guess who!" A cutesy feminine voice said in joy. Lucia replied: "Ria, not now. Please. Can't you see that I am not okay? I thought I found the perfect guy for me and I may have scared him away."

Ria took his hands off of Lucia's eyes and spun her towards him. Ria was the other maid. Despite being her older brother, Ria looked feminine, possibly even cuter than Lucia. His appearance was that of young woman with very long dark blonde hair in two braids reaching his hips. He wore the same maid outfit Lilia wore, but a purple ribbon tie instead of a necktie and a black lace choker. His hair was tied with purple ribbons and he wore a black and white maid headdress. His succulent lips wore a glossy pink lipstick and his makeup was light with it mostly just being the lipstick, foundation, think black eyeliner and mascara.

"Sis, you didn't do anything wrong. At most, he was surprised by your actions. Maybe your approach was too sudden for him. But I don't think he left all of a sudden because of you. Rather, he became like that when he spotted someone else. So don't beat yourself up over it." Ria said.

Lucia looked up at Ria and replied: "Really? I still feel somehow sorry. It could cheer him up if I get a gift for him, right? What if I hunt him a grande beast that could feel him for weeks? Men like meat, right? And if he is a prince, I just need to find him something really delicious." Lucia then hugged Ria. "Thanks, Ria. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't taken you along. Just maybe cover for me so that aunt Lilia doesn't worry." Her frown beginning to turn into a smile.

Lucia then began making her way to the door. But before leaving, she went to Wren and the new girl. "Lady Wren, Lady Illesia." She said before bowing. Lucia first turned to Wren: "Lady Wren, you had left before I could respond. I just wanted to say that no offense was taken. Witch Queen is common in the mouths of foreign nobility. Aunt Lilia is called the witch guardian of Liviania. It is one of her official titles. And I apologize for any misunderstandings. However on a side note..." she said before leaning closer to Wren "if you are thinking about setting your eyes on my beloved, I wont make it easy for you."

Lucia noticed that Wren smelled nicely and seemed to lean in a bit too close. Noticing this, Lucia blushed as she looked Wren directly in the eyes before pulling away and turning away a little trying to hide her blushing. "Excuse me." She said. After a moment, she turned her attention to Illesia. "I believe I haven't introduced myself to you. I am Princess Luciana Wyvernblood of Liviania, niece to queen Lilia. Pleased to meetcha. Please call me Lucia." She bowed one more time before saying: "Now I need to leave for a brief moment. I need to fetch my beloved a gift."

The entire time, her more formal speech seemed kind of artificial as she was just imitating the way her aunt spoke to high ranking officials.

Lucia made her way over to a guard by the door. "Say, I heard there were large hunting grounds here. Can you tell me where they are?" Lucia asked. The guard replied: "The hunting grounds are no place for young women, especially at this time of night." "I just wanted to know in case I spectate for an event there. Plus you shouldn't underestimate me." Lucia shot back. The guard then relented: "Fine. If you leave through these doors, take a right and go all the way down the hallway. Exit the building at the back entrance and pass the mansions and the park. After the park you take a left, then a right. Then follow the path until you arrive at a forest and there it is."

"Thank you. I will be going to the toilet now." Lucia said before exiting. Right after she left, the guard noticed that she didn't ask for where to find the restrooms.

Lucia made a stop at her mansion to take off her dress, put on thigh highs and sturdy boots. She already wore brown leather shorts and a sleeveless white buttoned high neck top. It was warm out so she didn't need a jacket. She then put on gloves, grabbed her tools (knives for butchering) and her spatha sword. Lucia then made her way towards the hunting grounds to see what she could gift Edwin.

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Violetti Violetti


Lilia was about to leave as Ria came up to her and whispered into her ear. "Yeah. Okay." Lilia said. She turned to the others: "It looks like Lady Lucia retreated to the restroom for a lengthier sitting."

After listening to Isolde's words, Lilia knew she had to tread carefully now. It felt as if Isolde knew that Lilia was in a disguise or possibly was even the queen of Liviania. "As it seems, my lady needs a little privacy now and my time has freed up. It would be a delight though to spar against someone. Only if Lord Ezra is fine with that." Lilia said.

It seemed that after being egged on by the others, Ezra agreed to a sparring match and offered to move it to the next day if Lilia couldn't at the moment. "No, I am fight with doing it soon. Normally, such as long skirt as with this dress may be somewhat of a hinderance, however I should be trained enough to fight even in this. I will fight bare fisted. If you desire using weapons, I don't mind. I offer you to throw the punches and I will only defend. But if you want to do a proper match, then I recommend that you don't underestimate my abilities, even if I wont be using combat magic." She said.

"If you want to do a little wager, we can have the observers set the rules." Lilia suggested.

redroseknight redroseknight Sincerity Sincerity
Illesia Mondessa

Illesia, upon entering, took a look around as she started entering into the ballroom. She spotted a few people mingling, some skittering away, and someone approaching her? She tilted her head with a curious expression as the woman as she tried guessing who was approaching her. Short black hair, a round face, and eyes that looks as if they captured the sky. Illesia smiled as the woman came close and quickly gave a guess that the one greeting her must be related to a Ravenwood. And she was correct when the woman, she was the younger sister and the knowledge brought a smiled to her face.

"Greetings Lady Ravenwood, my name is Duchess Illesia Mondessa from the Duchy of Artor. I must say, you are bursting with a very welcoming energy." Illesia chuckled and gave a gentle shake of her head. "And, unfortunately, I have just arrived. I have yet to even try a morsel of the delicacies that this place has to offer."

Illesia skimmed over the question about finding true love, as she was evidently forced to come here and dropped off by her mothers against her will. But alas, she was here and she may as well make some sort of connections even if its business. She took the lady by her arm and brought her close as if she was a friend she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Worry not, the opinion of others should not be of your concern. the way they react to your person is on them. now, lets go check out that commotion like you suggested." She chuckled and tugged Wren along, but was stopped short when someone else approached her. This time, it was a short and stocky young girl with brown hair and green eyes. She had an air of a child and sounded as if she was struggling to keep up formalities. As Illesia listened to her, she couldn't help but notice that she was also a tad obsessed with someone she called her beloved. She didn't know if it was true, but the giddiness and the manner of her speech just gave her that feeling.

"The pleasure is all mine, princess. I do believe that whomever you are getting a gift for does appreciate it. They seem interesting. Now if you would excuse me, there is something I must investigate before I continue to greet the rest of the guests." Illesia gave a formal curtsey before she smiled gently. When she rose, she locked eyes with the princess one last time before she grabbed Wren and walked off. She didn't want to tangle herself with that sort of emotional whirlpool for long, so the faster she escaped the better.

TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen
Violetti Violetti


  • Wren Ravenwood

    Interacting With: Isolde, Illesia and Lucia redroseknight redroseknight TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
    Mentioned: Ed slightly Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi
    Wren's heart soared as the Duchess responded to her with such warmth and kindness. Another new friend! she thought excitedly. Seraphina will be so proud of me. Even if she left the event now, she'd be grateful for these friendly encounters. "Your soothing presence is much appreciated, Duchess. The food really is so different from what we have in my hometown. The sweets are much sweeter, and the variety is truly astounding. In Ostlandia, there is a focus on berry-centric dishes and an abundance of seafood from the coastal influence. Although, as one nears the western border, the palette can become quite...unique. I hear gecko on a stick is a delicacy in the desert towns."

    Her eyes lit up with curiosity as she turned to Illesia. "What sort of foods do you enjoy, Duchess? I'd be happy to point out some of my favorites, though, I'm still exploring the menu myself. Perhaps we could sample some together later and compare notes?" She gave Illesia's arm a gentle, friendly squeeze.

    She basked in Illesia's friendliness, but when Princess Lucia interrupted, Wren's nerves returned full force. At first, relief washed over her as her earlier mistake was forgiven. What a weight off my shoulders!

    But then came the Princess's whispered warning about Prince Edwin, and Wren's blood pressure spiked again. But why?! I was just out of the woods! And now I'm... a rival in love? She wanted to protest, but the words caught in her throat. Why can't I speak up? Is it due to fear or... something else? It's not like she wanted to be a rival in love...right?

    When Lucia leaned in, it distracted her from her thoughts and Wren stammered, "Y-your Highness?" Did she just... sniff me? I-I don't stink do I?? The Princess's flustered reaction was surprisingly endearing, and Wren found herself smiling again. Perhaps she's not as terrifying as I thought.

    As she walked away with Illesia, Wren commented with a nervous chuckle, "The Princess is quite direct, isn't she?"

    Entering the courtyard, Wren overheard her sister discussing a wager with Izzy. So, a battle really is taking place! She joined them, presenting her companion with a flourish, attempting to mimic the herald, "May I introduce the fashionably late Duchess Illesia Mondessa of Artor of Rubin. It seems the ball truly does save the best for last!" She gestured to the others, "This is my sister, Seraphina, and my new lo-lovely friend, Iz-Isolde , Countess of Aewenys of Rubin." Phew. That was a close one. Can't just call her my Master in all things courting out in the open like that! Realizing the connection, she did a double-take. "Oh! Might your paths have crossed before within the kingdom?"

Roland Welden

Interactions: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Edwin
Mentions: Violetti Violetti Seraphina​

"Not a maid you say?" Roland responded. "Well would you look at that, seems there actually is someone here who isn't who they claim to be." He muttered quietly before turning back to Edwin with a smile. "Well, no matter. I believe I offered you a way to forget about those bothersome things for the moment, it would be a little hypocritical of me to have you discuss it." He made a mental note of the matter, he'd look into it later.

"Spoken like a true scholar." Roland said with a laugh. "Allow me to share a little scholarly wisdom of my own. Nothing washes away trouble like a drink or two. Hard to worry about anything else when you're preoccupied thinking about the astronomical loss you are incurring with every sip. A rather fun thing to worry over, all things considered. Of course, it won't work here, as the drinks are free." He said, tone completely serious before chuckling. "I jest... partly."

"Very well, Ed."
He responded as they shook hands. "I'm afraid my name hardly lends itself to being shortened. Though I do believe the most radiant lady in attendance is referring to me as R." He said as they started walking at a leisurely pace. The prince was a rather odd fellow, talking about friendship not even five minutes after meeting someone. Well, that suited Roland rather fine. Befriending a prince of a neighboring kingdom was good for business first and foremost. But beyond that, having some genuinely pleasant company at this event was rather welcome. Of course, there was the mysterious dark-haired lady with the amber eyes, but he didn't want to take up all her time, not yet at least.

And, well, perhaps most important of all, Roland was a rather odd fellow himself. The prince may have given permission, but Roland knew his fair share of nobles who would have fainted at the thought of addressing a prince without proper title. "Alcohol does wonders for clearing the head, at least, until the inevitable dawn of the morning. I've always wondered if healing magic might not be convenient for that purpose. Alas, it is my sister who is the accomplished mage and I who is left with the headaches."

"My accommodations are rather far from here, but I am sure they have a drawing room available close enough to the banquet hall." He said as they made their way through the hallways.

He pretended to think for a moment before answering the question. "Oh yes, quite. She was rather enchanting, and oh so entertaining." He chuckled. "We got off on an interesting foot, I do hope she'll accept my invitation when the time comes. Now, Ed, how about yourself?" He shot back. "The lady you were with seemed rather smitten with you, intensely so, in fact. You might want to be careful, I know first hand how scary women can be." Not that that first hand experience had anything to do with love, rather it had everything to with the very lady currently running his house and company in his absence.
Lady Isolde


It would have been frightfully disappointing if Ezra had decided to forego the friendly sparring match, but fortunately the young man decided to accept the challenge placed before him. Good man! While teasingly poking at the queen while she was in her current disguise as a maid would have a great deal of entertainment value, and she fully intended to test the limits of what she could get away with, it was something that had to be visited sparingly. It would lose its humor if she made too many requests too quickly, and she didn't actually wish to tip anyone else off to Lily's identity who hadn't already made that deduction. While she might be many things, Isolde wasn't about to ruin someone else's fun like that. Perhaps the queen found entertainment herself by posing as a maid and learning information that would have been more closely guarded if one was aware of her true station? Or maybe this was how she generally obtained paramours. It had to be more difficult for a queen to balance lovers than it was for a woman like Isolde. Isolde had no duties to speak of, and the question of influence on the crown and decisions impacting the kingdom would naturally be brought up with each suitor. Just thinking about it made Isolde glad once more that Rhodri was the one saddled with the droll responsibilities of ruling their County.

Green eyes looked to Seraphina, and she smiled at the praise given to her by the other woman. What little she had seen of her interaction with Wren had made it clear that she was very close to her sister, so the Countess was a bit surprised to hear what sounded like acceptance from Seraphina regarding her friendship with the younger Ravenwood. Had her reputation not preceded her as much as she had been certain it would have? Hm, she might be starting from a clean slate which would give her ample opportunities with ladies that might have been hesitant engaging with a rake like Isolde.

"Flattery implies that I am embellishing any of the aforementioned traits that I praised. I have no need to do so when you and your sister have such sterling qualities in excess. If anything, my praise is far too modest to truly be adequate," she teased with a flash of a brighter smile. "Though I must say that your sister is also endearingly naive. Enough so that I would suggest not allowing her out of your sight for long stints of time. My intentions are harmless, but we have both been part of the social games long enough to know that is a rarity."

Speak of the devil and there she appears. Amusement colored Isolde's features as the aforementioned noblewoman approached the small gathering still in the garden, and she let out a light laugh. "Though perhaps you won't have to worry too greatly about her being alone too often. She has an uncanny ability to attract company," she said quietly to Seraphina as she leaned in close under the guise of keeping her comment between the two of them. In truth, she was taking the opportunity granted to her to catch a quick whiff of the other woman's perfume and to enter her personal space to see if it triggered any reaction out of Seraphina. She was a beautiful woman, after all, and her assault with broccoli on Ezra earlier made her wonder if damaging plants was the only way to make her break that well-maintained poise.

"Your sister is right, you have wonderful timing, little rabbit. And you even bring a guest with you. Truly as gracious and courteous as you are beautiful," she teased Wren with a wink before letting her gaze drift toward Illesia. Ah yes, Duchess Illesia. The Countess maintained her smile, but the wheels were spinning internally. Why was Duchess Illesia at this event? Within the kingdom of Rubin, there was a hierarchy of the socialites that was not based on just their peerage status. Social events could be just as treacherous as wading into a pit of vipers, and it took an equal amount of charm, luck, and nepotism to survive. There were two ladies who truly rose above their peers, and those two were Duchess Illesia and Countess Isolde. Rare were the events that Isolde had attended where Illesia had been present, but she had noted at those times just how others behaved around the soft-spoken, silver haired beauty. If ever there had been someone able to rival Isolde, the redhead was sure that it would be Illesia. The gossip regarding comparisons between the two had placed that thought in her mind, and now that she was standing in front of Illesia...it certainly had merit. But she had not engaged with Illesia properly prior to this evening, so how should she approach this greeting? Being too flattering would be expected since she was sure that Illesia would be aware of her reputation. So what if she went with a more subdued introduction? Surely that would be unexpected!

"Well met, Duchess Illesia," she stated simply with a graceful curtsy. "You and Lady Wren joined us in time to be able to witness a friendly bout between Prince Ezra and Lily." Her attention turned to Seraphina, and her pleasant smile became an impish grin. "Thank you for being so generous to afford me such a marvelous opportunity. You are most correct, we need a fitting wager for the event being held. We are all strangers, and this provides a unique opportunity that would elude us otherwise. What I propose is quite simple, really."

She stood to her full height and folded her arms lightly in front of her with each hand resting on the opposite elbow. "The victor shall be served tomorrow's breakfast by the loser which they shall share alone as a date. Oh, I'm aware that Prince Ezra might not be familiar with the castle. But that is why Lily being a servant makes this wager absolutely perfect! She can show him around tonight should she win." She looked to Prince Ezra then to 'Lily'. "Are these terms agreeable?"

Ezra Atkinson

Interactions: Lilia, Isolde, Seraphina | Mentions: Wren, Illesia

Ezra could feel himself start to get a little more nervous as the fight became more and more real and now there was added wagers and a growing crowd. He noticed Duchess Seraphina's younger sister had rejoined them bringing a new lady in tow, someone he didn't recognize with hair that almost matched his and light green eyes. He refocused at Seraphina's words about a wager to match the theme of this event, that could go many many ways.

He listened intently to what Countess Isolde had to say about the wager: breakfast; that seemed doable. He figured he could manage breakfast win or lose, he wasn't quite sure how he felt about the date part of said bet, but it seemed that would be the inevitable conclusion of any event befitting wager. "That sounds agreeable." Ezra spoke turning to Isolde.

"We shall do a proper fight, no magic and no weapons." He said to Lily in return to her offer of just playing the defensive, he could not have that, after all what was the point of a wager in a one-sided spar. He carefully unbuttoned and removed the suit coat he wore, neatly folding it and placing it on the bench behind him. He moved not far but to a place where it seemed less likely that either him or Lily would end up running into someone, the bench, or any of the numerous plants over the course of their fight.

"Say, won't one of you count us down once Lily is ready?" The prince asked turning to Isolde and Seraphina hoping one could be an unofficial officiator of some variety. As he awaited the ladies and the maids agreement he found himself stretching his arms and lightly bouncing on his feet, starting to move and prepare for the spar.

Lilia listened to the wagers that were suggested. Loser would make breakfast and would go on a date with the winner? Given her opponent is a Davalandian, she didn't quite trust the guy to make something decent to eat. Additionally, how would it look if royalty lost a fight to a mere maid. As much as she could expose her true self during a fight, she would maybe have to lose on purpose to not only avoid raising any suspicions, but also because she simply would prefer to cook instead of letting Ezra do it. But a date sounded interesting. Despite Ezra being Davalandian, Lilia found the guy to be of better personality than what she had previously experienced with Davalandian nobility and honestly, Ezra was kinda cute.

"The wager doesn't sound too bad. I would be delighted to accept the terms of the wager." Lilia said. Ezra eventually led the way to somewhere where no one would get hurt from their fight. While Ezra asked for someone to do a countdown, Lilia just tied her hair back and then said while getting into a combat ready stance: "I am ready when you are. Just begin when you are ready. I will try to give you a good fight."

First thing Lilia would need to do is analyze his fighting style and eventually find an opportune time to feign defeat without it being obvious.

Ria standing among the people cheered her on having caught on to her disguise name from the conversation of the others but still making a mistake:
"Yay! You can whoop his behind, auntie Lily! Show him what one of the best fighters in Liviania can do!"

Meanwhile elsewhere...


In the dark forest of the hunting grounds, Lucia, soaked in blood, was tying up some prey she had just defeated. "After all the aggressive dire boars that attacked me, I found a real treasure here. I didn't even expect them to have these in Rubin." After finishing tying up her dead prey, she began to drag it back towards the place she assumed Edwin was at. "My beloved Edwin will like this. They make exquisite accessories out of these and their meat tastes awesome!"

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Violetti Violetti Sincerity Sincerity redroseknight redroseknight Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
An Unlikely Friend

Edwin smiled at Roland's kindness. But he had to surely clear the air between the both of them, and on the topic itself.

"Trust me, it matters little to me if you did persist to discuss what ails me.. I feel as if whether I talk about it or not, nothing will help it. So I guess I just have to deal with it until I...Push it down?" Edwin drew his arms behind his back, sighing a little in some form of disappointment. It was clear that Edwin wanted to get rid of the skeletons that parade around in his closet. The man had tried before, but failed many times.

Roland continued to offer the temptation to drink upon Edwin. Offering him wisdom on the fact a good drink could always cure a bout of sorrow. Edwin had to give him credit, a way to drown it all out was to drown yourself in the spirits. It was a pity though, Roland's name was difficult to try and shorten. R was perhaps the best nickname for the fellow, but Edwin's brain tackled the challenge with a fierceness.

Rold, Rollie?
Land, Roll

Ah, Edwin was getting lost in his thoughts once more, having to pull himself out of a never-ending loop of figuring out a nickname just as Roland mentioned his sister and healing magic. "It is a shame, I do believe healing magic is incapable of healing those kinds of pains. Although, I suggest water cures headaches." He smirked at Roland. "Your sister is a mage? That's rather amazing. There is a certain dedication to learning magic and all of its gifts."

Finally it came, as Roland spoke about a potential lover, Edwin was then struck with a sneeze. Not a moment afterward, Roland came down upon Edwin with the fact Lucia had been so close to him.

"You might want to be careful, I know first hand how scary women can be."

Edwin raised his hands up in a feeble attempt at defense. "You mean the Princess Lucia? I was only being kind. I don't believe that is grounds to already be targeted." Edwin chuckled rather nervously, letting his arms slowly fall stationary now. "Honestly..I don't even know if it is possible for me to find someone. Maybe that is just me being a skeptic. There was... someone... Nevermind. I believe I'll be rambling on if I'm allowed to talk further without the proper information." Edwin had to stop himself from mentioning Lady Wren, her beauty was astonishing: but he knew nothing of the woman yet. It would not be fair of himself to speak of her in terms of infatuation. For now, Edwin would continue to keep himself on his toes. "Let's just say...I'm keeping an eye on things." Edwin smiled at Roland.

"If I may speak plainly, you are a kind person. Whether you stumbled upon me or not, it was kind of you to offer your company to me."
Interactions: Key of Stars Key of Stars

Code by Serobliss

  • Wren Ravenwood

    Interacting With: Isolde, Illesia redroseknight redroseknight Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
    Mentioned: Ezra, Lily Sincerity Sincerity TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen

    Wren stood by, seemingly oblivious to any tension between Izzy and Illesia. Her gaze flickered briefly to her sister, noticing Seraphina deep in thought. But then again, when wasn't Phina lost in contemplation? It was nothing out of the ordinary. Her attention quickly shifted to the impending battle. As Ezra began unbuttoning his top coat, Wren could now more clearly see his RIPPLING MUSCLES toned figure beneath. Was the prince of Davaland accustomed to battle? He did appear a tad rough around the edges, but that could be seen as a plus in some books. Wren had read all about the bad boys in novels. Underneath that tough exterior was a soft man secretly yearning for love!! What's more is that very love could be the maid before him!! She had read stories with that scenario as well. A tear almost slid down her cheek at the thought of such deep romance unfurling before her. Don't worry your majesty, Wren is cheering for your love match!

    Across from him, Lily was tying up her hair with practiced ease, the motion suggesting she had done this countless times before. Both opponents seemed experienced, which only heightened Wren's excitement. Wren herself could never survive in battle. The thought of engaging in combat made her knees weak. Her sister knew her way around magic, but Wren had heard Seraphina express that magical combat was entirely different from regular spellcasting. Their father had intended to teach them both, but alas... that opportunity never came to pass. So, seeing an up-close spar was titillating to say the least. This was her first witnessed royal battle, and she could barely contain her enthusiasm.

    When Ezra invited someone to count down, Wren saw her chance. A few seconds of silence passed, and as nobody offered, she decided to seize the moment. "I suppose nobody minds....oh, me! I pick me!" she piped up excitedly. This was her moment to participate, even if just as the announcer. Taking a deep breath, she called out clearly, "Three, two, one, commence!"

    Oh! I almost forgot. Wren had their maid Alissa carry one of the plates with pastries with her for this moment. Wren presented a napkin un wrapping to reveal a berry tart pastry in front of Isolde and one napkin revealing a chocolate croissant for her sister. Yes, her sister was indeed a fan of sweets, even if she didn't look the type. Chocolate croissants were her weakness.

    "Alas! I did not return empty handed. What good is watching a battle with an empty stomach?" Turning to Illesia, she motioned toward the small plate of pastries until she would choose one. The type of pastry one chooses reveals a person's inner secrets!! Hah. Of course not, but Wren liked to pretend so. She had taken a gamble in personally choosing a pastry for Izzy. Her mind had told her...something edgy! And so the berry tart spoke to her. Slightly sweet with a tartness from the berries to balance it out. If her inkling was wrong, obviously her heart would be crushed for disappointing her friend.

    As the duel began, Wren's eyes darted between the two combatants, drinking in every detail of this thrilling new experience.

Illesia Mondessa

Illesia smiled at Seraphina and gave a nod of her head towards the woman, admiring the woman's appearance. She found her eyes to be quite fascinating, with their warm color similar to the start of a summer sunset and it brought another warm smile to Illesia's lips. When she began to explain about the event that was happening, she gave a nod and tilted her head with curiosity.

"My, two very interesting individuals. I do quite like how the maid looks, she seems very nimble. However, the prince seems quite sturdy for their stature." Illesia speaks softly, mostly to herself but not soft enough where no one wouldn't be able to hear her. Then her eyes landed on Isolde and her warm smile soon became forced as she spoke."Likewise Countess." Short, sweet, and to the point as she turned away from the woman who society has continuously pinned her against.

It wasn't that she hated Isolde personally, but she felt a slight annoyance towards the woman due to her constantly being compared to her. She knew it was all due to social venom twisting her views, but she couldn't recall a single time when she got the chance to actually attend an event with her in it. Though, with how these socialites act like piranhas, she felt blessed they hadn't ran into each other back home. But moving on, Illesia listened to the conversation, using her small fan and cooling herself as she was becoming a bit warm. Then she felt eyes on her again and turned, just to catch Seraphina looking away and focusing back on the conversation. She hummed in curiosity, but took her attention back on the duel, and the wager that was accepted by both parties.

She chuckled at its simplicity, but found that it was quite clever to get a date out of someone through a duel. When Wren offered up some pastries on a plate, Illesia paused as she looked at the plate of sweets. She didn't like sweets, couldn't stand their intense flavors most of the time, so she searched intently with a calm look of anticipation before she sorrowfully settled on the least sweet looking item. It had a bit of blueberry jam on top, filled with what looked to be a cream or a cheese, and was in a small, flaky pastry. She smiled at Wren and took a bite, a gasp catching in her chest as the flavors exploded in her mouth. Flavors of lemon and brie mixed well with the blueberry jam on top and was all pulled together by the buttery crust. She grinned with a slight blush on her cheeks as she savored the newfound delight.

Interactions: Violetti Violetti redroseknight redroseknight
Mentions: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Sincerity Sincerity

Last edited:
Roland Welden

Interactions: Edwin Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi
"I suppose some things are impossible, even with magic." Roland said in response, shaking his head slowly. "I'm afraid water is not quite enough to brighten my morning after evenings such as this. But no matter, a good drink is worth some suffering." He stayed quiet for a moment, walking next to the prince at a leisurely pace. "A mage," He pondered the term for a little while before nodding. "I suppose you could call her that." Except, his sister's dedication was not to magic itself but to the control and money it brought her.

He raised an eyebrow as the prince talked about princess Lucia. "I do believe you are mistaken, but I won't speak on it any longer. Just keep my ramblings in mind. And a weapon close." He added with a grin. "And why wouldn't it be?" Roland asked, clapping the prince on the back jovially. "I do not think you'll have to worry about finding someone. You are quite the pleasant fellow after all." His smile widened as a servant caught up to them carrying a tray with glasses and a bottle of liquor.

"Ah, just in time my good man." He grabbed one of the glasses and held it out to Edwin, reaching into his pocket and sliding a coin several times the drink's worth in place of the glass on the tray. "For the trouble of finding the two of us in these blasted hallways, bloody much like a maze in here." He said, leaving the second glass on the tray and grabbing the halfway full bottle instead. "Thirsty." He offered by way of explanation to the shocked servant.

"A kind person, well I've certainly been called worse." He answered with a laugh, raising his bottle. "How about a toast then. To a wonderful evening. To the lovely world we live in. And to the possibility of you finding someone at this event." He added the final part with a wide smile.

The two of them had been walking for a little while, far enough away from the ballroom that no one should run into them by accident. That would also make it quite the task for Allan to find him again when the butler returned, though Roland was sure the man would find a way. "Perhaps we should find a sitting room to rest in for now. My accommodations are quite a ways out near the hunting grounds." He offered, taking a swig from the bottle.
Lady Isolde

Good, her wager was accepted by the two dueling parties and it seemed that entertainment was soon to be had. For once Isolde was having to do very little mischief to keep things interesting! Of course, that was not to say that the redhead was going to let any opportunities slip through her fingers when she had so many practically leaping into her hands. Seraphina was very good at maintaining her poise, Isolde had to admit, but she had noticed the movement of her hand around her fan. Which, that fan was a wise addition to her ensemble in that it allowed her to draw attention away from places like her hands or even obscured parts of her face that might have otherwise given more clues as to her true reactions to people and events. If Isolde were less inclined to be deceptive with her own expressions and to manipulate others that way, well, she might have taken that idea from the Duchess for her next gala!

As for Duchess Illesia's response...she managed to walk this fine line between being nearly dismissive of Isolde and still acknowledging her presence. Oh, she was good! Isolde had difficulty for once pinning down the exact emotion she was eliciting from the other woman. Was it disgust with Isolde's Casanova attitude, perhaps putting distance to make sure that Isolde did not pursue? Or did she view herself above Isolde due to her loftier station? There of course was also the fact that there was a battle about to commence, so she could have reasonably been more interested in seeing that start...There were far too many variables at play. Isolde was going to need to isolate and needle specific points if she wanted to see just how the Duchess worked. Normally reading others was very easy for the Countess, but she admittedly usually had more information to go off of to make her judgements. Illesia wasn't the source of too much gossip, not in the way that most of Isolde's victims..er...subjects of scrutiny, tended to be. Rather than being off-putting, that was all the more exciting for the redhead. Finally she was being presented a challenge! Her green eyes were practically glowing with glee at the thought.

"My brother is more of a tactician than I when it comes to physical combat, but he and I do agree on one point at least. Every battle begins in the mind so that even the most able bodied opponent will be felled every single time by the more agile, resourceful mind. Who do your instincts lead you to believe will be the victor? Personally, I favor Lily for this friendly sparring match."

The smile that lit Isolde's face was one of genuine fondness when Wren began to dole out the sweets, the redhead unable to help but find the younger woman awfully endearing. She was just so earnest! Rare were the people who could be so open with their thoughts and feelings, no ambitions for grander schemes to be found. Wren was just being her authentic self with her entire being. Truly, it was a marvel to behold someone so innocent that it drew even the capricious Countess out of her own schemes.

"You truly are a gift, little rabbit. So thoughtful." Overly sweet treats were not of interest to Isolde, so Wren had been wise to err on the side of caution with a berry tart that balanced the sweetness out with a bit of tart zest. She lifted it to her lips and took a bite, green eyes looking over to the younger noble woman. Very well chosen!

"That was a wise choice you made for me. There were quite a few options to be had, and so few of them leaned further from the overly sweet end of the spectrum. How did you decide upon what to present? Which, thank you very much for," she praised. It was so fascinating how someone who was so naive could be nearly as perceptive about others as Isolde. Did Wren also possess a magic similar to Isolde's that she utilized, or was this just some innate gift she was born with?

And then she heard it. Green eyes darted to the maid cheering on 'Lily' and she silently began to size up what she assumed was another woman. She was awfully cute, Isolde had to admit, but the part that was of most interest to her was that Ria had called Lily 'Auntie'. Having already deduced that Lily was indeed the Witch Queen....who did this make this other maid? That was going to be something she would need to sniff out. My, so many mysteries with so little time!


Ari Cantrell

Mentions: Edwin(Very Briefly), The Garden Gathering/Fight and Viewing Party

An elegant but simple blue and cream carriage rumbled through the Rubinian streets clearly in a rush. The carriage bore a small crest of the Cantrell family. The occupants insider consisted of a maid, and Countess Cantrell. Their lateness a result of Ari having gotten caught up in their work. The countess wore a long elegant light blue gown. Her light brown hair half pulled into braids and half falling at her shoulders. Her wolf-like ears twitched as the carriage loudly clambered over the stone roads. She could feel the carriage slow as they reached the castle, and the carriage eventually came to a halt.

"Good luck my lady." The maid spoke as the door opened to let the Countess out. "Thank you Alex, but I don't think I shall need." Ari spoke with confidence and a slight flourish to their words as they stepped out of the carriage.

She looked around at the now dissipating crowd of onlookers before walking towards the entrance of the building. The gentle lull of conversations from inside slightly drifted to her ears as she approached the door. She noticed the light shock of the guards at the door as she arrived inside, clearly horridly late to such an event, but despite her desire to enter unannounced she waited for someone to stand to announce her.

"Now presenting Countess Ari of Cantrell Country of the Empire of Silversand." The voice rang out not the most clear against the backdrop of conversation, yet many nobles still turned their head to try and figure out this late arrival. Ari smiled lightly taking a quick glance at the gathering as she walked all the way in. She knew that Prince Edwin was supposed to be here although she did not spot his bright hair among the crowd. They made a beeline straight for the table of food, where they were able to grab several of the offerings. She found herself caught up in fairly pointless chatter with a few of the other event goers. It didn't take long for her to learn about the most eventful thing of the night, whisperings of the Davalandian prince fighting a maid.

Once Ari discovered that little tidbit of information she knew she just had to figure it out for herself, such exciting things did not often happen at gatherings of nobility. So with her plate of food in hand she navigated her way through the crowd towards the exit out into the garden. They were able to quickly spot the gathering of nobles and they made their way over. The countess hung back but stayed close enough to witness the fight and catch a few snippets of conversation here and there.

Ezra Atkinson

Interactions: Lily, Wren (Mentioned)

Ezra settled into a fighting stance as Lily tied her hair back assuming a combat stance of her own.

"Three, two, one, Commence!" He heard the voice of Seraphina's younger sister, the lady who tried healing the plant from earlier shout. His eyes snapped to Lily, as the two began to tentatively circle each other.

He was careful keeping a defensive stance to start as he took time to analyze his opponent. She didn't seem too physically powerful but he knew raw strength was far from the best determiner of a strong fighter, and considering his experience and her warnings he wasn't about to underestimate her.

The prince was able to dodge when Lily made the first move and from there the fight picked up. The two went back and forth both mostly able to dodge or block the other's hits. The pair were both quite clearly well evenly matched and neither seemed to be going easy on the other. Ezra was able to tell she was clearly skilled. Her strength was also quite evident as she landed a punch to his side, although he was able to recover relatively quickly.

The fight continued with each occasionally landing a hit or two but mostly then were able to dodge or block. The prince and the maid were obviously quite evenly matched, and for the time being the fight showed no indication of either being able to quickly win.
Sharing A Drink

"A weapon close?" Ed had to chuckle. "Very well, I'll keep your ramblings at heart, and my fists close at hand." He raised them in a boxing stance. Southpaw style.

His form was immaculate, if Roland knew anything about boxing. With that, Ed gave a small demonstration of his skill. For show, or for fun. A lightning fast jab came from his right, the snap of his fist caused a rush of wind between them both. He repeated the same movement at least thrice more, before ending it with a heafty but still speedy left hook. The Prince looked satisfied with himself. "Not rusty at all, I see." He proudly announced.

"You'll have to excuse me, most people are taken aback with a fighter that leads with their left instead of their right. Though I can fight ambidextrously, I am in all purposes when it comes to hand to hand combat- a left handed fighter. It gives me the most comfort." He laughed like a fool. With Roland slapping Edwin's back, he laughed just a little bit more.

"Ah, I wouldn't count on that though. Being a pleasant fellow does not always equate to being a good husband, or lover.. But I appreciate your compliments. They do embolden my already weak willpower over this event."

The servant had arrived with drinks placed perfectly upon a silver dish. The bottle set at the perfect angle towards the light, ensuring any who partook in the regal refreshment were capable of seeing all of its glorious craftsmanship. Edwin took the glass from Roland, stared at it some. He did not really care to drink- but Roland had been kind enough, or stubborn enough to persist with the spirits. In the end, Edwin sighed to himself while relinquishing defeat.

Down the hatch it will go.

"Don't let the words of other people bother you, Roland. If it ever did, you seem to be a man who is well adjusted to being slandered, and take it with stride. Nonetheless, I'm sure in the beginning it did bring forth scabs and scars of its own kind of hurt. If I would have met the Roland of the past, I would have told him the very same thing. Don't listen to the threads of lies, for you are a good man." He raised his glass, clinking it with Roland's bottle. "A toast, indeed."

"A toast to see you recieve the woman of your dreams, let fate pull you towards your future."
He downed the drink in one go, and held the glass in hand. Goodness- it was strong enough, that was to be sure. The taste wasn't terrible though! Considering it had just enough flavor for Edwin to enjoy it. No wonder it was a special select; it checked all of Edwin's boxes for a good brew.

Edwin had been walking with Roland for some time now, holding the empty glass in hand. He did not ask for a refill, nor would he just set it down anywhere. Carefully held in his one hand so as to not break it. Up until Roland mused about a sitting room. "Ah, it would be faster then for the both of us to get to one quickly... Please excuse my forwardness, my friend."

Edwin grappled Roland with relative ease, lifting him up and thrusting him up onto Edwin's shoulders. "Forgive me my friend, I did spot a sitting room on the way to the ballroom. It would be far quicker if I led us through...Do be careful. You might want to hold on. Just not the ears, please." Edwin dashed forward with a running start. Zooming down the hall with Roland on his shoulders... Did Roland make the right choice? Befriending Edwin?
Interactions: Key of Stars Key of Stars

Code by Serobliss
As the fight began, it was apparent that without any enhancement through magic, Ezra and Lilia were roughly equal in fighting ability. Initially, she fought seriously with Ezra able to land a hit and Lilia also able to land a hit. She actually enjoyed sparring with him. It reminded her of the days of the war. However, she didn't intend to win the fight, as she preferred not to eat the cooking of a Davalandian in case he found out her identity and she wanted to prove that she was a better cook. Apart from that, it would be nice that Ezra didn't suffer more humiliation at the hands of a Livianian.

Eventually, Lilia started to allow more hits by Ezra, hoping that she wasn't too obvious about it. Soon, Lilia raised her hand and said: "I concede. It is my loss. You are clearly the better fighter when unaided by magic. I guess I will have to make you breakfast in a... date." Lilia said beginning to blush and playing with a strand of hair during the end of her sentence.

Meanwhile Ria jumped in and sort of ruined everything. "Auntie Lily! Why did you give up? You can fight better than that! You cannot just let him win!"

Lilia turned to Ria with an irritated smile: "Ria, darling. You weren't the one fighting. Sir Ezra was really good at fighting and managed to best me. You shouldn't interject like that. Also shouldn't you be keeping an eye on Lucia?"

"Lucia went to the toilet. So I came out here to see what was going on." Ria responded.

Lilia approached Ria and put her hands on his shoulders, gripping tightly. "An attendant shouldn't leave the side of her lady. Why didn't you go with her and stand in front of the door in case she needs anything."

"Auntie, y... you're hurting me." Ria groaned.

Ria felt his aunt's grip getting painfully tight. "You are hiding something from me aren't you?" Lilia said. "Where did she go? Where... is.... your... sister?!"

Ria gave up on covering for Lucia and replied: "She... she went to hunt something at the hunting grounds for Prince Edwin. She... seems to have fallen for him."

Lilia let go. "So she snuck out to get a little present for the prince of Silversand? How interesting."

Just then Lucia, who was covered in blood, showed up dragging a huge lizard carcass behind her. "Did anyone see my beloved Edwin? I have a gift for him." She inquired. Ria panically mouthed the words Run away! to Lucia right as Lilia began to turn to Lucia with a manacing look in her eye.

"Lucia, honey. How was your hunt?" Lilia said. Lucia froze. Her feet didn't want to move. She was scared. Scared of what kind of punishment Lilia could dish out. But Lilia still tried to somewhat keep up the act. "My lady, why don't you get yourself cleaned up. Then you should come back here and apologize for your appearance. Ria should go with you like she was supposed to but failed to do."

"Y... yes." Lucia stuttered. The siblings hurried away as Lilia inspected the lizard carcass. "Interesting creatures they have at the hunting grounds. Lucia tends to get very invested in the things she likes. I sure hope prince Edwin can deal with it." Lucia said. She turned to Ezra: "So I guess I should come wake you in the morning with breakfast in hand?"

Sincerity Sincerity

Present: Violetti Violetti redroseknight redroseknight Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Mentioned: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

  • Seraphina Ravenwood

    Interacting With: Edwin and R briefly Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Key of Stars Key of Stars
    Mentioned: Lucia, Lily, Ezra, Illesia, Isolde redroseknight redroseknight Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Sincerity Sincerity TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen

    Seraphina watched intently as Prince Ezra and the Livianian "maid" clashed in combat. Their fists danced in the fading light, each strike precise and calculated. Though she knew the maid's true identity as the Queen of Liviania, Seraphina found herself wishing she had a better grasp of battle tactics to truly appreciate the nuances of their duel. Despite her limited knowledge, one thing was abundantly clear - they were evenly matched. The realization sent a chill down Seraphina's spine. If this was the Queen's skill without magic, her true power must be formidable indeed.

    Her musings were interrupted by Princess Lucia's return. The sheer volume of blood coating her prize nearly made Seraphina retch. She swallowed hard, fighting the urge to flee. No, the battlefield was certainly not for her. Even a hunting trip seemed beyond her constitution. Seraphina tried to focus on the conversation between the Livianians, but the coppery scent of blood overwhelmed her senses.

    Suddenly, unbidden images flashed before her eyes - a forest clearing, dark and foreboding. Blood. So much blood. It was everywhere, seeping into the earth, staining her clothes, filling her nose and mouth. In the periphery of this vision, she saw dark, motionless forms. With growing horror, Seraphina realized they were bodies. Her parents? But... no, that couldn't be. They died at sea, didn't they? A searing pain lanced through her head, and she staggered slightly.

    "If you'll excuse me," she managed, her voice barely above a whisper. She caught Wren's concerned gaze and forced a light laugh. "It seems my delicate sensibilities aren't quite cut out for the aftermath of the hunt. Perhaps I should retire early."

    Seraphina signaled to Alissa, their personal maid. "Would you be so kind as to arrange a carriage to our quarters? I fear I'm in need of some rest."

    Alissa nodded, a hint of worry in her eyes. "Of course, my lady. It will be ready in fifteen minutes."

    Seraphina retreated to one of the desolate sitting rooms in the castle, attempting to steady herself. She needed to be away from the noise, away from the blood. Her breathing was ragged, and she shuddered, attempting to make sense of her thoughts, of her... nightmares. Just what happened to me? Those weren't my thoughts...were they? It's impossible...

    The room had a faint scent of oak and vanilla, which worked to calm her nerves. Taking in her surroundings more, she realized there was a bookshelf nearby. She went toward it, her legs finally gaining a bit of composure again, when she heard rampant footsteps heading her way.

    "Oh, bullocks," she cursed and quickly hid behind the bookshelf. She could hear the voices of two men enter the room, one of whom she recognized. Seraphina found a narrow sliver between two novels, "The Whispering Shadows" and "A Maiden's Folly," to spy on the gentlemen. Mysterious R and... Prince Edwin? Was this his target? They look kind of close at the moment...they couldn't be... accomplices?

    No, no, she couldn't be caught here spying. Especially in the state she was in. She highly doubted she could defend herself. Whatever was going to happen here would not include her. She had read far too many novels to know she could end up seeing something she would regret, and that had already happened once this evening. So Seraphina took a book at random and walked out to greet them rather hastily, acting as if she'd never seen R before. Yet, her eyes lingered on him.

    "Evening, gentlemen," she said, curtsying. "Your Majesty and company. I was just retrieving a novel that caught my eye for the ride home." She read out the title, "The Intricate Art of Cheese-Making: From Curds to Connoisseur," and internally grumbled. Not the most interesting topic, but her smile tried to sell it anyway. "Do enjoy yourselves," she finished, quickly turning to leave and meeting Wren at the door. "Perfect, is the carriage ready?"


Illesia Mondessa
Illesia was enjoying the brie bite and the entertaining fight when a familiar smell wiggled its way across her nose. The smell of death, thick with blood and animal musk, made itself known when Illesia turned to find it and immediately spotted Lucia walking into view with a dead animal. Was that a lizard?! She covered her mouth as her brain betrayed her and caused her to envision her taking a bite out of the carcass rather than the beautifully savory tart. She gave a grumble at how her apatite was ruined and set the half eaten pastry down. Before she could comment, however, she caught a glimpse of Seraphina looking like she was struggling with the sight. Then her features turned pale and her eyes went distant for a moment before returning to reality. Illesia furrowed her brow with curiosity, but had no chance of asking as she seemed to want to escape, calling for her made to get her a carriage to her room. Illesia bid the duchess and her sister farewell before turning her attention back to Lucia and company.

"That was a splendid fight, a shame the celebrations were interrupted by a lively lovestruck young lady." Illesia spoke softly, approaching the group. "Might I ask, how much power were you putting behind your strikes? You both seem quite strong, but I didn't feel any power behind the strikes. Or am I unaccustomed to the fights between you two parties?"

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