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Fantasy Festival For The Lonesome Noble Or How I Was Tricked Into Attending A Hookup Event For Unmarried Nobles [Fantasy/Light Romance]

Roland Welden

Interactions: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Roland Violetti Violetti Seraphina & Wren
Mentions: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Lucia
It was a rare happening in his life that Roland found himself at a loss for words. But, after being grabbed and placed on the shoulders of the prince of a foreign nation, bottle of liquor still in hand, he was forced to admit that any appropriate quip for the situation escaped him. In fact, for the first few moments of being carted around, Roland simply stared at the bottle of brownish orange drink in his hand in a daze, wondering if the liquor had somehow gotten the better of him.

He took another sip just in case. Feeling the familiar burn in his throat. Seemed to him he was still quite awake. Then, perhaps instead of having gotten to him, that generously filled glass had gotten to Edwin instead. Either that, or Silversand had some customs that Roland was unfamiliar with.

He had to admit, the man was pretty fast. They made it to the sitting room in record time, though Roland would not have minded taking a bit longer in favor of a less bumpy ride. Well, he thought as he was let down, it could have worse. At least they hadn't been seen. He might not care much for propriety but he had a reputation and image to uphold, especially to a few specific people in attendance.

He turned at a sound from the other side of the room, coming face to face with one of those very same specific people in attendance. He groaned softly, raising his free hand to his face. Wonderful. Bloody wonderful. No better way to keep up a mysterious image than to stroll into a room on the shoulders of a prince. The entirely wrong kind of mysterious. He could only hope she thought this whole ordeal had been part of his supposed infiltration. Perhaps he should try to reinforce that next time he had the opportunity to speak to her. If she would even still accept an invitation.

He quickly lowered his free hand from his face, balling it into a fist and scraping his throat. Yes, why shouldn't he pretend this was all an act? "Ah, yes, evening. An... inspiring tome, I've been told." He said with a charming smile. No he hadn't. He'd never heard of the bloody book in the first place. Though he suspected she hadn't either. Unlike earlier that evening, he was almost glad when the woman turned to walk away. He'd closed it off confidently enough. She might actually believe him if he told her it was an act.

Except, instead of leaving him with Edwin and his thoughts of how to spin this into a believable tale, yet another figure darkened the doorway. Roland finally stepped away from Edwin, sinking down on the plush couch as the younger woman addressed the prince. He placed the bottle on the table in front of him, raising two fingers to his temple in thought. He did, however, look up and over as the woman mentioned princess Lucia having a gift for Edwin, following the conversation between the two intently from there.

He looked towards Edwin as the woman left. "I told you, that woman struck me as intense." He said, leaning on the edge of the couch. "I almost feel bad for her. Seeing how smitten you are with that one." He pointed at the now empty doorframe before laughing. "It's written all over your face my friend. Not only yours, I might add, she might be doing an even poorer job at hiding her feelings than you are." He reached for the bottle, holding it up. "Another drink?"
Lady Isolde


Combat was not Isolde's strong suit, at least not the sort that involved physical weapons. She was much better suited to using her words and influence to deal with any situation that might have arisen that required martial prowess. While she could use a bow efficiently to fell animals, she preferred to use her bardic magic to soothe the savage beasts and avoid blood shed that way. Still, she was able to appreciate the skill that both the prince and the queen displayed. There was a smoothness to their fight, like a dance that had no pre-ordained steps. Given her knowledge of the witch queen, Isolde was sure that the woman had indeed allowed the young man to win. That was a wise decision if that had been the case. Egos were often fragile things, and it would likely benefit Ezra to not suffer a public loss to a maid of Princess Lucia given all that Davalandians had already suffered from their defeat. Lily was skilled with diplomacy, she would give her that.

Just as Isolde was giving a clap of her hands and congratulations to the two combatants, there was more of a commotion stirring. The redhead blinked rapidly in surprise to see the princess toting the carcass of a large lizard and drenched in blood as though she had decided to bathe in it. Was this a custom that she had simply not been informed about?! She had to admit that this gala was already far from the dull event she had been prepared for! Green eyes narrowed slightly as she watched the exchange between Lucia and Lilia. The tension in the air around Ria, Lucia, and Lilia was so thick that it could be cut with a blade. For once, the redhead decided to not press the issue.

So Princess Lucia was enamored with Prince Edwin after speaking to him for what was likely only a matter of moments. The very idea of it was baffling to Isolde since she had never formed such an infatuation with anyone else. Love didn't exist in her world. Oh, she was attracted to plenty of women and had found them intriguing for a short time. But that had always faded so rapidly since gaining the interest of others was so effortless to Isolde. The affection she gained from her paramours meant nothing to her because in the end...they bored her. There was nothing substantive to them to maintain her interest. So like a cat that finished playing with her prey, she severed the connections and moved to the next woman of interest. One might say that Isolde's existence was a bit empty in that regard. She had few friends, Roland being the only one she truly trusted, and a distant relationship with her brother and parents. Isolde was the woman that everyone knew of but no one truly seemed to know. Still, she didn't envy those who were so easily swayed by their emotional attachments to other people. While they were quite giddy when things were going well, they seemed down right miserable the moment that things were not perfect. And they were so reliant on how other people felt!

Nope, she was perfectly happy with her dalliances then exits, thank you!

Illesia speaking up brought her back to the present, and she noted that the number of people in the courtyard had slimmed down considerably. Ah, it seemed she had missed Wren and her sister taking their leave for the evening. That was a shame, but at least she didn't need to worry about Wren's safety now that she had made sure that Seraphina was well aware that her naive sister might need someone watching out for her. The fact that she had even gone so far as to worry about that was going to be brushed over by the redhead who had unofficially taken Wren under her guidance and therefore under her protection. Isolde had never taken on a pupil before...but well, she did enjoy new endeavors. And added to the least of her current interests was figuring out Countess Illesia. Wren's comment about their similar taste in pastries hadn't slipped her notice, and she was determined more than ever to gain an upper hand on the only woman at this gala that could possibly thwart any of Isolde's various plots. Which meant she needed to retire soon and begin strategizing.

"That demonstration was exceptional, and I must concede that it was a much closer bout than I had anticipated. Congratulations are in order to you both for your considerable skill, but especially to Prince Ezra for his victory." She smiled to Illesia and dipped into a curtsy, vibrant red locks brushing over her shoulders as she did so. "It was pleasure to finally be able to speak with you, Countess Illesia, and I do hope that we are able to find time to do so again when the time is not so late. Alas, I fear that I must retire. Have a lovely evening, and perhaps we will have the opportunity tomorrow to speak at length."

She turned to begin walking back into the castle when her steps led her right by a young woman standing further from where everyone else had been gathered. Now who was this beautiful young woman lurking on her lonesome?! Was she too nervous and shy to approach the others, or was she lurking and watching to gather information? Isolde was not one to discount a scheming mind behind a beautiful face, so it would behoove her to make sure that this woman knew that she had been seen. If she was simply shy then Isolde would have the opportunity to play with her at a future time. If she was scheming then being noticed so blatantly might check what ever plans she had been formulating. Truly a win-win situation. So, she took a few extra steps to approach Countess Ari.

"I apologize that I was negligent to notice your attendance among others gathered to watch the friendly sparring match that just occurred. A lady of your beauty stands out from the shadows like the moon illuminating a black velvet night sky, but alas, I fear that I was entirely too caught up in the moment. I am retiring for the evening, but I do hope that we have the opportunity in the future to have a lengthier introduction. As such, I will withhold asking for your name and refrain from giving my own. In their place, I will simply give you the promise that I will find you in the future to pick up this conversation." She gave a cheeky wink and a smile. "Til we meet then, my lady, I bid you a lovely evening."

Isolde then spun lightly on the balls of her feet, shoes not making a sound as she made her way to the room that she had been given to stay in while at this gala. Asking for directions had resulted in a quick route to the spacious room she had so graciously been given, and Isolde locked the door behind her prior to her readying for bed. She carefully hung up her dress to keep it from being wrinkled and changed into a comfortable night shift. The redhead sat at the small vanity near the window while taking her hair down from its intricate updo, her expression pensive. So far she was confident that she could gain the upper hand on everyone she had encountered. Queen Lilia had been terrible at keeping her guise in place as a maid, and Prince Ezra seemed like a decent fellow as capable as her own brother at playing the intricate games of court intrigue. A smile formed on her lips as she thought of Wren, the young woman having earned a special place of esteem in Isolde's eyes. She was just so endearing. No doubt with some guidance from Izzy, she could and would become a force to be reckoned with in court. Her sister had well earned her reputation, after all.

Then her expression darkened. Countess Illesia. She was harder to read than Izzy had anticipated, but she had noticed her very slight change in demeanor when she spoke with Isolde versus the others. Was it Izzy's reputation that got under her skin? Or did she have an equal difficulty in reading Izzy's intentions? Constantly being compared to the woman made Izzy want to prove her superiority...but the question was if Izzy wanted to prove that to herself or to Illesia? Something about Illesia's demeanor had triggered a rare response in Isolde. Her entire identity was wrapped up in how effortlessly she could poke the other players of the court in the Kingdom of Rubin to dance to her tune. She had heard the constant comparisons between herself and Illesia, but Isolde had always wagered that they were exaggerated. Now that she had actually met Illesia..she was being given a challenge to her role as the darling of the court and best instigator. She had barely given Izzy any reaction at all to work with! She had almost been dismissive of Izzy. No one could just dismiss Izzy!

Isolde set her brush down and looked in her own eyes in the mirror, a smile beginning to replace her previously pensive expression. It was strangely exhilarating, this feeling of for once not being in complete control of a social situation. She had no idea of how Illesia was going to respond. For her sake, she had just better hope that she did end up with another enemy like Lady Constance. Especially since Lady Constance, unbeknownst to Isolde, was also in attendance at this gala.

And unlike Isolde, she was very much aware that Countess Isolde was there.

Interacting with during her exit: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Sincerity Sincerity Daddy Dream Daddy Dream
To End The Night

When Edwin let Roland down from his shoulders, the prince of Silversand rotated his shoulders some. It had been some time since he had carried another person: Not since the war. Neither had he carried one on his shoulders, either. A few gentle crackings here and there, and Edwin sighed in relief at the tension fading away. Edwin was finally able to sit down for the evening, until Seraphina appeared from the shadows.

"Ah, no need to call me such heavy titles, Edwin is just fi-" Edwin watched Seraphina quickly escaped the sitting room. He blinked in confusion, hand still waving the young lady away. Perhaps she was tired. Introductions could be given at a later time, supposedly. He did remember that Seraphina was accompanied by her sister, Wren. Perhaps they had made up? Or fixed the problem between the two with Wren's accidental quips?

Like the two sisters were strung together by an invisible thread, Wren peeked through the doorway, her head bowed low-whether through embarrassment or through the fact she saw Edwin staring at her earlier, and felt awkward at his presence now he was not so sure. But all the same, his heart began to bounce around in its tiny shell. He kept a decent composure, staring at Wren's hair rather than her gentle face.

"A gift? I didn't order a gift... Or ask for one. Are you sure Lady Wren?" His hand raised to try and keep Wren from leaving, but it seemed as if the Ravenwood Lineage were experts at dumping information, and promptly leaving thereafter. A good tactic in battle, perhaps they were masters at the field... Edwin stood there dumbfounded, but also longing to see Wren once more.

"Smitten?!" Edwin recoiled, looking at Roland with shock plastered all over his face. "I.. I would not know, not yet at least. A pretty face does not mean I know much about her, Roland." He sighed softly, sitting down on the plush and comfy couch, opposite to Roland. "You say she's feeling the same, but I think she's feeling awkward. She caught me staring at her once. Any logical explaination would point towards her feeling a bit off-kilter when there's a creep staring at you." His finger traced the ring of the cup beside him.

Finally when he was finished sulking for a few seconds, he answered with his cup raised. "One more drink, and then I will probably be off to bed myself." He smiled to Roland.

Interactions: Key of Stars Key of Stars Violetti Violetti

Code by Serobliss
Lilia noticed that Seraphina was clearly unnerved by Lucia's catch and probably the blood associated with it. It seemed to force her to retreat for the night. All Lilia could do was offer her apologies for the actions of her niece. "I dearly apologize for the lady, Lady Seraphina. I hope your good night's rest will calm your humour. It would be a pleasure to receive your presence in the morning." Lilia said while offering a bow to Seraphina while the latter turned in for the night. Wren follow suit and left as well.

Another face, one that had previously arrived, a lady by the name of Illesia seemed to want to speak with Seraphina but didn't have the chance to. As soon as Seraphina was gone, it seemed that Illesia had turned her attention back towards the others still present.

The redhead, Isolde, congratulated "Lily" and Ezra on their battle and complimented them on their skills, before praising Ezra for his will. Lilia nodded in acknowledgement. However even Isolde decided to return to her quarters for the night, wishing the others a farewell before turning to Illesia to flirt a little with her before leaving. "Oh my, aren't you a philandress." Lilia remarked. It seemed Isolde was quite the flirty kind, particularly with other women.

But as with the others, Lilia decided to call it a day and return to her quarters as well. She first had to keep an eye out for the siblings to make sure they weren't getting into trouble again. Especially since Lucia seemed to be smitten with Edwin to an excessive degree. Lilia gave a curtsy before stating her plans: "I guess I will follow suit and return to my quarters as well since I need to tend to Lady Lucia and make sure she has gotten cleaned up."

She turned to Ezra. "I will bring you your breakfast in the morning and we could talk a little." She said. "I anticipate our meeting tomorrow and wish you a good night." After that, Lilia made her exit.

Lucia and Ria

"I think my shoulders have bruises already." Ria groaned. His shoulders still hurt from when Lilia gripped him tightly. "That demon woman would seriously hurt me one day. I cannot afford that with my delicate body."

"I thank you though for trying to have my back. But I need to get cleaned up and changed before aunt Lilia gets mad." Lucia replied. She returned to the bathroom to get all washed up, but instead of putting on her nightgown, she put on clothes for the intent to sneak out again and visit her darling Edwin. Ria helped her pick out an outfit that they thought would be attractive to Edwin but one that Lucia could venture out in. It ended up being a blue and white sailor collar top with a lace trim with black shortalls, lacy black thigh-highs with garters and a lacy white and blue choker. Ria put on a matching outfit but with a lace-trimmed suspender skirt instead of shortalls.

The two ventured out to find Edwin's mansion and eventually found it. Lucia scaled the wall to reach a window. She couldn't see Edwin anywhere. As she tried to open the window, she lost her footing and started to fall. Just as she thought she would hurt herself, she was caught by someone. "That was a good catch, Ri---" Lucia said before freezing mid sentence as she noticed that her aunt had caught her.

"Now what are you two troublemakers doing out here?" Lilia said. Lucia tried to explain herself: "I--I just wanted to surprise my darling, Edwin and maybe sneak into Lady Wren's place afterwards. You are mad, aren't you?"

Lilia sighed as she let down Lucia. "I am not mad, I am just baffled. What makes you think that breaking into someone's quarters is going to make them like you? If anything, if you get caught, they'd see you as a creep or some kind of pervert." Lilia explained.

"But, I just wanted to see him. I didn't mean to do anything bad." Lucia said with a whiny voice. Lilia then said: "Listen, maybe you should take things slower Lucia. Maybe get to know him and do nice things for him. Just don't invade his private spaces without his permission. Do you understand?" Lucia hesitantly nodded.

"Now come let's head back and get some sleep." Lilia said before the three returned to their quarters to sleep.

The next morning...

Lilia was up early to make breakfast for Ezra. She had marinated some of the lizard meat before heading to bed. In the morning, the meat was tender and ready to be cooked. She decided to make an omelette for Ezra with slices of bacon and a vegetable soufflรฉ. To top it off, she made a little apple tart. She cast a spell on the food to keep it warm and fresh as she brought it over to Ezra's place. But before she went over, she quickly changed from a simple dress with an apron to her formal witch clothing which consisted of a knee-long black and purple embroidered dress, black stockings, exquisite flat sole shoes, a black choker and a long black hooded cloak with embroidery.

As she brought the food over to Ezra's place, she was stopped by guards. "What is your purpose here?" One of the guards asked. Lilia answered: "I am honoring the conditions of my wager with Ezra. I were to wake him and serve him breakfast." "You don't look like much of a maid as we were told of." The guard replied. Lilia then shot back: "Well, I am quite a bit more than just a maid though. So please let me though."

The guard looked at each other and eventually let Lilia through. She was shown to Ezra's bedroom and set the breakfast on a table in the room. Lilia sat down by the bedside and gently said: "Wake up sleepyhead. I have brought delicious food for you. If it wakes you up quicker, I can say a queen made it for you."

Mentioned: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

Interaction with: Sincerity Sincerity Violetti Violetti Daddy Dream Daddy Dream redroseknight redroseknight
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Illesia Mondessa
Illesia woke in her room with a groan, having not known what had happened after she tried conversing with the winners of the fight. Rubbing her head and running her fingers gently through her hair, she slowly slid from her bed and shuffled over to her vanity to see the damage of her previous night. Surprisingly, she was dressed in a night gown and her hair was well taken care of, not what she was expecting since she didn't bring any servants with her. She wondered who could have helped her ready herself to bed last night before shaking her head and getting herself ready.

She styled her hair with a simple braided style and walked to her closet to find a casual dress from her homeland. She pursed her lips some as she looked through the options, wishing she could have brought other clothes with her rather than all dresses, but this is what she had. Maybe she could go shopping and select a few articles of clothes that would better suit the attire of where she was at. Sighing some, she picked out a dress and slipped into it, standing in a mirror as she fiddled with it, trying to get it to flow right. Once finished, she applied a light touch of makeup before heading out to get in some fresh morning air.

Illesia took a stroll through the gardens of the castle, admiring the plants and occasionally seeming like she was talking to them. In reality, Illesia was conversing with some spirits she had spotted wondering around. She learned of the happenings of the castle and the many stories that the walls have seen over the years. She was very entertained by the answers and often found herself gently laughing as the ghosts would get energetic about a new gossip they heard. So far, she found the small group entertaining, and sat down at a bench to relax as they continued to hang around.

Fighting the Storm
Atreyas Castle, Edwin's Suite

With his last drink, Edwin bid Roland farewell and set off to his suite. Once there Edwin sat down on the end of his bed. The silence around him was deafening, and the only comfort Edwin found was when he rubbed his hands together gently. The day was full of many incredible and unlikely things happening. Edwin supposed that this event wasn't all that bad after all. Edwin had been able to drive back the demon that plagued his thoughts for an hour or so with Roland's aid.. But it seemed to scratch back into him.

The water was running hot by the time Edwin removed his clothes. A couple of scars found their home on the body of the Prince. Some small, others jagged. But there was one that seemed to stick out compared to the others, far more detailed than the rest. A long, clean, stab-wound scar placed directly against his left breast, just a knick away from his beating heart. The crimson haired Prince dragged his finger across it slowly, the pain has long since left that particular spot, but the memories that remained haunts the noble Prince of Silversand to this day..

Edwin submerged himself into the hot bath, and began to clean himself. A solemn silence filled the air as he reminisced about the events that led up to that very scar..

"I will be just fine, Mother. United Ostlandia is just a few days away on horseback. If I go now, I will meet this kind youung lady you have so graciously set me up with." Edwin chuckled, while he led his horse to the edge of a path. His mother stood by his side and seemed rather worried at him going all alone.

"Won't you please take a carriage? You can take a few knights with you! It's never a good idea to travel alone. Bandits can be afoot you know!" His mother pleaded, despite her better judgement. Edwin would never listen.

Edwin shook his head with a smile. "Mother, I will be fine. The war is over, and Silversand prospers. My days of travel have seen the last light, and much like you and father both say: it is high time I get looking for a wife." He smiled, reassuring his mother. "I won't be that far away."

With the parting of mother and son, Edwin was off. Fate seemed to have other plans for the Prince of Silversand. By the time he had made it to the border of United Ostlandia, he found himself unable to look past the plight of the commonfolk. He rode towards them, with the intention to help.

"What troubles you, friend?" He spoke to the old man.

"My daughter, and her betrothed... They have been taken from our homes! The man was shrouded in the dead of night! His horse rode them out.. I must go quickly and ask for help!" The old man would have run off until Edwin stepped in.

"I will go, just tell me the way he went. If it was in the early morning I still have time to track him down." Edwin knew he would be neglecting his duty to meet a noble woman here in Ostlandia, but the cries of the commonfolk meant more to him than idle chit-chat and prodding of the minds.

With the information known, Edwin turned his back on Ostlandia and made for...Davaland?

"What do you know of love." Edwin muttered to himself, the words punched him in the stomach. By this time, Edwin had withdrew from his bath and stood near the balcony of the suite. He felt the wind pick up, and on the horizon a crash of lightning flashed. Any normal man would close the doors to the balcony and reside inside, except Edwin. He wanted to face the storm...

And kill what was in it.

..4 AM..

Edwin had geared himself up for his adventure. His little session with the demon. This morning would be the end of it all, the end of the rotten words and distorted laughter that beat Edwin down. A long sleeved, white tunic. Black pants, a red sash wrapped tightly around the waist. And medium length black boots. Edwin pulled himself together and finally hopped over the balcony and down into the Gardens below.

There, Edwin spotted a rabbit that seemed to be waiting for someone it had met earlier, a woman so kind and gentle. Dutifully sat near a small clearing. When Edwin arrived, the rabbit seemed less than excited. To which Edwin laughed softly, kneeling down he offered the rabbit a gentle pet. "I'm sorry for dashing the hopes of seeing someone else, my dear little friend. Remain hopeful, you will meet with them again for sure."

Departing from the rabbit, Edwin finally made it to the beach. The storm had finally rolled its way towards the castle and urged the waves viciously. Edwin stared blankly at the storm rolling in, with the rain pouring down upon him. "This will do just fine." Edwin said to himself, as he spotted a small boat. Sparing no time, Edwin descended into the open waters..

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!" Edwin's voice roared out against the frosted snow. Puffs of smoke billowing out of his mouth.

"WHAT IS NECESSARY, MY DEAR PRINCE!" A man stood above Edwin upon a hill, multiple commonfolk were restrained behind the man. "You were TOO WEAK! To go against Livania, and because of your INACTION! You cost Silversand reputation, you cost us POWER!" He snarled down at Edwin. "I FOLLOWED YOUR ORDERS! BUT IT BROUGHT ME NO SATISFACTION!"

"YOU FOOL!!" Edwin snapped back. "YOU INTEND TO RESTART THE WAR BY WHAT!? CAUSING A MASSACRE?! SPILLING INNOCENT BLOOD!?!" Edwin moved forward, just an inch.

"Make one more step, Prince Edwin." The man stared down at him. "I will ensure your body is riddled with holes by arrows." The man grabbed a man from the ranks of commonfolk. Sizing him up, then looking down at Edwin. "A month, you followed my tracks for an entire month just to find yourself in a terrible spot. You think you can save all of them? United Ostlandia must pay with blood for not entering the war. Among other things, it is time we--THE SILVERSAND EMPIRE! Take full control. You were far too weak to lead your men to victory, but I---I am strong enough to become victorious."

"Don't DO IT MARCUS! LEAVE THEM!" Edwin reached out, just as the blade pierced the man through...
The crash of thunder and lightning reeled Edwin back to reality, as he gripped the rope taught, feeling a familiar burn tear through his hand. He yelled out in wrathful agony. He let that man down, if he were more intuitive he could have stopped Marcus before he had spilled innocent blood.

A wave crashed into Edwin, steering his small boat to the side and spinning around rapidly. To regain control Edwin put all of his might to force the direction opposite of where he was spinning. Correcting its course, Edwin yelled out to the storm yet his yells were swallowed whole by the wind and the rain.
He could feel the barrage of arrows pierce his skin, but all he could see was red. Edwin drew his sword Climbing the hill like a savage animal as he struck down Marcus' small platoon of soldiers. The coward withdrew himself after throwing the man over the cliff. But Edwin would fight, and fight viciously he would. Tearing through the small ranks of soldiers, Edwin seethed as he dragged his sword across the crimson coated snow.. He kept his speed at a blinding pace, as he pulled each and every arrow out of him.

Marcus surprised Edwin, throwing himself into the Prince and knocking him over. The two fought, with Marcus gaining the upperhand and kicking Edwin into a tree. There, he grabbed a woman from among the imprisoned. Forced Edwin to watch. "Look at this one, in the eyes." Marcus laughed, as he drove his sword into the woman's own heart.. Straight into Edwin as well.

Edwin could see the light dying from the young woman, and all he could think was how she looked familar...The old man..His daughter.
The boat was hitting the limit of what it could take, but Edwin needed to overcome this. "YOU WILL TROUBLE ME NO LONGER!!!" He shouted out, but was quickly shut down as a giant wave pushed Edwin overboard. The force of which shoved Edwin deep into the ocean, while the storm above tore apart the boat.. Edwin remained under the water, soaking up the silence afforded to him....If he stayed underneath the water, would it all go away? Would the pain he felt of failure finally disappear? It was his fault. All of it was his fault, the life of a woman, the happiness of a father. The love shared between a wife and husband. All taken away...

Edwin closed his eyes...He did not deserve to live.

Edwin had blacked out, but small details of the events that transpired were left with him. Tearing through the sword, cutting down Marcus in one swipe, and the agony thereafter. When he awoke, he almost thought himself in the afterlife. But a healer had found the group along his way, and though he could save Edwin, he could not save all the people that Marcus had killed.. Most of this time was a blur, but all the corpses left in the wake were given their proper burials and dressings... Edwin found the betrothed that evening as well, taking the woman that had died with a sword through the heart back to Ostlandia. She was wrapped in white cloth, covering her features.

"I am sorry.." Edwin started to speak, but felt he had nothing to say. What could he say? The man before him had gone through hell, and to see his beloved mercilessly slaughtered at the end of the nightmare was the worst part of it. The man regarded Edwin with a bitter stare.

"You are not welcome." The man responded, carrying his beloved in his arms.

"I know. I do not deserve your forgiveness.. Nor will I ever ask of it."

The man cut him off coldly. "What do you know of love?" He faced away from Edwin. "Do you believe yourself worthy of it?"

Edwin could not answer..

"You nobles fight, and argue, and kill. You do battle with other nobles to satisfy your boring, safe lives. You throw us into the mix, people who only hope to live a life worth living... Once you're good and ready to cause us harm, hardships, or more...You throw our lives away like they meant nothing. You do not know love, Sir. You do not know what it feels like when your beloved finally tells you that she is with child...Only to have it be ripped away from you the next night after. To overcome hell by the hand of a total stranger only to see the life you would soon bless this world with be snuffed out by a cold, indifferent hand!" The man cried out. Banging his fist against a tree.

"To top it all off, you know not the time and effort it takes to establish a deep connection with someone.. All you know is how to live freely. Live the way you desire. Live without consequence.. I am returning home, and I am burying my wife and child together.. One day I will soon join them. Leave me.." The man said.

So Edwin did...
Edwin continued to drift through the ocean, sorting through the trauma; the pain, the anger, the failure, all of it. His hands tightened as he tried his hardest to see it through to the end. That was when his eyes shot open, with a renewed strength in them. Edwin surged towards the surface, head blasting out of the waves. He began to pull himself towards a piece of wood that broke off from the boat. Gripping it hard as he could, he kicked his feet, pushing himself towards land.

Edwin did not deserve what he had been given. He did not deserve love nor did he deserve life. The man he failed, and the old man he had broken his promise to were the reasons behind why he felt so off about this event. Were the words spoken to him that day true? Did he deserve love? Did he understand it? Was he even worthy of it?

Edwin would find out.

He would fight his hardest to stave off the feelings of inadequacy. Fight to earn what he felt he did not deserve. That was entirely the reason for this event in the first place. To fight for the right to love. Edwin kicked harder, pushing himself further. The storm had saw the end of its warpath, and the waves returned to normal, even helping push Edwin ashore. By the time it was 7 AM, Edwin had finally been thrown onto wet sand. Dragging himself towards land he coughed and panted hard. One hand on his knee, he pushed himself right up and sighed in relief...

Looking at the entirety of Atreyas Castle, Edwin rested his hands on his hips. His clothes soaked, and sand seasoned generously all over. "Looks like I've got some work to do...Time to take this event seriously." Edwin finally said...

"But first...I need to find new clothes." Edwin frowned, looking all over his body. Marching his way back to his suite through the main path. He found his way towards a bench, with which he seemed to find someone sitting there. "Hello there!" He waved to Illesia.

Interactions: Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Code by Serobliss
Last edited:
Lady Isolde


It was a brand new day, and that meant there was a bevy of opportunities for her to both cause mischief and gain information that might be beneficial to her brother. While she was having fun interacting with others from other kingdoms that she had never spoken to before, she was still aware of the fact that her presence could be of a benefit to Rhodri. Rhodri might have been a dullard and their relationship not exhibiting the same affection seen in other families, but Isolde did care about him and his success as the Count of Aewenys. Likewise Rhodri cared about his sister and tried his damnedest to protect her from the fallout that her constant romancing of women caused. Unfortunately, he couldn't protect Isolde from the consequences of her behavior forever even if he did put in quite a bit of effort toward that endeavor. While she could be protected from most threats, the largest threat to Isolde's safety was herself.

Ignorant of any issues she might be causing for herself, the redhead arose from her bed with a bounce to her step. Why wouldn't she be in a fabulous mood? Out of her mind were her concerns the night before regarding Illesia. No doubt those nagging thoughts of comparisons between herself and the other woman would re-emerge once they were engaging in conversation again, but for now she was optimistic about the day. Since there was no grand gala planned, the redhead was not dressed in the same finery that she had been wearing the night before. Normally she would have donned some trousers and a simple tunic in order to be prepared for a trek through the wilds to play her music to the accompaniment of bird songs. That was not on the agenda for the day, but she decided to still wear modest apparel since she had already established her opulence the night before. A brown skirt adorned her legs and stopped at the toes of her black boots that did assist in giving the already tall elf a bit of extra height. A white flowing shirt with billowy sleeves was chosen, the cuffs tied closely at her wrists so that the sleeves didn't get in her way. Overtop the shirt she chose a black and green doublet so that she was presentable but allowed some freedom.

Isolde stepped from her chambers with her violin case in hand, green eyes first surveying if there were any occupants to be found close by. There were a few servants mingling in the corridor leading from the guest chambers to connect to the larger hallway, and Isolde decided to take the opportunity to greet the young women. No one gave Izzy information like the various servants she charmed with her playful attitude. She gained information on some nobles that she hadn't really interacted with before, and she tucked those small pieces of information away for later use. While it wouldn't have seemed like much, knowing that tapping sounds truly grated on Lord Alistair's nerves could be vital if she wanted to push him to action either to further her goals or just for amusement.

Light steps brought the red haired elf toward the dining hall just as a familiar face entered from another wing. Green eyes locked with stormy grey as both women were caught by surprise at this impromptu meeting. A smile swiftly formed on Isolde's lips, the redhead truly not thinking much of the fact that Constance was indeed at this event. While she would have rather have not ended up running into the woman, she couldn't foresee her being a true issue. It wasn't as though Izzy was actually looking for love or marriage; she was just here to be entertained and to network with others. So in her mind, this awkwardness might be the worst it.

Grey eyes narrowed since the blonde woman was not of the same mind as her former paramour. In fact, it only served to ignite more of her rage to see Isolde smile so blithely as though their entire history was so far in the past that it no longer came to mind. Had she truly meant so little to Izzy that the woman scarcely remembered her? It cut her heart deeply to think of how Isolde had no doubt immediately moved on, whispering sweet nothings in other women's ear just the same as she had in Constance's. Did she kiss them just the same? Her hand curled into a tight fist, but Isolde was the one to speak first.

"Good morrow, Lady Constance. I had not seen you last night so I had no idea that you were attending. Quite surprising to see you here; I had thought you would have chosen a suitor eons ago."

"I had chosen a suitor, Lady Aewenys, but they had deemed me unworthy of their time. Likewise I am surprised to see you here. Marriage, indeed any lasting relationship, is beyond your ken," the blonde stated with quite a bit of bite to her words. It didn't matter that it had been nigh on a decade since their relationship ended; Constance had only mired herself in resentment and loathing rather than moving on to find someone who would appreciate her. Where love had once lived in her heart there was only room for her thirst for vengeance. Hurting Isolde was her obsession now.

Oblivious to the fact that she was playing with fire, Isolde laughed and gave a nod of her head.
"That is true that marriage is not something I seek, but my brother requested I attend and so I have. Not that I am complaining, mind you. It is wonderful getting the opportunity to meet so many people from other realms. Rare is it that Rubin entertains such visitors. Especially ones as beautiful as those in attendance." Tension formed across Constance's shoulders as Isolde laughed. The redhead flashed an impish grin even as Constance's jaw tightened.

"I should begin mingling with aforementioned new friends, but I am pleased to see that you are faring well. Till we meet again, Lady Constance."

Constance's hand shook from how tightly she was clenching her fist, grey eyes glowering at Izzy's back when the woman turned from her. 'Pleased to see that you are faring well'? She wasn't faring well at all! And how dare she act like she ever cared! Just like that Izzy was already hunting her next quarry, the redhead no doubt flirting with every single woman she met. She was going to fill them all with false hope and make them enamored only to eventually turn around and shatter their hearts.

But she was going to end that madness one day. She was going to make Isolde pay some how so that she could make sure that there stopped being victims of Isolde. One way or another...she would make it end.

Illesia Mondessa
Illesia looked up and her brows raised as she stood and gave a respectful bow. "Good morning Your Highness, its a pleasure to see you full of energy so early in the morning." Illesia spoke kindly and raised her head, a soft smile on here lips. She had just been listening to the resident spirits and softly bit the inside of her lip as her kind smile faded to a soft one. She had a flickering thought of him having heard her talking to herself, but judging by his state, the thought didn't stick around.

"Might I inquire what you were doing so early this morning? You look a mess." Illesia commented with a touch of concern, waving down a maid for a towel. "And its not exactly warm enough to be dripping wet either." She continued, receiving the towel and walking over to hand it to him. As she came closer, her eyes examined Edwin with interest. She didnt see him much, if at all, yesterday during the banquet but that didn't surprise her. From the information she heard from the spirits, he seemed to have been more reserved and to himself. It would explain why she didn't get a chance to interact with him, so she was going to try to now.

  • Seraphina Ravenwood

    Interacting With: Wren
    Mentioned: Lucia, Izzy, Ezra, R, Edwin, Illesia TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Daddy Dream Daddy Dream Key of Stars Key of Stars Sincerity Sincerity redroseknight redroseknight


    The soft glow of candlelight flickered across Seraphina's bedchamber as she sank deeper into the warm embrace of her bath. Rose petals floated on the water's surface, their delicate scent mingling with the steam that rose in lazy tendrils. From her perch on Seraphina's bed, Wren's animated voice filled the air, painting vivid pictures of the evening's grandeur.

    "Oh, Phina, The Great Hall was truly a sight! The chandeliers were dripping with crystals, and the way they caught the lightโ€”it was like a thousand stars had fallen from the sky." Wren's eyes sparkled with excitement. "And the gowns! I witnessed a lady that wore the most exquisite emerald silk, and someone else had pearls woven into her hair."

    Seraphina couldn't help but smile, her sister's enthusiasm a soothing balm after the intensity of the night. "You make it sound so magical. What of the food?"
    "Divine, as you told me it was!"
    Wren exclaimed, flopping back onto the plush coverlet. "The pastries were so light they practically melted on your tongue, and the most decadent chocolate truffles I've ever tasted."

    Seraphina chuckled, trailing her fingers through the warm water. "Well, it seems your worries were unfounded after all. You managed to make quite a few acquaintances tonight."

    Wren propped herself up on her elbows, her expression brightening. "A blessing, wasnโ€™t it?โ€

    Seraphinaโ€™s brow furrowed slightly. "Though, I did notice you befriended the Countess of Aewenys. I do not doubt her sincerity entirely, but I wonder if it's wise to be close with a woman known toโ€ฆleave a trail of hearts in her wake. It could mean trouble for you if not careful." There wasnโ€™t animosity in her tone, only gentle concern for her sister.

    Wren's lips pursed thoughtfully. "I appreciate your concern sister, but the Countess seemed nothing but generous, truly! Perhaps she simply hasn't found the right person yet. Itโ€™s not her fault if she hasn't met her match. Everyone deserves a chance at happiness."

    "I suppose you're right,"
    Seraphina conceded, then arched an eyebrow. "What about you, dear sister? Have you found 'the right one' yet?"

    Wren fell silent, her gaze turning inward as she considered the question. Memories of the day's encounters flashed through her mind: Princess Lucia's passionate determination, Prince Ezra's stormy eyes hiding depths of emotion, Countess Izzy's confident allure, Duchess Illesia's captivating charm. And then there was Prince Edwin, with his crimson gaze that seemed to swallow the entire room. Their fleeting encounters left her with some type of feeling.
    A soft smile played at the corners of her lips. "I'm not entirely sure," she admitted. "I am learning that true love might be more complex than I once thought. But I am certain that this is the beginning of many friendships in my future. And that... that's enough to fill my entire being with more happiness than any one person could give." She turned her head, meeting Seraphina's eyes. "What about you, Phina? Has anyone caught your eye?"

    Seraphina hesitated, her mind immediately conjuring the image of R. Ah, mysterious R. The way he had wrapped invisible threads around her, challenging her at every turn. She knew involving herself with a man like him could bring nothing but trouble, and yet... she was intrigued. It was nothing more than curiosity, she told herself. Like reading a captivating book, eager to see what the next chapter would reveal.
    Sinking a little lower in the tub, Seraphina forced a light tone into her voice. "Oh, nobody has struck my fancy, really. But I'm enjoying the festivities."

    Wren's brow furrowed, clearly unsatisfied with the answer. "Well, perhaps you'll change your mind as the week goes on. There's still plenty of time for romance to blossom!"

    Seraphina hummed noncommittally, letting the warm water lap at her chin. As Wren launched into another story about the ball, Seraphina's thoughts drifted. She knew she had just lied to her sister, and the weight of that deception settled uncomfortably in her chest. But how could she explain the inexplicable pull she felt towards R, when she barely understood it herself? The man was a criminal! It was best to keep this under the table for now until she knew more about his motives.
    With a small sigh, Seraphina closed her eyes, allowing the soothing scent of the rose petals to wash over her. Whatever the coming days might bring, she knew one thing for certain: the game had only just begun.

    The Following Morning
    Dawn's tender fingers stretched across the sky as Seraphina quietly slipped from her chambers, leaving Wren peacefully slumbering in the tangle of silken sheets. The previous night's revelry still clung to the air, a whispered reminder of laughter, drama, and intrigue.
    With her canvas and painting supplies gathered in hand, she set out of castle, her feet carrying her up the winding path that hugged the mountainside.
    The world seemed to hold its breath in the aftermath of a tempestuous storm. The air hung heavy with the scent of rain-soaked earth and salt spray. Seraphina's keen eyes took in the scene before her: the beach below, a stretch of sand the color of spun gold, and beyond it, the vast expanse of the ocean. The sky, a masterpiece of nature's own making, was awash with hues of lavender and rose, streaked with ribbons of amber that heralded the sun's imminent arrival.

    Setting up her easel with practiced ease, Seraphina began to paint. Her brush danced across the canvas, capturing the essence of the moment with each deft stroke. The ocean's cascading waves came to life beneath her handโ€”a chaotic yet rhythmic force of nature. She painted the way the light caught the crests of the waves, turning them into liquid diamonds, and how the deeper waters held secrets in their inky depths. She captured the interplay of elementsโ€”the way the wind carved patterns in the sand and the dance of seabirds wheeling overhead.

    As the painting took shape, a flicker of movement caught Seraphina's eye. Her eyebrows rose in surprise as she watched a figure wash ashore, the waves depositing him onto the sand like a gift from the sea itself. Squinting against the brightening light, she recognized the bedraggled form as none other than the Crown Prince of Silversand.
    For a moment, Seraphina's hand hovered over her canvas, contemplating whether to work this unexpected element into her composition. The artist in her saw the potentialโ€”the contrast of human vulnerability against the raw power of nature. Yet, before she could decide, the scene shifted once more.

    The prince rose, shaking off the sea's embrace, and waved to a figure further down the beach. Seraphina's breath caught in her throat as she beheld Duchess Illesia, resplendent even in the early morning light. The duchess's gown, a marvel of design, seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly grace, perfectly complementing her delicate features. The combination of the duchess in such a raw environment struck a chord in the artistโ€™s soul within her.

    In that instant, all thoughts of her original painting fled Seraphina's mind. With a sense of urgency that she rarely felt, she turned to a fresh canvas. Her brush moved with wild abandon, yet each stroke was placed with meticulous precision. The world around her faded away as she poured her sudden inspiration onto the blank page.
    Emerging from her artistic fervor, Seraphina found she had created a rough yet captivating sketch of the Duchess. In her rendition, Illesia was transformed into a being of myth and legendโ€”a goddess of sea and shore. Her silver hair, adorned with delicate wildflowers and shimmering seashells, cascaded like a waterfall of moonlight. The duchess's eyes held the depth and mystery of the ocean itself, while her skin seemed to glow with an inner light that rivaled the dawn.

    The gown Seraphina had painted was a marvel, appearing to be woven from sea foam and morning mist. It clung to Illesia's form before billowing out around her feet, merging seamlessly with the waves that lapped at her ankles. In one hand, the duchess held a conch shell, its spiraling form echoing the golden ratio found throughout nature. Her other hand was outstretched, fingers splayed as if commanding the very tides. Seabirds circled overhead, their wings catching the light in a way that made them appear to be trailing stardust.

    As she put the finishing touches on this impromptu masterpiece, Seraphina realized she had been biting the corner of her lip, a habit she thought long abandoned. The taste of salt on her tongue mirrored the scene before her, grounding her in the moment. Stepping back, Seraphina regarded her work with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The raw energy of the piece was undeniable, a testament to the sudden surge of inspiration that had gripped her. As her eyes traced the lines of Duchess Illesia's face, a small smile tugged at the corners of Seraphina's mouth. Perhaps, she had finally discovered her muse. The thought both thrilled and terrified her, for she knew that true inspiration was as unpredictable and powerful as the sea itself.

Roland Welden

Mentions: Violetti Violetti Seraphina​

Roland woke up feeling awful, suitably awful, considering the amount of liquor he'd drank the night before. Either way, Allan tearing open the curtains in front of the big glass doors leading to the outside patio certainly didn't help his headache.

"Rise and shine, master Roland." Roland sighed, sitting up in the large bed. "Right, angry at me for getting away from you yesterday, are you?" He asked, pressing a hand to his forehead with a groan. "I have no idea what you're referring to master Roland. It is simply my job to wake you." Allan responded, moving on to open the other curtains. "Lady Abigail sent you a response, it arrived about an hour ago along with a vial of liquid she said you should drink." He added, gesturing to the nightstand.

Roland lowered his hand, picking up the vial and swirling it in front of his face. "Did you test it for poison?" He asked, observing the orange-brown liquid inside. "No, in fact, lady Abigail told me to tell you to 'not get too full of yourself'." Roland chuckled lightly, groaning at the sharp pain in his head. "Fair enough, if she wanted to be duchess she'd have gotten rid of me long ago. Well, down the hatch." He pulled the cork of the vial, pouring the liquid in his mouth and swallowing it all in one gulp.

The effect was remarkable, causing the headache to fade to the background almost instantly. "Allan, please do tell my sister she's a genius when you get the chance." Roland instructed, placing the empty vial on the nightstand and reaching for the letter, unfolding it and starting from the top.

Dear brother,

Typical that the first message you send me from the event is a request. I will oblige, because it isn't often that you ask me for a request that is not business like in nature.

The lady in question is Duchess Seraphina Ravenwood, she controls the Ravenwood duchy in United Ostlandia. It's quite a significant duchy, known for it's wineries. I've procured a bottle of their most expensive vintage from a local importer for you. It's up to you what you'll do with it.

My sources suggest she's never before been romantically involved, though not for lack of suitors. In that way, she certainly does remind me of a certain brother of mine. I've long pushed you to find a beneficial union, let this be the one.


I doubt you have had time to look at the papers yet this morning, with the state you must no doubt have been in before drinking my newest invention, but I should inform you of the passing of count Ulster, truly tragic.

His child is not yet old enough to look over the County, so his widow has agreed to yield control of the Ulster's trade routes to us for a period of 10 years. Of course, we will receive half of the profits but will bear all the costs. The contract states that should the heir to the Ulster family be unable to oversee the routes after the agreed upon time period, we will officially receive the rights and stand to gain all the profits.

A profitable arrangement for us. Especially should something happen to the heir. Though let us pray no other tragedy befalls the Ulster family for a few years.

I'm keeping an eye out for you.


Roland sighed, he didn't fully agree with his sister's way of doing business, but count Ulster had been a rotten man through and through. Few would mourn for the man and more than a few would even celebrate his untimely demise.

"Allan," He called out, placing the letter on the nightstand. "Get rid of that letter and get me supplies to write a letter to duchess Seraphina Ravenwood." He wrote the letter personally, requesting her to spend some time with him at the next gathering, signing it 'R' and closing it with a stamp-less piece of wax before handing it to Allan. "Please make sure it's delivered immediately along with the bottle of wine Abigail sent."
Ghostly Enchantress

Conversations started out very easy to proceed with. Edwin smiled at Illesia, while shaking his head. "Please, Edwin is just fine. My title is useless for this event." He smiled brightly to the young noble woman. There was the oft chance he noticed she was talking to herself, this Illesia. Although Edwin had to say--he talked to himself too. More often than not he would consult his own decisions with his two halves before making a choice. So it wasn't that weird.

"Ah! I was--Fighting the storm in the early morning hours." Edwin smiled, as if that was a normal thing to do for any person. He waved his hand as she tried to ask a maid for a towel, but much like the other women of this event--it seemed that Illesia had a backbone that Edwin conveniently lacked. After backing down, and accepting the towel. He proceeded to clean his face with it, the sand fluttering off of him. Then he pulled the soaked white tunic off, exposing the scars displayed on his body, and the one close to his heart. He continued to pat and dry himself off, without much of a concern that Illesia was nearby.

"Lady Illesia, correct?" Edwin asked while looking over at her, a soft smile alongside his blazing crimson eyes offered a gentle "thank you" in those regal eyes of his.

Interactions: Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Code by Serobliss

Illesia Mondessa
Illesia acknowledged how Edwin wanted to be addressed and responded to it with a smile. She then drifted her eyes over his shoulder to look out in the direction of the waters and furrowed her brow. She had yet to spot a cloud on the horizon when she awoke this morning, and the air was empty of the feeling of fresh rain having fallen. She barely recalled the scent of rain this morning, but didn't think it was that close. So he was out in the dark, on a boat, in a storm that most likely churned the waves below into a raging mess? She found the feat impressive, and when her eyes turned back to Edwin, he stole her breath before she could respond. He was shirtless, and a very noticeable blush formed over her cheeks and upper chest before she averted her eyes.

"Its Duchess, but a-as you stated, titles are kind of pointless..." She cleared her throat, gently pressed the back of her cool hand to her neck, and took a breath before looking back at him. "You may call me Illesia, but I prefer that to be in private please." The request was simple, and the reasoning more complex. She wanted to keep up appearances in public due to being around many unknown faces. This place was still like a game of chess, and the intentions of others were still unknown regardless of what was advertised. However, as she was talking to Edwin, she took notice of his scars and tilted her head curiously. "If I may ask, do your scars have stories?"

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

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